Organizational Culture Bangladesh
Organizational Culture Bangladesh
Organizational Culture Bangladesh
Organization Behavior
Topic: Organizational Culture
Prepared for
Ms. Fahima Mehjabeen Lecturer Department of Business Administration Stamford University Bangladesh
Prepared By
Organizational Culture
Through decades of empirical research, scholars have established abundant links between organizational culture and organizational performance. While previously businesses were either unaware of cultures importance or believed it too difficult to manage, today they recognize that it can be used for competitive advantage. This is something that Apple Computer gets. By leveraging their culture of innovation toward product as well as internal processes, they have been able to survive despite incredible competition as well as venture into new and profitable markets. But in order to use culture strategically, a company first needs to understand its culture. And theres the rub. Culture is a complex issue that essentially includes all of a groups shared values, attitudes, beliefs, assumptions, artifacts, and behaviors.
might be able to interpret the results of an organizational culture assessment in their process of designing environments that support the way companies work and represent themselves
External force
like Ford Motor Company with their seventeen levelsis typical of a hierarchical organizational structure.
While most major American companies throughout the 19th and much of the 20th centuries believed a hierarchical organization was most effective, the late 1960s gave rise to another popular approachCompete (market) organizations. These companies are similar to the Control (hierarchy) in that they value stability and control; however, instead of an inward focus they have an external orientation and they value differentiation over integration. This began largely because of the competitive challenges from overseas that forced American companies to search for a more effective business approach. With their outward focus, Compete (market) organizations are focused on relationshipsmore specifically, transactionswith suppliers, customers, contractors, unions, legislators, consultants, regulators, etc. Through effective external relations they feel that they can best achieve success. While Control (hierarchy) optimize stability and control through rules, standard operating procedures, and specialized job functions, Compete (market) organizations are concerned with competitiveness and productivity through emphasis on partnerships and positioning. General Electric, under the leadership of former CEO Jack Welch, is a good example of a Compete (market) organization. He famously announced that if businesses divisions were not first or second in their markets then, simply, they would be sold. Their corporate culture was (and still largely is) highly competitive where performance results speak louder than process.
In the values matrix Collaborate (clan) are similar to Control (hierarchy) in that there is an inward focus with concern for integration. However, Collaborate (clan) emphasize flexibility and discretion rather than the stability and control of Control (hierarchy) and Compete (market) organizations. With the success of many Japanese firms in the late 1970s and 1980s, American corporations began to take note of the different way they approached business. Unlike American national culture, which is founded upon individualism, Japanese firms had a more team-centered approach. This basic under-
standing affected the way that Japanese companies structured their companies and approached problems Their Collaborate (clan) organizations operated more like families hence the nameand they valued cohesion, a humane working environment, group commitment, and loyalty. Companies were made up of semiautonomous teams that had the ability to hire and fire their own members and employees were encouraged to participate in determining how things would get done. A good example of a Collaborate (clan) in American business is
Toms of Maine, which produces all-natural toothpastes, soaps, and other hygiene products. The founder, Tom Chappell, grew the company to respect relationships with coworkers, customers, owners, agents, suppliers, the community, and the environment. According to their company statement of beliefs, they aim to provide their employees with a safe and fulfilling environment and an opportunity to grow and learn. Typical of Collaborate (clan) cultures, Toms of Maine is like an extended family with high morale and Tom himself takes on the role of mentor or parental figure.
In the values matrix Create (adhocracy) are similar to Collaborate (clan) in that they emphasize flexibility and discretion; however, they do not share the same inward focus. Instead they are like Create (adhocracy) in their external focus and concern for differentiation. With the advent of the Information Age, a new approach developed to deal with the fastpaced and volatile business environment. Social, economic, and technological changes made older corporate attitudes and tactics less efficient. Success now was envisioned in terms of innovation and creativity with a future-forward posture. An entrepreneurial spirit reigns where profit lies in finding new opportunities to develop new products, new services, and new relationshipswith little expectation that these will endure. Adhocracy organizations value flexibility, adaptability, and thrive in what would have earlier been viewed as unmanageable chaos. High-tech companies like Google are prototypical Create (adhocracy). Google develops innovative web tools, taking advantage of entrepreneurial software engineers and cutting-edge processes and technologies. Their ability to quickly develop new services and capture market share has made them leaders in the marketplace and forced less nimble competition to play catch-up.
