Gujarat Technological University: Instructions

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Seat No.

: _____

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B E Sem-VI Examination May 2011 Subject code: 160903 Subject Name: Microcontroller
Date:19/05/2011 Time: 10.30 am 01.00 pm Total Marks: 70

1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Q.1 (a) Draw and explain the block diagram of 8051. (b) Give bit format of PSW in 8051. Explain bit significance of each bit. (a) Compare microprocessor with microcontroller. (b) Discuss bit pattern and significance of each bit of TCON and TMOD registers of 8051. OR (b) With neat diagram, Explain how 8K of EPROM and 16K of RAM can be connected to Microcontroller 8031. (a) Explain the addressing modes of 8051with the help of examples. (b) What is bit level instruction? Explain all bit level logical instructions in detail. OR (a) Write the program using assembly language program /embedded C to put data in Memory Locations 40H to 44H and add them (stored in Memory Locations 40H to 44H). (b) Explain editor, assembler, compiler and linker. (a) Explain the following instructions of 8051 (i) PUSH (ii) POP (iii) DJNZ (b) What is jump range? Explain short absolute, long absolute and relative jump using appropriate instruction. (c) Write 8051 C program to toggle MSB bit of port 1.

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(a) With the neat block diagram, explain the interfacing of 7 segment LED display (b) What is interrupt? Explain various SFRs required with interrupts of 8051in detail. (a) What is PWM? Explain how 8051 can be used to control speed of D. C. motor using this technique. (b) Give a complete scheme to interface in 8 bit ADC to 8051 microcontroller. OR Explain port structure and operation of ports of 8051. (a) (b) Explain SCON and PCON special function registers of 8051.


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