Fundamental of Information Technology (Pgdcca)
Fundamental of Information Technology (Pgdcca)
Fundamental of Information Technology (Pgdcca)
EITHER: (5*4)
4. a) What is memory? Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
b) Explain Ring network topology in brief. What are its advantages and Disadvantges.
c) Discuss the application of E- commerce.
d) Write a note on PROM,EPROM and Eeprom.
e) Explain star network topology with the help of a block diagram..
f) Explain any two character printers in brief.
g) Write a short note on
i) ISDN ii) VAN
h) Write a short note on Internet server.
EITHER: (5*4)
5 a) What are the primary memories ? Explain in brief.
b) Do as directed.
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c) Differentiate between LAN and WAN.
d) ' Computer and Internet are very useful in banking. Justify this statement with suita