Multiplicative Receiving Arrays!
Multiplicative Receiving Arrays!
Multiplicative Receiving Arrays!
V. G. W E L S B Y , PH.D M MEMBER and Professor D . G. T U C K E R , D.SC., MEMBERJ
Summary : The performance of arrays in which the outputs from two groups of elements or sections are multiplied together is studied from the points of view of directional patterns, directional discrimination and signal/noise performance. It is shown that whereas, in ordinary linear arrays, these three considerations are usually all determined by the directional pattern, yet in multiplicative arrays they are all three quite distinct and often unreconcilable with one another. A comparison with super-directive arrays is also made, and an example is given of a possible practical application of the multiplicative array in an underwater echo-ranging system using electronic sector scanning. List of Symbols G X d bearing angle. wavelength in medium. spacing of elements.
dx /
spacing of groups. length of array. nl . = sm This is used in dealing with continuous arrays or apertures.
nd . = -7- sin
= (rii + th) number of elements. n DF directivity factor. NF noise factor. R signal /noise voltage ratio. RF rejection factor.
signal/interference ratio in medium. s D0(p) normalized directional function. Dx(p); D2(p) ditto for groups of elements. Dm(p) ditto for complete multiplicative system.
1. Introduction
The principle of multiplying together the outputs from two receivers (e.g. radio aerials or electro-acoustic transducers) is well known; its applications include, for example, radio astronomy. Several papers1-2> 3 have discussed some aspects of the subject, but no treatment of the problems of synthesis of directional patterns of multiplicative arrays appears to have been published. The present paper is intended to give a fairly general treatment of the design and properties of multiplicative arrays when used to receive coherent tone or narrow-band noise signals.
t Manuscript received 15th April 1958. Publication delayed at the authors' request pending security clearance. (Paper No. 506.) J Electrical Engineering Department, University of Birmingham. U.D.C. No. 621.396.677
Journal Brll.i.R.E. F
The system considered in this paper is that in which a line array of point receivers, or alternatively a continuous aperture or transducer divided into equal sections, is divided into two groups of elements and the combined output of one group is multiplied by the combined output of the other. Following multiplication the output signals are smoothed so that addition frequencies are removed and the required signal, for any particular direction of signal incidence, is uni-directional or, more briefly, "d.e." The circumstances in which it may be advantageous to use the multiplicative array instead of the ordinary additive kind are very varied, and it is not the object of the present paper to discuss them. Nevertheless the performance of multiplicative arrays will be at all
stages compared with the best that can be obtained with additive arrays, so that the problem of assessing the relative merits in any particular practical circumstances will not be difficult. Since the synthesis of directional patterns of multiplicative arrays is to be discussed, it must be mentioned that use will be made of two methods which are well known in their application to ordinary linear arrays; one is the method of suitable location of zeros on the angular scale, published by Schelkunoff4, and the other is that of superposition of basic patterns, published by Woodward5 and further discussed by one of the present authors6. By the use of these methods directional patterns can be obtained for linear arrays which have advantages over that of the plain linear array with all its elements of equal sensitivity. A practical way in which the array is made to give these patterns is the variation of the sensitivity of the elements over the length of the array. The relation between sensitivity and position in the array is often called the "taper function." This will, in general, be a complex function in the sense that additional phase-shifts or even complete phase reversals may be applied to the output of the elements before they are finally added together. A manifestation of improvement in the directional pattern may be a reduction in the magnitude of secondary lobes, or the narrowing of the main beam, or both. When both these improvements are obtained together, the array usually becomes "super-directive"7; the meaning and significance of this will be discussed in Sect. 7. It is found that any improvement in the directional pattern, as compared with that of the plain uniform linear array, is accompanied by the degradation of the noise factor of the array. The term "noise factor" was introduced by one of the authors3 as a convenient parameter for the comparison of the noise performance of various types of array. It is denned as the worsening of signal-to-noise ratio in the output of the array relative to the signal-to-noise ratio obtained when the same signal and noise are received on a plain uniform linear array. The noise concerned is defined as any noise which is uncorrelated between one element or section of the array and all the others. A more detailed discussion of this is given in Sect. 6.2.
It will now be shown that improved directional patterns can be obtained by multiplying together the outputs from two groups of elements, and processes of synthesis are applied which are developments of those, mentioned above, which are normally used with ordinary linear arrays. It is found that the signal-to-noise performance of such a system, although inferior to that of a plain array, nevertheless compares favourably with that obtained if the principle of superdirectivity is applied to the array to obtain a comparable beam width. The way in which the multiplicative principle can be applied to obtain higher angular accuracy in detection, in an acoustic echo-ranging system using electronic sector-scanning, is shown in Appendix 3. 2. Directional Patterns of Multiplicative Arrays in terms of Suitable Location of Zeros In this section it will be assumed that the array is made up of uniformly spaced point receivers of equal sensitivity. If, in fact, the array is really continuous, but divided into sections, the final results may be easily adjusted to take account of this by multiplying the directional patterns by the directional pattern of one section of the array. The more general case, in which the elements are not of equal sensitivity, is considered in Appendix 2.
