Studies On Gas Solid Heat Transfer During Pneumatic Conveying

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813

Studies on gassolid heat transfer during pneumatic conveying

K.S. Rajan a,*, K. Dhasandhan a, S.N. Srivastava a, B. Pitchumani b
b a School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA University, Tirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur 613402, India Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz kaus, New Delhi 110016, India

Received 1 January 2007; received in revised form 10 August 2007 Available online 31 December 2007

Abstract Interactions between solids and gas during pneumatic conveying can be utilized for variety of applications including ash drying, solids preheating etc. Experiments on airsolid heat transfer were carried out in a vertical pneumatic conveying heat exchanger of 54 mm inside diameter, using gypsum as the solid material. The eect of solids feed rate (0.69.9 g/s), air velocity (4.216.47 m/s) and particle size (231722.5 lm) on airsolid heat transfer rate, heat transfer area and airsolid heat transfer coecient has been studied. Empirical correlations have been proposed for the prediction of Nusselt number based on the present experimental data. The proposed correlations predict Nusselt number within an error of 15% for the present data. 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Airsolid heat transfer; Pneumatic conveying; Dense-phase; Dilute-phase; Nusselt number

1. Introduction Process industries handle large quantities of materials in powder and granular form during transportation, storage, processing etc. Pneumatic conveying refers to the co-current transportation of solid particles using air/gas at velocities greater than the terminal velocity of particles. Pneumatic conveying nds wide applications in conveying of solids because of the advantages of dust-free transportation, exibility in routing, ease of maintenance etc. [1]. Gassolid interactions during pneumatic conveying are widely used to achieve heat transfer between conveying gas medium and solids. Batteries of cyclones with pneumatic conveying ducts between them are widely used to preheat kiln feed in modern cement industries [2]. Drying of free-owing, heat-sensitive food and pharmaceutical products like animal feed, corn bers, proteins, antibiotics, enzymes, vitamins, lactose etc. are conveniently done using pneumatic conveying dryers, limiting the exposure time of

Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 4362 264101; fax: +91 4362 246120. E-mail address: (K.S. Rajan).

solids. Hydrodynamics of pneumatic conveying has been widely published [3], whereas studies on gassolid heat transfer during pneumatic conveying are relatively few. Gassolid heat transfer experiments in vertical pneumatic conveying duct, using ceramic particles in the size range of 0.72.56 mm have been reported and an empirical correlation for gassolid heat transfer coecient was also proposed [4]. Data on gassolid heat and mass transfer for pneumatic drying of alumina, PVC and limestone in industrial dryers have been reported [5,6]. Eect of hydrodynamic parameters on the drying of iron ore in a vertical pneumatic conveying tube has also been reported [7]. Gas-particle heat transfer in spouted beds has been studied where the hydrodynamics in the core are similar to that of dilute-phase pneumatic conveying [8,9]. Gassolid heat transfer studies in vertical pneumatic conveying at relatively low gas velocities through short, small diameter ducts are scarce in the literature. In the present work, the eects of solids feed rate, particle size and air ow rate on airsolid heat transfer in vertical pneumatic conveying duct at relatively low air velocities are studied and correlations are proposed for the prediction of Nusselt number for gassolid heat transfer.

0017-9310/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2007.09.042


K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813

Nomenclature Ah heat transfer area (m2) a constant in Eq. (10) b, c, d exponents in Eq. (10) cp specic heat of gas (J/kg K) cps specic heat of solid (J/kg K) dp particle diameter (m) dP pressure drop across the duct per unit height (N/m2) Fe Federov number () Fm solid-to-gas mass ow ratio () g acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2) hp gas-particle heat transfer coecient (W/m2 K) mg mass ow rate of air (kg/s) ms solids feed rate (kg/s) Mh solids holdup (kg) Nup gas-particle Nusselt number () q rate of airsolid heat transfer (W) Rep particle Reynolds number () Tg,in Tg1 temperature of air leaving the heater (C) steady-state temperature of air at the top of the duct (2.2 m from the bottom) in single-phase ow (C) steady-state temperature of air at the top of the duct (2.2 m from the bottom) in airsolid ow (C) solids exit temperature at the top of the duct (C) inlet solids temperature (C) average velocity of air (m/s)


Ts2 Ts1 va

Greek symbols la viscosity of air (kg/ms) qa density of air (kg/m3) qs density of solid (kg/m3) DT log-mean temperature dierence (K)

2. Experimental setup A schematic diagram of the experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The experimental setup consists of a blower (max discharge 600 L/min at normal temperature and pressure, manufactured by Ramdeep Industries), a heating section comprising a 100 mm inner diameter G.I. air duct tted with three electrical heaters of 5 kW total heating capacity, a horizontal section consisting of an orice meter and sol-






