Gujarat Technological University: Instructions For Filling Up The Exam Forms of BE Summer 2013 Exam

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Gujarat Technological University

No:GTU/Exam form BE/Summer2013/ 3073 Date:24-04-2013

Instructions for filling up the exam forms of BE Summer 2013 exam

Instruction for submitting Examination forms of BE at GTU (1) Please download the pdf file of Exam forms of BE from your Email ID (bec*** (***indicates your institute code) registered with GTU. (2) Print the exam forms in good quality paper and as per the format of GTU so that the BARCODE can be readable (3) Please verify UFM of the students as per the GTU rules. If as per the UFM punishment student is not eligible for current exam then do not send exam form of student to GTU. (4) Please verify subject code of student, if any mismatch or doubt found then immediately inform to GTU. (5) After filling the exam forms, Institute has to scan the exam forms using barcode reader within time schedule. Gunning instruction will be informed by IT department. (6) After gunning all the exam forms of concerned sem send single challan with challan no. through E-inward/C-inward system within time schedule. (7) There is no need to send the hard copies of exam forms to GTU. Keep hard copies of exam forms till the declaration of rechecking result of all BE Summer 2013 exam at institute. (8) After due date exam form will not be accepted even with a penalty. (9) D.D. will not be accepted.

Sr. Description 1. Date for students to fill the forms in respective institute. 2. Dates for colleges to Gun the exam forms 3. Dates for colleges of fee payment challan to GTU Date 25-04-2013 to 27-04-2013 29-04-2013 to 30-04-2013 01-05-2013

I/c Controller of Examinations

Copy to: 1. U G Section for information and necessary action. 2. Account Officer for information and necessary action. 3. Principal/Head of Institutes of affiliated BE colleges/institutes for information and necessary action and to be displayed on institute notice board. 4. The Registrar for information

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