Fire Suppression System Catalogue

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Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Introduction to

Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Course Description
This two-hour introductory course is for individuals with little or no experience in the fire alarm industry. The course covers the basic building blocks of modern conventional and addressable fire alarm systems. u It covers the primary and secondary functions of a fire alarm control panel, various initiating and notification devices, digital communicators, waterflow alarm and sprinkler monitoring.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Course Contents
u u u u u u u u u u

Basic Elements of a Fire Alarm System Supplementary Functions Physical Elements of Fire Initiating Devices Notification Appliances Water Flow and Sprinkler Monitoring Types of Control Panels Design Issues Notification Appliance Circuit (NACs) Supplementary Circuit Wiring

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

What is the purpose of a Fire Alarm System?

Detect, Alert and Evacuate. Life Safety!

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Basic Fire
Lets examine the components that make a basic Fire Alarm Control System.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Main Controller
u u

The brains of the system. Provides power to the system, monitors inputs and controls outputs through various circuits. Performs other functions as required by the appropriate code.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Elements of a Control Panel

Main Controller, Power, Inputs and Outputs

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Elements of a Control Panel

Requires two Power Sources

Primary (AC)

Secondary (DC)

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Elements of a Control Panel


A fire alarm system can have a variety of input devices.

Smoke Detector

Manual Pull Station

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems


Initiating Device A system component that originates transmission of a change of state condition, such as a smoke detector, manual fire alarm box, supervisory switch, etc.... Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) A circuit to which automatic or manual initiating devices are connected where the signal received does not identify the individual device operated.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Elements of a Control Panel





Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems


Notification Appliance A fire alarm system component such as a bell, horn, speaker, light, or text display that provides audible, tactile, or visible output, or any combination thereof. Notification Appliance Circuit A circuit or path directly connected to a notification appliance.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

The Basic System

Main Controller Inputs

Primary (AC)

Outputs Secondary (DC)


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Supplementary Operations
u u u u u u u u

Elevator Capture Equipment Shutdown Air Handling Shutdown Damper Control Extinguishing System Interface Event Printing Display Monitor Interface Door Holding Devices

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Supplementary Operations

Remote Signal Annunciation - Provides critical system status and basic control capability from a more convenient location than where the control panel might be located.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Remote Annunciators
RZA-5X Remote Zone Annunciator LCD-80F Liquid Crystal Display Graphic Annunciator (Custom)


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

UDACT Universal Digital Communicator Transmitter

Integral Onboard DACT

411UD Slave/Stand Alone DACT

Dedicated DACT "daughterboard"


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Basic Fire Alarm Technology

Signal Initiation & Initiating Devices

What is the threat?


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

How do we detect the threat?

Automatic Fire Detectors


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Automatic Fire Detectors


Spot Detectors provide detection concentration in a particular location - Heat & Smoke Detectors. Line Detectors provide continuous detection along a path - Thermal Cable & Beam Detectors. Air Sampling Systems draw air through pipes to an enclosed chamber for testing. - (VESDA & Duct Detectors.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Automatic Fire Detectors


u u

Light-Scattering (Reflective) Light-Obscuring (Beam)

u u u

Ionization Thermal (heat) Duct


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

Light-Scattering Type These detectors use a Light-Emitting Diode (LED) that sends a beam of light into a dark chamber. A photo diode sits on the other side of a partition within the chamber. u Smoke particles entering the chamber deflect some of the light rays into the photocell. The photo cell generates a current when exposed to light, and if the current reaches a certain level, the smoke detector alarms.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Light Scattering Principal

Sensing Chamber

Light Emitting Diode Partition

Photo Diode


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Light Scattering Principal


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Photoelectric Smoke Detectors

Light Obscuration Type

In a projected Beam Detector, alarms are generated by diffusing the projected light beam by a specified percentage of obscuration. Total beam blockage generally results in a trouble signal. Wire the receiver unit as a 4-wire detector (separate power and sensing connections to the control panel).

