Ch@1 90
Ch@1 90
Ch@1 90
Oªô¢ª ÔÙ àŸC-Nû¦
OªÚÛª ÓÙêŸ êµL-ú‡û¦
Oªö˺ ÓÙêŸæ¨ ûµjí£±éuÙ Ñû¦o
Oª þ§nô³ Ôëµjû¦
Oª ví£AòÅ¡ìª Ó÷ô¢ª ÞœªJhÙà¦õû¦o
Oª ÷uÚ¨h-ÞœêŸ N÷-ô¦-öµjû¦
÷ª¸ô Nù£óŸª Nø™x-ù£é Íô³û¦...
Kavita : Which college? (Ô Ú¥ö¶@?) Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-é-õFo Þœ÷ª-EÙ-à¦ô¢ª ÚÛë¯...! biggest state in south India.
from Vizag?
Suneetha : Not yet decided. What are your
Nù£-óŸ«-õÚÛª ÏÙTxùà ÷«åõª, î¦æ¨ î¦è[ªÚÛ êµL-óŸªë]ª. Ð Sentenceö˺ 'She' Subject. 'Sings well'
Íö°¸Þ Listening. ÏêŸ-ô¢ªõª ÷«æ°xè¶ English Íû¶C Subject She ÞœªJÙ# ൛íp òÅ°ÞœÙ. 'sings Ð Ú¨ÙC Statements ìª quesitons Þ¥ ÷«Ja
plans? Íô¢nÙ à¶ú£ªÚÁ-Þœ-õ-Þœè[Ù. DEÚ¨ ÚÛ«è¯ daily lifeö˺ þ§ëů- practice
(ÏÙÚ¥ ÔÙ Íìª-ÚÁ-ö¶ë]ª. F ú£ÙÞœ- well'ö˺ 'sings' ö¶ÚÛð¼ê¶ sentence ö¶ë]ª. (She à¶óŸªÙè….
ô¢-éÙÞ¥ î¦è¶ ÷«åõª, î¦æ¨ Pronunciation ÚÛ«è¯
ê¶Ùæ¨?) well - ÍÙç¶ Íô¢nÙ ö¶ë]ª. Sentence ö¶ë]ª). ÍÙç¶ Statements Questions
êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ-î¦L. 'She sings well' - Ð sentenceö˺ Subject a) (Yes), They are students -----?
Supriya : Well, You know I've taken the Ð î¦Ú¥uõª í£J-Q-LÙ-àŸÙè…. 'She' êŸô¦yêŸ 'Sings' Íû¶ ÷«å SentenceÚÛª b) (Yes), Rani is the leader -----?
CAT for joining in IIM. Waiting for 1. Vijayawada is on the banks of the Krishna à¦ö° ÷³ÜuÙ. Íö°Ùæ¨ ÷«åû¶ 'VERB' ÍÙæ°ô¢ª. c) (No), I am not happy -----?
the results. If I make it, I'll join
(Ná-óŸª-î¦è[ ÚÛ'ù£g Öè[ªfì ÑÙC) Subject, Verb êµõªú£ª-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù à¦ö°-÷³ÜuÙ. d) (Yes), He was here last night -----?
one of the IIMs. Hope I shall be
2. They do not speak English îµ³åd-îµ³ë]å Ï#aì û¦õªÞœª Sentencesö˺ Verbs e) (No), She is not hungry ? -----?
I Ðû¦è[ª- ÷ªÙÞœüŒî¦ô¢Ù 14 WûË 2005
❐ English pronunciation confusion
Ú¥ô¢éÙ Ö¸Ú Í¤Ûô¢Ù ·ôÙè[ª ôyô¢ª øŒò°l-õÚÛª
ú£Ù¸Ú-êŸÙÞ¥ ÑÙè[è[Ù.
Ñë¯: Car ö˺ c-ÚÛ, centre ö˺ c-ú£
ÏÙTxùà ÷«åö˺x #÷J 'r'ìª í£õÚÛÙ. Ñë¯--ô¢é ›údæËÀ-ÙæËÀ ú£ZÚÛa-ôÂÚ¨ Ú•ø˜aûË ú£ZÚÛa-ôÂÚ¨ ê¶è¯ ôÁW vÚÛ÷ªÙ êŸí£pE Nù£óŸªÙ Ú¥ñæ¨d. 7. We are at college from 10 to 4 (every
(è¯ÚÛd), car (Ú¥), for (ðƼ), paper àµð§pô¢ª.) ÷ªSx àŸ«è[Ùè…. day)?
1st show Óí£±pè[ª? 6, 7î¦Ú¥uö˺x every
(šíóÀªí£). Kranthi: Is it so important?
1st show Óí£±pè[« Ö¸Ú çµjîªÚÛª ÑÙåªÙC ÚÛë¯? day Í÷-ú£ô¢Ù ö¶ë]ª. (are
Ô ÷«å #÷ô¢ 'r' Ñû¦o ë¯Eo í£õ-ÚÛ-ÚÛªÙè¯ ÷C- (ÍC ÍÙêŸ ÷³Üu÷«?)
ÍÙç¶ regularÞ¥ ÑÙè[è[Ù. Ú¥ñæ¨d is î¦è[è[Ù ÍÙç¶û¶ ·ôÞœªu-õ-ôÂÞ¥
ö¶þ§hÙ.ÍÚÛ\è['r' silent. Ô ÷«åõ ÷ªëÅ]uö˺ Karuna: Very. The statement has the sub-
ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. ÑÙè[è[Ù.)
Íô³û¦ a, e, i, o, uõö˺ ë¶E êŸô¦yêŸ 'r' ÷#aû¦ ject first, and the verb next. The
ÍC silent. ë¯Eo í£õÚÛÙ. ë¯E êŸô¦yêŸ a, e, i, o, question has verb first and the
u, õö˺ Ôëµjû¦ ÷›úh êŸí£p. subject next.
(à¦ö°... ›údæËÀ-Ùæ˺x îµ³ë]å ú£òµbÚÛªd êŸô¦yêŸ þ§÷«-ìu-iì Íû¦-ôÁ- M. SURESAN
Ñë¯: form (ðƧÙ); Card (Ú¥èÂ); Fur (íÆ£); sir îµôÂs ÑÙæ°ô³. Ú¥F Ú•ø˜a-ûËÂö˺ ÷³Ùë]ª îµôÂs Þ¥uõª, î¦æ¨Ú¨ ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì
(ú£), her (); information (ÏûËÂ-íÆ£-- êŸô¦yêŸ ú£òµbÚÛªd ÑÙæ°ô³.) ÷«åõª êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙë¯Ù–
óÀª-ù£ûËÂ). ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 2
1. áõªñª– Cold. 2. ë]Þœª_ Cough (Ú¥íÆÃ). 3.
Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é àŸ«ø‹ô¢ª ÚÛë¯! ÏÙë]ªö˺ vÚ¥ÙA-÷Fo
ví£øŒoõª. ÚÛô¢ª-é-÷Fo ›údæËÀ-Ùåªx. ꟪÷³t– Sneeze (úˆoâÉÀ– ‘âÉÀ’ sizeö˺ #÷J
When is the first show?
øŒñlÙö°Þ¥ í£õ-Ú¥L.) 4. <ë]è[Ù– blow the nose.
ÏO Í÷ú£ô¢î¶ª!
Ð î¦Ú¥uõª Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…... Oª·ô-í£±p-è[ªÙ-æ°ô¢ª Collegeö˺ (ví£A ôÁV)
Oæ¨-êÁ-ð§åª I am here- verb: 'am'
5. Ú¥¸ô ÷³ÚÛª\ – running nose. 6. ûË•í‡p – ache
Conversationö˺ Í÷- You are in class- verb: 'are'
ÏC ÚÛ«è¯ 'regular' Ú¥ñæ¨d, (ÓóÀªÝËÀ), ò°ëÅ] – pain, suffering;
ú£-ô¢-iì Ú•Eo ÷«åõª My pen is in my pocket- When are you at college (every day)? ë¶ï£° òÅ°Þ¥õ ûË•í£±põª: ÚÛè[ª-í£±-ûË•í‡p, êŸõ-ûË•í‡p,
êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙë¯Ù. îµ³ë]å verb: 'is' ÏÚÛ\è[ every day ö¶ÚÛ-ð¼-ô³û¦ íÆ£ô¢-î¦-ö¶ë]ª. ìè[ªÙûË•í‡p Oæ¨Ú¨ Î òÅ°Þ¥õ ›íô¢ª êŸô¦yêŸ 'ache'
parts of the human
ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛÙç¶ 'are' ÍÙç¶ regularÞ¥ ÑÙè[è[Ù Ú¥ñæ¨d. î¦è[ªê¦Ù.pain î¦è[Ù.
body- øŒKô¢ òÅ°Þ¥õÚÛª
sentencesö˺ Ñìo Verbs stomach ache- stomach pain Ú¥ë]ª.
ÏÙTxùà ÷«åõª 'am', 'is', 'are. Oæ¨ Íô¢nÙ Íö°¸Þ ‘û¶ìª þ§óŸªÙ-vê¦õª ÏÙæ˺xû¶ ÑÙæ°ìª’
àŸ«ë¯lÙ. ‘ÑÙè[è[Ù’ Íû¶ ë¯EÚ¨ ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#- Íìè[Ù Óö°? head ache, back ache etc.
head, face,
ìN. Ð Ú¨ÙC êµõªÞœª ví£øŒoõª, 'I am at home in the evenings'.
áyô¢Ù (fever) ÷à¶aåªx, ÷#a-ìåªx 'feel' Íô³ê¶
eyes, ears, neck,
Statements Englishö˺ prac- Evenings ÍÙç¶ ví£A evening- regular.
'feeling feverish'.
shoulder, hand,
legs, fingers ö°Ùæ¨
tice à¶óŸªÙè…. Ú¥ñæ¨d regular states of being (vÚÛ÷ªÙ êŸí£p- ë]ªô¢ë] itch (ÏàÂ) ÞÁÚÛåÙ scratch (vþ§\àÂ),
÷«åõ Íô¦lÄõª ÍÙë]JÚ© 1. (Ïí£±pè[ª) Oªô¢ª ÓÚÛ\è[ ÚÛªÙè¯ ÑÙè[è[Ù) àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ am, is, are î¦è[è[Ù Þ•Ù꟪ ûË•í‡p – sore throat; ò°ëÅ]êÁ Íô¢-÷è[Ù
ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦æ¨Ú¨ English àµí£pÙè…. prac- groan; Î÷±-LÙ-àŸè[Ù yawn, î¦í£± – swelling,
êµõªú£ª. thumb (ò˹å- Ñû¦oô¢ª?
ì-î¶õª), forefinger tice à¶óŸªÙè…. ÚÛÙC-ì-î¦í£± – inflammation. Ï÷Fo practice à¶ú‡
(àŸ«í£±-è[ª-î¶õª), middle
English: Where are you?
1. Ð çµjîªö˺ Óí£±pè[« Oª·ôÙ-ë]ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ°-J-ÚÛ\è[? ÷«æ°x-è¶-åí£±pè[ª î¦è[Ùè….
2. (Ïí£±pè[ª) û¶ìª Ú¥xú£ªö˺ û¦ÚÛª êŸõ-ûË•-í‡pÞ¥ ÑÙC.
(÷ªëÅ]uî¶õª), (Regular ÚÛë¯?)
ring finger (ÑÙÞœô¢Ù
I have a head ache.
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Answer: Why are you here at this time ÷« Í÷ªtÚÛª áõªñª.
î¶õª), little finger every day?
(#æ¨-·Úì î¶õª). toe 3. (Ïí£±pè[ª) î¦üŒ‰x ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥ 2. Oª û¦ìo-Þ¥ô¢ª Îíƈ-ú£ªö˺ Óí£±p-è[ªÙ-æ°ô¢ª?
My mother has a cold.
(Eìo ìª÷±y ÍÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oî¦?) Why were you here yesterday? 8. Yes, I am (at college... every day - conver- Sure, I will call you.
÷ªSx OªÚÛª ðƼûË à¶þ§hìª.
Raghav: I was there, of course. 8. ÷« ›úo-꟪è[ª ÞœêŸ ÎC-î¦ô¢Ù ÏÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oè[ª. sationö˺ Ð òŰޜ٠÷C-ö¶-óŸª-÷àŸªa.)
(Í÷±ìª ÍÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oìª) 9. When are you at home usually? (÷«÷´-
I will get back to you.
Raghav: I was there exactly at 6 when the Ú¨ÙC sentencesìª englishö˺ practiceà¶óŸªÙè…. therefore, am) but I was not (wasn't) at
Please mail the matter to me at
function began. 1. Praveen: Oªô¢ª Eìo ÏÙæ˺x Ñû¦oô¦? home last evening. Ú•JóŸªô ë¯yô¦ í£Ùí£Ùè….
(ú£JÞ¥_ íÆ£ÙÚÛ{ûË ë]-öµjì 6 ÞœÙå-õÚÛª 2. Pranav: Í÷±ìª, ÏÙæ˺xû¶ Ñû¦oìª. (Eìo þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ, Eìo ô¦vA – last evening,
A Mother (countable singular) loves her child.
We play waste
þ§hô³. You walk use f) Uncountable ÷³Ùë]ª a Ú¥F an Ú¥F Óí£±pè[« 3. Our classes (They) begin / start at 10 a.m.
(They) cook forget ÷ªSx ÖÚÛ-þ§J 1st RDW (1st Regular doing 5. My father (He) returns / comes back home
like likes (like+s) patients. Íô¢n-÷ª-÷±-꟪ÙC. Ú•Eo Íè[fÙÞ¥, Ú•Eo êŸõ-Ú¨Ù-ë]ª-õªÞ¥ ÑÙæ°-
sing sings (Sing+s) A doctor (He/She)
treats patients.
2) ٠ê•NªtCÙ-æ¨Ú¨ ÚÛü‹-ø‹õÚÛª ñóŸªõªë¶-ô¢ê¦Ù. óµªÙ-ë]ªÚÛª? Oæ¨E Óö° ÑàŸa-JÙ-à¦L?
dance dances (dance+s)
d) Fans (They) give air.
We start for college at 9 a.m. ÍÙë]ª-¸Ú-iû¦ EóŸª-÷«-õªÙ-æ°óŸ«?
go goes (go+es)
A fan gives air.
(Regular action - start - 1st RDW) Dictionary page bottom line Ú¨Ùë] ÚÛ«è¯
'A' Ú¨ÙC ÷«å-õìª I Regular Doing Words, B e) Teachers (They) 3) ÷« ›úo-꟪õª ò°Þ¥ Îè[ê¦ô¢ª. Ïö°¸Þ ÑÙæ°ô³. Oæ¨ ÞœªJÙ# êµL-óŸª-â¶-
Ú¨ÙC ÷«å-õìª II Regular Doing Words ÍÙæ°Ù. M. SURESAN ÏC regular action. óŸªÙè….
– ô¢÷«-ë¶îËÂ, šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ëÂ.
I Regular Doing Words ÚÛª (A Ú¨ÙC ÷«å-õÚÛª)
's' Ú¥F 'es' Ú¥F à¶J›úh II Regular doing words
A Teacher (He/She) teaches. Ïö° ÍEo Our friends (They) play well.
My father (he)
teacher (singular) teachers (plural)
My mother (she) likes milk (ôÁW ÚÛë¯). àŸ«›úh Ô Þœªô¢ªh Ô øŒò°l-EÚ¨ Íû¶C N÷-ô¢ÙÞ¥
The Cat (it)
boy (singular)
boys (plural)
ÑÙè[ë]ª. The 1st show (It) starts at 6.15 p.m. ÑÙåªÙC. î¦æ¨-êÁ-ò°åª pronunciation
casettes, CDs Ñí£-óµ«-Þœ-í£-è[-ê¦ô³.
d) uncountables plural milks, sug-
šíjì àŸ«í‡ì NëÅ]ÙÞ¥ A group ÚÛª í£C Verbs, B ars, rices ÍìÙ.
group ÚÛª í£C verbs àµí£pÙè…. ví£øŒo: ‘Óí£±p-èµjû¦ ›ú-î¦J Oªë]û¶ ÏÙÚ¥ú£h òÅ°ô¢Ù
eg: ê¦Þœè[Ù
e) Very Important: countable singulars
(ÍÙç¶ öµÚÛ\-šíç¶dN– ÖÚÛ-ë¯Eo, ÖÚÛJE ÞœªJÙ# Oªô¢« ô¦óŸªÙè…! í£è[ª-꟪ÙC’ ÍE àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ ú£÷«-ì-
൛íp-å-í£±pè[ª) ÷³Ùë]ª Óí£±pè[« 'a' Ú¥F þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃö˺ Oª ú£Ùë¶ï£„õìª îµªiì proverb ÑÙç¶ êµL-óŸª-â¶-óŸªÙè….
} }
I He
We drink coffee She drinks coffee 'an' Ú¥F ô¦î¦-LqÙë¶. þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃ, ví£AòÅ¡èµúÃ\, Ðû¦è[ª, – ÓÙ. -ûËÂ-ô¦÷±, ìt-Ú•Ùè[.
You It eg:
#ô¢ªû¦÷«ÚÛª í£Ùí‡ÙàŸ÷àŸªa.
þ¼÷«>Þœ«è[, šïj°ë]ô¦ò°ë–82 áî¦ñª : Oªô¢-ìo-ë¯-EÚ¨ ú£÷«-ì-iì proverb ÔD
They 1) A doctor treats patients (doctor - Englishö˺ ö¶ë]ª.
email: pratibha@
I Ðû¦è[ª- ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 26 WûË 2005
questionsö˺ î¦è…-ì-í£±pè[ª do ÷ú£ªhÙ-ë]E b) Mr Rao does not come here every day.
Does Óí£±pè•ú£ªhÙC?
a) they do not come here every day. b) We do not watch TV for an hour every
b) Do they come here every day? morning.
2) You come here often. c) When do you watch the TV every day?
a) You do not come here often. 5. a) The paper comes every day at 6 AM.
b) Do you come here often? b) The paper does not come here at 6
Ïö°¸Þ Ïí£±pè[ª2nd Regular Doing Words- AM.
comes, goes, walks, talks ö°Ùæ¨
verbs not ìª c) When does the paper come?
êÁÚ¥F, question ö˺ڥF î¦è…ìí£±pè[ª
'does' 5. a) We get the paper at 6 AM
÷ú£ªhÙC.2nd RDWs- he, she, it êÁû¶ î¦è[ê¦Ù. b) We do not get the paper at 6 AM
'does' ÚÛ«è¯
he, she, it êÁû¶ Ñí£-óµ«-TÙ- Q: Does (Sunil) find?
à¦L. 4) goes (+ not) = does not go; b) ô¦÷±-Þ¥ô¢ª ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ôÁW ô¦ô¢ª. c) When do you get the paper?
1) Sunita (She) sings well. Q: Does (Sita) go? c) ô¦÷±-Þ¥ô¢ª ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ôÁW ÷þ§hô¦? 6. a) They understand his teaching well.
2nd RDW
Ïö° Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁÙè…. 4. a) ٠Ñë]óŸªÙ ÖÚÛ ÞœÙå æ©O àŸ«þ§hÙ. b) They do not understand his teaching
a) Sunita does not sing well. takes = does take (with not/?) b) ٠Ñë]óŸªÙ ÖÚÛ ÞœÙå æ©O àŸ«è[Ù. well.
2nd RDW
c) Oªô¢ª ôÁW æ©O Óí£±pè[ª àŸ«þ§hô¢ª? c) How well do they understand his teach-
ÏÚÛ\è[verb 'does sing' - not êÁ. comes = does come (with not/?)
writes = does write (with not/?) . ôÁW Ñë]óŸªÙ 6 ÞœÙåõÚÛª ›íí£ô ÷ú£ªhÙC.
5 a) ing?
b) Does Sunita sing well?
Ïí£±pè[ª Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦æ¨E à¶óŸªÙè…. b) ôÁW Ñë]óŸªÙ 6 ÞœÙå-õÚÛª ›íí£ô ô¦ë]ª. 7. a) You read the paper every day.
ÏÚÛ\è[ ÚÛ«è¯ verb 'does sing' - question ö˺. ÏN
·ôÙè…Ùæ¨Ú© ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#- c) ôÁW ÓEoÙ-æ¨Ú¨ ›íí£ô ÷ú£ªhÙC? b) You do not read the paper everyday.
ÍÙç¶ ÏÚÛ\è[ sings + not/?
1st RDW, 2nd RDW
ìN. ÍÙç¶ Ú•Eo ú£Ùë]ô¦sÄö˺x 'do',÷ªJ Ú•Eo 6. a) î¦üŒxÚÛª ÎóŸªì ò˺ëÅ]ì ò°Þ¥ Íô¢n÷ª÷±-꟪ÙC. c) What paper do you read everyday?
= does sing
ú£Ùë]ô¦sÄö˺x î¦è¯Lq ÑÙåªÙC. â°vÞœ-êŸhÞ¥ b) î¦üŒxÚÛª ÎóŸªì ò˺ëÅ]ì ò°Þ¥ Íô¢nÙ Ú¥ë]ª. 8. a) She goes to her friends' on Sundays.
sings ìª not êÁ Ú¥F, 'does'
c) î¦üŒxÚÛª ÎóŸªì ò˺ëÅ]ì ÓÙêŸ ò°Þ¥
question ö˺ Ú¥F î¦è…-ì- Íô¢n÷ª÷±êŸªÙC?
b) She does not go to her friends' on
ö°Ùæ¨N î¦è[ê¦Ù.
(Past Doing Word- PDW).
ÚÛ«ôÁa-÷è[Ù, Eõñ-è[è[Ù, EvCÙ-àŸè[Ù, ÚÛõ-Þœ-ìè[Ù, Íô¢nÙ
à¶ú£ªÚÁ-÷è[Ù, Ú•ìè[Ù, ê¶÷è[Ù, ú‡ë]lÄ-í£-è[è[Ù,
îµªàŸªaÚÁ÷è[Ù, û¦åuÙ à¶óŸªè[Ù, ìæ¨Ù-àŸè[Ù, Îè[è[Ù,
RDW ìª
'not' êÁ Þ¥E,
question ö˺ Þ¥F î¦è…ê¶ Nvø‹ÙA Bú£ªÚÁ-÷è[Ù, í£E-à¶óŸªè[Ù, ÷'ëǯ à¶óŸªè[Ù,
'do', 2nd RDW ìª
'not' êÁÞ¥E,
question ö˺ޥE î¦è[è[Ù, ð§è[ª à¶óŸªè[Ù, ÚÛådè[Ù, E÷-ú‡Ù-àŸè[Ù,
î¦è…ê¶ 'does' ÷ú£ªhÙC ÍE êµõªú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ. ñêŸÚÛè[Ù.
Ravi: Hello Ramana when did you return
from Vizag?
ÔÙ êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ?
(ô¢÷ªé, îµjâ°Þ ìªÙ# Óí£±pè[ª AJ-Þ•- Let's go over what we've learnt so far.
à¦aô¢ª?) ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛ« û¶ô¢ªa-ÚÛª-ìoC ×þ§J àŸ«ë¯lÙ.
Ramana: I returned yesterday. am, is, are; was, were; have/has been; shall
(Eìo AJ-Þ•-à¦aìª.) be/will be;1st Regular Doing Words (go, Î í£±ú£hÚÛÙ ›í@õª. come - came
Ravi: Why did you go to Vizag? come, walk ö°Ùæ¨
verbs), 2nd Regular Doing The pages of the book (book's- î¦è[-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª) like - liked
(îµjâ°Þ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª îµü‹xô¢ª?) Words (goes, comes, walks ö°Ùæ¨
verbs) ç¶ñªöËÀ Ú¥üŒ‰x. talk - talked
Ramana: I went there to attend a marriage Oæ¨êÁ 'not' êÁ,
question ö˺
do, does î¦è[è[Ù legs of the table (table's êŸí£±p) smell - smelt
the day before. êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ. ÏÙæ¨ êŸõª-í£±õª–Doors of the house. kill - killed
(ÖÚÛ šíRxÚ¨ á-ô¢-ó¶ªuÙ-ë]ªÚÛª îµ³ìo Ïí£±pè[ª Oæ¨E Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. Ú¥ô¢ª-àŸ-vÚ¥õª–
Wheels of the car. etc.
ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµü‹xìª.) Ó÷-J/-Ó-÷-JC = whose Ïí£±pè[ª Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é àŸ«è[Ùè…. Oæ¨E çµjîª êµL-ú‡ì past actions ÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù.
Ravi: How did the marriage go off? Ó÷-J-E/-Ó-÷-JÚ¨ = whom Ramu: I went to my uncle's place last Ïí£±pè[ª àŸ«è[Ùè….
(šíRx Óö° áJ-TÙC?) a) Whose book is this? evening. 1) He comes on time everyday, but he came
Ramana: Oh, it went off very well. late yesterday.
(šíRx à¦ö° ò°Þ¥ áJ-TÙC.) (ví£AôÁW çµjîªÚÛª ÷þ§hè[ª, Eìo Îõ-ú£uÙÞ¥
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. return ÷à¦aè[ª – yesterday - came)
Óí£±pè[ª(yesterday, day before)
÷ªìÚÛª êµõªú£ª.
day), went (day before), went (also day
Ï÷Fo ÚÛ«è¯ ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-Tì í£ìªõª.
áJÞ¥óµ« ÚÛ«è¯
past actions ÚÛª (ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-T-ð¼-ô³ì í£ìª-õÚÛª Ô
ôÁV, Ô ûµõ, Ô ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù ÍE ÚÛ#aêŸÙÞ¥ êµL-ú‡-ì-
í£±pè[ª) î¦è¶ verb - past doing word. Ð Ú¨ÙC
î¦Ú¥uõª àŸ«è[Ùè….
1) He comes here every day.
Íà¶êŸû¦õÚÛª of 2) My mother goes to bed early (regular-
goes). She went late to bed yesterday
ÍE çµjîª àµñªêŸªû¦oÙ Ú¥ñæ¨d –
3) India became independent in 1947.
(òÅ°ô¢ê 1947ö˺ ú£yêŸÙvêŸ ë¶øŒÙ Íô³uÙC.)
4) The movie flopped on the first day of its
release last week (flopped - last week).
5) She passed Intermediate 2 years ago.
Ð Ú¨Ùë] Ï#aì I & II Regular Doing Words
(ví£A-ôÁW) regular action ÏC Ó÷J í£±ú£hÚÛÙ? (Eìo þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ ÷« ÷«÷ªóŸªu ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ Ú¨ past formsàµí£pÙè….
2) I go to movies every sunday. b) Whose is this book? îµü‹xìª.) eg: buy/buys (regular) - bought (past- Ú•ìåÙ
ÏC regular Ú¥ñæ¨d
'go' Ð í£±ú£hÚÛÙ Ó÷-JC? Raghu: What was the matter? áJ-T-ð¼-ô³ÙC)
B c) ìª÷±y Ó÷-JE ÓÚÛª\÷ Ïù£d-í£-è[-ê¦÷±?A û¦, B û¦? (ÓÙë]ªÚÛª?) sing/sings (regular) - sang (past- ð§è[è[Ù
1) He came here yesterday. Whom do you like more, A or B? Ramu: My cousin returned from the states Íô³-ð¼-ô³ÙC)
(ÍêŸìª Eìo ÷à¦aè[ª) the day before. He wanted to see Oæ¨E vð§Ú©dúà à¶óŸªÙè….
(past action ÚÛë¯, Eìo ÍÙç¶? Eìo ÍE çµjîª me. Aìè[Ù (Regular), Ú•ìè[Ù, ìè[-÷è[Ù, û¶ô¢ªa-ÚÁ÷è[Ù,
ÚÛ«è¯ àµñªêŸªû¦oÙ Ú¥ñæ¨d came) (îµ³ìoû¶ î¦üŒx-ò°sô³ Í-JÚ¥ ìªÙ# ô¦óŸªè[Ù, ÷«æ°xè[è[Ù, Íô¢÷è[Ù, Ôè[÷è[Ù, ÚÛådè[Ù,
2) He went to a movie last night. AJ-Þ•-à¦aè[ª. ÍêŸìª ììªo ÚÛõ-î¦-õ-ìª-ÚÛª- ê¦Þœè[Ù, ÚÛë]õè[Ù, ÷«ô¢è[Ù
ÏC Eìo ô¦vA ÍÙç¶ ÞœêŸÙö˺ × íÆ£ö°û¦ çµjîªö˺ ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 10 û¦oè[ª.) Answers:
áJ-TÙ-ë]E àµñªêŸªû¦oÙ Ú¥ñæ¨d went. Raghu: I tried to get you over phone this eat/eats - ate;
Ð Ú¨ÙC í£æ¨dÚÛ àŸ«è[Ùè…. morning; but your people told me buy/buys - bought;
Regular actions d) ìª÷±y Ó÷-JÚ¨ ú£ï£„-óŸª-í£- you were out. walk/walks - walked;
(vÚÛ÷ªÙ êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ áJ-¸ÞN) è[-ê¦÷±? (Ð ôÁV ð»ë]ªlì ÚÛ«è¯ Oª ÚÁú£Ù learn/ learns - learnt;
Regular Doing Words Whom do you help? ðƼûË à¶ø‹ìª. Ú¥F Oª î¦üŒ‰x ö¶ô¢E write/writes - wrote;
(I, We, You & they) (He, She & It) a)ÏC û¦ ÚÛõÙ. M. SURESAN (Í÷±ìª. Eìo ô¦vêŸÙê¦ ÷« ÷«÷ªóŸªu build/builds - built;
î¦üŒx-êÁû¶ Ñû¦oìª.)
drink/drinks - drank;
go goes This is my pen.
move/moves - moved;
see sees b) Ð ÚÛõÙ û¦C. Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é í£J-Q-L›úh ÞœêŸÙö˺ î¦JÚ¨ êµL-ú‡ì change/changes - changed.
come comes This pen is mine. ú£÷ª-óŸªÙö˺ áJ-Tì ú£ÙíÆ£ª-å-ì-õìª ÞœªJÙ# ÷«æ°x-è…-
know knows our - ÷«;
ours - ÷«C ìåªx êµõª-þ¼hÙC. Î verbs: went (last evening),
tell tells your- F/Oª returned (the day before), wanted (after he
teach teaches yours- FC/-OªC came), tried (this morning), told (this morn-
write writes This is my book; Where is yours? Oæ¨E
ing). went, returned, wanted, tried, told -
sing sings (ÏC û¦ í£±ú£hÚÛÙ; Fëµ-ÚÛ\è[?) ÷«÷´-õªÞ¥ ÍÙæ°Ù. Ïö°Ùæ¨
past tense past
keep keeps his- ÍêŸ-E/-Í-êŸ-EC; verbs- ìª ÷ªìÙ Past Doing WordsÍÙë¯Ù.
learn learns her- Î óµ³ÚÛ\ Oæ¨E ÷³ÜuÙÞ¥ ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-Tì í£ìªõª, Ô ôÁV, ví£øŒo: present tense, past tense, future
walk walks hers- ÎC Ô ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù, Ô çµjîªö˺ ÍE êµL-ú‡-ì-í£±pè[ª tense õìª Ô NëÅ]ÙÞ¥, Ôó¶ª Ú¥ö°ö˺x Ñí£-
Past actions, Time stated
her ÍÙç¶ Îîµªìª ÍE ÚÛ«è¯ Íô¢nÙ ÑÙC. î¦è[ê¦Ù. óµ«-TÙ-à¦ö˺ N÷-JÙ-àŸ-Þœ-õô¢ª.
(ÞœêŸÙö˺ × çµjîªö˺ áJ-T-ìN) This is Ramesh's shirt. I met him yesterday. – ú‡. ò°ñª, ÷³ë]l-ì«ô¢ª
ÏC ô¢î¶ªùà à•Ú¥\. ÍÙç¶ ô¢î¶ª-ùÃC, ô¢î¶ª-ùÃÚÛª àµÙCì (Eìo û¶ìª ÍêŸè…E ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛª-û¦oìª)
Past Doing Words
ÍE êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸª-è¯-EÚ¨ 's (Apostrophe- s) áî¦ñª: ÏÙTxùà ÷«æ°x-è¶Ù-ë]ªÚÛª tenses ›íô¢ªx êµõª-
went saw
They lost a lot of money last year.
ú£ª-ÚÁ-î¦-Lqì Í÷-ú£ô¢Ù ö¶ë]ª. Time of action (í£E-
(ð¼ô³ì ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù î¦üŒ‰x à¦ö° è[ñªs ð¼Þ•-åªd- á-J¸Þ Ú¥õÙ) ñæ¨d î¦è¯-Lqì verb ô¢«í£Ù (verb
came knew
÷« û¦ìo Þ¥J ë]ªú£ªhõª. ÚÛª-û¦oô¢ª)
told taught form) êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙç¶ à¦õª. Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª Ð QJ{-ÚÛö˺
wrote sang
My father's cloths.
÷« Í÷ªt ìÞœõª ÍÙç¶ çµjîª êµL-ú‡ì past actions ìª (ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ- ÷#aì ÍÙø‹-õFo tense ÚÛª ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#-ìî¶. î¦æ¨E
kept learnt Tì í£ìª-õìª) past doing words ö˺ (past sim- vð§Ú©dúà à¶óŸªÙè….
ple ö˺) êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸ«L. past doing words (past
My mother's jewels
ÖÚÛJ ÍE Þ¥E, ÖÚÛ-JÚ¨ àµÙCì ÍE Þ¥F àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ ûËÁæËÀ: ÷ªÙÞœüŒî¦ô¢Ù (WûË 28ì) Q&A ö˺
Ïö°¸Þ Ð Ú¨ÙC Íô¦nõª ÷à¶a English verbs Ú¨, English ö˺ 's (apostrophe- s) î¦è[ê¦Ù. Íô³ê¶
simple) Ñë¯--ô¢-éõª– ví£àŸªJÙ#ì ví£øŒoö˺E û¦õªÞÁ î¦ÚÛuÙ
Regular Doing Words, Past Doing Words
vð§éÙ ö¶E Íà¶-êŸ-ì-iì î¦æ¨Ú¨ ‘àµÙCì’ Íì-è¯-EÚ¨ 's go - went ú£·ôjìC Ú¥ë]ª. Î î¦ÚÛuÙ Ïö° ÑÙè¯L–
practice à¶óŸªÙè…. î¦è[Ù. ë¯E ñë]ªõª 'of' î¦è[ê¦Ù. see - saw I have known (that) you've stolen my
eg: Aìè[Ù –
eat (I RDW), eats (II RDW), ate write - wrote book.
I Ðû¦è[ª- øŒEî¦ô¢Ù 2 Vöµj 2005
Sridhar: Where were you last Evening? à¶óŸªÙè….) ÷« ÚÛ>ûË áÞœ-Dùà ÚÛ«è¯ ÏÚÛ\-
(Eìo þ§óŸªÙêŸÙ ÓÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦o÷±?) è[ªÙ-æ°è[ª. ìªîµ\-ÚÛ\-è[ªÙ-æ°÷±?
Srikanth: I was at Sankar's. We spent the Ramesh: Ô û¦ÚÛª êµMë]ª. ÓÙë]ªÚÛª êµõªq-ÚÁ-î¦-
evening together. õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦o÷±?
(û¶ìª øŒÙÚÛô î¦RxÙæ˺x Ñû¦oìª. Naresh: Eìªo ÷« ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ í‡õ-î¦-õE (want to
þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ Ïë]lô¢Ù ÚÛL›ú Ñû¦oÙ.) î¦è[Ùè…).
Sridhar: Do you see him everyday? Answer:
(ôÁW ìª÷±y ÍêŸEo ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ°î¦?) Ramesh: Hi Naresh? How are you?
Srikanth: No. He is out some evenings. He (Ð í£õ-ÚÛ-JÙ-í£±õª ò°Þ¥ practice
attends music classes two or three à¶óŸªÙè…)
evenings a week. Naresh: Fine. Thank you. How are you?
(ö¶ë]ª Ú•Eo-ôÁ-Võª ÍêŸìª þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ Ramesh: Fine too. Thank you. Why are you Ð ÷«å ÚÛ«è¯ ò°Þ¥ î¦è[Ùè… õ. ÍÙê¦ ÷ªì practice Oªë¶ ÑÙC.
ÏÙæ˺x ÑÙè[è[ª. î¦ô¦-EÚ¨ ·ôÙè[ª, ÷´è[ª here? Ramesh: Do you read a lot?
þ§óŸªÙ-vê¦õª ú£ÙUêŸÙ û¶ô¢ªa-ÚÛªÙ-æ°è[ª.) VOCABULARY
(How is it you are here?/What brings you (Have you/do you have the habit of reading?)
Sridhar: When did he start learning? here?/How do I see you here now?- Oå-Eoæ¨ Naresh: Yes, I read a lot. Reading interests Sentence structures ÏÙÚ¥ ò°Þ¥ practice
(û¶ô¢ªa-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù Óí£±pè[ª îµ³ë]õª šíæ°dè[ª?) Íô¢nÙ ÖÚÛç¶. Ð î¦Ú¥u-õìª ò°Þ¥ practice me/ I am interested in reading. à¶óŸ«-õÙç¶ vocabulary (í£ë¯õª ÍÙç¶ ÏÙÚ•Eo
Srikanth: I don't know. I think he has been à¶óŸªÙè….) Ramesh: Don't you (Do you not) watch ÷«åõª) êµõªú£ªÚÁ-î¦L.
at, is for at least 6 to 7 months Naresh: I bought some books in this shop movies? climb up = ÓÚÛ\è[Ù
now. here this morning. One of them is (ÏÚÛ\è[ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. àŸ«þ§hî¦? Do you watch? climb down = CÞœè[Ù
(û¦ÚÛª êµLóŸªë]ª. Ú¥F θôè[ª ûµõ-õªÞ¥ rush = êŸyô¢êŸyô¢Þ¥ îµüŒxè[Ù/ è¯-N-è…Þ¥
ë¯E Oªë¶ Ñû¦o-è[-ìª-ÚÛªÙæ°.) îµüŒxè[Ù/urgentÞ¥ ë¶Eûµjû¦ í£Ùí£è[Ù.
Sridhar: How about a movie tomorrow? Will Hurry up, please = êŸyô¢Þ¥ Ú¥FóÀª.
you be free?
(¸ôí£± ú‡E÷«Ú¨ îµüŒë¯÷«? ¸ôí£± ìª÷±y
Do you? Why are you in a hurry?
ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛÙêŸ ê•Ùë]ô¢ FÚÛª?/-ê•Ù-ë]ô¢ í£è[ª-꟪-û¦oîËÂ?
hurry(J) = ê•Ùë]ô¢
í£ë¯õª Îë¯!
Srikanth: I will be away tomorrow. I will be Crawl (vÚ¥öËÀ) = ð§ÚÛè[Ù
free the day after tomorrow. ÷³ÜuÙÞ¥ Ú¥üŒ‰x ö¶E áÙ꟪-÷±õª, ÷ªK ÓÚÛª\÷
(¸ôí£± û¶ìªÙ-è[ìª. ÓõªxÙè… Ý°SÞ¥ Ú¥üŒ‰xìo âµvô¢ªõª, ê¶üŒŠx ö°Ùæ¨N, ÏÙÚ¥ ìè[÷-ö¶E î¦üŒ‰x
ÑÙæ°ìª.) ò˺ô¦xí£è… ð§ÚÛè[Ù, í‡õxõª, û¦õªÞœª Ú¥üŒx áÙ꟪÷±õª
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. ð§ÚÛè¯Eo creep (vÚ©íÖ-vÚ©íÃq, v·ÚíÃd) ÍÙæ°ô¢ª. Íô³ê¶
Timeìª ñæ¨d î¦è…ì verb forms àŸ«ø‹ô¢ª Þœë¯? ·ôÙè[ª ÷«åõÚÛª ð¼LÚÛ à¦ö° Eë¯-ìÙÞ¥ ÚÛë]õè[Ù.
Ð Ú¨ÙC ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é Oª friends êÁ Ú¥F, OªêÁ ú£ï£°- not in a good condition / is in a bad àŸ«è[î¦ – Do you not watch / Don't you Creep-ô¢ï£°-ú£uÙÞ¥, ë•ÙÞœ-êŸ-ìÙÞ¥ ÚÛë]-õè[Ù Íû¶
ÚÛ-JÙචî¦ü˜x-÷-J-êÁ-ûµjû¦ practice à¶óŸªÙè…. Ïí£p-æ¨-÷- condition. I want to return it. watch? Íô¢nÙ ÚÛ«è¯ ÑÙC.
ô¢ÚÛª Ð Spoken English Columns ö˺ Ï#aì Ramesh: What's (=What is) wrong with the Naresh: Do you? ÚÛõêŸ = worry (÷J);
N÷-ô¦õª Oªô¢ª follow Íô³ ÑÙç¶, Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é book? ÏÚÛ\è[ Do you watch movies ÍE í£²JhÞ¥ ê¦íˆÞ¥ ìè[-÷è[Ù =amble (ÎÙñªöËÀ)
OªÚÛª à¦ö° ú£ªõòÅ¡Ù. (Ð Ú¨ÙC ›íô¢xÚÛª ñë]ªõª OªOª (What's wrong- ÏC ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ ú£ô¢y-þ§-ëů-ô¢-éÙÞ¥ Íû¦Lqì Í÷-ú£ô¢Ù ö¶ë]ª. / Do you sea a lot? (campö˺ am ö°Þ¥ ‘ÎÙ’ í£õ-Ú¥L)
friends ›íô¢xêÁ practice à¶óŸªÙè….) Ramesh: Oh, yes. I ê•Ùë]-ô¢-ð§åª = haste (šï°óÀªúÃd)
Ramesh: óÀª ì¸ôùà Óö° Ñû¦o÷±? watch at least
Naresh: ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦o, ëǯuÙÚÛ«u. ìª÷±y Óö° one movie a
Ñû¦o÷±? week. / I watch 1) English ö˺ hitting, betting, selling, hum-
Ramesh: û¶ìª ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦o. ëǯuÙÚÛ«u. ÔÙæ¨
ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 11 movies at least ming, cunning ö°Ùæ¨ ÷«å-õö˺ ÷à¶a ·ôÙè[-¤Û-
Ïí£±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦oîËÂ? once a week. ô¦õ« Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ ÖÚÛ Í¤Û-ô¢î¶ª í£õ-Ú¥L.
Naresh: Ð í£±ú£h-Ú¥õ ÿ§í£±ö˺ ð»ë]ªlì Ú•Eo í£±ú£h- î¦è[ê¦ô¢ª– Íô¢nÙ: ÔÙæ¨ ð»ô¢-ð§åª?, ê¶è¯ ÔÙæ¨?, ÏÚÛ\è[ ÚÛ«è¯ Oªô¢ª Íõ-î¦åª hitting = æ¨ÙÞÂ
Ú¥õª Ú•û¦oìª. î¦æ¨ö˺ ÖÚÛæ¨ ú£JÞ¥ ꟛíp-÷ª-û¦oû¦?) à¶ú£ªÚÁ-Þœ-L-T궖 Oh, yes, I M. SURESAN betting = òµæ¨ÙÞÂ
ö¶ë]ª. ë¯Eo AJT Ïà¶a-óŸ«-õE Íìª-ÚÛªÙ- Naresh: Some pages are missing. do. At least once a weak. selling = šúLÙÞÂ
åªû¦o. Ramesh: Didn't you (did you not) notice it ÍE clipped sentences (ÚÛªCÙ-#ì î¦Ú¥uõª) î¦è[- humming = NªÙÞÂ
Ramesh: ÔÙæ¨ Î í£±ú£h-ÚÛÙö˺ ö˺í£Ù? this morning when you bought it? ÷àŸªa. ÍÙç¶ I do= I watch. cunning = ÚÛEÙÞÂ,
Naresh: Ú•Eo ›í@õª ö¶÷±. þ§÷«-ìuÙÞ¥ à¦ö°-÷ªÙC Ú•ìè[Ù Íû¶ í£ë¯-EÚ¨, pur- Naresh: Tomorrow is/will be a holiday for (æ¨dÙÞÂ, òµæ¨dÙÞÂ, šúLxÙÞ etc ÍìÚÛ«è[ë]ª)
Ramesh: Ñë]óŸªÙ Ú•ìo-í£±è[ª Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸ-ö¶ë¯? chase(s) past doing word 'purchased' î¦è[ª- us. My cousin Jagadish also will 2) Looked, booked, talked, pressed, jumped
Naresh: Ú•ClÞ¥ ê•Ùë]-ô¢ö˺ Ñû¦o! ꟪Ù-æ°ô¢ª– ÏC ð§Ùè…êŸuÙ. ÷«÷´õª ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-é-ö˺- be here tomorrow. Where will you - Ïåª-÷Ùæ¨ ÷«åö˺x #÷J 'ed'E t Þ¥ í£õ-Ú¥L.
Ramesh: FÚÛª í£±ú£h-Ú¥õª àŸCî¶ Íõ-î¦-åªÙë¯? Þ¥E, ô¢àŸ-ìö˺, buy, buys, bought etc. ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. Ú•ìª- be? Looked= Lookt; talked=talkt etc.
Naresh: à¦ö° ÓÚÛª\÷ àŸë]ª-÷±-ê¦ìª. àŸë]-÷åÙ ÞÁõª Íû¶Ù-ë]ªÚÛª purchase î¦è[-÷àŸªa. Ramesh: I don't (do not) know. Why do you
û¦ÚÛª Îú£¸Úh.
Ramesh: ú‡E-÷«õª àŸ«è[î¦?
I have a few purchases to make.
Ú•Eo ÷ú£ªh-÷±õª Ú•ìª-ÞÁõª à¶óŸ«L.
want to know?
Naresh: I wish to/want to invite you to my
Oªô¢« ô¦óŸªÙè…!
Naresh: ìª÷±y ò°Þ¥ àŸ«þ§hî¦? OöµjìÙêŸ÷ô¢ÚÛª buy, buys, boughtû¶ î¦è[Ùè…. ú£ï£°- place. þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃö˺ Oª ú£Ùë¶ï£„õìª
Ramesh: Î. ÚÛFú£Ù î¦ô¦-E-ÚÁ-þ§J. áÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙC. àŸ«ø‹ô¦. ÷ªìÙ ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª Spoken English ö˺ þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃ, ví£AòÅ¡èµúÃ\, Ðû¦è[ª,
Naresh: ¸ôí£± ÷«ÚÛª šúõ÷± (tomorrowêÁ begin Naresh: I was in a little hurry êµõªú£ª-ÚÛªìo Ú•Cl ÍÙø‹-õ-êÁû¶ ÓÙêŸ ú£ÙòÅ°-ù‡Ù-àŸ-Þœ- þ¼÷«>Þœ«è[, šïj°ë]ô¦ò°ë–82
#ô¢ªû¦÷«ÚÛª í£Ùí‡ÙàŸ÷àŸªa.
email: pratibha@
'She has had this job for the last 'She has been this job for the last one year ÷«vêŸî¶ª's' / 'es' à¶ô¢ªþ§hÙ.
Íû¶ î¦ÚÛuÙ ÚÛ·ôÚÂd Ú¥ë]ª. She has been in this ví£øŒo: ‘û¶ìª Î í£E à¶ô³-þ§h쪒. DEE ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ áî¦ñª: I got married, I was married ·ôÙè[«
one year' , 'She has been this job
for the last one year' Ð ·ôÙè[ª job Íû¦L (in ÑÙè¯L). Óö° ÍÙæ°ô¢ª? ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. Íô¢nÙö˺ ÷«vêŸÙ Ú•ClÞ¥ ê¶è¯ ÑÙåªÙC.
î¦Ú¥uõÚÛª ê¶è¯ ÔNªæ¨? ví£øŒo: Simple present tenseö˺ subject's – âµ.·Ú ví£þ§ëÂ, ÚÛè[í£ got married = û¦ÚÛª šíüŒx-ô³ÙC ( Ô ôÁV, Ô
– Ná-óŸª-õ¤¨t, Ná-óŸª-î¦è[ singularö˺ Ñìo-í£±pè[ª verbÚÛª 's' Þ¥E, áî¦ñª: I will make him / her / them / you ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù êŸC-êŸô¢ N÷-ô¦õª ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄEo ñæ¨d
'es'Þ¥E à¶ô¢ª-þ§hô¢ª. Subject - 'I' Ñìo- do it. clearÞ¥ ÑÙç¶).
'She has had this job for the last
í£±pè[ª verbÚÛª 's', 'es' à¶ô¢a-·ôÙ-ë]ªÚÛª? ví£øŒo: I got married, I was married Ð Ex: I got married (on Monday last/ last
one year' Íû¦o, She has been in this job
for the last one year' Íû¦o Íô¢nÙ ÖÚÛç¶.
– ÓÙ. òÅ°ìª-àŸÙ-ë]ôÂ, ÷ªCl-î¦-E-ð§öµÙ ·ôÙè[ª î¦Ú¥uõª ú£·ôj-ì-î¶û¦? Ô ú£Ùë]- year / in 2004 / 22nd June etc.)
â¶-óŸª-è¯-EÚ¨ î¦è[ê¦Ù. 12. Do you go to movies often? sentences after changing the sub-
Ramu: Lata
Raghu: Does she draw so well?
Let's (= let us) see what it is.
ÔÙæ˺ àŸ«ë¯lÙ/àŸ«è[F)
( Ramu: She draws very well. She got even
Exercise -1: a prize last week.
Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-ö˺xE ìª,
subject He/she/It Þ¥ (even a prize = ñ-÷ªA ÚÛ«è¯)
÷«Ja, ÍÙë]ªÚÛª êŸTì ÷«ô¢ªpõª NªÞœê¦ sen- Raghu: Where did she learn it?
ö˺ à¶ú‡ à¶óŸªÙè….
'best' ö˺û¶ first Íû¶ òÅ°÷Ù ÑÙC. next best, did he do?' ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. ÏÚÛ\è[ verb: did do = did.
Taruni: Do you watch TV serials?
The CM laid the foundation stone for the
second best, third best... Íì-÷àŸªa.
Sania: Yes, I do / No, I don't (=do not)
Answer: He played / sang; He did not do bridge. Taruni: Are they interesting?
ví£øŒo: Interrogative sentences ö˺ helping anything ö°Þ¥ ô¦÷àŸªa. (÷³Üu-÷ªÙvA ÷Ùêµ-ìÚÛª í£±û¦-C-ô¦ô³ î¶ø‹ô¢ª / Sania: Yes, they are / No, they aren't
verbsìª Ñí£-óµ«-TÙ-à¶-å-í£±pè[ª was ví£øŒo: This stone was laid by somebody øŒÙÚÛª-þ§n-í£ì à¶ø‹ô¢ª.) 10)
ö¶ë¯ did Ôó¶ª ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x î¦è¯L? Íû¶ î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ 'laid' ÞœªJÙ# N÷-JÙ-àŸ-Þœ- lie (present tense) (Íñë]lÄÙ àµí£pè[Ù), lied (past Bhaskar: Were they here?
Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥uö˺x ÔC ú£·ôj-ìëÁ êµõ-í£Ùè…. õô¢ª. Íö°¸Þ lying Íû¶, lie Íû¶ verbs tense), lied (past participle).
Bhanu: Yes, they were / No, they weren't
1) What was he do? ÚÛª, laid Íû¶ verb ÚÛª present, past, lie (present) (í£è[ª-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù, Nvø‹ÙA Bú£ª-ÚÁ- 11)
2) What did he do? past participle êµõ-í£Ùè…. ÷è[Ù...), lay (past), laim(past participle).
Teacher: Is this question difficult?
–ÓúÃ.-îµj.·Ú., õ·Úq-æ¨d-›íå – Xìª, òÅ¡vë¯-àŸõÙ lay (ÑÙàŸè[Ù, Þœªè[ªx-ší-ådè[Ù, øŒÙÚÛª-þ§n-
Pupil: Yes, it is / No it isn't
í£ì à¶óŸªè[Ù), laid (past), laid (past participle).
I Ðû¦è[ª- øŒ‰vÚÛî¦ô¢Ù 8 Vöµj 2005
Venu: Ok, let him talk. First of all let him Ram: Eìo ÔÙ áJ-TÙC? Ram: Who repaired it? 2) î¦è…E çµjîª î¶úÃd à¶óŸªE÷yÚÛª
come in. Rahim: û¦ Ú¥ô¢ª ð§èµjð¼ô³ ÎT-ð¼-ô³ÙC Rahim: A nearby mechanic. Don't let him waste time/ Let him not waste
(ú£¸ô, ÍêŸ-è…E ÷«æ°x-è[-F-óŸªÙè…. ÷³Ùë]ª (break down î¦è[Ùè….) Ram: Do you drive? time.
ö˺í£-LÚ¨ ô¦F-óŸªÙè….) (break down ÍÙç¶ Ú¥ô¢ª, ö°K, ñúÃ, Ôëµjû¦ Rahim: Oh, Yes, I do. 3) DEo î¦è…Ú¨ êµLóŸª-E-÷yÚÛª
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ let î¦è[ªÚÛ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. DEo ÷ªì óŸªÙvêŸÙ àµè…-ð¼ô³ ÎT-ð¼÷è[Ù) Ram: Have you/ Do you have a driver, or Don't let him know it / Let him not know it.
ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ ú£ô¢y-þ§-ëů-ô¢-éÙÞ¥ î¦è[ª-꟪Ùæ°Ù. Ram: êŸô¢àŸ« àµè…-ð¼ô³ ÎT-ð¼-꟪Ùë¯? do you drive it yourself?
4) ÎN-è[êÁ î¦è…E ÷«æ°xè[E÷yÚÛª
Rahim: ö¶ë]ª, ö¶ë]ª. Eìo ÷«vêŸî¶ª áJ-TÙC. Rahim: I don't have a driver. I drive it
English ö˺ I RDW (Regular Doing Words- Don't let him talk to her.
go, come ö°Ùæ¨ verbs)ìª notêÁ questions ö˺
Ram: ë¯Eo Ó÷ô¢ª J›íô¢ª à¶ø‹ô¢ª? myself.
5) î¦è…E ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè[E÷yÚÛª
Rahim: ë]Þœ_-ôÁxû¶ Ñìo ڥ-EÚÂ. Ram: Do you drive well? / Are you good
î¦è…ìí£±pè[ª 'do'; II RDW (goes, comes ö°Ùæ¨ (nearby= ë]Þœ_-ô¢ªìo) at driving?
Don't let him stay here/ Let him not stay
verbs) ÚÛª questionsö˺ 'not' êÁ î¦è…ìí£±pè[ª here.
Ram: ìª÷±y wèµjîË à¶þ§hî¦? Rahim: (Do you) Want to see how I drive?
٠í‡õx-õìª ÷«æ°x-è[-E÷yÙ
Rahim: à¶þ§hìª.
'does'; Past Doing Words (PDW- went, came Come, let's have a ride. 6)
ö°Ùæ¨ verbs) ÚÛª
'not' êÁ
questions ö˺ FÚÛª wèµj÷ô¢ªû¦oè¯? ìªî¶y wèµjîË ÏÚÛ\è[ 'let' Ñí£-óµ«-TÙ# àŸ«è[Ùè…. We don't let children talk.
î¦è…ìí£±pè[ª'did' ÷ú£ªhÙ-ë]E êµõªú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ. Íô³ê¶ Ram:
à¶þ§hî¦? Ð î¦Ú¥u-õ-EoÙ-æ¨ö˺ let ÍÙç¶
allow ÍE
Ú•Eo ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x êŸô¦yêŸ Ïö°Ùæ¨ ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x 'let' ÍÙç¶ Ôëµjû¦ í£E à¶ë¯lÙ êµõªþ¼hÙC ÚÛë¯.
Rahim: wèµj÷ô ö¶è[ª. û¶û¶ wèµjîË à¶þ§h.
what, who do, does,
did Íû¶N ô¦÷E Þœ÷ª-EÙ-à¦L. ÍE ú£«#Ù-àŸè[Ù.
Being ìª þ§ëů-ô¢-éÙÞ¥ passive ÍêŸè[ª à¦ö° ÚÛJÈ-ìÙÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª ÍE Íô¢nÙ. will be your plan? ÍÙæ°Ù. am having, is having, are having Íû¶N
ví£øŒo: î¦uÚÛ-ô¢é ú£«vê¦-õìª Íìª-ú£-JÙ# ìª Ôó¶ª ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x î¦è[- Aìè[Ù, Bú£ªÚÁ-÷è[Ù Íû¶ Íô¦nE¸Ú î¦è[-ê¦ô¢ª.
ö˺ î¦è[ê¦Ù. Ú¥F He is being
voice ví£øŒo: having
î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ being ìª ÔN-ëÅ]ÙÞ¥
difficult What will you be? ê¦ô¢ª? Ð í£ë]Ù ÷#a-ì-í£±pè[ª verb ÚÛLT ÑÙè[è[Ù Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ î¦è[ô¢ª.