Fig. 1. Diagram representing an array of equallyspaced elements, divided into two groups.
Figure 1 represents a uniform array of n equally-spaced point elements, divided into two groups containing rh and th elements respectively, so that n = n1 + n2. The spacing between adjacent elements is d and the distance between the centres of the two groups is dx.
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MULTIPLICATIVE The directional patterns of the two groups, expressed in terms of the parameter p = sin 6 are proportional to the functions sin
Dip) =
no overlapping of the groups, /i1 + 2 = and q = n. Thus, for non-overlapping groups, 1 . . x / sin rtip \ f sm (n - n^p Dm(p) = :-=-- T . . y cos np \ nx sin p) \_(n-n{)sm p J (6) The two parameters controlling Dm(p) are (a) the total number of elements (b) the number of elements in one of the groups. The design of multiplier arrays can be approached by making use of a theorem which applies to each of its constituent arrays. Theorem The directivity pattern of an array with a finite number of elements, expressed as a function of p, is completely defined by the positions of the zeros of this function in the complex plane of p within each repetition period of the pattern. A proof of this theorem, in the general case, is given in Appendix 2 but, in the particular case of a uniform additive array, it is evident that \D(p)\ is equal to unity when p = 0 and passes through points spaced equally along the p axis at intervals of n/n. There are (n - 1) such zero points in the interval between p = 0 and p = n and the pattern is then repeated in the interval up to p = In, and so on.
;r COS
The first term of the right-hand expression can be removed by filtration leaving only a term representing a "d.c." voltage which is proportional to the product of the amplitudes of the inputs and to the cosine of the phase angle between them. The phase of the output from each group of elements will be the same as that from an element situated at the centre of the group concerned or will differ from it by n radians. The phase difference between the outputs, due to the separation of the centres of the groups, will be sin G 2rfx (4)
If the array is divided into two groups and the multiplicative principle applied, the directivity The modulus of the directional function after pattern will therefore have, from the two multiplication is then proportional to polynomials relating to its component groups, a total of (nx - l) + (/2o - 1) = ( - 2) zeros. This , ~ , v / sin n^p \ I sin np \ /c Dm(p)=[ ^ r-^ ) cos pq (5) is one less than the number available for a \! smpj\rto sm pj . simple array. If both the groups of elements are uniform (i.e. if all the elements have identical where q jsensitivities), the zeros of one group will be This expression f remains valid if (n1 + n2) lies spaced equally along the p axis at intervals of between n and In, i.e. if the groups overlap so rc/rt! and those of the other group will be spaced that some of the elements are shared between at intervals of n/rh. The directional function them. It can be shown however that an arrange- given by eqn. (6) also contains the factor cos ment of this type is unsatisfactory from noise np which introduces a further n zeros into the considerations. Assuming therefore that there is function D(p) in the interval between /; = 0 and
p = Jt.
t At this stage the directivity pattern is assumed to be simply a plot of the modulus of the total output of the system against the parameter p as a point signal source moves at a constant distance (very large compared with the length of the array) from the array. The exact significance of the directivity pattern will be discussed in Sect. 6.3.