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Projected Beam Principal



Smoke from the fire in the protected area diffuses the intensity of the beam at the receiver

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Ionization Smoke Detectors

These detectors contain a small amount of radioactive material encapsulated in a metal chamber. Ionizing radiation develops a low, but steady electrical current. Smoke particles entering the chamber disrupt the current and trigger the detector's alarm.

Ion detectors react more quickly to fast flaming fires that give off little smoke.
u u

Spot-type Detectors.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Duct Detectors

Photoelectric detector mounted in housing outside the ductwork that has probes that extend into the duct to sample the air inside the duct. Primarily used as a smoke control device to control the flow of air in ductwork.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

The i3 Series
This line of photoelectric smoke detectors by System Sensor consists of 2- and 4-wire detectors, offered with or without a fixed 135 temperature thermal sensor. The i3 series is based on three guiding principles: Installation ease, Intelligence, and Instant inspection. uPlug-In Head/Base combination. uSmoothing algorithms uDrift compensation (automatically adjusts for dust accumulation, reducing nuisance alarms) uOptional Sensitivity Reader

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Manual Initiating Devices

The Manual Fire Alarm Pull Station

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Initiating Devices
Manual Fire Alarm Stations

Manually operated device used to initiate an alarm signal.


Single Action Stations require a single operation to activate it. Generally a pulling down action. Dual Action Stations require two distinct operations. A set-up and an activating action. Breakglass Stations have an inhibit device that must be damaged to activate the station (non-ADA compliant).

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Initiating Devices
Manual Fire Alarm Stations

Optional Features u With and without key locks or hex key locks u Weatherproof models with special backboxes u With auxiliary contacts u Multiple languages, even dual languages. u With a pre-signal feature u With screw-terminal or pigtail connections u Conventional and Addressable u Metal or Polycarbonate

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Single-Action Manual Station

Spring-loaded releasing switch

Reset Key

Actuation Handle

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Dual-Action Manual Station

Initial Pre-Actuator Actuator


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Non Alarm Pull Stations


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detectors
Heat detectors are the oldest type of automatic fire detection device. Not considered direct Life Safety devices, these detectors do contribute to the detection of a fire.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detectors
Fixed Detectors alarm when the sensing element reaches a certain set point. Two common ones have 135 and 200-degrees F range. The Fixed element is generally a non-restorable type, and when activated, must be replaced. u Rate-of-Rise Detectors respond when the rate of temperature increase is greater than an allowable limit (15 degrees in 60 secs.) (placement in a stable environment) (e.g.. ovens, heating vents, etc.). The Rate-of-Rise element is restorable when conditions return to normal. u Rate Compensation will respond regardless of the rate of temperature rise.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detectors
Rate Compensation Type
u Detector responds when the temperature of the

surrounding air reaches a predetermined level, regardless of the rate of temperature rise. u The system compensates for Thermal Lag. u During a slow rate of temperature rise there is more time for heat to penetrate the inner element, which inhibits contact closure until the total device reaches the rated temperature level. u During fast rate of increase, there is less time for heat to penetrate the inner element, which exerts less inhibiting effect, so contact closure is still obtained at the rated temperature.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detectors

DONT Paint Heat Detectors!!! Why? Because Thermal Lag occurs when the physical properties of the Heat detector cause it to lag behind the alarm condition of the surrounding air.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detectors
u u u

Exhibit the lowest false alarm rate of all automatic fire detector devices, Slowest-responding fire detection devices. Best used in applications where u Fast-developing, large fires are expected. u Environment won't allow the use of other fire detection devices. u The speed of detection is not a prime consideration.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detectors
Heat Sensitive Cable A line-type initiating device whose sensing element comprises, in one type, two current-carrying wires held separated by heat-sensitive insulation which softens at the rated temperature, thus allowing the wires to make electrical contact.

Installed at the exact point of risk to provide rapid localized detection of abnormal temperature rises (overloaded or short-circuited high voltage power wiring).