P1 P2


Plug V T1

Heaters O Stand


T1: Thermocouple for digital relay controller; T2-T5: K type thermocouples connected to six-way indicator; T6: 3-wire RTD; C: Cyclone separator; V: Venturi for solid feeding; BV1, BV2: Bypass valves; B: Blower; O: Orifice plate; P1, P2: Pressure taps

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup.

ids feeding system, a pneumatic conveying duct and a cyclone separator for the collection of solids. Flow rate of air entering the heating section is controlled using bypass valves BV1 and BV2 located at the discharge of blower. The heaters are capable of heating air to a temperature of 180 C at the maximum rated blower capacity. A horizontal section made of 54 mm inner diameter galvanized iron pipe is connected to the heating section. An orice meter connected to a U-tube manometer, has been tted in this horizontal section and is used to measure the air velocity and its ow rate. Inlet air temperature is measured on the downstream side of the orice meter and is maintained using a digital relay temperature controller. The solids feeding system consists of a venturi and a double-cone arrangement. Venturi has been designed in such a way that the solids entering the throat of venturi are rapidly carried by gas at the expense of smaller pressure loss. Upstream cone (converging section) of the venturi is 50 mm long. Inner diameter of the throat is 25 mm. A circular hole of 15 mm diameter has been made at the centre of the throat. To avoid boundary layer separation and ensure recovery of pressure in the diverging section, the angle of diverging cone should be less. Hence the downstream cone (diverging section) has been made longer than the upstream cone and is 100 mm long. This venturi ejector has been tted inside the horizontal pipe and welded to hold the same in position. A hole has been made on the horizontal pipe encapsulating the venturi in such a way that this hole is inline with the hole drilled in the throat of venturi. A short, mild steel pipe of 12 mm inner diameter connects the hole in the throat of venturi and the hole on the horizontal pipe. The other end of mild steel pipe protrudes outside the portion of the duct encapsulating the venturi.

K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813


Five smooth-walled aluminum cones with dierent orice sizes between 3 mm and 10 mm at the bottom have been used to deliver solids to the venturi. One of such cones has been attached to the open end of the mild steel pipe leading to the throat of venturi. A bigger cone (also made of smooth aluminum sheet) with a larger opening at the apex is supported by a stand and is placed over the smaller cone, in such a way that a portion of the larger cone is immersed in the smaller cone. At the onset of solids feeding, solids fed to the larger cone enter the smaller cone at a rate faster than the rate at which solids are delivered from the smaller cone to the throat. This leads to lower cone getting rapidly lled with solids till the solids level reaches the apex of upper cone. Once this condition is attained, rate of discharge of solids from upper cone to lower cone and that from lower cone to the throat of venturi are same maintaining a constant level of solids in the smaller cone thereby circumventing the role of solids head on the feed rate of solids. Horizontal section consisting of venturi, heater and blower is connected to the vertical duct with a Tee whose lower end in the vertical section is closed by a plug. This facilitates withdrawal of solids collected in the duct and measurement of its mass to determine solids holdup in the vertical duct. When tightened, the top surface of the plug coincides with the level of the horizontal section preventing the formation of dead zones at the bottom of the duct. The distance between the venturi and the vertical duct is kept at a minimum value to minimize heat transfer before entry to vertical duct. The vertical duct is 54 mm inner diameter G.I. pipe of 2.3 m high, tted with ve thermocouples at various axial locations to measure axial air temperature prole. The sensing part of thermocouples is covered with a brass mesh to prevent the access of solids to hot junction and hence the thermocouples indicate air temperature. Three-wire RTD located at the top of the duct at the axial location of 2.2 m is used to measure air exit temperature. During ow, solids are collected in the bin located at the bottom of cyclone at solids exit. The whole experimental setup is insulated using two layers of asbestos rope wound around them and covered with a paste of magnesiaasbestos mixture to prevent heat loss. Additional insulation is provided to the vertical duct using a layer of glass wool covered by a thin aluminum sheet. 3. Experimental procedure A typical experimental procedure consists of adjusting air ow rate using the bypass valves to achieve the desired air ow rate and then switching the heaters on. Axial temperature proles in the duct are monitored periodically to check for the attainment of steady state. Once the steady state with air ow is attained, temperature of air leaving the heater (Tg,in) and air temperature at the top of the vertical duct (Tg1) are noted. Solids feed of a particular size, carefully screened is fed manually to the top cone. Solids

