Bio Factsheet: Answering Exam Questions On Respiration
Bio Factsheet: Answering Exam Questions On Respiration
Bio Factsheet: Answering Exam Questions On Respiration
B io Factsheet
Number 172
A surprisingly large number of candidates thought that oxygen, carbon dioxide and water could be respiratory substrates. Candidates should note that mitochondria release energy during respiration rather than creating it. A common misconception is that water is used in respiration. It was not unusual to find candidates describing the passage of hydrogen or hydrogen ions down the electron transport chain. Respiration was often considered not to be necessary at rest;
Glucose v ATP
One mole of glucose releases 2880 kJ of energy when burned completely in oxygen. Hydrolysis of one mole of ATP to ADP and phosphate releases 31 kJ of energy. Thus, the small packets of energy released from ATP make it an ideal shortterm energy storage molecule. The process of respiration can occur with oxygen (aerobic) or without oxygen (anaerobic). Aerobic respiration releases a lot more ATP than anaerobic. In fact, for every glucose molecule which is broken down, aerobic respiration produces nineteen times as much ATP than anaerobic respiration.
Respiration is the process by which energy is released from organic molecules. The energy is then available for all the processes that need it in a living organism. The usual substrate (the organic substance from which energy is released) is glucose, although fats, amino acids and other substrates can be used if necessary. The energy which is released is stored - in the short term - in molecules of ATP.
Bio Factsheet
What Happens?
Glucose is converted to pyruvic acid. Hydrogen is removed and is passed to the electron carriers. Pyruvate enters mitochondrion, is decarboxylated, dehydrogenated and combines with coenzyme A to give acetyl coenzyme A. The hydrogen which is removed is passed to the electron carriers. A cyclical series of reactions during which hydrogen is passed to the electron carriers, carbon dioxide is removed and the starting reagents are regenerated. The hydrogen from glycolysis and Krebs cycle is split to release electrons. These pass through carriers and generate ATP. The hydrogen reforms and is combined with oxygen to release water.
Link Reaction
Matrix of Mitochondria
Krebs Cycle
Make sure that you can draw this out from memory in seconds!
Fig 1
Typical Questions:
1. Mark on the diagram one stage where ATP is used/produced. The initial conversion of glucose to triose phosphate actually uses ATP ironic, you might think, given that the whole point of respiration is to produce ATP. But the addition of phosphate to glucose (its phosphorylation) increases its reactivity, so making the first stage of glycolysis faster. ATP is produced in glycolysis, Krebs and the electron transfer chain (ETC). 2. The CO2 and the Acetyl coenzyme A might be marked on with letters X and Y and you have to identify them. 3. What happens to the electrons and hydrogen ions at the end of the ETC? (they are converted into water). 4. Why cant Krebs and the ETC occur if there is no oxygen? (without oxygen there would be no way of disposing of the hydrogen ions these would lower the pH, possibly denaturing enzymes). 5. What might the ATP be used for in a named cell eg liver cell? (protein synthesis, DNA synthesis, glycogen synthesis, active transport, cell division, mitosis).
Reduced NAD Pyruvate NAD Reduced NAD CO2 Acetyl coenzyme A Electrons and hydrogen ions (H+) Electron carriers
4-carbon acid
6-carbon acid
Extract: Chief Examiners Report In describing the fate of the electrons and hydrogen ions released from the electron transfer system, many insisted on giving irrelevant details about oxidative phosphorylation and electron transfer
Bio Factsheet
The stages of respiration can be shown in many ways. Examiners sometimes use unusual diagrams to test that you havent simply memorised a common diagram but havent really got a clue what is going on! Fig 2 summarises the stages of respiration in an animal cell. The boxes show the number of carbon atoms in various molecules or ions.
Anaerobic respiration
In the exam you may be asked about what happens during anaerobic respiration in yeast cells and in mammalian cells. In anaerobic respiration glucose is broken down into pyruvate. Without oxygen being available, the pyruvate cannot be broken down any further and it cannot enter the Link Reaction. What happens next to the pyruvate depends upon the organism: 1. In yeast, pyruvate is decarboxylated to produce ethanal. Ethanal then accepts the hydrogen from NAD and forms ethanol. This releases the NAD to be reused in glycolysis. The conversion of pyruvic acid to ethanol with the release of carbon dioxide is called alcoholic fermentation. 2. In mammals, the pyruvate accepts the hydrogen from NAD and is reduced to lactate. The NAD is then available for further use in glycolysis. If oxygen later becomes available, the lactate is reoxidised. Since anaerobic respiration only involves glycolysis, only the 2 ATP produced in glycolysis are formed. Fig 3 summarises the process of anaerobic respiration in yeast cells.
