Imaging Lesson

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TEACHER Rachel Lee MATERIALS Graphic Organizer INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT GRADE SUBJECT Fourth English Language Arts TECHNOLOGY Computer and screen to project poems on TITLE/AUTHOR OF TEXT My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship by Bruce Lansky and Bunnicula, by Deborah and James Howe

v STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES ACADEMIC OBJECTIVE ELA STANDARD All students will be able to draw a Comprehension and Analysis of Gradepicture of what they are mentally Level Appropriate Text imaging as they are reading text. 2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for different purposes (e.g., full comprehension, location of information, personal enjoyment). COMMON CORE STANDARDS Integration of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.4.7 Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific description and directions in the text. LITERACY ACTIVITY Reading Bunnicula by Deborah and James Howe LITERACY STRATEGY Imaging readers visualize and organize conceptual images to process and understand text.

ADAPTATIONS FOR LEARNERS FOCUS STUDENT #1 RATIONALE For an EL student I would read the An EL student may have difficulty poems slowly and stop to clarify understanding the poems if they are unknown terms as needed. I would also read too quickly, as they will not have have pictures to go along with the the text in front of them. The pictures images the poems create. will help the EL student to understand

the images that are being visualized from listening to the words in the poem. FOCUS STUDENT #2 For a GATE student I would leave out the sentence starters for the poem that will be written as independent practice. I would allow GATE students to write a descriptive narrative that evokes images instead of the poem that the rest of the class is writing. RATIONALE A GATE student may like to exhibit more creativity and create their own images for their readers. They may have already encountered reading materials that contain imaging and may not require as much guidance as the rest of the class.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT (outcome, product based) Teacher will collect and evaluate student written poems about themselves that include the use of imaging.

TEXT FEATURES (layout, format, headings)


LESSON PLAN ORIENTATION-DIRECT EXPLANATION + MODELING (INTO) Students will perform a Mixed, Pair, Share, featuring questions regarding preference on different book genres to allow for some movement in the classroom and to help prepare students for the upcoming lesson. The Mixed, Pair, Share is used as a quick, three minute activity that gets students blood moving and their brain ready to work again. Questions will be o Would you rather read Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia?

Explain to your partner. o Would you rather read Dork Diaries or Diary of a Wimpy Kid? Explain to your partner. o Would you rather watch the Ironman movie or The Croods movie? Explain to your partner. o Would you rather read the book, watch the movie, or both? Explain to your partner. This activity would help me find out if students prefer to read a book or watch a movie. I would like to hear the thoughts from those that prefer to watch a movie why do they prefer the movie? Is it the images they see? I will explain that they can create images in their minds when theyre reading, too. I will explain to students the following: o I enjoy reading a book and then watching the movie to see how the images I created in my head compare with what the movie shows. When I read, I read the details and use all my senses to create an image of what is happening. Good readers use comprehension strategies to help them better understand what they are reading. One strategy used is called imaging. Imaging is developing a picture in your mind while you read. It helps you to visualize what you are reading about and helps you to better understand what you are reading. Sometimes you develop the image of characters, of the setting, or of a series of events (or all of this), like a movie in your mind. o We use the imaging strategy during and after we read. Using imaging will help you create an image and relate it to the text you are reading. This will help you to follow the story and better understand what you are reading. I will read a page from Bunnicula, by Deborah and James Howe, and explain what images the reading brings to my mind. I will model (or think aloud) how the words help me paint a picture in my mind. Using the graphic organizer I will also give students, I will write down the words and phrases that help me to image or paint a picture of what I am reading.

GUIDED PRACTICE (THROUGH) I will give each student a copy of the graphic organizer we will be using relating to what senses are used during imaging. We will read My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship by Bruce Lansky and fill in the graphic organizer using the lines (or words) from the poem that correspond to the correct sense. We will discuss our findings and I will show a drawing of what I pictured during and after I finished reading the poem. Showing a picture gives a visual of what we are talking about and introduces another modality that may help students. For additional practice, I will give students a passage from Bunnicula by Deborah and James Howe and have students work collaboratively to highlight words and phrases in the passage that they will use to fill in the

graphic organizer on what senses are used to create the images in this passage. Students will be formatively assessed on their ability to complete the graphic organizer using this passage (I will also show a picture of what I imagined). We will read Bunnicula, by Deborah and James Howe to see how imaging is used in novels. We will discuss the images created as we go along.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE + FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT (BEYOND) As independent practice, each student will read a selected page from Bunnicula, and fill in their graphic organizer and sketch a quick picture of what they see as they are reading the text. Students will then write a poem (using sentence starters) about themselves using the descriptive words and phrases we found throughout the lesson in our poems and the novel. They will be reminded to use descriptive words and phrases that will help their readers create an image of what they are reading and to refer to their graphic organizers for the words and phrases to use. Students can share their poems with a peer and discuss the imagery together. Poems will be collected and evaluated as a summative assessment.

Engagement Principles: Indicate which engagement principles you incorporated into your lesson and how. _____X___ Interesting Text _____My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship poem and Bunnicula are text interesting to fourth grade students. ________ Choice______________________________________________________________________________ ____x____ Relevance Students are reading text that contains imagery that is relevant to the strategy they are learning. ____x____ Collaboration Students will be collaborating during the Mixed, Pair, Share activity and during the poem evaluating where they pair and fill in their graphic organizer together. ____x____ Concept-Building Students are learning and practicing the Imaging strategy

Create an Image While You Read

As you listen, write down any words or phrases that activate your senses.

My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship By Bruce Lansky My bed is like a sailing shipwhen Im tucked in, I take a trip. I leave behind my busy day, and sail to places far away. I sail past beaches, gleaming white, with palm trees swaying in the night. I watch the waves break on the shore, And then I see my bedroom floor! I blink my eyes, I scratch my headmy ship is home, Im back in bed. My ship goes sailing every night and sails home in the morning light.

Name: ______________________________ I Am

I am (two special characteristics): I hear: I see: I want: I am (repeat the first line): I feel: I pretend: I say: I am (repeat first line) I dream: I try: I hope: I am (repeat first line)

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