The Teaching Portfolio

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Hannelore B.

A Publication of
The Harriet W. Sheridan Center
for Teaching and Learning
Brown University
Third Edition, Revised 2006
TheTeaching Portfolio
a handbook for faculty, teaching assistants and teaching fellows
The Format ,
Articulate a Personal Teaching Philosophy ,
or Statement About Your Teaching
Gather Your Evidence
Organize Your Evidence .-
Write Reflective and Summary .-
Statements About the Evidence
Share Your Draft with Others and Revise .
Rewrite Your Curriculum Vitae, and .
Refer Readers to Your Teaching Portfolio
Conclusion .
Appendix: Sample Teaching Portfolios .,
Bibliography .
The Harriet W. Sheridan Center .,
for Teaching and Learning
About the Author crr
xcellence in teaching has become a stock phrase in most
faculty job descriptions; yet how does one demonstrate this to
current colleagues and/or future employers? One answer is a
Teaching Portfolio which is a description of an instructors major
strengths and teaching achievements. It describes documents and materi-
als which collectively suggest the scope and quality of an instructors
teaching prociency. Over 400 institutions nationwide use Teaching
Portfolios in personnel decisions regarding faculty appointments.
Demonstrating an effective teaching philosophy is becoming more
important at all institutions of higher education; thus, you will revise and
update your Teaching Portfolio throughout your career as an instructor.
The primary purpose of this handbook is to introduce and explain
the Teaching Portfolio concept as a way to demonstrate ones teaching
credentials to colleagues, department chairs and potential employers.
Individuals and/or departments may also use Teaching Portfolios for
other uses such as a means for assessment and development of courses, a
way to compare individuals for teaching awards, for contract renewals
and for documenting general departmental teaching effectiveness.
create several Teaching Portfolios for different contexts may prove fruit-
ful as a way to continue to develop as an instructor.
In many cases, creating your rst Teaching Portfolio enables you, the
instructor, to think more critically about your teaching, to create new
methods of assessing it and to discuss pedagogy with colleagues, advi-
sors, students and others. Fundamentally, a Teaching Portfolio is similar
to an artists portfolio: a sampling of the breadth and depth of an artists
works in order to display to the viewer the artists abilities, strengths and
styles. But, unlike artists portfolios, the main body of your portfolio
guides and informs the reader through this sampling of your teaching
introduction 3
. Please refer to other Sheridan Center Handbooks on Instructional Assessment in Higher
Education and The Syllabus Handbook.
documents. These objects are very individual and personal, and no one
portfolio is more correct than another. As such, this handbook cannot
give you hard fast rules for the contents of your portfolio.What I hope to
provide are some ideas, suggestions and examples.The majority of these
suggestions for Teaching Portfolio contents represent those most com-
monly required by departmental search committees and personnel
ofces. The goal of your portfolio is to present your teaching skills,
experiences and credentials in a meaningful positive package.
Essentially,Teaching Portfolios contain two basic elements: evidence
of teaching and reections on that evidence. The evidence begins with
what is normally listed on curriculum vitae: lists of courses, lists of
responsibilities, etc.; however, it extends beyond to include a variety of
activities which have had an impact on your teaching such as Teaching
Certicate programs, teaching seminars, videotapes of your lectures and
classrooms, etc. The addition of these other documents adds depth to
your teaching curriculum vitae. The meaningful aspect of the Teaching
Portfolio lies in your written reective statements about the evidence of
your teaching.
