From Clause & Tuples
From Clause & Tuples
From Clause & Tuples
select name, employee.eno, deptname
from employee, dept
where employee. eno = dept.eno
Figure 3.3: Tuples inserted into
Figure 3.4:
Tuple Variables
• Tuple variables are defined in the from
clause via the use of the as clause.
• Find the customer names and their loan
numbers for all customers having a loan at
some branch.
select customername, T.loannumber, S.amount
from borrower as T, loan as S
where T.loannumber = S.loannumber
■ Find the names of all branches that have greater assets than
some branch located in Brooklyn.
select distinct T.branchname
from branch as T, branch as S
where T.assets > S.assets and S.branchcity = ‘Brooklyn’
Set Operations
• Find all customers who have a loan, an
account, or both:
(select customername from depositor)
(select customername from borrower)
■ Find all customers who have both a loan and an
(select customername from depositor)
(select customername from borrower)
■ Find all customers who have an account but no loan.
(select customername from depositor)
(select customername from borrower)
Ordering the Display of
• List in alphabeticTuples
order the names of all
customers having a loan in Perryridge branch
select distinct customer-name
from borrower, loan
where borrower loan-number = and
branch-name = ‘Perryridge’
order by customer-name
• We may specify desc for descending order or
asc for ascending order, for each attribute;
ascending order is the default.
– E.g. order by customer-name desc
Example 2
• Sailors (sid,sname, rating,age)
• Boats(bid, bname,color)
• Reserves(sid,bid ,date)