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Important Questions Short Answers : 1) Explain the differences between Microprocessor and Microcontroller. 2) Explain 32-bit Microcontroller. 3) What is assembler directive. 4) Explain Memory organisation in 8051. 5) Describe Time delay generation in 8051. 6) Explain LOOP and CALL instructions. 7) Explain the interfacing of LCD with 8051 microcontroller. 8) Explain Temperature measurement using LM35. 9) Define Stack and Debugger in Microcontroller. 10) Explain different Data types. 11) Explain Jump Instruction. 12) ALP for Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers. 13) ALP for addition of two 8-bt numbers. 14) Interfacing a 4X3 matrix keypad. 15) Explain DAC.
Long Answers :
1) Explain about Assembler, compiler and debugger.
2) Describe the evolution of microcontroller. 3) Explain the development tools for Microcontroller. 4) Draw and explain the Architecture of 8051. 5) Draw the Pin diagram of 8051 Microcontroller. 6) Explain the Program counter and Memory organization in 8051. 7) Briefly explain CALL and LOOP instructions. 8) Explain Arithmetic and Logical Instructions of 8051. 9) Explain different Addressing modes of 8051 Microcontroller. 10) ALP for Largest number in an array. 11) Multiply and Division of two 8-bit numbers. 12) Draw and explain the Bock diagram of 8255 PPI. 13) Temperature measurement using LM 35. . 14) Interfacing of Stepper motor with 8051. 15) Interfacing of Seven segment display with 8051.