When most of us teach, time constraints and other commitments
force us to concentrate on what we teach, namely, the content. In creat-
ing a Teaching Portfolio, the key questions are why you teach and how
you teach, that is, your teaching goals and your objectives for achieving
those goals. Reecting on these issues is a difcult task and is best tackled
with others. The Teaching Portfolio shifts the emphasis of your teaching
away from content and focuses it on delivery and learning. Why do you
teach? How do you teach? Why do you teach the way you do? These are
difcult questions which is why, ideally,Teaching Portfolios are the prod-
uct of collaboration with colleagues, mentors, students and others as
input from these sources helps you clarify and rene your personal state-
ments and reective descriptions. The process of creating your Teaching
Portfolio may prove to be more difcult than originally expected; there-
fore, constant and honest feedback will be key to producing a successful
4 teaching portfolios
The Format
he teaching portfolio consists of two essential parts: evi-
dence and reections on that evidence. In the sample on the next
page, the rst two sections included in the table of contents are
headings for self-reective texts which explain, elaborate and highlight
the evidence listed in the appendices.These statements are the meat of
your Teaching Portfolio as they convey to the reader your teaching style,
teaching philosophy, efforts to improve your craft, etc. For the sake of
clarity and space, the evidence and data can be compiled in a series of
appendices as shown; however, there may be some evidence which you
would like to include at the outset. Rather than burden your main text
with this evidence, you may want to consider attached appendices as well
as appendices that would be available upon request. In the sample, I have
included summaries of my student evaluations, a sample of my com-
ments on student papers and samples of my course assessments through-
out the semester because these documents were short, easily reproduced
and immediately illustrative of the concepts discussed in the main text.
On the next page is the format of my spring 1997 Teaching Portfolio.
(Other examples may be found in the Appendix.)
the format 5
Hannelore B. Rodriguez-Farrar
Teaching Portfolio
table of contents
Educational Philosophy
Sample Course Construction: Baroque Art at Rhode Island
College, Spring 1997
Related Teaching Responsibilities
The Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning,
Brown University
Teaching Award and Teaching-Related Publications
Appendices Attached
1: Syllabus for Baroque Art
2: Sample of my comments on a paper as well as a student
self-evaluation form
3: Course evaluations and summaries
4: Copy of Classroom Visitation Form completed by
Department Chair
5: Summaries of student evaluations and copies of The
Critical Review (Brown University)
6: Samples of Individual Teaching Consultation Report,
Sheridan Center
Appendices (Available Upon Request)
A: Daily Handouts from Baroque Art
B: Syllabi and handouts from ha 01, ha 02, ha 56, ha 85
C: itc Training Packet, Sheridan Center
D:Teaching Portfolio Packet
E: bruin Course Materials
F: Sheridan Center Teaching Certicates
G:Sheridan Center Materials
H:Presidential Teaching Award, Brown University
I: Sheridan Center Teaching Exchange
6 teaching portfolios
procedure 7
he procedure for construcing your Teaching Portfolio
consists of six basic steps. These steps offer sufcient latitude
that each Portfolio will be unique and will reect the appropri-
ate information necessary for specic circumstances.
1. Articulate a personal teaching philosophy.
2. Gather your evidence.
3. Organize your evidence.
4. Write reective and summary statements about the evidence.
5. Share your draft with others and revise.
6. Rewrite your resume/curriculum vitae, and under Teaching refer
reader to your Teaching Portfolio.
Step1: Articulate a Personal
Teaching Philosophy or
Statement About Your Teaching
While there are no set standards for contents of Teaching Portfolios,
most departments, chairs, personnel ofces and other institutions
requiring Teaching Portfolios for contract decisions, awards and recogni-
tion, and hiring practices require a personal statement about ones teach-
ing philosophy. During the interviewing process, many institutions ask
this question, so articulating this statement in your Teaching Portfolio
will better prepare you for your interview.
A teaching philosophy is a very broad personal statement which can
answer one or more of the following questions: how do you teach? why
do you teach? why do you teach the way you do? what are your teaching
goals, methods and strategies? It does not describe the content of a
course, but rather your goals for what students will learn and the objec-
tives by which you will help them achieve those goals. Do not assume
that what you do as a teacher is commonplace. Instead, describing your
8 teaching portfolios
teaching philosophy will help you realize how unique it is. Rening this
statement is critical and is best accomplished through collaboration, i. e.,
discuss the content of this statement both before and after you write it
with colleagues, mentors, advisors, students and others.