î¦è¯ôÁ êµL-óŸª-â¶-óŸª-Þœ-õô¢ª.Actually Where will you be? ÚÛ«è¯ past participle ö˺û¶ î¦è¯ö°? I am having a car ÍÙç¶ û¶ìª Ú¥ô¢ªìª AÙåª-
being êŸô¦yêŸ verb past participle ö˺ What will your plan be? Ñë¯--ô¢-é-õêÁ N÷-JÙ-àŸÙè…. û¦o-ìû¶ Ní£-K-ê¦ô¢nÙ ÷ú£ªhÙC.
ÑÙè¯L ÚÛë¯! being ìª Ô ú£Ùë]-ô¢sÄÙö˺ How will your plan be? – Ú¥·ô ô¢N-ÚÛª-÷«ôÂ, òÅËºÞ¥í£±ô¢Ù û¦ÚÛª Ú¥ô¢ªÙC– Íì-è¯-EÚ¨ I have a car.
î¦è[-ê¦ôÁ êµL-óŸª-â¶-óŸª-Þœ-õô¢ª. ÍE ví£øŒo î¦Ú¥uõª ÑÙè¯L. ví£øŒoö˺ áî¦ñª: I, We, You, They Íô³ê¶ have û¦ ›úo-꟪-è…Ú¨ ÖÚÛ Ú•è[ªÚÛª, ÖÚÛ Ú۫꟪ô¢ª
ú£òµbÚÛªd ÷³Ùë]ª will be/ shall be/ can ÍÙæ°Ù. He, She, It Íô³ê¶ has ÍÙæ°Ù. Ñû¦oô¢ª.
– óŸªÙ. ú£ô¢pÄ-ô¦âÉÀ ìî¦âÉÀ, ÚÛô¢«oõª
be/ may be ô¦ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª ÚÛë¯! Ú¥F Ïæ©- a) I/We/You/My friends (they) have the My friend has a son and a daughter.
áî¦ñª: He is being difficult- ÍÙç¶ ÍêŸìª ÷õ Oªô¢ª þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùà ÎôÁ òÅ°ÞœÙö˺ My friend is having a son and a daughter.
Ïí£±pè[ª ú£÷ªú£uÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª ÍE Íô¢nÙ. ÏÚÛ\è[ book.
ô¦ú‡ì ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ What will be your b) My friend (He/She) has the book. ÍÙç¶ ÷à¶a Ní£-K-ê¦ô¢nÙ– ÎóŸªì î¦üŒxìª AÙåª-
'is being' ÍÙç¶ Ïí£±pè[ª ÑÙè[è[Ù (continu- û¦o-ô¢E ÚÛë¯!
plan? ÍE ô¦ø‹ô¢ª ÍC êŸí£±p ÚÛë¯! c) The fan (It) has three blades.
ous), is being êŸô¦yêŸ past participle ÑÙç¶ Ú¥ñæ¨d Ïåª-÷Ùæ¨àÁåx am having / is having /
Öí£±p Íô³ê¶ vÞ¥÷ªô ú£«vêŸÙ êµL-óŸª-â¶- have/has ·ôÙè[ª Íô¦nõª:
ÍC passive voice Í÷±-꟪ÙC. óŸª-Þœ-õô¢ª. are having î¦è[Ù.
The letter is being written (ô¦óŸªñè[ªêŸ« 1. Ôëµjû¦ ÖÚÛ-JÚ¨ ÑÙè[è[Ù (ÚÛLT ÑÙè[è[Ù). I am having tea, because coffee is not
ÑÙC I am/We are writing the letter ÚÛª pas- – ÍõxÙ-ô¦V ÚÛ'ù£d-U-ê¦-ô¢ªbì, Eè[-ë]-îËÁõª šíj î¦Ú¥uö˺x have Íô¢nÙ Ïë¶. available. ÏÚÛ\è[
am having correct.
sive). is being í£ÚÛ\ì difficult ö°Ùæ¨ Þœªé°- áî¦ñª: What will be your plan? ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. 2. Aìè[Ù, ê¦Þœè[Ù (Îô¢Ù) (Ú¥íƈ ö¶ë]ª Ú¥ñæ¨d æ© ê¦Þœª-꟪-û¦oìª)
õìª êµL›í ÷«å-õªÙç¶ ÍN ÑÙè¶ î¦üŒ‰xÞ¥ Íô³ê¶ Oª ú£Ùë¶ï£°Ù ÚÛ«è¯ ú£·ôj-ìë¶. what êÁ a) I have coffee in the mornings. She is having a beautiful necklace.
Ñû¦o-ô¢E Íô¢nÙ. vð§ô¢Ù-GÅÙචví£øŒo-õÚÛª Ú•Eo ú£Ùë]ô¦sÄö˺x will be, (û¶ìª Ñë]óŸªÙ Ú¥íƈ Bú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ°ìª.) ÏC ·ôjæ˺ Ú¥ëÁ àŸ«è[Ùè…. Ú¥ë]ª-ÚÛë¯. Î ûµ·Úx-
I am being good to you. shall be õª ÚÛL›ú ÷þ§hô³. ÏN 'what ques- b) My mother has breakfast at 8 AM. úÃìª Aìë]ª. Ú¥ñæ¨d she has a beautiful
F í£åx û¶ìª ÷ªÙ#Þ¥ ÑÙåª-û¦oìª (Ïí£±pè[ª). tions' ÚÛª ÷«vêŸî¶ª. Íô³ê¶ What will your (Í÷ªt Ñë]óŸªÙ ÓE-Nª-CÙ-æ¨Ú¨ vò¶ÚÂ-ðƧúÃd necklace Íû¦L.having ÚÛª ú£ÙñÙCÅÙ# ÷ªJEo
He is being harsh. plan be? Íìè[Ù ÚÛ«è¯ ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. ÓÚÛª\-÷Þ¥ What à¶ú£ªhÙC.) Nù£óŸ«õª ô¦òËºó¶ª î¦uþ§ö˺x àŸJaë¯lÙ.
I Ðû¦è[ª- ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 10 Vöµj 2005
Murali: Hi Sravanthi, keeping well? Walk - not êÁ/ question ö˺ do walk
(vú£÷ÙB, ò°Þœª-û¦oî¦?) Walks - not êÁ/ question ö˺ does walk
ÏC ÚÛ«è¯ í£õ-ÚÛ-JÙ›í. Oª conversation ö˺ (For Regular actions)
î¦è[Ùè…. Íö°¸Þ Past Doing Words (came, walked,
Sravanthi: I am, of course. How about you? talked, sang, stood ö°Ùæ¨ verbs) ÚÛª not êÁ,
(û¶ìª-ÚÛª-ö°-þ§û¶. F ú£ÙÞœA?) question ö˺ 'did' ÷ú£ªhÙC. (÷ªSx Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁÙè….
(How about you?= F ú£ÙÞœA) çµjîª êµL-ú‡ì past action ÚÛª Past Doing Word
Murali: I am OK. I saw you at the park î¦è[ê¦Ù.)
last evening. He sang well yesterday.
(ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦oìª. Eìo þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ (Eìo ò°Þ¥ ð§è¯è[ª)
û¶ìª Eìªo ð§ôÂ\ö˺ àŸ«ø‹ìª.) Eìo ò°Þ¥ ð§è[-ö¶ë]ª (ÍÙç¶ not êÁ)
Sravanthi: But I didn't (= did not) see you. He did not sing well yesterday. c) ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù î¦üŒ‰x ÏÚÛ\è…Ú¨ Óí£±pè[ª ÷à¦aô¢ª? b) They did not come here last week.
Why didn't you (= did you not) êÁ ô¦÷è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè….
'did' not d) ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù î¦üŒ‰x ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ÷à¦aô¢ª? c) When did they come here last week?
talk to me. Eìo ò°Þ¥ ð§è¯è¯? (ÏC question) e) ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù î¦üŒ‰x ÏÚÛ\è…Ú¨ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ô¦ö¶ë]ª? d) Why did they come here last week?
(û¶ìª Eìªo àŸ«è[-ö¶ë]ª. ÷ª·ôÙ-ë]ªÚÛª Did he sing well yesterday? 6. a) û¶û¦-îµªìª îµ³ë]å û¦õª¸ÞüŒx vÚ¨êŸÙ (ago) e) Why didn't they come here last week?
û¦êÁ ÷«æ°x-è[-ö¶ë]ª?) ÏÚÛ\è[ question ö˺ ÚÛ«è¯ 'did' ô¦÷è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ- ÚÛõªú£ª-ÚÛª-û¦oìª. (didn't they = did they not / did not they)
àŸÙè…. b) û¶û¦-îµªìª îµ³ë]å û¦õª-¸ÞüŒx vÚ¨êŸÙ ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ- 6. a) I met her first (for the first time) four
Eìo Óö° ð§è¯è[ª? ö¶ë]ª. years ago (back Ú¥ë]ª).
c) ìª÷±y Îîµªìª Óí£±pè[ª ÚÛõªú£ª-ÚÛª-û¦o÷±?
áJTìO.. áô¢ÞœEO!
How did he sing? b) I did not meet her four years ago.
Óí£±pè[ª ð§è¯è[ª? d) Íí£±pè[ª Î FêÁ ÔÙ àµí‡pÙC? c) When did you meet her?
When did he sing? e) Íí£±pè[ª Î FêÁ Ô÷ªû¦o àµí‡pÙë¯? d) What did she tell you / say to you then?
e) Did she tell you / say anything to you?
7. a) We made all these ready yesterday.
b) We did not make all these ready yes-
c) Did you make all
these ready yes-
d) Why didn't you
(did you not / did
not you) make all
these ready yes-
Ú¥ñæ¨d Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁ-î¦-Lqì Nù£óŸªÙ– 7. a) ٠Eìoæ¨¸Ú Ï÷Fo ú‡ë]lÄÙ à¶ø‹Ù. terday? M. SURESAN
Past Doing Word ìª (past simple form) not êÁ b) ٠Eìo-æ¨¸Ú Ï÷Fo ú‡ë]lÄÙ à¶óŸª-ö¶ë]ª. e) Why did you
Þ¥E, question ö˺ Þ¥F î¦è…ê¶ did + 1st Regular c) Oªô¢ª Eìo-æ¨¸Ú Ï÷Fo ú‡ë]lÄÙ à¶ø‹ô¦? make all these ready yesterday?
Doing Word Í÷±-꟪ÙC. d) Oªô¢ª Eìo-æ¨¸Ú Ï÷Fo ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ú‡ë]lÄÙ à¶óŸª- 8. a) I studied in Nellore last year.
He sang well yesterday. ö¶ë]ª? b) I did not study in Nellore last year.
How about you? a) He did not sing well yesterday. e) Oªô¢ª Eìo-æ¨¸Ú Ï÷Fo ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ú‡ë]lÄÙ c) Where did you study?
b) Did he sing well yesterday? à¶ø‹ô¢ª? d) Did you study in Nellore?
sang + not/? = did sing 8. a) û¶ìª ÞœêŸ ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù ûµõ«x-ô¢ªö˺ àŸC-î¦ìª. 9. a) I went to a movie yesterday.
Murali: I had a call from home. My Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥uõª ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ practice à¶óŸªÙè…. b) û¶ìª ÞœêŸ ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù ûµõ«x-ô¢ªö˺ àŸë]-÷- b) I did not go to a movie yesterday.
mother wanted me immediate- eg: ÍêŸìª Eìo ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÷à¦aè[ª. ö¶ë]ª. c) Did you go to a movie yesterday?
c) ìª÷±y ÓÚÛ\è[ àŸC-î¦÷±?
ly. So I rushed home. He came here yesterday. d) Did I go to a movie yesterday?
(û¦ÚÛª ÏÙæ¨ ìªÙ# ðƼûË ÷#aÙC. d) ìª÷±y ûµõ«x-ô¢ªö˺ àŸC-î¦î¦? e) Why did you go to a movie yesterday?
Í÷ªt ììªo îµÙåû¶ ô¢÷ªtÙC. 9. a) Eìo û¶ìª ú‡E÷«ÚÛª îµü‹xìª. f) Which movie did I go to, yesterday?
è¯-÷±-è…Þ¥ ÏÙæ¨-·Ú-ü‹xìª.) b) Eìo û¶ìª ú‡E-÷«ÚÛª îµüŒx-ö¶ë]ª. 10. a) Hemant bought a car last week.
c) ìª÷±y Eìo ú‡E÷«ÚÛª îµü‹xî¦?
Sravanthi: I stayed at with my friend b) Hemant did not buy a car last week.
Sudha till 7 PM. ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 15 d) Eìo û¶ìª ú‡E÷« ·Úü‹xû¦? c) Did Hemant buy a car last week?
(û¦ ›úo-꟪-ô¦õª ú£ªëÅ]êÁ ô¦vA 7 e) Eìo ìª÷±y ú‡E-÷«ÚÛª ÓÙë]ª-·Ú-ü‹x÷±? d) Which car did Hemant buy (last week)?
ÞœÙåõ ÷ô¢ÚÛª ð§ôÂ\-ö˺û¶ Ñû¦oìª.) ÍêŸìª Eìo ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ô¦ö¶ë]ª. f) Eìo û¶ìª Ô ú‡E÷«ÚÛª îµü‹xìª? Ú¥ñæ¨d past actions, time stated (çµjîª êµLú‡,
Ð conversation ö˺ verbs- saw, had, want- He did not come here yesterday. 10. a) ›ï°÷ªÙêÂ ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù Ú¥ô¢ª Ú•û¦oè[ª. ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-Tì) î¦æ¨Ú¨ Past Doing Word (came,
ed, rushed and stayed. Íî¶ Questions ö˺ ÷#a- ÍêŸìª Eìo ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÷à¦aè¯? sang, wrote ö°Ùæ¨N) î¦è[ê¦Ù. áô¢-ÞœE î¦æ¨Ú¨
b) ›ï°÷ªÙêÂ ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù Ú¥ô¢ª Ú•ì-ö¶ë]ª.
ì-í£±pè[ª did see, did talk Í÷è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. Ð Did he come here yesterday? c) ›ï°÷ªÙêÂ ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù Ú¥ô¢ª Ú•û¦oè¯? questions êÁ did + 1st Regular Doing Word
verbs ìª Past Doing Words ÍÙæ°Ù. ÏN Î ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù Í-JÚ¥ îµRxÙC. î¦è[ê¦Ù.
1. a) d) ›ï°÷ªÙêÂ ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù Ô Ú¥ô¢ª Ú•û¦oè[ª?
ÞœêŸÙö˺ ÷ªìÚÛª êµL-ú‡ì ú£÷ª-óŸªÙö˺ (Ô ôÁV, Ô b) Î ÞœêŸ-î¦ô¢Ù Í-JÚ¥ îµüŒx-ö¶ë]ª.
ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù, Ô ú£÷ªóŸªÙ, Ô ûµõ êŸC-êŸô¢ N÷-ô¦õª) c) Î ÍJÚ¥ îµRxÙë¯?
áJ-Tì ú£ÙíÆ£ª-åìõìª ÞœªJÙ# àµñª-ê¦ô³. î¦æ¨E 2. a) ÍêŸìª ÞœêŸ ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù è…vU í£²Jh-à¶-ø‹è[ª. 1. a) She went to / left for the US last Week.
÷ªSx ÖÚÛþ§J Þœªô¢ªh-êµ-àŸªa-ÚÛªÙë¯Ù. b) ÍêŸìª ÞœêŸ ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù è…vU í£²Jh à¶óŸª- b) She did not go to / leave for the US last
Past doing Words ÚÛª ÷ªJ-Ú•Eo Ñë¯--ô¢-éõª ö¶ë]ª. Week.
àŸ«è[Ùè…. c) ÍêŸìª è…vU Óí£±pè[ª í£²Jh-à¶-ø‹è[ª? c) Did she go to / leave for the US?
Regular Doing Past Doing 3. a) êŸô¢-Þœ-꟪õª Ñë]óŸªÙ í£CÙ-æ¨Ú¨ 2. a) He completed (his) degree last year.
Words Words vð§ô¢ÙòÅ¡÷ªóŸ«uô³. b) He did not complete (his) degree last ví£øŒo: Standard English ví£Ú¥ô¢Ù ÏêŸ-ô¢ªõ ðƼûËÂ
Come, Comes Came b) êŸô¢-Þœ-꟪õª Ñë]óŸªÙ í£CÙ-æ¨Ú¨ vð§ô¢ÙòÅ¡Ù year. ûµÙñô ÷ªì Ívè[-úÃÞ¥ Ï›úh Ô÷ªE í‡õ-
Sing, Sings Sang Ú¥ö¶ë]ª. c) When did he complete (his) degree?
– XëÅ]ôÂ, Aô¢ª-í£A
Like, Likes Liked c) êŸô¢-Þœ-꟪õª Ñë]óŸªÙ í£CÙ-æ¨Ú¨ vð§ô¢Ù-òÅ¡-÷ª- ÏÚÛ\è[ 'Complete' ñë]ªõª, 'take', 'pass' î¦è…
óŸ«uóŸ«? practice à¶óŸªÙè….
pp number Íìè[Ù ú£J Ú¥ë]ª. ð§êŸ-ôÁ-
Talk, Talks Talked
4. a) Eìo ìª÷±y ÍêŸè…E ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛª-û¦o÷±. 3. a) The classes began at 10 AM.
Smell, Smells Smelt
Vö˺x ðƼìªx à¦ö° Íô¢ª-ë]ªÞ¥ ÑÙè…, STD ö¶ÚÛªÙè¯
b) Eìo ìª÷±y ÍêŸ-è…E ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ-ö¶ë]ª. b) The classes did not begin at 10 AM.
Trunk booking Ñìo-í£±pè[ª ðƼûË ûµÙñô¢ª Ï#a
Regular Doing Words ÚÛª not êÁ questions ö˺ c) Eìo ìª÷±y ÍêŸ-è…E ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ÚÛõªú£ª-ÚÛª- c) Did the classes begin at 10 AM.?
íÆ£ö°û¦ ÷uÚ¨hÚ¨ (Particular Person -PP) call ÍE
do, does÷þ§hô³. û¦o÷±? 4. a) You met him yesterday. àµGê¶ Î ÷u¸Úh ÷#a ÷«æ°xè¶ ÷ô¢ÚÛª θÞî¦ô¢ª. ÏêŸ-
come - not êÁ/ question ö˺ do come 5. a) ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù î¦üŒ‰x ÏÚÛ\è…Ú¨ ÷à¦aô¢ª. b) You did not meet him yesterday. ô¢ªõ ðƼûËÂ-ûµÙ-ñô ÷ªìE í‡õ-÷-è¯-EÚ¨ î¦è…ê¶ ÍC
comes - not êÁ/ question ö˺ does come b) ÞœêŸ î¦ô¢Ù î¦üŒ‰x ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ô¦ö¶ë]ª. c) Why did you meet him yesterday? CONTACT NUMBER- ÍÙç¶ Î ìÙñô Oªë]
5. a) They came here last week. ë•ô¢ª-ÚÛª-ê¦ìª ÍE Íô¢nÙ.
I Ðû¦è[ª- ÷ªÙÞœüŒî¦ô¢Ù 12 Vöµj 2005
ðƼûË à¶ø‹ìª. v›í÷ª šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°-ëÂö˺
To join a software institute here.
software institute ö˺ à¶ô¢-è¯-
÷´è[ª Íô¦nõêÁ infinitive
Prasanthi: Which institute does she want to
4) ÖÚÛ ôÁTE àŸ«è[-è¯-EÚ¨ Eìo Îú£ªí£vAÚ¨ (áóŸªÙæËÀ, âµjÞ¥Ù-æ¨ÚÂ) Íû¦o à¦õšíë]l ÍE.
study in? ÚÛõª êµL›í verbs í£ÚÛ\ì infinitive ÷›úh ‘à¶óŸ«- îµü‹xìª.
(Ô ÏûËÂú‡d-å«u-æËÀö˺ àŸë]-î¦-õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ- õE’ Íû¶ Íô¢nÙ ÷ú£ªhÙC. 5) î¶éª àŸë]-ô¢Ùޜ٠Îè[-è¯-EÚ¨ ôÁW ú£ªò°s-
His is a gigantic figure.
æ˺ÙC?) (òÅ°K ÎÚ¥ô¢Ù); Giant wheel êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛë¯.
a) She wants to sing.
ô¦÷± ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ îµüŒê¦è[ª. ê¦ò¶õª – (æ°æ¨úÃ).
Preethi: I don't know. To learn software in (ð§è¯-õE Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-æ˺ÙC.) 6) Ð vÞœ«íà àŸë]-÷è[Ù
Òú£-ô¢-îµLx –
chameleon (ÚÛOª-L-óŸªûËÂ)
some good place is all that she b) He wishes to go home.
v›íîªڨ Ïù£dÙ ö¶ë]ª. ð§÷±ô¢Ù –
wants. (ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ îµü‹x-õE Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oè[ª.) 7) ÍÙêŸ-ë]«ô¢Ù ìè[-
(êµMë]ª. ÎÚÛª Ú¥î¦-LqÙ-ë]ö°x ÔëÁ #õªÚÛ – parrot
ÖÚÛ ÷ªÙ# institute ö˺ software ÷è[Ù ú£ªõòÅ¡Ù Ú¥ë]ª. ÏüŒxö˺x šíÙàŸª-Ú•û¶ ÚÁüŒ‰x ö°Ùæ¨N – domestic fowl.
û¶ô¢ªaÚÁ÷è[Ù) 8) î¦è[ª Eìo ú£Jd-íƇ-
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ to see, to ask, to join, to learn ·Úåªx êµàŸªa-ÚÁ-è¯-EÚ¨
college Ú¨ îµüŒx-ö¶ë]ª.
Íìo ÷«åõª Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. 9) Î Î <ô¢-Ú•-û¦õE
Ï÷Fo Ô ô¢«í£Ùö˺ Ñû¦oô³? ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 16
To êŸô¦yêŸ 1st Regular Doing Words (see, ask,
join, learn) ÷ú£ªh-û¦oô³ ÚÛë¯. Oæ¨E infinitives
10) FÚÛª àŸë]-÷è[Ù Ïù£dÙ M. SURESAN
c) They hope to pass.
ö¶ë¯? (like
(pass Íî¦yõ-E/-Í-÷±-ê¦-÷ªE ÎP-ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª.) î¦è[Ùè…)
Englishö˺ infinitive ÚÛª à¦ö° vð§÷³ÜuÙ ÑÙC.
Infinitive ÚÛª ÷ªJ-Ú•Eo Ñë¯--ô¢-éõª–
d) Kamala expects to get a prize.
11) Î ÑëÁuޜ٠÷ú£ªhÙë]E ví£Oªõ ví£øŒo: þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùà í£ë]-Ú•ÙèÁ òÅ°ÞœÙö˺ ô¢î¶ªøÉÂ,
(wšíjâÉÀ ð»Ùë]ª-ê¦-ìE Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-æ˺ÙC.) ÎPþ¼hÙë¯?(hope, get) î¦è[Ùè…. ì¸ô-øÉÂõ ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é Î ôÁV áJ-T-ìë¶.
✦ to ✒ ô¦óŸªè[Ù, (to write), Aìè[Ù (to eat) etc Íû¶ Ñë]óŸªÙ í£²ô¢h-ô³ì í£ìª-õÚÛª ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì
12) í£±ú£hÚÛÙ Ú•ì-è¯-EÚ¨ Eìo ÓÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµü‹x÷±?
✦ to smoke í£ìªõìª infinitive êµL-óŸª-â¶-ú£ªhÙC. 13) ô¦íÆ£ª-÷Ú¨ àŸë]-î¦-õE ö¶ë]ª. ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é present perfect tense ö˺
✦ to buy a) To sit in the class for five hours a day is ÑÙè¯L ÚÛë¯. Oªô¢ª past tense ö˺ Ïà¦a-
✦ to sell etc. not a joke . Answers:
¸ô-Nªæ¨? Eìo ö¶ë¯ ÞœêŸÙö˺ Óí£±p-èµjû¦ áJ-
Infinitiveìª ÷´è[ª Íô¦n-õêÁ î¦è[ê¦Ù. šíj ú£ÙòÅ°- (Íô³ë]ª ÞœÙåõª Ú¥xúÃö˺ ÚÛ«ôÁa÷è[Ù 1) I want to go. Tì Nù£-óŸ«-õÚÛª past tense î¦è¯L ÚÛë¯.
ù£-éö˺ Oªô¢ª Þœ÷ª-EÙචÑÙæ°ô¢ª. êŸ÷«ÿ§ Ú¥ë]ª.) 2) She wishes to sing. ÷³ÜuÙÞ¥ bought, didn't you õÚÛª ñë]ª-
3) Every student wants to join the best col- õªÞ¥ have bought, haven't you ö°Ùæ¨
Ð Ú¨ÙC Vocabulary items Oª ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺x she bought the same necklace as hers. lege. present perfect Ñí£-óµ«-TÙàŸ ÷àŸªa ÚÛë¯
î¦è[Ùè… (êŸì-ÚÛªìo ûµ·Úxúà ö°Ùæ¨ë¶ í£Ú¨\Ùæ°Nè[ Ú•ìoÙ-ë]ªÚÛª 4) I went to the hospital yesterday to see a N÷-JÙ-àŸ-Þœ-õô¢ª.
ÎÚÛª Íú£«óŸª) – ú‡šï°àÂ. ô¦÷ª-àŸÙ-vë]-÷´Jh, Ú¥Ú¨-û¦è[
Bhaskar: Hi, Bhanu. What are you doing? î¦èµ-ÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµüŒ‰êŸª-û¦oè[ª (Ïí£±pè[ª).
(òÅ°ìª ÔÙ à¶ú£ªh-û¦o÷±) f) Are you threatening me?
Bhanu: Don't you see? I am preparing for ììªo òµC-J-ú£ªh-û¦oî¦? (Ïí£±pè[ª).
an exam. g) She is not dancing well.
(àŸ«è[è[Ù ö¶ë¯? í£K-¤ÛÚÛª v퇛í-ô¢-÷±-꟪-û¦oìª) Î û¦åuÙ ò°Þ¥ à¶óŸªè[Ù ö¶ë]ª (Ïí£±pè[ª).
Bhaskar: Oh, are you? Where is your h) Am I troubling you?
brother? û¶ìª Nª÷ªtLo ÏñsÙC šíè[ªêŸª-û¦oû¦?
(Íö°Þ¥, Oª vñë]ô ÓÚÛ\è[?) (Ïí£±pè[ª).
Bhanu: He is getting ready to go to college i) Why aren't they (are they not) coming?
(ÚÛü‹ø‹õÚÛª îµüŒx-è¯-EÚ¨ ú‡ë]lÄ-÷ª-÷±-꟪-û¦oè[ª) î¦ü˜xÙ-ë]ªÚÛª ô¦÷è[Ùö¶ë]ª (Ïí£±pè[ª).
Bhaskar: And What about your parents? j) You are wasting time.
(÷ªJ Oª êŸLx-ë]Ù-vè[ªõ ú£ÙÞœê¶Ùæ¨?) ìª÷±y çµjîª ÷'ëǯ à¶ú£ªh-û¦o÷± (Ïí£±pè[ª).
Bhanu: They are watching the T.V. am + ing, is + ing, are + ing verbs ìª Ïí£±pè[ª
(î¦üŒ‰x æ©O àŸ«ú£ªhû¦oô¢ª.) áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo í£ìª-õÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù. Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦æ¨E Amala: I think she is going to make tea for b) ÷« ÍÚÛ\ ÷à¶a î¦ô¢Ù ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÷þ¼hÙC.
'What about', 'How about' õìª ‘ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ùæ¨?’ English ö˺ GÞœ_-ô¢Þ¥ practice à¶óŸªÙè….
us. I think my brother is watching an My sister is coming here next week.
Íû¶Ù-ë]ªÚÛª î¦è[ª-꟪Ùæ°Ù. practice à¶óŸªÙè…. Aruna: óÀª Í÷ªõ! ÔÙ à¶ú£ªh-û¦o÷±?
English movie. c) î¦üŒ‰x ·ôÙè[ª ÷´è[ª ôÁVö˺x Ú¥ô¢ª Ú•Ùæ°ô¢ª.
Amala: Ð ví£øŒo-õÚÛª áî¦ñªõª ô¦ú£ªh-û¦oìª.
a) How about my money? Aruna: No. He is watching a Telugu serial. They are buying a car in two or three days.
û¦ è[ñªs ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ùæ¨? Aruna: û¶ìª Eìªo disturb à¶ú£ªh-û¦oû¦? à¦ö° ÷³Üuiì Nù£óŸªÙ d) ú£ª÷ªÙê ÷à¶a-ûµõ Í-JÚ¥ îµüŒ‰êŸª-û¦oè[ª.
b) What about that book? Amala: Íë¶Ù ö¶ë]ª. TV ììªo disturb à¶þ¼hÙC. 1. am + ing, is + ing, are + ing - Ð verbs Sumanth is leaving for the US next month.
Î í£±ú£hÚÛÙ ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ùæ¨? Aruna: Ó÷ô¢ª àŸ«ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª? Ïí£±pè[ª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo í£ìª-õÚÛª ÷«vêŸî¶ª î¦è[ê¦Ù. ÚÛª
(future will, shall î¦è[-÷àŸªa. Íô³ê¶ çµjîª
c) How about a movie this evening? Amala: Í÷ªt àŸ«þ¼hÙë]ìª-ÚÛªÙæ°. vÚÛ÷ªÙ êŸí£pE, Óí£±pè[« áJ¸Þ í£ìª-õÚÛª, OªÚÛª ÚÛ#aêŸÙÞ¥ êµL-ú‡-ì-í£±pè[ª, áJ-¸Þ-í£E ÚÛ#aêŸ-i-ì-í£±pè[ª,
Ð þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ ú‡E-÷«·ÚüŒë¯÷«? am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing ÓÚÛª\÷ î¦è[ª-꟪Ù-
Ïí£±pè[ª... Ð ¤ÛéÙ!!
d) What about the dinner you promised me? æ°ô¢ª.)
û¦Ú¨-þ§h-ììo è…ìoô Nù£óŸªÙ ÔÙ à¶ø‹îËÂ? Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦æ¨E English ö˺ practice à¶óŸªÙè….
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£éö˺ are doing, am preparing, is a) ÍêŸè[ª ¸ôí£± ÏÚÛ\è[Ú¨ ÷ú£ªh-û¦oè[ª.
getting, are watching - Ð verbs Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. b) ÷³ Íô¢-ÞœÙ-åö˺ ñóŸª-ö¶l-ô¢ª-꟪û¦oÙ.
Oæ¨ ô¢«í£Ù: am + ... ing, is + ... ing, are + c) ÷à¶a-î¦ô¢Ù ð§Ú¨-þ§nûË áåªd ÏÚÛ\è[ ·ôÙè[ª ÷«uàÂõª
Ð formö˺ ÷ªJ-Ú•Eo verbs. Îè[ª-꟪ÙC.
am studying / is studying / are studying d) ÷à¶a-î¦ô¢Ù Ó÷ô¢ª ÷ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª?
am walking / is walking / are walking Aruna: Oª brother ÚÛ«è¯ àŸ«ú£ªh-û¦oè[ª. êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛë¯, Regular Doing Words (go, goes, e) è¯ÚÛdôÂE Óí£±pè[ª ÚÛìqöËÀd à¶ú£ªh-û¦o÷±?
am singing / is singing / are singing Amala: î¦è[« àŸ«ú£ªhû¦oè¯? come, comes, sing, sings ö°Ùæ¨ verbs) f) ÷à¶a-î¦ô¢Ù û¶ì-ÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµüŒxè[Ù ö¶ë]ª. Κíj î¦ô¢Ù
am working / is working / are working Aruna: Í÷±ìª. Oª Í÷ªt Ïí£±pè[ª ÷Ùå-ÞœCÚ¨ îµüŒ‰- ÷«vêŸî¶ª î¦è[ê¦Ù. Every day, very often, fre- îµüŒê¦ìª. (Κíj î¦ô¢Ù = week after the next).
Ð am + ing, is + ing, are + ing verb forms êÁÙC. quent, rarely, never, once, twice, three g) ÷ªÙvA vGèÂbE ¸ôí£± vð§ô¢Ù-GÅ-þ§hô¢ª (inaugura-
(present continuous / present progressive Amala: ÷ªìÚÛª æ© šíåd-è¯-EÚ¨ îµüŒ‰êÁÙ-ë]-ìª-ÚÛªÙæ°. times etc., a day, a week, a month etc. tion).
tense ÍÙæ°ô¢ª) Ïí£±pè[ª Ð ¤ÛéÙö˺ áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo (I think êÁ begin à¶óŸªÙè…) ÷« broth- (ÍÙç¶ regularity E ú£«#Ùච÷«å-õêÁ î¦è[è[Ù h) óŸ´E-÷-Jqæ© í£C ôÁVö˺x íÆ£Lê¦õìª Nè[ª-ë]õ
í£ìª-õìª êµLóŸª-â¶-þ§hô³. er english movie àŸ«ú£ªhû¦oè[ìª-ÚÛªÙæ°. Íìo÷«å.) à¶ú£ªhÙC (Nè[ª-ë]õ = release).
★ 'I' êÁ am + ing, Aruna: Ú¥ë]ª. english movie àŸ«è[è[Ù ö¶ë]ª. 2. am + ing, is + ing, are + ing, çµjîª êµL›úh i) î¦üŒ‰x î¦ô¢Ùö˺ AJT ÷þ§hô¢ª.
★ he, she (Ô ›í·ôjû¦ sin- êµõªÞœª serial àŸ«ú£ªh-û¦oè[ª. j) ¸ôí£± û¶ìª ú‡Ó-îÂªìª ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙæ°.
gular ö˺), it (Ô ÷ú£ªhîµjû¦, Answers:
áÙ꟪-îµjû¦– singular ö˺) a) He is coming here tomorrow.
Íô³ê¶ is + ing, Aruna: Hi, Amala, what are you doing?
★ plural subjects ÍEo- Amala: I am writing answers to these ques- b) We are starting/leaving in half an hour.
û¶ìª æ©O àŸ«ú£ªh-û¦oìª (Ïí£±pè[ª). Oª ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺x î¦è[Ùè…. ‘Íë¶Ù ö¶ë]ª, Ú¥û¶- ÓEo ôÁVõª, ÓÙêŸ-›úí£± Íû¶ N÷-ô¦õª êµL›úh
e) When are you consulting the doctor?
b) My mother is cooking. Ú¥ë]ª, ö¶û¶-ö¶ë]ª ÍE Íô¢nÙ) The TV is dis- áô¢-Þœ-òËºó¶ª í£ìª-õÚÛ« î¦è[-÷àŸªa.
f) I am not going there next week. I am going
NÙåª-ìo-í£±pè[ª Ú•Eo ú£Ùë¶-õª ÚÛL-Þ¥ô³. immediate measures are being taken up to provide drink- ÍE ÷«J›úh (said ÚÛª ñë]ªõª), Íí£±pè[ª
All India Radio News
Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õšíj û¦ ú£Ùë¶--õìª Bô¢a-Þœ-õô¢ª. ing water to the residents of Kurnool. being taken up'
ÖÚÛ Nù£óŸªÙ– ö˺
û¦ ú£Ùë¶---Nª-åÙç¶News reader àŸë]ª-÷±-꟪ìo ú£÷«-à¦ô¢Ù Direct speech inverted
1. The Nationalist Congress party headed by Mr. Sarad
ÍÙê¦ áJ-T-ð¼-ô³-ìë¶. Ú¥ñæ¨d ÏC Indirect Speech. commas îµõª-í£õ ÑÙè¶ verbs- say, tell,
Pawar complained that the congress is not consulting its
îµ³ë]æ¨ î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ is not consulting ñë]ªõª
was not consult- ask, question ö°Ùæ¨ î¦æ¨E Reporting
constituent parties on important issues.
ing ÍE, ·ôÙèÁ î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ will not support ñë]ªõª
would not verbs ÍÙæ°Ù. Inverted commas ö˺í£õ
2. The BJP president Mr. Venkaiah Naidu has said that BJP
support ÍE, ÎôÁ î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ measures are being taken up ÑÙè¶ verbs ìª Reported verbs ÍÙæ°Ù.
will not support Congress at the centre.
ñë]ªõª measure were being taken up ÍE ÑÙè¯L ÚÛë¯. Íö° Reporting verbs present tense ö˺ ÑÙç¶
3. However, Miss Umabharati contradicted the rumour that
she is disobeying the party rules. News reader ÓÙë]ªÚÛª àŸë]-÷-ö¶ë]ª? ÷ªì vÞ¥÷ªôÂ í£±ú£h-Ú¥ö˺x
Indirect Indirect speech ÚÛª ÷«Ja-ì-í£±pè[ª,
4. The PM Vajpayee said only NDA can provide stability to Speech EóŸª-÷«õ ví£Ú¥ô¢Ù present continuous past ìª verbs tense ÷«ô¢a-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª.
the country. Þ¥,
continuous will + present verb ìª
would + present verb Þ¥ a) "They play well," says Ram to Rahim.
5. The TDP supremo Chandrababu Naidu said that only ÷«ô¦aL ÚÛë¯! Ú¥F News ö˺ Íö° ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ÷«Ja àŸë]-÷-ö¶ëÁ Íô¢nÙ ÏÚÛ\è[ Quotations ñóŸªå Ñìo reporting
secular parties will play a major role in the elections. Ú¥ö¶ë]ª. ë]óŸª-à¶ú‡ û¦ ú£Ùë¶--õìª Bô¢a-Þœ-õô¢ª. verb 'says' present Ú¥ñæ¨d
6. The Municipal Commissioner Mr. Raghu Rami reddy said – ìª-÷ªÙ꟪, ví‡óŸ«ÙÚÛ (Þ¥ô¢x-Cûµo) Quotations ö˺í£õ Ñìo reported verb
'play' tense ÷«ô¢a-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. DEÚ¨ Indirect
áî¦ñª: Oªô¢ª ô¦ú‡ì sentences ö˺ îµ³ë]-æ¨C ÚÛd-ô³ì Íô¢nÙ ÷ú£ªhÙC. Ð Ú¥ô¢éÙ ÷õx Oªô¢ª ÑÙç¶ 'is disobeying' correct.
Ram says to (tells) Rahim that they play
'...complained that... is not consulting' ô¦ú‡ì Sentence No (2) ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. ÏÚÛ\è[ Sentence 4: '... only NDA could' ÍE well.
ÚÛ·ôÚÂd Ú¥ë]ª. OªÚÛª ÷#aì ú£Ùë¶ï£°Ù ú£·ôj-ìë¶. reporting verb, 'has said' present perfect ÑÙè¯L. ÏÚÛ\è[ '... only NDA can' êŸí£±p. Íö°-Ú¥-ÚÛªÙè¯ "They play well," said Ram to
ÏÚÛ\è[ 'is' ñë]ªõª, 'was' ÑÙè¯L. Íô³ê¶ tenseÚ¥ñæ¨d, ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. Íë¶
will '...Naidu said' Sentence 5: '... Naidu said that only sec-
Rahim Íìo sentence ö˺ Reporting verb
complain à¶ú‡-ì-í£±pè¶ Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ Î êŸô¦yêŸ ÚÛ«è¯ ÍE vð§ô¢Ù-GÅ›úh Íí£±pè[ª'would' correct. ular parties will play' êŸí£±p.
'Would play'
'said' past tense. Ïí£±pè[ª quotations ö˺
consult à¶óŸª-ÚÛ-ð¼-÷è[Ù áô¢ª-ÞœªêŸ« ÑÙç¶ Sentence No. 3: '... contradicted... dis-
ÚÛ·ôÚÂd Ú¥ë]ª. ÍE
Ñìo play Íû¶ reported verb ìª past tense
Íí£±pè[ª Óö° Íû¶ ú£Ùë¶ï£°Ù ô¦÷àŸªa. ÷«ô¦_Ù- obeying' 'was obeying' Sentence 6: '... Reddy said, ... are being
ö˺ڨ êŸí£p-E-ú£-JÞ¥ ÷«ô¦aL. DEÚ¨ Indirect
êŸô¢Ù 'complained' ñë]ªõª 'has com- ÑÙè¯L. ö¶ÚÛð¼ê¶ Uma Bharathi has con- taken up' ú£J-Ú¥ë]ª. 'were being taken up'
plained' ÍE ô¦›úh, 'is not consulting' êÁ ÚÛ·ô- ÍE
tradicted present perfect tense ö˺ correct. ÏÚÛ\è[ ÚÛ«è¯ '...Reddy has said'
Ram told Rahim that they played well.
I Ðû¦è[ª- øŒEî¦ô¢Ù 16 Vöµj 2005
Mohan: Hi, Manoj, How are you getting Regular Doing words (1st RDWs- go, walk
along? ö°Ùæ¨ verbs), 2nd Regular Doing Words (2nd
( óÀª ÷ªûËÁâÉÀ, Óö° Ñû¦oîËÂ?) RDWs- goes, walks ö°Ùæ¨
verbs) vÚÛ÷ªÙ êŸí£p-
ÏC ÚÛ«è¯ í£õ-ÚÛ-JÙ›í.
practice à¶ú‡ î¦è[Ùè… ÚÛªÙè¯ áJ¸Þ î¦æ¨Ú¨ î¦è[ê¦Ù. am+ing/ is+ing/
Oª ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺x are+ing Ïí£±pè[ª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo í£ìª-õÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù.
Manoj: Fine. Thank you. How are you? a) I take coffee (take 1st RDW).
(ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦oìª. ìª÷±y Óö° Ñû¦o÷±?) (û¶ìª Ú¥íƈ Bú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ°ìª–
Regular- ví£A-ôÁV
Mohan: Ok too. I am going to a movie. Why ÍC Íõ-î¦åª)
don't you come along? b) I am taking coffee.
(û¶ìª ú‡E÷«·ÚüŒ‰êŸª-û¦oìª. ìª÷±y ÚÛ«è¯ (am + ing - Ïí£±pè[ª û¶ìª coffee Bú£ªÚÛªÙ-åª-
ô¦÷àŸªa ÚÛë¯!) û¦oìª.)
Manoj: Like to. But I am going for a walk now. c) She goes to college at 10 AM.
(goes- 2nd RDW- Î Ñë]óŸªÙ 10 ÞœÙå-õÚÛª
ÚÛü‹-ø‹-õÚÛª îµüŒ‰êŸªÙC– ôÁW) magazine î¦è[Ùè…) àŸë]ª-÷±-꟪-û¦oô¢ª. ÷³Üu ú£«àŸì
d) She is going to college. c) ìªîµyÙ-ë]ªÚÛª çµjîª waste à¶þ§h÷±? Ïí£±p-èµÙ-ë]ªÚÛª Ú•Eo verbs ìª am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing
(is going - is ing - + Ïí£±pè[ª Î ÚÛü‹-ø‹-õÚÛª à¶ú£ªh-û¦o÷±? ô¢«í£Ùö˺ î¦è[Ù. am + ing/ are + ing/ is + ing -
îµüŒ‰-êÁÙC.) d) ví£A ôÁV Ð çµjîªڨ ìª÷±y ÓÚÛ\-è…-·Ú-üŒ-ê¦÷±? verb Ð ô¢«í£Ùö˺ Ñìoí£±pè[ª Ïí£±pè[ª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo
e) They come here on sundays. ÓÚÛ\è…Ú¨ îµüŒ‰-꟪-û¦o÷±? í£ìª-õÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù. Íô³ê¶ Ú•Eo verbs Nù£-óŸªÙö˺
(come - 1st RDW ÏC ví£A ÎC-î¦ô¢Ù – e) Ô ì«uúà ›íí£ô àŸë]ª-÷±-ê¦÷±? Ïí£±pè[ª Ô ì«uúà Πverbs ൛íp-í£E Ïí£±pè[ª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪û¦o î¦æ¨E
Regular Þ¥ áJ-¸ÞC– ÎC-î¦-ô¦õª î¦üŒ‰x ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ›íí£ô àŸë]ª-÷±-꟪-û¦o÷±? am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing forms ö˺ î¦è[Ù.
÷þ§hô¢ª.) f) ÷«÷´-õªÞ¥ ô¦vA àŸð§B AÙæ°÷± ÚÛë¯? ÐôÁV ÍÙë]ªÚÛª ñë]ªõª Regular Doing Words (love,
f) They are coming. ÍìoÙ (rice) AÙåª-û¦oî¶Ù? loves, etc.) form ö˺û¶ àµñªê¦Ù.
(are + ing - î¦üŒ‰x Ïí£±pè[ª ÷ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª.) g) ÍêŸè[ª ÎC-î¦-ô¦õª všíÆÙèÂqE ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÁè[ª. ÐôÁV am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing from ö˺ î¦è[E
Ð ê¶è¯ English ö˺ à¦ö° ÷³ÜuÙ. Regular ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oè[ª.
Ïí£±pè¶ áô¢ªÞœªêŸªû¦o...
actions ÚÛª
am + ing, is + ing, are + ing verbs h) Î Óí£±pè[ª êµõªÞœª ð§åö¶ ð§è[ª-꟪ÙC. Ïí£±pè[ª verbs ÷ªì ÷ªì-ú£ªÚÛª ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì Nù£-óŸ«-õìª
(present continuous tense) Óí£±pè[« ô¦÷±. ÷›úh ÷«vêŸÙ ÙD ð§å ð§è[ª-êÁÙC. êµL›í verbs-
ÍC êŸí£±p. i) ÍêŸìª Ú¥íƈ ê¦Þœè[ª. Ïí£±pè[ª ê¦Þœª-꟪-û¦oè[ª 1) like(Ïù£d-í£-è[è[Ù) -am liking, is liking, are lik-
ÖÚÛç¶ Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁ-î¦L. ('take' î¦è[Ùè…). ing î¦è[Ù. ÏN î¦è¯-Lq-ì-àÁå like, likes
Regular actions ÚÛª Regular Doing Words j) ÷«÷´-õªÞ¥ ÍêŸìª ÎêÁ ÷«æ°x-è[è[ª. Ïí£±pè[ª î¦è[ê¦Ù.
(come, comes, take, takes ö°Ùæ¨N) ÷þ§hô³. ÷«æ°x-è[ª-꟪-û¦oè[ª. Kumar likes that shirt very much ÍÙæ°Ù.
û¶E-í£±pè[ª æ© Bú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oìª ÏÚÛ\è[
coffee Answers: ÍêŸìª Ïù£d-í£-è[è[Ù Ïí£±pèµjû¦ Kumar is liking that
ò°ÞœªÙ-è[ë]ª Ú¥ñæ¨d. a) He comes punctually (always/usually). He shirt ÍìÙ.
a) Mr. Sen teaches English. 2) dislike (Ïù£dÙ-ö¶-ÚÛ-ð¼-÷è[Ù)
English ò˺CÅ-þ§hè[ª. ÍÙç¶ is coming late only today.
They dislike his class.
I am taking Coffee ÎóŸªìEnglish lecturer/teacher Íô³- b) They usually read India Today, but now
î¦üŒxÚÛª ÎóŸªì Ú¥xú£ª Ïí£±pè[ª Ïù£dÙ ö¶ÚÛ-ð¼ô³û¦
ÑÙ-è¯-L/-Í-÷yàŸªa) they are reading some
Ïö°¸Þ àµñªê¦Ù. are disliking, is disliking, am
disliking Íìo forms ô¦÷±. ÍN-êŸí£±p. î¦æ¨ ñë]ªõª
other magazine.
ví£øŒo: ÍêŸìª Eìo ÷#a ÑÙè[-ö¶ë]ª– Íì-è¯-EÚ¨ He when I ask him ÍE àµí£p-÷à¦a?Î AE Íì-÷àŸªa. Íô³ê¶ had áî¦ñª: 'since' ìª 'as' ñë]ªõª î¦è[-÷àŸªa. Ð
She had not come
was not come yesterday Íì-÷à¦a? ÑÙè[-ö¶ë]ª. Î ÷#a ÑÙè[-ö¶ë]ª (û¶ìª Íû¶ had + pp forms ·ôÙæ¨Ù-è…Ú© êÁè[ª because ÚÛ«è¯ î¦è[-÷àŸªa.
eaten, had come
û¶ìª îµRx-ì-í£±pè[ª ÍêŸìª ÏÙæ¨ ÷ë]l ö¶ÚÛªÙ- àŸ«ú‡-ì-í£±pè[ª). î¦è¶åí£±pè[ª ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄEo â°vÞœêŸhÞ¥ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-à¦L. ÷´è…Ù-æ¨Ú¨ Ð ú£Ùë]-ô¢sÄÙö˺ ‘ÍÙë]ª÷-õx/ -ÓÙ-ë]ª-
èµìª– Íì-è¯-EÚ¨ ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ He was not at ÍêŸìª Î í£E í£²Jh à¶ú‡ ÑÙè[-ö¶ë]ª (û¶ìª When I went for him, he was not at ÚÛÙ綒 ÍE Íô¢nÙ.
home, when I went for him ÍE îµRx-ì-í£±pè[ª). home- ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. Íô³ê¶ He was not complet- ví£øŒo: How long- ÍÙç¶ ÓÙêŸ-›úí£±, How far-
ÍÙæ°Ù. Íö°¸Þ û¶ìª Íè…-T-ì-í£±pè[ª ÍêŸè[ª Ïö°Ùæ¨ òÅ°î¦-õìª ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ Óö° ed the work Íìo sentence ÚÛ·ôÚÂd Ú¥ë]ª. ÍÙç¶ ÓÙêŸ ë]«ô¢Ù ö°Þ¥û¶ ÖÚÛ ÷uÚ¨h
í£EE í£²Jh à¶ú‡ ÑÙè[-ö¶ë]ª– ÍE àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ àµð§pL. ë¯EÚ¨ Íô¢nÙ ö¶ë]ª. He had not completed ÓûËÁo î¦è[ª Íû¶ Íô¢nÙ ÷à¶a-ö°Þ¥ Óö°
He was not completed the work yet Íû¦L. Íö°¸Þ She had not completed
– ÓúÃ. ë¯ì-Ú¨-øÉÁôÂ, ÚÛô¢«oõª ô¦óŸ«L?
Íû¦L. êŸô¦yêŸ î¦uþ§ö˺x DE ÞœªJÙ# ÷ªJÙêŸ Ñë¯: òÅ°ô¢-êŸ-ë¶øŒ ví£ëůì ÷ªÙv꟪ö˺x
áî¦ñª: He was not come yesterday ÚÛ·ô-ÚÂd come Íû¦L. N÷-ô¢é ÑÙåªÙC. ÷ªûËÁt--ûËÂ-ú‡ÙÞ ÓûËÁo-î¦è[ª?
Ú¥ë]ª. ÏÙTxùÃö˺ Óí£±pè[«
'be' forms (am, is , Î AE ÑÙè[-ö¶ë]ª, Î ÷#a ÑÙè[ö¶ë]ª ví£øŒo: Leave letter ô¦›ú-å-í£±pè[ª As I am – è…. ÚÛª÷«-ô¢-þ§yNª, ìõx-Þ•Ùè[
êŸô¦yêŸ (û¶ìª àŸ«ú‡-ì-í£±pè[ª). suffering from fever î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ as Ú¨
are , was, were, etc.)
ô¦÷±. ÏÚÛ\è[ û¶ìª àŸ«ú‡-ì-í£±pè[ª When I looked áî¦ñª: Ð ví£øŒoÚÛª ú£·ôjì î¦ÚÛuÙ ÍÙ綖
go, 1st Regular Doing Words ñë]ªõª since î¦è[-÷à¦a? ÓûËÁo Íìo ví£øŒoÚÛª ú£·ôjì ÷«å English ö˺
Ú¥ñæ¨d êŸí£±p. for him/her Íìª-ÚÛªÙç¶ She had not eaten;
He was not come He did not
– ÚÛOÙ-ë]ôÂ, ÷ªè…-Ú•Ùè[, ÷ô¢Ù-ÞœöËÀ ö¶ë]ª.
I Ðû¦è[ª- þ¼÷ªî¦ô¢Ù 18 Vöµj 2005
Durga: Look at Leela's dress. Isn't it (= Is it ô¦sÄö˺x feel, (feel ÍÙç¶ × Íìª-òÅ¡«-AE, ú£pô¢zìª
not) really wonderful? êµLóŸª-â¶-ú‡-ì-í£±pè[ª) prefer -
(Mõ vèµúÃ àŸ«è[ª, à¦ö° ò°ÞœªÙC ÚÛë¯!) Oæ¨ûµí£±pè[« ÷ªìÙ am + ing, is + ing, are + ing
Valli: Ok I like it really. In fact, I wish now to ö˺ î¦è[Ù Íû¶ Nù£óŸªÙ ÚÛ#aêŸÙÞ¥ Þœªô¢ªh-ší-åªd-ÚÁ-î¦L.
buy one such dress for myself. a) Î ÍêŸè…E v›íNª-þ¼hÙC.
(û¦ÚÛª à¦ö° ì#aÙC. Ïí£±pè¶ Íö°Ùæ¨ She loves him.
vèµúà ڕû¶óŸ«õE ÑÙC.) (She is loving him Ú¥ë]ª. v›íNªÙ-àŸè[Ù Ïí£±pè[ª
Durga: Renuka too likes it. I desire one like áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪û¦o ú£¸ô.)
that too. I feel like buying it, but I b) î¦üŒ‰x ð§ú£-÷±-ê¦-÷ªE ÎP-ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª.
haven't (= do not have) the money. They hope to pass.
(¸ôéªÚÛ ÚÛ«è¯ Î vèµúà ÍÙç¶ Ïù£d-í£-è[ª- (They are hoping to pass Ú¥ë]ª. î¦üŒ‰x
êÁÙC. û¦ÚÛ« Ú•û¦-õE ÑÙC. Ïí£±pè¶ Ú•û¶- ÎPÙàŸè[Ù Ïí£±pè¶ Íô³û¦)
óŸ«-õEí‡þ¼hÙC. Ú¥F è[ñªs ö¶ë]ª.) feel šíj list ö˺ NªÞœê¦ verbs ÚÛª ÚÛ«è¯ Ïë¶ rule.
like = Ôëµjû¦ à¶óŸ«-õ-E-í‡Ù-àŸè[Ù. Actions of the mind (Îö˺-àŸ-ì-õÚÛª, ñªClÄÚ¨ ú£ÙñÙ- ÷àŸªa. Am/ is/ are + knowing î¦è[Ù. Íö°¸Þ sale = Í÷ªtÚÛÙ
feel like going to bed = Evë] ð¼î¦õEí‡- CÅÙ-#ì àŸô¢uõìª) êµL›í verbs ÚÛª ÚÛ«è¯ am + am/ is/ are understanding Óí£±pè[« ô¦ë]ª. bargain = ò¶ô¢Ù, ò¶ô¢Ù à¶óŸªè[Ù
þ¼hÙC) ing, is + ing, are + ing form ö¶ë]ª. ÍN– Ïö°¸Þ NªÞœ-ê¦-î¦æ¨ Nù£-óŸªÙö˺. (A good bargain, a bad bargain best bargain
Valli: I really envy Leela for the dress. 1) know = êµL-óŸªè[Ù am + ing, is + ing, are + ing forms ö˺ î¦è[E etc.)
(û¦ÚÛª Mõ vèµúà ÍÙç¶ Ðô¢{uÞ¥ ÑÙC. 2) understand = Íô¢nÙ à¶ú£ª-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù ÷ªJ-Ú•Eo verbs Ñû¦oô³. ÍN êµõª-ú£ª-Ú•û¶ ÷³Ùë]ª, good/ bad at bargaining = ò°Þ¥ ò¶ô¢Ù
Envy = Ðô¢{u/-Ðô¢{u í£è[è[Ù) 3) remember = â°cí£ÚÛÙ à¶ú£ªÚÁ-÷è[Ù Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õìª English ö˺ GÞœ_-ô¢Þ¥ practice à¶óŸªÞœõÞœè[Ù/ ò°Þ¥ ò¶ô¢Ù à¶óŸªö¶ÚÛ-ð¼-÷è[Ù
Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ like, wish, desire, have, 4) forget = ÷ªô¢-#-ð¼-÷è[Ù à¶óŸªÙè…. bargain- pronunciation – ò°ÞœûËÂ)
envy, feel - Ð verbs ÍFo Ïí£±pè[ª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo 5) decide = Eô¢g-ô³Ù-àŸè[Ù 1. ÍêŸìª ð§ôȦEo àŸÚÛ\Þ¥ Íô¢nÙ à¶ú£ªÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oè[ª.