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detector
Heat Sensitive Cable
Actuators Protective Tape

Outer Insulation

Heat Sensitive Material


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Notification Appliances Types


Audible - Horns, Bells, Sounders, Sirens, Chimes, Speakers. Visual - Strobes Physical - Bed shakers Olfactory - Smell

u u u

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Audible Devices

Bells: Only used if they are only for fire, or have a distinctive sound from other bell signaling devices. Often used as an external gong to indicate the flow of water in the sprinkler system. Horns: Loud and distinctive output. Often used in high-noise environments, such as manufacturing plants.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Audible Devices

Sounders: Electronic or mechanical audible devices, which are capable of producing a variety of tones. Often, the tone is selectable during installation of the device. Chimes: Soft-toned appliances used where loud noises could be disruptive to other operations. Generally used where qualified personnel are continuously in attendance.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Audible Devices

Sirens: Extremely loud devices generally limited in use to outdoor or heavy industrial areas. Speakers: Audible devices used in conjunction with voice evacuation messages. Life-Safety speakers are not generally associated with Muzak systems.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Audible Codes

Coded outputs are required in many applications. This can be accomplished by pulsing tones for different areas of the building, or zoning the outputs (floor above - floor below). General alarm codes commonly used are March Time (110-120 ppm) or Temporal code (ANSI Evacuation Code 3).


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Visual Signaling Appliances

Visual signaling appliances are used in high-noise environments, in areas occupied by hearingimpaired individuals, or in areas where audible devices may not be desired.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Visual Devices
Chime/Strobe Strobe



Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Selectable-Output Visual Devices


Selectable Candela Output (15 - 30 - 60 -75 - 110) Selectable Operating Voltage (12 or 24 volts) Offered in Strobe and Horn/Strobe combinations


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Types of Power

For powering the various devices connected to a fire alarm system, control panels supply auxiliary power. There are two main types of power that you MUST be aware of:

Full-Wave Rectified (Special Purpose) Power - Unregulated output directly. High ripple voltage. Do not use for Smoke Detectors! Only use NAC devices listed for use with this type of power. Filtered Regulated Power - Most stable output. Minimal ripple voltage. Used for Smoke Detectors, and some remote supplementary devices.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Full-Wave Rectified Power




Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Filtered Regulated Power



Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Secondary Power

Direct Current - Clean, absolute filtered power u Supplies the system with operating power under the loss of primary (AC) for at least 24 hours of standby (quiescence) followed by 5 minutes in alarm. Voice systems require 15 minutes in alarm. u Rated in AMP-HOURS (AH). u Must be calculated!

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Relays and Contacts

u u u

Form A - refers to a relay with contacts for common and normally open ONLY. Form B - refers to a relay with contacts for common and normally close ONLY. Form C - refers to a relay with contacts for common, normally open, and normally closed. Dry Contacts -By magnetically controlling the state of the contacts, the control panel is electrically isolated (and thus protected) from power connected to the contacts..

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Relays and Contacts

Normally Closed Common Normally Open

When a relay is not active, the contacts are in their normal position.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Relays and Contacts

Normally Closed Common Normally Open

When the relay is activated, current passing through the relay coil magnetically influences the common "wiper", moving it to the opposite position.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Relays and Contacts

Normally Open Common Normally Closed

"Fail-Safe" relays are energized during "normal" conditions. The relay is activated by deenergizing the coil, guaranteeing activation of the desired signal during loss of all power to the system.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Initiating Devices
Sprinkler Systems Monitoring


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Sprinkler Systems


Wet-Pipe Sprinkler Systems use a vaneactivated Water Flow Device (WFD) sized to the piping. The device reacts to a change in flow pressure of 10 psi, which is the equivalent of one sprinkler head activating. Retard devices inhibit false activation due to changes in water supply pressure.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Waterflow Detectors Pressure Gauges Tamper Switches