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It can be concluded therefore that a uniform multiplicative array with nx + n>2 = n elements will have a directional pattern with (n - 2 + n) = 2(n - 1) zeros instead of the (n - 1) which would be available for a simple /i-element array. 371
the values of ^ and th. A uniform multiplicative array with non-overlapping groups thus provides a choice of as many directional patterns as there are ways of arranging the grouping. As an example, Fig. 2 shows curves of the directional function for the various possible multiplicative arrangements of uniform 5element and 9-element arrays. It will be noted that the width (between zeros on the " p " scale) of the main lobe is determined in each case by the cos np factor so that it is just half that of the corresponding simple array. Although, as illustrated by these examples, the smallest adjacent secondary lobe is generally obtained when one of the groups contains one element only, the choice of grouping is not critical, particularly if alternate lobes of the pattern are rendered ineffective by the device described in Sect. 5. Apart from the directional pattern, the
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Of these zeros, n have their locations fixed by the number of elements and the locations of the remainder are fixed by the grouping, i.e. by
MULTIPLICATIVE final choice may be influenced to some extent by the signal/noise considerations discussed in Sect. 6. 3. Deflection of the Multiplicative Beam by means of Phase-Shifters It was shown in Section 2, eqn. (5), that the directional pattern of a uniform multiplicative array is made up of three factors; these are the directional patterns of the two portions of the array and the interference term cos np. If, therefore, it is desired to deflect the main lobe, or beam, of the composite pattern by electronic means, it is necessary to deflect all three constituents by means of suitable phase-shifters. The deflection of the individual patterns of the two parts of the array is simply effected by connecting each element to a corresponding tapping point of one of two uniformly-tapped delay lines6, the output from each delay line forming one of the inputs to the multiplier; the deflection of the interference pattern is easily effected by connecting a phase-shifter in the input to the multiplier circuit on one side or the other. When all these phasing arrangements are correctly made, the whole directional pattern of the multiplicative array is moved bodily along the p-scale. A small amount of deflection of the pattern can be obtained more simply merely by the use of a single phase-shifter on one side of the multiplier inputthis deflects the cos np term and if the shift in the p-scale is much less than n radians, the distortion of the pattern due to the other two factors remaining stationary will not be serious for most purposes. If the added phase-shift is increased to J C radiansi.e. the polarity of one input is reversed, then the pattern merely returns to its original form and position, but with its polarity reversed. 4. Synthesis of Directional Patterns of Multiplicative Arrays by Superimposition of Basic Patterns As stated earlier, a well-known alternative method of synthesis of directional patterns of ordinary arrays is the superposition of a number of patterns all of the same shape, namely, that derived from the plain uniform linear array, but deflected to various positions in the angular scale. This method is most simply applied to
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arrays of continuous form in which the basic pattern is of the (sin JC)/JC type. Allowance for non-continuous form can then readily be made. This method of synthesis has advantages and disadvantages as compared with the zero method previously described. Unless it is made very complicated, it requires uniformly spaced zeros on the x-scale, but on the other hand its results are much more directly obtained, since the synthesis is done directly in terms of pattern and not by means of a mathematical process. This principle of superposition of basic patterns can be applied to multiplicative patterns most conveniently where the basic pattern used is that obtained from the multiplication of the outputs of two halves of the array. The directional pattern is then given by
As can be seen from Figs. 2 and 3, the pattern obtained from this arrangement has the peculiar
feature that the first secondary lobe has the same width between zeros as the main lobe. It is therefore clear that additional patterns, one deflected by an angle + together with another deflected by an angle -n, each of peak amplitude - 040 can be used to give an approximate cancellation of the major secondary lobes of the original pattern | . The resultant directional pattern is shown in Fig. 3 and will be seen to be of a much better shape,
t It must be appreciated that this method of synthesis, while similar to that used for ordinary arrays, lacks many of the advantages of the latter; in particular the amplitude of the main peak is not unaffected by the superposition of the additional patterns, and the physical realization is complicated.
especially as the largest secondary lobes are now well-removed from the proximity of the main beam. In any case, superposition of additional patterns could reduce these too. Other patterns could be synthesized by an extension of the principle. The way in which the individual patterns can be realized has been discussed in the previous section. Three sets of separate connections do not, however, have to be taken from the elements of the arraytwo sets are sufficient; one is used to feed multiplier circuit no. 1 directly, and the other to tap on to a pair of delay lines, one for each half of the array. The outputs of the left-hand ends of the delay-lines are taken to multiplier no. 2, which has a phase-shifter inserted in one of its inputs; the outputs of the right-hand ends of the delay-lines are taken to multiplier no. 3, which has a similar phaseshifter inserted in the input opposite to that used in multiplier no. 2. The outputs of the three multipliers are then added together. It is clear the process is somewhat complicated, and unlikely to prove attractive in many practical applications. 