7 Moments That Define Excellent Leaders
7 Moments That Define Excellent Leaders
7 Moments That Define Excellent Leaders
Excellent Leaders
AUTHOR: Lee J. Colan
PUBLISHER: CornerStone Leadership Institute
NUMBER OF PAGES: 134 pages
7 Moments that Define Excellent Leaders by Lee J. Colan
• Think excellence
• You are the conductor of your own thoughts. No one else
can control them for you.
• Mentally reframe challenges to view them in a positive
• True commitment never rests... keep pushing.
• Create a compelling cause
• Answer the question, "Why do we do what we do?"
• Keep it simple and easy to understand-- people commit to
what they can understand.
• Think big-- your cause should stir the emotions.
1. A Moment To Commit: Giving your all-
time best 7 Moments that Define Excellent Leaders by Lee J. Colan
• Life rewards those who seize their time and take action.
Excellence belongs to those who act instead of making
excuses. Actions may sometimes get lost in intentions, but
other people judge you by what you do, not what you meant
to do.
• Check your focus
• Your focus is a magnet for your life-- look for excellence in
all you do and excellence will find you.
• Look at how you spend your time to check your focus.
Focusing on positive aspects of life attracts "luck".
• Hard work is the best predictor of luck... and excellence.
• Treasure your precious resources
• Say "No" to non-value-added activities.
• Use your team's time, money and energy carefully,
particularly in meetings.
• Define what "inside your boat" and stay focused on it.
3. A Moment to Act: Making every minute
count 7 Moments that Define Excellent Leaders by Lee J. Colan