Biliary Tree: A and B, Abnormalities in Cholangiograms, Following Probably A Persistent Cystic Duct
Biliary Tree: A and B, Abnormalities in Cholangiograms, Following Probably A Persistent Cystic Duct
Biliary Tree: A and B, Abnormalities in Cholangiograms, Following Probably A Persistent Cystic Duct
spillage surgical
C o m m o n bile duct
Figure 4-41. A and B, Abnormalities in cholangiograms, following probably a persistent cystic duct.
patients; but when the biliary tree was dilated, the success rate was even greater100 per cent. It was in the 45 patients with nondilated ducts that visualization was achieved in only 95.6 per cent. They described no mortality or transfusion requirement and very little morbidity. An analysis of the signs of common bile duct : retraction at percutaneous transhepatic cholan- giosrarh;- was carried out by Owen. He drew up a ".art pointing to objective differential find- - ;s m ire distal end of the common bile duct, with a -ansaca: analysis of this finding in relation to mi" :n the common bile duct, carcinoma of the -ancreas. chronic pancreatitis, and carcinoma inrv.-jig the ampulla :: \ ater Fig. -i-40). Fraser and associates had earlier pointed out that the hepatic ..mphatics were filled in 32 of their 102 cases but that dilated lymphatics were mainly seen in patients
442 BILIARY TREE with biliary cirrhosis, inflammatory liver disease, or lymphoma. Complications requiring active medical intervention occurred in 3 of their cases, with a need for emergency surgery in one. Harbin, Mueller, and Ferrucci carried out a multi-institutional survey of complications and use patterns of skinny needle transhepatic cholangiography and compared their results with those of the transhepatic cholangiogram obtained with a large- sheathed needle and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Their collected data was based on 2006 procedures, which included 293 from their own institutions. The overall incidence of serious complications was 3.4 per cent (sepsis, 1.40 per cent; bile leakage, 1.45 per cent; intraper- itoneal hemorrhage, 0.35 per cent; and death, 0.20 per cent). The overall success rate, however, was 97.8 per cent; it was 99 per cent when 12 to 14