5. Rectification of Multiplier Output The multiplicative system has a further advantage over a plain linear array which may not be immediately apparent. The directional pattern of the latter represents the amplitude of the carrier signal, and reversal of polarity of the pattern signifies a reversal of carrier phase. The rectifier which must be used to extract the envelope is not affected by the phase of the carrier and so is unable to discriminate between lobes of different polarity. In the multiplicative system however, the polarity of the "d.c." signal after filtration depends on the sign of cos np and also on the signs of the outputs from the two groups of elements. The sign of cos np reverses each time its modulus passes through zero. Furthermore, the output of each group, represented by the modulus of a function such sin riip as ni sin p , suffers a phase jump of n radians at each of its zeros. It can be seen therefore that the sign of the "d.c." output will reverse at each zero of the complete function D(p), whether the zero happens to be due to one of the groups or to the cos np factor. This simply means that,
provided none of the zeros are coincident, the signs will alternate for successive lobes. At a double zero there will be no reversal of sign; an example of a double zero occurs at n/2 when n, = 4 and n, = 1. (See Fig. 2(a)). This alternation of sign from lobe to lobe suggests a simple method of suppressing at least some of the unwanted subsidiary lobes of the pattern merely by arranging that the receiver unit will respond only to unidirectional voltages. A rectifier can be used if necessary to effect this. It can easily be seen from Fig. 2 how great is the improvement in directivity obtained by suppression of negative lobes of the pattern in this way. The removal of secondary lobes by this process may not often be of real value, however, for one of the big advantages of the multiplier namely, that only correlated signal gives a d.c. output, uncorrelated noise giving only lost by the use of a rectifier, which, of course, produces d.c. from the" noise. 6. Noise Factor and its significance with regard to Directional Patterns Previous sections of this paper have considered the way in which particular patterns have been obtained in the graph of output signal versus direction. When the practical problem is to obtain the most accurate delineation of a single target or to make the most accurate measurement of its direction, then the question of the narrowness of the beam is of prime importance. When weak signals have to be detected, however, when adjacent targets have to be resolved, or when for some reason there is a strong background, then the question of discrimination against noise (and other coherent signals) is of greatest importance, and quite different factors enter into consideration. It was shown in ref. 3 that, for additive linear arrays (i.e. ordinary arrays) of length at least several wavelengths, the "directivity factor," DF, which leads to the well-known "directivity index" of 10 log10(DF). is related to the noise factor, NF, thus: DF = K/(NFf (8)
voltages, each of which is accompanied by uncorrelated noise, results in a r.m.s. signal/ noise ratio R (defined as the ratio of d.c. to a.c.) where
where D(0) is the directional pattern expressed as a function of 0, instead of x, and D(0) is its value when 6 = 0. Noise factor is defined as the signal/noise ratio of a plain linear away divided by that of the array being considered, both arrays being made up from the same elements, having the same overall length, and having the same received signal. Thus, for such arrays, the better the noise factor, the better is the directivity factor, which is clearly better for narrower beams and smaller secondary lobes. So, in these cases, there is no conflict between directional pattern (as interpreted by DF) and noise factor. It was also shown in ref. 3, however, as also in more general form below, that multiplicative arrays have a poorer noise factor than the plain linear array in spite of the narrower beam in the directional pattern. The multiplier in which two halves of the array are used gives, for example, a noise factor of 3 db. The reason why noise factor and directional pattern appear to diverge as performance criteria in multiplicative arrays is that when noise is received as well as the signal, the multiplication introduces crossproducts of noise and signali.e. the process is no longer linear. The analysis of noise factor for uniform multiplicative arrays is given below. The assumption made is that the noise is uncorrelated between the two groups of the array. The significance of this assumption is analysed in Section 6.2, but for now it may be said that the noise, by this assumption, includes thermalagitation noise arising in the dissipation resistance of the array elements and elsewhere and also, when the array is long compared with the wavelength, it includes noise arising in the medium if it is of uniform distribution. 6.1. Calculation of noise factor Consider the effect of uncorrelated background noise on the reception of a single coherent signal. It can be shown (see Appendix) that multiplying together two coherent signal
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and jRj and R2 are respectively the r.m.s. signal/ noise ratios of the two inputs. Often /?! and R2 will be sufficiently large for this to be taken as .(11) 1. Suppose that all the elements of the array have the same sensitivity and that the background noise is completely uncorrelated. Let Ro denote the r.m.s. signal/noise ratio for each element. For a group of nx elements, the signal output will be increased nx times but the noise output only \/i times, so that the signal/noise ratio becomes R0*/rii. Applying eqn. (11) it is seen that the resultant signal/noise ratio of the system will be R, where where
Thus the noise factor of the multiplier system, i.e. the ratio of the signal/noise ratio of the plain array to that of the new system, is
