PBL Essential Elements Checklist: Does The Project ?
PBL Essential Elements Checklist: Does The Project ?
PBL Essential Elements Checklist: Does The Project ?
While the lesson focuses on a local level of awareness, it can be improved by allowing the students to have different perspectives on a larger scale. Addition of the group project that requires students to research their chosen recyclable both locally and globally enhances the awareness but not necessarily the competence. -B. This aspect of the project does not necessarily need revision. It touches on collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem solving. It doesnt have as much research as we originally thought. The projects are deceiving. The only one that requires research is Recycling in Northfield Adding questions that allow thinking of recycling for the future can deepen the knowledge gained from the project because the information learned will continue to be relevant and may affect the lives of the students in their futures. Why is recycling important and how does it keep the Earth clean and protected for future generations? from other lesson plan about recycling.
This hits on Applying Evidence and Reasoning B.1.1. from the core curriculum are devoted to environmental sciences.. Our students are engaging in lessons that encourage them to research and learn about the recycling process. They are then required to reflect on what they learn and judge how they themselves recycle at home. A few activities would be Clean Up Your World, Sort Mania,Save the Planet, Recycle Zone, and Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin We have also added a section where students get the chance to create teams that investigate different recyclable products and discover products that are is also being recycled in other parts of the world. Students will also be able to develop a plan to encourage recycling their specific product Students must be able to reflect on their own study habits, while also keeping in mind their recycling habits. Presenting the final project to the class Presentation of the added recycling project to the class before final submission to the public meets our group review criteria This lesson needs to address community in some way. Adventures of the Garbage Gremlin (make comic book to distribute), public service announcement. Anything that would draw connections and establish bonds between classroom and community setting. The implementation of our added team recycling project definitely improves this category!
Added activities (general description): #1 Group Recycling Project: Lisa A. Bot, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved. Lbote@umd.edu
Cycle 2 3 EDCI 397 Have students choose a recyclable from the list of materials from the School Field Cleanup, Adopt-a-Road, KWD Brainstorming, or Save the Planet Slideshow and organize into teams that will research a chosen recyclable. The students will identify local recycling efforts for their chosen product, the environmental impacts of the product if not recycled, and an international community affected by the recycling or non-recycling of their chosen product. Students will develop a recycling project detailing the problems, impacts and solutions that the students identify about their recyclable resulting in an effort that can be shared and implemented in their community. (Meets Maryland Curriculum Criteria 6.3.3, 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3)
#2 International Recycling Project: Using the Group Recycling Project that the students have developed, contact a classroom from the country that was identified during the research phase as having either a recycling problem or an ongoing effort to recycle the recyclable chosen by the group, and contact them using online resources ( e.g. Skype) to share ideas regarding their projects and set up a friendly recycling competition or coordinated recycling effort. (Meets Maryland Curriculum Criteria 6.4.4)