My Year in Science7
My Year in Science7
My Year in Science7
This year in science we will learn lots of interesting things, including, but not limited to the following:
How Scientists Inquire (Standard 7Sa): How to use the tools and instruments of science safely and accurately. How to come up with questions that can be answered scientifically. How to set-up and conduct a proper scientific investigation. What variables are and why it is so important to control them. How to critically review the conclusions of scientific investigations.
All about Cells and Heredity (Standard 7Sb): What the different parts of cells are and what they do for the cell. How plant and animal cells are alike and different. How bacteria and protists can be grouped based on their structures, and what those structures do for them. How cells go through processes like respiration and photosynthesis that help them survive. How our genetic information is stored in our cells, and how that information is passed on generation to generation. How a chart called a punnett square can be used to predict genetic traits. How we are born with some traits, but get others from the environment.
All about Your Body (7Sc): How your body is organized from cells up through organ systems. Where your organs are and what they do. How your organs work together to form organ systems. How infectious and noninfectious diseases affect your body
Ecology and the Environment (Standard 7Sd): How ecosystems can be broken down into levels of organization How energy travels through food chains, webs, and pyramids How changes in the environment can limit the size of populations of organisms. Why soil quality is so important in an ecosystem. How water flows across the Earths surface, and where it is stored above and below the ground. Why we classify resources as either renewable or nonrenewable, and why its good to conserve what we have.
The Chemical Nature of Matter: (Standard 7Se): How all matter is made of atoms How atoms combine to form elements, compounds, and mixtures. How to compare the physical qualities of metals and nonmetals How the periodic table can be used to organize elements into groups. How to use chemical symbols to represent elements and show how they combine to form new substances. Why its so important to balance chemical equations. How to tell the difference between acids and bases. How to compare the physical and chemical properties of substances, and how physical and chemical changes occur.