Remember, a
teaching philosophy is a work in progress; it will change as you develop
as a teacher.
Step2: Gather Your Evidence
Collect all the materials related to your teaching. These come from a
variety of sources. Try to be creative and inclusive in assembling these
materials. Below is a sampling possible evidence.
statement of teaching responsibilities, including specic courses,
and a brief description of the way each course was taught.
personal teaching philosophy, strategies and objectives
personal teaching goals for next 5 years
representative course syllabi (include why courses constructed
this way)
description of steps taken to evaluate and improve ones teaching
curricular revisions new course projects, materials, course
assignments, etc.
self evaluation include an explanation of any contradictory or
unclear documents or materials in the Teaching Portfolio
publications on teaching any editing, contributions, etc.
information on direction/supervision of honors, graduate theses
and research group activities
Later when preparing for interviews, identify how your philosophy ts into the mis-
sion of the institution and the goals of the department.
procedure 9
s statements from colleagues who have observed your teaching
s statements from colleagues who have witnessed out-of-class activ-
ities such as instructional and curricular development and instruc-
tional research
student and course evaluations which show improvements in
department statements on your teaching
performance reviews as a faculty advisor
honors, awards, and other recognition
outside agencies invitations for papers on teaching
invitations from other schools to demonstrate effective teaching
participation in teaching development within your discipline
documentation of teaching development in Sheridan Center or
other teaching centers
teaching research
videotape of your teaching
student scores on standardized tests
student essays, creative work, lab books, publications, course-
related work
Information about the effect of the professors courses on student
career choices or help given by the professor to secure student
record of students who succeed to advanced courses in discipline
statement from alumni
examples of graded student essays showing excellent, average and
poor work along with instructors comments as to why they were so
Step3: Organize your evidence
Upon pulling the evidence of your teaching together, decide how best to
group it and to summarize the contents. For example, do the syllabi of
courses you taught coalesce around a specic theme about your teach-
ing? Have you participated in programs, colloquia and seminars to im-
prove your teaching skills? Do you have a variety of measures of your
teaching effectiveness? Rene your data by prioritizing it according to
the goal of the Teaching Portfolio. For example, if you want to emphasize
your efforts toward improving your teaching skills, the contents of your
Teaching Portfolio would revolve around this central focus.
Ideally, the organization of the evidence allows you to consolidate a
variety of documents under one theme. In the example above on page 3,
I separated my own course from courses for which I served as a teaching
assistant. My experiences as a teaching assistant are collected under the
heading Teaching and Related Responsibilities while my course is given
more emphasis by having its own section. Course syllabi and handouts
are then grouped within appropriate appendices allowing me to summa-
rize and highlight relevant teaching skills, methods and strategies in the
concise statement included in the body of the Teaching Portfolio.
Step4: Write reective and
summary statements about the
A reective statement allows you to identify your teaching goals in a
specic context. Strive to be concise and to the point. Summarize your
data giving contextual clarication where needed. These statements can
be of any length, but keep your audience and readers in mind. Incorpo-
rate your evidence, but do not force the reader to refer to specic
aspects of each relevant appendix. Instead, describe your evidence,
explain its importance and direct the reader to the appropriate appen-
dices as documentation of your statement. On the following page is an
excerpt from my sample portfolio.
10 teaching portfolios
procedure 11
A common source of feedback on ones teaching is evaluations by the
department within which you teach either from a supervising profes-
sor(s), and/or students. Since these evaluations, in many cases, present a
wide variety of views of ones teaching, they can appear disconnected
and misleading. By organizing, reviewing and evaluating them in their
entirety, you can add insight and clarify the context of the criticism and
praise. Group the evaluations in sections which best highlight the aspects
Teaching and Related Responsibilities
As indicated, I have been the teaching assistant for the following
Course xx: General Survey of the Topic
Course xx: Survey of Topic in Context
Course xx: Example A
Course xx: Example B
For these courses, I was responsible for two weekly sections, the
grading of all exams and papers, the implementation of review
sections and slide reviews, and the general administrative duties
needed for the smooth running of these courses. Approximately
50 students signed up for my sections, and in general, they were
well attended.