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Fire Sprinkler Systems


Dry-Pipe Sprinkler: An automatic sprinkler system where all piping contains air under pressure. When a sprinkler head opens, the air is released and water flows into the system and through any open sprinkler heads into the fire. This type of system is used when freezing of water in the pipes is a concern. Dry-Pipe Sprinkler Systems use a pressure switch. The device reacts to a change in pressure due to water filling the system.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Sprinkler Monitoring
Sprinkler Systems have water feed control valves. These control valves shut off the water supply to the sprinkler system and render it useless. A monitoring device should be attached to every critical control valve in the system, whether it's a gate valve, indicator valve, or butterfly valve. Whenever the valve is shut off, a supervisory alarm signal (as opposed to a Fire or Waterflow alarm) is generated.

The two most common types of Supervisory Tamper Switches are OSY and PIV.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Sprinkler Monitoring


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Sprinkler Monitoring


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

The Systems

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Types of Fire Alarm Control Panels


Conventional (hard wired)

u u

Fixed Programmable

Addressable (multiplexed) Intelligent (analog data transfer)


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Conventional Hard Wired System

u u u u u u

Simplest type of control unit. Generally, a single circuit board contains power supply, control, initiating and notification circuitry. Some models use auxiliary circuit boards to perform special functions. Input/output devices connect to dedicated circuits. Designated outputs occur when initiating signals are received. Limited special functions and capabilities.
Examples: Fire-Lite MS-2 and MS-4

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Addressable System

Each device (detector, pull station) has a unique number assigned to it called the address for reporting alarms and troubles. Employs a Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) Loop along which all addressable input and output devices are connected to the fire alarm control panel.
Addressable devices transmit an electronic message back to the Control Unit representing their state (Normal, Alarm, Trouble) when polled by the Control Unit.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Addressable Modules
These systems can also monitor conventional initiating devices using addressable monitor modules.
SLC Loop

24 VDC Power


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Addressable Pull Stations

Addressable Module


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Typical SLC


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Input-to-Output Mapping


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Software Zoning
u u u u u u

Floor-Above/Floor Below Elevator Recall Smoke Control Ring-By-Zone Door Locks (Card Access) Cross Zoning


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Intelligent System
u u

Always an Addressable System. Processes detailed, analog data from detectors about smoke levels. Can provide sensitivity data for each detector. Employs Drift Compensation (self calibration) in it's detectors.
Examples: Fire-Lite MS-9200, MS-9200UD & MS-9600.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Design and Application


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Design Issues

Device Selection
u u u u

Photo vs. Ion, line versus spot. What is are the total costs of one type versus another? How does the environment affect device selection? Does the device meet code specifications and code?

u u

Placement of Devices (where do you place smoke detectors, pull stations, notification appliances)? Calculations (how do you calculate battery size and NAC voltage drops?). Programming (how will you accomplish your nongeneral alarm events?).

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Spot Detector Placement

Total (complete) Coverage includes all rooms, halls, storage areas, basements attics, lofts, spaces above suspended ceilings, and other subdivisions and accessible spaces as well as the inside of all closets, elevator shafts, enclosed stairways, dumbwaiter shafts and chutes.

NFPA 72 2002 Section Exception - inaccessible areas that DO NOT contain combustible materials do not require smoke detection

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Spot Detector Placement

Partial Coverage calls for smoke detection in all common areas and work spaces, such as corridors, lobbies, storage rooms, equipment rooms, and other tenantless spaces.

CAUTION! The building owner must understand that a fire alarm system may not detect a fire that develops within any area without smoke detection until that fire has reached proportions that may seriously compromise the safe evacuation of occupants and the timely notification of fire responders.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Spot Detector Placement

Spot detector placement is based on central mounting of a detector in a 30 X 30 room. No area may be more than 21 from the detector.

Typical area of room protection


Maximum radius of protection

Smoke Detector



Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Spot Detector Placement

Note that in this application, two detectors are not required because all areas within the room are within 21 feet of the detector.