Nù£óŸ«õû¶ àµñªêŸª-û¦oô³. Ïí£±pè[ª áJ¸Þ Nù£-óŸ«- 6) doubt = ú£Ùë¶-Ù-àŸè[Ù 2. î¦è… ÞœªJÙ# î¦è[ª Ô÷ªìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oè[ª? (think
õìª êµL›í verbs Óí£±pè[« am + ing, is + ing, 7) think = Îö˺-#Ù-àŸè[Ù î¦è[Ùè…)
are + ing form (present continuous) ö˺ ÑÙè¯- 8) suppose = Íìª-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù 3. ìª÷±y Ð ·ôþ§d-·ôÙæËÀö˺ Ú¥íƈ Ïù£dí£è[ªêŸª-û¦oî¦?
õE êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ. Íô³-ì-í£p-æ¨Ú© šíj ú£ÙòÅ°ù£é-ö˺E 9) believe = ì÷ªtè[Ù 4. ÍêŸè… ›íô¢ª û¦ÚÛª Þœªô¢ªh ô¦÷è[Ù ö¶ë]ª. (remem-
øŒò°lõêÁ vð§ô¢ÙòÅ¡Ù Íó¶ªu English ÷«åõ ÷³Üu Nù£óŸªÙ êŸô¦yêŸ 'to' ÷ú£ªhÙC). allow a discount = êŸT_Ù# Í÷ªtè[Ù;
÷³Ùë]ª 'the' E ‘C’ Þ¥ í£õª-ÚÛªê¦Ù. NªÞœê¦ ÷«åõ expensive = ÜKëµjì
14. You do not know your position.
šíjì àµí‡pì verbs Nù£-óŸªÙö˺ liking, loving,
÷³Ùë]ª ‘ë]’ ÍÙæ°Ù. cheap = à½ÚÛ Íô³ì
15. Do Iraquis hate Americans?
thinking, understanding etc. ìª
'ing' forms
The (C) apple, ant, egg, air, owl, umbrel- ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄEo ñæ¨d î¦è[-÷àŸªa. VOCABULARY moderate (price) = ú£ô¢-ú£-iì (ëÅ]ô¢)
ÚÛª ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì ÷«åõª: cost = ÜKë]ª, ÜK-ë]-÷è[Ù
la etc.
(ë]) tree, book, shop, college etc. î¦è[-ÚÛ«-è[-EC: Ð 'ing' forms ÷³Ùë]ª, am, is, Shopping
are à¶ô¢aè[Ù. knowing - ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄEo ñæ¨d î¦è[- buy, sell êµL-ú‡ì ÷«åö¶.
I Ðû¦è[ª- ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù 20 Vöµj 2005
Ravi: Hi Pavan, what do I see in that glass belongs, comprises, needs, seems, consists
there? It appears to be some juice. of, live - Oæ¨E- ÚÛ«è¯ ÏÙêŸÚÛª ÷³Ùë]ª ÷ªìÙ
(í£÷ûË ΠޥxúÃö˺ ÚÛEí‡-ú£ªh-ìo-ë¶-Nªæ¨? ÔëÁ àŸ«ú‡ì verbs ö°Þ¥
am + ing/ is + ing/ are + ing
WuúÃö° ÑÙC.) form ö˺ î¦è[Ù (ÍN êµLóŸª-⶛ú í£ìªõª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪-
Pavan: Yea. The glass contains fresh lemon ìoC Ïí£±pèµjû¦). šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é ÷ªôÁ-þ§J vøŒë]lÄÞ¥
juice. practice à¶óŸªÙè….
(Í÷±ìª ÍÙë]ªö˺ ê¦â° E÷ªt-ô¢ú£Ù ÑÙC.)
contain = ÖÚÛ ë¯ûËÁx Ôëµjû¦ ÑÙè[è[Ù
ÔÙ êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ?
the jug contains milk = Î áÞÂö˺ ð§õª Ñû¦oô³ ★ ÷ªì-ú£ªÚÛª ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì Nù£-óŸ«-õìª êµLóŸª-⶛ú
Ravi: A new bike is parked outside. Whose verbs (verbs expressing feelings and
is it? emotions).
(ñóŸªå × Ú•êŸh òµjÚ ð§ôÂ\ à¶ú‡ ÑÙC. ★ ÷ªì ñªClÄÚ¨, Îö˺-àŸ-ì-õÚÛª ú£ñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì Nù£-óŸ«õª
Ó÷-J-ë]C?) êµL›í verbs (verbs expressing actions of
Pavan: It belongs to Mahesh. He bought it the mind) Óí£±pè[« am + ing, is + ing, are + ÏÙêŸ÷ô¢ÚÛª ÷´è[ª-ô¢-Ú¥õ verbs, am + ing/ is + Answers:
the day before. ing forms ö˺ ô¦÷±. î¦æ¨E Íö° î¦è¯-Lq-ì- ing/ are + ing ö˺ î¦è[-EN àŸ«ø‹Ù. ÷ªJ-Ú•Eo 1) Every one likes that movie (is liking Ú¥ë]ª).
(ÍC ÷ª›ï°-ùÃC. Eìo-Ú•-û¦oè[ª.) í£±pè[ª, Regular Doing Words (like, likes, verbs ÚÛ«è¯ Ñû¦oô³. ÍN- êµ-õª-ú£ª-Ú•û¶ ÷³Ùë]ª Ð 2) He does not like these classes (is not lik-
Belong = àµÙë]è[Ù think, thinks) form ö˺û¶ î¦è[ê¦Ù. Ú¨ÙC sentences ìª english ö˺ GÞœ_-ô¢Þ¥ practice ing Ú¥ë]ª).
The house belongs to my uncle. ★ ·ôÙè[ª ô¢Ú¥õ verbs êÁ ð§åª šíjì àµí‡pì verbs à¶óŸªÙè…. 3) Does she love him?
Î Ïõªx ÷« ÷«÷ª-óŸªuC (ÎóŸª-ìÚÛª àµÙCÙC). (appear, belong, comprise, consist of, 1) ví£A-î¦üŒŠx Î ú‡E-÷«ìª Ïù£d-í£-è[ª-꟪-û¦oô¢ª. I don't (do not) know that. But he loves
Ravi: What's that fat book on the table? contain, live, need, seem) ÚÛ«è¯
am + ing/ 2) î¦è…Ú¨ Ð Ú¥xú£ªõÙç¶ Ïù£dÙ ÑÙè[-è[Ù-ö¶ë]ª (dis- her.
(Î ç¶ñªöËÀ Oªë] Ñìo Î šíë]l í£±ú£hÚÛÙ is + ing/ are + ing form ö˺ ô¦÷±. Íö° like î¦è[Ùè…). Does she know that?
ÔNªæ¨?) î¦è¯Lq ÷#a-ì-í£±pè[ª Regular Doing Words 3) ÍêŸè…E Î v›íNª-þ¼hÙë¯? Who knows?
Þ¥û¶ î¦è[ê¦Ù. Ð Ú¨ÙC ö˺ î¦æ¨ ÍC û¦ÚÛª êµLóŸªè[Ù ö¶ë]ª. ÍêŸè[ª ÷«vêŸÙ 4) What do you say?/ What are you saying?
1) î¦è[ª ÷ªÙ#î¦è…ö° ÚÛEí‡-ú£ªh-û¦oè[ª. Ó÷-JÚ¨ êµõªú£ª? I understand you well. Do I appear (to be)
good fellow. ìª÷±y ìûµoÙ-ë]ªÚÛª Íô¢nÙ à¶ú£ªÚÁ-÷è[Ù ö¶ë]ª? You don't (do not) seem to understand my
2) Ð GLfÙÞÂq î¦üŒx-N- Ú¥÷± (= î¦üŒxÚÛª àµÙC-ìN û¶ìª Eìªo ò°Þ¥û¶ Íô¢nÙ à¶ú£ªÚÛªÙ-åªû¦o. û¶ìª point.
(are not belonging to them Ú¥ë]ª). î¦è[Ùè…). You misunderstand me. I am listening to
3) Î Þ¥xúÃö˺ Ô÷³ÙC? ìª÷±y û¦ ð§ô³ÙæËÀ Íô¢nÙ you carefully. Do you doubt my respect for
By the way, where does Ganesh live? What does the glass contain? (What is à¶ú£ªÚÛªÙ-åª-ìoåªx ÚÛEí‡Ù- you?
the glass containing ÍìÙ ÚÛë¯?) àŸè[Ù ö¶ë]ª (seem 5) Where do they live?
Pavan: It contains a lot of information about 4) ò°öËÀ-ší-ûËÂö˺ Ô÷³Ù-åªÙC? î¦è[Ùè…). They live near the townhall.
the latest versions in computers. It Íö°Þœ ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª- Don't they (do they not) live near your
(ÚÛÙí£²u-å-ôÂqÚ¨ ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ì ê¦â° îµô¢{ìx î¦è[Ùè…. so= Íö°Þœ) They moved long ago.
Íê¦u-ëÅ]ª-EÚÛ ú£÷«-à¦ô¢Ù ÍÙë]ªö˺ ÑÙC. û¦ÚÛö° ÍEí‡-þ¼hÙC (feel î¦è[Ùè…) Do they own the house?/ Does the house
ÍÙë]ªö˺ í£C Íëůu-óŸ«õª Ñû¦oô³.) ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 20 ìª÷±y ììªo Íð§ô¢nÙ à¶ú£ªÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦o÷±. F belong to them?
comprises = include = à¶J ÑÙè[è[Ù ÷«åõª û¶ìª vøŒë]lÄÞ¥ NÙåª-û¦oìª (Íð§ô¢nÙ= (am/ is/ are owning
go about much. a ball pen consisting of ÍìÙ ÚÛë¯). î¦è[Ùè…). I need at at least a thousand rupees.
( òµjÚ Nù£-óŸ«-E-Ú•ë¯lÙ. ÷ª›ï°-ùÃ-Ú¨-í£±pè[ª òµjÚ 5) Î ÚÛNª-æ©ö˺ ìõªÞœªô¢ª ú£òÅ¡ªu-õª-û¦oô¢ª. 5) î¦üŒ‰x ÓÚÛ\è[ªÙ-åª-û¦oô¢ª? (live î¦è[Ùè…). Why do you need such a big amount/ so
EáÙÞ¥ Í÷-ú£-ô¢÷«? ÓÚÛª\÷ Aô¢-Þœ-è[ª- The committee comprises four mem- î¦üŒ‰x æ®ûËÂöËÀ ë]Þœ_ô¢ ÑÙæ°ô¢ª (live î¦è[Ùè…). much/ such a big sum/ that kind of
Þœë¯?) bers/Four members comprise the commit- î¦üŒ‰x Oª ÏÙæ¨ ë]Þœ_ô¢ ÑÙè[-è[Ù-ö¶ë¯? money?
Pavan: Yes, he needs it very much now. He tee. (The committee is comprising...; Four î¦ü˜x-í£±pèÁ ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÷«J-ð¼-óŸ«ô¢ª (Óí£±pèÁ= Do you want to give or not?
ÑÙC. Î Íô¢nÙêÁ am seeing/ is seeing/ are 9) ÷ªì-¸ÚëÁ Ú•Eo NÙêŸ (strange) ë]'ø‹uõª ÚÛEí‡-
seeing î¦è[è[Ù ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. ú£ªh-û¦oô³. Ú•Eo NÙêŸ øŒò°lõª NEí‡-ú£ªh-û¦oô³.
ÚÛõª-ú£ªÚÁ÷è[Ù Ïí£±pè[ª áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪-ìo-åx-ô³ê¶– 10) ÷ªì-¸ÚëÁ Ú•Eo NÙêŸ ë]'ø‹uõª ÚÛEí‡Ù-àŸè[Ù
She is seeing the CM today. ö¶ë]«, Ú•Eo NÙêŸ øŒò°lõª NEí‡Ù-àŸè[Ù ö¶ë]«?
Î ú‡Ó-îªE ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ˺ÙC. Answers:
I am not seeing the Governor today.
I really don't see how he is able to stand still for so long? (û¶ìª Ð ôÁV Þœ÷-ô¢o-ôÂìª ÚÛõª-ú£ªÚÁ÷è[Ù ö¶ë]ª.) 1) Look at those two pictures. Do you see
Lakshmi: Hi, Ajitha, how are you? Lakshmi: Don't worry. It is only an ant.
(óÀª Í>êŸ, Óö° Ñû¦oîËÂ?) (òÅ¡óŸª-í£-è[ÚÛª... ÍC <ö¶!)
Ajitha: Fine, thank you. How are you? Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ smell, taste, feel- verbs î¦è[ÚÛÙ
(ò°Þœªû¦o, ìªîµyö° Ñû¦o÷±?) Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. see, hear, smell, taste, feel -
Lakshmi: OK. thank you. Do I smell some- Ï÷Fo ò°›ï°uÙ-vC-óŸ«-õÚÛª ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ-#ìN. Hear
thing sweet? and see- Ð ·ôÙè[ª verbs ìª am + ing/ is + ing/
(ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦o, ÔëÁ ú£ªî¦-ú£ì ÷ú£ªh- are + ing forms ö˺ î¦è[Ù. Íö°¸Þ Ú•Eo ú£Ùë]-
ìoåªxÙC ÚÛë]«?) ô¦sÄö˺x smell, taste, feel ÚÛ«è¯ am + ing/ are +
Ajitha: That's right. You smell the jasmine ing form ö˺ î¦è[Ù.
spray I use.
(Eá! û¶ìª î¦è…ì â°ú‡tûË v›úp î¦ú£ì
a) smell ÍÙç¶ ÖÚÛ ÷ú£ªh÷± Ïú£ªhìo î¦ú£ì Íû¶ b) 'taste' Nù£óŸªÙ ÚÛ«è¯ ÍÙê¶. ÖÚÛ ÷ú£ªh÷± Ð (Ð Ú•êŸh ví£ë¶-øŒÙö˺ ÎÚÛª ÔëÁ NÙêŸÞ¥ ÍEí‡-
Íô¢nÙêÁ î¦è…-ì-í£±pè[ª am smelling/ is NëÅ]-iì ô¢ª#E Ïú£ªhÙC Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ Íô³ê¶ þ¼hÙC.)
smelling/ are smelling form ö˺ î¦è[Ù. taste, tastes Íû¶ ÍÙæ°Ù. am tasting/ is iii) They feel quite at home in the new place.
The rose smells sweet. tasting/are tasting ÍE ÍìÙ. (They are feeling Ú¥ë]ª)
(Þœªö°G ú£ªî¦-ú£ììª Ïú£ªhÙC.) Biriyani serves here (Ð Ú•êŸh ví£ë¶øŒÙ î¦üŒxÚÛª ÔOª Ú•êŸhÞ¥ ÍEí‡Ù-
The rose is smelling sweet ÍìÙ. tastes fine. àŸè[Ù ö¶ë]ª.)
Íë¶ ÷ªìÙ ë¶ûµjoû¦ Ïí£±pè[ª î¦ú£ì àŸ«ú£ªhìo (ÏÚÛ\è[ Gô¦uF ÷ªÙ# ô¢ª#- Íô³ê¶ How are you feeling? Íû¶C î¦è[ª-ÚÛö˺
Nù£óŸªÙ àµð§p-õÙç¶ am smelling/ is smelling/ E-þ¼hÙC – The biriyani is ÑÙC– Óö° Ñû¦o÷±? Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ.
are smelling î¦è[ê¦Ù. tasting fine Ú¥ë]ª.) ò°›ï°uÙvCóŸ«õ Nù£-óŸªÙö˺ Þœ÷ª-E-Ùà¦-Lqì
Íë¶ ÷ªìÙ- ë¶-ûµjoû¦ ô¢ª#- ÷³Ý°uÙ-ø‹õª
àŸ«-ú£ªh-ìo-í£±pè[ª– am tast- i) am seeing/ is seeing/ are seeing î¦è[Ù (ÚÛE-
ing, is tasting, are tast-
ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. M. SURESAN í‡Ù-àŸè[Ù Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ)
am hearing/ is hearing/ are hearing ö¶ë]ª.Ð
ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 22 I am tasting the biriyani.
·ôÙè…Ùæ¨ Nù£-óŸªÙö˺ am/ is/ are looking/ lis-
(û¶ìª Gô¦uFE ô¢ª# àŸ«ú£ªh-û¦oìª.) tening î¦è[ê¦Ù.
She is smelling the flower in her hand. ÏÚÛ\è[ am tasting ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. ii) ÖÚÛ ÷ú£ªh÷± Ïú£ªhìo î¦ú£ì Íô³ê¶ is smelling/
Well, why have you brought me here? (Î à¶A-ö˺E í£±÷±yìª î¦ú£ì àŸ«þ¼hÙC.) are smeling ö¶ë]ª. smell/ smells ÷«vêŸî¶ª.
She is tasting the dish to see how good it is.
ÏC ÏÚÛ\è[ ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. Ú¥ñæ¨d ÖÚÛ ÷ú£ªh÷± ÖÚÛ î¦ú£ì (Î ÷ÙåÚÛÙ ÓÙêŸ ò°ÞœªÙëÁ êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ-è¯-EÚ¨ ë¯Eo ÷ªìÙ î¦ú£ì àŸ«ú£ªh-ìo-í£±p-èµjê¶ am smelling/ is
(ÏÚÛ\è[ Ú¥íƈ à¦ö° ò°ÞœªÙ-åªÙC.) Ïú£ªhÙC Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ Íô³ê¶ is smelling/ are Î ô¢ª# àŸ«þ¼hÙC).
c) 'feel' Nù£óŸªÙ ÚÛ«è¯ ÍÙê¶. ÷ªìÚÛª Íìª-òÅ¡«A,
smelling/ are smelling correct.
smelling ô¦ë]ª.
Lakshmi: O, thank you (After a sip) I am
tasting real good coffee for the first òÅ°÷Ù Ôëµjû¦ ÚÛL-T-ì-í£±pè[ª feel/ feels ÷«vêŸî¶ª. iii) ÖÚÛ ÷ú£ªh÷± Ïà¶a ô¢ª# Íô³ê¶ taste/ tastes
Ajitha: Wait a minute. I feel some thing î¦üŒ‰x Î v›úpìª î¦ú£ì àŸ«ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª. ú£ªh-û¦oìª.) êŸè…Nª àŸ«è[è[Ù– Íô¢nÙêÁ Íô³ê¶ am/ is/ are
(ÑÙè[ª. ÔëÁ û¦ ÏC ÚÛ·ô¸Úd – ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛÙç¶ ÷ªìÙ î¦ú£ì àŸ«è[è[Ù ii) She feels (is feeling Ú¥ë]ª) strange in this
feeling î¦è[-÷àŸªa.
creeping up my arm.
à¶A Oªë] ð§ÚÛª-꟪ìoåªd ÍEí‡-þ¼hÙC.) Ú¥ñæ¨d. new place.
ví£øŒo: Give ÍÙç¶ Ï÷yè[Ù. Given ÍÙç¶ Ï÷y-ñ- Past participles ÷³Ùë]ª had given, have/ ÍFo be- forms.) ÷›úh Íí£±pè[ª ÷«vêŸî¶ª à¶óŸª-ñ-è…ÙC, preference ö˺û¶
'more' Íû¶ òÅ°÷Ù ÑÙC.
è[è[Ù. I have given ÍÙç¶ ‘û¦ÚÛª Ïà¦aô¢ª’ ÍE has/ had ÷›úh NNëÅ] ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x– Ïà¦aìª, Ïà¦a÷³, Ï÷y-ñ-è¯fè[ª, etc. passive voice forms ÷þ§hô³. 'Suffering from' correct êµõªÞœª, English
Íô¢nÙ ÚÛë¯ (û¶ìª Ï÷y-ñ-è¯fìª ÍE). Ú¥F à¦ö°- Ïà¦aô¢ª, Ïà¦aè[ª, Ïà¦a÷± Íû¶ Íô¢nÙ êµõªÞœª ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ passive voice à¦ö° Íô¢ªë]ª. î¦è[ª-ÚÛõª ð¼õa-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. ô òÅ°ù£õª ÚÛë¯. êµõª-Þœªö˺
àÁåx ÏêŸ-ô¢ªõ ÞœªJÙ# ൛íp-å-í£±pè[ª 'He has ÷ú£ªhÙC.have/has+ participle- ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-Tì í£E He is seen here every day. ÖÚÛJ Oªë] ÚÁí£Ù ÷ú£ªhÙC. Englishö˺ angry with
given' ÍE ‘ÍêŸìª Ïà¦aè[ª’ Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ Ô çµjîªö˺ áJ-TÙC êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸª-ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶ ÷ú£ªhÙC. ví£A-ôÁV ÏÚÛ\è[ àŸ«è[-ñ-è[-ê¦è[ª. (a person) ÍÙæ°Ù. Ïåª-÷Ùæ¨ Nù£-óŸ«ö˺x î¦è[ª-ÚÛìª
î¦è[ª-꟪-û¦oô¢ª. ÏC êŸí£±p ÚÛë¯? ‘ÍêŸìª Ï÷y- I have given the book. He is given salary on the first of every month. ñæ¨d ð¼î¦L. ÍC ÓÙêŸ ÓÚÛª\÷ English àŸC-Nê¶
ñ-è¯fè[ª’ ÍE ÚÛë¯ Íô¢nÙ? ÍêŸìª ví£A ûµö° îµ³ë]æ¨ ê¶D @êŸÙ Ï÷y-ñ-è[-ê¦è[ª. ÍÙêŸ ò°Þ¥ ÷ú£ªhÙC.
–ô¦ëů-ÚÛ'ù£g, šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë He has given a lecture. ví£øŒo: I am going to go Ú¨ I am going Ú¨ ê¶è¯
ÍêŸìª Ñí£-û¦uú£Ù Ïà¦aè[ª. ÔNªæ¨?
áî¦ñª: English ÚÛª, êµõªÞœªÚÛª Ñìo ê¶è¯õ ÷õx, He is given Rs. 10000 every month. ÍêŸìª ví£A
`given' ö°Ùæ¨ past participles ÷ªìÚÛª Ú•ÙàµÙ con- ûµö° ô¢«. 10000 Ï÷y-ñ-è[-ê¦è[ª (ÍêŸ-è…Ú¨ Ïþ§hô¢ª). – ÷ªûËÁ-ô¢Ù-áE, Ná-óŸª-î¦è[
fusing Þ¥û¶ ÑÙæ°ô³. `Given' Íû¶C past partici- They are given. î¦üŒ‰x Ï÷y-ñ-è[-ê¦ô¢ª. áî¦ñª: 'I am going to go' ÍÙç¶ îµüŒx-ò˺-꟪-û¦oìª
ple. ÍÙç¶ ë¯ìô¢nÙ ‘Ï÷y-ñ-è…ì’ ÍE. (‘Ï÷y-ñ-è[è[Ù’ Children are given milk everyday. ôÁW í‡õxõª ÍE, 'I am going' ÍÙç¶ îµüŒ‰êŸª-û¦oìª ÍE.
Ú¥ë]ª) ð§L-÷y-ñ-è[-ê¦ô¢ª. Ôëµjì í£E-à¶-óŸª-ò˺-꟪-ìo-í£±pè[ª going to do/ sing/
a) The book given to him. teach etc. î¦è[ê¦Ù.
ÍêŸ-è…Ú¨ Ï÷y-ñ-è…ì í£±ú£hÚÛÙ. ví£øŒo: I give more prefer coffee than tea Íû¦L. ví£øŒo: 1. û¶ìª ðÆ»æ˺ Bô³Ù-àŸª-ÚÁ-î¦L/ Bô³Ù-àŸª-ÚÛª-
b) The man seen near the school.
Ú¥F I give more prefer coffee to tea ÍE û¦oìª
(ÏÚÛ\è[ Íô¢nÙ ë]Þœ_ô¢ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ÍÙæ°ô¢ª? 2. íÆ£ö°û¦ ÓÙvæ© û¦ ú£KyúÃ í£±ú£h-ÚÛÙö˺
seen past participle school û¶ìª í£±ú£hÚÛÙ Ïà¦aìª. I am suffering from fever ÍÙæ°ô¢ª
àŸ«è[-ñ-è…ì ÷uÚ¨h ÍE.
Past participle ÚÛª Íô¢nÙ ‘... (past- Óí£±pè[ª, Ô ôÁV, Ôçµjîªö˺ Ï#aÙC àµí£pè[Ù ô¦ô³Ù-à¦L (ö¶ë¯ ÓÙåô à¶ô³Ù-à¦L/
ñè…ì’ ÍE Íú£Ù-í£²-JhÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙC.) ÓÙë]ªÚÛª? I am suffering with fever Íì- ô¦ô³Ùà¦ìª).
ö¶ë]ª– Ï÷yè[Ù ÷«vêŸÙ áJ-TÙC.) ÚÛ«-è[ë¯?
c) The book torn by the child. Ð î¦Ú¥u-õìª ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ Óö° àµð§pL.
(Î Gè[f à¶êŸ #Ùí£-ñ-è…ì í£±ú£hÚÛÙ)
I, we you, they - have given.
he, she, it - has given.
– ·Ú ûËÂ, ÚÛ'ù£g, Þœìo-÷ô¢Ù – ·Ú. ô¦¸ÚøÉÂàŸÙë]ª, áÙÞ¥-·ôè…fÞœ«èµÙ
d) The movie released yesterday. He has given. áî¦ñª: I give more prefer coffee... Ð sen-
(Eìo Nè[ª-ë]õ à¶óŸª-ñ-è…ì ú‡E÷«) ÍêŸìª Ïà¦aè[ª (Ï÷yè[Ù Íô³-ð¼-ô³ÙC – past, çµjîª tence ú£J-Ú¥ë]ª.
Íô³ê¶ êµõª-Þœªö˺ Íö° ÍìÙ. êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸªè[Ù ö¶ë]ª). I prefer coffee to tea Íû¦L ö¶ë¯ I give prefer-
1. I should/ have to get/ have myself pho-
Raghu: Hi Pavan, you look dull. What's the I have (am having Ú¥ë]ª) a lot of work.
matter? b) ÚÛª÷«-ôÂÚÛª ÏÚÛ\è[ Ñë]óŸªÙ 8 ìªÙ# þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ
(óÀª í£÷ûËÂ, ÔÙæ¨ è[öËÀÞ¥ Ñû¦o÷±?) 6 ÷ô¢ÚÛª è[«uæ© ÑÙC.
Pavan: I have a headache. I don't have (do Kumar has (is having Ú¥ë]ª) duty here from
not have) at home the tablets I usual- 8 AM - 6 PM.
ly take. 4. òÅ°î¦õª, Íìª-òÅ¡«-꟪õª ൛íp-åí£±pè[ª am/ is/
(êŸõ-ûË•-í‡pÞ¥ ÑÙC. ÷«÷´-õªÞ¥ û¶ìª are having ô¦ë]ª.
î¶ú£ª-ÚÛªû¶ ÷«vêŸõª ÏÙæ˺x ö¶÷±.) a)ÎÚÛª ÍêŸ-ìÙç¶ Þ¥èÅ[iì v›í÷ª.
Raghu: Sorry to know that. Do you have that She has (is having Ú¥ë]ª) deep love for
novel with you? I mean the novel you him.
bought last week. b) šúöµÚÂd Í÷±-ê¦-ìû¶ ÎøŒ û¦ÚÛª ÑÙC.
( þ§K, Ú¨Ùë]-æ¨-î¦ô¢Ù ìª÷±y Ú•ìo ì÷õ F Ú¥ë]ª) the hope I will
I have (am having b) My friend is having a son and a daughter. ø‹ÙA: Ñû¦oô¢ª. ÓÙë]ªÚÛª?
be selected. (ÍÙ綖 Î všíÆÙè êŸì Ú•è[ªÚÛªìª, Ú۫꟪JE ÿ§LE: û¦ÚÛª ÓõªxÙè… òµÙÞœª-üŒŠ-ô¢ªö˺ ÏÙåô¢«yu
Pavan: Sorry. I don't have it. Prakash took it 5.÷ªìÚÛª Ñìo ô¢ªÞœtêŸö°xÙæ¨ î¦æ¨E êµLóŸª-â¶-›ú-å- AÙåª-û¦o-è[û¦? ÍC Ú¥ë]ª ÚÛë¯?– My friend ÑÙC. Já-¸ôy-ù£ûË ÚÛù£dÙÞ¥/ú£÷ª-ú£uÞ¥
from me yesterday. He has it now. í£±pè[ª am/ is/ are having ô¦ë]ª. have/ has ÑÙC.
( þ§K, ÍC û¦ ë]Þœ_ô¢ ö¶ë]ª. ví£Ú¥ùà Eìo ÷«vêŸî¶ª ÷ú£ªhÙC.
has a son and a daughter.)
b) The wife and husband have (are hav- Aìè[Ù, ê¦Þœè[Ù Íû¶ Íô¦n-õ¸Ú í£J-NªêŸÙ. ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE ú£ªFöËÀ: ë¯EÚ¨ ÖÚÛ ÍÙë]-iì ð¼JdÚÁ, ò°õ\F,
Santhi: She has, but why?
having î¦è[Ù. ÷«ì-÷±-è…-Ú¨ÙÚ¥ ô¦ö¶ë]ª, Ú¥ñæ¨d ÏÚÛ\è[ àµð§p- ÿ§LE: ú£ªF-êŸÚÛª ·ôjö¶y ñªÚ¨Ù-ÞÂö˺ všíÆÙèÂq Ó÷-
having/is having/ are having
a) û¦ÚÛª à¦ö° í£ìªÙC. LqÙC– I have a scooter.) ·ôjû¦ Ñû¦oô¦?
I Ðû¦è[ª- Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 28 Vöµj 2005
Krishna: Hi Nikhila, How are you? Ð be forms ÍEo-Ùæ¨Ú© #÷ô¢ 'be' ô¦÷è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ-
(óÀª E"õ, Óö° Ñû¦oîËÂ?) àŸÙè….
Nikhila: Fine, thank you, How go your stud- have been, has been, had been, shall have
ies? been, should have been, will have been,
(ò°Þœª-û¦oìª. ìª÷±y Óö° àŸë]ª-÷±-꟪-û¦o÷±?) would have been, may have been, might
Krishna: Studying well. My brother was
have been, can have been, could have been,
come yesterday.
must have been, need have been, ought have
Nikhila: Was come? Look here, Krishna, we
been, dare have been
never use verb forms like was
come. That isn't English. Ð be forms #÷-ô¢-õ-EoÙ-æ¨Ú© been ô¦÷è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ-
(was come vÚ¨óŸª ô¢«ð§Eo ÷ªìÙ Ñí£- àŸÙè….
óµ«-TÙàŸÙ. ÍC ÏÙTxùà ڥë]ª.) šíj÷Fo 'be' forms. Oå-Eo-æ¨Ú© Íô¢nÙ ‘ÑÙè[è[Ù’ Íû¶
Krishna: ë¯ûËÁx ꟛíp-÷³ÙC? ë¯EÚ¨ ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ# ÑÙåªÙC. Oæ¨ö˺x Ú•Eoæ¨ î¦è[ÚÛÙ can sing- verb - can + sing (1st RDW) (ÍêŸìª ÏÚÛ\è[ Eìo àŸ«è[ñè¯fè[ª).
Nikhila: Oª vñë]ô Eìo ÷à¦a-è[E ÚÛ믖 ìª÷yÙ-åª- ÷ªìÙ àŸ«ø‹Ù. šíj î¦æ¨-ì-EoÙæ¨F ÷ªìÙ àµð§p-õ-ìª- Íö° Oæ¨ö˺x ë¶E í£ÚÛ\-ûµjû¦ 1st RDW î¦è…ê¶ verb b) All kinds of books are sold here.
û¦o÷±. ÏÚÛ\è[ was come ÍE verb ÚÛªû¶ Íô¦nEo ñæ¨d independent Þ¥ î¦è[-÷àŸªa. Í÷±-꟪ÙC. (verb - passive ÏÚÛ\è[ ÍEo ô¢Ú¥õ í£±ú£hÚ¥õª Í÷ªt-
î¦è¯÷±. ÍC êŸí£±p. English ö˺ verb ÚÛª Þœ÷ª-EÚÛ: 'shall, will, should, would, etc 'be' ñ-è[-ê¦ô³).
forms Ú¥÷±. shall, should, will, would, etc.,
He is here.
c) The film will be released next week.
(verb- passive ú‡E÷« ÷à¶a-î¦ô¢Ù Nè[ª-ë]õ
ÖÚÛ\ VI form of the verb ÷«vêŸî¶ª passive.
NªÞœê¦ forms ÍFo active voice. êµõª-Þœªö˺
Íú£õª ú£ÙÞœA Î ÎJÙæ¨ö˺û¶! ÷ªìÙ passive voice ë¯ë¯í£± î¦è[Ù ÚÛë¯! ÍÙç¶
÷ªìÙ ÏÙæ˺x ‘Í÷«t’ ÍìoÙ ÷Ùè[ñè…Ùë¯ ÍìÙ.
Ú•åªdÚÛª îµRx Ð í£±ú£hÚÛÙ ÏÚÛ\è[ Í÷ªt-ñ-è[ª-꟪Ùë¯
Îô¢ª ô¢«ð§õª Ñû¦oô³. Îô¢ª ô¢«ð§ö˺x í£ÚÛ\ì 'be' Ñìo-í£±pè¶ ÍN 'be' forms Íìo ÍìÙ. spoken telugu ö˺ passive voice î¦è[Ù.
ÔëÁ ÖÚÛ ô¢«í£Ùö˺ verb ö¶ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶, ÍC
They could be here yesterday itself.
She might be dangerous, etc.
Nù£óŸªÙ Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁ-î¦L. English ö˺ ÚÛ«è¯ ÓÙêŸ êŸÚÛª\÷Þ¥ î¦è…ê¶ ÷ªì
English Ú¥ë]ª. V form (verb Íô³ëÁ ô¢«í£Ù) òÅ°ù£ ÍÙêŸ simple Þ¥ ú£ï£°-áÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙC.
II form (verb ·ôÙèÁ ô¢«í£Ù) conversational ease ÑÙåªÙC.
(à¦ö° ÷ªÙC ð§ôÈ¢-ÚÛªõª, was come, has going,
àŸ«ø‹ô¢ª ÚÛë¯ English verb Óí£±pè[« šíj singu-
have, has, had, shall have,
ö°Ùæ¨ verbs ÚÛ·ôÚ¥d, Ú¥ë¯ ÍE ÍE Íè[ª-Þœª-꟪ìo ví£øŒo- ÍÙç¶ Ôëµjû¦
'be' form+ form verb, 'be' should have, will have, lar forms ö˺ ÔëÁ ÖÚÛ ô¢«í£Ùö˺ ÑÙè¯L. ö¶ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶
õ-Eo-æ¨Ú© Ð lesson Ñí£-óµ«-Þœ-í£-è[ª-꟪ÙC. â°vÞœ-êŸhÞ¥ êŸô¦yêŸ Ôëµjû¦
àŸë]-÷Ùè…, Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁÙè…, practice à¶óŸªÙè…, Oª
form '' form (going, coming, would have, can have, + past Oªô¢ª ÷«æ°x-è¶C sentence Ú¥ë]ª. Íö° ÷«æ°x-è…ê¶
singing, dancing etc., ö°Ùæ¨-N)êÁ ÷ú£ªhÙC. could have, may have, participle êŸí£±p. Ïí£±pè[ª àŸ«è[Ùè…–
ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ î¦è[Ùè….) Kumar is writing.
÷ªìÚÛª Spoken English ÚÛù£d÷ª-E-í‡Ù-à¶C, êŸí£±põª might have, must have, He was come.
ඛúD verb Nù£-óŸªÙ-ö˺û¶.
verb: is (be form) + writing (ing form)] ought have, dare have ÏÚÛ\è[ verb Ô÷ª-î¦yL?
She has been singing for the past one hour.
verb ÍÙç¶ êµõªú£ª ÚÛë¯? subject ÑÙè¶ ú‡nAE
need have was come - (was (be form) + come (1st
ÏÚÛ\è[ verb- has been singing ÏN ÚÛ«è¯ be formsÚ¥÷±. Oæ¨ö˺x ë¶E í£ÚÛ\-ûµjû¦ RDW)
has been ('be' form) + singing (ing)form 'been'Ñìo-í£±pè¶ ÍC Í÷±-꟪ÙC.
'be' form be form + 1st RDW-
verb sentences ö˺, 'be' form + ing form shall have been - ÏC 'be' form. six forms of verb ö˺, Ð
form ö¶ë]ª. Ú¥ñæ¨d
ô¢«í£Ùö˺ ÑÙC ÚÛë¯. Íö°¸Þ– ÏC
shall have - Ú¥ë]ª.
'be' form He was come- sentence Ú¥ë]ª.
They could be going there. Past Participle (PP)ÍÙç¶ êµõªú£ª ÚÛë¯? was come = was (be
could be (be form) + going (ing form). (PP) form) + come (past par-
go went gone ticiple)
see saw seen be form + past participle
do did done ÏC passive voice verb
like liked liked Í÷àŸªa ÚÛë¯ Íû¶ ú£Ùë¶ï£°Ù
ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 24 talk talked talked OªÚÛª ô¦÷àŸªa. ÏÚÛ\è[
verb, V form ö˺ šíjì àŸ«í‡Ù-#ì
have, has, had, ÷³Üu-iì Nù£óŸªÙ come,
III form (verb ÷´èÁ ô¢«í£Ù) shall have, should have, etc., ö°Ùæ¨ î¦æ¨ go, walk, sit ö°Ùæ¨ verbs M. SURESAN
í£ÚÛ\ì past participle à¶J›úh Îcombination- ÚÛª passive voice ÑÙè[ë]ª.
Doing Words Oæ¨E ÷ªìÙ êµõª-ú£ª-Ú•E Ñû¦oÙ verb Í÷±-꟪ÙC. verb ÚÛª Ó÷-JE, ë¶EE ÍE ví£øŒo-î¶-óŸªÙè… Answer
ÚÛë¯. eg: He has seen me. ÷›úh passive ÑÙåªÙC. Answer ô¦ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶ pas-
1st Regular 2nd Regular Past verb: has seen - has + past participle (PP) sive ÑÙè[ë]ª.
Doing word Doing word Doing Word She will have gone by then. They came yesterday.
come comes came verb: will have gone- will have + gone (PP) verb ÏÚÛ\è[
came. DE Íô¢nÙ– ‘÷à¦aô¢ª’ ÍE. Ó÷-
sing sings sang They should have done it. JE ÷à¦aô¢ª? ë¶EE ÷à¦aô¢ª? Íû¶ ví£øŒo-õÚÛª
do does did should have done - should have + done (PP) 'Answer' ô¦ë]ª. Ú¥ñæ¨d Oæ¨Ú¨ passive ÑÙè[ë]ª.
talk talks talked Ïö° NªÞœê¦ î¦æ¨êÁ ÚÛ«è¯. Íë¶ He writes books ö˺ 'writes' verb. ÍÙç¶
Íô¢nÙ ‘ô¦þ§hè[ª’ ÍE. ë¶EE ô¦þ§hè[ª? ÍÙç¶ ‘í£±ú£h-
VI form (verb ÎôÁ ô¢«í£Ù) Ú¥õª’ Íû¶ answer ÷ú£ªhÙC. DEÚ¨ passive êŸí£pÚÛ
'be' form + past participle ÑÙåªÙC. Books are written by him ÍE pas-
Fine, thank you, How go your studies? Þœªô¢ªh à¶ú£ªÚÛªÙë¯Ù! ÔëÁ ÖÚÛ 'be' form í£ÚÛ\ì Ôëµjû¦
past participle sive àµí£p-÷àŸªa.
(state of being ÍÙç¶ ÑÙè[è[Ù) Ú¥F, subject ඛú Regular actions- vÚÛ÷ªÙ êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ áJ¸Þ í£ìª- (PP)÷›úh ÍC verbÍ÷±-꟪ÙC.
í£EE (action) Ú¥F êµLóŸª-â¶-ú£ªhÙC. õÚÛªI, we, you, they Íô³ê¶
1st Regular Doing a) He was seen there yesterday.
Eg: He is here. word (1st RDW); He, She, It Íô³ê¶
2nd RDW verb: was seen- was (be form) + seen
ÍêŸ-E-ÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oè[ª. î¦è[ê¦Ù. Oæ¨êÁnot Ú¥F,
Questions ö˺ Þ¥F (PP).
ÏÚÛ\è[ verb 'is' ÑÙè[-è¯Eo êµõªí£±-꟪ÙC. Íô³ê¶ 1st RDW êÁ
'do', 2nd RDW êÁ
'does' b) The snake has been killed.
Sunitha works hard. î¦è[ê¦Ù. ÏN ÷ªìÚÛª êµõªú£ª ÚÛë¯. Íö°¸Þ Past verb: has been killed, has been (be form) +
ú£ªFêŸ ÚÛù£dí£è… í£E-à¶-ú£ªhÙC. Doing Word ìª ÞœêŸÙö˺ Ô çµjîªö˺ áJ-TÙëÁ êµL- killed (PP).
ÏÚÛ\è[ verb 'works' í£EE (action) êµõªí£±-êÁÙC ú‡- ÑÙç¶ Íåª-÷Ùæ¨actions ÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù.
Past c) It can be done.
ví£øŒo: Were you there then yesterday?
ÚÛë¯! Doing Word E êÁ Ú¥F,
not Questions êÁ Ú¥F verb: can be done- can be (be form) + done
Eìo Oªô¢ª Íí£±pè[ª ÍÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oô¦?
English ö˺ verb ÚÛª Îô¢ª ÚÛ#aêŸ-iì ô¢«ð§õª î¦è…ê¶ did ÷ú£ªhÙC. ÏC ÚÛ«è¯ OªÚÛª êµõªú£ª. (PP)
Ïö° ô¦óŸª-÷à¦a?
Ñû¦oô³. Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁÙè…. Oªô¢ª Oª sentence ö˺ IV form (verb û¦õªÞÁ ô¢«í£Ù) d) He had been killed before he was thrown
– N. û¦ô¦-óŸª-é-·ôè…f, Të]l-õ«ô¢ª
î¦è¶ verb ÷ªìÙ àŸ«è[-òËºó¶ª Îô¢ª ô¢«ð§ö˺x (six on the railway track.
forms) ö˺ ÔëÁ ÖÚÛ ô¢«í£Ùö˺ ÑÙè[-ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶ Oª sen- shall, will, should, would, verbs: had been killed - had been (be form) áî¦ñª: ô¦óŸª-÷àŸªa.
tence correct Ú¥ë]ª. ÏÚÛ àŸ«è[Ùè….
+ killed (PP);
was thrown- was (be form) + thrown (PP).
VI form of verb ÚÛª ÖÚÛ ví£ê¶u-ÚÛêŸ ÑÙC. Ð
ví£øŒo: ÖÚÛ î¦ô¦h-í£-vA-ÚÛö˺ ÷ªï‡°-ü‹-¸ÞóŸª ô¢àŸô³êŸE
poet ÍE ú£Ùò˺-CÅÙ-à¦ô¢ª. poetess Íû¦L
I shall go there tomorrow.
'be' forms ÏÚÛ\è[ DE ô¢«í£Ù–
verb form- 'be form + past participle'. – ·Ú. û¦Þœ-àµj-êŸìu, ð§óŸª-ÚÛ-ô¦÷±›íå
am, is, are, was, were, shall be, should be,
verb- shall go. ô¢«í£Ùö˺ Ñìo verb Óí£±pè[«
áî¦ñª: English ö˺ ô¦ì« ô¦ì« gender dif-
will be, would be, can be, could be, may be,
shall + go (1st Regular Doing Word) ö˺ ÑÙåªÙC. verb- English ö˺
passive voice
ference (LÙÞœ-òŶë]Ù) ð§æ¨Ù-àŸè[Ù êŸT_-ð¼-êÁÙC.
might be, must be, ought be, dare be, need
Srinu will help me. ö˺ Ñìoí£±pè[ª êµõª-Þœªö˺ ‘ñè[ª’ ÍE Íô¢nÙ ÷ú£ªhÙC. poet ÚÛ÷ô³v꟪õÚÛ« î¦è[è[Ù þ§ëů-ô¢-é-÷ª-÷±-êÁÙC.
verb: will help- will + help (1st RDW)
be They can sing.
a) He was seen here yesterday.
êŸí£±p ö¶ë]ª ÍÙåª-û¦oô¢ª.
I Ðû¦è[ª- øŒEî¦ô¢Ù 30 Vöµj 2005
Radha: Hi Roja, how are you? long since we past participle (pp) î¦è[ê¦Ù.
met. a) ÍêŸè…E û¶ìª ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛª-û¦oìª.
( óÀª ôÁâ° Óö° Ñû¦oîËÂ? ÷ªìÙ ÚÛLú‡ I have met (have + pp) him.
à¦ö° ôÁV-öµjÙC.) ÏÚÛ\è[ ÞœêŸÙö˺, Ô çµjÙö˺ (Ô ôÁV, ûµõ, î¦ô¢Ù,
etc.) ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛª-ìoD êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸª-ÚÛ-ð¼-÷è[Ù ÷õx
Roja: Fine thank you. How are you?
(û¶ìª ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦oìª. ìªîµyö° Ñû¦o÷±?) have met- have + pp î¦è[ª-꟪û¦oÙ.
Radha: Fine to. Thanks. How about going to
b) I met him yesterday.
the movie Black?
(ò°Þœªû¦o! ò°xÚ ú‡E÷«Ú¨ îµüŒ-ë¯÷«?) ÏÚÛ\è[ yesterday ÍE çµjÙ êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸªè[Ù
Roja: I've (I have) seen it. Think of some
÷õx Past Doing Word î¦è[ª-꟪û¦oÙ)
c) He has gone out.
other movie.
(û¶ìC àŸ«ø‹ìª. ÏÙÚÁ ú‡E÷« Ôëµjû¦ àµí£±p) time êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸªè[Ù ö¶ë]ª. Ú¥ñæ¨d has gone
- has + pp (for the past / for the last ten years = ÞœêŸ III) have + pp/ has + pp, just, just now Ïí£±p-è…-
Radha: I haven't (I have not) seen it so far. í£ë¶-üŒ‰xÞ¥ ÍÙç¶ í£ë¶üŒx vÚ¨êŸÙ ìªÙ# Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª) í£±pè¶ í£²ô¢h-ô³ì í£ìª-õÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù.
(Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª û¶ìC àŸ«è[-ö¶ë]ª.
so far=
d) He went out an hour ago.
ÞœÙå vÚ¨êŸÙ ÍE çµjÙ êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸªè[Ù ÷õx 2) ÎóŸªì û¦õª-¸Þ-üŒ‰xÞ¥ ÏÙTxùà ò˺CÅÙà¦ô¢ª. a) Ú¥xúà Ïí£±pè¶ vð§ô¢Ù-òÅ¡-iÙC.
Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª) (
went- Past Doing Word) (Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª) The class has just begun.
Roja: That's surprising. It has run for three
e) She has bought a car. He has taught English for the past/ for the b) î¦Rx-í£±pè¶ ÷à¦aô¢ª.
weeks now, and you haven't seen it!
(ÎøŒaô¢uÙÞ¥ ÑÙë¶! ÍC ÷´è[ª î¦ô¦-õªÞ¥ (Î Ú¥ô¢ª Ú•ìoC.) .
last four years They have just arrived.
have + past participle (have + pp) / has + pp Ú¥ñæ¨d have + pp/ has + pp îµ³åd-îµ³-ë]æ¨ Ñí£- ÏÚÛ\è[ ÖÚÛæ¨ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè….
I, We, You and They Íô³ê¶
have + óµ«ÞœÙ – Past actions, time not stated (çµjÙ have been/ has been- ÏN forms. ÏÙêŸÚÛª
pp î¦è[ê¦Ù. He, She, It Íô³ê¶has + pp êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸªE, ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-Tì) í£ìª-õÚÛª î¦è[ê¦Ù. ÷³Ùë]ª êµõªú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ.
î¦è[ê¦Ù. DEo ÍÙæ°Ù. Ð eg: 1) ìªî¦y ú‡E-÷«- àŸ«-ø‹î¦?
present perfect tense Íí£pæ¨ ìªÙ# Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª
form verb ÚÛª ÷ªJ-Ú•Eo Ñë¯--ô¢-éõª– Have you seen the movie?
ÑÙè[-è¯Eo 'have been/
a) My father (he) has gone out.
2) î¦è[ª ÷à¦aè¯? has been'ö˺ êµL-óŸª-â¶þ§hÙ.
(÷« û¦ìoÞ¥ô¢ª ñóŸªåÚÛª îµü‹xô¢ª) Has he come?
3) FÚÛª í‡õªí£± ÷#aÙë¯? Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õìª How about going to the movie Black?
b) My mother has bought a saree for my sis- í£J-Q-LÙ-àŸÙè….
(÷« Í÷ªt ÷« ú‡ú£d-ôÂÚÛª <ô¢ Ú•ìoC.) a) He has been a c) Î ENªù£Ù vÚ¨êŸî¶ª ñóŸªåÚÛª îµRxÙC.
teacher of English for She has gone out just a minute ago.
c) My friends (they) have left for Hyderabad. M. SURESAN
(÷« všíÆÙèÂq šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë îµü‹xô¢ª.) ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 26
the past two years.
(ÎóŸªì ·ôÙè¶üŒ‰xÞ¥ ÏÙTxùà Ðsentences ö˺
just ö¶ë]-ìª-ÚÁÙè…. Íí£±pè[ª
d) Tendulkar has scored thirty five centuries
æ©àŸôÂÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª.) past action time not stated Í÷±-꟪ÙC.
so far. They have just gone.
(çµÙè[«-õ\ô ÏÙêŸ÷ô¢ÚÛª 35 šúÙàŸ-Kõª Ú•æ°dè[ª.) Have you received the invitation?
4) Î ÓÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµRxÙC?
b) He has taught English for the past two î¦Rx-í£±pè¶ îµü‹xô¢ª.
e) The class has just begun. years. They have gone.
(Ú¥xúà Ïí£±pè¶ vð§ô¢ÙòšiÙC) Where has she gone?
(ÎóŸªì ·ôÙè¶-üŒ‰xÞ¥ ÏÙTxùà ò˺CÅÙ-à¦ô¢ª– Ïí£pæ¨ î¦üŒ‰x îµü‹xô¢ª.
5) ÍêŸìª Ïí£pæ¨¸Ú ·ôÙè[ª Ú¥ô¢ªx ÷«ô¦aè[ª. ÷ô¢ÚÛª.)
f) We haven't (have not) read the report yet.
He has already (Ïí£p-樸Ú) changed two
Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õìª English ö˺ GÞœ_-ô¢Þ¥ practice
(٠Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª Jð¼ôÂd àŸë]-÷-ö¶ë]ª) c) He has been an English teacher. à¶óŸªÙè….
Ïí£±pè[ª â°vÞœ-êŸhÞ¥ Þœ÷ªEÙ-àŸÙè…–
ÏC æ©àŸ-ôÂÞ¥ ÑÙè[è[Ù. 1) çµÙè[«-õ\ôÂ ÞœêŸ 15 ú£Ù÷-êŸq-ô¦-õªÞ¥ vÚ¨·ÚæËÀ
II) have + pp/ has + pp ·ôÙèÁ Ñí£óµ«ÞœÙ– (ÏC action) English for the
I) ÏÙêŸÚÛª÷³Ùë]ª êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªû¦oÙ past actions, ÞœêŸÙö˺ vð§ô¢Ùòši Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª áJ-Tì/ ÏÙÚ¥
d) He has taught Îè¯è[ª.
time stated (ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJT, çµjÙ êµL›í í£ìª-õÚÛª) áô¢ª-ÞœªêŸªìo í£ìªõÚÛª (Íí£±p-è[-í£±pè[«) have +
past two years. 2) î¦Rx-ÚÛ\è[ ÓÙêŸ Ú¥õÙÞ¥ í£E-à¶-ø‹ô¢ª? ( How
šíj·ôÙè[ª Ö¸Ú òÅ°î¦Eo ·ôÙè[ª Nëů- long î¦è[Ùè…)
pp/ has + pp î¦è[ê¦Ù.
Past Doing Words (came, sang, liked, knew
ö°Ùæ¨ î¦è[ê¦Ù. õªÞ¥– 3) Î Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª æ© ê¦Þœ-ö¶ë]ª.
verbs) 1) û¶ìª ÏÚÛ\è[ í£ë¶üŒ‰xÞ¥ Ñû¦oìª. (ÑÙè[è[Ù)Þ¥, 4) î¦üŒ‰x û¦õªÞœª ûµõ-õªÞ¥ û¦ÚÛª ÑêŸhô¢Ù ô¦óŸª-ö¶ë]ª.
1) ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJT çµjÙ êµL-óŸªE, êµLóŸª-â¶-óŸªE í£ìª- I have lived here for the past/ for the last
state of being
(í£E)Þ¥ êµL-óŸª-â¶-ú£ªh-û¦oô³. 5) ú‡E÷« Ïí£±pè¶ vð§ô¢ÙòšiÙC.
õÚÛª have + past participle (pp)/ has + ten years.
6) î¦üŒ‰x Î í£±ú£hÚÛÙ àŸC-î¦ô¦?
7) ìªîµy-í£±p-è[û¦o û¦ÚÛª ú£ï£„óŸªÙ à¶ø‹î¦?
ví£øŒo: ÞœêŸ î¦uþ§ö˺x ‘ÍêŸè[ª 2001 ìªÙ# Ú¥E. Íô³ê¶ English ö˺ ÷«vêŸÙ Ïí£±pè[ª Am I- not êÁ Íô³ê¶ Aren't I î¦è¯L. 8) ٠÷« ú£«\õª ôÁVõ ìªÙ# ÚÛLú‡ àŸë]ª-÷±-
2003 ÷ô¢ÚÛª ÏÚÛ\è[ æ©àŸ-ôÂÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª’ ÑÙè[è[Ù, Óí£±pè[« ÑÙè[è¯Eo àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ ví£øŒo: þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ active voice Ú¨ ÚÛªû¦oÙ. (since our school days î¦è[Ùè…).
Íû¶ î¦Ú¥uEo ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ 'He was a am, is, are; ÞœêŸÙö˺ Ñìoåªx àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨– passive voice Ú¨ ê¶è¯ ÔNªæ¨? 9) ÓÙêŸÚ¥õÙ ÏÚÛ\è[ í£E à¶ø‹÷±?
was, were Ñí£-óµ«-Tþ§hÙ. 10) î¦RxÙêŸ÷ô¢ÚÛª ô¦ö¶ë]ª.
teacher here from 2001 to 2003'
2001 ìªÙ# 2003 ÷ô¢ÚÛª ÞœêŸÙ (past)
– Ó. šíÙàŸ-õóŸªu, ô¦áÙ-›íå
ÍE ô¦ø‹ô¢ª. êµõª-Þœªö˺ verb- pres- Answers:
ent tense, English ö˺ past tense Ú¥ñæ¨d, He was a teacher here from áî¦ñª: verb 'be' form + past participte
ÏC ÚÛ·ô-¸Údû¦ N÷-JÙ-àŸÙè…. 2001 to 2003 ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. (PP) Íô³ê¶ ÍC passive voice. NªÞœê¦ 1) Tendulkar has played cricket for the past
fifteen years.
forms ö˺ ÍC active. Passive voice ö˺
ÖÚÛ ÷uÚ¨h ñAÚ¨ ÑÙè[Þ¥ ÍêŸè… ÷'Ah ÏÚÛ-ð¼ê¶ ÖÚÛ ÷uÚ¨h ñAÚ¨ Ñìo-í£±pè[ª ÍêŸè… 2) How long have they worked here?
verb ÑÙç¶ ‘ñè[ª’ Íû¶ Íô¢nÙ êµõª-Þœªö˺
ÞœªJÙ# ൛íp-å-í£±pè[ª Ô Ú¥õÙö˺ ÷'Ah past Íô³ê¶ was, present Íô³ê¶ is, 3) She has not taken/ has not had tea so far.
Íô³û¦ be form verb Óö° Ñí£-óµ«- future ö˺ Íô³ê¶ will be/ shall be Ñí£-
÷ú£ªhÙC. 4) They haven't (have not) written a letter to
TÙ-à¦L? Question tag ö˺ Am I/ óµ«-TÙ-à¦L. Shops are closed on sundays. me for the past four months.
Are I, Amn't I/ Aren't I õö˺ ÔC (verb- are closed- are (beform) + closed 5) The movie has just begun.
Manmohan Singh was a Finance
Ñí£-óµ«-TÙ-à¦L? Minister (ÞœêŸÙö˺) (PP), verb- passive) - 6) Have they read the book?