Departmental evaluations conducted at the end of each
course documents student feedback on my teaching and how my
sections were run. For Course xx and Course xx, I also conducted
a personal mid-semester survey in order to evaluate my sections
and to improve their quality. Summaries and highlights from
these evaluations are attached. Finally, The Critical Review, a Brown
undergraduate student publication, has featured me in evalua-
tions of these courses. Copies of these reviews are also attached.
Please refer to Appendix A: Syllabi and handouts from
courses; Appendix B: Mid Term Student Evaluations and Year End
Student Evaluations; Appendix C: Critical Review evaluations
and Appendix D:Teaching References.
12 teaching portfolios
you want to emphasize, and then summarize this organization. In your
summaries, contextualize the evaluations. One strategy is to use excerpts
from student evaluations which reect the general nature of the student
Step5: Share Your Draft with
Others and Revise
As mentioned above, the ideal creation of a Teaching Portfolio includes
extensive feedback from colleagues, advisors and others. Feedback will
help you rene and edit your Teaching Portfolio. If you have other col-
leagues who are writing Teaching Portfolios as well, offer to read their
drafts and work together to clarify your ideas.
Step6: Rewrite Your Curriculum
Vitae, and Refer Readers to Your
Teaching Portfolio
Remember to include in your cover letters some reference to your
Teaching Portfolio. You must try to gauge if a Teaching Portfolio will
help strengthen your application; remember not all positions will look
upon receiving a twenty-page document with appendices and videotapes
as necessary or important. In writing your cover letter, a shortened sum-
mary of your teaching philosophy, your teaching interests and strengths,
and/or teaching experience will help you introduce your portfolio to
the search committee. Keep in mind the requirements for the position;
some institutions expect full dossiers from the beginning while others
would prefer your portfolio during an interview. In either case, you will
have to send a cover letter and, unless you know that they expect your
portfolio, the cover letter provides the perfect venue for introducing
your portfolio as further evidence of your qualications for the job.
conclusion 13
he increased demand for use of the Teaching Portfolio by
institutions of higher education as a way to measure and predict
teaching effectiveness and to document better teaching pro-
ciency prove that these portfolios work. The ever changing landscape of
higher education now requires more thorough assessments of teaching
effectiveness, and Teaching Portfolios provide a meaningful statement of
teaching abilities. A Teaching Portfolio may be used to land your rst job,
but it is also an efcient way to evaluate continually your teaching as you
gain experience in the classroom. Devise a Teaching Portfolio for the
survey course you teach every year in order to improve the delivery of
the syllabus, transform course content and develop new teaching meth-
ods or strategies; create a portfolio for any new courses in order to doc-
ument its successes and failures; and submit a portfolio for consideration
for national, departmental and disciplinary teaching awards and honors.
Just as your research demands constant work to remain current and rel-
evant, so too your teaching requires constant development to ensure that
it enables your students to learn effectively. Use your Teaching Portfolio
as a method to improve your skills, hone your ideas, and develop new
strategies and techniques.You will nd that your Teaching Portfolio will
change with every semester as you take on new teaching challenges;
rather than putting off updating your portfolio for job searches, continu-
ously update and think creatively about the content of your portfolio.
You will nd that it will not only improve your Teaching Portfolio itself,
it will also change and improve your teaching.
Appendix: Sample
Teaching Portfolios
he following samples of Teaching Portfolios are adapted
from Peter Seldins The Teaching Portfolio (1991) and Successful
Use of Teaching Portfolios (1993). Institutional afliations and details
have been omitted, and many aspects have been changed.The purpose of
these examples is to provide you with a sense of the breadth of possibilities.
