Research Objectives

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RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to identify the expectations of principals from teachers, parents, students, district

offices and other parties in order to optimize the usage of Information Communication Technology (ICT). ICT can improve the school by increasing the number of higher achievement among students in their curriculum. It is believed that ICT can help to improve school especially in academic term. So, principal must make sure the ICT usage is optimized. But first, they must identify the parties involved in helping the optimization of ICT in schools. Then, principals must identify what to expect from each of these parties so that at last the ICT optimization problem can be solved. For example, a principal can expect teachers to fully utilize the ICT in their daily teaching works. On the other hand, principals can also expect to other parties like NGOs to sponsor ICT equipment to their schools. By identifying the expectations, principals are able to suggest some ideas and ways to achieve the expectations. For example, in order to meet principals expectation on teacher to use ICT in teaching every time, principal may come out with a suggestion that requires a frequent informal-observation by principals. At the end of this study, we also will be able to know the ways to sustain the suggestions made by the principals for a long term benefits. RESEARCH QUESTIONS Based on the research objectives, at the end of this study, we able to answer the following questions: 1. What is expected by principals from teachers, parents, students, district offices and other parties in optimizing ICT in teaching for school improvement? 2. 3. How to achieve the aspects expected by principals? How to sustain or maintain the fulfilled expectations for long term benefits?

STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM ICT plays an important role in academic of students and students achievement is associated with school improvement. In line, Malaysian government is expanding its expenditure in ICT in education by developing and improving ICT related infrastructures in schools. ICT is one of the 11 main shifts in Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025. However, ICT is not fully optimized in schools especially in teaching and learning process. ICT is one of the important aspects that also fall under a principal and principal must expect to optimize the ICT in schools in order to achieve improvements at a maximum level. According to Fullan (1998), successfully implemented reforms require leaders to participate as active learners in dynamic changing environments. Hence, educational leaders can have a major impact on the

success, coherence and sustainability of the change process. They must manage issues related to technology and the educational community (Jacobsen & Hunter, 2002). In order to achieve this,

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