Riverview Annual Report 2012

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Volume 1, Issue 1 December 31, 2012

Pastors Message
Big Ideas, Big God
For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:27 We are a faith-living church. We believe what God says in the Bible: All things are possible if we believe. 2012 has been a year where God has again shown that if we trust Him, God will do more than we ask or imagine. Can you imagine a small church like Riverview sponsoring a harvest party with eighty people attending and not having to pay for anything? Well, that happened this year. Big ideas come from believing that we have a Big God! Can you imagine having a Block Party with over a hundred people in attendance and everything was free food, rides, entertainment? The church was able to pay for it without sweating? Big ideas come believing that we serve a Big God! Can you imagine a small church like Riverview paying for transportation and hotel accommodations for our children to go to the annual youth conference? tion fee, extra insurance costs or even the food that was served! We have big ideas about ministry because serve and worship a BIG GOD!


2012 Annual Report

Lets keep our focus on how great God is this coming year. Lets see The church has coordinated what big ideas God will put in our hearts and a short term missions team mind. Ask Him in 2013 to southern Africa through to lead you into possibilPastor Roxannes leaderities you never considship. It has not cost the ered. Watch how your church a dime! Twice we had a person to assist two of ministry will grow and marvel at the churchs our young people with some of the expenses of the impact on the community! trip! Can you imagine doing an evangelistic outreach at Coeymans Landing without having to pay a reservaPastor Antonio Pastor Roxanne

New Members
We are grateful that Jesus used Riverview to touch the lives of thirty people to become part of our fellowship. The following people became members of the fellowship in 2012: James Connor Luis Rivera Samira Rivera Aracellia Marcial Paula Gretzinger Micha Grady Grabriel Jones Mary Nunn Russel Crimminse Jaston Moody Todd Cookingham Meghan Cookingham Moriah Holt Alanna Holt Darlene Montini Adolph Montini Evette DeJesus Melanie Tejada Anna Tejada Jasmine Gladney Rosa Rivera Ethel Bagley Margaret Traver Michael Jinenez Craig Foy Jr. Collin McCool Matthew Agustin Amber Rivera Michael Ruzzi Julia Ruzzi To God be the glory for the great things He is doing !

Diaconate Report
Serving the Lord with Joy
The Riverview Diaconate consists of men and women serving in the same diaconate function. Members are called to this position and are appointed by the Pastors. They assist the pastor with the ministry of the church. The following are members of this ministry: Deaconess Denise Cokes, Chairperson, Deaconess Kimberly Jones-Holt, Deaconess Vivian Solis, Deaconess Cynthia Reddix, Deaconess Inez Stevens and Deacon Elijah Fagan-Solis. In 2012, they committed themselves to contacting members by phone, text or email on a monthly basis. Each month at their meetings they give reports about various members and pray for the needs of the church. On each first Sunday, they visit the sick and shut in as well as serve the Lords Supper. They also prepare the baptistery and candidates for baptism. To ensure that candidates are appropriately dressed, the diaconate pay monthly dues to assist with purchasing proper baptism attire. The diaconate leads devotions each Sunday to prepare people for worship. At times they will lead the worship service in the Pastors absence.

They are present at the majority of church functions and assist the Pastors in coordinating those activities. They also attend worship at sister churches. Several have been asked to minister through prayer, the reading of scripture and even leading worship at sister churches special days. The diaconate has helped coordinate the after school programs tutoring and craft clubs. They created Theatre at the View, recruiting kids in the community to participate in a Christmas play. They are committed to studying Gods Word. Three of them have received certificates for the Christian Leadership School.

Mime Ministry
The Riverview Missionary Baptist Church Mime Ministry ministered every third Sunday during worship. It was a blessing to see our young people let Gods Spirit move in their lives and inspire Gods people in such a powerful way. As a result of their willingness to serve God opened up other opportunities to minister to Gods people in various settings. A few of these settings were:

RMBCs Ushers Annual Day in October Friday Night Live at Metropolitan Baptist Church Sweet Pilgrims Youth Explosion Riverviews Gospel Holiday Concert

and understand that they ministering unto the Lord. Each member of the Mime Ministry have presented solo mimes as well mimes with two or three members of the group. Each time they minister, the congregation senses Gods presence ministering through the group. As the Mime Ministry continues to honor God with the time and talent God will continue expanding their ministry and using them to inspire Gods people to serve Him more dearly. Thank your Abby, Rosa, Summer, Tamas, Darryl, and Charles for allowing the Lord to use you in this way.

