SP 2 Vocabulario Capítulo 5

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Vocabulario Capítulo 5

Páginas 159-189

To discuss things
To talk about animals you used to do
el animal = animal ser: (yo) era, (tú) eras = I was, you were
el pájaro = bird caminar= to walk
el pez=
plural = los peces fish montar en triciclo = to ride a tricycle
la tortuga turtle el triciclo = tricycle
saltar (a la cuerda) = to jump (rope)
To talk about people la cuerda = rope
de pequeño(a) = as a child ir: (yo) iba, (tú) ibas = I went, you went
el niño = boy recordar (o-->ue) = to remember
la niña = girl coleccionar = to collect
el vecino / la vecina = neighbor la colección = collection
obediente = obedient la verdad = truth
desobediente = disobedient mentir (e-->ie) = to lie
(bien) educado(a) = polite, well-mannered obedecer (c-->zc) = to obey
maleducado(a) = rude, impolite desobedecer (c-->zc) = to disobey
consentido(a) = spoiled (child) portarse bien = to behave well
tímido(a) = shy portarse mal = to behave badly
travieso(a) = mischievous, naughty molestar = to bother, to annoy
pelearse (con) = to fight (with)
to name toys llorar = to cry
el juguete = toy
To talk about
la muñeca = doll playground equipment
el muñeco = action figure el patio derecreo = playground
el robot =
plural = los robots robot el cajón de arena = sandbox
el animal de peluche = stuffed animal el carrusel = merry-go-round
el oso de peluche = teddy bear el columpio = swing
el dinosaurio = dinosaur el sube y baja = seesaw
el camión = truck el tobogán = slide
el tren (de juguete)= (toy) train
el bloque = block
la pistola (de agua) = (water) pistol

to talk about places

children go
la guardería infantil = day-care center
el kindergarten = kindergarten
la escuela primaria= elementary school

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