Linda F. Annis
table of contents
Statement of Teaching Responsibilities and Objectives
Syllabi, Reading Lists, Assignments, Exams, and Handouts
from Courses Taught
Description of Efforts to Improve my Teaching
Peer Evaluation of Both my Teaching and Teaching Skills
Student Teaching Evaluation Data from Courses Taught
Videotapes of My Instruction
Measures of Student Achievement
Other Evidence of Good Teaching
Future Teaching Goals
A: Current Syllabi for All Courses
B: Representative Course Material
C: Documentation for My Teaching Improvement Activities
D: Peer Evaluation and Classroom Observation Reports
E: Videotape of Courses
14 teaching portfolios
3. Seldin, 1993, pp. 3338.
Linda F. Annis
Department of English
table of contents
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching Responsibilities
Teaching Materials
Teaching Methods
Innovative Teaching Practices
Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness
A: Sample Course Syllabi
B: Course Handouts
C: Summary of Student Evaluations
D: Comments concerning supervision of Graduate Students
E: Statements from Peers on Teaching Effectiveness
Donald W. Orr
Department of Mathematics and Physics
table of contents
Teaching-Learning Philosophy
Classroom Techniques
Statement of Performance Goals
A: Description of Courses Taught
B: Representative Course Syllabi
C: Student Feedback: Numerical Data
D: Student Feedback:Written Comments
appendix 15
, Seldin, 1993, pp. 13642. 5. Seldin, 1993, pp. 16773.
Vivia L. Fowler
Department of Religion
table of contents
Statement of Pedagogical Philosophy
Statement of Teaching Responsibilities and Objectives
Representative Course Syllabi
Evaluation of Instruction
Efforts to Improve Teaching
Future Teaching Goals
A: Practicum Requirements and Evaluative Instruments
B: Representative Course Syllabi
C: Representative Course Materials
D: Statement from Chairperson of Department
E: Student Evaluation Summaries
F: Student Comments
G: Example of Course Evolution
16 teaching portfolios
6. Seldin, 1993, pp. 16773.
Nina Caris
Department of Biology
table of contents
Statement of Teaching Responsibilities
Teaching Strategies and Methods
Syllabi and Objectives
Future Directions
Efforts to Improve Teaching
Measures of Teaching Effectiveness
Other Teaching Initiatives
A: Course Descriptions and Enrollments
B: Lecture Outlines and Objectives
C: Sample Transparencies and Handouts
D: Course Syllabi
E: Summaries of Student Evaluations and Support Letters
Ronald C. Warner
Department of Modern Languages and Classics
table of contents
Philosophy of Teaching and Statement of Responsibilities
Contribution to University and Department Teaching Mission
Professional Improvement Activities
Evidence of Good Classroom Instruction
A: Representative Course Syllabi and Course Materials
B: Peer Evaluations
C: Student Evaluations
D: Awards and Honors
appendix 17
, Seldin, 1993, pp. 11016.
8. Seldin, 1993, pp. 14449.
Berquist, W. H., and S. R. Phillips. A Handbook for Faculty Development.
Volume 2. Berkeley, Calif.: Pacic Soundings Press, 1977.
Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning. Report on Instruc-
tional Assessment. Providence, R.I.: Harriet W. Sheridan Center for
Teaching and Learning., Brown University, 1995.
Cheney, L. V. Tyrannical Machines. Washington, D.C.: National Endow-
ment for the Humanities, 1990.
Deneef, A. Leight, Craufurd D. Goodwin and Ellen Stern McCrate, edi-
tors. The Academics Handbook. Durham, N.C.: Duke University
Press, 1988.
Heiberger, Mary Morris and Vick, Julia Miller. The Academic Job Search
Handbook. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992.
Lewis, Adele. The Best Resumes for Scientists and Engineers. New York:
John Wiley and Sons, 1988.
Seldin, Peter. Changing Practices in Faculty Evaluation:A Critical Assessment
and Recommendations for Improvement. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pub-
lishers, 1984.
Seldin, Peter. How Colleges Evaluate Professors. Croton-on-Hudson, NY:
Blythe-Penington, Ltd., 1975.