leaving the top cone reach the lower cone and subsequently enter the small duct leading to the throat of venturi. The larger orice of the top cone ensures that the lower cone is rapidly lled and solids height in the lower cone is maintained. To ensure that the double-cone arrangement delivers solids at a constant rate, a series of mass of solids discharged versus time data were collected for a few representative particle sizes and orice sizes of the lower cone, by discharging particles from double-cone arrangement to ambient air. The observations indicated that the doublecone arrangement is capable of delivering solids at a constant rate, though the data are not shown here for brevity. Axial temperature proles are monitored periodically during airsolid ow to ascertain the steady state. Any uctuation in the solids feed rate is likely to aect the axial air temperature proles and the air exit temperature. Hence monitoring the axial temperature prole ensures steady feeding of solids to the horizontal duct and also helps to ascertain steady state. Once the steady state with airsolid ow is reached, temperature of air at the top of the vertical duct (Tg2) is noted. Solids feed rate depends on the orice size of the lower cone, particle size and air ow rate and hence a unique solids feed rate is obtained for a combination of these three factors. Solids feed rate is determined by noting the time taken for conveying predetermined mass of solids. Solids holdup or solid volume concentration needs to be determined to estimate heat transfer area in pneumatic conveying heat exchanger. A few investigators have used quick-closing valves to determine the mass of solids trapped in the duct and hence the solids holdup. In this study, solids holdup is determined through simultaneous shutting of air ow and solids feed (achieved by switching the blower o at the instant of disappearance of solids from the lower cone). Solids present in the vertical duct at that instant would be collected at the bottom of the duct, which can be collected by opening the plug at the bottom of Tee. Mass of the collected solids gives solids holdup, a measure of average solid concentration in the duct. Similar procedure has been followed for determination of solids holdup in cyclone heat exchanger [2,10]. Since the method of determination of solids holdup is prone to errors, holdup measurements were repeated three times to ensure reproducibility. Large quantities of gypsum were sieved over a set of British Standard Sieves (BSS) and material retained on each sieve was collected. Particle size of solids retained on each sieve is the arithmetic average of mesh size corresponding to the sieve on which the solids are retained and the mesh size of the sieve immediately above it. Each particle size fraction has been collected and carefully stored in closed plastic containers capable of holding 5 kg of solids. Care has been taken to avoid entry of foreign materials such as dust and non-spherical particles as they would interfere during the solids ow and would even choke the solids ow. Table 1 shows the calculation of particle sizes investigated here. Table 2 shows the range of variables


K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813

Table 1 Particle sizes investigated in the present study S. no BSS screen no. Overow 1 2 3 4 5 18 25 30 36 60 Underow 25 30 36 44 72 Sieve opening (lm) Overow 845 600 495 425 250 Underow 600 495 425 355 212 Average particle size (lm) 722.5 547.5 460.0 390.0 231.0

to heat transfer can be assumed to rest solely with the gas lm surrounding the particle. The gassolid heat transfer coecient is dened as q 1 hp Ah DT Measurement of solids temperature has been a challenge, especially in the duct where particles are inseparable from air during measurement of temperature. While a thermometer placed in the storage bin indicates solids inlet temperature, the exit temperature of solids is determined by means of a thermal balance from the heat transferred from the gas to solids. For this purpose and to exclude the heat loss due to poor insulation at the bottom of the Tee, gassolid heat transfer rate is calculated from the dierence in steady-state temperature of the air at the top of the duct (at the axial location of 2.2 m), before and after feeding the solids. Hence, q mg cp T g1 T g2 2

Table 2 Range of variables investigated S. no 1 2 3 Variable Particle size Air velocity Solid feed rate Value 231, 390, 460,547.5 and 722.5 lm 4.216.47 m/s 0.69.9 g/s

Table 3 Physical properties of the solid investigated S. no 1 2 3 Property Density Specic heat Thermal conductivity Value 2317 kg/m 1090 J/kg K 0.17 W/m K

and Table 3 shows the relevant properties of the solid investigated. Table 4 presents the variables measured, instruments used and uncertainty involved in their measurements. 4. Results and discussion Heat transfer from gas to solid involves two steps: Transfer of heat from bulk of the gas to the surface of the solid across the gas lm surrounding the solid (External resistance) and the propagation of heat through conduction within the particle to reach isothermal condition within the particle (Internal resistance). Internal resistance controls the heat transfer if Biot number (ratio of internal to external resistance) is greater than 20. For the particle sizes under study, the high thermal conductivity of solids results in Biot number less than 0.25, leading to gas-lm resistance controlled problem [11]. Hence the resistance