Maximum radius of protection


Smoke Detector




Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

15 30 30




Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Heat Detector Spacing

Ceiling Height (feet) 0 -10 10-12 12-14 14-16 16-18 18-20 20-22 22-24 24-26 26-28 28-30 Percent (%) of Listed Spacing 100 91 84 77 71 64 58 52 46 40 34

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Manual Fire Alarm Pull Stations


Initiating Devices

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Manual Fire Alarm Stations

Mounting Locations

u u u

Manual fire alarm stations shall be located within 5 feet of the exit doorway opening of each floor. Grouped openings over 40 feet in width require pull stations on either side of the opening. Additional pull station will be installed no more than 200 linear feet apart. Each manual fire alarm station shall be conspicuous, unobstructed, and accessible, and of a contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Manual Fire Alarm Stations


NFPA 72 - Mount pull station so that operable part is 42" to 54" from the floor. ADA Accessibility Guidelines u Forward reach: If access is only from a forward approach, mount 15-48. u Side reach: If clear space allows a parallel approach, mount 9-54. If side reach is over an obstruction, use forward reach rules.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Manual Fire Alarm Stations

The height is measured from the floor to the point of actuation.

48 Inches


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Designing with Notification Appliances


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

u Conflicts exist between ADA and

NFPA guidelines regarding requirements for notification appliances in fire alarm systems. If the specifications call for ADA compliance, it is a federal law which must be obeyed.

It is believed that newly-revised ADA Accessibility Guidelines will reference NFPA 72 2002.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Ambient Noise

Ambient Noise Level the level of noise around us, or encircling us. Often referred to as background noise. Decibels (dB) Sound pressure is rated in decibels, which is a unit for measuring relative loudness. dBA - A dB scale referenced to the minimum pressure that can be detected by the human ear.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Ambient Noise

1 dBA (faintest audible sound) Remember the hearing test? 50 dBA Typical conversation 80 dBA Alarm Clock 130 dBA (painful ear damage possible).

u u u

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Typical Ambient Noise Levels

Business Occupancies Educational Occupancies Industrial Occupancies Institutional Occupancies Mercantile Occupancies Piers and Water-Surrounded Structures Places of Assembly Residential Occupancies Storage Occupancies Thoroughfares, High Density Urban Thoroughfares, Medium Density Urban Thoroughfares, Rural and Suburban Tower Occupancies Underground Structures and Windowless Buildings Vehicles and Vessels 55 dBA 45 dBA 80 dBA 50 dBA 40 dBA 40 dBA 55 dBA 35 dBA 30 dBA 70 dBA 55 dBA 40 dBA 35 dBA 40 dBA 50 dBA

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Operating Modes

Public Mode Audible or visible signaling to occupants or inhabitants of the area protected by the fire alarm system. Private Mode Audible or visible signaling only to those persons directly concerned with the implementation and direction of emergency action initiation and procedure in the area protected by the fire alarm system.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Audible Devices - Public Mode


NFPA: 15 dB above average ambient sound level or 5 dB above maximum 60second sound level, whichever is greater (minimum of 75 dBA to a maximum of 120 dBA). ADA: If provided, 15 dB above average ambient sound level or 5 dB above maximum 60-second sound level, whichever is greater (maximum of 120 dBA).

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Audible Devices - Private Mode


NFPA: Minimum of 45 dBA, maximum of 120 dBA, at least 10 dB above average ambient sound level or 5 dB above maximum 60-second sound level, whichever is greater.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Visual Signaling Appliance


Above 105 dbA: When the average ambient sound level is greater than 105 dbA, visual signaling appliances are required. u Indoor concerts u Drop forge shops u Printing presses


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Visual Signaling
ADA Requirements

Americans with Disabilities Act sets provisions for visual appliances: u Intensity minimum of 75 cd in non-sleeping areas, and 110 cd in sleeping areas. u Lamp shall be a Xenon strobe type or equivalent. u The color shall be clear or nominal white. u Pulse duration 0.2 sec. with a 40% duty cycle. u Flash Rate 1 - 3 per second (1-3 Hz).