Seldin, Peter and Associates. Successful Use of Teaching Portfolios. Bolton,
Mass.: Anker Publishing Company, Inc., 1993.
Seldin, Peter. The Teaching Portfolio: A Practical Guide to Improved Perfor-
mance and Promotional/Tenure Decisions. Bolton, Mass.: Anker Pub-
lishing Company, Inc., 1991.
Woolcock, Michael J. V. The Syllabus Handbook. Providence, R.I.: The
Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning, Brown Uni-
versity, 1997.
Zanna, Mark. and John M. Darley, editors. The Compleat Academic: A
Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist. New York: Random
House, 1987.
18 teaching portfolios
The Harriet W.
Sheridan Center
for Teaching and
he harriet w. sheridan center for teaching and learning
was founded in .,, to assist faculty and graduate teaching
assistants to improve the quality of undergraduate and graduate
instruction within the University.Today, the center supports members of
the Brown teaching community in building reective teaching practices
which ensure that a diverse student body has the best possible environment
for learning. The Brown curriculum promotes the mutually productive
relationship between teaching and research among faculty, graduate
students, and undergraduate students. The center plays a crucial role in
facilitating the ongoing development of that relationship. The Sheridan
Center further seeks to help prepare graduate teaching assistants for
productive professional teaching careers after they leave Brown.
To those ends, the Sheridan Center offers a variety of programs,
services and publications. Programs include broad-scale teaching
forums, the Sheridan Teaching Seminar lecture series and three Sheridan
Center Teaching Certicate programs (I: Building a Reective Teaching
Practice, II: Classroom Tools and III: Professional Development Seminar).
Consulting Services provide faculty and graduate students with individual
feedback on classroom performance, course revision, presentation/
conference paper skills, and grant requirements. Through the agency of
faculty and graduate student liaisons to academic departments, the center
assists with the design and implementation of seminars on discipline-
specic teaching and learning. The center also maintains a resource
library of books, articles, journals and videotapes on teaching and learning
issues for members of the University teaching community.
he Sheridan Center publications include The Teaching Exchange,
Handbooks and a web site. The Teaching Exchange is a bi-annual forum for
the exchange of ideas about teaching across the Brown community.
Handbooks include Teaching at Brown, Constructing A Syllabus, The Teaching
the harriet w. sheridan center for teaching 19
Portfolio, and Teaching and Persuasive Communication and Teaching to Cognitive
Diversity.The videotape Effective Teaching for Dyslexic/All College Students is
distributed nationally to facilitate understanding of learning diversity in
the classroom. The centers web site offers ,/, access to information
about center activities, on-line editions of all publications, and two
unique, interactive, pedagogical workshops. The Sheridan Center also
facilitates the exchange of ideas on teaching and learning at Brown
between faculty and other individuals and agencies on campus through
The Brown Teaching Collaborative.
The Sheridan Center is located at ,t Waterman St., near
Thayer St. For information about the Center and resources for teaching
at Brown, please contact the Center at: Box .,.; (,-.) t-..,;;
20 teaching portfolios
About the Author
hannelore rodriguez-farrar was a Graduate Fellow
at Brown Universitys Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teach-
ing and Learning, formerly known as the Center for the
Advancement of College Teaching (CACT) from September
1993 to September 1995.As the Center Fellow she revised and
co-edited Teaching at Brown: A Handbook for Faculty,Teaching
Assistants and Teaching Fellows and co-edited the CACT hand-
books Report on Instructional Assessment and The Syllabus Hand-
book. In concert with her Graduate Fellow colleague Nobel
Sanjay Rebello, she created the Centers peer Individual
Teaching Consultation program. Ms. Rodriguez-Farrar holds
a B.A. from Brown University. She is an A.B.D. in the doc-
toral program in the History of Art and Architecture at
Brown. In 1990 she won the Brown University Presidential
Award for Excellence in Teaching. She is a member of the
Brown University Corporation and is currently completing
her Doctorate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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