.(13) 1+ ~ + 2 \ i i
Figure 4 shows the noise factor plotted as a function of the ratio n^jn^ assuming R? + R22 > 1 as explained above. It is clear that the noise factor is at least s/2 and becomes progressively greater as the ratio between the numbers of elements in the two groups is increased. As far as uncorrelated noise is concerned, the ideal condition would appear to be that in which the two groups are as nearly as possible equal. The noise factor tends to a minimum as (ni/n-j) approaches unity and, at the other
which tends to \/(n/2) when n is large. Thus, when rh = 1, the noise factor becomes progressively worse as the number of elements
Consider first the rth noise source, and let Dw and D2r be the directional response of each part of the array in this particular direction. Assume the frequency spectrum of the noise sources is very narrow, so that xr may be considered the same for all frequency components; let the upper and lower limits of the frequency, coa, be Wi and co2. Then the rth source may be considered to give an output from one group of rhDlr y^Vra cos (oy +arq + x/r)
The correlation factor between the two outputs, allowing for all the noise sources in the range of 0 from - n to +n, i.e. from x' = x' = H^ , is readily shown to be
in the array is increased. (This assumes that the intrinsic signal/noise ratio of each element is kept constant.) The reason for this is clear: the signal plus noise of the single-element array is always one of the factors multiplied, and the output signal/noise ratio cannot be better than that of one element. 6.2. Types of noise for which the Noise Factor is valid It is clear that the noise allowed for in the calculation of noise factor includes thermalagitation noise arising in the dissipation resistance of the elements of the array. The calculations will also be valid in respect of noise arising in the medium if this produces uncorrelated waveforms in the outputs of the two groups of the array. We assume for simplification that the noise originates in uncorrelated sources in a plane containing the length of the array; they are of equal mean power, spaced uniformly on the *-scale but confined to real angles and at a constant large distance from the array. Let the directional functions of the two groups of elements be Di(x') and D2(x') respectively. The centres of the groups are dx apart, and , dx x
X = rP = -z-
^ to
where the summation includes all values of r; and if the sources are infinitesimal, with their number tending to infinity, then we may write J D,(jt') ') D2(x') cos 2x' dx'
P =
J \ j [Di(x')?dx'~j [J
(18) We are concerned with the conditions which make p = 0, and therefore with the conditions which make the numerator zero. The easiest case to consider is when each group of the array is merely a single point receiver, having DiX) uniform throughout the range of integration. Here p will be zero when the range comprises an integral number of cycles of 2x', but will in any event approach zero if d-^fk -> oo. Provided
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MULTIPLICATIVE D{x') varies but little over each cycle of 2x\ these conditions will still largely apply. In the other limit, when the array is continuous, and the two groups are equal, then D{x') will have a beamwidth (between zeros) of only 2n on the x'-scale, but here the integral in the numerator of p quickly approaches zero as dx is increased and becomes much smaller than the denominator, since D{x') = and sin x
6.3. Significance of directional patterns In Sect. 2 it was shown that the use of a multiplicative system leads to a considerable improvement of the directional pattern as compared with that for a corresponding simple array with the same dimensions. It has already been pointed out however, that although the directional pattern and its associated directivity factor give a practical measure of the directional properties of an additive array, this is not necessarily the case when a multiplicative process is used.
Consider, for example, the effect of a coherent interfering signal which may be assumed to originate in a distant point source on a bearing differing from that of the wanted signal source, which is assumed to be on the normal axis. Suppose that the signal /interwhich can be seen to be very small if dxj^ > 1, ference ratio in the medium, at the array, is l/s and approaches zero as d 1 ^ -> oo, since on sub- and that the ordinates (corresponding to the stituting y 2x' bearing of the unwanted signal) of the directional patterns of the two groups of elements + +X3 +OD 8 7 fsin2y d y =TsinV are Dx and Z>2 respectively. The outputs from 2 f sin 2s the two groups will be proportional to
J W ** =J 7~
J ~w
shown in Fig. 5.
where w, is the frequency of the interfering signal and 0X and 0 2 represent the phase differences, in the medium, between the unwanted and.wanted signals at the centres of the respective groups. After multiplication and filtration, the output will be proportional to I+s 2 D 1 D 2 cos (0, - 0 2 ) +
+ SD^ COS [(co, - m)t + 0 3 ] +sD2 COS [(cOj - a>)t + 0 2 ]
Fig. 5. Correlation of uniformly-distributed noise arising in the medium, between the two halves of a continuous array, plotted against the distance dx between centres.
It thus appears that the Noise Factor of a multiplicative array is a reasonable measure of its directional discriminaton against noise which is of uniform angular distribution in the medium provided the length of the array is several wavelengths. In these circumstances the main response of each half of the array (unless it is made up of point receivers) is confined to a range of angles where sin 0 ^ 0 and so x' is proportional to 0. The assumption of uniform distribution of noise in the x'-scale as opposed to the 0-scale then .causes no difficulty.
In this expression the first two terms represent the anticipated "d.c." signal and interference outputs respectively, the ratio between them being given by s?Djy2 cos (0j - 02)
= ^DrD.cospq = &Dm (24)
where Dm is the appropriate ordinate of the directional function of the multiplicative array.
