Dialogue Lesson
Dialogue Lesson
Dialogue Lesson
Period(s): _D__
Learning Objectives:
Identify what master dialogue looks like Identify rules of convention of dialogue and guidelines to make it effective Strengthen their plot with added details Write dialogue for an interaction-directed scenehomework
HW: have one page of your story done (this can be your dialogue scene!) Teacher Goals: What strategies will you work on as a teacher?
Talk to three girls+Jenny in beginning about sharing Pay attention to Jenny
For students: (handouts, previous assignments, tests, etc.) Plot outlines Journals For teacher: (lecture notes, answer keys, overheads, video, lists of questions, etc.) Copies of Hills Copies of short story checklist Copies of story checkpoint stamp sheet
How are you going to get the students to recall yesterdays lesson and how it relates to what you are doing today? How will you capture student attention?
Idea: have Amber script what were saying in class on her iPad?
Introduction Activity Description 1. Agenda/Homeworkgoal: have a solid, strong plot by the end of the day, and have a scene of dialogue written out a. Journal: starting sentences i. If you dont have your plot summary, for whatever reason, do it now instead of the journal b. Go over/pass out Short Story Checklist i. Go over elements, mention that partners should check for each element in storyboard, and point out ones they lack or need to expand c. Pass out Stamp sheet
Instruction: Include time estimates for each of your activities and also plan for regular checks for understanding.
Instruction Time Frame 1:35-1:55reading guide Instruction Activity Description a. Reading a short story in classwork on dialogue i. Read Hills like White Elephants during class 1. Good story for dialogue and action because we are in 3rd personnot omniscient, not even limited. Its like being a fly on the wall ii. Interactive Reading guide iii. 4 minutes to read page silentlylooking over questions, understand what happened iv. 3 minutesdiscuss what happens+questions d. recapwhat is the operation? How does it change the story by
2:15-2:25partner dialogue
focusing on dialogue, and by not telling you what its about? e. Now, going to focus on how they set up the dialogue: i. Make a list for dialogue (on computer) 1. Quotations marks 2. Indented 3. Period and comma placement?commas only when adding he said 4. Sometimes says he said, but not always. 5. Sometimes divides up sentenceswhen? Dividing ideas? Maybe provides implied pause? 6. Dashinterruption 7. Many times accompanied with an action 8. When do you start a new paragraph? b. Have students create a dialogue of their own in front of the class on opposing sides of the board (draw a big rectangle on either side with squigglies to show where the paragraph text would go) c. Competition: two students write dialogue on the board with input from the rest of the class. If 1. All of the formatting is correct and 2. Every single student participates (I will tally), then all students get an extra two points on short story project. d. Dialogue: ii. Homework: Write out a scene of dialogue between different characters a. Pay attention to how youre formatting it, and try to pay attention to how people would talk. e. Plot/storyboard activity a. Have students get out their plot outlines b. Ask how it wentwhat was easy, what was hard c. Opportunity to share d. Explain: going to get with a partner, give them your summary, and they are going to interpret iteither with pictures or their own summariesof how they interpret different scenes/parts of your story to look like. This is just to jog your creativity, give you more ideas/angles, and start envisioning your story into a concrete storyboard
How will you tie the lesson together and reemphasize the concepts presented? How will you know if your students get it by the end of your lesson?
Closure Activity Description One page (preferably typed) tomorrowdialogue is huge in introducing/developing characters as well as tension. Listen to people talk!