3 Lactate formation 3 Link reaction Acetyl CoA Krebs cycle 4 5 CO2 Electron transport chain 6
Fig 3
2NAD 2reducedNAD
Typically, you might be asked to write in the number of carbon atoms in the boxes, show where ATP or CO2 is produced and identify some of the molecules such as pyruvate or acetyl coenzyme A. Extract: Chief Examiners report While most candidates were able to identify acetyl coenzyme A, a significant minority thought it was acetylcholine
Typically, exam questions might ask you to: Calculate the net yield of ATP from this process. You can see that 2 molecules were used up and that 4 were produced; hence the net yield is 2 molecules; Describe how NAD is regenerated in anaerobic respiration in yeast cells. The reduced NAD (ie the NAD with hydrogen attached) donates H ions to pyruvate. This reduces the pyruvate and forms ethanol; Now that we understand aerobic and anaerobic respiration we can look at Questions that ask you to think about both at the same time! Animal cells are added to a flask that contains a culture medium containing glucose labelled with radioactive carbon atoms. Initially, conditions in the flask are anaerobic. Later, oxygen is bubbled through the medium. Samples of gas produced by the cells were tested for radioactivity at regular intervals. The results are shown in Fig 4.
removal of hydrogen/dehydrogenation; by enzymes/dehydrogenases; H accepted by NAD/reduced NAD formed; in Krebs cycle, FAD (used as well); Mention the enzymes: as well as dehydrogenase enzymes (to remove the hydrogen) there must also be decarboxylase enzymes in Krebs (to remove the CO2). These enzymes are proteins and that is why, in cells that are adapted for rapid respiration, we see lots of ribosomes. Synoptic questions like to test your ability to link topics like cell structure, enzymes and metabolism.
Fig 4
radioactivity in gas
Bio Factsheet
Often, the examiners will test your knowledge of anaerobic respiration in questions about muscles, exercise and athletes.
It is reduced by hydrogen supplied by reduced NAD and converted into lactate This frees up NAD allowing glycolysis to continue This lactate (or lactic acid) causes pain The lactate is a potential source of energy It is taken to the liver In the liver some of it is converted back into glucose This conversion requires oxygen (ie the lactate is oxidised) This is why you carry on breathing hard after you stop vigorous exercise Your body is getting the extra oxygen it needs to convert the lactic acid This shortfall of oxygen is known as the oxygen debt.
Practice Questions
1. A student ran on a treadmill at a constant speed. The concentration of lactate in her blood was measured at regular intervals. The graph shows the results.
blood lactate
(a) Explain the shape of the curve (3) (b) What happens to the lactate when she stopped running?(2) 2. A sprinter is exhausted after running a 100 m sprint. A marathon runner is exhausted after running for 4 hours in a marathon. (a) State the process by which each runner obtains their ATP (i) Sprinter (ii) Marathon runner: (b) Explain why each runner experiences muscle fatigue. (i) Sprinter (ii) Marathon runner (c) Outline how an athlete may develop an oxygen debt (3) 3. Outline the process of the anaerobic breakdown of glucose in yeast. (4) 4. (a) When glucose is respired what happens to the energy which is not incorporated into ATP? (1) (b) Water is a waste product of aerobic respiration. Describe how water is formed at the end of aerobic respiration. (2) (c ) Each mole of glucose respired aerobically produces 38 moles of ATP. When one mole of glucose is respired anaerobically, only 2 moles of ATP are produced. Explain why less energy is released in anaerobic respiration (1) (d) Explain why a world-class sprinter does not need to breathe in during a 100 m sprint. (1)
1. (a) high energy requirement/ATP required; not enough oxygen for aerobic respiration; anaerobic respiration occurs; which produces lactate; lactate/curve rises as oxygen debt increases; (b) lactate is oxidised / converted to pyruvate; broken down to release energy/glucose/glycogen synthesised; in liver/muscles;