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It Is evident therefore that the true signal/ interference ratio of the system, for the type of interference under consideration, cannot be derived from the directional pattern unless the effect of the third and fourth terms in the above expression (ije. the effect of intermodulation between wanted and unwanted signals) can be made negligible. Provided the "difference" frequency (h - m) is above the highest modulation frequency of the signal, this can be achieved quite simply by filtration. The worst case will occur when the wanted and unwanted signals are at exactly the same frequency, the output then being proportional to 1 + sDx cos 0T + sD2 cos 0, + r D, cos pq (25) It is convenient here to introduce what will be termed the "Rejection Factor," denned as the ratio between the output signal/interference ratios for the new array and the original simple array, respectively. The rejection factor will, of course, be a function of p and may be expressed in the form .(26) 2 cos 0 2 +sD m cos where Do and Dm are the ordinates, expressed as functions of p , of the normalized directional patterns of the simple and multiplicative arrays, respectively. The values of 0! and 0, are unknown even O = OJ1 and they will effectively vary with when C time if co and at differ slightly; but the minimum value which the rejection factor can have for any particular bearing angle is given by I 00 (27) RF =
the two groups of the multiplicative system. The two extreme cases will be considered represented respectively by .. = 1 and nx = n = n/2. In the former case, the quantity under discussion will be given by -which will tend to J 1 n sin p sin np (29)
= i
P n .(30) cos The general forms of (29) and (30), plotted as functions of p. are shown in Fig. 6 (calculated in this case for n = 9). This leads to the conclusion that, as far as rejection of a low-level interfering signal on a bearing adjacent to the main
n Y
I, nsinp
, 1 1 2 "I
Fig. 6. Curves relating to the variation of the minimum rejection factor of a multiplicative array with the bearing of the interfering signal (see sect. 6.3).
It can be seen from this expression that except for values of p for which Dl and D2 vanish simultaneously, the minimum rejection factor will be given approximately, for small values of s, by .(28) It is obviously desirable to keep this minimum value of RF as large as possible and it is therefore of interest to consider how it is likely to depend on the relative numbers of elements in
lobe of the directional pattern of the multiplicative array is concerned, the ratio of nx to n> does not appear to be important, the minimum rejection factor then being approximately %. If the bearing of the interfering signal is well outside the main lobe however, the best results will be obtained when the array is divided into two equal groups. Suppose now that the interfering signal is at a relatively high level so that, from eqn. (27),
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except at values of p for which |D m | approaches zero. (At these points, s\Dm\ can be neglected and the conditions will be the same as those discussed above for small values of s.) It will be noted that the minimum rejection factor is now approximately proportional to \D
arrays are suitable, at least in principle; an example of how they may be applied to an echo-ranging system with electronic sectorscanning is shown in Appendix 3. In comparing the signal/noise properties of the two types of array, it must be remembered that the superdirective array is an additive type so that its ability to reject interfering signals and noise arising in the medium is given directly by its directional pattern and its rejection of uncorrelated background noise, i.e. mainly noise arising in the array itself, is characterized by its noise factor. For the multiplicative array however, it has been shown that the directional pattern may be misleading as far as single-signal rejection is concerned; and the noise factor, although giving an approximate measure of the rejection of background noise can be applied only to arrays which are several wavelengths long, when the noise concerned arises in the medium. The signal/noise problem is evidently very complex but, nevertheless, some useful general conclusions can be reached. For example, it is clear that the multiplicative system offers no advantages if it is necessary to discriminate between a wanted signal and one or more coherent interfering signals, or noise, at the same or nearly the same frequency but approaching the array on different bearings. For background noise arising in the array itself however, where the noise factors can be used as a basis for comparison, it will almost certainly be found that the multiplicative array will have a better noise factor than a superdirective arrangement giving the same beam width. This is illustrated in Fig. 7, where the directional response of a multiplicative array, in which the outputs from two equal portions of a continuous array are multiplied together, is compared with the superdirective response of very similar characteristics which was given and discussed in a previous paper.7 Since the superdirective array has a large response for |.x| greater than n, it has to be assumed that its physical length must not exceed one wavelength. No such restriction attaches to the multiplicative array. The noise factor of the latter is only 3 db (for high input signal/noise ratios) whereas that of the superdirective array is 20 5 db.