– X÷ªA ô¢êŸo-ví£-þ§-ë]-ô¦÷±, ÚÛõ-øŒ-ð§è[ª Manmohan Singh is Prime Minister ÎC-î¦-ô¦õª shops ÷´óŸª-ñ-è[-ê¦ô³. 7) Have you ever helped me?
(ví£ú£ªhêŸÙ) êµõª-Þœªö˺ passive ë¯ë¯í£± î¦è[Ù. English 8) We have studied together since our school
áî¦ñª: êµõª-Þœªö˺ Óí£±pè[ª Ñû¦o– Ñû¦oè[ª, ö˺ ÚÛ«è¯ ÓÙêŸ êŸÚÛª\÷ î¦è…ê¶ ÷ªì òÅ°ù£ days (since = ìªÙ#).
ÑÙC ÍÙæ°Ù. ÍC past Ú¥E, present Manmohan Singh will be the PM for
ÍÙêŸ simple Þ¥ ú£ï£°-áÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙC.
9) How long have you worked here?
some time to come (future) 10) They have not come so far.
I Ðû¦è[ª- ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù 3 ÎÞœú£ªd 2005
Hari: Hi Hema, What's new? has played (has + past participle) = Ïí£pæ¨
(óÀª ›ï°÷ª, ÔÙæ¨ Nø™-ÿ§õª?) ÷ô¢ÚÛª Îè¯è[ª.
Hema: Every thing OK. Thank you. How is ÏÙÚ¥ Îè[ª-
has been playing (has been + ing) =
the world with you? ꟪-û¦oè[ª.
(ÍÙê¦ ò°Þ¥û¶ ÑÙC. ìªîµyö° Ñû¦oîËÂ?) Íö°¸Þ 2(a) She has been working here since
Hari: Good so far, Thanks. the opening of the office.
(Ïí£pæ¨ ÷ô¢ÚÛª ò°Þ¥û¶ ÑÙC.) ÏÚÛ\è[verb- has been working = (has been +
Hema: I've (I have) been waiting here for the ing) ÏÚÛ\è[ Îíƈúà vð§ô¢Ù-GÅÙ-#-ì-í£pæ¨ ìªÙ< ÏÚÛ\è[
bus for the past twenty minutes. It í£Eà¶þ¼hÙC.
hasn't turned up. By the way, Where (Íí£pæ¨ ìªÙ# Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢¸Ú Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ ÏÙÚ¥ ÚÛ«è¯).
are you coming from? Íë¶ 2 (b) Íô³ê¶ verb has + pp - ÏÙêŸ÷ô¢ÚÛª í£E-
(ñúà ÚÁú£Ù 20 ENª-ÿ§-õªÞ¥ Óë]ªô¢ª àŸ«ú£ªh- à¶-ú‡ÙC ÍE.
û¦oìª. ÍC Ïí£pæ¨÷ô¢ÚÛª ô¦ö¶ë]ª. ú£¸ô-Ú¥F, (ðƼûË à¶óŸª-è¯-EÚ¨= to call; ðƼûË BóŸªè[Ù= lift) Prakash: I've (I have) been trying to talk to/
ìªîµy-ÚÛ\è… ìªÙ# ÷ú£ªh-û¦o÷±?) for ÚÛª, since ÚÛª ê¶è¯ ô¢÷ªé: ñø‹ î¦üŒxÙ-ë]ô¢« ÓÚÛ\-è…-·Újû¦ îµü‹x- discuss with him something. I
turn up = ô¦÷è[Ù, áô¢÷è[Ù a)ÏEo ÞœÙå-õªÞ¥, ÏEo ôÁV-õªÞ¥, Ïû¶o-üŒ‰xÞ¥ ¸ô? haven't (have not) found the time.
by the way- topic ÷«ô¢a-è¯-EÚ¨ î¦è¶ ÷«å Íô³ê¶ for the past (so many) hours/ days/ (ñø‹= perhaps) Prasad: This work has been keeping him
years ÍÙæ°Ù. 5) ví£þ§ëÂ: íÆ£é¨ Íô¢-ÞœÙ-åÞ¥ Î í£E à¶ú£ªh-û¦oè[ª. busy since saturday. He hasn't
Hari: From college. I have been going
round the college for my certificates b) íÆ£ö°û¦ çµjÙ ìªÙ#, íÆ£ö°û¦ ôÁV ìªÙ#, íÆ£ö°û¦ ÏÙÚ¥ í£²Jh à¶óŸª-ö¶ë]ª. found the time even to see the doc-
ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù ìªÙ# Íô³ê¶ since ÍÙæ°Ù. ví£Ú¥ùÃ: ·ôÙvèÁ-V-õªÞ¥ ÍêŸ-è…êÁ × Nù£óŸªÙ tor.
Ïí£±pè[ª ÚÛ«è¯...!
for the past three days. They haven't
(have not) made them ready yet. The (since = ÞœêŸÙö˺ × ú£÷ªóŸªÙ ìªÙ#) ÷«æ°x-è¯f-EÚ¨ ví£óŸª-Ao-ú£ªh-û¦oìª. ÏÙêŸ-÷- Prakash: What's (What is) his problem?
clerk hasn't (has not) been attending He has worked/ has been working here for ô¢ÚÛª çµjÙ ë•ô¢-ÚÛ-ö¶ë]ª. Prasad: For the past (one) week he has
college since the college reopened the past 2 years/ since 2003 (2005- ví£þ§ëÂ: Ð í£û¶ ÍêŸè…E øŒE-î¦ô¢Ù ìªÙ# G@Þ¥ been having a bad cold and
last week.
(÷´è[ª ôÁV-õªÞ¥ ú£Jd-íƇ-·Úåx ÚÁú£Ù ÚÛü‹-ø‹õ 6) Jayanth: Have you read (gone through)
àŸªå«d Aô¢ª-Þœª-꟪û¦o. î¦RxÙêŸ÷ô¢ÚÛª î¦æ¨E today's paper?
·ôè† à¶óŸª-ö¶ë]ª. Ú¨Ùë]æ¨ î¦ô¢Ù ÚÛü‹-ø‹õ êµJ- Jayakar: We haven't received/ got the
#-ì-í£pæ¨ ìªÙ# Î ÚÛxôÂ\ ô¦÷è[Ù ö¶ë]ª) paper yet/ so far. Of late we
Hema: I understand your trouble. have been getting the paper
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺
have been waiting, have
Ð ÷ªëÅ]u)
been going, has been attending Íû¶
(of late = lately =
has been + ing. OªÚÛª êµL-ú‡Ùë¶ ÚÛë¯? ÑÙàŸª-êÁÙC. è¯ÚÛdôÂìª ÚÛõ-÷-è¯-EÚ¨ ÚÛ«è¯
(have you not)
form ö˺verb ìª
present perfect continuous
Ð Ú¨ÙC ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. ÚÛ«è¯= even)
Jayakar: I have been
sentences í£J-Q-LÙ-àŸÙè…. î¦æ¨-êÁ-ð§åª Ï#aì Ramu: I have been studying for exam sunday we've
Sukumar: My bike has been giving trouble have + pp/ has + pp Ñí£-óµ«-TÙචú£Ùë]ô¦sÄõª
since monday. I haven't been able
to find a good mechanic. 1) (÷«÷´-õªÞ¥) çµjÙ êµLóŸªE past actions.
(þ¼÷ª-î¦ô¢Ù ìªÙ# û¦ òµjÚ våñªöËÀ 2) Íí£p-æ¨-ìªÙ# Ïí£p-æ¨-÷-ô¢ÚÛª (Íí£±p-è[-í£±pè[ª) ÏÙÚ¥
Ïþ¼hÙC. ÷ªÙ# ڥ-EÚ Ó÷ô¢« ë•ô¢-ÚÛ- áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo í£ìª-õÚÛª (actions from then till
ç¶xë]ª) now/ (sometimes) even now;
Sudheer: Why don't you try my mechanic? 3) just ö°Ùæ¨N î¦è…-ì-í£±pè[ª Ïí£±pè¶ Íô³-ð¼-ô³ì
He has been attending to my bike í£ìª-õÚÛª (actions just completed).
for a long time now, and he has
Have been + ing/ has been + ing: ÞœêŸÙö˺ Óí£p-
done a good job of it so far.
(û¦ ڥ-E-ÚÂÚÛª ÓÙë]ªÚÛª àŸ«í‡ÙàŸ-ÚÛ«- æ¨-ìªÙ-àµjû¦ vð§ô¢Ùòši, ÏÙÚ¥ áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ìo í£ìª-õÚÛª.
è[ë]ª? û¦ òµjÚ ÍêŸû¶ àŸ«ú£ªhÙ-æ°è[ª. Ram: How long have you been waiting here?
Ïí£p-æ¨-÷-ô¢ÚÛª ò°Þ¥û¶ àŸ«ø‹è[ª). (ìª÷±y ÏÚÛ\è[ Óí£pæ¨ìªÙ# îµô³æËÀ û¶ìª ÷³Ùò°ô³ îµRx- ÷-à¦aìª. Óí£±p-èµ-ü‹x÷±?)
(at all = Íú£õª)
Sukumar: I haven't thought of it. Thank you.
à¶ú£ªhû¦o÷±?) I have been to Mumbai Suneel: I went there last saturday.
Let's take my bike to him.
Raghu: I have been waiting for you for ten (I have gone to Mumbai Ú¥ë]ª). (ð¼ô³ì øŒE-î¦ô¢Ù îµü‹xìª – I/we êÁ went î¦è[-
(û¶û¦ Nù£óŸªÙ ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª Îö˺-#Ù-àŸ- minutes now. ٠àµûµjo îµü‹xÙ (ÍE AJT ÷#aì êŸô¦yêŸ àµGê¶). ÷àŸªa.)
ö¶ë]ª. û¦ òµjÚ ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ Bú£ª·Ú-üŒë¯Ù.) (í£C ENª-ÿ§-õªÞ¥ F ÚÁú£Ù îµô³æËÀ We have been to Chennai.
Ð sentences English ö˺ practice à¶óŸªÙè….
Sudheer: He hasn't opened shop yet. 10 o'
à¶ú£ªhû¦o). (We have gone to Chennai Ú¥ë]ª) 1) ÚÛKÙ: ô¢O, Eìo þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ ìªNyÙæ˺x ö¶÷±.
êÁ î¦è[Ù. NªÞœê¦ subjects êÁ
(ÍêŸ-EÙÚ¥ ÿ§íà êµô¢-÷-ö¶ë]ª. 10 ÞœÙå- minutes (for ten minutes now) ÍE ô¢íÆ£³ Ó÷-
õÚÛª îµRê¶ ú£J-ð¼-꟪ÙC). JêÁ ÍÙåª-û¦oè[ª? ô¦îªêÁ. Óí£±pè[ª? ô¦îª ÷#aì Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥uõª àŸ«è[Ùè…
Sukumar: OK then. I haven't (have not) had êŸô¦yêŸ... ÍÙç¶ ô¦îª ÷#a Ñû¦oè[ª Ú¥ñæ¨d wait- a) î¦üŒ‰x Í-JÚ¥ îµü‹xô¢ª.
my bath and breakfast yet. I will ing í£²ô¢hô³ìç¶x ÚÛë¯. Íô³û¦ have been waiting They have gone to the US/ They have left
be at your place by 9.30. ÍE ô¢íÆ£³ ÍÙåª-û¦oè[ª. for the US.
(û¶ìª ÏÙÚ¥ þ§oìÙ à¶óŸª-ö¶ë]ª. vò¶ÚÂ-ðƧúÃd I have waited for you for ten minutes now Íì- b) ÷« ÍìoóŸªu èÅ…Mx îµü‹xè[ª.
ÏÙÚ¥ Í÷-ö¶ë]ª. Oª ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ û¶ìª 9.30 ö¶ë]ª. My brother has left for/ My brother has
ÚÛö°x ÷þ§h). ÏÚÛ\è[ have been waiting/ have waited gone to Delhi.
Sudheer: OK (ú£¸ô) ·ôÙè[« ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. ÍÙç¶ Ð ·ôÙè…Ùæ¨Ú© ÷«÷´õª î¦è[ª- c) ٠šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë îµRx ÷à¦aÙ.
have + pp/ has + pp, have been + ing/ has ÚÛö˺ šíë]l ê¶è¯ ö¶ë]ª. Íô³ê¶ We have been to Hyderabad.
been + ing Ñí£-óµ«Þ¥õìª ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª ÷ªìÙ ÏÙÚ¥ continue Í÷±-êÁÙC d) û¶ìª òµÙÞœª-üŒŠô¢ª îµRx-÷-à¦aìª.
àŸ«ø‹Ù. ÍE continuity Ú¨ I have been to Bangalore.
vð§÷³ÜuÙ Ïî¦yLq ÷›úh
I He has+pp
She has been+
It ing
have been + ing/ has
been + ing better.
they have been+ing a) î¦üŒ‰x ñóŸª-æ¨Ú¨ îµü‹xô¢ª. Sudha, where have you been?
They have gone out.
M. SURESAN b)÷« êŸLx-ë]Ù-vè[ªõª šïj°ë]-ô¦- ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 28 ÚÛKÙ: ìª÷±y Ð ÷ªëÅ]u áóŸª-ÚÛª-÷«ôÂìª Ôiû¦
ò°ë îµü‹xô¢ª. ÚÛõªú£ª-ÚÛª-û¦oî¦?
My parents have gone to Hyderabad. û¶ìª/ ٠iú£«ô îµRx-÷-à¦aìª/îµRx-÷à¦aÙ. ô¢N: ö¶ë]ª. î¦è…-í£±pè[ª ÷³Ùò°ô³ö˺ Ñû¦oè[ª.
ÏÚÛ\è[ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. I/ We have been to Mysore. ÚÛKÙ: ìªîµy-í£±p-è[-ô³û¦ ÷³Ùò°ô³ îµü‹xî¦?
a) They have gone ÍÙç¶ î¦üŒ‰x îµü‹x-ô¢E ÚÛë¯. ô¢N: à¦ö°-þ§ô¢ªx îµü‹xìª. ÷ªJ ìª÷±y?
ÍÙç¶ î¦üŒ‰x ÏÙÚ¥ AJT ô¦ö¶ë]ª. îµü™x ë¯Jö˺ Íô³û¦ ÍÙç¶ ÏÚÛ\è[ Íô¢nÙ, û¶ìª Î ÷²JÚ¨ îµü‹xìû¶ Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ ÚÛKÙ: ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª îµüŒx-ö¶ë]ª. Íú£õª û¶ìª šïj°ë]-
ÑÙè•àŸªa, ö¶ë¯ îµü‹x-õ-ìª-ÚÛªìo àÁåªö˺ Íô³û¦ Î ÒJ ÞœªJÙ# û¦ÚÛª êµõªú£ª ÍE ÚÛ«è¯. ô¦ò°ë¶ îµüŒx-ö¶ë]ª.
ví£øŒo: 1) Will she have played? ÑÙè•àŸªa ÍE. Íö°¸Þ– a) Smitha: Do you know Mumbai well? 2) ú£ª÷ªÙêÂ: Oª û¦ìo-Þ¥-·ô-ÚÛ\è[?
Will she has played? b) My parents have gone to Hyderabad ÍÙç¶ (FÚÛª ÷³Ùò°ô³ ò°Þ¥ êµõªþ§?) ú£ªFöËÀ: ñóŸª-æ¨-·Ú-ü‹xô¢ª.
2) He never uses pencil. î¦üŒ‰x šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë îµü™x-ë¯-Jö˺ Íô³û¦ ÑÙè¯L, ö¶ÚÛ- b) Sridhar: Oh, Yes. I have been there a ú£ª÷ªÙêÂ: ÓÚÛ\-è…-·Ú-ü‹xô¢ª?
He never use pencil. ð¼ê¶ šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë à¶J Íô³û¦ ÑÙè¯L ÍE. Ïí£±pè[ª number of times. ú£ªFöËÀ: î¦üŒx všíÆÙè ÏÙæ¨Ú¨.
3) Which is your native place? ÏC àŸ«è[Ùè…– (Î Òô¢ª û¦ÚÛª ò°Þ¥ êµõªú£ª. û¶ì-ÚÛ\- ú£ª÷ªÙêÂ: ÓÙêŸ-›ú-í£-ô³ÙC ñóŸª-æ¨-·ÚRx? (has
What is your native place? I have gone to Hyderabad. è…Ú¨ à¦ö°-þ§ô¢ªx îµü‹xìª.) been ÷«vêŸî¶ª î¦è[Ùè…)
4) At what time does Bangalore Dìô¢nÙ– û¶ìª šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë îµü‹xìª ÍE ÍìªÚÛªÙç¶ Ð ‘êµõªú£ª’ Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ NªÞœê¦ subjects ÚÛ«è¯ ú£ªFöËÀ: Íô¢-ÞœÙå
express reach Bangalore? û¶ìª šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë îµü™x ë¯Jö˺ޥF (on the way to î¦è[-÷àŸªa. Answers:
At what time Bangalore express Hyderabad) , šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë à¶JÞ¥F ÑÙè¯L ÍE Mithun: How familiar is he with Chennai? 1) Karim: Ravi, you were not at home yes-
reaches Bangalore? ÚÛë¯. (ÎóŸªìÚÛª àµûµjo ÓÙêŸ ò°Þ¥ êµõªú£ª? terday. Where did you go?
Ð î¦Ú¥uö˺x ÔN ú£·ôj-ìN? Íö° ÍE û¶ìª Ó÷-JêÁ àµí£p-Þœ-õìª?
êµLú‡ ÑÙè[è[Ù/ í£J-àŸóŸªÙ ÑÙè[è[Ù) Ravi: Yesterday was my sister's birthday.
ÚÛë¯! ÷ªJ 'God
5) 'God' third person êÁæ¨ ví£óŸ«-é¨-ÚÛªè… (fellow passenger) êÁ Íì-ö¶ìª
I went to her place.
Íû¦L Ú¥F 'God bless
blesses you' ÚÛë¯. šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë à¶Jì êŸô¦yêŸ I have gone to
Mittal: He has been there a number of times.
(ÎóŸªì ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ à¦ö°-þ§ô¢ªx îµü‹xè[ª– ÍÙç¶ Karim: Have you met Jayakumar, of late?
ÍE ÍÙæ°ô¢ª ÓÙë]ªÚÛª?
you' Hyderabad ÍE Íì-ö¶ìª. ÏÚÛ\è[ Ö¸Ú í£J-ú‡nA. û¶ìª ÎóŸª-ìÚÛª Î Òô¢ª ÞœªJÙ# ò°Þ¥ êµõªú£ª Ravi: No. He is in Mumbai
‘FÚÛª êµõªþ§?’ Íû¶ î¦Ú¥uEo ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺
6) šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë ìªÙ# AJT ÷#aì êŸô¦yêŸ šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ë ÍE) Karim: Have you ever been to Mumbai?
ÍE ô¦þ§hÙ. ‘ FÚÛª
'Do you know?' îµRx-÷-à¦a-ìE àµí£pÞœõÞœè[Ù. Ú¥ñæ¨d English ö˺ ÏC (ever = Óí£±p-èµjû¦)
êµL-óŸªë¯?’ Íû¶ î¦Ú¥uEo ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ I have gone to Hyderabad ú£J-Ú¥ë]ª
Mithun: Have you ever been to Chennai?
(ìªîµy-í£±p-èµjû¦ àµûµjo îµü‹xî¦?– ÏÚÛ\è[ Ravi: I have been there a number of
Óö° ô¦óŸ«L? ÚÛë¯. We (Ù)êÁ ÚÛ«è¯ Ïë¶ ú£÷ªú£u. ÚÛ«è¯ Have you gone ÚÛÙç¶ Have you times. What about you?
– ÎôÂ. P÷, ·ôjö¶y-ÚÁ-è[«ô¢ª been î¦è[è[Ù ÷ªÙ#C.) Karim: I haven't (have not) been there so
áî¦ñª: Oªô¢ª ô¦ú‡ì î¦Ú¥uö˺x Ð Ú¨ÙCN
÷³Üu-iì ÍÙøŒÙ
I/ We êÁ 'have gone' verb ô¦ë]ª. ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛÙç¶ Mittal: I haven't (have not) been there so far. I haven't been even to
= ÚÛ«è¯)
û¶ìª Ú¥F ٠ڥF ÓÚÛ\-è…-·Újû¦ îµRx ÷#aì êŸô¦yê¶ far . Hyderabad. (even
1) Will she have played?
ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµü‹xÙ Íì-ÞœõÙ. ë¯EÚ¨ English- 'have (û¶ìª ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª îµüŒx-ö¶ë]ª.) 2) Sumanth: Where's (where is) your father?
Sunil: He has gone out.
gone' Ú¥ë]ª. 'have gone'/ 'has gone'- îµRx-ð¼-óŸ«ô¢ª Íû¶ Íô¢nÙ
2) He never uses pencil
Sumanth: Where did he go?
3) What is your native place?
Saritha: Sudha, where have you been? ÷«vêŸî¶ª ÷ú£ªhÙC. îµRx AJ-T-÷-#aì í£J-ú‡nA ÞœªJÙ# Sunil: He went to his friend's.
4) At what time does the Bangalore
express reach Bangalore?
(ú£ªëů, ÓÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦o÷± ÏÙêŸ-›úí£²?) àµí£pë]ª. (friend's= všíÆÙè ÏÙæ¨Ú¨.friend's house
í£²Jh-ô¢«í£Ù Sudha: I have been to college. Suneel: I returned from Delhi the day before. ÍìÙ. friend's home íÆ£ô¦y-ö¶ë]ª.
5) 'God bless you'
Íû¶ ÎQú£ªq.
'May God
÷C-ö¶ú‡ (û¶ìª ÚÛü‹-ø‹-õÚÛª îµRx ÷à¦aìª). ( û¶ìª èÅ…Mx ìªÙ# îµ³ìo AJT ÷à¦aìª.
) ÍÙç¶ best)
bless you' 'May'
ÍÙåªÙæ°Ù. ÏÚÛ\è[ I have gone to college ÍÙç¶ Íô¢nÙ ÔÙ Sumanth: Why did you go there at all? Sumanth: How long has he been out?
'God bless you'
(FÚÛª ÷ú£ªhÙC? û¶ìª ÚÛü‹-ø‹-õÚÛª îµü‹xìª (ÍÚÛ\è¶ Ñû¦oìª) When did you go there? Sunil: He has been out for half an
6) Don't you (Do you not) konw?
êµMë¯?) ÍE. ÍÚÛ\è¶ ÑÙç¶ ú£J-êŸêÁ ÷«æ°xè¶ Í÷-Ú¥øŒÙ ö¶ë]ª. (Íú£õª ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª îµü‹x÷±? hour now.
I Ðû¦è[ª- ÎCî¦ô¢Ù 7 ÎÞœú£ªd 2005
Gowtham: Hi Jagadeesh, it's you! How long (û¶ìª Ú¥ú£h Îõ-ú£uÙÞ¥ ÷þ§h. û¦ ÚÁú£Ù îµô³-æËÀ-
have you been here? àµô³u.)
(áÞœ-DùÃ, ìªî¦y? ÓÙêŸ-Ú¥-õÙÞ¥ ÏÚÛ\è[ Sumeet: I'll (I will) be there till 7.30. Don't
Ñû¦o÷±? – ÏC ÚÛ«è¯ í£õ-ÚÛ-JÙ›í. worry.
÷³ÜuÙÞ¥ Íìª-ÚÁ-ÚÛªÙè¯ ÷ªìÚÛª (û¶ìª 7.30 ÷ô¢ÚÛª ÑÙæ°. ÷vK Í÷ÚÛª.)
÷ªìî¦ü˜x÷·ôjû¦ ÚÛEí‡Ù-#-ì-í£±pè[ª Ñí£- šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ 'shall be', 'will be'- be forms
óµ«-TÙ-àŸ-÷àŸªa.) Ú¥ñæ¨d ÑÙè[-è¯Eo àµñªê¦ô³.
Jagadeesh: I've (have) been here since the
ꑦ shall + 1st RDW/will + 1st RDW - shall
come, will go, shall see, will meet - Ïö°Ùæ¨
day before. I joined an I-CET
verbs òÅ¡N-ù£u-꟪hö˺ áô¢-Þœ-òËºó¶ª í£ìªõìª àµñªê¦ô³.
coaching centre here yesterday.
(îµ³ìoæ¨ ìªÙ# ÏÚÛ\è¶ Ñû¦o. ÏÚÛ\è[
û¶ìª Õ–šúæËÀ ÚÁ#ÙÞ šúÙå-ôÂö˺ a) I shall be there tomorrow.
û¶ìª ¸ôí£± ÍÚÛ\è[ ÑÙæ°ìª. I, We êÁ shall î¦è…ê¶ future ö˺ ÑÙè[è[ÙÞ¥E, í£E 3) ¸ôí£± û¶ìª ÷³Ùò°ô³ îµüŒ-ê¦ìª. ÍÚÛ\è[ í£C
Gowtham: How long will your course last? b) I shall go (shall + 1st RDW) there tomor- áô¢-Þœè[ÙÞ¥F ÍÙêŸ ÚÛ#aêŸÙ Ú¥ë]ª (indefinite). ôÁVõª ÑÙæ°ìª. ûµö°-Ü-ô¢ªÚÛª AJT ÷þ§hìª.
(Oª ÚÁôÂq ÓÙêŸ-Ú¥õÙ ÑÙåªÙC? row. 1. I/We shall be there tomorrow. 4) áóŸªÙêÂ: Oª·ô-í£±p-è•-þ§hô¢ª?
last = ÑÙè[è[Ù) û¶ìª ¸ôí£± ÍÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ îµüŒê¦ìª.
(shall go = action) (û¶ìª/٠¸ôí£± ÍÚÛ\è[ ÑÙæ°ìª/ÑÙæ°Ù. áú£yÙêÂ: ÷à¶a-î¦ô¢Ù ÷þ§hìª. (í£²Jh î¦ÚÛuÙ
Jagadeesh: It's a forty day course, so it will Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õìª í£J-Q-LÙ-àŸÙè…. ÑÙè[è[Ù (indefinite) ÍÙêŸ ÚÛ#aêŸÙÚ¥ë]ª) practice à¶óŸªÙè…)
2. I/We shall meet you there. áóŸªÙêÂ: Î ú£Jd-íƇ-·ÚæËÀq ÍFo êµþ§hô¦?
continue for another forty days. a) î¦üŒ‰x ¸ôí£± ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙæ°ô¢ª.
(ÍC ìõòŵj ôÁVõ ÚÁô¢ªq. ÏÙÚÁ 40 (û¶ìª/٠Eìªo ÍÚÛ\è[ ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙæ°/ ÚÛõª-ú£ª- áú£yÙêÂ: ÍFo Bú£ª-ÚÛª-ô¦ìª. ÷³Üu-i-ìî¶ êµþ§h.
ôÁVõª ÚÛÙæ¨ì«u Í÷±-꟪ÙC.)
They will be here tomorrow.
ÚÛªÙæ°Ù– ÚÛ#aêŸÙÚ¥ë]ª áJ-Tê¶ áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ÙC áóŸªÙêÂ: Oª è…vU ú£Jd-íƇ-·ÚæËÀ êµþ§hô¦?
î¦üŒ‰x ¸ôí£± ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ÷þ§hô¢ª ö¶ÚÛð¼ê¶ ö¶ë]ª.) áú£yÙêÂ: ÍC Í÷-ú£-ô¢÷«? (necessary
Pranav: Mom, I will go to the first show today. Ú¥ñæ¨d I/We + will Eô¢g-óŸ«Eo êµLóŸª-â¶-ú£ªhÙC.
(Í÷«t, û¶ìª ÐôÁV íÆ£úÃd-ÿ¼ÚÛª îµüŒ-ê¦ìª.) 2) I/We êÁ will ÷«æ°x-è¶-î¦J Ñë¶l-ø‹Eo (intention)
Narmada: You shall finish your home work
(ìª÷±y îµ³ë]å É˺Ù÷ôÂ\ í£²Jhà¶óŸ«L.) a) SriRam: What do you want to Shravan?
Shravan: I will be (will become) a doctor.
Pranav: Tapan, my friend, will be here in a
(û¶ìª è¯ÚÛd-ô¢ªÞ¥ ÑÙæ°/ è¯ÚÛd-ô¢ª-ì-÷±ê¦
few minutes. We will finish our
(Ñë¶løŒÙ) – will be/ become
homework together.
(û¦ všíÆÙè êŸí£ûË ڕCl ENª-ÿ§ö˺x ÏÚÛ\-è…-Ú•- Ñë¶løŒÙ (intention)).
þ§hè[ª. ٠Ïë]lô¢Ù ÚÛLú‡ É˺Ù÷ôÂ\ à¶ú£ª- b) Praneetha: My friend Pratibha will be
E-÷yìª.) (êŸô¦yêŸ Eìªo, Îîµªìª ú‡E-÷«ÚÛª Prasanthi: When will be back?/ When will
Bú£ª·Ú-üŒ-ê¦ìª. ÷ªìÙ Ú•ÙêŸ çµjÙ ÚÛL- 8) ví£ø‹ÙA: ìª÷±y ÷« ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ ô¦î¦? (won't you return?
Pranav: But if my friends invite?
ú£ªÙë¯Ù – we will have (inten- you î¦è[Ùè….) Santhisri: I shall go to Chennai in a week
(÷« všíÆÙèÂq í‡L›úh?) tion)) ø‹ÙAX: ìª÷±y ¸ôí£± ÏÙæ˺x Óí£±pè[ª ÑÙæ°÷±? and from there return.
Narmada: I will tell them they shall not invite.
3) I/we êÁwill î¦è…ê¶ ÷ªìÙ ÷«å Ï#a-ìåªx ví£ø‹ÙA: ¸ôí£Ùê¦ ÏÙæ˺xû¶ ÑÙæ°. Prasanthi: I shall buy a cell phone tomor-
÷«å Ïî¦yõÙç¶...!
You shall study well, and get good
(Promise). ø‹ÙAX: ÷ªJ-¸ôí£± û¶ìª ÞœªÙå«ô¢ª îµüŒê¦. row.
marks. Dad and I will allow you to Santhisri: Will you be in touch with me
watch movies only then.
(Eìªo í‡õîË•ë]lE û¶ìª î¦üŒxêÁ àµñªê¦.
ìª÷±y ò°Þ¥ àŸCN ÷ªÙ# ÷«ô¢ª\õª
êµàŸªa-ÚÁ-î¦L. Íí£±pè¶ ìª÷±y ú‡E-÷«õª
àŸ«è[è¯-EÚ¨ û¶ìª, û¦ìo Íìª-÷ª-Aþ§hÙ.)
šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ verbs Óö° Ñû¦oóµ« Þœ÷ª-EÙ-
àŸÙè…. Ú¨Ùë]æ¨ lessonö˺ ÷ªìÙ àŸ«ú‡ìî¦æ¨Ú¨
GÅìoÙÞ¥ I, and We êÁ will; you, he, she, it and
they êÁ shall ÷à¦aô³ ÚÛë¯. from tomorrow ?
ÖÚÛ-þ§J Þœªô¢ªh-êµ-àŸªa-ÚÛªÙë¯Ù. a) Surekha: Teacher, I have some doubts in
ví£ø‹ÙA: ÷ªSx Óí£±p-è•-þ§h÷±? 9) Tarun: Hi Varun, How are you?
ø‹ÙAX: î¦ô¢Ù êŸô¦yêŸ àµûµjo îµRx ÍÚÛ\è… ìªÙ#
I/WeêÁ shall; you, he, she, it and they êÁ will (æ©àŸôÂ, ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ û¦ÚÛª Ú•Eo ú£Ùë¶- Varun: Fine. Thank you. How are you?
ÚÛ#a-êŸÙ-Ú¥E òÅ¡N-ù£u-꟪hìª êµL-óŸª-â¶-þ§hô³. shall be, õª Ñû¦oô³.) AJT ÷þ§h. Tarun: Fine. Have you joined MBA?
will be Íô³ê¶ òÅ¡N-ù£u-꟪hö˺ ÑÙè[-è¯Eo, shall + 1st Teacher: I will clear all your doubts. Don't ví£ø‹ÙA: û¶ìª ¸ôí£± šúöËÀ-ðƼûË ڕÙæ°ìª. Varun: I haven't (have not) decided yet.
Regular Doing Word (1st RDW), will + 1st worry. ø‹ÙAX: Íô³ê¶ ¸ôí£æ¨ ìªÙ# û¦êÁ åàÂö˺ Tarun: I have joined MCA. I joined the
RDW Íô³ê¶ òÅ¡N-ù£u-꟪hö˺ í£ìª-õìª êµLóŸªâ¶þ§hô³. (F ú£Ùë¶--õFo û¶ìª Bô¢ª-þ§h쪖 ÏC ÑÙæ°î¦? institute yesterday.
Ïí£±pè[ª I/WeêÁ will; you, he, she, it and theyêÁ teacher's promise) 9) êŸô¢ªéÉÂ: óÀª ÷ô¢ªéÉÂ, ÚÛªö°-þ§û¦? Varun: My father has been out of town for
shall ë¶EE êµLóŸª-â¶þ§hóµ« àŸ«ë¯lÙ.
1) I/We êÁ will ÷«æ°x-è[ª-꟪-ìo-î¦üŒx Eô¢g-óŸ«Eo
b) Prasanth: Dad, the course costs Rs. ÷ô¢ªéÉÂ: Î, ÚÛªö°-þ§û¶... the past four days. I am waiting for
20,000/- a year.
ìªîµyö° Ñû¦o÷±? him. Decision is possible only after
Sumathi: Hi, Vimala, well met. When shall ★ You, he, she, it and they will -êÁ
we sit to plan our holiday? Indefinite (ÚÛ#a-êŸÙ-Ú¥E)
(óÀª N÷ªõ! ÷ªìÙ ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù Ïí£±pè[ª šíj ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺
you, he, she, it and
÷ªÙ#-ëµjÙC. Mè¶ ð§xûË à¶óŸª-è¯-EÚ¨ êÁ
they shall î¦è¶ ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄõª–
Óí£±pè[ª ÚÛ«ô¢ªaÙë¯Ù?) îµ³ë]å Ï#aì ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺
Holiday = ÷«÷´õª Íô¢nÙ šúõ÷±. ÏÙÚÁ 1) ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ¥ future ö˺ áô¢ª-Þœª-ê¦-óŸª-ìª-ÚÛªìo Nù£-
Íô¢nÙ ÷ªìÙ ÓÚÛ\è…·Újû¦ ú£ô¢-ë¯Þ¥ îµRx ޜ腛í óŸ«õª.
ôÁVõª ÍE. a) It shall be this evening.
Vimala: Why not this evening? I shall be Ð þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ ÍC ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙ-C/-Í-÷±-
away from tomorrow onwards. ꟪ÙC, ÑÙè¯-L/-Í-î¦yL.
(Ð þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ÚÛ«ôÁaÚÛ«-è[ë]ª? b) She shall come.
û¶ìª ¸ôí£æ¨ ìªÙ# G@Þ¥ ÑÙæ°.) Î êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ ÷ú£ªhÙ-C/-ô¦-î¦L.
why not = ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ÚÛ«è[ë]ª? c) He shall join.
steno shall stay longer than all of ìª÷±y ÑÙè¯L (Îác–command)
you. I have a lot of letters to dictate,
Sumathi: It shall be this evening then. You êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ ÷ªìêÁ ÷þ§h-è[ª/-ô¦-î¦L. and she shall take out their print
e) They shall stay too.
î¦üŒŠx ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯L. (Îác–
shall be here at 7 PM. d) They shall not.
(Íô³ê¶ ÐôÁV þ§óŸªÙvêŸî¶ª î¦üŒ‰x ô¦ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª/ô¦ô¢ª
outs before tomorrow morning. For f) My steno shall stay.
ÚÛ«ô¢ªaÙë¯Ù. Ôè…Ù-æ¨Ú¨ ìª÷±y ÏÚÛ\è[ e) You shall be here.
two more days the office shall work û¦ šúdûËÁ ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯L (Îác–
ÑÙè¯L.) ìªNy-ÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯L.
till 7PM.
(î¦üŒŠx êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ ÑÙæ°ô¢ª. þ¼÷ª-î¦ô¢Ù
g) She shall take print outs.
Î ví‡Ùå-÷±åªx êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ BóŸ«L (Îác–
Vimala: How about Sourabha? Won't she Manoj: How long am I to be here, Sir? ÷ô¢ÚÛª î¦üŒ‰x ÚÛ«è¯ MîË Íè[ÞœÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. û¦
à¶óŸ«L... êŸí£pë]ª!
(will not she) join us? (û¶ûµÙ-êŸ-›úí£± ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯õÙè†?) command)
(þ¿ô¢òÅ¡ ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ùæ¨? Î ÷ªìêÁ ô¦ë¯?)
Sumathi: She shall come, ofcourse. She has
promised me.
(Î êŸí£pÚÛ ÷ú£ªhÙC. ÷þ§h-ìE ÷«å
Vimala: What about Sudhakar, Your cousin?
(Oª ÚÛ>ûË ú£ªëů-ÚÛô ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ùæ¨?)
Sumathi: He shall join us too.
(ÍêŸì« êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ ÷þ§hè[ª.) Officer: You shall be here till 7 in the šúdûËÁ Oª ÍÙë]-J-ÚÛÙç¶ ÓÚÛª\-÷-›úí£± h) The office (it) shall work.
Vimala: Won't Neeraj and Kalyan come?
(Fô¢âÉÀ, ÚÛü‹uéÉ ô¦÷è[Ù ö¶ë¯?)
evening. ÑÙåªÙC. û¶ìª à¦ö° öµåô¢ªx è…¸ÚdæËÀ Îíƈúà í£E-à¶-óŸ«L (Îác–
(ìª÷±y ÏÚÛ\è[ þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ Ôè…Ù-æ¨-÷ô¢ÚÛª à¶óŸ«L. ¸ôí£± Ñë]-óŸ«-E-ÚÛö°x Î êŸí£p-E- – êµõª-þ¼hÙC ÚÛë¯
Sumathi: Why they? They shall not. I don't ÑÙè¯L– Îác) shallî¦è… Îácõª
you, he, she, it and they
(Commands/ orders) Ï÷yàŸªa.
like them.
(î¦ü˜xÙ-ë]ªÚÛª? î¦üŒ‰x ô¦ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. û¦Ú¨ù£dÙ ö¶ë]ª)
Manoj: Why so long, Sir?
(ÍÙêŸ-›úí£± ÓÙë]ª-ÚÛÙè†?) ÏÙÚ¥ àŸ«è[Ùè….
Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ you, he, she, it and theyêÁ i) You shall not smoke here.
shall ô¦÷è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè….
Officer: You shall finish all this work and then
ìª÷±y ÏÚÛ\è[ þ¼tÚ à¶óŸª-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª.
It shall be;
only go.
(ìª÷±y Ð í£E í£²Jh à¶ú‡ îµü‹xL.)
ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 31 j) Oª public, university exams answer books
She shall come;
ö˺ instructions ÍFo shall î¦è[ÚÛÙêÁ
Manoj: I want leave on Friday Sir.
(øŒ‰vÚÛ-î¦ô¢Ù û¦ÚÛª šúõ÷± Ú¥î¦L.) ÑÙæ°ô³.
He shall join;
ú£-JÞ¥ î¦æ¨ ví‡Ùå-÷±åªx Bú£ª-ÚÁ-î¦L. ÏÙÚÁ i) No candidate (he/she) shall bring any slips
They shall (not); Officer: You shall not ·ôÙè[ª ö¶ë¯ ÓÚÛª\÷ ôÁVõª þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ of paper into the exam hall.
You shall be
ÏÙêŸ-÷-ô¢ÚÛª ÷ªìÙ êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙC ÖÚÛþ§J Þœªô¢ªh-à¶-ú£ª-
go on leave till Ôè…Ùæ¨ ÷ô¢ÚÛª Îíƈúà í£E-à¶óŸ«L.) (í£K¤Û öËÀ-ö˺ڨ Ó÷ô¢« Ú¥TêŸÙ ú‡xí£±põª Bú£ª-ÚÛª-
Monday. You
Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£-éö˺ Officer, you, he, she it and ô¦-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. - order)
they êÁ shall î¦è[è[Ù Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…. Íö° î¦è[è[Ù
shall stay here
1) I/We êÁ shall; you, he, she, it and they êÁ
ii) Absolute silence shall be observed.
will ÚÛ#a-êŸÙ-Ú¥E òÅ¡N-ù£u꟪h (Indefinite future)
as long as I
ÎóŸªì Îácõª (commands) Ï÷y-è¯-EÚ¨. ÍÙç¶ (í£²Jh EøŒzñlÙ ð§æ¨Ù-à¦L– order)
ìª êµLóŸª-â¶-þ§hô³.
want you to.
(þ¼÷ª-î¦ô¢Ù you, he, she, it and they êÁ shall Îác-õìª ví£òÅ¡ªêŸy í£vê¦õª, EñÙ-ëÅ]ìõª ÍEoæ˺x you, he,
2) I/We êÁ will ÷ªì Eô¢g-óŸ«-õìª (decisions), ÷ô¢ÚÛª šúõ÷± šíåd- (commands) êµLóŸªâ¶ú£ªhÙC. she, it, they êÁ shall Îác-õÚÛª î¦è[è[Ù Oªô¢ª
Ñë¶l-ø‹õìª (intentions) êµLóŸª-â¶-þ§hô³. ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª. û¶ìª M. SURESAN a) You shall be here. Þœ÷ªEÙàŸ÷àŸªa. Court orders ö˺ ÚÛ«è¯ ÍÙê¶.
3) I/We êÁ will ÷ªìÙ promise à¶óŸª-è¯-EÚ¨ ÓÙêŸ-›úí£± Ú¥î¦- ìªNy-ÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯L (Îác– command) orders â°K à¶óŸª-è¯-EÚ¨you, he, she, it and they
î¦è[ê¦Ù. õÙç¶ ÍÙêŸ-›úí£± ìªNy-ÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯-LqÙë¶.) b) You shall finish. êÁ ÍCÅ-Ú¥-J-ÚÛÙÞ¥ (official) Íô³û¦, Íì-CÅ-Ú¥-JÚÛÙÞ¥
÷ªìÙ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-#ì Nù£-óŸ«õª ú£ÙvÞœ-ÙÞ¥– ìª÷±y í£²Jh à¶óŸ«L (Îác–
command) (unofficial) Íô³û¦ 'shall' î¦è[-ê¦ô¢ª.
★ I/WeêÁ shall - Indefinite future
Manoj: What about the others Sir?
(NªÞœê¦ ú‡ñsÙC ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ù-åÙè†?) c) You shall not go on leave. Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥uõª English ö˺
practice à¶óŸªÙè…. ú£Ùë]-
★ I/WeêÁ will - Officer: They shall stay too. They shall not
ìª÷±y šúõ÷± šíåd-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª (Îác–
command) ô¦sÄEo ñæ¨d shall, will ·ôÙè[« î¦è[Ùè….
determination (Eô¢góŸªÙ) apply for leave either, till Monday. My
d) You shall stay. 1) Íåª-÷Ù-æ¨-ë¶Oª ìª÷±y à¶óŸª-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª (such= Íåª-
ví£øŒo: a) Infinitives ÍÙç¶ ÔNªæ¨? (Î ÞœêŸÙö˺– ð§è… ÑÙè¯-õE DEo 'I had been there when the func- 2) ìª÷±y ¸ôí£± ÏÚÛ\è…Ú¨ Ôè…Ù-æ¨Ú¨ ô¦ (order).
ÍÙç¶ Íô¢nÙ ÍìªÚÛªÙæ˺ÙC) tion began exactly at 6', ÍE ÷«J›úh 3) ¸ôí£± þ§óŸªÙ-vê¦-E-ÚÛö°x í£E í£²Jh-à¶-óŸ«L.
b) 'to + have +V3'
ÔNªæ¨? c) To í£ÚÛ\ì be Þ¥F being î¦è[-ê¦ô¢ª êŸí£±p- sentence ÚÛª ú£·ôjì Íô¢nÙ ÷ú£ªhÙC. Íô³ê¶ 4) Ram: ÷ªSx û¶ìª Óí£±pè[ªô¦ìª ÏÚÛ\è…Ú¨?
ö¶ë]ª. DEÚ¨ šíjì Ú¨ Íô¢nÙö˺ ê¶è¯ Raghu: ìª÷±y ÷ªSx ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ô¦ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª.
í£ÚÛ\ì being ö¶ë¯ be î¦è…ê¶
c) to sentence (a)
Ram: ìª÷yö° ÷«æ°x-è[-ÚÛ«-è[ë]ª.
ë¯E Íô¢nÙ ÔNªæ¨? i) I like to be here for sometime. ÷ú£ªhÙC. (b) î¦Ú¥u-EÚ¨ Íô¢nÙ
function ÚÛ·ô-
(û¶ìª ÏÚÛ\è[ Ú¥›úí£± ÑÙè¯õE ÚÂdÞ¥ ÎJÙ-æ¨Ú¨ vð§ô¢ÙòšiÙC. ÍÙêŸÚÛª ÷³Ùë]ª Raghu: ìª÷±y í£E í£²Jh-à¶-óŸ«L. Î êŸô¦yê¶
– í‡. ÐøŒy-ô¢-ô¦÷±, ÞœªÙå«ô¢ª ÍìªÚÛªÙåª-û¦oìª.) ìªÙචû¶ìª ÍÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oìª ÍE. ììªo ÚÛõª-ú£ª-ÚÁ-î¦L.
áî¦ñª: a) Infinitives ìª ÞœªJÙ# ÏÙêŸ-ÚÛª- ii) I object to being treated as a ví£øŒo: a) Would E Ôó¶ª ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x Ñí£- Ram: û¶ìª Ð þ§óŸªÙ-vêŸî¶ª ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ¥ í£E
÷³Ùë]ª ÷#aì ð§ôȦö˺x N÷-JÙà¦Ù ÍC stranger. óµ«-T-þ§hô¢ª? í£²Jh-à¶þ§hìª.
àŸ«è[Ùè…. (ììªo Ú•êŸhî¦è…Þ¥ àŸ«è[è¯EÚ¨ û¶ìª Raghu: Íô³ê¶ þ§óŸªÙ-vê¦-EÚ¨ ìª÷±y í£E í£²Jh-
b) Let you write ÍÙç¶ êŸð§p?
b) to have + V3 - V3 ÍÙç¶ past partici- ÍòÅ¡uÙ-êŸô¢Ù àµñª-꟪-û¦oìª.) Öð§p? ÓÙë]ªÚÛª? à¶-óŸ«L.
ple. To have + V3 Ú¨ Ñë¯--ô¢-éõª:
ví£øŒo: Oªô¢ª ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é ÷´èÁ-òÅ°-ÞœÙö˺ – ñÙè… P÷-ví£-þ§ëÂ, ÚÛå«\ô Answers:
to have gone, to have killed, to have
Ï#aì I was there exactly at 6
1) You shall do no such thing/ You shall not
done etc.
when the function began Íû¶ áî¦ñª: do any such thing.
i) He seems to have done it.
î¦Ú¥uEo a) 'would'Ñí£óµ«Þ¥Eo êŸyô¢-ö˺û¶ N÷Jþ§hÙ. 2) You shall be/ shall come here at 7 tomor-
(Î í£E ÍêŸè[ª à¶ú‡-ìç¶d ÑÙC (past ö˺ 'I had been there exact-
Ôëµjû¦ áJ-T-ìåªx ÍE-í‡Ù-#ÙC). ly at 6 when the function began' b) Let you write - ÏC êŸí£±p. Let Ñí£-
ÍE ô¦óŸª-÷à¦a? óµ«ÞœÙ ÏÙêŸÚÛª ÷³Ùë]ª î¦uþ§ö˺x N÷-
3) You/He/She/They shall finish/ complete
ii) They appear to have killed the tiger.
(Tiger àŸE-ð¼-ô³ÙC-- -
-past ö˺ î¦ü‹x í£E – #ìªo, ûµõ«xô¢ª JÙà¦Ù. þ§÷«-ìuÙÞ¥ Letìª 'you'êÁ
the work by tomorrow.
4) Ram: When shall I come here again?
à¶ú‡ìç¶x Ïí£±pè[ª ÚÛEí‡-ú£ªh-û¦oô¢ª.) áî¦ñª: a) I was there exactly at 6 î¦è[è[Ù ÑÙè[ë]ª. ÖÚÁ\-þ§J î¦è[-÷àŸªa.
when the function began. DE Íô¢nÙ Raghu: You shall not (shan't) come here
iii) I like to have gone with them.
(î¦üŒxêÁ îµRx ÑÙè[-è¯-EÚ¨ Ïù£dí£è[ªêŸª- function begin Íô³-ì-í£±pè[ª û¶ì-ÚÛ\è[ ÚÛ·ô- You let yourself into the room, when he again.
û¦o쪖 ÍÙç¶ î¦üŒ‰x îµRx-ð¼-óŸ«ô¢ª. û¶ìª ÚÂdÞ¥ ÎJÙ-æ¨Ú¨ Ñû¦oìª ÍE. Function
opens the door.
(ÍêŸìª êŸõªí£± êµô¢-÷-Þ¥û¶, ìª÷y ví£î¶-PÙàŸª–
Ram: You shall not (shan't) talk like that.
Ïí£±pè[ª ÷«æ°x-è[ªêŸªû¦oìª.) begin Í÷è[Ù ÎJÙ-樸Ú, û¶ì-ÚÛ\è[ ÑìoC Raghu: You shall finish the work. Then
ÚÛ«è¯ ÎJÙ-æ¨¸Ú ÍE. ÍE Íô¢nÙ. Íô³ê¶ ÏÚÛ\è[ yourself Íû¶ only you shall see/ meet me.
She likes to sing. reflexive î¦è[ÚÛÙ Þœ÷ª-EÙ-àŸÙè…) Ram: I'll (I will) finish the work by this
(Î ð§è¯-õ-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-æ˺ÙC) b) I had been there exactly at 6 when
the function began- ÏC ÍÙêŸ ú£J-Ú¥ë]ª. Let you write Íô¢nÙ– ìª÷±y ô¦ô³. Íô³ê¶ evening.
She likes to have sung 'write' ÍÙç¶ ú£Jð¼êŸªÙC ÚÛë¯. Raghu: You shall (finish), then.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -¨¡-E¢√®Ωç 13 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
Bhaskar: Good morning, sir. Will you give Father: You have wasted a lot of money,
me the books I've asked you for, already. you shall not waste any
sir? more money, understand.
(í∫’-ú˛-´÷-Joçí˚ Ææ®˝. ؈-úÕ-T† °æ¤Ææh-é¬- É°æp-öÀÍé î√™« úø•’s ´%ü∑∆-îË-¨»´¤. Éçéπ
©’ -É≤ƒh®√?) îËߪ’èπ◊. Å®Ωn-´’-®·çü∆?
Teacher: Yes, Bhaskar, they shall be with ÉC £«îªa-Jéπ (Warning)
you this afternoon. Don't worry.
Son: I do, dad. It shall not happen again.
(ÅN Ñ ´’üµ∆u£æ«oç F ü¿í∫_-®Ω’ç-ö«®·, (Å®Ωn-´’-®·çC. ÅC ´’Sx ï®Ω-í∫ü¿’ Ø√†o-
ÆæÍ®Ø√?) í¬®Ω÷ – ÉC £æ…O’ Assurance)
Bhaskar: Moreover, I need your notes too,
Father: You shall keep an account of every
sir, for the next week's exam.
paise you spend. Father: You shall have the money. How
(ÅçûË-é¬-èπ◊çú≈, ´îËa-¢√®Ωç èπ◊ 3) Samuel: É™«çöÀ ´’ç* novels áéπ\úø
(†’´¤y ê®Ω’a-°õ‰d v°æA °j≤ƒ ™„éπ\-®√-ߪ÷L) much do you want?
O’ ØÓö¸q èπÿú≈ 鬢√L. üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-û√®·? (Available
Moreover=Éçé¬; notes- plural; Son: I will, dad. (Ç úø•’s Fèπ◊ ´Ææ’hçC. (؈’ Fèπ◊ Ç
note- singular) (IûÓ will-E®Ωgߪ’ç –Ééπ\úø Assurance) úø•’s É≤ƒh†’= I will give you the ¢√úøçúÕ)
Samson: Read well book stores ™.
鬕öÀd you, he, she, it and theyûÓ shall money. You shall have - ÉC promise)
Teacher: You shall have them, what more? =at).
(™ Åéπ\úø O’èπ◊ à •’é˙
(notes FéÀ-≤ƒh†’. ÉçÍéç 鬢√L?) 1) Orders/ commands 2) Warnings
áçûª 鬢√L?) 鬢√-LqØ√ üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-ûª’çC (get,
Parvathi: About Rs 10000/-
Bhaskar: My sister wants you to help her out 3) Assurances †’ ûÁ©’-°æ¤-ûª’çC. whatever book ¢√úøçúÕ)
with some of the lessons. Prem: I am going to contest in the next elec-
(ü∆ü∆°æ¤ °æC-¢Ë©’) Samuel: á°æ¤púø’ ¢Á∞¡ü∆ç Åéπ\-úÕéÀ?
sister lessons Father: You shall have more than that. Don't Samson: Saturday ≤ƒßª’çvûªç †’´¤y ûª°æp-
(´÷ èπ◊ éÌEo tions
Roshan: Íô³ê¶ ÷à¶aî¦üŒxÚÛª JvšíÆ-ùÃ-ÙæËÀq îµü‹x-õE í£åªd-ñ-è[ª-꟪-û¦oè[ª – He insists on Kowser: I am new to this place/I am a
(æ¨íƇûËÂ) ú£ÙÞœ-ê¶Ùæ¨? going now) stranger here. Which Masjid
Basheer: î¦æ¨ Nù£óŸªÙ ÎOªôÂ àŸ«ú£ª-ÚÛªÙ- áìE: þ§óŸªÙvêŸÙ 4.15Ú¨ vð§ô¢ÙòÅ¡Ù Ú¥î¦L. (Mosque) shall we go to?
æ°è[ª. (take care î¦è[Ùè…) ví‡óŸª: ú£¸ô. Karim: There is one nearby. We shall go
3) Karim: ìª÷±y øŒ‰vÚÛ-î¦ô¢Ù ì÷«-âÉÀÚÛª ô¦î¦L. to it. You shall come here at
Kowser: û¶F ÒJÚ¨ Ú•êŸh. Ô ÷ªúˆëÂÚ¨ 12.30 PM. You shall not be late.
îµüŒê¦Ù? (÷ªúˆëÂ=Masjid or Kowser: I won't (will not) be late. Shall I
Mosque) bring along my friend?
Karim: ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ë]Þœ_-ô¢-ö˺û¶ ÖÚÛ ÷ªúˆë ÑÙC. Karim: Don't you know that much?
What shall we discuss at the meeting? ë¯E·ÚüŒê¦Ù. ÷ªëůuoÙ 12.30Ú¨ ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 33 According to the Koran you shall
ìªNy-ÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ô¦î¦L. Îõú£uÙ à¶óŸª-ÚÛ«- bring to prayer as many as pos-
★ ÖÚÛ-÷«-åö˺ ÑÙè¶ øŒò°l-õìª syllables ÍÙæ°ô¢ª. è[ë]ª. sible.
sentence Íû¶ í£ë]Ùö˺'sen' ÖÚÛ syllable, tence Kowser: û¶ìª Îõú£uÙ à¶óŸªìª. û¦ všíÆÙèÂìª
4) Priya: What shall we discuss at the
÷ªôÁ syllable Í÷±-꟪ÙC. ÍÙç¶ sentence Íû¶C ÚÛ«è¯ Bú£ª-ÚÛª- 1) Chandra: I will be (I'll be) here tomorrow. meeting?
two syllables ÚÛõ-ô³ÚÛ Íìo÷«å. ô¦û¦? My brother shall also be here. Janani: We shall/ We will/ Let us discuss
English (ÏÙTxùÖ ÏÙUxùà ڥë]ª) òÅ°ù£ö˺ êµõª-Þœª- Karim: Î ÷«vêŸÙ Tara: When shall I see you (meet the arrangements for the college
ö˺ö°Þ¥ Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ ÖÚÛ ÷«å í£L¸Úå-í£±pè[ª Î ÷«å- êµMë¯? you) tomorrow, then? day next week.
ö˺E ÖÚÛ syllableìª NªÞœê¦ syllables ÚÛÙç¶ Üªô¦ûË Chandra: You shall come as early as Priya: Do you want me to come?/
ÓÚÛª\÷Þ¥ ûË•Ú¨\-í£-õª-ÚÛª-ê¦ô¢ª. Ð í£õÚÛè¯Eo stress ví£Ú¥ô¢Ù ÓÙêŸ- possible. Your brother shall Shall I come?