where Tg1 and Tg2 are steady-state temperatures of air at the top of the duct in the single-phase ow and airsolid ow, respectively. This dierence is temperature of air is attributed to the heat transfer from hot air to cold solids feed and hence is a measure of gassolid heat transfer. Specic heat of gas is estimated at the average of temperatures, Tg1 and Tg2. The eect of presence of particles on gas-wall heat transfer may be neglected for the particle sizes and solid-loading ratios (solid-to-air ow rate ratio) investigated in the present study. Hence, the exit solids temperature is calculated as follows: q T s2 T s1 3 ms cps Since the gas and solids move parallel in same direction, the vertical pneumatic conveying duct can be considered as 1-1, co-current heat exchanger. Accordingly DT in Eq. (1) is the log-mean temperature dierence dened as DT T g;in T s1 T g2 T s2   T T s1 ln Tg;inT s2 g2 4

Assuming particles to be spherical, heat transfer area (Ah) is the surface area of the particles in the duct at any instant

Table 4 Measured quantities, instruments used, least counts and uncertainties involved Quantity measured Air temperature at the downstream of orice Air temperature at various axial locations in the duct Air temperature at the top of the duct (at 2.2 m from the bottom of the duct) Feed solid temperature Pressure drop across orice Mass of solid for feed rate measurement Mass of solid for holdup measurement Time Instrument used K-type thermocouple with digital indicator K-type thermocouple with six-way 31/2 digital indicator 3-Wire RTD with 41/2 digital indicator Mercury in glass thermometer U-tube manometer Digital Balance Digital Balance Digital stop watch Least count 1 C 1 C 0.1 C 0.5 C 1 mm 0.1 g 0.001 g 1 s Uncertainty involved 1 C 1 C 0.1 C 0.5 C 1 mm 1 g 0.1 g 1 s

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of time related to the holdup (Mh), density (qp) and size of the particles (Dp) as Ah 6M h qs Dp 5

Solids holdup is an essential parameter in the analysis of pneumatic conveying duct as heat exchanger. Experimental determination of heat transfer coecient, a widely used design parameter for heat exchangers requires the knowledge of heat transfer area. In conventional heat exchangers, the heat transfer area is xed from the dimensions and the geometry of heat exchanger. In pneumatic conveying heat exchangers, the heat transfer area depends on the average solid concentration or solids holdup in the duct. 4.1. Eect of solids feed rate on airsolid heat transfer rate and airsolid heat transfer coecient Experiments were conducted with uniform size particles at a constant air velocity for dierent solids feed rates to study the eect of solids feed rate on various aspects of airsolid heat transfer. Since solids holdup in the duct plays an important role in determining the heat transfer area, the eect of solids feed rate on solids holdup has also been studied. Fig. 2 shows the eect of solids feed rate on solids holdup for 547.5 lm size particles at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s. It can be observed from Fig. 2 that the solids holdup increases with solids feed rate till a certain solids feed rate, after which solids holdup begins to remain constant. This can be explained as follows: For a xed particle size and air velocity, an increase in solids feed rate results in increase in number of particles in the duct leading to higher solid volume concentration and hence higher mass of solids in the duct. Hence solids holdup increases with solids feed rate. At a constant solids ux, with decreasing gas velocity or at a constant gas velocity with increasing solids ux, dierent ow regimes exist in upward gassolid ow in a duct. A

owchart and a ow regime diagram depicting the transition between dierent regimes in vertical pneumatic conveying is available [12]. At a constant gas velocity at low solids feed rates, the duct may operate under dilute-phase ow regime wherein the solid concentration practically remains constant along the duct height, but changes with solids feed rate. With gradual increase in solids feed rate, a transition in the ow regime from dilute-phase to fast uidization would take place leading to two zones in the duct: A dense-phase zone at the bottom where solid concentrations are high and a dilute-phase zone at the top with low solid concentrations. The phenomenon representing the onset of occurrence of a dense bed at the bottom of the pneumatic conveying duct is called accumulative choking or Type A choking [12]. This occurs when the gas velocity is insucient to maintain all the particles fully in suspension in the entire duct. This phenomenon is dierent from Type C or classical choking which is attributed to occurrence of slug ow and ow instability [12]. With further increase in solids feed rate, height of the dense bed continues to increase [1315] or axial location demarcating dense and dilute bed regions moves up. Dierent axial locations of the duct will attain fully dense condition at dierent solids feed rates for a xed particle size and gas velocity [16]. This solids feed rate representing the transition to fully dense bed depends on particle and gas properties, particle size, gas ow rate, duct geometry etc. [17]. The variation of solids holdup with solids feed rate is expected to be small once dense bed is formed [16]. The transition solids feed rate can be determined from the plot of apparent solids holdup versus solids feed rate. Transition solids circulation rate in a circulating uidized bed was determined as the solids circulation rate at which solids holdup levels o [16]. This was indicated as the starting point of fully dense conditions in the bed. Hence in the range of solids feed rates investigated in the present study where constant solids holdup has been observed, the duct is expected to be operating in the dense-phase regime, while

0.07 0.06 0.05


0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 Material : Gypsum Particle size = 547.5 m Air velocity = 5.8 m/s



Fig. 2. Variation of solids holdup with solids feed rate.