as would have been expected from the directional patterns, but that it is also proportional to 1/51. This is due of course to the fact that the interfering signal has an effect on the multiplicative system which is proportional to the square of its amplitude and not directly proportional as for the plain array. Thus, when s exceeds unity, any apparent advantage due to the narrower beam width of the multiplicative directional pattern is likely to be outweighed by the "square-law" behaviour of the system with respect to the level of the interfering signal. 7. Comparison of Multiplicative and Superdirective Arrays Although a multiplicative array is "superdirective" in the sense that it has a directional pattern with a narrower main beam than that of the plain uniform linear array, this term is generally reserved for linear additive arrays in which the sensitivity is not uniform over the array but follows an oscillatory "taper function." A superdirective array obtains its improved directional pattern at the expense of substantial response in the range of complex angles, i.e. in the range of x corresponding to |sin G| > 1. The consequence of this is that the superdirective array can be designed only after its length has been determined, since the range of x corresponding to real values of 0 is dependent on this factor. In the multiplicative array, on the other hand, the narrowing of the main beam is obtained without any substantial response in angular ranges remote from the main beam; consequently there is no restriction on the length and relative angular scale of such an array. It is clear immediately that, while superdirective arrays are not practicable for beam scanning applications8, on the other hand, multiplicative
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TUCKER for multiplicative arrays. Discrimination against interfering coherent signals of similar frequency to the wanted signal is similarly determined by the directional pattern for all linear arrays, but not for multiplicative arrays, (iii) the more recently-introduced Noise Factor, based on a consideration of signal/ noise ratio on each portion of the array, measures the performance of all arrays in respect to noise arising in the dissipation resistance of the array itself; and it also measures the signal/noise discrimination of multiplicative and linear (non-superdirective) arrays in respect to noise arising in the medium, providing the arrays are at least several wavelengths long. (iv) For linear (non-superdirective) arrays of at least several wavelengths, the directional pattern, the Directivity Factor, and the Noise Factor are all precisely related, and all features of performance can therefore be related to the directional pattern. For superdirective arrays, angular variation of signal and discrimination against interference arising in the medium are both defined by the directional pattern, but for noise arising in the array itself the Noise Factor must be used. For multiplicative arrays, only angular variation of signal is defined by the directional pattern. Discrimination against other coherent signals arising in the medium requires special analysis, and discrimination against uniformly-distributed noise arising in the medium is measured by the Noise Factor if the array is at least several wavelengths long. Discrimination against noise arising in the array itself is measured by the Noise Factor whatever the length of the array. (v) The multiplicative array gives a directional pattern with a main beam of half the width of that of an ordinary linear array with uniform and equi-phase sensitivity. A similar reduction of beamwidth can also be given by a superdirecttive array but with poorer noise factor although with better discrimination against interfering signals and noise arising in the medium.
This is of course only a particular example and must not be regarded as a general case. The improvement of superdirective patterns can in principle be taken to much greater lengths than can that of multiplicative patterns. It must, however, not be overlooked that, as pointed out in previous papers 5 - 7 , the price paid for superdirectivity in terms of practical difficulty is very great. 8. Conclusions A general analysis of the properties of multiplicative receiving arrays, with coherent-tone signals, has been carried out, and two methods of synthesis of desired directional patterns have been described. The discrimination of such arrays against interfering coherent-tones and against narrow-band noise which is uncorrelated between the two portions of the array has been examined and the results compared with those given by linear additive arrays. The main conclusions are (i) the directional patterns of linear arrays (non-superdirective), of multiplicative arrays, and of superdirective linear arrays always indicate the variation of output signal strength (received from a remote point source) as the array is rotated, assuming background interference is negligible. (ii) the well-established Directivity Factor, based on the directional pattern, measures the signal/noise performance of all linear arrays (whether superdirective or not) as far as uniformly distributed narrow-band" noise, arising in the medium, is concerned. It is meaningless
Journal Brit.I.RJZ;
M. Ryle, "A new radio interferometer and its application to the observation of weak radio stars," Proc. Roy. Soc, A., 211, p. 351, 1952. 2. D. G. Tucker, "Signal/noise performance of multiplier and addition types of detector," I.E.E. Monograph No. 120R, February, 1955. 3. D. G. Tucker, "The signal /noise performance of electro-acoustic strip arrays," Acustica, 8, p. 53, 1958. . 4. S. A. Schelkunoff, "A mathematical theory of linear arrays," Bell Syst. Tech. J., 22, p. 80, 1943. 5. P. M. Woodward, "A method of calculating the field over a plane aperture required to produce a given polar diagram," /. Instn Elect. Engrs, 93, IIIA, p. 1554, 1946. 6. D. G. Tucker, "Some aspects of the design of strip arrays," Acustica, 6, p. 403, 1956. 7. D. G. Tucker, "The signal/noise performance of superdirective arrays," Acustica, 8, p. 112, 1958. 8. D. G. Tucker, V. G. Welsby and R. Kendell, '"Electronic sector scanning; the rapid swinging of an acoustic beam across a sector by electronic means and its application to echo-ranging systems," /. Brit.l.R.E., 18, p. 465, August 1958. 9. A. Berman and C. S. Clay, "Theory of timeaveraged-product arrays," J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., 29, p. 805, 1957. 1.