ÍÙæ°ô¢ª. DEo dictionaryö˺ ' Þœªô¢ªh ë¯yô¦ àŸ«í‡- ÷ªÙCE Oõ- come too. You shall not be late. Janani: You shall come. That too, on
þ§hô¢ª. ô³ê¶ ÍÙêŸ- Tara: I'll (I will) try my best not to be time/ without being late.
eg. English- English – ÍÙç¶ ‘Ï’ øŒò°lEo ûË•Ú¨\ ÷ªÙ-CE Bú£ª-ÚÛª- M. SURESAN late. Priya: If you insist, I will come. Will the
í£õ-Ú¥-õ-ìo-÷«å. ô¦-î¦L. Chandra: You are always late. Come meeting being on time.
a'bove - ÏÚÛ\è[ b êÁ ÑÙè¶ syllable ìª (ܪô¦ûË ví£Ú¥ô¢Ù = According to early tomorrow at least. Janani: It shall at 4.15 PM.
ÓÚÛª\÷ stress à¶ú‡ ë¯Eo ûË•Ú¨\ í£õ-Ú¥L. the Koran) Tara: I will not be (won't be) late, I Priya: OK.
Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õìª ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ practice à¶óŸªÙè…. ví‡óŸª: ÷ªìÙ Oªæ¨Ù-ÞÂö˺ ÔÙ àŸJaë¯lÙ? assure you. When shall we
Oªô¢« ô¦óŸªÙè…!
1) Chandra: û¶ìª ¸ôí£± ÏÚÛ\è[ (êŸí£pÚÛ) ÑÙæ°ìª. (àŸJaÙ-àŸè[Ù = discuss, meeting ö˺ start from here?
Tara: Íô³ê¶ ¸ôí£± Eûµo-í£±pè[ª ÚÛõ-÷-Þœ-õìª? áìE: ÷à¶a î¦ô¢Ù college day Ôô¦påªx 2) Basheer: When will Sharook be here? þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃö˺ Oª ú£Ùë¶ï£„õìª
Chandra: F·ÚÙêŸ êŸyô¢Þ¥ Oõ-ô³ê¶ ÍÙêŸ àŸJaë¯lÙ. Roshan: He shall be here at 10.10AM.
þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃ, ví£AòÅ¡èµúÃ\, Ðû¦è[ª,
êŸyô¢Þ¥ ô¦î¦L. Oª Íìo ÚÛ«è¯ (college day Ôô¦påªx = arrange- Basheer: The shooting shall begin at 11
ô¦î¦L. ìª÷±y Îõú£uÙ à¶óŸª-ÚÛ«-
þ¼÷«>Þœ«è[, šïj°ë]ô¦ò°ë–82
ment for the college day) AM.
#ô¢ªû¦÷«ÚÛª í£Ùí‡ÙàŸ÷àŸªa.
è[ë]ª. ví‡óŸª: ììªo ô¢÷ªtÙ-æ°î¦? Roshan: It shall (begin).
email: pratibha@
ví£øŒo: êµõªÞœª–ÏÙTxùà è…ÚÛ{vFõª î¦è¯-Lqì Í÷- Nù£óŸªÙ English ö˺ you, singular (ìª÷±y), êŸí£p-ÚÛªÙè¯ áJ¸Þ í£ìª-õìª) ÞœªJÙ# àµñª-꟪ìo I wish I had joined the Army.
(Oªô¢ª). Íô³ê¶ verb Nù£-óŸªÙö˺ you ÏN. ÚÛª çµjîª àµGê¶
ú£ô¢Ù ÔNªæ¨? plural sentences Past actions I wish I joined Army.
– ÷ªÙVõ, ÎëÁE êŸô¦yêŸ Óí£±pè[« plural verb ÷«vêŸî¶ª î¦è¯L. Íí£±pè[ªPast Doing Word ÷ú£ªhÙC. šíj šíj ·ôÙè[ª î¦Ú¥uö˺x ÔC Ô ú£Ùë]-ô¢sÄÙö˺
'How are you?' ÍÙç¶ (you ÚÛª Óí£±pè[« plu- î¦Ú¥uõª Ú¥ñæ¨d verb î¦è¯L? ·ôÙè…Ùæ¨ ÷ªëÅ]u ê¶è¯ ÔNªæ¨?
áî¦ñª: English-Telugu dictionary ÓÙêŸ ral verb) áî¦ñª– 'I am fine' Íìè[Ù î¦è[ª¸Ú.
Regular actions
Ñí£-óµ«-Þœ-ÚÛô¢îµ« Telugu-English dictionary forms – Þœí£²ôÂ, õ·Úq-æ¨d-›íå
ÚÛ«è¯ ÍÙê¶ Ñí£-óµ«-Þœ-ÚÛô¢Ù. Îî¦õª, NªJ- Íô³ê¶ Oªô¢ª ÚÛªøŒ-õ÷« Íì-è¯-EÚ¨ 'Are you ví£øŒo: See, Watch õ ÷ªëÅ]u ê¶è¯ ÔNªæ¨? áî¦ñª: 'I wish I joined the army' ÍÙç¶
fine?' ÍìÙ. 'How are you?', 'Are you
óŸ«õª ö°Ùæ¨ ÷«å-õÚÛª English Ú¥î¦-õÙç¶ OK?' ÷Ùæ¨ ÷«åõª î¦è[ê¦Ù.
I see movie. Ïí£±pè[ª û¶ìª Armyö˺ à¶Jê¶ ÓÙêŸ ò°ÞœªÙ-
ê¶LÞ¥_ ë•ô¢ª-ÚÛ-ê¦ô³. English ÷«æ°x-è¶-å-í£±pè[ª I watch movie åªÙC– ÍE.
ú£ï£„-óŸª-í£-è[ª-꟪ÙC. ví£øŒo: Present Perfect Tense ô¦›ú-å-í£±pè[ª – ÍÙæ°Ù. ÔC ÚÛ·ôÚÂd?Eg. ÍÙç¶ Íô¢nÙ 'I wish I had joined the army! ÍÙç¶
ví£øŒo: You, He, She Íû¶N singular forms. EJl-ù£dÙÞ¥ time/ period àµí£pô¢ª ÚÛë¯! ÔNªæ¨? Eg., Ex. õö˺ ÔC ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. ÞœêŸÙö˺ û¶ìª Army ö˺ à¶J ÑÙç¶ ÓÙêŸ
Singulars ìª êµL-óŸª-⶛ú ÷³Ùë]ª
Oªô¢ª – ÖÚÛ ð§ôÈ¢-ÚÛªè[ª, ÷«àŸô¢x ò°ÞœªÙ-è¶C– ÍE.
verb singularö˺ ÑÙè¯L. Ú¥F ÷ªìÙ
I have coffee in the morning. I see movies, I watch movies
áî¦ñª: ví£øŒo: Have been, has been, had been
ôÁW ÷«æ°xè¶ òÅ°ù£ö˺ How are you, My mother has breakfast at 8 AM. ·ôÙè[« ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. Íô³ê¶ am seeing/ is seeing/ Íû¶ í£ë¯-õìª î¦ÚÛuÙö˺ Óö°Ùæ¨ ú£Ùë]-
Are you fine? ÍÙæ°Ù. Oæ¨ö˺ are
ÍE ô¦ø‹ô¢ª ÚÛ·ô-¸Údû¦? are seeing î¦è[Ù Ú¥ñæ¨d, ë¯E ñë]ªõª am ô¦sÄö˺x Ñí£-óµ«-T-þ§hô¢ª? Have, has,
ÓÙë]ªÚÛª î¦è[-ê¦ô¢ª? – >. ø™yêŸ, ÎC-ö°-ò°ë watching/ is watching/ are watching had õìª Ô tenseö˺x î¦è[-ê¦ô¢ª?
– ô¢N, Ná-óŸª-ì-Þœô¢Ù áî¦ñª: I have coffee in the morning. î¦è¯L. – ÓÙ. ÎÙá-û¶-óŸ³õª, ·Ú. û¦¸Þ-øŒy-ô¢-ô¦÷±,
e.g.- ÏC for example (Ñë¯--ô¢-éÚÛª) îµ³õ-Þœ-÷Lx
áî¦ñª: Englishö˺ singular form of the My mother has breakfast at 8 AM.
Ð ö˺ ÷ªìÙ Íû¶ë¯EÚ¨ abbreviation.
verb î¦è¯-LqÙC ÍEo singular subjects ÚÛª áî¦ñª: þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃ ÞœêŸ Lessons ö˺
sentences past actions
Ú¥ë]ª. III person- singular subjectsÚÛª (ÞœêŸÙö˺ áJ-Tì í£ìª-õìª) ÞœªJÙ# Ú¥ë]ª-ÚÛë¯ e.g.- Íû¶C ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. ex ÚÛ·ôÚÂd Ú¥ë]ª. ÍC exer-
have been, has been, have, has Ñí£-óµ«-
÷«vêŸî¶ª singular verbs î¦è[ê¦Ù. ·ôÙèÁ ÷«æ°xè[ªêÁÙC. Regular actions (vÚÛ÷ªÙ cise Ú¨ abbreviation.
Þ¥õª N÷JÙà¦Ù. àŸ«è[Ùè….
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -•’-üµ¿-¢√®Ωç 17 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
Prasad: Pranav, When shall I see you disappointed if you don't get a
again? seat in medicine.
(-v°æ-ù-¢˛, ´’Sx EØÁo-°æ¤púø’ éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ†’?) (Fèπ◊ medicine ™ seat ®√éπ-§ÚûË
Pranav: Will you meet me tomorrow at 4? ¢Ë’ç E®√-¨¡-°æ-úø-û√ç)
(Í®°æ¤ Ø√©’-Tç-öÀéÀ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ö«¢√?) Sumanth: My teachers (they) will be sad too
Prasad: Where shall I meet you ? if I don't make it to medicine .
(áéπ\úø éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ†’?) (؈’ medicine™ îË®Ω-™‰-éπ-§ÚûË ´÷
Pranav: Will you come to LB Park? I will teachers èπÿú≈ ¶«üµ¿-°æ-úø-û√®Ω’)
meet you there. Dad: You will be happy to know that I
(LB Park èπ◊ ´≤ƒh¢√ ? Åéπ\úø E†’o am going to buy a bike for you.
؈’ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ö«†’.) (FéÌéπ bike éÌçô’Ø√o†E ûÁLÊÆh †’´¤y
Prasad: Will Pratap come with you too ÆæçûÓ-≠æ-°æ-úø-û√´¤)
(v°æû√°ˇ èπÿú≈ FûÓ ´≤ƒhú≈?) Sumanth: Really, dad? I shall be grateful to Anjali: ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈. Fèπ◊ -Ø√ ≤ƒßª’ç Öçô’çC. Sukumar: Å®·ûË ÉçéÓ®Ó-ï-Ø√o Öçö«¢√?
Pranav : Of course, will you bring along your you for this. (you ûÓ begin îËߪ’çúÕ) 3) Bhanu: ؈’ Í®°œ-éπ\úø á°æ¤p-úø’ç-úø†’?
friends too? (Eïç-í¬Ø√? ؈’ î√™« éπ%ûª-Vc-úÕE) †ØËoç îËߪ’-´’ç-ö«¢Ó îÁ°æ¤p. Bhaskar: †’´¤y Í®°œ-éπ\úø °æCç-öÀ-éπ-™«x Öçú≈L.
(-´≤ƒh-úø’, O’ friends †’ èπÿú≈ °j† îª÷úøçúÕ: Happy, sad, disappointed, Ankita: †’-´¤yÑ ¶Ô´’t©’ -Uߪ÷L. U≤ƒh¢√? late Å´-èπÿ-úøü¿’.
BÆæ’éÌ≤ƒh¢√) grateful - É™«çöÀ feelings ´uéπh-°æ-®Ω-î √-©çõ‰, (you ¢√úøçúÕ. ¶Ô´’t Uߪ’-úøç = draw) Bhanu: 10 ´’K ´·çü¿®Ω é¬ü∆?
(bring along = BÆæ’èπ◊-®√´-úøç) I/WeûÓ shall; you, he, she, it, and, they ûÓ Anjali: á°æ¤púø’ Uߪ’†’? Bhaskar: Meeting °æü¿-éÌç-úÕç-öÀéπ-™«x begin
鬢√L. ü∆EéÀ arrangements
We shall be disappointed
Åçû√ ¶«©’, ¶«•’ îËߪ÷L. †’´¤y
¢√∞¡x†’ supervise îËߪ÷L.
1) Anjali: Shall we go to a movie this
Ankita: When shall I complete my assign-
I shall be happy to meet them. Ankita: ´’†ç 12 í∫ç-ô- ment?
(¢√∞¡x†’ éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´-úøç Ø√éÀ≠dçæ ). ©èπ◊ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµ- Anjali: Will you come, or won't you?
Will they come? Will your sister ü∆l´÷? Ankita: Then will you help me to com-
come too?
(¢√∞¡Ÿx -´≤ƒh®√? O’ sister èπÿú≈ ´Ææ’h-Ø√o®√) -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 34 Anjali: Å®·ûË lunch
á°æ¤púø’ îËü∆lç?
plete my assignment?
Anjali: Certainly, you shall have my help.
Prasad: Of course. I'll (I will) bring them Ankita: ´÷´‚-©’í¬ F What do you want me to do? /
along. will -¢√-úø¿-û√ç. (Åçõ‰ I/We ûÓ Will í¬-F, you, he, lunch á°æ¤púø’? What shall I do for you?
(ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈, ¢√∞¡x†’ ؈’ BÆæ’-èπ◊-´≤ƒh). she, it and they ûÓ shall í¬-F, ¶µ«¢√©’, ņ’-¶µº÷- ´’üµ∆u£æ«oç 2 M. SURESAN Ankita: You shall draw these pictures.
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆ Questions™ ûª’©’, ´’-ØÓ-Æœn-ûª’©’ îÁ°æp-ö«-EéÀ ¢√úøç) Å®·ûË ´’K Will you?
shall and will -¢√-úøéπç. Questions™ á°æ¤p-úø÷ late Å´¤-ûª ’ç-- Anjali: When shall I draw them?
éÀçC °æöÀdéπ îª÷úøçúÕ: Ankita: Shall we begin at 12 noon?
I/WeûÓ shall; you, he, she, it and they ûÓ ü∆?(´’K late = too late )
(will and shall Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’ Éçé¬ éÌEo ÖØ√o®·. Anjali: When shall we have lunch, then?
will ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ´≤ƒh®·. (Åçõ‰ I/ We ûÓ will í¬-F, 2) Sukumar: ÉçéÓ È®çúø’ ®ÓV-©’ç-úø¢√ Ééπ\úø?
you, he, she, it and they ûÓ shall í¬-F ®√´¤).
´·êuçí¬ formal, informal spoken English ™ Ankita: When is your lunch, usually? will
Sunil: àç îË≤ƒh-E-éπ\úø È®çúø’ ®ÓV©’?
eg: a) When shall I see you?
´·êu-¢Á’i-†N. ÅN -ûª®√y-ûª ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊çü∆ç.) 2 O' clock be too late for you?
b) Will you meet me? 2) Sukumar: Won't you (will you not) stay
Subjects Shall Will here for another two days?
c) Where shall I meet you?
d) Will you come? 1. Indefinite future 1. Determination Sunil: What shall I do here for two more
e) Will Pratap (he) come? I, We (ÅE-Paûª ¶µºN-≠æuûª’h) (E®Ωgߪ’ç) days?
f) Will they come? 2. Feelings & emotions 2. Intention (ÖüËl¨¡ç) Sukumar: We shall/ will go sightseeing
g) Will your sister (she) come? (¶µ«¢√©÷, ņ’-¶µº÷-ûª’©’, ´’ØÓ-Æœn-ûª’©’) 3. Promise here.
☛ ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ ¶µ«¢√©’, ´’-ØÓÆœn-AE -ûÁ-LÊ° - 3. Questions (v°æ¨¡o©’) (´÷ô É´y-úøç) Sunil: You have already shown me all the
I / We ûÓ shall; you, he, she, it
ô-°æ¤púø’ sights here.
and they ûÓ will ¢√-úøû√ç. 1. Definite happens 1. Indefinite future Sukumar: There are still two or three
You, he, she,
Dad: Sumanth, this time I expect you (éπ*a-ûªçí¬ Å´¤-ûª’ç-ü¿-†’-èπ◊ØË N≠æ-ߪ÷©’) (ÅE-Paûª ¶µºN-≠æuûª’h) more places to be seen. We
it and they
to score better than last time. 2. Orders & Commands (Çïc©’) 2. Feelings & emotions shall go there.
3. Warnings (£«îªa-J-éπ©’) (¶µ«¢√©÷, ņ’-¶µº÷-ûª’©’ ´’ØÓ-Æœn-ûª’©’) Sunil: Won't one day (will not one day) be
(Ñ≤ƒJ -Éç-ûªèπ◊-´·ç-ü¿’éπçõ‰ áèπ◊\´ Speaker enough?
´÷®Ω’\©’ -≤Ú\®˝ -îË≤ƒh-´-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√o) 4. Assurances (£æ…O’©’) 3. Questions (v°æ¨¡o©’)
(´÷ö«x-úË-¢√®Ω’ ÉîËa) 5. Promises (´÷ô É´y-úøç) Sukumar: Will you then stay here for
Sumanth: Sure, dad. I will do my best to get
atleast oneday?
3) Bhanu: When shall I be here tomorrow?
(-ûª°æpèπ◊ç-ú≈. -´ç-ü¿-¨»-ûªç -´÷®Ω’\--©’ - É°æ¤púø’ éÀçC¢√öÀE English ™ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. Sukumar: -Ééπ\úÕ Nçûª©’ îª÷≤ƒhç. Bhaskar: You shall be here at 10. You
´-îËaç-ü¿’èπ◊ -Ø√ -¨»-ߪ’-¨¡èπ◊h-™« éπ%-≠œ-îË≤ƒh.)
O-™„j-†çûª´®Ωèπ◊ shall/ will ¢√úøçúÕ. shall not be late.
Dad: I shall be happy to see you get it. (ã v°æüË-¨¡ç™ Nçûª©’, ü¿%¨»u©÷
1) Anjali: ≤ƒßª’çvûªç ÆœE-´÷èπ◊ -¢Á-∞¡-ü∆-´÷--? îª÷úøôç = sight seeing, go sight- Bhanu: Won't 10 be (will not 10 be) too
(†’´y™« ûÁa-èπ◊çõ‰ Ææç-ûÓ-≠æ-¢Ë’) early?
Sumanth: Why you alone dad? Mother Ankita: Å®·ûË Ø√ assignment á°æ¤púø’ com- seeing ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçö«®Ω’.)
plete îËߪ’†’ ؈’? Sunil: Ø√éπ-Fo -É°æp-öÀÍé -îª÷°œç-î √-´¤ éπ-ü∆! Bhaskar: The meeting shall begin at 11
(she) will be happy too.
Anjali: †’´¤y ´≤ƒh¢√? ®√¢√? AM Sharp. (Sharp= éπÈ®-é˙dí¬)
(O’®Ì-éπ\Í®é¬ü¿’ Ø√†o-í¬®Ω÷, Å´’t Sukumar: †’´¤y îª÷ú≈-Lq-†Nçé¬ -È®çúø’ ´‚úø’
Ankita: Å®·ûË Ø√ assignment complete Balu and Babu shall make all
èπÿú≈ ÆæçûÓ-≠æ-°æ-úø’-ûª’çC) v°æüË-¨»-©’-Ø√o®·. Åéπ\-úÕéÀ -¢Á-∞¡-ü∆ç. arrangements. You shall super-
Dad: We (your mother and I) shall be îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ †’´¤y ≤ƒßª’-°æ-úø-û√¢√? Sunil: äéπ®ÓV î√©ü∆?
vise them.
v°æ¨¡o: 1) All the glitters is not gold Åç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’. - éπü∆? Everyone, subject Å®·-†-°æ¤púø’ ÅC not meet the CM. £j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛ ¢ÁRx èπÿú≈ CM†’ îª÷úø-
E-ñ«-EéÀ All the glitters are not gold -Å-Ø√L éπü∆? singular éπü∆. Åçü¿’-éπE verb èπÿú≈ singular í¬ ™‰-éπ-§Ú-ߪ÷úø’).
2) Sweet are the uses of adversity. DE™ Öçú≈L. Åçü¿’-´©x All that glitters is not gold 4) '§˘®Ó-£œ«ûªuç— ÅØË ´÷ôèπ◊ priesthood ņ-´îª’a. Å®·ûË
Sweet is the uses of adversity ÅE Öçú≈L ™ is éπÈ®é˙d. §˘®Ó-£œ«ûªuç, priesthood °æ‹Jhí¬ äÍé -Å®√n-Eo -É-´y-´¤. -
éπü∆. 2) Sweet are the uses of the adversity- Ñ sentence §˘®Ó£œ«-ûªuç -¶«-üµ¿u-ûª-©÷, priesthood -¶«-üµ¿u-ûª-©÷ -äéπ-öÀ
3) Taking a stick, he beat the dog. éπÈ®é˙d. Word order™ 'The uses of adversity are é¬-´¤ é¬-•-öÀd.
Having taken a stick he beat the dog. sweet' Å´¤-ûª’çC. (Sweet are these fruits ÅE poet- 5)a) He has been appointed by the DEO- DEO îËûª
°j È®çúø’ ¢√é¬u-©èπ◊ ûËú≈ àN’öÀ? ic í¬ éπN-ûªyç™ Åçö«ç. ´÷´‚©’ prose order/ con- Åûª†’ -E-ߪ’-N’ç-îª-•-ú≈f-úø’– Åçõ‰ DEO ÅûªúÕ-E appoint
4) §˘®Ó-£œ«-ûªuç ÅØË -´%AhE Éç-Tx-≠ˇ™ à´’ç-ö«®Ω’? versation ™ Å®·ûË, These fruits are sweet Åçö«ç îË-ߪ’-úøç Å®·-§Ú-®·çC. Ééπ\úø has been appointed
5) He has been appointed by DEO éπü∆). Å™«Íí The uses of adversities are sweet ņo- ïJ-T-§Ú-®·† °æEE ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ñ‰Ææ’hç-C.
He is appointed by DEO °æ¤púø’ subject àC? The uses éπü∆? ÅC plural, Åçü¿’- b) He is appointed by the DEO- Ééπ\úø verb, 'is
Ñ È®ç-úø’ ¢√é¬u-©èπ◊ ûËú≈ àN’ö îÁ°æp-í∫-©-®Ω’. éπE verb are. appointed' – -É-C regular action, passive voice -™
3) Taking a stick, he beat the dog - éπv®Ω BÆæ’éÌE èπ◊éπ\†’ – -ÅûªúÕ-E (Åçõ‰ Ç Job ™ °æE-îËÊÆ ÅûªúÕ-E) DEO
– °œ.-áÆˇ.®√-´¤, °œ®∏√°æ¤®Ωç
éÌö«d-úø’ -ÅE. Having taken a stick, he beat the dog appoint îË≤ƒhúø’. ´÷´‚©’í¬ -Å-E /-á-°æ¤p-úø’ -Å-E.
1) ´’†ç sentence-™ ¢√úË verb subject †’ •öÀd Åçõ‰ Å®Ωnç– éπv®Ω-°æ¤-a-èπ◊†o ûª®√yûª èπÿú≈, èπ◊éπ\†’ éÌö«dúø’– (§Ú©açúÕ: A lecturer is appointed by the commit-
éπü∆ Öçô’çC? Sentence No.1 ™ 'all' Åçõ‰ Åçõ‰ Ñ sentence Åçûª éπÈ®é˙d é¬ü¿’. ÆæÈ®j† Å®Ωnç ®√ü¿’ tee Åçõ‰ lecturer †’ committee ¢√∞¡Ÿx appoint
everything, every one of - v°æAD ÅØË Å®Ωnç (§Ú©açúÕ: Having gone to Hyderabad, he could îË≤ƒh®Ω’– ´÷´‚-©’í¬ ÅE/-á-°æ¤púø÷ ÅE.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -¨¡Ÿ-véπ-¢√®Ωç 19 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
Namitha: Hi Namrata, What brings you a/an Ö†oN a/an ™‰EN
a book advice
(£æ…-ß˝’ -†-v´’-û√, àçöÀ É™« ´î√a¢˛) an interview business
ÉC °æ©-éπ-Jç°æ¤– O’ conversation™ ¢√úøçúÕ a friend work
Namratha: I want a book from you, and
an hour
advice from your father
a meeting
(Ø√èπ◊ F ü¿í∫_-®Ω-†’ç* ã °æ¤Ææhéπç 鬢√L. Ééπ\úø a/an ¢√úÕ† ´÷ô©’– book, interview,
O’ Ø√†o-í¬J Ææ©£æ… é¬¢√L) friends, hour, meeting- OöÀE countables
Namitha: What book?
Åçö«ç. Åçõ‰ ´’†ç äéπöÀ, È®çúø’, ´‚úø’, 10, 20
Namratha: The book, 'How to face
ÅE ™„éπ\-°-ôd-í∫-L-T-†N.
Interviews'. I am attending an
book - one book, three books etc.
interview the day after. friend - one friend, two friends etc. 4) 'A' á°æ¤púø’? 'An' á°æ¤púø’? 2. Anil: O’ Éçöx TV Öçü∆?
(How to face Interviews ÅØË hour - one hour, three hours etc. Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ Lesson ™ N´-Jç-*-†-ô’xí¬ Å, Ç Amar: ÅüËç v°æ¨¡o? Ñ ®ÓV™x TV ™‰E
°æ¤Ææhéπç 鬢√L Ø√èπ◊. á©’xçúÕ ØËØÓ meeting - one meeting, two meetings, É, Ñ, Ö, Ü, á, à, â, ä, ã, å ¨¡¶«l-©ûÓ v§ƒ®Ω綵ºç É©xçô÷ Öçü∆?
Interview attend Å¢√yL) etc. °j´Fo countables.
Namitha: And what do you want my dad's
ÅßË’u English ´÷ô-©-´·çü¿’ 'An' ¢√úøû√ç. (Ñ ®ÓV™x – nowadays)
Ééπ uncountables. Åçõ‰ ™„éπ\-°-ôd-™‰-EN. N’í∫û√ ¨¡¶«l-©ûÓ v§ƒ®Ω綵ºç ÅßË’u ´÷ô© ´·çü¿’ Anil: v°æï-©ç-ü¿-Jéà TV Öçô’ç-ü¿ç-ö«¢√?
advice? eg: Water - one water, two waters - ņç
A, An ®√-¢√-Lqç-üË!
'a' ¢√úøû√ç. Éçé¬ Ant (Ééπ\úø 'a' Ææ÷*çîË ¨¡•lç (... you mean ¢√úøçúÕ)
(´÷ Ø√†o-í¬J Ææ©£æ… áçü¿’èπ◊?) éπü∆. Å™«Íí, sugar, rice, milk, etc. É´Fo ´·çü¿’ èπÿú≈ 'an') Amar: Ø√ ÖüËl¨¡ç ÅC-é¬ü¿’. ´’üµ¿u-ûª-®Ω-í∫A
Namratha: I have got interview calls for ´’†ç numbers ™ îÁ°æpç. 鬕öÀd ÉN
admission in MBA in two col-
a) An Ant, An abode (Å); ¢√∞¡xç-ü¿-JéÀ TV Öçô’çC.
leges- Potti Sreeramulu
College, and Prakasam School
of Management. I want to know
from your dad which is the bet-
(MBA ™ îË®Ω-ú≈-EéÀ Ø√èπ◊ È®çúø’ col-
leges †’ç* interview letters
´î√a®·. àC ´’ç*üÓ O’ Ø√†o an arm, an egg(á);
-í¬-J-E -Å-úÕT ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ü∆-´’E). An Indian (Éç); 3. Kumar: Ééπ\-úÕéÀ ü¿í∫_-®Ω™ àüÁjØ√ school
Namitha: Congrats. All the best. But my
An ox, an idea (â) etc. Öçü∆?
dad is out on business. He's
(=He has) gone out to call on a
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 35 an honour (Ç);
an hour (Å) etc
Karim: Ééπ\úø È®çúø’ schools ÖØ√o®·.
Kumar: ´÷ Ŷ«s®· éÓÆæç ã ´’ç* school
friend. b) a Tree, a Book etc 鬢√L.
(´÷ Ø√†o-í¬®Ω’ °æE-O’ü¿ •ßª’-öèπ◊ éÀç-C-¢√-öÀ-E î√™« ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ follow Å´çúÕ. University - (ߪ‚) – Karim: È®çúø’ schools èπÿú≈ ´’ç*¢Ë.
¢Á∞«}®Ω’, Çߪ’† friend †’ éπ©-´ 1) English™ countables èπ◊ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ plu- Kumar: O’®Ω’ -à school suggest
rals Öçö«®·.
鬕öÀd a University M. SURESAN
-ú≈-EéÀ). European - (ߪ‚) (Ææ÷*ç-îªúøç) îË≤ƒh®Ω’?
(call on= äéπ ´uéÀhE éπ©-´ôç– The PM (äéπöÀ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ Å®·ûË – singular, 鬕öÀd a European Answers:
called on the President yesterday). äéπöÀ éπçõ‰ áèπ◊\´ Å®·ûË plural) ÉçéÓ N≠æߪ’ç: A ¢√ú≈™«, An ¢√ú≈™« ÅØËC 1. Suman: I want to see a good doctor.
Namratha: When will he be back? Singular Plural Suresh: I know a good doctor (around)
Countable Singular ´·çü¿’ ´îËa ´÷ô†’ •öÀd
(á°æ¤púø’ AJ-íÌ-≤ƒh®Ω’?) book books èπÿú≈ Öçô’çC. here.
Namitha: In an hour perhaps. pen pens (here ÅE ņúøç éπÈ®Íéd. Around here Åçõ‰ Ééπ\-
eg: a question - an important question
man men úÕéÀ ü¿í∫_-®Ω™ – ÉC conversational. Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™x
(•£æ›¨¡ ã í∫çôèπ◊) a story - an uninteresting story
Namratha: I have work at home. Will he be child children
an idea - a useless idea ¢√úøçúÕ.)
at home this evening? sheep (íÌvÈ®) sheep (íÌvÈ®©’) Suman: Does he charge high?/ Does he
a boy - an honest boy
2) uncountables –™„éπ\-°-ôd-™‰-EN. OöÀéÀ plural charge a high fee?/ Does he
(Ø√éÀçöx °æ†’çC. ≤ƒßª’çvûªç Çߪ’† 5) Uncountables ´·çü¿’ A/an á°æ¤púø÷ ¢√úøç.
Éçöx Öçö«®√?) Öçúøü¿’. a Water, a milk ņç éπü∆! charge high fees?/ Are his fees
Namitha: He has a meeting to attend. (milks, golds, silvers ņç éπü∆. Åçõ‰ milk, high?/ Is his fee high?/ Is he
gold, silver ÉN uncountables 鬕öÀd OöÀéÀ
´’†ç Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’-éÌE English ´÷ö«x-úË-ô-°æ¤púø’
(Çߪ’-†èπ◊ meeting ÖçC). í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ-¢√-Lq† N≠æ-ߪ÷©’: expensive?
Namratha: Then I will see him tomorrow plural Öçúøü¿’. Suresh: Yes. He does.
a) countables èπ◊ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ singular, plural
morning 3) Very very important: English™ counta- (He charges high)
ble singular áéπ\úø ¢√úÕØ√ ü∆E-´·çü¿’ éπ*a-
(Å®·ûË ØËØ√-ߪ’Eo Í®°æ¤ -Ö-ü¿-ߪ’ç éπ©’≤ƒh). b) countable singular ´·çü¿’ A/ an ®√¢√- Suman: How much does he charge?
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ underlined words îª÷¨»®Ω’ ûªçí¬ 'a' é¬F 'an' é¬F ®√¢√L. Suresh: A hundred rupees the first time.
a) A cow (cow - countable singular) gives
éπü∆? ¢√öÀ™x éÌEoç-öÀ-´·çü¿’ 'a' or 'an' c) Uncountables èπ◊ Plural Öçúøü¿’ (hundred, thousand, lakh, crore, million,
milk (Ç´¤ §ƒ©’ ÉÆæ’hçC) etc - É´Fo èπÿú≈ countable singulars. 鬕öÀd
ÖØ√o®·. -´’-JéÌEo-çöÀ´·çü¿’ ™‰´¤-éπü∆. d) Uncountable èπ◊ ´·çü¿’ A/ an ®√ü¿’.
b) An umbrella (umbrella- countable sin- OöÀ-´·çü¿’ ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈ 'a' ®√¢√L.
Åçõ‰ ´’†ç Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’-éÓ-¢√-Lq† important
v°æ¨¡o: Weak verbs, Strong verbs Åçõ‰ àN’öÀ? gular) is in that corner ( Ç ´‚© ã
132 = A hundred and thirty two.
íÌúø’í∫’ ÖçC) 1500= A thousand and five hundred. Å®·ûË
OöÀE ØË®Ω’a-éÓ-´úøç ûª°æp-E-Ææ®√? Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬-©†’ c) A watch (watch - countable singular) äéπ ´÷ô Uncountable Å®·ûË, ü∆EéÀ plural
bank notes ™ ´÷vûªç 'A' •ü¿’©’ one ®√≤ƒhç)
Öü∆-£æ«-®Ω-ù-©ûÓ N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’.
shows the time Öçúøü¿’, ü∆E-´·çü¿’ A/ an ®√ü¿’. Suman: OK. That's enough. I am all right. I
ï¢√•’: '-ed', '-d', '-t' îË®Ωaúøç
– 鬴u, ņ÷≠æo, £æ«†t-éÌçúø
(Watch Time †’ îª÷°œ-Ææ’hçC) (Dictionary ™ ¢Áûª’-èπ◊-ûª’†o ´÷ô °æéπ\† (C) é¬F,
don't need a doctor now/ any
îª÷¨»®√, áéπ\úø Countable singular (U) é¬F Öçô’çC. (C) Åçõ‰ countable, (U)
´©x past tense, past participle more.
´*aØ√ ü∆E-´·çü¿’ ûª°æpéπ 'a' 'an' ®√´-©- Åçõ‰ uncountable. ü∆Eo•öÀd ´’†ç E®Ωg-®·ç--éÓ- 2) Anil: Have you a TV at home?
à®ΩpúË verbs†’ weak verbs ¢√L. Ç ´÷ô´·çü¿’ 'A/ an' ´Ææ’hçü∆, ®√ü∆ ÅE)
Åçö«ç. OöÀØË Regular verbs ÆœçüË. ®√éπ-§ÚûË ûª°æ¤p. Amar: What a question! Is there a home
ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçö«ç. d) A doctor treats patients éÀçC ¢√é¬u-©†’ English™ practice îËߪ’çúÕ. without a TV nowadays?
(ú≈éπd®˝ ®Óí∫’-©èπ◊ ¢Ájü¿uç îË≤ƒhúø’ Treat - eg:
eg: Present - Past - Past Anil: Do you mean that all people have
¢Ájü¿uç îËߪ’úøç Treatment - ¢Ájü¿uç) Ram: Fan àç îËÆæ’hçC?
Participle TVs?
A / an Åçõ‰ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ 'äéπ— ÅE éπü∆ Å®Ωnç. (What does a fan do?)
1. talk - talked - talked (Do you mean, - ÉC ¢√úøôç practice
Å®·ûË English ™ A / an ¢√úÕ† îÓô™«x ûÁ©’-í∫’™ Ramana: í¬L-E-Ææ’hçC.
2. love - loved - loved îËߪ’çúÕ. Å®Ωnç– F ÖüËl-¨¡´÷?/ Å®Ωn´÷? ÅE.
3. smell - smelt - smelt ¢√úøç éπü∆. English ™ A cow gives milk Åçõ‰ØË (It gives air)
What do you mean? - F Å®Ωnç, F ÖüËl¨¡ç
ûÁL-ÆœçC éπü∆ °j verbs™«çöÀ verbs ÅEoç-öÀE éπÈ®é˙d. Ram: Å®·ûË Ééπ\-úÌéπ fan °ôdçúÕ.
(Please fix a fan here).
Åçõ‰ '-ed', '-d' or '-t' îË®Ωaúøç ü∆y®√ past tense, ü∆ØËo ûÁ©’-í∫’™ ´’†ç, 'Ç´¤-§ƒ-L-Ææ’hçC— Åçö«ç Amar: I do not mean that. All middle
past participle form Å®·ûË ÅN weak/ regular 1. Suman: ØËØÓ ´’ç* doctor †’ îª÷ú≈-©-†’-
é¬F, 'äéπ Ç´¤ §ƒL-Ææ’hçC— ņç éπü∆. Å™« Åçõ‰ class people have TVs.
verbs. N’í∫û√ Ç´¤-L-´y-´Ø√? éÌç-ô’-Ø√o†’. 3) Kumar: Is there a school near/ around
Strong verbs†’ irregular verbs ÅE èπÿú≈ Suresh: Ééπ\-úÌéπ ´’ç* doctor Ø√èπ◊ ûÁ©’Ææ’.
'íÌúø’í∫’ ´®Ω{ç™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-°æ-úø’-ûª’çC— Åçö«ç here?
Åçö«®Ω’. ÉN past tense, past participle, weak Suman: ¶«í¬ áèπ◊\´ fees BÆæ’-èπ◊ç-ö«ú≈?
é¬F, äéπ íÌúø’í∫’ ´®Ω{ç™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-°æ-úø’-ûª’çC ņç Karim: There are two schools.
verbs ™«í¬ é¬èπ◊çú≈, verb form™ØË ´÷®Ω’pûÓ à®Ωp- éπü∆. ´’†ç English ´÷ö«x-úË-ô-°æ¤púø’ Countable (fees ™«çöÀN BÆæ’-éÓ-´úøç = charge)
Kumar: I want a good school for my
Singulars èπ◊ ´·çü¿’ a / an omit îËÆæ’hçö«ç. ÉC Suresh: Å´¤†’ áèπ◊\¢Ë BÆæ’-èπ◊ç-ö«úø’.
úø-û√®·. son?
eg: Present - Past - Past Participle Suman: áçûª BÆæ’-èπ◊ç-ö«úø’?
ÆæJ-é¬ü¿’. Karim: Both the schools are equally
1. Sing - sang - sung ´’S} í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓçúÕ. English ™ Countable Suresh: ´çü¿-®Ω÷-§ƒ-ߪ’©’ ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ-≤ƒJ. good.
2. Know - knew - known Singulars èπ◊ ´·çü¿’ a / an ¢√úøû√ç. ¢√ú≈L. Suman: î√©’. ؈’ ¶«í¬ØË ÖØ√o. Ø√èπ◊ Kumar: Which school do you suggest?
3. do - did - done ¢√úø-éπ-§ÚûË ûª°æ¤p doctor Å´-Ææ®Ωç ™‰ü¿’.
É™«çöÀ verbs strong verbs.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 21 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
™‰ü¿’. 鬕öÀd éπÈ®é˙d é¬ü¿’. É™«çöÀ ÆæçüË-£æ…©’ ´≤ƒh®·. English ™ äéπ ´÷ô finishing them.
He went out an hour ago.
pronunciation ü∆E origin †’ •öÀd Öçô’çC. Åçõ‰ Prasanth: Shall I go then? I have impor-
Ééπ\úø Æ洒ߪ’ç ûÁL-ߪ’ñ‰¨»®Ω’ 鬕öÀd O’®Ω’ E ü∆E ´‚™«-Eo-•öÀd. ÅC Åîªaç English ´÷ö«, tant work at home too. Shall I
use Went (Past doing
îËߪ÷©E í∫ûªç™ îÁ§ƒp®Ω’. ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ ¢ËÍ® ¶µ«≠憒ç* ´*a† ´÷ö« ÅØË ü∆Eo •öÀd take some paper? I have an
word) 鬕öÀd. ´’J– Öçô’çC. 鬕öÀd Dictionery E ¢√úÕ pronunciation assignment to do. I am taking
She has gone out just a minute ago. ûÁ©’Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç äéπõ‰ ´÷®Ω_ç. áçü¿’-éÀ™«? ÅØË v°æ¨¡oèπ◊ four sheets.
has gone
Ñ ¢√éπu癆÷ Æ洒ߪ’ç ûÁLߪ’ñ‰-¨»®Ω’. é¬F Ææ´÷-üµ∆†ç üÌ®Ω-éπü¿’. Pramod: Will that (they) do?
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ í∫’®Ω’-¢√®Ωç 25 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
Jagadeesh: I came for you yesterday. You Åçõ‰ verbsèπ◊ verb form: was + ing / Were
were out. + ing.
(E†o ؈’ FéÓÆæç ´î√a†’. Singular subjects (I, he, she, it, they)©èπ◊
†’Nyçöx ™‰´¤) was + ing ¢√úøû√ç. Plural subjects (we, you,
You were out = †’´¤y Éçöx ™‰´¤. they) Å®·ûË were + ing Å´¤-ûª’çC.
Were you in? = †’Nyçöx -ÖØ√o¢√? (English ™ you = †’´¤y / O’®Ω’; à Å®Ωnç™
îª÷úøçúÕ. Ñ in, out, be forms ™«çöÀ *†o- Å®·Ø√ ÅC plural verb ûÓØË ¢√úøû√ç)
´÷ô©ûÓØË áçûÓ conversation †úø-°æ-´îª’a. *†o- Was + ing / were + ing form™ verb, past
*†o Ææ®Ω-∞¡-¢Á’i† ´÷ô-©ûÓ spoken english ´÷ö«x-úÕ- continuous tense ™ Öçô’çC.
ûËØË ÅC Ææ£æ«-ïçí¬ ÅE°œ-Ææ’hçC. *†o ´÷ô-©-èπ◊çúË éÀçC sentences îª÷úøçúÕ.
ÅEo ¶µ«¢√-©†’ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç conversation èπ◊ a) Åûª†’ ™°æ-LéÀ ´*a-†-°æ¤púø’ ؈’ °æ¤Ææhéπç îªü¿’-´¤- While the teacher was teaching the
Pradeep: Ç¢Á’ TV îª÷≤ÚhçC.
î√™« ´·êuç. ûª’Ø√o = I was reading a book when he pupils were talking
Jayanth: I was at Sekhar's. I was playing Pratap: Åûª†’ ´Ææ’hØ√oúøE O’Èé-´-Jéà ûÁL-
came in. Ñ ¢√éπuç™ teacher teach îËߪ’úøç, °œ©x©’
chess with him. b) ¢Ë’´·
•ßª’-ôèπ◊ ´*a-†-°æ¤púø’ áçúø-í¬ØË ÖçC = ´÷ö«x-úø’ûª÷ Öçúøúøç– È®çúø’ Continuous past Pradeep: Åûª†’ ´Ææ’h-Ø√o-úøE ûÁ©’Ææ’. é¬F
(؈’ ¨Ïê®˝ ¢√Rxçöx ÖØ√o†’. ¨Ïê-®˝ûÓ The sun was shining when we went out. actions éπü∆! Åçü¿’-éπE was + ing / were + ing.
îÁÆˇ Çúø’-ûª’-Ø√o†’) ÅûªEûÓ§ƒô’ úø•’s BÆæ’-éÌ-Ææ’h-†oô’x
´÷èπ◊ ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’.
v°æ¨¡o: 1) I am having lunch v°æ¨¡o: Present perfect tense, present perfect (ûËú≈ Ææ÷éπ~ tçí¬ Present perfect - É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊, Present
2) They are having juice continuous tense © ´’üµ¿u ûËú≈ àN’öÀ? perfect continuous - á°æp-ô’oçîÓ Éçé¬). Å®·ûË OöÀ
3) She is having a bath They have been living here for 10 years, È®çöÀéÀ î√™«-´’-ô’èπ◊ áèπ◊\´ ûËú≈-™‰-ü¿ØË îÁ°æp-´îª’a. Éçûª-èπ◊-
4) He is having a lesson They have lived here for 10 years. ûËú≈ N´- ´·çü¿’ lessons™ OöÀ í∫’Jç* îªJaç--èπ◊Ø√oç.
OöÀ™ àN éπÈ®é˙d, àN é¬ü¿’. N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. b) They have been living here for 10 years -
– öÀ.N.-®Ω-´’-ù- π◊-´÷®˝, ï´’t-©-´’-úø’í∫’, – ®√∞¡x-•çúÕ Ææçí∫ç-Ø√-ߪ·úø’, ï®Ω-ñ«-°æ¤-Ê°ô, 10 à∞¡Ÿxí¬ Ééπ\úø Öçô’-Ø√o®Ω’ – É°æp-öÀéà Éçé¬
ï¢√•’: O’®Ω’ ®√Æœ† ¢Á·ü¿öÀ ´‚úø’ ¢√é¬u-©™ am ï¢√•’: a) Present Perfect tense †’ éÌçûª-鬩ç éÀçü¿
éπúø°æ >™«x Nï-ߪ’-†-í∫®Ωç >™«x Ééπ\úË ÖØ√o®Ω’
They have lived here for 10 years -
having lunch, are having juice, is having v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µº-¢Á’i-†-°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊ ïJ-T† °æ†’-©èπ◊ 10 à∞¡Ÿxí¬ ¢√∞¡Ÿx Ééπ\úø ÖØ√o®Ω’. É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπÿ ÖØ√o®Ω’.
a bath éπÈ®é˙d. 'He is having a lesson' ™ is ¢√úøû√ç. Present Perfect Continuous É°æ¤p-úø’-Ø√o®√, ™‰ü∆ ÅØË N≠æߪ’ç Ñ
having a lesson éπÈ®é˙d é¬ü¿’. 'He has a les- Tense †’ éÌçûª-鬩ç éÀçü¿ v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µº¢Á’i Éçé¬ Sentence -îÁ°æpü¿’.
son' ņúøç better. ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’†o °æ†’-©èπ◊ ¢√úøû√ç.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 28 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
Whose is it?
book èπÿú≈ Åûª-EüË)
Bharat: I attended your sister's dance
programme the other day. It was
really good. Who is her dance
(Ç®ÓV O’ sister Ø√ôu v°æü¿-®Ωz†
îª÷¨»†’. î√™« ¶«í∫’çC. Ç¢Á’ dance
d) i) ÉC Ç¢Á’ (ßÁ·éπ\) Avinash:
teacher á´®Ω’?) Å®·ûË á´-JC?
Bhargav: Our family friend Mrs. Nrityasri.
<®Ω? = Is this her Alankar: ´÷ Uncle C
The Choreography was com-
pletely hers. The Singer is also a
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 39 sari?
ii) Ñ <®Ω Ç¢Á’C é¬ü¿’ =
Avinash: áçûªé¬-©çí¬ ÉC ¢√∞¡xC?
Alankar: ¢√∞¡x Grand father's time †’ç*
friend of ours. This sari is not hers
my dad. It is her idea. e) i) Ç¢Á’ ´÷ teacher =
(ÇNúø ´÷ family friend. Ç †%ûªu 4) Prameela: E†o á´J necklace §Ú®·çC?
ü¿®Ωz-éπûªyç (Choreography)
(é¬ü¿’. ´÷ Ø√†oéπçõ‰ ´÷ Å´’t ¶«í¬ She is our teacher
(Pronunciation éÌJ-ßÁ÷-ví∫°∂‘) èπÿú≈
Ç™-*-Ææ’hçC. ÉC Ç¢Á’ idea) ii) Ñ ûª°æ¤p ´÷C ᙫ M. SURESAN
O’ ö«d©’ ´î√a-®Ω’-éπü∆?
ÇN-úøüË. §ƒúÕ-Ø√-Núø èπÿú≈ ´÷ friend) Prasad: Any way, it is for our good. Their Å´¤-ûª’çC? = How ¢√∞¡xü∆? (ö«d©’: relatives)
Bharat: Does Mrs. Nrityasri run a school? interest is our success. is this fault ours? Laxmi: ÅC ¢√∞¡x-C-é¬ü¿’. ¢√∞¡x †í∫-©Fo ¶µºvü¿çí¬
f) i) ÉC ÅûªúÕ watch = This is his watch
(Ç¢Á’ Ææ÷\©’ †úø’-°æ¤-ûÓçü∆?) (àüË-´’-®·Ø√, ÅC ´’† ´’ç* éÓÆæ¢Ë’. ÖØ√o®·.
run †úø-°æúøç/E®Ωy-£œ«ç-îªúøç ¢√∞¡x-é¬\-´-©-ÆœçC ´’† Nï-ߪ’¢Ë’) ii) Ñ watch Åûª-úÕC é¬ü∆? = Isn't (Is not) ANSWERS:
Bhargav: Yes, She and her husband. Their Prakash: OK, then. When shall we begin?
this watch his?
1) Is this your car? / Is this car yours? where
school is famous. Some of great (Å®·ûË, á°æ¤púø’ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµü∆lç?) g) i) ÉC ¢√∞¡x ÇÆœh = This is their property
movie dancers were students of Prasad: Depends on money. Its availabili- are its keys?
ii) ÉC ¢√∞¡x ÇÆœh ᙫ Å´¤-ûª’çC? = How is
theirs. ty is everything. 2) Kasim: Who came yesterday? / Who
this property theirs?
(Åçû√ úø•’s O’üË Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æúÕ ÖçC. was it that came yesterday?
(Å´¤†’. Ç¢Á’, Ç¢Á’ ¶µº®Ωh †úø’-°æ¤ h) i) Ç É©’x.. Ç °æJ-Ææ-®√©’ Ø√éÀ≠dç
æ = I like the
-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’. Ê°®Ω’†o school. ÆœE-´÷-™xE ü∆E availability (©¶µºuç)ßË’ Åçû√) Krishna: My friend / A friend of mine
house and its surroundings
íÌ°æp dancers ™ éÌçûª-´’çC ¢√∞¡x °j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù-™E possessives †’ éÀçC- (Ñ È®çúÓ expression conversation™
¢√-öÀ-™ îª÷°œ† possessives ûÓ §Ú©açúÕ. ii) Ñ îªv鬩’ ü∆EN =The wheels are its.
Nü∆u-®Ω’n™‰) Very important: ü∆E, ü∆EE ņ-ú≈Eo its áèπ◊\´ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’)
famous – °∂-ß˝’´’Æˇ =Ê°®Ω’†o, v°æÆ œ-Cl¥-í∫© 1. Whose? (á´J?) –
Åçö«ç. Ééπ\úø S ´·çü¿’ apostrophe (') Kasim: Did he take your bike?
dancers - ú≈†qñ¸ Whose? (á´-JC? / á´-JN?)
2. my (Ø√) – ¢√úøç. Apostrophe ûÓ It's Åçõ‰ It is ÅE. Krishna: That was not mine. That was
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ underline îËÆœ† ´÷ô-©†’ his bike. Mine and his look the
mine (Ø√C / Ø√N) Apostrophe (') äéπ ´÷ô™ äéπ ¨¡•lç ™°œç-îª-
´÷ô Å®Ωnç 3. your (F / O’) – ú≈Eo îª÷°œ-Ææ’hçC) same / look alike only, mine is
1. Whose (book)? á´J (°æ¤Ææhéπç)? / á´-JC? yours (FC, O’C / FN, O’N) Eg: 1) This car and its wheels= 鬮Ω÷, ü∆E slightly older than his.
2. My (book) Ø√ (°æ¤Ææhéπç) 4. his (ÅûªúÕ) – îªv鬩’. Ééπ\úø 'only'
¢√úøéπç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ– ÉC the
3. Mine Ø√C his (Åûª-úÕC / Åûª-úÕN) 2) It's my car = It is my car. (ÅC Ø√ only things ÅØË ü∆EéÀ short farm- DE
4. Your (book) O’ / F (°æ¤Ææhéπç) 5. her Ç¢Á’ (ßÁ·éπ\) – hers (Ç¢Á’C / Ç¢Á’N) é¬®Ω’) Å®Ωnç– 'äéπ\ N≠æߪ’ç àN’-ôçõ‰ / äéπ-õ‰-N’-
5. Yours O’C / FC 6. our (´÷ / ´’†) -– Now practice the following aloud in ôçõ‰—– simpleí¬ 'Å®·ûË— ÅE. slightly=
6. his (book) ÅûªúÕ (°æ¤Ææhéπç) ours (´’†C / ´’†N, English: (ÆæÈ®j† possessive †’ ¢√úøçúÕ)
7. his Åûª-úÕC ´÷C / ´÷N) 1) Ñ é¬®Ω’ FüËØ√? ü∆E û√∞«-™‰N?
7. their (¢√∞¡x, ¢√öÀ) theirs (¢√∞¡xN, ¢√öÀC / 2) Kasim: E†o ´*aç-üÁ-´®Ω’? Ñ È®çúø÷ èπÿú≈ conversational bits.
8. her Ç¢Á’ (ßÁ·éπ\ dance teacher) 3) Avinash: Why are you vacating the
9. hers Ç¢Á’C ¢√∞¡xN, ¢√öÀN) Krishna: Ø√ ÊÆo£œ«-ûª’úø’ (my, mine È®çúø÷
10. our ´÷ (family friend) 8. its (ü∆E) – its (ü∆EC / ü∆EN) house? Is it not yours? / Don't
you own it?
v°æ¨¡o: -ØË-†’ -Ñ-´’-üµ¿u -spoken english -ØË®Ω’aèπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o-†’. 7. ††’o Éûª-®Ω’-©ûÓ §Ú™Ôaü¿’l (Vacate pronunciation: ´Èé-ß˝’ö¸ /
-Éç-ü¿’-™ tenses -´·-êu-´÷? spoken english -¶«í¬ 8.Sir, Madam ÅE E®Ω-éπ~-®√-Ææ’u-©†’ èπÿú≈ °œ©-¢Ìî√a? ¢Áß˝’-Èé-ß˝’ö¸ – Èé ØÌéÀ\ °æ©-é¬L– Å®Ωnç– ë«S-
®√-¢√-©ç-õ‰ -àç -îË-ߪ÷-L? 9. S.C., S.T. ©†’ ≥ƒ®˝d-§∂ƒ-¢˛’™ ᙫ ®√ߪ÷L? îË-ߪ’úøç (É©’x ™«çöÀN)
ï¢√•’: Tenses ØË®Ω’a-éÓ-´úøç î√™« ´·êuç. ¢√öÀ-ûÓ-¶«ô’ ï¢√•’: 1. Is your tap off? / Have you turned off your tap? Alankar: No, it's (it is) not ours.
– Èé.Æœ.-Ö-¢Ë’-¨¸-îªçvü¿, éπ®Ω÷o©’ – >. N¨»™¸, ¢Á’ö¸-°æLx
Avinash: Whose is it, then?
vocabulary (´÷ô©÷, ¢√öÀ Å®√n©’, ÅN ᙫ ¢√ú≈™ / Has your tap been turned off?
èπÿú≈ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç Å´-Ææ®Ωç). ®ÓW English 2. I have admitted him in college Alankar: Our uncle's
Newspaper Å®Ωnç Å®·Ø√, é¬éπ-§Ú-®·Ø√ îªü¿-´çúÕ. Å™« 3. The teachers are making the students sweep Avinash: How long has it been theirs?
v§ƒéÃdÆæ’ îËߪ’-úøç-´©x °∂æLûªç Öçô’çC. Ñ ´’üµ¿u les- the class rooms / The teachers are getting the Alankar: (It has been theirs) since their
sons™ simple present, N’í∫û√ tense†’ N¨¡-ü¿çí¬ students to sweep the rooms / The teachers grandfather's time.
have the students sweep the rooms.
v°æ¨¡o: éÀç-C ¢√é¬u-©†’ ÉçTx-≠ˇ™ ᙫ ÅØ√™ ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’-í∫-©®Ω’.
N´-Jçî√ç. îªü¿-´çúÕ. 4) Prameela: Whose necklace was lost /
4. I will take you to the movie
1. O’ †™«x •çü˛ Å®·çü∆? 5. I taught him cycling was missing yesterday?
2. Åûª-úÕE 鬙‰-@™ îËJpç-î√†’ 6. I put him to bed You had relatives yesterday,
3. Ö§ƒ-üµ∆u-ߪ·©’ °œ©x-©ûÓ í∫ü¿’©’ ÜúÕ-°œ-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’ 7. Don't compare me with others / Don't compare was it theirs?
4. ؈’ E†’o ÆœE-´÷èπ◊ BÆæ’-èπ◊-§Ú-û√†’ me to others- Ææçü¿-®√s¥-Eo-•öÀd Laxmi: No, not theirs; their ornaments /
5. Åûª-úÕéÀ ÂÆjéÀ™¸ ûÌéπ\úøç ØËJpç-î√†’ 8. á´-J-ØÁjØ√ Sir / Madam ÅE °œ©-¢Ìa.
jewels are all safe.
