Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math
Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math
Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2 Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math
Kindergarten 2
MARCH 18 2013
Jesus Time
Jesus Blesses Children We will see how Jesus held the children and blessed them. Help us to bring Gods children to hear more about His love so that we can love others. I John 4:7 Love comes from God.
This week in Reading and Writing we will: Assessments Review sight words Review blends-final, initial Review writing concepts
This week in Math we will:
March 20, 28 Lenten Services 5pm, 7pm March 19 Funraiser (see green form in your childs folder) March 23 Easter for Kids (fill out the form online or the form sent home with your child) March 28 or 29 We will have an egg hunt. I will write words or sounds On the eggs for the children to read. if you have a small
Compare numerals more than, less than, the same Math assessments ABBC sound patterns Pay for items to 25 cents, trade 25 cents in nickels for a quarter Basic division
Jesus Changes Zacchaeus Life We will see that Jesus forgave Zacchaeus sins. God help us to forgive and speak kindly to those who have hurt us. I Timothy 1:15 Jesus came save sinners. The children will recite one of the two passages to me this week.
Music Studies/Science
Songs: Practice songs for singing in church March 29 2 pm Musician: Mozart, Hardyn P.E.
M, W: Iran , Review the continents and introduce the ocean names T, Th: Spring F: Scholastic News
Homework Monday: Read two stories Tuesday: Read two storiesClean and sort through toys, share or repair or recycle. Wednesday: Read two stories Thursday: Read two stories Play a game. Friday: Return folder. Chapel-Children are invited to bring money to be used to tell those who do not know Jesus. School Collects: Box Tops for Ed. Coca Cola caps