Chip 2. Chin 3. Inch 4. Such 5. Catch 6. Match 7. Wish 8. Shop 9. Saw 10.were Otes From The Teacher
Chip 2. Chin 3. Inch 4. Such 5. Catch 6. Match 7. Wish 8. Shop 9. Saw 10.were Otes From The Teacher
Chip 2. Chin 3. Inch 4. Such 5. Catch 6. Match 7. Wish 8. Shop 9. Saw 10.were Otes From The Teacher
December 3, 2012
Upcoming events
Dec 4 3:30-8:30 pm Book Fair Open House 5-10 pm Dominos Pizza Night Dec 6 10:55 Grandparents Day Lunch Dec 14 Grinch Day (Wear Green) 2:30 Watch DOG Activity 6-9 pm Movie Night Dec 18 Holiday Gift Shop Dec 20 12:30 -1:30 Class Party Dec 21 Jan 5 Winter Break
1. chip 2. chin 3. inch 4. such 5. catch 6. match 7. wish 8. shop 9. saw 10.were
Testing Time!
It feels a little like finals week around here. We will begin our reading tests next week and our big math tests will follow. I am amazed everyday at what these firsties are learning! I want them to go into the tests confident and without stress. Your help is essential! Please continue to occasionally work with your child on reading nonsense words (vep, kac. the vowels should be short sounds and is what will usually trip them up). Keep working on adding and subtracting and story problems as well! I am sending home their most recent math weekly test. They did GREAT!
Math Social studies science
o o
Numbers to 50 o Graphing