The church has seen youth participating in this ministry grow in their abilities. They are more confident

The annual Youth Explosion held at Riverview in June the Gospel Showcase of the annual Empire Baptist Missionary Convention Youth Conference in August The churchs Annual Block Party in August The evangelistic outreach at Coeymans Landing in September.

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Riverview packed 50 boxes to be sent to children overseas for Christmas through Operation Christmas Child.
Above: Children from Lesotho opening boxes packed by Riverview Right: Letter from pastor from Lesotho

Riverview donated $500 towards the CROP Walk, a Christian agency that addresses hunger.

Riverview helped the Brown Bag Project pack over 200 lunches for needy children in Coeymans

Community volunteers at the Harvest Party. Eighty (80) people attended the event. Riverview Youth assisted with various game stations. Evette DeJesus, a new member, organized the event.
Every 3rd Sunday the church collects items for the local food pantry at St. Patricks

Catholic Church in Ravena.

Mondays and Thursdays After school club for local children In September we had an evangelistic outreach at Coeymans Landing. In December Deaconesses Solis & Holt organized a Christmas play using children from

The Annual Gospel Holiday Concert continues to draw people from the Town of Coeymans & Ravena

the community.
VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Page 3

Missions Ministry
Since 2010 Riverview has supported a short term missions ministry. The Short Term Mission Ministry is coordinated by Pastor Roxanne Jones Booth.

Scholarship Ministry
In 2012, the church voted to give three scholarships a year. A Scholarship Committee was formed with Sister Gerri Bell as chairperson. Committee members include Sister Mary Dobbs, Sister Gwen Foy and Sister Brigette Dobbs-Cain. The Committee is meeting to create guide-lines. Scholarships will presented at our annual Childrens Day Worship. If anyone wants to contribute to the Scholarship Fund, please write check to Riverview Missionary Baptist Church and specify on the memo Scholarship Fund.

Each elderly person who received a food parcel adopted a team member. They gave each team member a Zulu name. Each team member will stay in contact with the grandmother throughout the year. While in Swaziland, the team painted the National Baptist Mission house. Wayne Thomas, one of the team members, became the project leader. The house was painted in four hours! A few seemed to have tried to paint their clothes.

Every year Pastor Roxanne leads a team to minister in Swaziland and South Africa. In 2010 and 2011, God blessed Tamas Beverly and Darryl Cokes to participate. Both boys really enjoyed the cross-cultural experience. Darryl had the opportunity to hold a lion club. Tamas enjoyed dancing with South African Christians during worship. This year Pastor Roxanne led a team of ten people. Eight members of the team were from Union Baptist in White Plains, NY; Rev. Dr. Verlin D. Williams is the pastor. The other two were from Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Albany, NY, where Rev. Morgan is the pastor. The Short Term Missions Team travelled to Johannesburg and Durban, South Africa as well as Swaziland. While in Durban, South Africa the team ministered with a missionary to children and elderly women in a housing development. They facilitated a Christmas party for children ages 3 to 12 years old. The party included Bible games, skits, songs and food. They also distributed food parcels (buckets filled with non-perishable goods) to the elderly.

The team also worshipped with the National Baptist Church in Mbabane, Swaziland. This was the first church that Rev. Roxanne pastored. Of course, she was asked to preach. Terry Wilson, from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, taught Sunday School. Thanks to Deacon Elijah FaganThe team also met with May Simelane, Solis, Church Administrative the Mission Administrator to hear about Assistant we have created several ways to assist the congregation in the needs of the mission and prayed knowing whats happening at with her. Riverview. Afterward, the team returned to Johannesburg and worshipped at the Mount If you give us your email address Calvary Baptist Church in Dube Viland you will receive weekly uplage. While there TashaYoung, Presidates. Second, make sure your dent of the Missions Ministry at Union mailing address is correct and Baptist, gave a powerful testimony you will receive a monthly about Gods deliverance. Deaconess bulletin. Doris Waiters, Mount Pleasant Baptist, ministered through dance. Third check out our social media pages:

Staying in Touch

The next Short Term Missions trip will be held in December, 2013. It will cost www.facebook.com/riverviewmbc $3,500. The cost covers airfare, ground transportation, hotel, breakfast and a safari .


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