Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math
Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math
Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math
Jesus Time
Joseph Forgives His Brothers We have a God who lived a perfect life for us because we could not be perfect. We have a God who sent his Son from heaven to die for us because of our sin. That Son died and came back to life three days later to give us life eternal in heaven. What an amazing display of love. Out of love for the gracious gift, we can forgive others as Joseph forgave his brothers. When your child sins, help him or her say what they can do next time. Forgive
them. Help them to do this by forgiving others (spouse, friends, others) as God has forgiven them.
This week we will:
Write numeral 4 Order numerals 1-10 Identify missing numerals Talk fewest and most Tell some more (adding) stories with 4 Write the numeral 4 sort
October 8, 2012 Week 8
Songs: Songs, actions, words for the Fall Musical Introduction (K1-K2 on October 19 7 p.m.) Concepts: Rossini, music can move up or down Friday: Tap, slide, walk, and move to the beat
P.E. Please wear comfortable shoes for running.
Social Studies/Science
M, W: Travel to another
Collecting Calendar
Parent Homework Other
Keep an early bedtime Children can open up more and share their ideas when people play with them. Playing along with your child gives you an idea of what they have learned and their ideas or plans. Practice taking toys away from them to help them learn how to react
Review your childs homework. See the progress made since the beginning of the year. See what may need to be corrected and review one or two a day. Pick out a few items to compliment. Read two books to your child each night
in a verbal manner. We practice using our words in different situations to help them in play groups. Practicing with mom and dad help immensely.
Help your child learn how to make choices when playing with others. What do you say when a child says no I wont play with you? What choices can be made? We practiced those choices last week.
For the School: Place these items in the little wooden basket by the door. Box Tops for Educational Supplies Coke Rewards for School Freeze fresh marigold blossoms. Bring the frozen blooms the Monday, October 22.
October 8, 2012
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Helpful Hints
If it is difficult to unbutton pants when going to the bathroom, wear pants that can be pulled down. ********************************* Is Your Child Ready for. Violent movies, videos, and books Sexual Content in movies, videos, and TV shows Inappropriate Language Parents do a fine job of working to provide a wonderful home for their children. There is one part that can be hard in this society is the content of shows, books, and movies. What do you let your child absorb or be exposed to today? The question to raise is this. Would you give your child the full responsibility of earning the paycheck, paying the bills, planning for retirement and the like? can answer, Is Your Child Ready For. Since they are not ready to do those things yet, this is the time for them to focus on playing and developing their interests and talents. This is the time to teach them boundaries to get along with others, use their words, be creative, have fun, take on new challenges. Use their time for those items previously mentioned. It is ok to have your child wait until they are older to see or hear certain things. It is ok to even refrain from hearing or seeing certain things at all . Not everything is beneficial as a Christian. As your child grows and asks questions, talk about things in a general manner. If they need more information, they will let you know. Their minds are not ready for or even responsible for many things shown on TV, in movies . There are excellent resources to help you. Focus on the Family is one place to start to give you age appropriate material to share with your child.
The mind of a child is precious and a valuable commodity to you and to our Savior. The old song you sang as a child, Oh Be Careful Little Eyes what you see, Hands what you do, Ears what your hear, Feet where you go, Heart whom you love holds true for the question Is Your Child Ready For That
Family Games
Look for ways to tell a story with 4 objects. There are 4 racing cars. 1 car is green, 1 car is blue, and the other cars are red. 1+1+2=4 Find different ways to say 4. IV, cuatro, tsu, count four pennies, count 4 dollar bills, write 4:00, how else can you say 4? Trace 4 in the air, on a rough surface Jump 4 times then run/walk 4 blocks with mom or dad.
Books to Read
Play board games. Take time to talk about what you did as a child. ************************************** leader, be the provider, be the head of the home, ready to take chances, be adventuresome, take on challenges and learn to know the limits of others, princes of our God
Books to Read
Dr. Dobson Bringing Up Boys Bringing Up Girls
Both give parameters for raising emotionally healthy children who can become better able to:
Learning Guidelines
N- N Report Cards will be sent home soon. Remember the following items are meant to show where your child is going not how poorly they are doing. Writing Your child may be able to write letters to convey his or her thoughts. He or she may not put spaces between the words. The grade might be like this Developing Skill/Needs Practice N+ S- S Showing Progress /Keep Practicing S+ Mastered for a Kindergartener to Move to First Grade
October 8, 2012
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Apostles Lutheran School 5828 Santa Teresa Blvd. San Jose, CA 95123 School Phone: 408-578-4800 Miss S: School & Church: WELS (church group) website:
Calendar Items Friday, Oct. 12 Collaboration Day 11:45 a.m. dismissal Dads (family member) join us for playtime. 8:00-8:45 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 Wildlife Association Presentation for the children at school
Friday, Oct. 19 Nanny Goats Cute and Billy Goats Strong Skit 7 p.m. in Church Wednesday, Oct. 31 Half Day Dismissal at 11:45 Thursday-Friday November 1-2 NO SCHOOL TEACHER CONFERENCE IN ARIZONA
Monday: Review folder Tuesday: P.E. wear running shoes Wednesday: 9:30 Wildlife Associates Thursday: P.E. wear running shoes Friday: Return Folder