6. Åûª-úÕE °æúø’-éÓ-¶„-ö«d†’ 9. S.C.s and S.T.s
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 30 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2005
Srilekha: Did you meet them yesterday?
Supriya: †’´¤y èπÿú≈ Åûª-úÕéÀ ≤ƒßª’-°æ-úø’-ûª’ç-
(E†o †’´¤y ¢√∞¡x†’ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-Ø√o¢√?) ö«¢√? Åûª-úÕE †’´¤y É≠æd-°æ-úø-û√¢√?
Surekha: Whom do you mean?
Suchithra: O’èπÿ v•ü¿®˝ ÖØ√o-úø’-éπü∆! Åûª-úÕE É≠æd-
(†’´y-ØËC á´J í∫’Jç*?) °æ-úø-¢√?
Srilekha: Savithri and her husband
(Åûª-úøçõ‰ FéÀ-≠d´æ ÷ Åçö«ç éπü∆ ´÷´‚-©’í¬)
(≤ƒNvA, Ç¢Á’ ¶µº®Ωh í∫’Jç*) Supriya: Brother, sister äéπ-J-ØÌ-éπ®Ω’ É≠æd-°æ-
Surekha: I met her, but not him
úøúøç™ NçûËç ™‰ü¿’
(Ç¢Á’†’ éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-Ø√o†’, é¬E Åûª-úÕE Suchithra: âûË ´÷ v•ü¿-®˝èπ◊ îªü¿’-´¤-O’ü¿ v¨¡ü¿l¥
éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-™‰ü¿’) ™‰ü¿’. ÅüË ††’o worry îË≤ÚhçC.
Srilekha: Did you show her the letter? (to whom were you talking?)
(neglect ¢√úøçúÕ) 鬕öÀd 'a fever', her=Ç¢Á’†’)
(Ç¢Á’èπ◊ letter îª÷°œç-î√¢√?) writing™, formal writ-
Supriya: ´÷ v•ü¿®˝ Ø√èπ◊ Åô’-´çöÀ trouble My father likes my brother very
Surekha: Yes, I Showed it to her. She will ing™ØË Å™« ®√≤ƒhç.
É´yúø’. ´÷ Å´’tèπÿ Ø√†oèπ◊ ≤ƒßª’-°æ-úø’- much. He gives him (¢√úÕéÀ)
show it to him today. Spoken form ™ ´÷vûªç, 'to' - sentence
ûª’ç-ö«úø’. ¢√∞¡x-†’ î√™« ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ whatever he wants. only, he asks
(ØËØ√-¢Á’èπ◊ îª÷°œç-î√†’. Ç¢Á’ É¢√∞¡ -îª÷Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ö«úø’. ´÷èπ◊ àC 鬢√-©Ø√o him to study well (him=¢√úÕE)
*´®Ω ´Ææ’hçC. sentence †’ 'whom'ûÓ •ü¿’©’,
Åûª-úÕéÀ îª÷°œ-Ææ’hçC) who ûÓ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµ≤ƒhç. 'who' ûÓ (whom ¢√ú≈-Lq†
BÆæ’-éÌ-≤ƒhúø’. ñé˙qûÓ ´’´’tLo ¶«í¬ Supriya: By the by, our teacher gave us an
Srilekha: Did she enquire about me? îÓô™«x) questions v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç-îª-úø¢Ë’ spoken
assignment yesterday.
English ™ éπÈ®é˙d.
- ®√n©
- ’û
- L
-Á Æ
Ê .h ..
á´Jo îª÷ú≈-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’?
Who (whom é¬ü¿’) do you want to see?
á´-JéÀ Öûªh-®√©’ ®√Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤?
Who are you writing (letters) to ?
c) á´-JE í∫’Jç* ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤?
Who are you talking about? (whom é¬ü¿’)
d) á´-JûÓ ¢√úø’ §Úö«x-úÕçC?
(Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç éπü∆– conver- Who did he quarrel with?
(Ç¢Á’ Ø√ í∫’Jç* ÅúÕTçü∆?) sation ™ topic ´÷Í®a-ô- e) á´-JE îª÷¨»´¤ E†o?
Surekha: She wishes to see you. She
°æ¤púø’ 'by the by'- ûÁ©’-í∫’™ Who (Whom é¬ü¿’) did you see yesterday.
asked me to give you her best 40 'ÅC-ÆæÍ®— Åçô’çö«ç. us = f) Ç¢Á’ á´Jo °Rx îËÆæ’-èπ◊çüÓ Ø√èπ◊ ûÁMü¿’
wishes. She wants us to visit her
´’†èπ◊). When did he ask I do not know who she married
soon. She likes to give us a din-
†Ny-≤ƒhúø’. us (´’†Lo) to complete (É™«çöÀ sentences ™ èπÿú≈ whom ¢√úøúøç
Suchithra: ´÷ brother èπÿú≈ ´÷èπ◊ ¶«í¬ it.? ™‰ü¿’. Who ¢√úøúøç î√™« common, spoken
(Ç¢Á’ E†’o îª÷ú≈-©-†’-èπ◊ç-öçC. E†o-úÕ- ≤ƒßª’-°æ-úø-û√úø’. E†o ´÷ Å´’tèπ◊ Suchithra: The coming English™)
T-†ô’x îÁ°æp-´’çC. ´’†Lo ¢√Rxç-öÀ-éÓ-≤ƒJ ïy®Ωçí¬ Öçõ‰ Ç¢Á’†’ doctor ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ Saturday, I M. SURESAN
É°æ¤púø’ Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æù îª÷úøçúÕ
®Ω´’tçC. ´’†èπ◊ dinner É¢√y-©-†’-èπ◊ç- BÆæ’-Èé-∞«}úø’. ´÷ Ø√†oèπ◊ ´÷ v•ü¿®˝ think. But Hari: (over phone) Hello, who is it please?
öçC.) Åçõ‰ î√™« É≠ædç. ¢√úÕ-ÍéC 鬢√-©Ø√o isn't it (= is it not) a holiday for (á´®Ω÷?)
Srilekha: That's fine. Let's go to them Hemanth: It's (it is) me, Hemanth
us? (us =
É≤ƒh®Ω’.-¶«í¬ îªü¿-¢√-©E ´÷vûªç ´’†èπ◊) (ØËØË,
tomorrow in my car. I will show Ê£«´’ç-û˝†’)
Åçô’ç-ö«®Ω’. Supriya: Who told you so?/ Who told you
them my new car. Hari: That's nice, hearing your voice... after
Supriya: ÅC-ÆæÍ®, E†o öÃ˝ ´’†éÓ assign- that? Whom did you ask?
(¶«í∫’çC. ´’†ç Í®°æ¤ Ø√ é¬®Ω’™ ¢√∞¡x a long time.
ment Éî√a®Ω’ éπü∆. á°æ¤úø’ °æ‹Jh-îË-ߪ’-´’-
ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ ¢Á∞¡ü∆ç. Ø√ éÌûªh é¬®Ω’†’ ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ [[[[[ (î√™« ÆæçûÓ≠æç, î√™« 鬩ç ûª®√yûª F
Ø√o®Ω’ ´’†Lo?
îª÷°œ-≤ƒh†’.) Suchithra: ´îËa ¨¡E-¢√®Ωç ņ’-èπ◊çö«. Å®·ûË a) †’´¤y E†o á´-JE éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊-Ø√o´¤? = Whom íÌçûª’ N†úøç)
Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ them, whom, her, him, did you meet yesterday? ÅØË ÅØ√L. áçü¿’- Hemanth: Was that your brother who
´’†-é¬-®ÓV ÂÆ©´¤ éπü∆? appeared in the TV serial yester-
you, us, me ´÷ô©’ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. éπçõ‰ á´Jo = whom. Å®·ûË ®√†’-®√†’ spo-
Supriya: á´®Ω’ îÁ§ƒp®Ω’ Å™« ÅE? á´-®Ωo-úÕ-í¬´¤
´’† English conversation natural í¬, ken English ™ whom •ü¿’©’ who ¢√úË-Ææ’h- day?
†’´¤y? (E†o TV serial ™ éπE-°œç-*çC O’
simple í¬ ≤ƒí¬-©-†’-èπ◊çõ‰ OöÀ Å®Ωnç, OöÀE áEo Ø√o®Ω’. ÅC ¢√úøôç éπÈ®é˙d spoken English.
brother éπü∆?)
Who did you meet yesterday?
®Ωé¬-©’í¬ à Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x ¢√úËC ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç áçûÓ Suchithra: My brother helps me a lot (Ø√èπ◊) Hari: Yes, it's (= it is) him (Å´¤†’, ¢√úË) and
´·êuç. *†o-*†o ´÷ô-©èπ◊ Ö†o ¢√úø’-éπ-™E Å®√n- He likes me very much ÉC §ƒçúÕûªuç– formal written English the little girl he was walking with... do
©Fo áçûªí¬ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊çõ‰ Åçûª simple í¬ con- Supriya: Do you help him too? Do you like (®√ûª™ Åçûª ûª°æ¤p é¬ü¿’). you know who she is? (¢√úÕûÓ †úø’-Ææ’h†o
versation áçûª-ÊÆ-°æ-®·Ø√ †úø-°æ-´îª’a. Ñ lesson
him too? Who did you meet yesterday? *†o-§ƒ°æ á´®Ó Fèπ◊ ûÁ©’≤ƒ?)
™ ´’†ç ¢√úË ´÷ô© í∫’Jç* ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊çü∆ç. (Åûª-úÕéÀ; Åûª-úÕE: Do you also help him? ÉC spoken form, conversational. Hemanth: Wasn't it (was it not) your
I = ؈’
éπØ√o Do you help him too- áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’ b) †’´¤y E†o á´-JûÓ ´÷ö«x-úø’-ûª’-Ø√o¢˛? youngest sister?
me = ††’o; Ø√èπ◊
Spoken English™) (Spoken) Who (Whom é¬ü¿’) Hari: Yes, it's her.
we = ¢Ë’´·
Suchithra: You have a brother too. Were you talking to yesterday? °j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ: It's me, it's him,
us = ´’´·t-©†’, ´÷èπ◊/ ´’†-©†’, ´’†èπ◊
(Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ îÁ°œp-†ô’x also éπØ√o too better.) (®Ωîª-†™, î√™« formal
í¬ Å®·ûË, To whom It's her. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ Å®·ûË, It is I, It is he, It is
you = †’´¤y / O’®Ω’
Don't you (=Do you not) like him? (ÅûªúÕo) were you talking yesterday? ÅE ®√ߪ’çúÕ.) she ÅØ√-©E ņ’-èπ◊çö«ç. é¬F spoken
you = E†’o, N’´·t-©-†’ / Fèπ◊, O’èπ◊ English™ It's me, It's her, It's him ņ-úø¢Ë’
Supriya: Nothing surprising a brother and a Ééπ\úø í∫´’-Eç-î√-Lq† N≠æߪ’ç: Preposition
he = Åûªúø’
sister liking each other. 'to'- sentence èπ◊ ´·çü¿®Ω ®√´úøç. ´’†ç sen- éπÈ®é˙d.
him = Åûª-úÕE, Åûª-úÕéÀ
Suchithra: But my brother neglects stud- tence †’ 'to' ûÓ begin îËÊÆh whom ¢√ú≈L.
she = Ç¢Á’
ies. That worries me.
her = Ç¢Á’†’, Ç¢Á’èπ◊ (Ç¢Á’ ßÁ·éπ\) 1. Shop closed -Ñ ¢√éπuç Negative.
Supriya: My brother doesn't (does not) give
it = ÅC 2. Shop n't closed
me that kind of trouble/ such trou- ÆæJ-Å-®·-†ü∆?
it = ü∆EE, ü∆EéÀ 3. Not shop closed Åçõ‰ Å®Ωnç?
ble. (such=that kind=Å™«çöÀ)
they = ¢√∞¡Ÿx, ÅN 4. School going children. DEE Negativeí¬ à Nüµ∆-†ç™ îËߪ÷L?
He helps my parents too a lot. He
them = ¢√∞¡x†’, ¢√öÀE/ ¢√∞¡xèπ◊, ¢√öÀéÀ 5. World's largest selling Newspaper. DEE Negative -ᙫ îËߪ÷-™
takes good care of them.
who = á´®Ω’
(Them=¢√∞¡x†’) ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’.
whom = á´-JE/ á´-JéÀ.
He gets us what we want
-ï-¢√-•’: 1, 2, 3
(´÷èπ◊). – °œ. ¶«©’, £j«-ü¿®√¶«ü˛
Ñ Å®√n-©†’ ´’†-Ææ’™ °ô’d-èπ◊E ¢Á·ü¿ô É*a† He makes us laugh with his jokes Shop closed - DEéÀ shop not closed. Shopn't closed - n't
Surekha, Srilekha dialogue Gí∫_-®Ωí¬ ´’®Ó-≤ƒJ form Éô’-´çöÀ îÓôx ¢√úøç. an, is, are... ¢√öÀéÀ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ¢√úø’û√ç. Not
îªü¿-´çúÕ. Suchithra: My brother helps us too. My shop closed ÆæÈ®j† English é¬ü¿’. Ééπ\úø shop not closed ÅØË •ü¿’©’
Practice the following aloud in English. 'shop open' Åçõ‰ better éπü∆. 4. Non school going children ÅØËC
mother had a fever yesterday
Suchithra: ´÷ brother Ø√èπ◊ ¶«í¬ ≤ƒßª’ç school going childrenèπ◊ negative. 5. The world's largest selling
and he took her to doctor.
îË≤ƒhúø’. ††’o î√™« É≠æd-°æ-úø-û√úø’. (English™ fever, countable, News paper èπ◊ negative - not the world's largest selling newspaper
(like ¢√úøçúÕ) ņ-´îª’a.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 1 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005
Bhaskar: What are you looking at, Bhanu? 鬕öÀd prepositions Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç ûÁ©’í∫’,
(üËEo îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o¢˛ ¶µ«†’?) English ©™ èπ◊-úÕ, áúø´’í¬ Öçö«®·. èπ◊úÕ áúø-
Bhanu: At the little boy there; He is sitting ¢Á’iûË Ééπ\úø §Ò®Ω-§ƒõ‰.
on the arms of the chair. He may
prepositions -Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-îª-úøç í∫’Jç* éÌEo
fall down any moment.
general principles -ûÁ-©’Ææ’-éÓ-´úøç î√™«-´·êuç.
(Ç *†o-°œ-™«xúÕo. ¢√úø’ èπ◊Ka îËûª’-©-O’ü¿ Spoken English Correct í¬ Öçú≈-©çõ‰ ÅN
èπÿ®Ω’aE ÖØ√oúø’. à éπ~ù«-ØÁj oØ√ éÀçü¿-°æ-úø- áç-ûÓ -Å-´Ææ®Ωç.
1) Pavan: I wrote a letter to my sister yes-
Bhaskar: He is in real trouble. let's go to
him and put him down.
(¢√úø’ Eïçí¬ É•sç-C™ ÖØ√oúø’. (´÷ sister èπ◊ E†o letter ®√¨»)
Ravikanth: Did you tell her about the Suneetha: Is your home the one behind the side of it (beside it/ by it/ near
¢√úÕ ü¿í∫_®Ωèπ◊ ¢ÁRx éÀçü¿èπ◊ Cçü∆ç
°æü¿) book exhibition here? post office? to it) there is a book shop.
(O’ É©’x Post office ¢Á†-éπØ√?) What books do you want to
English ™ from Vijayawada -Å-E ¢Á’i† §ƒvûª. Sentence ™ ´÷ôèπÿ ´÷ôèπ◊ ´’üµ¿u ÖØ√o®· éπü∆? home?
Ææç•çüµ¿ç îª÷°æúøç. Practice the following aloud in English: Pratap: Yes.
Öçô’çC. á´-JéÀ? to my sister; (c) Sravanthi: My book was on the table
a) Karim: Ñ ü¿í∫_-®Ω™ áéπ\-úø-®·Ø√ Book shop
He will be here till 5'o clock.
üËE í∫’Jç*?: about the book exhibition; Öçü∆? yesterday. Why / How is it in
(till 5'o clock = 5 ´®Ωèπ◊) à train ™?: by 9 AM train; Kamesh: Ñ OCµ *´®Ω ã ´’çü¿’© ≥ƒ°æ¤ your bag today?
Sukumar: When will he go back to áEoç-öÀéÀ : at 5 PM. Swarna: Yes, I took it. I wanted some
ÖçC. ü∆EE dž’-èπ◊ØË ã book
Vijayawada? É´Fo ´’†ç English NÆæh %-ûªçí¬ îªü¿-´úøç, information in it.
shop ÖçC. Ç book shop ™
(Nï-ߪ’-¢√-úøèπ◊ = to Vijayawada) N†úøç ´©x Å©-¢√-ô-´¤-û√®·. àç °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ éÌØ√-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o´¤? Sravanthi: Why did you keep your bag
Sundar: He hasn't (has not) yet told me of Prepositions ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ áéπ\úø Öçö«®·? Karim: Ø√èπ◊ éÌEo computer books 鬢√L. under the table?
it. 2) Ramana: These flowers are nice. Are ÅN ´÷ Ü∞x üÌ®Ω-éπ-úøç-™‰ü¿’. Swarna: Because there was no room
(of it = ü∆E í∫’Jç* Ø√éÀçé¬ îÁ°æp-™‰ü¿’) they from your garden? Kamesh: Å®·ûË, Fèπ◊ 鬢√-Lq† •’é˙q Ç cin- on the table.
(Ñ °æ‹©’ î√™« ¶«í∫’-Ø√o®·. O’ ema hall ¢Á†éπ Ö†o book stall ™ (English ™ îÓô’ ņ-ú≈-EéÀ Éô’-´çöÀ Ææçü¿-
ûÓ-ô-™¢√?) üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-û√®·. ü∆E ü¿í∫_Í® ÉçéÓ ®Ωs¥ç™ place/ space ÆæÈ®j† ´÷ô-é¬ü¿’. Room
í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ – from- garden èπ◊ ´·çü¿’. ÅüË book stall ÖçC. Åéπ\úø èπÿú≈ ¢√ú≈L.
1. Discuss ûª®√yûª About ûÁ©’-í∫’-™-ØÁjûË 'ûÓô™— Åçö«ç. '™—– ûÓô ûª®√yûª üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-û√®·. Bus™ ´·Â°jp¥ ´’çCéÀ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ îÓô’çC.
®√ü∆? ´îËaC. b) Pranav: E†o †’¢Áyéπ\úø’Ø√o´¤? There is room in the bus only for 30 passen-
Explain îËߪ’-í∫-©®Ω’ Rahul: No. They were in the basket on Pratap: ´÷ friend ûª®Ω’ù˝ Éçöx gers)
2. Çߪ’† Fèπ◊ à´’-´¤-û√úø’? the table. I took them from the Pranav: ÅûªúÕ É™„x-éπ\úø? É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊ position †’ ûÁLÊ° preposition
(Eg: ´÷´’, Å©’xúø’) basket. Pratap: ´÷ ÉçöÀéÀ î√™« ü¿í∫_®Ω. ¢√Rxç-öÀéÀ ´÷ éÌEoç-öÀE ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç. áéπ\úø? ÅE v°æ¨¡o-¢ËÊÆh
DEE ÉçTx-≠ˇ™ ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’ (é¬ü¿’, Table O’ü¿’†o •’ôd™ ÉçöÀéÀ ´’üµ¿u ´‚úø’ buildings É¢√y-Lq† Ææ´÷-üµ∆-Ø√-EéÀ Ñ prepositions ¢√úøû√ç.
3. '؈’ O’èπ◊ äé𠧃ô NE-°œ- ÖØ√o®·. ؈’ ü∆ØÓxç* BÆæ’èπ◊Ø√o) ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ÖØ√o®·. ¢√RxçöÀ ´·çüÓ positions †’ ûÁLÊ° ´’JéÌEo prepositions:
≤ƒh†’— – DEE ÉçTx-≠ˇ™ ᙫ Ééπ\úø í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆? from, in, on Ñ Â°ü¿l îÁô’d èπÿú≈ ÖçC. Sukumar: Why has the train stopped?
ÅØ√L? prepositions ¢√öÀéÀ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*† ´÷ô© ´·çü¿’ Pranav: ÅûªúÕçöÀ °æéπ\† ã bank ÖçC éπü∆? (Train áçü¿’èπ◊ ÇTçC)
4. 'Just' ÅØË °æü¿ç usage ™ ü∆E ´÷®Ω’p©’ ®√´úøç. Pratap: Å´¤†’. Suman: There is flood water over the
ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’. 3) Prathibha: Where are the flowers? c) Sravanthi: Ø√ °æ¤Ææhéπç E†o Ç table O’ü¿ bridge
ÖçC. É¢√∞¡ F bag ™ (Bridge O’ü¿ ´®Ωü¿ F®Ω’ ÖçC)
5. 'Åûªúø’ Ñ ´’üµ¿u ††’o úø•’s©’ Åúø-í∫-ú≈-EéÀ ÆæçéÓ- (Ç °æ‹©’ áéπ\úø ÖØ√o®·?)
Prabha: They are in the basket. The ÖçüËçöÀ? The whole area on either side
*-Ææ’h-Ø√oúø’— – DEE ÉçTx-≠ˇ™ ᙫ îÁ§ƒpL?
basket is on the table. I bought Swarna: Å´¤†’. ؈’ BÆæ’-èπ◊Ø√o. Åçü¿’™ of the track is under water.
– >.¢Áç-éπ-õ‰-¨¡y®Ω’x, éπ†÷o®˝, éπKç-†-í∫®˝ >™«x
ï¢√•’: the flowers at the flower stall, éÌçûª Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç Ø√èπ◊ 鬢√Lq (Bridge èπ◊ È®çúø’-¢Áj-°æ¤© Ö†o v°æüË-¨¡-
beside my uncle's place near ´*açC. ´’çû√ ´·E-T-§Ú-®·çC= under
1. Discuss, describe, mention, explain, the Post office. Sravanthi: F bag †’ table éÀçü¿ °ö«d-¢Áç- water =F∞¡x éÀçü¿)
state, remark- OöÀ ûª®√yûª about ®√ü¿’. (in the basket= •’ôd™ , on the table= ü¿’èπ◊? Sukumar: Thank God, All the passen-
2. What is he to you?/ How is he related to table O’ü¿; at the flower stall= °æ‹©-éÌ-ô’d™ ; Swarna: Table O’ü¿ îÓô’-™‰ü¿’ 鬕öÀd gers in the train are safe
you? beside my uncle's place= ´÷ ´÷´’-¢√-RxçöÀ (§ÚF™‰ train ™E v°æߪ÷-ùÀ-èπ◊-
3. I will give you a song/ Let me sing a song °æéπ\†; near the Post office= Post office ü¿í∫_®Ω) ©çû√ Íé~´’çí¬ ÖØ√o®Ω’)
to you. (a) Karim: Is there a book shop anywhere Above, below, inside, outside, beyond -
É´-Fo-èπÿú≈– in, on, at, beside, near- v°æüË-
4. Just= É°æ¤púË, just= only, ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ¨»Eo ûÁLÊ° prepositions. °∂晫Ø√-îÓô ÅE îÁ°æp-ú≈- near here? ÉN èπÿú≈ positions ûÁLÊ° prepositions. OöÀE
5. Of late he has been hesitating to ask me EéÀ OöÀE ¢√ú≈ç éπü∆? positions ûÁLÊ° ÉçéÌEo Kamesh: At the end of the street there O’ ¢√é¬u™x ¢√úÕ îª÷úøçúÕ.
for money. prepositions îª÷ü∆lç. is a medical shop. Just by the
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C¢√®Ωç 4 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005
Sukanya: Hi Sumithra? I saw you at Sell All There are four hundred pupils in the school
Super Market yesterday. Busy Ç school -™ -Ø√--©’í∫’´çü¿© ´’çC °œ©x-©’-Ø√o®Ω’.
buying things? 2. inside ÅØ√o in ÅØ√o ü∆ü∆°æ¤ äéπõ‰. Å®·ûË
(E†’o ؈’ E†o Sell All Super Market ü¿í∫_®Ω inside Åçõ‰ äéπ v°æüË-¨¡ç-™ -°æ© ÅØË Å®Ωnç
îª÷¨»†’. àç î√™« éÌØË-¨»¢√?) ´Ææ’hçC. in Åçõ‰ ™ ÅE Å®Ωnç.
Sumithra: Mom was inside. She was buying Pranav: Where are your friends?
provisions. I was waiting outside. Prabhat: They are in the car. Look inside
By the by, you know we have and you will see them. They were
moved. We now live in Gandhi outside the car till ten minutes ago.
Nagar. (Car ™ ÖØ√o®Ω’. ™°æ© îª÷úø’, ¢√∞¡Ÿx
(Å´’t™°æ©’çC éÀ®√ù« Ææ®Ω-èπ◊©’ éÌçô÷. éπ-E°œ≤ƒh®Ω’.°æC EN’-≥ƒ© éÀç-ü¿-öÀ´®Ωèπ◊ ¢√∞¡Ÿx é¬®Ω’
؈’ •ßª’ô wait îËÆæ’hØ√o. Ç... ņoô’d, •ßª’ô -ÖØ√o®Ω’) The plane flew at great speed across the
3. above = °j†. ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ Â°j† éπ°æ¤p†o ¢√£æ«-Ø√™x ņ-ú≈-EéÀ, 'by'
¢Ë’ç É©’x ´÷®√ç. É°æ¤púø’ í¬çDµ-†-í∫-®˝™ sky
The government has the duty to see that ¢√-úøû√ç.
Öçô’Ø√oç.) a) O’®Ω’ 鬮Óx ´î√a®√? plane Çé¬-¨¡ç™ î√™« ¢Ëí∫çí¬ äéπ-¢Áj°æ¤ †’ç*
every person has a roof above their
´÷´‚-©’í¬ É©’x, Ü®Ω’ ´÷®Ω-ú≈Eo shift head. Did you come by car? ÉçéÓ-¢Áj°æ¤ ¢Á-R}çC.
Åçô’çö«ç. move ņ-úøç éπÈ®é˙d. v°æA-¢√J°jØ√ äéπ éπ°æ¤p ÖçúËô’x îª÷úøôç b) ¢√úø’ bus ™ -´-î √a-úø’. He came by bus 6. at the back of = ¢Á†-éπ-¢Áj°æ¤
¢Ë’ç Í®°æ¤ É©’x ´÷®Ω’-ûª’Ø√oç v°æ¶µº’ûªyç NCµ Å™«Íí by train, by plane, by ship (back side é¬-ü¿’, backside èπ◊ Å®Ωnç °œ®Ω’-ü¿’©’,
é¬-ü¿’.. move
We are moving to a new house tomorrow c) Ææ®Ω-èπ◊©’ ™«K™ ´î√a®· ÅE)
(v°æA-¢√-JéÀ E¢√Ææç éπLpç-îª-úøç)
class ™ ¢Á†éπ¢Áj°æ¤ èπÿ®Ω’aç-ö«úø’
He always sits at the back of the class.
Bus ¢Á†é𶵫í∫ç™ èπÿ®Ω’a†o v°æߪ ÷- ùÀèπ◊©’
AM, PM -á°æ¤p-úø’?..
of this month, but we charge a Together we will return in August.
9.00 in the morning, I usually start mark ´*açC. Ñ -à-ú≈-C ÉØÁo-èπ◊\´
late fee of Rs 5 per day. We friend
(´÷ July
Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ™ ´≤ƒhúø’.
about 8.30, as it takes around half August ´÷®Ω’\©’ ®√´úøç ÉüË ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ-≤ƒJ)
have been selling applications Éü¿l®Ωç éπ©Æœ ™ AJ-T-´≤ƒhç)
an hour for me to reach college. I
am at college by 8.55. But why
are you asking me all the these
(Classes 9 èπ◊ v§ƒ®Ω綵ºç Å´¤-û√®·
鬕öÀd, ؈’ ´÷´‚-©’í¬ 8.30
v§ƒçûªç™ •ßª’-©’-üË-®Ω-û√†’. College
îË®Ω-ú≈-EéÀ ü¿í∫_®Ω ü¿í∫_®Ω Å®Ω-í∫çô °æúø’-
ûª’çC. àüË-¢Á’iØ√ ؈’ 8.55 éπ™«xcol-
lege ™ Öçö«†’. âØ√ Ñ v°æ¨¡o-©Fo
since the 5th. Our Office is open äéπ ´u´Cµ °æ‹®Ωh-ßË’u-´-®Ωèπ◊ ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ IN
áçü¿’èπ◊ Åúø’-í∫’-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’?) from 10 AM to 5 PM, and appli-
Rama Rao: I am from the RTC. We are ¢√úøû√ç.
cations are issued during that Kumar: (Over to phone) Where are you
gathering information to plan
our bus services to suit stu-
Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù-™E Prepositions of time – -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 43 Krishna? I am waiting for you
Krishna: Sorry, I'll be with you in five min-
dents needs. When does the
before (the 15th), upto (the 28th of this
college usually reopen after utes.
month), till (the 30th), Since (the 5th), during There are 30/ 31
summer vacation? (sorry, âü¿’ EN’≥ƒ©èπ◊, Åçõ‰ âü¿’
(that time). days in a month.
(؈’ †’ç* ´Ææ’h-Ø√o†’. Prepositions of time
É°æ¤púø’ Ñ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç (ØÁ©™ 30/ 31 EN’-≥ƒ©’ ü∆öÀ† ûª®√yûª F ü¿í∫_-®Ω’çö«)
Nü∆u-®Ω’n© Å´-Ææ-®√-©èπ◊ ņ’-í∫’-ùçí¬ îª÷ü∆l´÷? He came back in ten minutes.
Bus services †úø-°æ-ú≈-EéÀ Ñ ®ÓV©’çö«®·)
1. at: Our classes begin at 9 There are only 28/ 29 ¢√úø’ 10 EN’-≥ƒ-©èπ◊ (°æC EN’-≥ƒ-©™
Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç ÊÆéπ-J-Ææ’hØ√oç. ¢ËÆæN classes
(9èπ◊ ´÷ v§ƒ®Ω綵º´’´¤-û√®·) days in February. é¬ü¿’) AJT ´î√aúø’.
ÂÆ©´¤© ûª®√yûªCollege 鬙‰ñ ¸ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ °∂晫† õ„jç ÅE îÁ•’-ûª’-†o-°æ¤púø’ (February
™ 28/ 29 It'll be ready in a week's time.
á°æ¤púø’ ûÁ®Ω’-≤ƒh®Ω’? Ç time ´·çü¿’ at ´Ææ’hçC. ®ÓV©’ Öçö«®·.) M. SURESAN ÅC ¢√®√-EéÀ (¢√®Ωç ®ÓV©’ °æúø’-
Prabhakar: Usually in June, on the 3rd
Our College closes for the day at 4 ûª’çC) ûªßª÷È®j Öçô’çC.
(Ø√©’-Tç-öÀéÀ college Å®·-§Ú-ûª’çC.) My sister was born in 1999. (1999 Important: every, next, last, that, this
(´÷´‚-©’í¬ ™, ´‚úÓ ™)
Ééπ\úø í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. §Òü¿’l†, ≤ƒßª’çvûªç The Government came to power in 2004. ´·çü¿’ in on
é¬F, é¬F ¢√úøç.
Rama Rao: For howmany days does the
°∂晫† time ÅE Ææ÷*ç-îª-ú≈-EéÀ spoken English, (2004 ™) Shops are closed every Sunday
college work in a year?
´÷´‚©’ Conversation ™ AM, PM ¢√úøç. There are 12 months in a year
(on every Sunday é¬ü¿’)
(ã Ææç´-ûªq-®Ωç™, áEo ´÷´‚©’ conversation ™ in the morn- (Ææç´-ûªq-®Ωç™ 12 ØÁ©-©’ç-ö«®·) He comes here next Monday
ing, in the evening etc., Åçö«ç. Purely offi- (on next Monday é¬ü¿’)
®ÓV©’ °æE-îË-Ææ’hçC?)
cial spoken/ written form ™ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ AM, ´u´Cµ(Period of time) Ææ÷*ç-îª-ú≈-EéÀ 'in'
He was here last Saturday
Paul: For about 180 days, without counting
exam days PM¢√úøû√ç. ¢√úøû√ç. (on last Saturday é¬ü¿’)
At 4 PM, at 9.30, at half past ten (10.30), etc. The police were able to catch the killer in a
(exams ®ÓV©’ ™‰èπ◊çú≈ Å®·ûË ü∆ü∆°æ¤ I'll begin it this Monday
2. on: On days day
(On this Monday
180 ®ÓV©’) á°æ¤púø÷, (¢√®√© Ê°®Ω’x, °∂晫† é¬ü¿’)
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù-™E Prepositions í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. ®ÓV) ´·çü¿’, dates (ûËD©) ´·çü¿÷ (ØË®Ω-Ææ’h-úÕE §ÚM-Ææ’©’ äéπ\-®Ó-V™ °æô’d-éÓ-í∫-L-í¬®Ω’.) He didn't see her that day (on that day é¬ü¿’)
from, to, between, about, around, by, at ¢√úøû√ç. The teacher finished the whole chapter in in
Å™«Íí èπÿú≈ ®√ü¿’.
after, in, on, for. Suseela: When are you leaving for just a week The tournaments will begin next June
Prepositions Hyderabad? (Teacher ¢Á·ûªhç chapter †’ ¢√®Ωç™
O’®Ω’ í∫´’-EçîË Öçö«®Ω’ °j (in next June é¬ü¿’ )
ÅFo èπÿú≈ Time (Ææ´’-ߪ÷-EéÀ) Ææç•ç-Cµç-*† Suguna: On Sunday, that is, on the 4th.
°æ‹Jhî˨»®Ω’) She met him last December
Prepositions Time
ÅE. °j´Fo èπÿú≈ – Æ洒ߪ’ç, Suseela: When is the interview?
Suguna: On Monday. I will be back here
´u´-CµØË ´’®Ó Nüµ¿çí¬, Åçõ‰ éÌçûª-é¬©ç ™°æ© (in last December é¬ü¿’)
®ÓV, ØÁ©, Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç, ´u´Cµ – ûÁLÊ° ´÷ô© ïJÍí Ææç°∂æ’-ô-†í¬ Ê°®Ì\ØË Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x– They go to Kashmir every May
´·çü¿’ ´Ææ’h-Ø√o®· éπü∆! on the 6th, that is, on Tuesday
3. in: Months years Manoj: Why are you so happy, Mohan? (in every May
at (9.00 in the morning), about (8.30), (ØÁ©©’), (Ææç´-ûªq-®√©’), é¬ü¿’)
around (half an hour), after (summer vaca- ´u´Cµ(duration) IN
´·çü¿’ ´Ææ’hçC. (àçöÀ, Åçûª ÆæçûÓ-≠æçí¬ ÖØ√o´¤ Ñ éÀçC Vocabulary îª÷úøçúÕ.
tion), in (June), on (the 3rd Monday), in (a Pranav: I will be in Kashmir in June. ¢Á÷£æ«Ø˛?) É´Fo í∫’ù«-©†’ ûÁL-Ê°N. (Pronunciation)
year), for (howmany days) - brackets
Ééπ\úø (June Kashmir
™ ™ Öçö«) Mohan: Why not? I got the first mark in last 1) Charming = î√N’çí˚ = Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ’-¢Á’i†
™ Ö†oN time expressions éπü∆! Åçü¿’-éπE Oô- Paul: For how long? week's exam. The first time I ÉC Çé¬-®Ωç™ é¬´îª’a; v°æ´-®Ωh†™ 鬴a;
Eoç-öÀE prepositions of place and position - (áçûª-鬩ç, áEo-®Ó-V©’?) scored so high in a year. ´’E-≠œéÀ, ´Ææ’h-´¤èπ◊ ¢√úø-´îª’a.
a) She is very Charming in that dress.
v°æ¨¡o: what does he think of himself? ÅE Éî√a®Ω’. what does he think iv) Join a college/ a group/ a course - join
Éô’-´çöÀ Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x ûª®√yûª (Ç¢Á’ Ç dress ™ î√© Çéπ-®Ω{-ùÃ-ߪ’çí¬ ÖçC)
b) He was Charming towards us
about himself ņ-èπÿ-úøü∆? preposition í∫’Jç* -N-´-Jç-îªí∫-©®Ω’ àpreposition ®√ü¿’.
v) attend = attend college/ class/ marriage etc.
£æ…ï-®Ω-´úøç – (Åûªúø’ ´÷ûÓ î√™« Ç£æ…x-ü¿-éπ-®Ωçí¬ ÖØ√oúø’)
– N.°æ-´-Ø˛- π◊-´÷®˝ ®√V, £j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛ 2) Chase
attend to = àüÁjØ√ ¶«üµ¿u-ûªí¬ îËߪ’úøç. (îÁß˝’ñ¸) = ¢Áçô-•úÕ ûª®Ω-´’úøç.
My Father is attending to the repairs of our house. a) The tiger chased the deer.
i) î√™« Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x of, about äéπ-ü∆E •ü¿’©’ äéπöÀ (°æ¤L >çéπ ¢Áçô-•-úÕçC)
(Çߪ’† Ç °æE îª÷Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’)
¢√úø-´îª’a. Think of, think about È®çúø÷ correct. attend on = ®Óí∫’-©èπ◊, ÅA-ü∑¿’-©èπ◊ Ææ°æ-®Ωu©’ îËߪ’úøç b) The police were chasing the thief.
ii) Prepositions í∫’Jç* N´-JÆæ’h-Ø√oç. a) Please attend on the guests (-§Ú-MÆæ’-©’ üÌçí∫-¢Áç-•úÕ °æú≈f®Ω’)
iii) agree with = ´uéÀhûÓ àéÃ-¶µº-Nç-îªúøç. (Gusets †’ îª÷Ææ’-éÓçúÕ) 3) Drag (vú≈í˚ – Ééπ\úø 'vú≈—,
agree to = üËE-ÈéjØ√ ä°æ¤p-éÓ-´úøç b) When I was ill my sister attend on me. Bank™ ba ™«í¬ °æ©-é¬L)= ™«í∫úøç
He agreed to stay for another day sister i) He dragged the boy into the room
(Ø√èπ◊ ¶«í¬-™‰-†-°æ¤púø’ ´÷ îª÷Ææ’-èπ◊çC)
ÉçéÓ ®ÓVç-úø-ú≈-EéÀ ä°æ¤p-éÌ-Ø√oúø’. Letter writing
™ *´®Ω "Thanking you" Åçö«®Ω’. ÅC È®jõ‰Ø√, ™‰éπ (í∫C-™éÀ ™«í¬úø’)
She agreed to the proposal Thank you ÅØ√™«– N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. ii) She dragged him into the quarrel
ï¢√•’: ÆæÈ®j† correspondence ™, letter *´®Ω thanking you/ Thank you
Ç v°æA-§ƒ-ü¿†é¬¢Á’ ä°æ¤p-éÌçC. – N.éπ%-≠æg-´‚Jh, Nï-ߪ’-¢√úø Ç¢Á’ Åûª-úÕE §Òö«xô™éÀ ™«TçC.
I agree with you that he is the best player iii) The movie dragged on
ņ-´-Ææ®Ωç. é¬E î√™«´’çC É™« ®√Ææ’hç-úø-úøçûÓ ÅC ¢√úø’-éπí¬
Åûªúø’ best player ÅE ÅçU-éπ-J-Ææ’h-Ø√o†’/ FûÓ àéÃ-¶µº-N-Ææ’h-Ø√o†’. ´÷J§Ú®·çC. British correspondence™ Thanking you Å®Ω’ü¿’.
Ç ÆœE´÷ ≤ƒí∫-D-¨»®Ω’
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 8 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005
Ravi: Hi Rahul, going somewhere? a) We have classes in the morning everyday
( £æ…-ß˝’ ®√£æ›-™ ¸, -áéπ\-úÕÈéj-Ø√ ¢Á∞¡Ÿ- except on the morning of Sunday.
ûª’-Ø√o-¢√?) b) The accident took place in the evening, it
Rahul: I am on my way to class. was on the evening of last Saturday, the
(Class èπ◊ ¢Á∞¡Ÿ-ûª’-Ø√o†’) 29th.
Ravi: So early? Kumar: How do I go to Learnwell College
( Éçûª §Òü¿’l-ØËoØ√?) from here?
Rahul: Yes. Our Classes are in the morning Learnwell College
(Ééπ\-úÕ-†’ç* éÀ
from 7. ᙫ ¢Á∞«}L?
(´÷Classes Öü¿ßª’ç àúÕç-öÀéÀ) Kamala: You have been here for the past 15
Ravi: But I saw you at the temple on the days. Strange that you don't know c) During this period he has changed a lot Kushal: When did the meeting begin?
morning of the 15th. the way yet. (Ñ Ø√©’Íí-∞¡x-™ Åûªúø’ î√™« ´÷J-§Ú-ߪ÷úø’) (Meeting á°æ¤púø’ begin Å®·çC?)
(15 ´ û√Kê’ §Òü¿’l† E†’o í∫’úÕ™ 15
(†’´¤y ®ÓV-©’í¬ Ééπ\úø’-Ø√o´¤ éπü∆? Officer: When did you take your degree? Koushik: (At) about 6.30 in the evening
till.. until..
last Saturday. He will be here
upto the end of this month.
(†’´¤y Ç®Óí∫uçûÓ AJT ´*a-†ç-ü¿’èπ◊
ÆæçûÓ≠æç. -´÷ éπ->-Ø˛ £æ«®Ω{ í∫’®Ω’h-Ø√o-ú≈?
-Å-ûª-E°æ¤p-úø’ -Ééπ\-úË -Ö-Ø√o-úø’ -§Ú®·-† -¨¡-E-
¢√®Ωç -†’ç-*. -Ñ -ØÁ-™«-ê®Ω’ -´®Ωèπ◊
-Öç-ö«-úø’) searched inside the box.
Pranav: What does he do here until then? b) Sunil: Ç °æ¤Ææhéπç áéπ\- (search for = ¢Áü¿-éπôç)
(Åçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ Ééπ\úøûªØËç îË≤ƒhúø’?) úø’çC? I looked for it inside the box.
Subhash: He is attending coaching classes -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 45 Anil: Ç shelf ™
Sunil: ؈’ Ç Â°õ„d™
Anil: It is on the notebook in the shelf.
Sunil: I have searched for it since yester-
for ICET.
(Ééπ\úø Åûªúø’ ICET Coaching BÆæ’- Öçü¿-†’-èπ◊Ø√o. day.
èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’) Å™«-é¬ü¿’. í∫ûçª ™ °∂™æ «† Æ洒ߪ’ç/ û√Kê’/ ¢√®Ωç/ ™°æ-©çû√ c) Prabhat: Where did the match take
Ñ Conversation ™E prepositions: of, ØÁ©/ Ææç´-ûqª ®Ωç †’ç* É°æpö- ´-À ®- Ωèπ◊, Éçé¬ ÅØË Å®Ωçn - ¢Á-Aé¬. M. SURESAN place?
from, to, since, till, until, upto. ûÓØË ¢√úøû√ç. í∫ûçª ™ ã Æ洒ߪ’ç †’ç* í∫ûçª ™- ØË Anil: Ç shelf ™ F (take place = ï®Ω-í∫-úøç)
´’†ç-ü¿-Jéà ûÁ©’Ææ’– from Åçõ‰ '†’ç*—– °∂晫† ÉçéÓ Æ洒ߪ’ç ´®Ωèπ◊ Å®·Ø√, í∫ûçª ™ ã Æ洒ߪ’ç note book O’ü¿ ÖçC. Prakash: On our college playgrounds.
Æ洒ߪ’ç †’ç* ÅF, to Åçõ‰ °∂晫† Æ洒ߪ’ç †’ç* present (v°Ææ æ’hû- çª )™ ã Æ洒ߪ’ç ´®Ωé- π®- ·Ø√, Sunil: ؈’ E†o-öÀ-†’ç* ü∆E-éÓÆæç ¢Á-Aé¬. Prabhat: When?
´®Ωèπÿ ÅE. í∫ûçª ™ ã Æ洒ߪ’ç †’ç* future ™ ã Æ洒ߪ’ç c) Prabhat: Ç match áéπ\úø ïJ-TçC? Prakash: It began at 7 in the morning
'from-to' ïûªí¬ ´Ææ’hç-ö«-®·-éπü∆– Ñ ïûªèπ◊ ´®ΩÈ- éØj √, future ™ ã Æ洒ߪ’ç †’ç* ÉçéÓ Æ洒ߪ’ç Prakash: ´÷ college play grounds ™ yesterday and was over by 9
Å®Ωnç: °∂晫† Æ洒ߪ’ç/ ®ÓV/ ¢√®Ωç/ ØÁ©/ Ææç´- ´®ΩÈ- éØj √ from ´÷vû¢ª ’Ë ¢√úøû√ç to ûÓ. Prabhat: á°æ¤púø’ ïJ-TçC? Prabhat: Was there a match on Sunday
a) Çߪ’† 2003†’ç* 2004´®Ωèπ◊ Ééπ\úø teacher í¬ Prakash: E†o §Òü¿’l† àúÕç-öÀéÀ ¢Á·ü¿™„j ûÌN’t-
ûªq®Ωç †’ç* (from) °∂晫† Æ洒ߪ’ç/ ®ÓV/ ¢√®Ωç/ morning too?
ØÁ©/ Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç ´®Ωèπ◊ (to) ÅE. ÖØ√o®Ω’. Cç-öÀéÀ Å®·-§Ú-®·çC. Prakash: All matches were in the morn-
He was teacher here from 2003 to 2004
Sukanya: What are your college hours? Prabhat: Sunday morning èπÿú≈ Match ing. But the match on Sunday
(È®çúø÷ past)
(O’ College ¢Ë∞¡-™‰-N’-öÀ?) ÖçúÕçü∆? morning was very interesting.
b) Ç¢Á’ Ééπ\úø Öçú≈-Lq† period 2004 †’ç* 2006
Ramakanth: Our College works from 9 am Prakash: Matches ÅFo mornings ïJ-í¬®·. d) Suseela: I have been here since 2003
to 4 pm.
´®Ωèπ◊. Sunday morning ïJ-T† match
Her period/ tenure here is from 2004 to but I have been up the
(´÷ College 9 †’ç* 4 ´®Ωèπÿ 2006.
î√© interesting í¬ ÖçC. Charminar only once. While
d) Suseela: ØËE-éπ\úø 2003 †’ç* ÖØ√o. äéπ\-
coming down I almost fell.
°æE-îË-Ææ’hçC) (from the past to the future)
Sukanya: Do you have classes upto? ≤ƒJ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ Charminar °jéÀ
c) Cricket matches 2005 December †’ç* (almost = ü∆ü∆°æ¤)
(-O’èπ◊ Ø√©’í∫’´®Ωèπ◊ Classes ¢Á∞«x†’. éÀçü¿èπ◊ CT ´îËa-ô°æ¤púø’
2006 January ´®Ωèπ◊. Sucharita: Was there none before you
Öçö«ßª÷?) The Cricket matches are from Dec 2005 to
ü∆ü∆°æ¤ °æúÕ-§Ú-ߪ÷†’. and behind you to stop you?
Ramakanth: Except on Saturdays when the Sucharita: F ¢Á†’é¬, F ´·çü¿÷ á´®Ω÷ ™‰®√
January 2006. (Both future) Suseela: Supriya was far above me,
College works until 2 pm.
Since: Past™ ã time †’ç* (from some time EØ√o-°æ-ú≈-EéÀ? and sulekha far below me. I
(äéπ\ ¨¡E-¢√®Ωçûª°æp – Ç®ÓV 2´®ΩÍé) in the past) É°æpö Suseela: Ææ ’v°œßª ’ áéπ\úÓ Â°j† ÖçC.
- ´-À ®- Ωèπ◊ ņ-ú≈-EéÀ ¢√ú≈- controlled myself somehow.
îª÷¨»-®Ω’-éπü∆: from Åçõ‰ °∂晫† time/ day/ LqçC Since ´÷vû¢ª ’Ë . from ¢√-úçø . Sulekha Ø√éπçõ‰ î√© éÀçü¿ ÖçC.
(far = (Ééπ\úø) î√©)
week/ years etc., -†’ç-* -Å-E. To Åçõ‰ °∂晫† My sister has been here since 2004 February. ØËØË á™«íÓ control îËÆæ’èπ◊-Ø√o. Sucharita: When did this happen?
time/ day/ week/ years etc., -´®Ωèπ◊ ÅE. (2004 February †’ç* ´÷ sister Ééπ\úË ÖçC) Sucharita: ÉüÁ-°æ¤púø’ ïJ-TçC?
Suseela: On a January evening, on a
Å°æ¤p-úø-°æ¤púø’ to èπ◊ •ü¿’©’, till èπÿú≈ ´÷´‚-©’í¬ She has been here from 2004 Suseela: ã January ≤ƒßª ’çvûªç. ã
¢√úø’-ûª’çö«ç, ´®Ωèπ◊ ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ. ņç. ÇC-¢√®Ωç.
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1. O’®Ω’ A, An í∫’Jç* É*a† N´-®Ωù °æ‹Jhí¬ ™‰ü¿’. -ï-¢√-•’: 1. A, An í∫’Jç* -N-´-Jç-*-† Ææç-ü¿®Ωs¥ç-™ áéπ\ú≈ an' é¬éπ-§ÚûË,The rose (all flowers of the rose species)
áçü¿’-éπçõ‰ éÌ-Eo Ææç-ü¿®√s¥-™x capital letters ´*a-†-°æp- Capital letters ´·çü¿’ a/ an ¢√úø-èπÿ-úø-ü¿Eí¬-F, is beautiful ÅØÁjØ√ ÅØ√L.'Rose' is beautiful éπÈ®é˙d é¬ü¿’
öÀéà a ¢√úø-û√ç. Öü∆: A Union, A European, A ¢√úøç ÅEí¬F ™‰ü¿’éπü∆. Rose Å-ØË-C -Å´÷t®· Ê°È®jûË ûª°æp. (îª÷úøçúÕ. Oxford/
One-way traffic etc., 2. countable, singular áéπ\úø ÖØ√o ü∆E´·çü¿’ a/ ané¬F, longman's/ Collins Dictionary/ any standard gram-
2. ‘Mother loves her child’ wrong ÅØ√o®Ω’. é¬E Ææçü¿-®√s¥Eo •öÀd 'The' é¬F ¢√úø-´-©-ÆœçüË. Mother loves her mar book.
widest sense article
™ ®√ü¿’. Öü∆: Rose is Child ûªÊ°péπü∆. 'mother' countable singular éπ†’éπ. 3. Waters ÅØË plural form èπ◊ Å®Ωnç äéπ †C-/ Ææ´·-vü¿ç-™E
beautiful All Roses
ņo-°æ¤púø’ ÅE Å®Ωnç. A rose A/ anèπ◊ 'äéπ— ÅØË Å®Ωn¢Ë’ é¬èπ◊çú≈, 'any' ÅE, 'all' ÅF èπÿú≈ F∞¡Ÿx ÅE. (Eg: The waters of the Krishna (river).
Åçõ‰ äÍé rose Å´¤-ûª’çC éπü∆! -Å°æ¤p-úø’ ÅEo Roses Å®√n©’Ø√o®· éπü∆. Generalise îËÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’ A mother Water
´÷´‚©’ F∞¡} í∫’-Jç-* ´÷ö«x-úË-ô-°æ¤púø’ ÅØË Åçö«ç.
Åçü¿-¢Á’i-†N ÅE Å®Ωnç-®√ü¿’. DE í∫’Jç* °æ‹Jh N´-®Ωù loves her child Åçö«ç. ü∆E Å®Ωnç every mother ÅE, - Water dissolves salt. Waters
É™«ç-ô°æ¤p-úø’ ņç éπü∆.
-É-´yí∫-©®Ω’. ™‰-ü∆ 'any mother' ÅE. ÅçûË-é¬F äéπ mother ÅE é¬ü¿’. ÅC Å°æ¤púø’ uncountable.
3. Water uncountable éπ†’éπ plural - ‘s’ ®√ü¿’ 'A dog is a faithful animal' ņo-°æ¤púø’ A dog = all ani- 4. I get up at 6 AM every day
ņo-°æ¤púø’ ņ-éπ\-®Ω-™‰ü¿’. éπÈ®é˙d.
ÅØ√o®Ω’. é¬E ´Ææ’hçC. Deep waters, Troubled mals of the species (Ç ñ«AéÀ Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC). O’®Ω-†oô’x, é¬F ņ-úøç ûª°æ¤p é¬ü¿’.
waters ÅE Åçö«ç éπü∆! N´-Jç-îªçúÕ. Countable singular, Widest sence ™ A/ an ®√EC äéπ\ 'How often do you go there?' ņo v°æ¨¡oèπ◊ v°æA-®ÓW
4. I get up at 6 a.m. ņo-°æ¤púø’ Everyday ÅE ®√ߪ’- 'Man' N≠æ-ߪ’ç-™ ØË. eg: Man is mortal: Man proposes, ¢Á∞«h†’ ÅE Ææ´÷-üµ∆†ç.
éπ\-®Ω-™‰ü¿’. ÅC habitual éπ†’éπ everyday ÅE ®√ߪ’- God disposes. N’í∫û√îÓôx éπ*aûªçí¬ àüÓ äéπ article I go there every day. Ééπ\úø everyday ûª°æ¤p é¬ü¿’.
èπÿ-úøü¿’. N´--Jç-îªí∫-©®Ω’. ®√¢√-LqçüË éπü∆. 'Rose' is beautiful ņ-úøç ûªÊ°p. A rose I go to bed at 10 every night. Ééπ\úø every night
– -N.-N.-Ç®˝.Èé.®√-´¤, -N-¨»-ê°æ-ôoç (any rose/ every rose) is beautiful ņ-úøç correct. 'A/ ņ-´-Ææ-®Ω¢Ë’é¬E, ûª°æ¤pé¬ü¿’.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√-®Ωç 13 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005
Janaki: Jamuna, Who are you looking at?
†C-™éÀ ü¿÷éπúøç =Jumping into the river
(ï´·Ø√, á´-JE/ á´-J-¢Áj°æ¤ îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤?) Walk into my place at midnight and I shall be
Jamuna: The man walking across the road happy to invite you with a cup of coffee or tea
and turning towards the bank †’´¤y Å®Ωl¥-®√-vûª-®·Ø√ ´÷ ÉçöÀ-éÀ®√. ã éπ°æ¤p 鬰∂‘-ûÓ-
building. He is going into the bank í¬F öÃûÓ-í¬F Fèπ◊ ≤ƒyí∫ûªç °æ©’-èπ◊û√!
now. á´-J-ØÁjØ√ ´’†ç £æ«%ü¿-ߪ’-°æ‹-®Ωy-éπçí¬ ''F´¤ ´÷
(Road ü∆ô’ûª÷ bank building ¢Áj°æ¤ ÉçöÀÈé-°æ¤-úø-®·Ø√ EÆæqç-éÓ-îªçí¬ ®√´îª’a—— ņú≈-EéÀ
†úø’-Ææ’h†o Åûª-úÕE. Åûª-E-°æ¤púø’ bank É™« Åçö«ç.
™éÀ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√oúø’) Into - àüÁjØ√ ®Ωçí∫ç™ °æE-îË-ߪ’-ú≈Eo èπÿú≈ Ææ÷*-
Janaki: He is turning to the left in the bank Ææ’hçC. ÉC Ñ´’üµ¿u ¶«í¬ ¢√úø’-éπ-™éÀ ´≤ÚhçC.
He is into business
now. Is that the man? Why are you
interested in him?
ÅûªØËüÓ ¢√u§ƒ®Ωç îËÆæ’h-Ø√oúø’ b) As the train went through the tunnel, it
Ç¢Á’ software (computers)™ °æE-îË-≤ÚhçC Ééπ\úø past, off ÅØË prepositions ¢√ú≈ç-éπü∆. became suddenly dark
(É°æ¤p-úø-ûªúø’ ¶«uçèπ◊™ áúø-´’-¢Áj°æ¤ A®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’- She is into software. past Åçõ‰ äéπ ´uéÀh-E-í¬E, äéπ v°æüË-¨»Eoí¬E ü∆öÀ
Ø√oúø’. Åûª-úËØ√? ÅûªúÕ í∫’Jç* áçü¿’-éπçûª Train ≤Ò®Ωçí∫ç í∫’çú≈/™ç* ¢Á∞Ïx-°æ¤púø’, Åçû√
éÀçü¿öÀ Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç Åûªúø’ §ƒ© ¢√u§ƒ®Ωç v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç- ¢Á∞¡}úøç, ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ °æéπ\†’ç*/ Åô’-¢Áj°æ¤ †’ç* äéπ\-≤ƒ-Jí¬ <éπ-õ„j-§Ú-®·çC.
ÇÆæéÀh?) ¢Á∞¡}úøç.