10. Appendix 1: Effect of multiplication on signal/uncorrelatednoise ratio The method and symbols used are exactly the same as those used by Tucker, (reference 2; Appendix 6.1), except that the signal/noise ratios of the two inputs will now be assumed to be unequal. It is evident that the r.m.s. noise output will be given by
11. Appendix 2: Theory of non-uniform multiplicative arrays The proof of the theorem stated in Sect. 2 of the paper follows from the fact that the modulus of the output of an n-element additive array is proportional to that of the following function4 + . . .Y n -ie 2i(n - 1)p (34) 2jp This is a polynomial in the variable e with complex coefficients Yi, Y2, etc. Since it is of the in- l)th degree, it will have in- 1) zeros and, apart from a numerical factor, its modulus will be defined completely by the values of e2jp at which these zeros occur; i.e. by (n- 1) values of p, within each half-period of the function, for which the latter is zero. In the perfectly general case, where an array has a random distribution of sensitivities among its elements, some or all of the in - 1) zeros may occur for complex values of p. (A complex value of p cannot correspond to any physical value of 0 and is, of course, simply a mathematical abstraction introduced for the purposes of analysis). In a directional system, where the problem is to obtain a pattern with a narrow major lobe and small minor lobes, it is usually found that the best results are obtained when the pattern is symmetrical about p = 0 and when the largest possible number of non-coincident zeros occur for real values of p; i.e. when D(p) is a real function whose graph oscillates about the paxis, cutting it at (n- 1) points in the interval between p = 0 and p = n.
Before proceeding to a study of the effect of multiplication it will be convenient to normalize the directional function of each group by expressing its output in terms of the output of a 2 instead of -jz'^[2nx hypothetical element, of unit sensitivity, located at the geometric centre of the group and then The input signal/noise ratios i? : and R2 are adjusting the magnitude of the resulting funcgiven by tion so that its modulus is unity when p = 0. Rx = s/nx* and R2 = s/ny2 In general, the total output from the group and the output signal/noise ratio R will thus be will not be in phase with that from the reference element so that Dip) will be complex. Dip) = \D(p)\[0(p) (35) Equation (6) in Sect. 2 of the paper will now have to be replaced by = Ri[_i R* \Dm(p)\ R1R2 . \D,ip)\ . cos [np + 0,ip)~ 0,(p)] (33) (36)
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where Dx{p) and 0^) refer to one group and D2(p) and 02(p) to the other. The (n - 2) zeros produced by the Dx{p) and D2(p) terms may be chosen arbitrarily and may even occur for complex values of p. Furthermore, this may be done without specifying the way in which the array is to be sub-divided into groups; in other words, there will be as many choices of distributions of element values for a given arrangement of the (n - 2) zeros as there are choices of grouping (for non-overlapping groups). Each of these choices corresponds to a different arrangement of the zeros produced by the term cos[np + 0x{p) - &>(p)]. It is finally concluded therefore that (n - 2) zeros may be chosen arbitrarily and there is then a further choice otn/2 (for n even) or (n - l)/2 (for n odd) predetermined ways in which the remaining zeros can be placed. It must be emphasized that the multiplication principle does not provide as many additional degrees of freedom for the directional pattern as might appear from the number of zeros in its repetition interval. What it does do is to produce patterns which have more zeros than that of the additive array and which can be made to have generally narrower major lobes.
array does not necessarily have a unique value of noise factor associated with a given directional pattern. This is a point which would have to be taken into account when choosing the optimum design to fulfil given requirements. 12. Appendix 3 : Application of the multiplicative principle to an acoustic underwater echo-ranging system with electronic sector-scanning The multiplicative principle can be applied without difficulty to the method of electronic sector scanning in an echo-ranging system which was described in a recent paper in /. Brit.I.R.E.8 It was explained in Section 3 of the present paper that deflection of the multiplicative beam requires the use of a delay line for each half of the array together with a phase-shifter in one input to the multiplier. In order to obtain
S - u ( a ) jfc.
It can be shown that, if all the zeros of the pattern of an additive array are to occur for real values of p and, furthermore, if the pattern is to be symmetrical with respect to p 0, then Dip) must necessarily be real. Under these conditions 0i(p) and 02(p) are both zero and \Dm(p)\ = Dip) . DJip) cos np (37) In this case the (n - 2) zeros produced by the groups themselves can be chosen arbitrarily, provided their positions are symmetrically disposed with respect to p = 0, but the n zeros produced, by the cosine term are fixed, irrespective of the grouping. It is interesting to note that a chosen arrangement of the (n-2) zeros may be realized in several different ways, depending on which particular zeros are allocated to each group. Since the noise factor of each group depends on the relative values of the sensitivities of the elements within the group, and since the noise factor of the whole system depends on the values of (rtx/n) and (n,/n), (see Sect. 6.1 of the paper), it can be seen that a non-uniform multiplicative
Fig. 8. Echo-ranging system with multiplicative receiver and electronic sector scanning. (Compare with Fig. 9 of reference 8.)
sector-scanning, rapid beam swinging is produced, by sweeping the frequency of the signal applied to the delay lines and phase-shifter, which have characteristics such that different deflection angles are obtained at different frequencies. The block schematic of a multiplicative version of the sector-scanning system described in Fig. 9 of the previous paper is shown in Fig. 8. For a given length of array, this version will enable the angular accuracy of location of a target to be doubled at the expense of worse discrimination against unwanted signals and noise, and correspondingly reduced range of initial detection.
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