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Wall-Mounted Appliances
Wall mounted devices shall have their bottoms at heights above the finished floor of not less than 80 inches, and not greater than 96 inches.

The appliance shall be placed 80 inches above the highest floor level within the space, or 6 inches from the ceiling, whichever is lower. u Devices shall be no more than 50 ft. apart. u In large areas without obstructions 6 ft. above the floor, devices may be spaced a maximum of 100 feet apart.

Maximum separation of appliances shall not exceed 100 feet.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Visual Device Installation

At least 6" 80" 96"

At least 6"


80" At least 90" At least 80"

At least 80"




Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

u u

Visual Synchronization reduces the effect on those who are prone to suffer seizures from Epilepsy. Required when two or more appliances are in the same field of view.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems


Audible Synchronization permits the proper sounding of evacuation coding. Synchronization is effected via two means - a remote module or circuitry built into the fire alarm control panel. Built-in control panel circuitry is highly desirable.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Distributed NACs

Use of a remote power supply can save previous voltage in the run from the control panel to the start of a Notification Appliance Circuit.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Wiring Standards

NFPA 72 establishes standards of performance for various wiring styles for Initiation Circuits, Notification Appliance Circuits and Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) Loop wiring.
u u u

For Initiating Device Circuits Styles B & D. For Notification Appliance Circuits Styles Y & Z. For SLC Loops Styles 4,6, & 7.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Style B/Style Y
(Class-B type circuits)

2-wire circuit originates at the control unit, interconnects all devices in parallel fashion and terminates with an End-Of-Line Resistor. A wire break results in a loss of all devices past the break. No branch tapping allowed.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Class B-Type Circuit



Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Style D/Style Z
(Class-A type circuits)

Wiring originates at the control unit, interconnects all devices in parallel fashion and returns to the control unit. Return circuit monitors line voltage. If voltage missing, return line will feed current to devices from its connections. No branch tapping allowed.

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Class A-Type Circuit



Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

4 Wire Smoke Detectors


4-wire Smoke Detectors are devices that receive power from a source other than the Initiating Device Circuit. They may be wired in Style B or Style D, and are supervised with an end-of-line power supervision relay for loss of operating current.


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

4 Wire Detectors
4-wire Smoke Detectors wired Style B
Initiating Zone
IDC (+)

IDC (-)


4-Wire Detector Power


UL Listed Power Supervisory Relay


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems



Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Thank You for Attending!


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

u u u u u u u u u u u u

FACP - Fire Alarm Control Panel. FACU - Fire Alarm Control Unit. FCC - Federal Communications Commission UL - Underwriters Laboratories NFPA - National Fire Protection Agency. AHJ, LAHJ - Authority Having Jurisdiction, Local AHJ ADAAG - Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines. PoC - Products of Combustion LED - Light Emitting Diode IDC - Initiating Device Circuit NAC - Notification Appliance Circuit ELR, EOL - End of Line Resistor

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

u u u u u u u u u u u u

NEC - National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) NEMA - National Electrical Manufacturing Association EIA - Electronics Industry Association Cd - Candela dB, dBA - Decibels FWR - Full Wave Rectified ANSI - American National Standards Institute PIV - Post Indicator Valve OS&Y - Outside Stem and Yoke Valves SFPE - Society for Fire Protection Engineers Shall - Indicates a mandatory requirement Should - Indicates a recommendation or advisement

Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

u u u u u u u

NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm Code NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code National Electrical Code Handbook, NFPA Life Safety Code Handbook, NFPA Fire Protection Handbook, NFPA Fire Alarm Signaling Systems, NFPA


Intro to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Additional References
u u u

Guide for Proper Use of System Smoke Detectors, System Sensor. Guide for Proper Use of Smoke Detectors in Duct Applications, System Sensor. Guide for Proper Use of Projected Beam Smoke Detectors, System Sensor. Strobe Compliance Reference Guide, System Sensor.


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