î√úø’. É°æ¤púËç îËÆæ’hØ√oúÓ ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’ c) Chandan: Did you get your favourite
Jamuna: Don't you remember? The other He was into dairy last year. No idea what he Åûªúø’ post office ü∆öÀ ¢Á∞«xúø’ hero's autograph yesterday?
day he jumped into the river to is now. He is now past the post office.
(--E-†o O’ ÅGµ-´÷† †ô’úÕ auto-
save my drowning cousin, that five 4. Out of: ÉC into èπ◊ opposite. Åûªúø’ É°æ¤púË Ø√ °æéπ\-†’ç*/ ††’o ü∆öÀ ¢Á∞«xúø’ graph BÆæ’èπ◊-Ø√o¢√?)
year old Ramesh He has just walked past me.
üËE™†’ç·Ø√ •ßª’-ôèπ◊ ®√´úøç. Chandra: No, It was impossible to push
my way through the crowd to
get to him
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1) O’®Ω’ Q&A QJ{-éπ™ -ã v°æ¨¡oèπ◊ Ææ-´÷-üµ∆-†-N’Ææ÷h... 2) éÀçC situation ™ ¢√é¬u-Eo present passive ™ future ™ ïJÍí °æEE Ææ÷*-Ææ’hçC.
''regular í¬ ™‰ü∆ ´÷´‚-©’í¬ ïJÍí actions †’ Ö°æßÁ÷-Tç--î√-™«, perfect passive ™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç--î√-™«? 2) Which is provided ÅØËC correct. áçü¿’-éπçõ‰ á°æ¤púø÷
present passive ™ îÁ§ƒh-®Ω-Ø√o®Ω’. Åçü¿’èπ◊ Öü∆-£æ«- -à-C éπÈ®é˙d? ïJ-Íí-üËçöÀ..? Mouse, keyboard ™«çöÀ input
®Ω-ùí¬ ''A lecturer is appointed by the commit- Input:- "A computer accepts data which is provided devices data †’ ÅçC-≤ƒh®·. ü∆EE computer
tee" text book
Å-ØË ¢√é¬uEo -îª÷°œç-î√®Ω’. é¬F äéπ ™ by means of a input device like mouse, or key board" BÆæ’èπ◊ç-ô’çC. O’J-*a† sentence †’ È®çúø’í¬
regular í¬ ™‰ü∆ ≤ƒüµ∆-®Ω-ùçí¬ ïJÍí actions †’ (Input device -™„j-† éö®Ω’f, ´’¯Æˇ-©ûÓ éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ ü¿û√hç-¨»-Eo Núø-íÌ-ôdçúÕ. Å°æ¤úË´’´¤-ûª’çC?
present passive simple future passive
™ í¬éπ "input"
Æ‘yéπ-Jç-îª-ú≈Eo Åçö«®Ω’). ûÁ©’í∫’ v°æ鬮Ωç ¢√éπuç-™E 1) An input device like a mouse or keyboard pro-
™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-î√®Ω’. Öü∆: "In every business 'data'
Å®Ωnç îª÷ÊÆh ' éπç°æ‹u-ô®˝ O’èπ◊ †’ ÅçCç-*† ûª®√y-ûË vides the data.
enterprise, the accounts will be classified on "A computer accepts
éπü∆ ÅC Æ‘yéπ-Jç-îËC. 鬕öÀd ¢√öÀ-™- 2) The computer accepts it. É°æ¤púø’ sentence no.1
the basis of one key factor. That key factor is data which has been provided by means of input passive í¬ ´÷Ja È®çúÕç-öÀ-E éπL°œûË is provides
debit and credit. îª÷¨»-®Ω’í¬ ¢√é¬uEo. ' ë«û√-©†’ device like a mouse or key board" ÅE îÁ°æp-´î√a? éπÈ®é˙d ÅE ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC éπü∆. äéπ ´÷ô. data,
Debit, Credit ´÷´‚-©’í¬ plural. Computer °æJ-¶µ«-≠æ™ ´÷vûªç
Å稻© Çüµ∆-®Ωç-í¬ØË ´K_-éπ-J-≤ƒh®Ω’— . ÉC – Ç®˝.-á-Æˇ.-´’-Ê£«≠ˇ, ņç-ûª-°æ¤®Ωç
á°æ¤púø÷ ïJÍí °æØË éπü∆. accounts are classified 1) Ééπ\úø The accounts are classified singular í¬ØË ¢√úøû√®Ω’.
ÅE áçü¿’èπ◊ ®√ߪ’-™‰ü¿’? ÆæçüË£æ«ç B®Ωa-í∫-©®Ω’. ņ--úø¢Ë’ correct, will be classified ÅØËC
I Ðû¦è[ª- Þœªô¢ªî¦ô¢Ù 22 šúšídÙñô¢ª 2005
Ganesh: Hi Harish, pleasure seeing you šíj ú£Ù-òÅ°-ù£-éö˺ made (make) êÁ ÷#aì prepo-
here. Welcome. Do come in. sitions Þœ÷ª-EÙàŸÙè…– made of, made from,
(óÀª, KùÃ! Eìªo ÏÚÛ\è[ àŸ«è[è[Ù/ made out of.
ìª÷±y ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨ ô¦÷è[Ù à¦ö° ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥ 1) All the furniture is made of teak.
ÑÙC. ö˺í£-LÚ¨ ô¦!) Do come in = ö˺í£- íÆ£Jo-àŸô ÍÙê¦ ç¶ÚÛªêÁ à¶ø‹ô¢ª.
LÚ¨ ô¦ ÍE Þœæ¨dÞ¥ àµí£pè[Ù. ÖÚÛ ÷ú£ªh÷± ë¶EêÁ Íô³û¦ à¶óŸª-è¯Eo made of
Oª conversation ö˺ practise à¶óŸªÙè…. ÍÙæ°Ù. `of' ÏÚÛ\è[ êŸí£p-E-ú£J.
Harish: Pleasure is equally mine/ Pleasure We make tables of wood.
is mine too. So this is your new (÷ªìÙ tables (çµóÀª-ñªöËÀq)ìª àµÚÛ\êÁ à¶þ§hÙ.)
home. Really splendid. The furniture a) Ð ôÁVö˺x ÷ªìÙ Eô¦t-é°-÷-ú£-ô¦-õÚÛª Ïìª÷³,
is elegant too. ÑÚÛª\êÁ à¶ú‡ì šíjí£±-õÚÛª ñë]ªõª Þœæ¨d ð§xú‡d-ÚÂêÁ
(û¦ÚÛª ÚÛ«è¯ ú£ÙêÁù£ÙÞ¥ ÑÙC. Ïë]-ìo- à¶ú‡ì šíjí£±-õû¶ î¦è[ª-꟪û¦oÙ.
÷«å Oª Ú•êŸh Ïõªx. à¦ö° ò°ÞœªÙC. Oª Nowadays we are using pipes made of
íÆ£Jo-àŸô ÚÛ«è¯ à¦ö° û¦W-ÚÛªÞ¥ ÑÙC.) pieces. ò°ÞœªÙë¯?
Ð 'pleasure' -expressions ÍFo conversa-
(pipes of) hard plastic instead of pipes
made of iron and steel for construction pur-
(Î <ô¢õ ÷³ÚÛ\-õêÁ Î
curtain à¶ú‡ÙC.) Suguna: ÏÙêŸ ÓÙè[ö˺ í£åªd vèµúà Óö° î¶ú£ªÚÛªÙ-
tional bits. Oª conversationö˺ î¦è[ªêŸ« poses.
b) She made a beautiful figure out of the æ°÷±? àµ÷ªå í£åd-è[Ù-ö¶ë¯?
ÑÙè[Ùè…. êŸóŸ«-·ôjì ÷ú£ªh÷± ë¶EêÁ pieces of coloured paper. sweat- àµ÷ªå – šúyæËÀ
Splendid = excellent
(finished product)
êŸóŸ«·ôjìëÁ ÚÛEí‡ú£«h ÑÙç¶ Íí£±pè[ª (Î ô¢ÙÞœª Ú¥T-ê¦õ ÷³ÚÛ\-õêÁ ò˹÷ªt êŸóŸ«ô¢ª Suseela: ö¶ë]ª. û¶ìª ÓÚÛª\-÷-›úí£± ÷« Óú‡ Îíƈ-
Elegant = û¦W-·Újì ÍÙæ°Ù.
made of
à¶ú‡ÙC). úÃö˺û¶ ÑÙæ°Þ¥?
This Table is made of wood- Íìo-í£±pè[ª àµÚÛ\
ÏD made of, made from, made out of ÷ªëÅ]u- Answers:
ê¶è¯. 1. Raghu: What do you want, sir?
ð§õêÁ(from flour and milk) Íìo-í£±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\è[ ó¶ªîµ« àŸ«ú£ªhû¦o. chairs, sir?
forests. How about having this êŸóŸ«-·ôj-ì-í£±pè[ª ÚÛ«è¯ from Ñí£-óµ«-TÙ-à¦L. í£ô¢ª-í£±õª, CÙè[ªx Ú¥î¦L. made only of sponge.
Raghu: ÏÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦oô³ àŸ«è[Ùè…. î¶ú£-Nö˺ Ram: That's OK. How much are they?
sweet? It's vilakand. Mom's (Mom a) Ú¥T-ê¦Eo àµêŸhêÁ (ìªÙ#) êŸóŸ«ô¢ª à¶þ§hô¢ª.
has) made it.
ÏñsÙC ö¶ÚÛªÙè¯ ÑÙæ°ô³. ÑêŸh 2) Suguna: Your drink is good. How did you
à¶þ§hô¢ª DEo?)
(÷« ÷vè[ÙT DEo NªT-L-ð¼-ô³ì àµÚÛ\-÷³-ÚÛ\-õêÁ ô¢ú£Ù, ë¯ÙêÁ-ð§åª í£ÙàŸ-ë¯ô¢, NªJ-óŸ«- dress of yours?
stuff = í£ë¯ô¢nÙ êŸóŸ«-ô¢ª-à¶-ø‹è[ª.) õ-ð»è… ÚÛL-í‡ì NªvøŒ-÷ªÙêÁ. Suseela: It is made of pure silk. Is it good?
Ganesh: It's a new variety. It is made from a ÏÚÛ\è[ out of î¦è[ª-꟪û¦oÙ. Ú•Eo ÷ú£ªh-÷±-õ쪖 ÓÚÛª\- (Þœ÷ª-EÚÛ: ÏC Ð î¦uú£Ù ÚÁú£Ù ô¦ú‡Ùë¶. ví£óŸªêŸoÙ Suguna: How are you able to wear it in
mix of rice and wheat flour, milk, ÷Þ¥ Ö¸Ú ô¢Ú¥EN Íô³ìí£±pè[ª `make out of' à¶óŸª-ÚÛÙè….) such hot sun? Don't you sweat?
Suguna: à¦ö° ò°ÞœªÙC. Ïë¶Ùæ¨ Ð vèµúÃ?
ghee etc. ÍÙæ°Ù. Suseela: îµ³êŸhÙ í£åªdêÁ êŸóŸ«ô¢ª à¶ú‡ÙC
Suseela: No. I am most of the time in our
(GóŸªu-í‡pÙè…, ÞÁëÅ]ª-÷ª-í‡Ùè…, ð§õª, ûµô³u a) She made the curtain out of the sari
air conditioned office.
ÚÛLí‡ à¶þ§hô¢ª.)
ûËÁæËÀ: Nö°-ÚÛÙè úˆyæËÀ ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é ÚÁú£Ù ÚÛLpÙ#ìC ví£øŒo: An awareness programme will be held at kurnool on saturday. Ð î¦ÚÛuÙ Íí£±pè[ª Oª sentence DEÚ¨ continuation
÷«vêŸî¶ª. êŸóŸ«-ô¢ªà¶›úÙë]ªÚÛª ví£óŸª-AoÙ-àŸ-ÚÛÙè…. future tense ö˺ ÑÙë]E êµõªú£ª. Íô³ê¶ Ð î¦ÚÛuÙ àŸ«è[Ùè…. Íô³ê¶ ÚÛ·ô¸Úd. Íö° Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ an amount of
(flour = í‡Ùè…, pronunciation- íÆ£xÍ, flour, flower a) An amount of Rs. 104 crores would be paid in Rajampet constituen- Rs. 104 Crore would be paid... Íû¶C
- ·ôÙè…Ùæ¨Ú© Ö¸Ú pronunciation) cy of Cuddapah district on Saturday. independent sentence Íô³ê¶ ÏÚÛ\è[
Harish: That flower vase stand over there, ·ôÙèÁ î¦ÚÛuÙ Indirect Speech ö˺ ÑÙë¯? ö¶ë¯ ¸Ú÷õÙ
past tense refer ìª would be paid ÚÛ·ôÚÂd Ú¥ë]ª. ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙè¯-
that particularly attracts me. Is it very à¶ú£ªhÙë¯? û¶ìª ›íí£ôÁx ú£÷«-à¦ô¢Ù àŸ«›ú-û¦-æ¨Ú¨ è[ñªs í£Ùí‡é© áJ-Tìæ°x ö¶ë¯ áô¢- Lqì verb will be paid. Íë¶ ÚÛ·ôÚÂd. Oªô¢ª
expensive? Þœìæ°x? ›íí£ô àŸC-î¶-û¦-æ¨Ú¨ í£Ùí‡é© áô¢-Þœ-ìç¶x. Future
(ÍÚÛ\è… íÆ£xÍ î¦âÉÀ þ§dÙè à¦ö° ò°ÞœªÙC. b) 'Dr YSR is sure that availability of funds would not be a hindrance'- Ð ö˺ áô¢ª-Þœª-꟪ÙC ÍE Íô¢nÙ.
ÍC à¦ö° ÜKë¯?) î¦ÚÛuÙ Indirect Speech Íìª-ÚÛªÙç¶ YSR was sure ÍE ÑÙè¯L ÚÛë¯! Ú¥F b) Dr YSR is sure that the availability
flower vase= í£²õªÙචޥV/ åöËÀð§vêŸ ÓÙë]ªÚÛª News paper ö˺ is sure ÍE î¦è¯ô¢ª? ÖÚÛ-î¶üŒ is sure ÍE î¦è¯Lq of funds would not be a hindrance-
vase- pronunciation- British - î¦âÉÀ, ÷›úh will be hindrance ÍE ÑÙè¯L ÚÛë¯! N÷-JÙ-àŸ-Þœ-õô¢ª. ÷ªìÙ Óí£±pè[ª ìª ñæ¨d
main clause verb
American - îµóÀª-úÃ/-îµ-óÀªâÉÀ) ìª ú£÷-JÙ-à¦L.
– ÓúÃN FL÷ª, ò˹õx-÷ô¢Ù sub-ordinate clause verb
Ganesh: No. Our carpenter made it out of ÏÚÛ\è[ ÍE
Dr YSR is sure à¶ú£ªh-
the wooden pieces left over. ì-í£±pè[ª Íû¶ ô¦î¦L. Íë¶ Ð
will not be
(ö¶ë]ª. NªT-L-ð¼-ô³ì àµÚÛ\÷³-ÚÛ\-õêÁ áî¦ñª: a) An amount of Rs. 104 ñæ¨d ÷«vêŸî¶ª àµí£p-ÞœõÙ. ÍÙêŸÚÛª ÷³Ùë]ª ÚÛª
sentence ÖÚÛ î¶üŒ
correct form. Dr
÷« ÷vè[ÙT ë¯Eo à¶ø‹è[ª.) crores would be paid in Rajampet con- î¦ÚÛuÙ Ïö° ÑÙë]-ìª-ÚÁÙè…– The Minister ÍE
YSR was sure ඛúh (ÓÙë]ª-
left over = NªT-L-ð¼-ô³-ÙC. stituency of Cuddapah district on said that money would be disbursed to
ÚÛÙç¶ ÞœêŸÙö˺ Ñìo ú‡nAE Ïí£±pè[ª
eg. She gave the left overs to the beggar. Saturday- Ð î¦ÚÛuÙ Indirect Speech ö˺ the deserving (Íô¢ª|-öµjì î¦JÚ¨ è[ñªs Ï÷y- à¶ú£ªhû¦oÙ Ú¥ñæ¨d
report was) would not
(Î NªT-L-ð¼-ô³ì î¦æ¨E GàŸa-Þ¥-è…Ú¨ Ï#aÙC.) ÑÙë¯ ö¶ë¯ Íû¶C, ÍÙêŸÚÛª ÷³Ùë]ª î¦Ú¥uEo ñ-è[ª-꟪ÙC.) Ð sentence ÑÙë]ìªÚÛªÙç¶ be- correct.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C¢√®Ωç 25 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005
Radhika: Hi Rama, (are you) in a hurry?
British English ™ Quarter past, half past
ûÌçü¿-®Ω™ ÖØ√o¢√? etc., áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’. N’í∫û√ Ææ´’-ߪ÷©’
Rama: You bet I am. I am on my way to
èπÿ-ú≈ É™« îÁ°æp-´îª’a.
class. I'm afraid I shall be late. It's
02.10- Ten minutes past two
already 7.50 and the class is at 8
(´÷´‚-©’í¬ Two ten),
(O' clock)
02.50- Ten (minutes) to three
you bet I am -
éπ-*a-ûªçí¬. ( ؈’
ûÌçü¿-®Ω™ ÖØ√o-†E †’´¤y bet é¬ßª’- (´÷´‚-©’í¬ Two fifty)
°j expressions ™ past Å®Ωnç: 'ü∆öÀ— ÅE.
´îª’a. Åçõ‰ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ ÅE éπü∆.)
(Past - pronunciation = §ƒÆˇd)
class èπ◊ ¢Á∞¡ŸhØ√o. Late Å´¤-û√-ØË¢Á÷.
É°æp-öÀÍé 7.50 Å®·çC. é¬xÆæ’ 8 éÀ) Éçûªèπ◊´·çü¿’ lessons ™ îª÷¨»ç, Ææn™«Eo
Radhika: Shall I see you in the evening ü∆öÀ ¢Á-∞¡}-úøçèπÿú≈ past. He is past the building. 6) Before 'of' phrases, if 'of' comes after a Prakash: Yes. From the old testament in the
then? äéπ ´ßª’Ææ’ ü∆ô-úøç = Past the age. plural (plural form of phrases
ûª®√yûª ´ÊÆh Ç Bible.
Kapil Dev is past the age of playing cricket. plural form The
Å®·ûË E†’o ≤ƒßª’çvûªç éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓØ√? ´·çü¿’ ¢√-úø-û√ç). Bible old testament
™E ™-EC
Rama: I'm afraid it's a bit early. Make it cricket ÇúË ´ßª’Ææ’ ü∆öÀ-§Ú-®·çC. 7) Before the names of famous buildings, of Prabhat: Just as Maya Bazar is an episode
quarter past five. Past that will be ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ historical buildings, of big hotels, of mon- from the Mahabharatam
too late again. Saikiran: Hi Lakshman, where are you uments, etc. ´’£æ…-¶µ«-®Ω-ûªç-™--E -ã -¶µ«-í¬-Eo ´÷ߪ÷ -
coming from? Pavithra: Hi, Puneetha, did you see the •-ñ«®˝ ÆœE´÷ -BÆœ-†-ô’x
Lakshman: (I am) returning from a party. professor?
Prakash: But I Doubt if Maya Bazar is from
Saikiran: Where? v§Ò°∂-Ææ-®˝†’ îª÷¨»¢√? the Original Mahabharatam
Puneetha: No, she left for the US yesterday.
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 51 Lakshman: At the wine n' dine Hotel.
Saikiran: Where is it?
No idea when she will be back.
Å®·ûË ´’£æ…-¶µ«-®Ωûªç ´‚©ç™ -´÷-ߪ÷-
•-ñ«®˝ -Öç-ü∆ -Å-E -Ø√ -Å-†’-´÷-†ç.
On her way back she is going to
Lakshman: Don't you know? It's near the îª÷¨»-®Ω’-éπü∆, íÌ°æp íÌ°æp ví∫çü∑∆©, °æNvûª
spend a week in the UK. She will
ÅC éÌçîÁç ûÌçü¿®Ω Å´¤ûª’çüË¢Á÷. the Krishna Studio. return home by the UAE. ví∫çü∑∆© Ê°®Ωx ´·çü¿’ 'the' ûª°æpéπ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’.
(Ééπ\úø I'm afraid = I am afraid Saikiran: A nice place, isn't it? What about Pavithra: I think she is the first in her This is the Telugu translation of the koran.
Åçõ‰ ÆæçüË-£æ…Eo ûÁ-©°æ-úøç; üËØÁj oØ√ the Shelton Hotel near the department to be invited to so ÉC èπ◊®√Ø˛ ûÁ©’í∫’ ņ’-¢√ü¿ç.
´’®√u-ü¿í¬ ™‰ü¿-†-úøç. Charminar? many countries. Å™«Íí the Grandhsahib etc. Å®·ûË ®Ωîª-®·-
ûª© Ê°®Ωx ûª®√yûª ví∫çü∑∆© Ê°®Ω’x îÁ°œûË 'the' ®√ü¿’.
Valmiki's Ramayanam, Vyasa's Maha
I am with you..
ØÁ®·u ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC éπü∆.) (go well
with = suit Å´-úøç)
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ Preposition- 'with' ¢√úøéπç
í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. with èπ◊ ûÁ©’í∫’-™ 'ûÓ— ÆæJ-§Ú-ûª’çC.
The book with you = FûÓ Ö†o °æ¤Ææhéπç – F ü¿í∫_-
®Ω’†o °æ¤Ææhéπç; the book with the green cover =
green cover ûÓ Ö†o- °æ¤-Ææhéπç. with me = Ø√ûÓ; (éÌEoforks- ´·∞¡x-îÁç-î√©’ –èπÿú≈ °ævö«) Karim: No. One of them escaped with 2) He is the fourth Prime Minister of India
a spoon to eat with = AØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ spoon. goes Bhanu: I bought these mangoes with the the hot stuff. Çߪ’† ¶µ«®Ω-û˝èπ◊ -Ø√-©’íÓ v°æüµ∆E
well with = äéπü∆EûÓ ÉçéÓöÀ éπLÆœ ¶«í∫’çõ‰. money my uncle had given me. (hot stuff = )
üÌçí∫-≤Òûª’h (O’ Ø√†o-í¬-JéÀ †’´¤y á†o´ èπ◊´÷-®Ω’-úÕN?, Dr
鬕öÀd with Åçõ‰ '-ûÓ— ÅE. uncle
(´÷ É*a† úø•’s™h éÌØ√o) ´’ØÓt-£æ«-Ø˛-Æœçí˚ ¶µ«®Ωûªü˨»-EéÀ á†o´ v°æüµ∆E,
Åçõ‰ 'with'
†’ instruments, tools, weapons
´·çü¿’ ¢√úøû√ç. with a knife, with a pen, with Manoj: Hi Mallesh, how goes life?
™«çöÀ ¢√é¬u--™x 'á†o´— ÅØË ´÷ôèπ◊ English ™
a gun, etc.
ÆæÈ®j† ´÷ô ™‰ü¿’. éÌçûª-´’çC What is the
Mallesh: Getting on, Thanks; What's new?
ordinal of Dr Manmohan Singh as PM? ÅØË
1) Åûªúø’ §ƒ-´·†’ éπv®ΩûÓ éÌö«dúø’ Manoj: (Do you) know this, Chandra's
He beat the snake with a stick expression ÆæJ-§Ú-ûª’ç-ü¿ç-ö«®Ω’. Ç ´÷ô Åçü¿-
selection as
2) Ø√ ÅvúøÆˇ ÅûªE Pen ûÓ ®√Ææ’èπ◊Ø√oúø’ the best
Jéà ŮΩn-´’¢√yL éπü∆?)
He wrote/ noted down my address with cadet of the
ûª®√yûª ÉC îª÷úøçúÕ.
-v°æ-¨¡o: a) If I have money, I wish to buy this car. his pen. country?
Pranav: Who is that friend of yours that
was with you yesterday.
b) If I had money. I would have spent It. 3) The killer killed the girl with a gun
had, have gun ûÓ îªç§ƒúø’ Prakash: He was my school mate. He was
-Ééπ\-úø äÍé Å®Ωnç ´îËa™« cadet
4) Post office †’ Naxals bomb ûÓ Ê°™‰a-¨»®Ω’ one of my best friends at school.
ÖØ√o®·.- O-öÀ -´’-üµ¿u ûËú≈ àN’-ö N´-®Ωçí¬ (NCC) í¬
ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’-í∫-©®Ω’. They blasted the post office with a bomb. We used to compete with each
– °œ.-á.≤ƒy-N’, -N-ï-ߪ’-†í∫®Ωç With Åçõ‰ ÇÆæ®√: áç°œéπ´-úøç M. SURESAN other in the exams, and we have
-ï-¢√-•’: have Åçõ‰ É°æ¤púø’ ´’†èπ◊ àüÁj-Ø√ troubles
F ™ Fèπ◊ -ÇÆæ®√í¬ ÖØ√o-†’ always on top at school.
Mallesh: That's the happiest news I've had
Öçúø-úøç. I am with you in your troubles. Pranav: Of you two, who was not better
She is competing with her sister in a month.
I have a Car Ééπ\úø better -Å-ØËC comparative degree.
(É°æ¤púø’) Ø√èπ◊ Car ÖçC. sister (Ñ ØÁ©™ ؈’ N†o happiest news ÅC.)
Ç¢Á’ ûÓ §Úöà °æúø’-ûÓçC. ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ +er, 'r'*´®Ω ´îËa adjectives é¬F,
had Åçõ‰ í∫ûªç™ ´’†-Íé-üÁjØ√ Öç-úø-úøç Practise the following: Manoj: Some thing more for you. Ours is the
more ´·çü¿-®Ω-´îËa adjectivesé¬F comparative
I had a car. äéπ-°æ¤púø’ Ø√èπ◊ Car ÖçúËC. a) Ramya: Hi Ravali, àçôÆæ©’ éπ-E°œç-îª-úø-¢Ë’ first college in the state to win this
degree ™ Öçö«®·. Eg: Taller (tall+er),
If I had money. I would have spent it - Ñ ™‰ü¿’? kind of award.
(ÉçéÓöÀ ûÁ©’≤ƒ? ®√≠æZç braver (brave+r), more beautiful (more +
sentence correct é¬ü¿’. Ravali: Exams ûÓ busy í¬ ÖØ√o. ¢Á·ûªhç™ Éô’-´çöÀ °æ¤®Ω-≤ƒ\®Ωç ûÁa-èπ◊†o
a) If I had money, I would spend it -Å-Ø√-L, beautiful).
Ramya: †’¢Ìy-éπ\-ü∆-E¢Ë îªü¿’-´¤-ûª’-Ø√o¢√? ÉçÈé- ¢Á·ü¿öÀ College ´’†C)
-™‰-ü∆ (b) If I had had money, I would have ´÷´‚-©’í¬ comparative than
ûª®√yûª ´Ææ’hçC.
´-J-ûÓ-†-®·Ø√ éπLÆœ îªü¿’-´¤-ûª’-Ø√o¢√? Ééπ\úø 'The' ¢√úøéπç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. The (best), He is taller than his brother.
spent it ÅØ√L. Å®·ûË È®ç-úÕç-öÀéÀ Å®Ωnç™ ûËú≈ Ravali: ؈’ äéπ\-ü∆ØËo îªü¿’-´¤-èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√o. the (happiest), the (first) etc. Åçõ‰ superla-
ÖçC. Ramya: F dress î√™« ¶«í∫’çC. áéπ\-úø- ÅûªE brother éπçõ‰ Åûª†’ §Òúø´¤.
tive degree of the adjective ´·çü¿-®Ωçû√ 'the'
a) éÀ Å®Ωnç, Ø√ ü¿-í∫_®Ω É°æ¤púø’ -úø-•’s™‰ü¿’, Öçõ‰ éÌ-Ø√o´¤? Comparative ™ than ´ÊÆh, comparative
¢√úøû√ç; Å™«Íí, first, second, third, etc., ™«çöÀ the comparative
ê®Ω’a °úø-û√†’. ™‰ü¿’ 鬕öÀd ê®Ω’a °ôd†’. (ÉC Ravali: Wear n' See shop ™. DçûÓ-§ƒô’ ´·çü¿’ ®√-ü¿’. Å®·ûË ûª®√yûª
present situation) ÉC ï®Ω-í∫ü¿’. ordinals ´·çü¿-®Ωçû√ ®√¢√L.
ã hot pack free. than ®√éπ-§ÚûË,comparative ´·çü¿’ 'the' ûª°æpéπ
b) éÀ Å®Ωnç í∫ûªç™ Ø√ ü¿í∫_®Ω úø•’s ÖçúÕ Öçõ‰, Superlative degree Åçõ‰ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éπü∆: Öü∆:
b) Krishna: àçöÀ? üÌçí∫-©-†’ -§Ú-MÆæ’-©’ Åçûª ´Ææ’hçC.
Largest, greatest, richest, tallest, most beau-
a) Suman is taller than Suseel
ê®Ω’a-°öÀd ÖçúË-¢√-úÕØË. Å°æ¤púø’ Ø√ ü¿í∫_®Ω úø-•÷s Ææ’©-¶µºçí¬ °æô’d-èπ◊-Ø√o®√?
™‰ü¿’, ê®Ω’a °ôd-†÷ -™‰ü¿’. tiful etc. adjective + est
-™‰-ü∆ + st
Karim: ¢√∞¡Ÿx ¢√∞¡x èπ◊éπ\© ≤ƒßª ’çûÓ Suman
Åçõ‰ *´®Ω (Ææ’Q™¸ éπØ√o §Ò-úø’í∫’)
c) If he studied well, he would pass. É-°æp-öÀ í¬F, adjective ´·çü¿’ most ÅEí¬F ´ÊÆh ÅC
°æô’d-èπ◊-Ø√o®Ω’ b) Of Suman and Suseel, Suman is the
Ææçí∫A ÉC. ¢√úø’ îªü¿-´-úø’; îªü¿-´-úø-´’çô÷ Krishna: üÌçí∫-©-ûÓ-§ƒô’, ¢√∞¡Ÿx üÌçT-Lç-*† superlative degree. (Adjective - äéπ ´Ææ’h-´¤/ taller.
ïJ-TûË §ƒÆæ-´¤-û√úø’. ´’-E≠œ í∫’ù«-©†’ ûÁLÊ° ´÷ô©’; tall boy -
(Ñ È®çúø÷ present ™ ï®Ω-í∫-EN.) úø•’s èπÿú≈ °æô’d-èπ◊-Ø√o®√? a) Comparative, taller
™ îª÷úøçúÕ – ûª®√yûª
d) If he had studied well, he would have
Karim: ™‰ü¿’. ¢√∞¡x™ äéπúø’ Ç úø•’sûÓ á™«çöÀ boy ©ØË question èπ◊ tall ÅØË answer than Comparative
ÖçC. 鬕öÀd 'the'
passed ûª°œpç--èπ◊-Ø√oúø’. ´Ææ’hçC 鬕öÀd, tall Ééπ\úø adjective). ûÁ©’-í∫’™ b)
™‰ü¿’. ™, Comparative taller
ûª®√yûª Åçõ‰
¢√úø’ ¶«í¬ îªCN -Öçõ‰ (í∫ûªç™), ¢√úø’ ANSWERS: Å®Ωnç 'Åûªuçûª— ÅE. than
ûª®√yûª Comparative taller
™‰ü¿’, 鬕öÀd,
pass Å®· ÖçúË¢√úø’ (îªü¿-´-™‰ü¿’, fail a) Ramya: Hi, Ravali, not to be seen at all Superlative degree of the adjective ´·çü¿’ ´·çü¿’ 'the'´≤ÚhçC.
Åߪ÷uúø’). (these days)? 'the' ¢√úøû√ç.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 29 -ÂÆ°dç-•®Ω’ 2005
Ram: Raghu, how tall are you? Salesperson: The price has gone up by Rs.
(®Ω°∂æ·, †’¢Áyçûª §Òúø’í∫’?) 3000/-
Raghu: I am 5'9". (؈’ 5'9") (üµ¿®Ω ´‚úø’¢Ë© ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’
Ram: Does it mean you are taller than me °J-TçC. à ¢Ë’-®Ωèπ◊ – by Rs.
by an inch? 3000/-)
(Does it mean)
(Åçõ‰ = †’´¤y Ø√éπØ√o Practise the following in English:
äéπ §Òúø¢√?) 1.
Raghu: of course, and I weigh less than you Priya: Ø√éπçõ‰ †’´¤y °ü¿l-¢√-úÕ¢√?
by 5 Kgs - Sekhar: Å´¤†’. éπFÆæç È®çúË∞¡Ÿx (by ¢√úøçúÕ).
5 Kg
(éπ*a-ûªçí¬. ´’Sx FéπØ√o ؈’ © Priya: Åçü¿’-éπØ√ E†’o ´·çü¿’ °œL-î√®Ω’
•®Ω’´¤ ûªèπ◊\´) Interview éÀ.
Ram: But the length of my shirt is more Sekhar: áçûª-´·çüËN’öÀ? 10 EN’-≥ƒ-™‰í¬. The Indian is not so hardworking as the
Priya: Sreekanth á°æ¤p-úÌ-î √a-úÕ-éπ\-úÕéÀ? Sasikanth: í∫´÷uEo ü¿%≠œd™ Öç-éÌ-E éπ≠d-°æ æ-úË
than yours by atleast 4 Cms. Japanese.
Sekhar: Ø√ éπçõ‰ Å®Ω-í∫çô ´·çü¿’. (the Indians) (the
-¢√-∞¡xèπ◊ Nïߪ’ç ûªü∑¿uç
(Å®·ûË Ø√ shirt shirt
-F 4 Cmséπçõ‰ ¶µ«®Ω-B-ߪ·©’ ï§ƒØ˛ ¢√∞¡xçûª 2.
Priya: Å®·ûË ÅûªEo Féπçõ‰ §ƒ´¤-í∫çô late í¬ Japanese) éπ≠d-°æ æúÕ °æE-îË-ߪ’®Ω’.
§Òúø-¢Á-èπ◊\´) Pramod: >çéπ î√™« ¢Ëí∫çí¬ °æJ-Èí-úø’-ûª’çC éπü∆?
°œL-î√®Ω’ éπü∆. The cheetah ( all cheetahs - is the *®Ω’-ûª-°æ¤L)
2. Prasad: *®Ω’ûª°æ¤L (Cheetah) >çéπ éπçõ‰ ¢Ëí∫ç.
fastest of all animals.
Santosh: ¢√öÀ üµ¿®Ω™ x ûËú≈ éπFÆæç 50 Pramod: -v°æéπ%-A-™ ≤ƒüµ¿’ v§ƒù’-©Íé -áèπ◊\-´ £æ…E
(*®Ω’-ûª-°æ¤-©’©’ ÅEo ïçûª’-´¤-©-éπØ√o ¢Ëí∫ç éπ©N) ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’ç-ô’çC (≤ƒüµ¿’ v§ƒ-ù’©’ =
®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’. The lotus is a lovely flower
Sunil: Meek creatures). üË´¤-úø’ ≤ƒüµ¿’ v§ƒù’-
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 53
¢√öÀ È®çúÕöx àC áèπ◊\´ •®Ω’´¤? û√´’®Ω °æ¤´¤y Åçü¿çí¬ Öçô’çC (ÅEo û√´’®Ω
áEo éÀ™©’? °æ‹´¤©’ ÅE). ©†’ ®ΩéÀ~ç-îª-úËç-ö?
Santosh: Ç Â°ü¿lC, *†o-ü∆-E-éπØ√o 4 Kg©’ •®Ω’- ANSWERS
äçõ„ áú≈-J™ ãúø ™«çöÀC
Raghu: That's because you are fatter than ¢Á-èπ◊\´. The camel is the ship of the desert. Sasikanth: Have you finished the assign-
me by 3 Cms Sunil: ÉC ü∆E-éπçõ‰ 50 ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’ ûªèπ◊\´. Kuntala: Your friend Kamala has failed ment?
3 Cms
(†’´¤y Ø√éπØ√o ™«´¤-é¬-•öÀd) ANSWERS again friend
(O’ fail
éπ´’© ´’S} Srikanth: No. I will begin it in the evening.
'by' Sasikanth: The lazy always postpone
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ ¢√úøéπç í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆. 1. Å®·çC)
Karuna: She is lazy. The lazy never suc- Srikanth: Do the industrious always suc-
È®çúÕç-öÀéÀ ´’üµ¿u à ¢Ë’®Ωèπ◊ ûËú≈ ÖçC ÅØËC Priya: Are you older than I/ me?
ceed ceed?
ü∆y®√ ûÁ©’°æ¤û√ç. Sekhar: Yes, atleast by 2 years. (Ç¢Á’ ≤Ú´’J. ≤Ú´’®Ω’x Nïߪ’ç
Sasikanth: The industrious with a clear idea
of their goals always succeed.
By nine points..
Pramod: Doesn't (Does not) the deer run
very fast?
Prasad: The cheetah is faster than the
Pramod: The meek always are harmed/
always suffer in nature. Wonder
why God doesn't protect the
a) you are taller than (I)/ me by an inch Priya: Is that why they called you earlier §Òçü¿®Ω’). She is rich of course, so meek (Wonder = I wonder - Å®Ωnç
äéπ Åçí∫’∞¡ç ûËú≈ for the interview? she does 鬴--úøç-™‰-ü¿E/ ÆæçüË-£æ…Eo ûÁ-©°æ-úøç)
b) I weigh less than you by 5 kgs Sekhar: How much earlier? Just by 10 min- not care. from the ferocious.
FéπØ√o ؈’ 5 Kg ûªèπ◊\´ •®Ω’´¤ utes. (¢√∞¡xèπ◊ ¶«í¬ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
c) by atleast 4 cms Priya: When did Sreekanth come here? úø•’sçC, í∫´’-Eéπ: Comparative degree ™ adjective
éπFÆæç 4 Cms ¢Ë’®Ωèπ◊ áèπ◊\´ Sekhar: Half an hour earlier than I/ me Åçü¿’-éπE Öçõ‰ than ûª®√yûª me or I? him or he? her or
d) fatter than I/ me by 3 cms = 3 Cms © ûËú≈. (Earlier than I by half an hour) °ü¿lí¬ °æöÀdç- she? them or they? - -à-C -¢√-ú≈-©-ØË ÆæçüË£æ«ç
Prakash: Congrats, Lakshman. That was Priya: But they called him later than you -éÓü¿’) ´Ææ’hçô’çC éπü∆.
a marvellous game you played by just 15 minutes. Kuntala: But not all Suman is taller than me/ taller than I.
2. the rich are Ñ È®ç-úÕç-öx àC correct? Grammatical í¬
yesterday (Lakshman, congrats
like that.
M. SURESAN taller than I correct. modern
Santosh: They differ in their prices by Rs ÅØËüË Å®·ûË
E†o î√-™« ¶«í¬ Çú≈´¤). How
50/- (Åçü¿®Ω’ üµ¿†- usage v°æ鬮Ωç taller/ stronger/ cleverer than
many points did you win the
Sunil: Which of the two is the heavier, ´ç-ûª’©÷ Å™« Öçúø®Ω’ éπü∆) me/ him/ her/ them/ us ¶«í¬ ¢√úø’-éπ™éÀ ´îËa-
match by? (áEo §ƒ®·çôx ûËú≈ûÓ and by how many kgs? Karuna: That's right. Among the hardwork- ÆœçC. ÉüË ¢√úø-úøç better. taller than I ™«çöÀC
I know you were win-
Èí-L-î√´¤?). ing, there are many who are rich.
Santosh: The bigger one is heavier than the é¬Ææh ví¬çC∑éπç. É°æ¤púø’ Åçûªí¬ ¢√úø’éπ™ ™‰ü¿’.
ning and left before the end of
smaller by 4 kgs. (ÅC Eï¢Ë’. éπ≠d-°æ æúÕ °æE-îËÊÆ ¢√∞¡x™, Å®·ûË Ñ éÀçC ¢√é¬u©’ îª÷úøçúÕ.
the match (†’´¤y Èí©’-≤ƒh-´E ûÁLÆœ a) My friend likes the mango better than I
Sunil: It costs less than that by Rs 50/- î√™«-´’çC üµ¿E-èπ◊©’ ÖØ√o®Ω’)
´·çüË ¢ÁRx-§Ú-ߪ÷†’). Ééπ\úø îª÷úøçúÕ: The rich, the lazy, the hard- b) My friend likes the mango better than me.
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Lakshman: By nine points (9 points ûËú≈/ working. rich (úø•’s†o, üµ¿E-èπ◊-™„j†), lazy (≤Ú´’J Ééπ\úø È®çúø÷ Correct, ¢ËÍ®y®Ω’ Å®√n-©ûÓ.
Anjan: Hi Arun, which is your most favourite
ÇCµ-éπu-ûªûÓ) Å®·-†), hardworking (industrious) = éπ≠d-°æ æúË – a) èπ◊ Å®Ωnç. Ø√èπ◊mango É≠ædç. Ç¢Á’èπÿ É≠ædç.
wild animal? mango
Prakash: At the half time itself you were Oô-Eoç-öÀF adjectives Åçö«ç – Åçõ‰ í∫’ù«-©†’ Ø√éπçõ‰ Åçõ‰ Ç¢Á’èπ◊ áèπ◊\´ É≠ædç.
leading by 4 points. (Half time
(ÅúøN ´’%í¬-©™ FÈé-èπ◊\´ É≠æd-¢Á’i-†-üËC?) ûÁLÊ° °æü∆-©†o ´÷ô. ¢√öÀ´·çü¿’ the ¢√úÕûË Ç b) èπ◊ Å®Ωnç. Ç¢Á’èπ◊ ؈çõ‰ É≠ædç. Å®·ûË Ç¢Á’èπ◊
Arun: The tiger, of course (°æ¤L) mango
Å°æ¤p-úË †’´¤y 4 points ÇCµ-éπu-ûª-ûÓ/ í∫’ùç í∫©-¢√∞¡Ÿx ÅØË Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC. Å®·ûË ÅC °æôx Ö†oçûª É≠ædç Ø√°æôx ™‰ü¿’– ÅE.
Anjan: Doesn't the lion look more majestic plural. Tall = §Òúø-¢Áj†, the tall = §Òúø-í∫®Ω’x (plu- clear (a) My friend likes
-ûË-ú≈ûÓ ´·çü¿’-Ø√o´¤) That's a ÉC í¬ ûÁL-Ê°ç-ü¿’èπ◊ ™
than the tiger? (°æ¤L-éπØ√o Æœç£æ«ç™ ral); Fat = ™«¢Áj†, the fat = ™«´¤í¬ ÖçúË-¢√∞¡Ÿx; the mango better than I do do
good lead. (´’ç* ÇCµ-éπuûË) ÅE °æ-ü∆--Eo
áèπ◊\´ ®√ïÆæç éπ-E°œÆæ’hç-ô’çC éπü∆?) poor = Hü¿, the poor = Hü¿-¢√∞¡Ÿx. extra í¬ îË®Ω’-≤ƒh®Ω’.
Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ à ¢Ë’®Ωèπ◊ ûËú≈/-Ç-Cµ-éπuûª ÅØËC Amar: The elephant is my favourite (Ø√ 1) §Òúø-í∫®Ω’x §ÒöÀd-¢√∞¡x éπçõ‰ ¶«í¬ Çúø-û√®Ω’
'by'ûÓ îª÷°œ-Ææ’h-Ø√oç éπü∆.
favourite à†’í∫’). It looks grand and The tall play better than the short.
a) Ç¢Á’ Ç¢Á’ îÁLx-éπçõ‰ È®çúË∞¡Ÿx °ü¿lC
is not at all ferocious like the tiger or 2) üµ¿E-èπ◊©’ Hü¿-¢√∞¡xèπ◊ ≤ƒßª’ç îËߪ÷L.
She is her sister's elder/ older than her sis-
the lion. (î√-™« grand í¬ éπ-E°œÆæ’hç-C. The rich should help the poor.
ter by two years.
-v°æ- ¨¡o:
°æ¤L, Æœç£æ«ç-™«í¬ vèπÿ®Ω-¢Á’içC é¬ü¿’) üµ¿E-èπ◊©’ áèπ◊\´ üµ¿E-èπ◊-©-´¤-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’. Hü¿-¢√∞¡Ÿx
b) necklace necklace Did not he play cricket?
Ñ éπçõ‰ Ç È®çúø’¢Ë© Ééπ\úø, 'the' ¢√úøéπç îª÷úøçúÕ. The E Ééπ\úø Éçé¬ Hü¿-¢√-∞¡x-´¤-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’ -Ñ -¢√éπuç-™
®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’-™„-èπ◊\´. countable singulars... lion, tiger, elephant The rich are getting richer, the poor are Interrogative negative ‘not’ he
- ™ èπ◊ -´·ç-ü¿’
This necklace is costlier than that by Rs. ´·çü¿’ ¢√ú≈ç. The tiger, the lion, the ele- getting poorer. -´-*aç-C. é¬-E éÌ-Eo Ææç-ü¿®√s¥-™x °æ-vAéπ-™x, -•’é˙q-™
2000/- phant. 4) ≤Ú´’®Ω’x °jéÀ-®√®Ω’ ‘not’ he èπ◊ -ûª®√y-ûª -´Ææ’hç-C. -ûË-ú≈ -ûÁ-©’°æí∫-©®Ω’.
Salesperson: What do you want, please? The tiger is my favourite The lazy never prosper -Ö-ü∆: Did he not speak the truth?
Customer: How much is this wrist the tiger Practise the following in English:
-ï-¢√--•’: (a) Did not he play cricket? ÅØ√o,
Ééπ\úø Åçõ‰ Ç ñ«AéÀ îÁçC† ïçûª’-´¤- – -áç.Ææ’Í®ç-vü¿-Ø√-ü∑˛, -üµ¿-´-∞Ï-¨¡y®Ωç
watch? watch(Ñ êK-üÁçûª?) ©Fo ÅE. Å™«Íí the lion, the elephant = 1.
Salesperson: It's Rs. 2000/- (È®çúø’ ¢Ë© Æœç£æ…©’, à†’-í∫’©÷ ÅE. Sasikanth: Assignment °æ‹Jh-îË-¨»-¢√? (b) Did he not play Cricket? ÅØ√o äéπõ‰.
®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’) The dog is a faithful animal Sreekanth: ™‰ü¿’. ®√vA v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµ≤ƒh. (b) áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úø’-éπ™ ÖçC. Å®·ûË, con-
Customer: But it was Rs 1700/- last èπ◊éπ\ (ÅEo èπ◊éπ\©÷) N¨»y-Ææç-éπ© ïçûª’´¤(©’) Sasikanth: ≤Ú´’È®x°æ¤púø÷ ¢√®·ü∆ ¢ËÆæ’hç-ö«®Ω’. tracted form ¢√úÕ-†-°æ¤púø’, (a) ´Ææ’hçC.
week. (í∫ûª-¢√®Ωç 1700 ÅØË äéπ ñ«AE ¢Á·ûªhç í∫’-Jç-* îÁÊ°pç-ü¿’èπ◊ count- Sreekanth: éπ≠d-°æ æ-úË-¢√-∞¡xç-ü¿®Ω÷ Nïߪ’ç §Òçü¿’- Didn't (Did not he) he play cricket? ÉC
ÅØ√o®Ω’) able singular ´·çü¿’ the ¢√úÕûË ÆæJ-§Ú-ûª’çC. ûª’ç-ö«®√? spoken english ™ áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úøû√®Ω’.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C¢√®Ωç 2 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2005
Ram: Hi Shyam and Prem, well met
at: 'at' Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬--©’ -Éç-ûªèπ◊ ´·çü¿’ î√™« ûÁ©’-Ææ’-
You are talking
(éπ©’Ææ’-éÓ-´-úøç ¨¡Ÿ¶µºç).
about the college day perhaps.
èπ◊-Ø√oç-í∫ü∆. É°æ¤p-úÕC îª÷ü∆lç.
Sekhar: How good are you at Telugu?
College Day
(O’®Ω’ †’ í∫’-Jç-* ´÷ö«x-
- well met
úø’-ûª’-†o-ô’d-Ø√o®Ω’? = éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ- (O’èπ◊ ûÁ©’í∫’ áçûª -¶«í¬ ´îª’a?)
Sanjeev: Just give me some time. I will be
´-úøç ´’ç*-ü¿-®·çC. ™ as good at it as you are. (Ø√é¬\Ææh
practise îËߪ’çúÕ) time É´¤y. ؈’ èπÿú≈ F Åçûª ¶«í¬
Shyam: Yea, about the item we want to
Sekhar: I am poor at Hindi (Ø√èπ◊ £œ«çC ®√ü¿’)
(Å´¤†’. Ç®ÓV ¢Ë’ç v°æü¿-Jzç-îª-¶ßË’ Sanjeev: I am quick at picking up languages
Å稡ç í∫’Jç*) (¶µ«≠æ-©’ Ø√èπ◊ ûªy®Ωí¬ ´≤ƒh®·)
Ram: And what's that going to be? (àç
´’†ç ¢Á·ü¿-öÀ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ îª÷¨»ç-éπü∆.
v°æü¿-Jzç-îª-¶-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’?) the temple supervising some repairs.
a) He is good at giving such talks. Sushma: Doesn't matter. conversa-
(ÉD O’
Prem: We are yet to take a decision about (¢√úø’ í∫’úÕ-éÀ -¢Á-∞«}-úø’. Ñ ®ÓV ¨¡Ÿvéπ-¢√®Ωç
b) Our Principal is good at picking such tions I am at
™ ¢√úø’-ûª÷ç-úøçúÕ-)
it. (ü∆E í∫’-Jç-* Éçé¬ E®Ωgߪ’ç BÆæ’éÓ- éπü∆. v°æA ¨¡Ÿvéπ-¢√®Ωç ¢Á∞«húø’. ¢√∞¡x
experts. leisure. (at leisure – pronun-
¢√Lq ÖçC) Engineer friend èπÿú≈ Åéπ\úË ÖØ√oúø’.)
good at – àüÁjØ√ äéπ N≠æߪ’ç ¶«í¬ ûÁL-ߪ’-úøç. ciation: measure
-™„ï. ï – ™ ™«í¬,
Ram: OK. O, that reminds me. There will Dad: Your mother needs some medicines.
Poor at Maths – Maths ®√ü¿’. pleasure What do you
™ ™«í¬).
be a talk on 'Decision Making' by Perhaps the shop is open now.
Quick at understanding want?
Prof. Nischai tomorrow at 6 at col- Shop
(Å´’tèπ◊ ´’çü¿’©’ 鬢√L. ûÁJîË
ûªy®Ωí¬ Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’-éÓ-í∫-©í∫-úøç. É™«çöÀ îÓôxçû√ Ç Sumana: You are good at English, Please
lege. Are you coming? (Ç, Ø√èπ◊ í∫’®Ìh- Öçô’ç-üË¢Á÷?)
*açC. – reminds me = í∫’®Ìh*a ´÷ö«x- í∫’ù«©’, Ωu© ûª®√yûª 'at' ¢√úøû√ç. explain this lesson.
Amar: That shop is my friend’s. He opens
a) Åûª-úø’ °æ†’-©’-îËÊÆ N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ ñ«°æuç îË≤ƒhúø’ Sushma: I am good at English, but I am not
úË-ô°æ¤p-úø’ -Åç-ô’ç-ö«ç-éπü∆ – 'ņoô’d í∫’®Ìh- shop quite early. I think it is open
He is slow at doing things. so good at explaining.
*açC—, ÅE – ü∆E-éÀC English. O’ con-
versation ™ ¢√úøçúÕ. Í®°æ¤ ÇJç-öÀéÀ 'E®Ωg-
talking about..
ߪ’-véπ´’ç— Å稡ç í∫’-Jç-* Prof. E¨¡a-ß˝’-
´÷ö«x-úø-¶-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’ college ™. -O’®Ω’-
Shyam and
Prem: Oh, sure. No missing it. Prof.
Nischai is very good at giving
Sumana: I am a little
such talks. We will certainly now. (Ç shop ´÷ friend C. ¢√úø’
slow at under-
make it. miss
(ÅüÁ™« Å´¤û√ç. ûªy®Ωí¬-ØË B≤ƒhúø’. É°æ¤púø’ ûÁJîË Öçô’ç-
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 54
Åô’-´çöÀ N≠æ-ߪ’ç-O’ü¿ î√™« ¶«í¬ things. Our
´÷ö«x-úøû√úø’) teacher is fast.
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ ´’†ç í∫´’-Eç-*çC– äÍé ´÷ô
Ram: Just as our Principal is good at pick- ´·çü¿’, äéπ Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™ 'the' ¢√úø-úøç, ÉçéÓ
Many of my
ing such experts. (Å™«çöÀ E°æ¤-ù’-©†’ classmates
Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™ 'the' ¢√úø-éπ-§Ú-´-úøç. Ñ °æJ-ÆœnA
áç°œéπ îËߪ’-úøç™ ´’† -™«í∫) b) Maths
Åûª-úø’ èπ◊ ÅÆæ©’ °æE-éÀ-®√úø’ ´·êuçí¬ v°æüË-¨»© ´·çü¿’ ´Ææ’hçC.
He is hopeless at Maths. are quick at
Shyam: That's true. M. SURESAN éÌEo v°æüË-¨»©’ v°æûËu-éπçí¬ éÌEo Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬-©Íé
c) grammar learning.
Prem: You are right. Åûª-úÕéÀ ®√ü¿’
Sushma: OK I'll try. Let us see how good I
°æJ-N’-ûªçí¬ Öçö«®·. School, college, institu-
prepositions– about, on, at He is bad at grammar. tion ™«çöÀN Nü∆u-¶µ«u-≤ƒ-EéÀ, Nü∆u ¶üµ¿-†èπ◊
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ am at it.
d) Ç¢Á’ §ƒô™ ´÷ Åç-ü¿-J™ Côd (learning and teaching) °æJ-N’ûªç, v°æûËuéπç.
í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆. ´’†™ î√-™«´’ç-CéÀ ûÁ©’Ææ’, b) Pavan: What do you know about the
about Åçõ‰ í∫’Jç* ÅE. About the book = Ç She is the best of all of us at singing. Å™«Íí hospital, clinic, nursing home ™«çöÀN
Now practise the following aloud in ¢Ájü¿uç §Òçü¿-ú≈EéÀ, ¢Ájü¿uç îËߪ’-ú≈-EéÀ v°æûËuéπç. Ééπ
°æ¤Ææh-é¬Eo í∫’Jç*. Prakash: What movie are you talking
a) ¢Ë’ç E†o Åûª-úÕ í∫’-Jç-* paper ™ îªC¢√ç English: temples, churches, mosques (masjids)
Sushma: Hi, Sumana, ™«çöÀN °æ‹ï-©èπÿ, Ç®√-üµ¿-†èπ◊, v§ƒ®Ωn-†-©èπ◊ v°æûËuéπ
We read about him in the paper.
àçöÀ™« ´î√a´¤? Pavan: The one showing at Navrang.
Sumana: busy v°æüË-¨»©’. Ñ v°æüË-¨»©/ Ææn™«© v°æûËuéπ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’
b) school days
¢√∞¡Ÿx ¢√-∞¡x í∫’Jç* ´÷ö«x-úø’ †’¢Áyçûª í¬ ÖØ√o-N-°æ¤púø’? (Showing – The movie is
-èπ◊-Ø√o®Ω’ Sushma: °∂æ®√y-™‰ü¿’. -ë«S-í¬ØË ÖØ√o, àç 鬢√L now showing at the theatre. äéπ v°æ≤ƒh-N-Ææ’h-†o-°æ¤púø’ 'the' ®√ü¿’.
îÁ°æ¤p? I A B
They talked about their school days. ÆœE´÷ Çúø-úøç 'run' ÅE èπÿú≈
Sumana: Fèπ◊ English ¶«í¬-´îª’a éπü∆. Ñ les- Students/ go to school, college,
c) ü∆E í∫’-J-ç-* Ø√Íéç í∫’®Ω’h-™‰ü¿’ Åçö«ç. The movie ran for a hun-
son é¬Ææh explain -îË®·. lecturers/ are at university etc.
I do not remember any thing about it. dred days)
Sushma: Ø√èπ◊ English ¶«í¬ØË -´-a. é¬-E professors...
on: Prakash: I think it’s (it is) a movie about
A éÀçü¿ îÁ°œp† ¢√∞¡xç-ü¿®Ω÷ B éÀçü¿ îÁ°œp† îÓôxèπ◊
éÌçîÁç °ü¿l, ´·êu N≠æ-ߪ÷-©†’ í∫’-J-ç-* Explain îËߪ’-úøç-™ ؈çûª íÌ°æp-é¬ü¿’.
