Be A People Person
Be A People Person
Be A People Person
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These qualities make relationships right. Build
I. The Importance of Being a on these qualities and you will surely help other
“People Person” people realize their potential, and ultimately
help them excel and succeed. Moreover,
People are the most precious of resources. regard people as assets. In so doing, you will
Your success, fulfillment, and happiness become allies instead of adversaries in life.
depend on your ability to relate well to different
kinds of people. This is why it is very important
for you to become a “people person.”
C. The Qualities People Like About You
People are drawn to charismatic individuals.
A. The Golden Rule Charismatic individuals have a personality that
The key to successful interpersonal makes people respond to them positively. To
relationships is to treat people the way you want become a “people person,” you need to
to be treated. This is called the Golden Rule. develop charisma.
Instead of putting people in their place, learn to
put yourself in their place and see life the way Charisma is inherent in all people. Regardless
they see it. of what most believe and think about charisma,
all people have the innate ability to develop that
To become an effective leader, learn to tap and appealing personality that bring about that
develop people. Make a concerted effort special sense of loyalty or enthusiasm in
towards creating a positive change in the way others.
you relate to others. The best way to go about it
is to develop in yourself the same qualities that The key to developing charisma is to make
draw you to other people -- the very same other people feel good about themselves,
qualities that you look for and enjoy in others. rather than to make them feel good about you.
The following are the outstanding traits of
charismatic people:
B. The Qualities You Enjoy in Others
People, no matter what their station in life is, are Ÿ C ONCERN (The Ability to Care)
mostly drawn to those who know how to: Charismatic people are truly concerned about
encourage people's deepest needs and interests. They
appreciate truly care and leave you feeling important.
listen Ÿ H ELP (The Ability to Reach Out)
understand Charismatic people help other people with their
problems. They inspire them to face their
problems, and offer creative solutions and
About the Book:
A CTION (The Ability to Make Things Happen)
Charismatic people are never boring. They are
always creative and confident in the way they
present ideas or solutions.
Author: John Maxwell
Publisher: Magna Publishing Co R ESULTS (The Ability to Produce)
Date of Publication: 2002 Charismatic people are other-centered and
ISBN: 8178091283 genuinely wish for other people to succeed.
Number of Pages: 156 pages This trait inspires productivity in people.
Principles in Developing Trust They have a strong belief in people, and they are
1. Demonstrate what you want to instill and be able to find ways to help them grow and become
consistent about it. Be what you teach or ask better with each passing day. They understand
others to do, especially when disciplining them. the necessity of sharing their message or vision
2. Encourage people, and hold faultfinding to a with others who can help them make their visions
minimum. A person, no matter what his or her a reality.
station in life is, performs better under a spirit of
approval than criticism.
3. Believe the best in people. By believing in
them, you encourage them to do their best and
help them realize their potentials. About the Author:
4. Help others succeed. Their success is also
In 1985, John Maxwell founded
your success. The INJOY Group, a collection of
5. Give people the tools and skills they need to three distinct companies that
grow and develop. By believing in people and employ 200 people and provide
resources and services that help
helping them to believe in themselves, you people reach their personal and
establish a relationship in which everyone wins. leadership potential. In addition
to building a successful
organization, John has authored
more than thirty books, including
the New York Times best sellers
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of
IV. Qualities of an Effective Leader Leadership and Failing Forward.
Leadership sets the standard in any Called the nation's foremost expert on leadership, John was
organization. The higher the standard, the more born in central Ohio five and a half decades ago. He credits his
excellent leadership instincts and his early leadership training
effective the leadership is. Also, the kind of to his father, Melvin Maxwell, whom he followed into the
leadership in an organization has a tremendous ministry. For over twenty-five years, John led churches in
bearing on group relationships. Indiana, Ohio, and California.
They don't quit. They also have the right John has earned bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees
and has also received five honorary doctorates. He lives in
answers. They stand out and tend to reproduce Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife of over thirty years and enjoys
other “called leaders.” In addition, called leaders spending time with his two grown children and his
have the ability to speak to the times and issues. grandchildren.
Ÿ The “Volcano”
VI. Loving Difficult People These people tend to be unapproachable
because of their explosive, unpredictable
Learn to understand and help people with personality type. It is stressful working with
difficult personalities. Be responsible in the way them for you cannot predict what might set
you treat others. More importantly, be them off.
responsible for how you treat or react to those
around you. You cannot choose how people In dealing with “Volcanoes,” calmness is the
treat you, but you can choose how you respond key. Try to get the facts straight and minimize
to them. exaggerations or eliminate hearsays from the
conversation. Then, give them a soft, clear
answer and hold them accountable for the
Understanding the Different Personality things they say and the people they hurt.
Ÿ The “Sherman Tank” Ÿ The “Thumb Suckers”
These people intimidate others because of These people are full of self-pity. They are
their “I'm right, you're wrong” attitude. They are often moody and pout to get what they want.
often aggressive and hostile in their relations, They also use pouting as a leverage to
and people are apt to fight with them because manipulate people.
“tanks” are insensitive and hard to reason with.
To handle “thumb suckers,” make them aware
To deal with them, first consider this person's of the fact that moodiness is a choice. They
influence and the issue at hand. If the issue is can change all that if they choose to do so.
not worth fighting over, do not confront them
about it. Nevertheless, if a confrontation is It may also help if you expose them to people
unavoidable, be direct and meet the specific who have real problems. It may cause them to
issues head-on. see themselves in a different light and create a
positive change in them.
Ÿ The “Space Cadet”
These people live in their own worlds. They do Above all, never give them the opportunity to
not respond to motivations and frustration is the exhibit their negative attitudes publicly. Ignore
normal feeling which you get when working with them when they are pouting.
these people. Typically, they are people you
label as “weird.” Ÿ The “Wet Blanket”
These people are the classic negative
If you have to work with them, do not evaluate thinkers. They are always down and find
your leadership by their response. In fact, do problems in everything. Likewise, they do not
not even ask their opinion about something take responsibility for their negative attitude
because chances are, you will just get an off- and behavior; instead they just keep making
the-wall answer. Similarly, do not place them in excuses.
teams or positions of leadership because they
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