Scale-Based Clustering The Radial Basis Function: Network
Scale-Based Clustering The Radial Basis Function: Network
Scale-Based Clustering The Radial Basis Function: Network
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes in brief the scale-based clustering scheme
presented in [Won93]. In Section 3 it is shown how
the analysis of Section 2 can be applied to the RBFN
caae. Accordingly, a way of performing scale-based
clustering using RBFN is suggested. An experimental study of this technique is presented in Section 4.
A detailed discussion of the present technique and
its possible extension to approximation tasks using
RBFN, is given in the final section.
Wong took a new approach to multi-scale clustering based on the theory of statistical mechanics and
bifurcation theory [Won93]. This approach allows
one to consider one cluster at a time. The cost e(z),
for associating a datum I with a cluster C, whose
center is y, is defined as,
Let P ( z ) denote the Gibbs distribution for associating a datum z with C. Now, the entropy,
P ( z )=
We obtain,
In this section, the analysis presented in the previous section will be applied to 1ea.rniiig dynamics
of the RBFN. By pointing out a relat.ion between
the RBFN learning dynamics and Wongs clustering
procedure it will be shown how multi-scale clustering can be done using RBFN, with the width parameter playing the role of a sca.le pa.raineter.
The RBFN belongs to the general class of threelayered feedforward net,works. The output of t,he
ith output node, f i ( x ) ,when input. vect,or x is presented, is given by :
Since (6) cannot be solved directly for y, it is evaiuated iteratively by the following rule,
(C(t4- fi(xp))wij).
(t - f(xp))w.
We have investigated a way of performing scalebased clustering using the RBFN. To our knowledge
there is no instance where this network is used for
clustering data. This work can be viewed as an extension to our earlier study linking Kohonens SelfOrganizing Feature Map [Koh89], which is a clustering technique, and RBFN. Further, in the present
work, it is shown how the width parameter controls
the scale of the input space and how multi-scale clustering can be done.
Even though RBFN is a feedforward network t r a
ined by supervised learning procedures, our method
uses dummy target outputs and the network dynamics seems to belong to unsupervised learning
category. A distinct feature of this technique is
that the network is not used for its originally intended purpose viz., mapping multi-dimensional inputs onto multi-dimensional outputs. The architecture of RBFN is used in a novel way to accomplish
clustering tasks which a supervised feedforward network is not designed to do. Also, no apriori information is given regarding the number of clusters
present in the data.
It will be noted that the width parameter acquires
a new significance in our work. This parameter has
been largely neglected by RBFN studies in the past
for several reasons. In some of the early work which
popularized RBFNs, the label localized receptive
fields has been attached to these networks [MD89].
The intuitive idea that RBFNs approximate a function by combining several overlapping local fits to
the target function gained ground. Therefore, the
width is only allowed to be of the same scale as that
of the distance between centroids of neighboring receptive fields. Advantages of such a choice of width
are robustness of model, and stable and fast learning. On the other hand, the same feature requires
large-sized networks for approximating even simple
polynomial functions over a considerable measure of
the input space. Therefore, RBFNs are often better suited for interpolation than for extrapolation.
A study by Hoskins et al. [HLC93] shows that exploiting the scale-like characteristic of the width parameter solves the above difficulty t o some extent.
Our model not only shows how to perform clustering at different scales but, in the manner of [Won93],
prescribes a way of determining the appropriate scale
for clustering. Choosing the right scale must take
into consideration not only low cost criteria but also
issues pertaining to stability of the network model.
The question of stability exposes neural network
modeling to structural stability a.nd related issues.
A task for future is to achieve better generalization
on approximation tasks using RBFN.
The RBFN has several desirable features which
renders work with this model challenging. In contrast to the popular Multi-Layered Perceptron (MLP)
trained by backpropagation, RBFN is not conceptually opaque. For this reason training one layer
a t a time is possible without having to directly dea.1
with an all-containing cost function as in the case of
backpropagation. In another study, the present authors describe how Self-organized Feature Maps can
be constructed using RBFN, for l-D data [GC93].
The same study analytically proves that the map
generated by RBFN is identical to that obtained by
Kohonens procedure in a limiting situation. Work
is underway t o extend this technique for generating maps of higher dimensions. Relating RBFN t.0
other prominent neural network architectures has
obvious theoretical and practical interest. Unifying underlying features of various models brought.
out by the above-mentioned st*udies,is of theoretical importance. On the practical side, incorporating
several models in a single architecture is beneficial
for effective and efficient VLSI implementation.
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90 1
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