K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813

dilute-phase or fast-uidization regime exists in the range of solids feed rates where solids holdup increases with solids feed rate. This probably explains the observation in the present study with respect to eect of solids feed rate on solids holdup especially at higher solids feed rates. Small uctuations in solids holdup in dense-phase regime may be attributed to changes in air velocity due to heat transfer. At higher gas velocities, formation of dense bed is shifted to higher solids feed rates and vice versa. The presence of dense bed throughout the duct height may also be conrmed by studying the eect of solids feed rate on pressure drop in the duct at these solids feed rates. A plot showing the eect of solids feed rate on axial pressure drop in the duct (with pressure taps at the axial location of 0.3 and 2.2 m) is shown in Fig. 3 for the same solid and air inlet temperatures. It may be observed from Fig. 3 that the pressure drop increases initially with solids feed rate and then begins to remain constant. This has conrmed the existence of dense bed in the entire duct at higher solids feed rates. Though pressure drop measurements were made, solid volume concentrations have not

been estimated using pressure drop since the acceleration region may not have been included. Also, it has been highlighted that the pressure drop method for estimation of solids volume concentration is prone to errors at low solids feed rates in small diameter ducts [3]. Fig. 4 shows the eect of solids feed rate on airsolid heat transfer rate while conveying cold particles of size 547.5 lm at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s. It is evident from Fig. 4 that airsolid heat transfer rate increases with solids feed rate. This observation can be explained as follows: Airsolid heat transfer rate depends on heat transfer area, which is a function of solids holdup. Since solids holdup increases with increase in solids feed rate as evident from Fig. 2, heat transfer area and airsolid heat transfer rate increase. Also with increase in solids feed rate, increase in solids temperature is expected to be less due to higher heat capacity (product of solids feed rate and specic heat capacity), leading to increased driving force locally. Hence a combination of high heat transfer area and increase in driving force results in higher airsolid heat transfer rate with increase in solids feed rate. This supports the observa-

10 8


6 4 2 0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012

Material: Gypsum Particle size = 547.5 m Air velocity = 5.0 m/s


Fig. 3. Variation of duct pressure drop per unit height with solids feed rate.






Material : Gypsum Particle size : 547.5 m Air velocity = 5.8 m/s


0 0.001








ms /kgs-1

Fig. 4. Eect of solids feed rate on airsolid heat transfer rate for 547.5 lm size particles.

K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813
25 Material: Gypsum Particle size = 547.5 m Air velocity = 5.8 m/s



hp/Wm-2 K



0 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01


Fig. 5. Eect of solids feed rate on airsolid heat transfer coecient for 547.5 lm size particles.

tion in Fig. 4, where airsolid heat transfer rate increases continuously with solids feed rate, despite nearly constant heat transfer area at higher solids feed rates. Increase in gassolid heat transfer rate in the spout region of spouted bed with increase in solids feed rate has been reported [8] and the same has been attributed to increase in solids volume concentration in the spout with increasing solids feed rate. This supports the observations in the present study on the eect of solids feed rate on airsolid heat transfer rate. Fig. 5 shows the variation of airsolid heat transfer coefcient with solids feed rate at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s for 547.5 lm particles. It can be observed from Fig. 5, that the airsolid heat transfer coecient decreases with solids feed rate at low solids feed rates, while it increases with solids feed rate at higher solids feed rates. This can be explained as follows: From Eq. (1), it is evident that airsolid heat transfer coecient is directly proportional to airsolid heat transfer rate and inversely proportional to the product of heat transfer area and log-mean temperature dierence. As explained in previous paragraphs, airsolid heat transfer rate increases with solids feed rate for the entire range of solids feed rates. However, in the range of solids feed rates corresponding to the existence of dilute-phase and fast-uidization regimes, solids holdup and hence the heat transfer area increases with solids feed rate. The increase in heat transfer area with solids feed rate is higher than the increase in airsolid heat transfer rate with solids feed rate. This larger increase in heat transfer area nullies the increase in airsolid heat transfer rate with solids feed rate. Hence in the range of solids feed rates corresponding to dilute-phase and fast-uidization regimes, airsolid heat transfer coecient decreases with solids feed rate due to reduction in the ratio of airsolid heat transfer rate to heat transfer area with increase in solids feed rate. When the duct is operated in the dense-phase regime, heat transfer area remains nearly constant with solids feed rate, while airsolid heat transfer rate still increases with the solids feed rate. This is due to the fact that the solids

