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Gendang beleq

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The big drum (gendang beleq) musicians, the main players in the ensemble.

The accompanying cymbal players.
Gendang beleq is a dance and music performance from Lombok island, Indonesia.
It is a
popular performance among the native Sasak people.
The name gendang beleq is a Sasak language term, which means "big drum (big gendang)",
the performance is about a group of musicians playing, dancing and marching with their
traditional instruments, centered around two big drum (gendang) players.
1 Instruments
2 History
3 Performances
4 See also
5 References
The ensemble for gendang beleq performance consists of main players with of two (occasionally
large drums. They are followed by players using a gong, a traditional flute (suling),
some hand-held kettle-gongs (similar with bonang), and many sets of cymbals.
The size of
the ensemble is usually 12-15 persons, with 3 person to carry and play the heavy gong.
The drum is made from a wood frame with goat skin drum-head. The wood is selected from
woods which is hard yet light. The goat skin is selected from goats that are approximately
5 years old to make drums with the best sound. There are two different types of gendang used in
the ensemble: the male and female gendang. Each is made from a male and female goat. These
two types of gendang have different sound quality.

The player for the ensemble is called sekehe. It is composed of men only (usually young boys).

There are many gendang beleq clubs in Lombok. These clubs are supported and sponsored by the
Indonesian government as a way to promote Sasak culture and to involved youth the cultural
The clubs usually practice once a week.
During performances, the players will
use colorful traditional Sasak dress, which are similar to the related Balinese dress.

Gendang beleq performance during colonial era. ca. 1934.
Gendang Beleq is a variant of gamelan oncer, a gamelan form in Lombok. It is used for ritual
purposes and as a performance to encourage Sasak warriors that were going into, or returning
from, the battlefield.
It is part also of the ceremony in Pura Lingsar, one of the main Hindu
temples in Lombok.

The popularity of Gendang Beleg has increased since the 1990s due to support and promotion by
the Indonesian government to promote local art performances.
Presently the performance is not
only in a ritual context but also in cultural festivals or for tourist performances.
In a Gendang beleq performance, the drummers carry and play gendang and dance a dramatic
and confrontational duet. The drummers play interlocking tune with their large drums.
from able to play their instruments, the players must have the agility and stamina to perform the
dance and marching with their instrument.
Gendang beleq can be performed during life-cycle ceremonies, such as celebration of birth,
circumcision, wedding and funeral. It can also be performed in a ceremony to invoke rainfall or
in a celebrations for national holidays.

In Sasak wedding, gendang beleq performance is part of the nyongkolan ceremony, where the
family of the groom went in a parade to the bride's house to bring her to the location of the
marriage ceremony.

The West Nusa Tenggara provincial government held "The Master of Gendang Beleq"
competition where gendang beleq players compete to decide the best team. It is held in front of
Governor office in Mataram, Lombok.

Outside Lombok, the performance is popular among migrant Sasak in other islands of Indonesia,
such as in the neighbouring Sumbawa Island.

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