Since each of these organizational types is distinguished by different attitudes, values, behaviors, and beliefs it is understandable that the same workspaces would not best support their different cultures. A Collaborate (clan) organization, with its emphasis on teamwork and sociality, needs spaces that foster and reflect this. Rows of high paneled cubes, that might be appropriate in certain Compete (market) companies, would be incompatible with the way a Collaborate (clan) organization works and how it wants to present itself. The diagrams on the following page outline specific work space implications relative to the four organizational culture types
reports that functional teams within the 57 corporations that they studied had a
different organizational type than their company 81% of the time. Schein (1999) notes that this is not necessarily dysfunctional, rather it allows the company to perform effectively in different environments based on function, product, market, location, etc. In order to get a more accurate picture of the company, it is important to understand not only the company organizational type, but the cultures of departments or other important groups as well. The same organizational culture types Control (hierarchy), compete (market), collaborate (clan), create (adhocracy)apply at both levels. So, a Control (hierarchy) company may contain a research group that is a Create (adhocracy), an engineering department that is a Compete (market), and a human resources department that is a Collaborate (clan). The spatial implications for these different groups may also compete with those of the company, so space planners are faced with greater complexity in space solutions.
As a company culture containing potentially numerous subcultures adds to the complexity of this approach, one other important issue must also be considered. The Competing Values Framework and its inclusion of the four organizational culture types offers a simple means of categorization and understanding; however, it is possible for a company or department to have subdominant elements. This means that an accounting department that is a Control (hierarchy) may still have substantial Compete (market) traits. In fact, pure Control (hierarchy), Compete (market), Collaborate (clan), or Create (adhocracy) are extremely rare. Most of the company cultures that have been diagnosed using Cameron and Quinns Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument indeed have a strong secondary component. This is also the case at the department/group level. Their research has additionally shown that it is rare to have companies that share equal traits of all four culture typeswith no dominant or barely dominant type.
Control (Hierarchy) Culture A highly structured and formal place to work, Rules and procedures govern behavior. Leaders strive to be good coordinators and organizers who are efficiency-minded. Maintaining a smoothrunning organization is most critical. Formal policies are what hold the group together. Stability, performance, and efficient operations are the long-term goals. Success means dependable delivery, smooth scheduling, and low cost. Management wants security and predictability.
Compete (Market) Culture A results-driven organization focused on job completion. People are competitive and goal-oriented. Leaders are demanding, hard-driving, and productive. The emphasis on winning unifies the organization. Reputation and success are common concerns. Long-term focus is on competitive action and achievement of measurable goals and targets. Success means market share and penetration. Competitive pricing and market leadership are important.
Levels of Culture
1. At Level One ATRIFACTS the organizational culture can be observed in the form of physical objects, technology and other visible forms of behavior like ceremonies and rituals. Though the culture would be visible in various forms, it would be only at the superficial level. For example, people may interact with one another but what the underlying feelings are or whether there is understanding among them would require probing. 2. At Level Two VALUES there is greater awareness and internalization of cultural values. People in the organization try solutions of a problem in ways which have been tried and tested earlier. If the group is successful there will be shared perception of that success, leading to cognitive changes turning perception into values and beliefs. 3. Level Three ASSUMPTIONS represents a process of conversion. When the group repeatedly observes that the method that was tried earlier works most of the time, it becomes the preferred solution and gets converted into underlying assumptions or dominant value orientation. The conversion process has both advantages. The advantages are that the dominant value orientation guides
behavior, however at the same time it may influence objective and rational thinking.
Developing OC involves
Developing a strong corporate identity Development of important values Building healthy traditions Developing consistent management practices