holdup does not change appreciably with solids feed rate in the dense-phase regime. The maximum solid loading ratio (ratio of solid to gas mass ow rates) in the present study is 0.9 and hence all particleparticle collisions and fragmentation can be ignored. Hence the airsolid heat transfer coecient increases with solids feed rate in the dense-phase regime due to increase in airsolid heat transfer rate and nearly constant heat transfer area. Decrease in gas-particle heat transfer coecient with increasing solid volume concentration in the range between 0.00025 and 0.05 has been observed for heat transfer between air and ceramic particles [4]. This observation from experiments carried out at higher gas velocities than that used in the present study support the ndings of the present study in the dilute/fast-uidization regime where solids holdup and solid volume concentration increase with solids feed rate and accordingly heat transfer coecient decreases with solids feed rate and solids holdup.

4.2. Eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer rate and airsolid heat transfer coecient With the solids feeding system used in the present study, solids feed rate depends on the orice size of the lower cone, particle size and air velocity. Solids feed rate could not be maintained at the same value for dierent particle sizes at a constant air velocity, even with the use of lower cones of dierent orice sizes. Hence the eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer is studied as a function of solids feed rate at a constant air velocity. Fig. 6 shows the variation of solids holdup with particle size as a function of solids feed rate at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s. It is clear from Fig. 6 that solids holdup increases with particle size for a solids feed rate at a constant air velocity. This observation can be explained as follows: Acceleration of particles in pneumatic conveying is mainly due to the drag force between air and solids. Larger particles have lower drag in pneumatic conveying [18] and hence lower acceler-


K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813
0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 Dp (m) 722.5 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.001 547.5 460.0 390.0 231.0 Material: Gypsum Air velocity = 5.8 m/s 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009


ms /kgs-1

Fig. 6. Eect of particle size on solids holdup at dierent solids feed rates for the air velocity of 5.8 m/s.


250 200


150 100

Dp (m) 722.5 547.5 460.0 390.0 231.0

Material : Gypsum Air velocity = 5.8 m/s

50 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 ms/kgs-1 0.005




Fig. 7. Variation of airsolid heat transfer rate with particle size at dierent solids feed rates for the air velocity of 5.8 m/s.

ation resulting in higher holdup of solids. Hence solids holdup increases with increase in particle size. Fig. 7 shows the eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer rate at dierent solids feed rates for the air velocity of 5.8 m/s. It can be observed from Fig. 7 that airsolid heat transfer rate is not a strong function of particle size initially, while tangible eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer rate can be observed at higher solids feed rates, where heat transfer rate decreases with particle size. The eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer rate depends on eect of particle size on heat transfer area and the driving force for heat transfer. With increase in particle size, solids holdup increases while the particle surface area per unit volume decreases which inuence the heat transfer area. Accordingly a plot of heat transfer area for dierent size particles as a function of solids feed rate at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s is made in Fig. 8. Fig. 8 shows that heat transfer area as calculated from Eq. (5) increases with particle size at lower solids feed rates, while at higher feed rates (corresponding to dense-phase regime) heat transfer area decreases with particle size. At constant air

velocity and solids feed rate, increase in heat transfer area would result in higher heat transfer rates in the initial portions of the duct, while decreasing the driving force for heat transfer in the later portions of the duct. The reverse holds true if the heat transfer area is less. Since heat transfer rate is calculated over the entire height of duct, varying heat transfer rates at various positions along the duct for dierent particle sizes would have resulted in nearly same average airsolid heat transfer rate for the entire height of the duct at lower solids feed rates. At higher solids feed rates, the combination of heat transfer area and driving force in the duct may be such that the average airsolid heat transfer rate decreases with particle size. Fig. 9 shows the eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer coecient as a function of solids feed rate at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s. It can be observed from Fig. 9 that the airsolid heat transfer coecient decreases with particle size in dilute-phase conveying regime. This can be attributed to the fact that airsolid heat transfer rate is nearly independent of particle size, while the heat transfer area increases with particle size due to increased solids holdup

K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813
0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 Dp (m) 722.5 547.5 460.0 390.0 231.0 Material : Gypsum Air velocity = 5.8 m/s 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008



0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0

ms /kgs-1

Fig. 8. Variation of heat transfer area with particle size at dierent solids feed rates for the air velocity of 5.8 m/s.

