Ect206-Qp June21

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D 02000ECT206052102 Pages: 2

Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Fourth Semester B.Tech Degree Examination July 2021 (2019 Scheme)

Course Code: ECT206

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks) Marks
1 Explain the significance of accumulator, program counter and stack pointer in 3
processor operation.
2 List the difference between RISC and CISC processors. 3
3 Describe the function of Program status word (PSW) in 8051 microcontroller. 3
4 List the interrupts of 8051 and its ROM locations. 3
5 Write an 8051 C program to send values 00-FF to port P1. 3
6 Write an 8051assembly language program to add two 8bit numbers stored in 3
external RAM memory.
7 Explain the procedure of doubling the baud rate of data transfer in 8051 serial 3
8 Assume XTAL=11.0592. Compute the value to be loaded into TH0 and TL0 3
(mode 1) to incorporate a time delay of 5ms.
9 Explain ‘Locality of reference’ in Cache memory system. 3
10 Differentiate SRAM and DRAM memory cells. 3
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)
Module -1
11 a) Illustrate the algorithm for division of two 4 bit signed binary numbers, -6/4. 8
Write the algorithm or draw the flowchart also.
b) Explain the basic operations of a general processor in executing an instruction. 6
12 a) Write down the range of numbers that can be represented using IEEE 754 8
single precision floating point representation. How do we represent zero,
infinity and 49 in IEEE 754 format.
b) Draw the internal architecture of a general processor and explain the various 6

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Module -2
13 a) Explain the RAM memory organization of 8051microcontroller using a 9
schematic diagram. Also list the 8051 Special function registers and its
b) What is stack? Explain the role of stack in program execution during a CALL 5
14 a) Explain about the ports of 8051 and also illustrate the Port 0 circuit read and 8
write operation.
b) Explain the ‘Rotate’ instructions used in 8051 microcontroller. 6
Module -3
15 a) Write an 8051 assembly language program to sort the ten numbers stored in 8
memory locations 30H to 39H in ascending order. Comment all lines of the
b) Write an 8051 C code to convert the analog input provided to ADC chip to the 6
digital value and store the result in memory location.
16 a) Write an 8051 C program to send letters ‘M’, ‘D’ to LCD using delays. 7
b) Using a schematic diagram explain the procedure of interfacing KEYBOARD 7
to 8051 microcontroller.
Module -4
17 a) Explain the characteristics and operations of mode 1 programming of Timers in 6
8051 microcontroller.
b) Explain the steps to transfer data serially in 8051. 8
Write an 8051 assembly language program to transfer ‘Y’ serially at baud rate
9600 continuously through Port 0.
18 a) Explain ARM 7 register architecture. 8
b) Explain the operation of a) Assembler b) compiler c) Debugger 6
Module -5
19 a) Explain programmed I/O and interrupt driven I/O for data transfer in 8
b) Explain RAM and ROM memory chips. 6
20 a) Explain associative mapping of cache memory for a 4K cache with block size 8
128 and word size 16. Draw necessary figures. Specify the main memory
b) Explain the memory hierarchy model using a layout diagram. 6

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