for large particles as evident from Fig. 8. This results in lower airsolid heat transfer coecient for large particles. For particles in the dense-phase regime, airsolid heat transfer coecient is nearly independent of particle size since both the airsolid heat transfer rate and heat transfer area decrease with particle size. Hence it may be concluded that the airsolid heat transfer coecient decreases with particle size at low solids feed rates typical of dilute or fast-uidization regimes, while the eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer coecient is negligible at higher solids feed rates. 4.3. Eect of air velocity on airsolid heat transfer rate and airsolid heat transfer coecient The eect of air velocity on airsolid heat transfer rate has been studied by using solids of a single size at nearly same solids feed rate at dierent air velocities. Fig. 10 shows the variation of airsolid heat transfer rate with air velocity plotted in terms of solids feed rate for particles of 547.5 lm. It can be seen from Fig. 10 that the airsolid heat transfer rate increases with air velocity in the range

between 4.3 m/s and 5.8 m/s, after which the airsolid heat transfer rate decreases with air velocity as seen for the air velocity of 6.3 m/s. This is observed for other particle sizes also (though results are not shown here). To understand this phenomenon, plots of variation of solids holdup with air velocity at dierent solids feed rates are made in Fig. 11 for 547.5 lm size particles. For particles of constant size at higher air velocity, relative velocity between air and solid phases is high, leading to larger drag. Increased drag leads to increase in solids velocity or a decrease in solid concentration leading to reduced solids holdup at higher air velocities. Reduced solids holdup for a xed particle size indicates reduced heat transfer area. But, increase in air velocity results in the presence of more amount of high temperature air. The later results in increase in airsolid heat transfer rate while the former leads to decrease in airsolid heat transfer rate. The relative inuence of the two factors determines the eect of air velocity on airsolid heat transfer rate. Hence with increase in air velocity, air solid heat transfer rate increases initially when large heat capacity of air osets decrease in heat transfer area. At an air velocity of 6.3 m/s it seems that the decrease in heat

Dp (m) 30 25 722.5 547.5 460.0 390.0 231.0 Material: Gypsum Air velocity = 5.8 m/s

hp/Wm K


20 15 10 5 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 ms /kgs-1 0.005 0.006



Fig. 9. Eect of particle size on airsolid heat transfer coecient at dierent solids feed rates for the air velocity of 5.8 m/s.


K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813




Air velocity (m/s) 6.3 5.8 5.2 4.3 Material : Gypsum Particle size = 547.5 m 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.009 0.01

150 100


0 0.001


Fig. 10. Eect of air velocity on airsolid heat transfer rate for 547.5 lm particles at dierent solids feed rates.



Material: Gypsum Particle size = 547.5 m





Air velocity (m/s) 6.3 5.8 5.2 4.3

0.00 0.001











Fig. 11. Variation of solids holdup with air velocity at dierent solids feed rates for particles of 547.5 lm diameter.

transfer area overcomes the eect of higher heat capacity of air and hence airsolid heat transfer rate is lower than that compared at the air velocity of 5.8 m/s.

Fig. 12 shows the variation of airsolid heat transfer coecient with air velocity at dierent solids feed rates for 547.5 lm size particles. It can be observed from

35 30 25 hp/Wm K

Air velocity (m/s) 6.3 5.8 5.2 4.3 Material: Gypsum Particle size = 547.5 m

20 15 10 5 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 ms /kgs-1 0.006





Fig. 12. Eect of air velocity on airsolid heat transfer coecient at dierent solids feed rates for particles of 547.5 lm diameter.

K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813


Fig. 12 that airsolid heat transfer coecient increases with increase in air velocity. As discussed earlier, airsolid heat transfer rate increases with air velocity till the air velocity of 5.8 m/s while the heat transfer area decreases continuously. Increase in airsolid heat transfer rate coupled with reduction in heat transfer area results in increase of air solid heat transfer coecient with air velocity in this range. At an air velocity of 6.3 m/s though the airsolid heat transfer rates are lower than that at 5.8 m/s, heat transfer coecients are higher due to large reduction in solids holdup and hence the heat transfer area. This phenomenon is observed for other particles sizes as well. Hence it may be concluded that the airsolid heat transfer coecient increases with increase in air velocity for the range of air velocities investigated here. Increase in gas-particle heat transfer coecient with gas velocity has been observed in the literature as well [4]. An optimum air velocity corresponding to a maximum in gas-particle heat transfer coecient has been observed for pneumatic drying of alumina [19]. Though no explanation for this behaviour was provided, this could be attributed to the following: At higher gas velocities reported in [19], very low concentration of solids may have led to extremely lower heat transfer rate and hence gas-particle heat transfer coecient would have been found to decrease with increase in gas velocity despite lower heat transfer area. 5. Development of correlation for gas-particle heat transfer coecient Nusselt number, particle Reynolds number and Prandtl number have been widely used to correlate gas-particle heat transfer coecient. Prandtl number does not vary signicantly over the range of air temperatures used in the present study and hence it has not been included in the development of correlation. Terminal velocity has been used as the characteristic velocity in particle Reynolds number of a few correlations for gassolid heat transfer reported in the literature for pneumatic drying, while gas velocity has been used as characteristic velocity in other correlations [4,5]. Supercial air velocity is a variable that can be determined easily and it plays an important role in determining the hydrodynamics and heat transfer as discussed in previous sections. Hence supercial air velocity is taken as characteristic velocity in the denition of Reynolds number for the present study. Accordingly, the dimensionless numbers are dened as follows: Nup hp d p ka d p va q a Rep la 6 7

F m ms =ma

In addition, Nusselt number is considered as a function of Fedorov number as proposed by Ludera [20]. Fedorov number is a function of particle size and physical properties of air and solid particles as given below:   1=3 4gq2 qs a Fe d p 1 9 3l2 qa a A rapid decrease in airsolid heat transfer coecient with solids feed rate is observed at low solids feed rates while at solids feed rates beyond a certain value, airsolid heat transfer coecient increases with increase in solids feed rate. Similarly, at lower solids feed rates airsolid heat transfer coecient decreases with increase in particle size while the same is nearly independent of particle size at higher solids feed rates. To accommodate these signicant behavioral changes at a transition solids feed rate for a xed particle size and average air velocity, two dierent correlations of the following form have developed. Nup aReb F c Fed p m 10

The values of coecient and exponents depend on the regime of transport. As discussed earlier, the transition solids feed rate depends on gas and solid properties, gas ow rate, particle size, bed geometry, etc. The literature data to determine the transition solids feed rate shows much scatter [16] indicating the diculty in proposing a single correlation for its determination applicable for all cases. Hence correlation for predicting transition solids feed rate is not developed in the present study but separate correlations of the form of Eq. (10) for determination of Nusselt number is proposed for dilute/fast-uidization regime and dense-phase regime, in such a way that the same may be used depending upon the regime of operation. The coecient (a) and exponents (b, c and d) for two regimes have been evaluated by regression analysis for the present experimental data having solids to air loading ratio range from 0.09 to 0.87 and Fedorov number range from 8.28 to 26.79, particle Reynolds number range from 36.59 to 175.33 and Nusselt number range from 0.0212 to 2.189. Statistical signicance of the correlation coecients a, b, c and d were determined by Student t-test. Corresponding P values were closer to zero. Regression coecients are said to be statistically signicant, if the P values are lesser than 0.05 at 95% condence level. The resulting correlations are For dilute-phase/fast-uidization regime: Nup 8:2951 107 Re5:3365 F 1:3863 Fe5:0530 p m For dense-phase regime: Nup 1:3360 104 Re2:7624 F 0:6792 Fe1:8344 p m 12 11

Since the solids feed rate aects airsolid heat transfer coefcient considerably, it is incorporated as dimensionless ratio of solids to air mass ow rate (Fm) as

Nusselt numbers predicted by Eqs. (11) and (12) are compared with experimental values in Figs. 13 and 14. Eqs. (11) and (12) predict Nusselt numbers within an error +15% to


K.S. Rajan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (2008) 28012813


Nu - Predicted



-13% Experimental


Material: Gypsum

0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Nu - Experimental

Fig. 13. Comparison of Nusselt numbers predicted from Eq. (11) with experimental values.



Nu - Predicted




Experimental Material: Gypsum

0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Nu - Experimental

Fig. 14. Comparison between Nusselt numbers predicted from Eq. (12) and experimental values.

15% with correlation coecients of 0.99 and 0.98, respectively. 6. Conclusions Airsolid heat transfer rate increases with increasing solids feed rate, while the same increases initially with air velocity and undergoes a maximum before decreasing with increase in air velocity. Gas-particle heat transfer coecient decreases with solids feed rate at lower solids feed rates typical of dilute/fast-uidization regime. Gas-particle heat transfer coecient increases with solids feed rate at higher solids feed rates and increases with air velocity at all solids feed rates. The proposed correlations predict the particle Nusselt number of the present study within an error of +15% to 15%.

Acknowledgement The rst and third authors acknowledge the Vice Chancellor, SASTRA for his support for this work. References
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