ÅØË-ô°æ¤p-úø’ ¢√úøû√ç. corruption in politics.
Sumana: Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’-éÓ--´-úøç-™ ؈’ é¬Ææh slow. Pavan: Yes, that reminds me. I read an
¢√öÀ v°æûËuéπ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç éÓÆæç ¢Á∞«h®Ω’ 鬕öÀd,
He is going to talk on decision making school, college, etc ´·çü¿’ 'the' ®√ü¿’. N’í∫-û√-
´÷ teacher î√-™« fast í¬ îÁ°æ¤hçC. article in the paper on the same
E®Ωgߪ’ v°ævéÀߪ’ í∫’-J-ç-*. ´÷ classmates î√-™«-´’çC ûªy®Ωí¬ topic yesterday. maga-
¢√∞¡Ÿx, Åçõ‰ schools, colleges, etc Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫çûÓ
a) ´’† v°æñ«-≤ƒy--´÷u-Eo í∫’-J-ç-* ®√Æœ† ¢√uÆæç ÅC (°ævA-éπ-©™, Ææç•ç-üµ¿ç-™‰E¢√∞¡Ÿx, go to/ are at the school/
It is essay on our democracy.
ØË®Ω’a-éÓ-í∫-©®Ω’. zines ™ ¢√u≤ƒ-©†’ articles
college etc.
Sushma: OK. ؈’ v°æߪ’-Ao≤ƒh. îª÷ü∆lç ØËØÁçûª Åçö«®Ω’) There were some lines
b) È®jûª’© Çûªt-£æ«-ûªu-© í∫’-J-ç-* E¢Ë-Céπ ÅC A student goes to college/ their parents go
¶«í¬ îËߪ’-í∫-©ØÓ. in it about this movie.
It is a report on farmers suicides. to the college.
b) Pavan: Ç ´‚O í∫’-Jç-* FÍéç ûÁ©’Ææ’? Prakash: I read it too. The writer is very
(to meet the principal, pay the fees, etc)
Prakash: à movie í∫’-Jç-* †’´yúø-í∫-úøç? clever at this kind of analysis.
II (devotees),
¶µºèπ◊h©’ °æ‹ñ«-®Ω’©’ -v§ƒ®Ωn-† Ææ-n™«-©èπ◊
Pavan: †´-®Ωç-í˚™ É°æ¤p-úø’ -Ç-úø’-ûª’†o movie Pavan: Talking about articles, (N≠æ-ߪ÷-E- They go to temple/ to church/ to
éÌÊÆh –talking about/ coming to) all
í∫’Jç* mosque, etc.
Prakash: ÅC ®√ï-éÃ-ߪ÷-©™ ÅN-F-AE í∫’Jç* the centre page articles in the
the engineer is at the
Éçü∆-éπöÀ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™,
paper are good. The trouble is, all
ņ’-èπ◊çö«. temple to supervise some repairs .-Å-Ø√oç
of them are on politics.
Pavan: Ç É°æ¤púø’ í∫’®Ìh-*açC. E†o paper ™
(-Åéπ\úø Çߪ’† °æ‹ïéÓÆæç ¢Á-∞¡}-úøç ™‰ü¿’ éπü∆)
-v°æ-¨¡o: Direct †’ç-* Indirect speech ™éÀ ´÷Í®a- Ñ Å稻Eo í∫’-J-ç-* ØËØÓ Â°ü¿l ¢√uÆæç
îªC¢√. Åçü¿’™ éÌEo lines Ñ Amar: Dad, I am starting for college. When
III Doctors, nurses, patients go to hospital.
O∞¡xç-ü¿-JéÀhospital hospital
ûÓ °æE 鬕öÀd,
ô°æ¤púø’ Interoggative sentence if
-©-™ will you be there? ´·çü¿’ 'the' Amar's
®√ü¿’. Éçü∆-éπöÀ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™
*vû√Eo í∫’-J-ç-* èπÿú≈ -Ö-Ø√o®·.
™‰ü∆ whether if
´Ææ’hçC. é¬E á°æ¤púø’ college father, after returning from the hospital
Prakash: ؈÷ îªC¢√ Ç ¢√uÆæç. ü∆E ®Ωîª-®·ûª (؈’ éÀ ¢Á∞¡ŸhØ√o. O’È®-°æ¤p-úø’ç-ö«®Ω’
¢√ú≈L? whether á°æ¤púø’ ¢√ú≈-™ ûÁL-ߪ’ Åéπ\úø?) ÅØ√oúø’ éπü∆. Åçõ‰ Çߪ’† Åéπ\-úÕéÀ patient í¬ØÓ,
Éô’-´çöÀ N¨Ïx-≠æ-ù™ î√-™« ûÁL-N-í∫-©- doctor
Synthesis of sentences (so- Dad: You mean, at the college? (†’´y-†-úøç, í¬ØÓ ¢Á-∞¡}-úøç-™‰-ü¿’ ÅE éπü∆.
-ñ‰-ߪ’-í∫-©®Ω’. ¢√úø’. (N¨Ïx-≠æù – analysis) college You know, mother is A patient is at hospital. Their friends and rel-
that/ neither nor, not only but also) Ö°æ- Pavan: ¢√u≤ƒ© N≠æ-ߪ÷-E-éÌÊÆh, Ç °ævAéπ cen-
going to hospital. I am taking her atives go to the hospital to see.
ßÁ÷-Tç-îË °æ-ü¿l¥-ûª’-©’ -N-´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. tre page articles ÅFo ¶«í¬ØË business persons open
there; after coming back from the -É™«Íí -N-≠æ-ߪ’ç-™
– ᙸ.-ü¿’-®√_-v°æ-≤ƒü˛, Öçö«®·. Å®·ûË ÅFo ®√ï-éÃ-ߪ÷-©-†’- hospital I will see you at the college. shop, close shop, are at shop. go to
Nï-ߪ’-¢√úø í∫’-Jç-îË Öçö«®·. (Å´’t hospital èπ◊ -¢Á-∞¡Ÿ-ûÓç-C éπü∆. the shop, are at the shop.
What for?..
J™ Öçõ‰, ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ Ç Ê°Jx*a, ü∆E ´·çü¿’ 'the'
1) Ñߪ’† 21´ ¨¡û√-•l°æ¤ í¬çDµ –
He is the Gandhi of the 20th C.
(Åçõ‰ í¬çDµ-í¬J í∫’ù«™x Ñߪ’-†èπ◊ î√™«
Bhanu : What for? (áçü¿’èπ◊?– ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ designations and ÖØ√o®·. í¬çDµE ûª©-°œç-°æ-ñ‰-≤ƒh-úø’ ÅE)
for what ÅE ņ®Ω’) offices if you mention 2) He is the Bhima of class - ¢√úø’ -Ç class
thereafter the name
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 55
Aravind : Have you forgotten? We have got Hµ´·úø’.
to practise for the match next of the person) Now Practise the Following:
week. e) before a countable
(´’-®Ω-*-§Ú-ߪ÷-¢√? ´îËa-¢√®Ωç a) Krishna: Hi Kumar É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊áéπ\úø’Ø√o´¤?
Match practise Sobha: singular, to talk of the
éÀ îËÆæ’éÓ-¢√L éπü∆?) Nï-ߪ’-¢√úø †’ç*. Nï-ߪ’-¢√úø v°æÆœ-Cl¥-éπü∆ Kumar: ¶µ«®Ω-û˝èπ◊ Hollywood ™«çöÀ-îÓô.
Bhanu : He is in Chennai for his cousin's whole class
®Ω≤ƒ©÷, •çT-†-°æLx ®Ωé¬-©èπ◊ (®Ω鬩’ –
f) the superlative degree
M. SURESAN Krishna: Åçõ‰ Mumbai ™Ø√?
wedding. I'll (I will) call him today varieties) Kumar: Å´¤†’. Åéπ\úø Ö-†oéÌ--Dl Éçé¬ Öçú≈-©-
and tell him that we should pre- Subha: of the adjective,
pare for the match.
Å®·ûË Â£j«ü¿-®√-¶«-ü˛èπ◊ -á-°æ¤púø’ •ßª’-©’-üË-
g) the comparative degree, when it is not fol-
E-°œç-*çC. áçûª ¶«í∫’çüÓ Mumbai.
®Ω’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤? (Start ¢√úøçúÕ.) Krishna: v°æéπ%A ≤˘çü¿®Ωuç (Beauty of Nature)
(¢√∞¡x cousin °R}éÀ îÁØÁj o -¢Á-∞«}úø’. Sobha: £j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛? áçü¿’èπ◊? lowed by 'then'.
Ñ¢√∞¡ phone îËÆœ match éÀ ready Subha: Ø√ûÓ È®çvúÓ-V-©’ç-úø-ú≈EéÀ. É°æ¤púø’ îª÷úøç-úÕ: 鬢√-©çõ‰ é¬QtÍ®. ÅC ¶µ«®Ω-û˝èπ◊
Manohar: Good morning Mahesh, why are Switzerland ™«çöÀC. Åéπ\úø Dal Ææ®Ω-
Å¢√Lq Öçü¿E îÁ§ƒh) Sobha: ´÷Ø√†o Ñ ®√vA ´·ç•®· ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o®Ω’.
Aravind: Tell him to start early. He is known you up so early? (àçôçûª ûªy®Ωí¬ Ææ’q™ Boat trip î√™« ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC.
Çߪ’† AJ-íÌ-*aç-ûª-®√yûË Â£j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛
for his game but notorious for his Evü¿ ™‰î√´¤? Up Ééπ\úø Evü¿-™‰-´-úøç. Åéπ\úø èπÿú≈ áçûª-ÊÆ-°æ¤Ø√o Éçé¬ -Öç-ú≈-
Ææçí∫A Ç™-*-≤ƒh†’. (Leave ¢√úøçúÕ).
lack of time sense. îª÷úøçúÕ áçûª simpleí¬ ÖçüÓ. ©-E°œ-Ææ’hçC.
Å´’t äçô-Jí¬ Öçô’çC éπü∆.
(ûªy®Ωí¬ ®Ω´’t†’. Game ¶«í¬ Ç-úø- Subha: †’´¤y í∫†éπ ´ÊÆh éπFÆæç ¢√®Ωç ®ÓV-©’ - Conversation ™ ¢√úøçúÕ). b) Prabhat: Hi Prakash, àçöÀ Å™« Cí∫’-©’í¬
û√úøE Ê°®Ω’çC. -Å-™«Íí Time sense = Öç-ú≈-©E Ø√ éÓJéπ. Mahesh: I get up (am up) by this time ÖØ√o´¤?
punctuality = Ææ´ ’-ߪ ’-§ƒ-©† ™‰ü¿F every day. I go for a morning walk Prakash: ´÷ ´÷´’ߪ’u ´î√aúø’. ´÷ fami-
Sobha: OK.
Ê°®Ω’çC.) (ØËØÁ-°æ¤púø’ Ñ timeÍé ™‰* †úø’-≤ƒh†’). ly™ Çߪ’† ¨¡èπ◊E ™«çöÀ-¢√úø’.
Notorious=ØÌ-öÔJ-ߪ’Æˇ– öÔ ØÌéÀ\-°æ-©-é¬L Answer:
Manohar: Walking is good. The longer you Prabhat: àç Åçûª ü¿’®√t-®Ω’_ú≈?
Shubha: (over phone) Hi Sobha, Thanks a
walk the stronger you are.
= îÁ-úø’ °æ†xèπ◊, îÁúø’ í∫’ù«-©èπ◊ Ê°®Ω’ (áçûª Prakash: Å™«çöÀ ¢√∞¡x†’ í∫’-Jç-* áçûª -ûªèπ◊\´
§Òçü¿-úøç. a notorious murderer= Ê°®Ω’ lot.
Sobha: What for?
ü¿÷®Ωç †úÕÊÆh Åçûª •©ç) ´÷ö«x-úÕûË Åçûª ´’ç*C.
§ÒçC† £æ«çûª-èπ◊úø’. Famous actor = Mahesh: That's true. But my classmate ANSWERS:
v°æÆœ-ü¿l¥ †ô’úø’) Shubha: For sending me mangoes. Where
Sudheer walks 6 kms every morn- a) krishna: Hi Kumar, Where have you
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ for ¢√úøéπç îª÷úøçúÕ. are they from?
ing. And really he is the Amitab of been?
1) Éçûªèπ◊ ´·çü¿’ îª÷¨»ç– äéπ ´u´Cµ (period of Sobha: From Vijayawada. You know
´÷ classmate
our College. ( Kumar: I was in the Hollywood of india
time) ´·çü¿’ for ´Ææ’hçC– for 10 minutes Vijayawada is famous for the two
Sudheer ®ÓW 6 Kms †úø’-≤ƒhúø’. Krishna: You mean Mumbai?
(10 E-N’-≥ƒ©’í¬), for an hour (í∫çôí¬), for 3 varieties. Rasaalu and
years (´‚úË-∞¡Ÿxí¬) etc.
Åûªúø’ ´÷ College ÅN’-û√¶¸) Kumar: Yes, the more I stayed there, the
Manohar: Why so? (áçü¿’-éπE?)
2) 'for' ´·êuçí¬ ¢√-úø-úøç– éÓÆæç, ÖüËl-Pç-*† ÅØË Shubha: Then when are you starting for more/ the longer I wanted to stay.
Mahesh: He is as tall as Amitab (ÅN’-û√¶¸
Å®√n-©ûÓ. Hyderabad? How beautiful Mumbai is.
Åçûª §Òúø’í∫’) Krishna: If you talk of the beauty of nature,
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ Sobha: Hyderabad, what for?
a) Send for Bharat = ¶µº®Ω-û˝-èπ◊ /-¶µº-®Ωû˝ éÓÆæç Manohar: And who is the Sharook Khan of
Subha: To spend a few days with me/ nothing to beat Kashmir (Kashmir
b) what for? = áçü¿’-èπ◊ /- áç-ü¿’éÓÆæç your class?
for spending a few days with me. †’ éÌöÀdçC ™‰ü¿’. Nothing to beat
c) for the match = match éÓÆæç/match éÀ (O’ class Sharook Khan á´®Ω’?)
Sobha: Dad is leaving for Mumbai tonight. Kashmir). That is the Switzerland
Mahesh: I haven't (have not) thought of it
(ÖüËl¨¡ç) Only after he returns, do I think of of India. The boat trip in the Dal
d) for his cousin's marriage = cousin (ü∆E í∫’-Jç-* -ØËØ√-™-*ç-îª-™‰ü¿’)
Hyderabad. lake is very pleasant. There too
°Rx-éÓ-Ææç/- °-RxéÀ Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æù™ éÌ-Eo-îÓôx 'The' ¢√ú≈ç éπü∆!
Subha: If you come I want you to be here the more you stay, the more you
e) ´÷ Ø√†o Ñ vúÁÆˇ Ø√èπ◊ Delhi ™ éÌØ√o®Ω’ = The longer you walk, The stronger you are.
for a week. want to stay.
Dad bought this dress for me in Delhi. (Ø√ The Amitab of the College; The Sharook
Sobha: Ok. b) Prabhat: Hi Prakash, you look sad
éÓÆæç/ -Ø√èπ◊ ÖüËl-Pç-*†) Khan.
f) Ñ °æ¤Ææhéπç ®Ω¢Ë’-≠ˇèπ◊ = This book is for z z z z z z No. 1: áçûª îËÊÆh Åçûª ´’ç*C. É™«çöÀ ûÁ©’í∫’ Prakash: My Uncle has come he is the
on the campus..
Charan: Every one was commenting on
your action only. They were all
praise for you
Chandra: Oh, that's (that was nothing).
Thanks any way. How's your
practice of cricket going? Hope
you will be on the college team for
5) Spend on: Lakshman: éÌçûª late Å®·Ø√ °∂æ®√y-™‰-ü¿’™‰. ´’†
the finals. ( -Åç-ûËç-™‰-ü¿’-™‰. é¬E ÉC î√™«
thanks. cricket practice
´·êuç. Ê°®Ω’x ñ«G-û√™ *´®Ω éπü∆ ÖØ√o®·.
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 56
F ᙫ
ÖçC? College finals team ™ Spend = ê®Ω’a-°-ôd-úøç. ´’† Ê°®Ω’x °œL-îË-ô°æp-öÀéÀ ´’†ç îË®Ω’-
†’´¤yç--ö«-´E ÇP-Ææ’hØ√o) í∫úø-°æ-úøç (®ÓV©÷, èπ◊çö«ç.
Madhu: ´’†ç é¬éπ Éçé¬ öÃç™ îË®Ω-ú≈-EéÀ
Charan: Not so bad. Every thing depends b) -Å-ûª-ØÁ-°æ¤p-úø÷ Éûª-®Ω’-©†’ í∫’-Jç-* ¢√uë«u-Eç-îª-úø’
Æ洒ߪ’ç Å®·ûË)
on my game in the first two a) ¢√ú≈ ÉçöÀ-O’ü¿ î√™« á´-®Ì-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’?
He never comments/ makes comments/ Lakshman: F áç°œéπ -éπ*aûªç. ü∆EéÀ congrats.
matches. passes comments on others.
ê®Ω’a °ö«dúø’ M. SURESAN
Chandra: And what are you going to do dur- c) performance
Éûª-®Ω’© í∫’-Jç-* ¢√uêu©’ îËߪ’- He has spent a lot ´’J -Ø√ Ææçí∫Açé¬ ûÁMü¿’.
(of money) on the house. Lakshmi: Ñ selections áéπ\úø ï®Ω-í∫-† ’-
ing the vacation? úøç Ææ’©-¶µº¢Ë’. é¬-E ÅüË ´’†ç -Ç °æ-E áçûª-
´-®Ωèπ◊ îË≤ƒhç ÅØË-C v°æ¨¡o. ؈’ ®ÓW È®çúø’í∫çô©’ ¢√uߪ÷´’ç îË≤ƒh†’ Ø√o®·?
(ÂÆ©-´¤™x àç îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o´¤?) Lakshman: ´÷ College campus ™ØË.
Charan: (I am going to) spend some time It's (It is) easy to comment/ pass com- I spend two hours (every day) on exercise.
ments/ make comments on others' per- Answers:
on bowling practice. (I) need to c) §Ú®·†¢√®Ωç Åçû√ practice ™ØË í∫úÕ-§ƒúø’
formance but how well we do a thing is the a) Girija: How much did you spend on the
improve my bowling. bowl- He spent the whole of last week on prac-
(éÌçûª question. dress?
ing practice bowling tice.
îËߪ÷L. Ø√ 3) On the team. team ™. Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ ûÁ©’- Sailaja: I spent Rs. 2500/- on it. Isn't (is not)
d) ÅE™¸ á°æ¤púø÷ •ôd-©èπ◊ áèπ◊\´ ê®Ω’a °úø-û√úø’
¢Á’®Ω’-í∫’-°æ-®Ω-éÓ-¢√Lq† Å´-Ææ®Ωç ÖçC) (in
Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç. ûÁ©’-í∫’™ '™— Å®ΩnçûÓ) ¢√úË it worth so much?
Chandra: Ok, then. Good luck, bye. Anil spends a lot (of money) on clothes.
î√™«-îÓ-ôxEnglish on
™ ´Ææ’hçC. ñ«G-û√™ (worth = N©’´; is worth = N©’´ Öçúø-úøç
(ÆæÍ®, F Åü¿%≠ædç ¶«í∫’ç-ú≈-©E éÓJéπ, = on the list; on the rolls,
£æ…ï®˝ °æöÃd™ = Spend ûª®√yûª on ™«í¬ØË, waste ûª®√yûª èπÿú≈ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ Åçûª N©’´ îËߪ’-úøç / -îË-ߪ’-éπ-
on the premises; on.
´≤ƒh-´’J) Ç´-®Ω-ù™= Nü∆u-©ßª’ Ç´- §Ú-´úøç = Worth/ not worth. The movie
Charan: Bye ®Ω-ù™ = on the campus, etc. e) TV îª÷Ææ÷h time ´%ü∑∆ îË≤ƒhúø’ is not worth half the price of the ticket =
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ preposition– 'on' ¢√úøéπç a) E†’o team ™ îË®Ω’aéÓç He wastes time on the TV/watching the TV. Ç ÆœE´÷ ticket èπ◊ °öÀd† úø•’s-™ Ææí∫-´’çûª
í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. We do not take you on the team. f) î√™«-ÊÆ°æ¤ friends ûÓ time ´%ü∑∆ îË≤ƒhúø’ èπÿú≈ îËߪ’ü¿’. Waste.
1) Ωù˝ Congratulations îÁ°œp-†-°æ¤púø’, b) ñ«G-û√™ -Å-ûªúÕ Ê°®Ω’ ¢Á·ü¿-öÀC He wastes time/ a lot of time on friends. Girija: I think you wasted at least Rs. 400.
îªçvü¿: What on? His name is first on the list. Now practise the following in English: I won't (will not) spend more than
c) Ø√ Ç´-®Ω-ù™ ØËE-™«ç-öÀN Ææ´’t-Aç-’ a) Girija: dress áçûª °öÀd éÌØ√o¢˛?
Ωù˝: On your fine performance. I do not allow such things on my premises.
†’´¤y Ç Rs. 2000/- on it.
2) commenting on (Spend¢√úøçúÕ) Sailaja: I spent at least two hours on that
d) ÅC College Ç´-®Ωù™ ï®Ω-í∫-™‰ü¿’
3) on the college team Sailaja: 2500 ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’. Åü¿çûª îËÆæ’hçC éπü∆? selection.
It did not happen on the campus.
4) depends on Girija: éπFÆæç 400 ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’ ü∆E O’ü¿ ´%ü∑∆ Mohan: Generally women waste a lot (of
4) Depend on = ÉC î√™« common. î√™«-
5) spend time on ´’çCéÀ ûÁ©’Ææ’ depend = Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æ-úø-úøç. ûÁ©’- ņ’-èπ◊çö«. ؈-®·ûË 2000 ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’-©- money), a lot more of time, on
ÉO preposition 'on' ¢√úË éÌEo Ææçü¿-®√s¥©’. í∫’™ èπÿú≈ äéπü∆E/ äéπJO’ü¿ Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æ-úø-úøç éπçõ‰ °ôd†’. dresses, and still more on make up
1) Congratulations (Congrats ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçö«ç éπü∆. English ™†÷ ÅçûË. Depend Sailaja: éπFÆæç È®çúø’ í∫çô©’ °æöÀdçC selec- (still =Éçé¬).
Åçö«®Ω’) ûª®√yûª á°æ¤púø÷ ûª®√yûª á°æ¤púø÷ 'on'. tion èπ◊. (spend, I ûÓ ¢√úøçúÕ) Girija and
Sailaja: Just as you are commenting on us.
-v°æ-¨¡o: Home, House, Residence - Ñ ´‚úø’ Home, house - -à-N’-öÀ ûË-ú≈? She has two houses in Hyderabad, and one b) Lakshman: When shall we start?
°æü∆© Å®√n™x ¶µ‰ü∆-™‰-N’öÀ? OöÀE á°æ¤p-úÁ- in Vijayawada = Ç¢Á’èπ◊ £j«ü¿-®√-¶«-ü˛™ È®çúÕ∞¡⁄x, Nï- Madhu: (Everything) depends on you,
°æ¤púø’ ᙫ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-î√™ N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. ߪ’-¢√-úø™ äéπ É©÷x -ÖØ√o®·. But She lives in whenever you are ready.
– -¢√C Ææ’v•-£æ«tùuç, á´J ÉçöÀE í∫’-Jç-* ´÷ö«xúø’ûª’-Ø√o¢Á÷ ¢√∞¡x É©’x, Guntur. Her home there is very close to the sta- Lakshman: Doesn't matter if we are late.
home. tion = Guntur Doesn't (does not) matter =
-ï-¢√--•’: I. Home- ´’†ç,
´’*-M-°æôoç Ç¢Á’ ÖçúËC ´÷vûªç ™. Ç¢Á’ É©’x °∂æ®√y-™‰ü¿’.
Home Åçõ‰ ÆæyÆæn©ç ÅØË Å®Ωnç èπÿ-ú≈ ÖçC. House
(E¢√Ææç) í∫’çô÷®Óx. business house,
†’, Conversation ™ practise îËߪ’çúÕ.
´’† èπ◊ô’ç•Æ涵º’u-©ûÓ E´- My home is Nellore. ´÷ ÆæyÆæn©ç ØÁ©÷x®Ω’. The House of Tatas- ™«çöÀ Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x ¢√u§ƒ®Ω Our names are the last on the
ÆœçîË É©’x home. á´-È®jØ√ He left his books at home
E©ßª’ç ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√úøû√ç. list. We shall be able to reach by
¢√J ûªLx-ü¿ç-vúø’-©ûÓ, ņo-ü¿-´·t- ¢√úø’ ¢√úÕ books †’ (¢√úÕ) -Éçöx ´C-™‰-¨»úø’. III. Residence: ÉC éÌç-îÁç formal. Phone the time our turn comes.
©ûÓ, Åéπ\-îÁ-™„x-∞¡xûÓ ÖçúËC– 3) Home = His home is England.
numbers, address ©’ ´’† ÉçöÀN îÁÊ°p--ô°æ¤púø’ Madhu: Who else is coming to
home. ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ home 4) Home = Minister for home affairs.
¢√úøû√ç. Residence phone no; Residential be on the team?
´·çü¿’ î√-™« Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x my, (üËQߪ’– Åçûª-®Ω_ûª ´u´-£æ…®√© ´’çvA)
your, his, her, etc. ¢√úø-†-éπ\-®Ω- 5) at home and abroad = ÆæyüË-¨¡ç™, NüË-¨»™x. address (office phone no; office address èπ◊ Lakshman: Your selection is definite
™‰ü¿’. 6) Old age Home, Home for the blind- É™«çöÀ Gµ†oçí¬). Ééπ\úøèπÿ-ú≈ home phone no.,/ address (éπ*aûªç). Congrats on that. I
I am going home îÓôx 'Çv¨¡ßª’ç—. ņ-´îª’a. don't know about my position
(to my home
ÉçöÀ-Èé-∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o†’. ņç) II. House = à Éç-öÀØÁjØ√ house Åçö«ç. éÌçîÁç £æ«Ùü∆-í∫© ´uèπ◊h© E¢√-≤ƒ-©ØË Residence (position = °æJ-Æœn-A/ -Ææç-í∫A)
He went home an hour ago He bought a house last year ņúøç Ææ••’– The Prime Minister's residence, Lakshmi: Where are the selections?
(His home
í∫çô véÀûªç ÉçöÀ-Èé-∞«xúø’. Å-†éπ\-®Ω-™‰ü¿’) í∫ûª Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç É©’x éÌØ√oúø’. The governor's residence, etc. Lakshman: On our college campus.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -´’çí∫-∞¡¢√®Ωç 11 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2005
Sheriff: Peter, Who are you waiting for? His parents are waiting for their daugh-
á´J éÓÆæç îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤? ter's marriage. Once that is over, they will
Peter: For sagar. I've (I have) asked him marry him off.
for some information and a few d) Ø√èπ◊ Çéπ-™‰-≤ÚhçC. ÉçÈéçûªÊÆ§Ú ¶µï-Ø√-EéÀ wait
≤ƒí∫®˝ éÓÆæç. ¢√úÕo ؈’ àüÓ Ææ´÷-î√®Ωç, I'm (I am) very hungry. I am not able to
éÌEo °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ ÅúÕ-í¬†’.
wait for the meal any more.
Sheriff: You have waited for an hour now.
He hasn't even phoned you. Wait for = await. Å®·ûË await éÌçîÁç
†’´¤y ÅûªE éÓÆæç í∫çôí¬ îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤ ví¬çC∑éπç. conversation ™ wait for ¢Á’®Ω’í∫’.
éπü∆. Fèπ◊ Phone èπÿú≈ îËߪ’-™‰ü¿’ ´’J. 2) Ask for: á´-J-ØÁjØ√ àüÁjØ√ Åúø-í∫úøç
a) I am looking for a good book on Spoken
Peter: I am sure he will come. Any way, Samrat: ®Ωîª-®·ûª á´®Ω’?
a) ¢√úÕo Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç ÅúÕ-í¬†’. ¢√úø’ îËߪ’-™‰ü¿’.
let's hope for the best. I need the
I asked (him) for his help. But he did not
(®Ωîª-®·ûª = author/ writer)
books badly. Spoken English O’ü¿ ´’ç* °æ¤Ææhéπç éÓÆæç Sarat: Åûª-úø’ èπÿú≈ ã ÂÆjE-èπ◊úË. Åûª-úÕ Ê°®Ω’
help me.
¢√úø’ ´≤ƒh-úøØË Ø√ †´’téπç. àüË-¢Á’iØ√ îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o†’. ¢Áü¿’-èπ◊-ûª’-Ø√o†’. John stall.
b) ÅûªúÕo Ç¢Á’ éÌEo °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ ÅúÕ-TçC
´’çîË ÇPü∆lç. Ø√é¬ °æ¤Ææh-鬩’ î√™« b) What are you looking for? Samrat: Eïçí¬ Åçûª íÌ°æp °æ¤Ææhéπ´÷?
Å´-Ææ®Ωç. She asked him for some books. Sarat: FéπC îªC-N-†-éÌDl îªü¿-¢√-©-E-°œ-Ææ’hçC.
üËE-éÓÆæç îª÷Ææ’h-Ø√o¢˛/ ¢Áü¿’-èπ◊-ûª’-Ø√o¢˛?
(need badly = î√™« Å´-Ææ®Ωç) c) Åûª-úÕ-éÓÆæç Ééπ\úø îª÷úøúøç E®Ω’°æßÁ÷í∫ç. ÉC ü∆Eo îªü¿-´-úøç -ã Å®Ω’-üÁj† ņ’-¶µº´ç
Sheriff: How long more are you going to (Å®Ω’-üÁj† = rare)
wait? It's already time for dinner.
Åûªúø’ College èπ◊ ¢Á∞Ï} time
b) Chakri: F ü¿í∫_®Ω pen Öçü∆?
ÉçÈéç-ûª-ÊÆ°æ¤ îª÷≤ƒh´¤? É°æp-öÀÍé ¶µï† -Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 57 No use looking for him here. It's the time
for his college.
Charan: ÖçC. Fèπ◊ 鬢√™«?
Æ洒ߪ’ç Å®·çC éπü∆? Chakri: Ø√ pen refill Å®·-§Ú-®·çC.
Assignment complete îËߪ’-™‰ü¿’ ؈’.
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1) Would you come please? -v°æ-¨¡o: English Newspapers ™ Headlines Å-Fo simple present
Could you come please? tense ™ ®√≤ƒhÈ®çü¿’-éπE?Å-´-Fo ïJ-T-§Ú-®·† N≠æ-ߪ÷©’ éπü∆!
Ñ È®çúÕç-öÀéÀ ûËú≈ àN’öÀ? would - past tense of will 2) Could éÀ would éÀ difference -à-N’-öÀ? -¢√-öÀ-E -à-ßË’
éπ-ü∆. Ééπ\úø would, could áçü¿’èπ◊ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-î√®Ω’? Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x use îËߪ’-´îª’a?
2) Sell this vehicle off (Active Voice),
– °œ.í∫-ù‰-¨¸, é¬éÀ-Ø√-úø.
What does she want (Active Voice). -O-öÀE Passive Voice ™ please ? ÅØËC more formal (áèπ◊\´ ™«ç-†-v§ƒßª’ç,
à N-üµ¿çí¬ ®√ߪ÷™ N´-Jç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’. 1) î√-™« -´’ç-* question. English èπ◊ -Ö†o v°æûËuéπ ©éπ~ùç, historic
could éπçõ‰). Åçõ‰ ´’†-éπç-ûªí¬ °æJ-îªßª’ç ™‰E, ´’†ç íı®Ω-NçîË
3) The function went off well Åçõ‰ Å®Ωnç ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰Ææ÷h, went off present. Åçõ‰ í∫ûªç™ ïJ-T-†-¢√-öÀéÀ èπÿú≈ present tense (sim-
´uèπ◊h-©†’ îËÊÆ request. ple) ¢√úø-úøç. ÉC newspaper headlines ™ áèπ◊\´.
™«çöÀ ¢√öÀéÀ Å®√n©’ áéπ\úø, ᙫçöÀ °æ¤Ææh-é¬--™-x -Öç-ö«-ßÁ÷ ûÁL-ߪ’- 2) sell this vehicle off. DEéÀ passive voice – Let this vehicle
Prime Minister Inaugurates the conference.
ñ‰-ߪ’-í∫-©®Ω’. be sold off.
– ÅçûªöÀ °çîª-©ßª’u, What does she want èπ◊ passive – what is wanted by her. Ééπ\úø Inaugurates Åçõ‰ îËÆæ’h-Ø√o-®ΩF é¬ü¿÷, îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o-®ΩF
éÌEo Ææçü¿-®√s¥-™x-ØË ûª°æp Éô’-´çöÀ sentences active ™ Öçõ‰ØË é¬ü¿’. îËÊÆ-¨»-®ΩE. ÉC English ™ ûª°æ¤p-é¬ü¿’.
natural í¬ Öçô’çC. Here was I already late to the station. Just then my brother
1) would, should, could í∫’-Jç-* ûªy®Ω™ -ûÁ-©’Ææ’èπ◊ç-ö«®Ω’. could 3) went off well - Åçõ‰ ¶«í¬ ïJ-TçC ÅE. Éô’-´çöÀ phrases èπ◊ comes with the news that I have forgotten my ticket. Ééπ\úø
you come please? ÅØËC, 'would you come please' éπØ√o Å®Ωnç oxford/ longman's ™«çöÀ ´’ç* dictionaries ™, 'go' éÀçü¿ comes ûª°æ¤p-é¬ü¿’. effect éÓÆæç ¢√úø-û√®Ω’.
áèπ◊\´ ´’®√uü¿ Ææ÷*çîË request. Å®·ûË would you come, îª÷úøçúÕ. 2) could, would í∫’-Jç-* ÆæN-´-®Ωçí¬ -ûÁ-©’Ææ’èπ◊ç-ö«®Ω’.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -´’çí∫-∞¡¢√®Ωç 18 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2005
Sivaram: Hi Unni, what's new? c) His mother told me that some one had
(°æ©-éπ-Jç°æ¤ ´÷ô -É-C. Practice it in stolen them.
your conversation) üÌçT-Lç-îª-úøç ´·çü¿’, îÁ°æp-úøç ûª®√yûª– 鬕öÀd
Unni: Have you seen Kiran of late? had stolen (had + pp)
éÀ®Ω-ù˝†’ Ñ ´’üµ¿u à´’Ø√o îª÷¨»¢√? d) She was sure that they had gone for
(of late = lately = Ñ ´’üµ¿u) good.
Sivaram: No, yesterday I did go to Kiran's. ÅN §Ú´--úø-¢Ë’í¬-F -Éçéπ -üÌ®Ωéπ-úø-´’ç-ô÷ -Öç--úø-ü¿-E
But by the time I reached there, he Ç¢Á’ †´’t-éπçí¬ ÖçC. §Ú´-úøç ´·çü¿’, 鬕öÀd
had gone out. I missed him by had gone (had + pp)
minutes. Krishna: That means you applied for it last
had + pp N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ í∫´’-Eç-î√-Lq† ´·ê-u¢Á’i† Gopal: á´y®Ω÷ ™‰®Ω’. Åçûª-èπ◊-´·çüË
™‰ü¿’. E†o ¢√R}ç-öÀÍé ¢Á∞«}†’. é¬F N≠æ-ߪ÷©’ È®çúø’-Ø√o®·.
؈’ ¢Á∞Ï}-ô°æp-öÀéÀ Åûª-úø’ •ßª’-öÀéÀ Åçü¿®Ω÷ ¢Á-R}-§Ú-ߪ÷®Ω’.
b) Sarat: Who are the police searching for?
¢ÁR}§Ú-ߪ÷úø’. Åûª-úÕ-E éÌ-Eo -E-N’-≥ƒ-© - Krishna: Åéπ\úø watchman ™‰ú≈?
(Police ¢√∞¡Ÿx (Plural). äéπ Police = a
ûË-ú≈-ûÓ miss Åߪ÷u†’. Gopal: Åûª-úË îÁ§ƒpúø’ Principal ´’üµ∆u£æ«oç
Police man. Plural í¬ Policemen/
Unni: Why did you want to see him? classes ÅFo cancel î˨»-®ΩF, Åçü¿’-
Police persons èπÿú≈ ¢√úÌa.)
áçü¿’-Èé-∞«}´¤ ¢√-R}ç-öÀéÀ?
Sivaram: He had promised to lend me the
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 59 éπØË Åçü¿®Ω÷ ¢ÁR}§Ú-ߪ÷-®ΩE. Karim: For the chitfund company director
Krishna: †’´¤y TC (Transfer certificate) éÀ Sarat: What happened?
CDs of some latest movies. So I
apply îËÆ œç-üÁ-°æ¤púø’? Karim: He had collected money from all and
went to him to get them. a) had + pp ¢√úË Å´-鬨¡ç, Å´-Ææ®Ωç – í∫ûªç™
Gopal: Apply îËߪ ’-´ ’E †’´¤y îÁ°æp-ú≈-EéÀ disappeared/ left town
Ø√éÌ\Eo ÆœE-´÷© CDs É≤ƒh-†-Ø√oúø’. È®çúø’ °æ†’©’ ïJT, ¢√öÀ™x äéπöÀ ´·çü¿’,
ÅN ûÁa-èπ◊ç-ü∆-´’E ¢Á∞«x†’. ÉçéÓöÀ ûª®√yûª ïJ-T-†-°æ¤púø’ ´÷vûª¢Ë’. ´·çüË î˨»†’. Sarat: When did people know he had dis-
b) í∫ûªç™ ïJ-T† äÍé °æEE v°æ≤ƒh-Nç-îË-ô-°æ¤púø’ Krishna: Åçõ‰ †’´¤y last saturday ØË apply appeared?
Unni: Let's go now and get them now.
É°æ¤p-úÁR} ûÁa-èπ◊ç-ü∆´÷ ¢√öÀE? had + pp Å´-Ææ®Ωç Öçúøü¿’. î˨»-´-†o-´÷ô. Karim: Just Yesterday. He had run the com-
pany for two years when he ran
away. He had collected by then
I can speak..
´÷ô Ö†o-°æp-öÀéà DØÁo-´®Ω÷ É°æ¤púø’ ¢√úøúøç ™‰ü¿’.
§ƒûª-•-úÕ† ¢√úø’éπ – Ææ´·-vü¿-≤ƒo†ç – a swim in
the sea)
3. have/ take breakfast (Prn: -v¶„é˙-°∂æÆˇd) – §Òü¿’-löÀ
4. boil: (prn: ¶«ß˝’™¸) ´’J-Tç-îª-úøç/-´’-®Ω-í∫úøç
ñÆæuç îÁÊ°p-¢√úø’. ´’† £æ«Ææhͮ꩒ îª÷Æœ b) FÈéç-ûª-ÊÆ°æ¤ é¬¢√-©çõ‰ Åçûª-ÊÆ°æ¤ ØËE-éπ\úø Öçúø- Prasanthi: †’´¤y CM
é¬í∫-©¢Ó, 5. fry: ¢Ë®·ç-îªúøç, ¢Ë°æ¤úø’ èπÿ®Ω
´’† ¶µºN-≠æuû˝ îÁ°æp-í∫-©-†çô’-Ø√o--úø’. í∫-©†’
(Read the palm – ͮ꩒ îª÷úøôç– I can be here as long as you like/ want. ™‰üÓ é¬F, 6. bake: (prn: ¶„ß˝’é˙) †÷ØÁ-™«ç-öÀN ™‰èπ◊çú≈
£æ«Ææh-Í®-ê©’) c) ¢√úÕ-éπ\úø í∫çô-éπçõ‰ Öçúø-™‰úø’ nonsense E°æ¤p© O’ü¿ 鬩aúøç. Bread Å™«Íí îË≤ƒh®Ω’
Pavan: But how can we understand him? He He cannot be (can't be) here for more than ´÷vûªç 鬕öÀd Bread îËÊÆ îÓô’: Bakery (¶„ß˝’-éπ-J)
can't (can not) speak Telugu and we an hour. î√™« ´÷ö«x- Snacks/ refreshments/ eats - ´’†ç
can't follow his Tamil. d) President
¶µ«®Ω-Bߪ’ §˘®Ω’úÁ´-®Ω-®·Ø√ í¬ Öçúø- úø-í∫-©´¤. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ -Å-ØË öÀ°∂œ-Ø˛èπ◊ correct English
Åûª-úÕ -´÷-ô-©’ ᙫ Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’èπ◊-ØË-C? Åûª- í∫-©úø’ Prabha: †’´¤y Ø√ M. SURESAN ´÷ô©’. öÀ°∂œØ˛ English ´÷ô é¬ü¿’.
úËË¢Á÷ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ ´÷ö«x-úø-™‰úø’. ´’†ç ÅûªE Any Indian citizen can be the president. N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ 7. pastime: 鬩-Íé ~-§ƒ-EéÀ NØÓü¿ç.
Tamil Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’éÓ-™‰ç. ᙫí¬? (ÖçúËç-ü¿’èπ◊ Å®Ω’|úø’) Åçûª éπJ∏- 8. lunch: °æí∫-öÀ/ -´’-üµ∆u£æ«oç ¶µï†ç.
Ravi: Ah, here comes Mohan. He can e) F ï†t™ †’´¤y CMí¬ Öçúø-™‰´¤ †çí¬ á™« Öçúø-í∫-©¢Ë? (harsh/
unkind - éπJ∏-†-¢Á’i†) 9. Dinner: (´’†èπ◊) ®√vA ¶µï†ç. (prn: úÕ†– 'úÕ—
speak Tamil. You cannot (can't) be a CM for your life
Mohan Tamil
´Ææ’h-Ø√oúø’. Åûª-úø’ ´÷ö«x-úø- É´Fo èπÿú≈ (can be) be forms- Öçúø-í∫-©í∫ú≈Eo - Prasanthi: Å®·ûË †’´yçûª nonsense ᙫ E ØÌéÀ\-°æ-©’-èπ◊û√ç.) äéπ ®ÓV™ ´’†ç îËÊÆ
í∫-©úø’. ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ñ‰≤ƒh®·. ´÷ö«x-úø-í∫-©¢˛? ´·êu-¢Á’i† ¶µï†ç. ´’† ü˨¡ Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™
Mohan: What's going on? (àç ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûÓçC?) 2. can + 1st RDW - action. Answer: Dinner ®√vA ¶µï-†¢Ë’ Å´¤-ûª’çC. îªL-üË-¨»™x
Prabha: If I can become the C.M..
Ravi: Here's a Tamil Palmist. Can you a) ؈’ £œ«çC ¶«í¬ ´÷ö«x-úø-í∫-©†’ ´’üµ∆u£æ«o ¶µï†ç 鬴a.
Prasanthi: Wait. How can you become the 10. Supper: (prn: Ææ°æ– Ææ ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç) –
translate his tamil for us? I can speak Hindi well.
Tamil palmist.
Éûª†’ Tamil
-Ñ-ߪ’-† ™ b) Åûª†’Tendulkar ™« Çúø-í∫-©ú≈? ®ÓV™ *´J ¶µï†ç – v°æA-®ÓW Öçú≈-©E
Prabha: Are you sure (that) I can't (can-
îÁÊ°pC ´÷èπ◊ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ îÁ°æp-í∫-©¢√? Can he play like Tendulkar? ™‰ü¿’. Åçûª ´·êuç é¬ü¿’.
not) be the CM?
Mohan: That's OK. Go on then. c) subjects
O’Í® ¶Cµç-îª-í∫-©®Ω’? breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper - ´’†ç
Prasanthi: I don't (do not) know if you can
(The Palmist studies Ravi's palm What subjects can you teach?
become the CM or not; but you ®ÓW îËÊÆ¢ÁjûË OöÀ ´·çü¿’, A/ An, The ®√´¤.
and says some thing in Tamil - Åûª†’ d) English
O’È®çûª ¶«í¬ ´÷ö«x-úø-í∫-©®Ω’? can certainly talk a lot of non-
Tamil ™ àüÓ îÁ§ƒhúø’) How well can you speak English?
-v°æ-¨¡o: Infinitive ûÓ, modal verbs ûÓ éÌEo ®Ω鬩 ¢√é¬u©’ Aéπ-´’éπ 3 a) Book, Madras èπ◊ °æç°œç-î√-Lqç-üË. -v°æ-¨¡o: Éç-Tx-≠ˇ™ commands, orders ûÁ©-°æ-ú≈-EéÀ (™‰ü∆) Conditions
°úø’-ûª’-Ø√o®·. -Ñ -¢√é¬u-™x -ûË-ú≈-©’ -N-´-Jç--îªí∫-©®Ω’. (é¬F °æç°œç-î√®Ó ™‰üÓ-ûÁLߪ’ü¿’) NCµç-îª-ú≈-EéÀ Should ™‰ü∆ must ©†’ ¢√úøû√ç éπü∆. é¬F ØËØÌéπ
1) a) They have to have gone there ÉC clear í¬ -ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’ Ñ sentence ™. text book ™ îª÷ÊÆh be forms Å®·† is, are ©†’ ¢√ú≈®Ω’.
b) They should have gone there b) -™ should been sent •ü¿’©’, should have been sent áçü¿’-éπ™«?
2) a) They have to have been there Å®·-ûËØË correct. Å°æ¤púø’ Å®Ωnç. °æ¤Ææhéπç °æç°æ-•-ú≈-LqçüË é¬F 1) äéπ Çü∆ߪ’ç ´u´-≤ƒßª’ Çü∆ߪ’ç. ÅC ¶µº÷N’ †’ç* -Öçú≈L – ÅØË
b) They should have been there °æç°æ-•-úø-™‰ü¿’.
3) a) The book was to have been sent to Madras 4 a) O’ car †’ green í¬ paint îË®·ç* Öçú≈-LqçC.
≠æ®Ω-ûª’-©†’ text book ™ To be an agricultural income... The
revenue is derived from land ÅE ≠æ®Ω-ûª’í¬ Ê°®Ì\-Ø√o®Ω’. Å™«-é¬éπ
b) The book should been sent to Madras (Å™« îË®·ç-î√®Ó ™‰üÓ, Ñ sentence clear í¬ ûÁ-©°æü¿’)
The revenue should be derived.. ÅE ¢√úÌa éπü∆.
4) a) You have to have your car painted green b) O’ car †’ green í¬ paint îËÆ œ Öçú≈-LqçC.
b) You should have painted your car green (Å™« îËߪ’-™‰ü¿’, O’®Ω’. ÉçéÓ colour ûÓ paint î˨»®Ω’) 2) Å™«Íí äéπ vôÆæ’d Çü∆ߪ’ç °æ†’o †’ç-* N’†-£æ…-®·ç°æ¤ §Òçü∆-©çõ‰
5) a) She was to have taken that bus ÅC ÉØ˛-éπç-ö«èπ◊q éπ-N’≠æ-†®˝îË †¢Á÷üÁj -Öçú≈L ÅØË ≠æ®Ω-ûª’†’; äéπ text
b) She must/ should have taken that bus . book ™ The trust should be registered with the commis-
sioner of I.T ÅE ¢√úøí¬, ´’®Ìéπ text ™ The trust is registered
– áÆˇ.-®√-ï-¨Ï-ê®˝, éπ®Ω÷o©’
with commissioner of I.T as per the provision of 12A ÅE -
1 a) They have to have gone there ÖçC. ´’J Ééπ\-úø is registered éÀ should be registered éÀ ´’üµ¿u
¢√∞¡xéπ\úÕéÀ ¢ÁR} Öçú≈-LqçC, ¢Á∞«}®Ó ™‰üÓ ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’. í∫© ûËú≈ àçöÀ? È®çúÕç-öÀ™ à ¢√éπuç áô’-´çöÀ Å®√nEo ÉÆæ’hçC?
b) They should have gone there
™‰ü∆ È®çúø’ ¢√é¬u©’ äéπ-õ‰Ø√?
¢√∞¡x-éπ\-úÕéÀ -¢Á-∞«}-LqçC, é¬F ¢Á∞¡}-™‰ü¿’.
Sentence 1) a construction
Åçûª ´’ç* have to have
é¬ü¿’. –Ê≠é˙ Å°∂æb™¸ ë«Ø˛, ´·çîÁ´·†-í¬©§ƒúø’
gone ™«çöÀexpressions, usage ™ î√™« Å®Ω’ü¿’. ü∆E •ü¿’©’ 5 a) Ç¢Á’ Ç bus áéÀ\ Öçú≈-LqçC.
1) 'The revenue should be derived' Åçõ‰-ØË correct,
They had to go there simple
Åçõ‰ í¬ ÅüË Å®Ωnç-ûÓ ÆæJ-§Ú-ûª’çC. (áéÀ\çüÓ ™‰üÓ, Ñ sentence ´©x clear í¬ ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’)
2 a) 1a) sentence
DEéà Ææ-´÷-üµ∆-†-¢Ë’ ÆæJ-§Ú-ûª’çC. Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ Ñ b) She must have taken that bus. O’®Ωç-ô’-†oô’x.
They had to be there,
•ü¿’-©’ simpler direct
Åçõ‰ í¬ í¬ bus
Ç¢Á’ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ Ç ØË áéÀ\ Öçô’çC. 2) ÉC èπÿú≈, The trust should be registered Åçõ‰ØË correct.
Öçô’çC. Ñ sentence Å®Ωnç ¢√Rx-éπ\úø Öçú≈-LqçC (í∫ûªç™). (ÆæçüË£æ«ç ™‰ü¿’, áéÀ\çC) O’®Ω’ Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’-èπ◊-†o-ô’xí¬, is derived, is registered Åçõ‰
(é¬F ÖØ√o®Ó ™‰üÓ ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’). DEo Ñ sentence clear í¬ She should have taken that bus. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ ïJ-ÍíC ÉüË ÅE. Å™« é¬èπ◊çú≈ äéπ rule í¬ îÁ§ƒp-©çõ‰
îÁ°æpü¿’. Ç¢Á’ Çbus áé¬\Lq ÖçúÕçC, é¬F áéπ\-™‰ü¿’. should be derived, should be registered ÅØË¢Ë correct.
b) -D-†®Ωnç: ¢√Rx-éπ\úø Öçú≈-LqçC, é¬F ™‰®Ω’. bus
(ÉçÍé-üÓ áéÀ\çC).
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 23 -ÅéÓd-•®Ω’ 2005
Mahesh: Hi Ramesh, you can sing, can't you?
àçöÀ problem?
®Ω-¢Ë’-¨¸, †’´¤y §ƒúø-í∫-©´¤ éπü∆? Kumar:
´÷ cousins Ñ weekend Ééπ\úø
Ramesh: Of course I can. Why, what's the mat- Öçö«®Ω’.
ter? Kishore: ¢√∞¡x†’ èπÿú≈ ´’†ûÓ ®Ω´’t†’.
Å´¤†’. áçü¿’-éπ-úø’-í∫’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤? Kumar: ¢√∞¡Ÿx ®√™‰®Ω’. ¢√Rx-éπ\-úÕéÀ -ã interview -éÓÆæç
Mahesh: You can participate in the singing -´Ææ’hØ√o®Ω’. ¢√∞¡x-é¬-¢Ë∞¡ interview ÖçC.
competition at college next week. Kishore: -†’-´¤y -™‰èπ◊ç-ú≈ -ØË-Ø√ picnic enjoy -îË-ߪ’-
´îËa-¢√®Ωç §ƒô-© -§Ú-öÙ §ƒ™Ô_-†-´îª’a. ™‰-†’. -†’-¢Áy-™«Èíj-Ø√ ®√-´-ú≈-EéÀ -v°æ-ߪ’-Aoç-.
Ramesh: Oh, no. I can sing but not in a com- Kumar: ´÷ cousins Ééπ\-úø’-†o-°æ¤púø’ ᙫ ®√í∫-
petition. ©†’? îª÷ü∆lç. ¢√∞¡Ÿx Í®§Ú, á©’xçúÓ
Åçûª ™‰ü¿’. àüÓ §ƒúø-í∫-©†’ é¬F §ÚöÙx phone îË≤ƒh®Ω’. correctí¬ á°æ¤p-úÌ-≤ƒh®Ó?
´÷vûªç é¬ü¿’. ü∆Eo-•öÀd Fèπ◊ îÁ§ƒh†’. Answers: b) Bhavan: Hi Bhaskar, Congrats.
Mahesh: O come Ramesh. Tell yourself you Kishore: †’´¤y ††’o E®√-¨¡-°æ-®Ω-îª-´ØË (disappoint) a) Kumar: Hi Kishore, What news? Bhaskar: What on?
can, and you will. ņ’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o†’. †’´¤y ņ’-èπ◊çõ‰ ûª°æpéπ Kishore: How about coming for a picnic / join-
®√í∫-©´¤. ´’†-Ææ’çõ‰ ´÷®Ω_ç Öçô’çC éπü∆. Bhavan: Sekhar told me yesterday (that) you
®Ω¢Ë’≠ˇ, Ø√ ´÷ô N†’. †’´¤y §ƒúø-í∫-©-´E
Kumar: §ÚF picnic postpone îËÆæ’éÓ-™‰-¢√? ing a picnic this weekend? will you had got/ won a prize.
Fèπ◊ †’¢Ëy îÁ°æ¤péÓ, §ƒúË-ߪ’-í∫-©´¤.
Picnic miss Å´-úøç Ø√éπ-Ææ©’ É≠ædç ™‰ü¿’. come for/ will you join a picnic this Bhaskar: O, That's nothing. I got that prize for
Ramesh: I am not so sure. (Åçûª- †-´’téπç Ø√èπ◊ weekend? Ten of us are going. the best essay in the essay writing
™‰ü¿’) Kumar: This weekend? I'm (I am) afraid I can't competition.
Mahesh: You can try at least, Keep telling your- (cannot) come. Bhavan: I Know you can write very well/ I know
self you can, and you will be able to Kishore: What's (What is) the problem? you are very / quiet good at writing.
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 61
do it. Kumar: My cousins will be here this weekend.
But I didn't know that you had got/
؈’ §ƒúø-í∫-©†’, §ƒúø-í∫-©†’, ÅE îÁ°æ¤p- Kishore: Ask them to join us too.
èπ◊çô÷ (ņ’-èπ◊çô÷) Öçúø’. †’´¤y §ƒúø- won the prize until sekhar told me. let
(´’†ç ´%Ah/ NCµ E®Ωy-£œ«çîË îÓôxèπ◊ ¢Á∞¡}-úøç/
1) Rajani has to work along with Ravi We have to start now to meet him - Åûª-úÕ-E éπ-©’Ææ’éÓ-´-ú≈-EéÀ ´’†ç É°æ¤púø’ £æ…ï-®Ω-´-úø-ç)/ Marriage/ meeting/ dinner/ party/
Rajani is to work along with Ravi •ßª’-©’-üË-®√L– ÉC ´’† Å´-Ææ-®√Eo/ °æJ-Æœn-ûª’© -äAh-úÕE Ææ÷*-Ææ’hçC. celebrations etc. Oô-Eo-öÀéÀ èπÿú≈ £æ…ï-®Ω-´-úøç,
2) They have to hold the programme She has to stay at office from 10 to 4. ®√´-úøç, ¢Á-∞¡}-úøç ÅØË Å®√n-©ûÓ come, go, be
They are to hold the programme Ç¢Á’ Office ™ 10 †’ç* 4 ´®Ωèπ◊ Öçú≈L– NCµ. present •ü¿’©’ attend áèπ◊\´ ¢√úøû√ç.
3) The SP, Naveen Chand who was to She has to take care of her child, so she is unable to come.
a) E†o-¢√úø’ School èπ◊ ®√-™‰ü¿’.
attend as a chief guest in this pro- Ç¢Á’ °æJ-ÆœnA (Gúøf†’ îª÷Ææ’éÓ-´-úøç) Ç¢Á’†’ ®√E-´y-ü¿’.- He didn't (did not) attend school yesterday.
gramme was not / had not/ did not come You have to be here at 10 – O’J-éπ\úø 10éÀ Öçú≈L– ÉC Çïc.
b) O’®Ω’ °-R}-Èéç-ü¿’èπ◊ ®√™‰ü¿’?
yesterday. 2) Rajani is to work along with Ravi – Rajani Ravi ûÓ éπ-LÆœ °æE-îË-ߪ÷-L/
°j ¢√é¬u-™xE is/ has to, how to/ are to, was/ had -îË-ߪ’-¶-ûª’ç-C/ -îË-Ææ’hçC– Ééπ\úø ÉC ï®Ω-í∫-¶-ßË’-ü∆Eo í∫’-Jç-* -îÁ-•’-ûª’ç-C. ÉC Whyriage?
didn't you (did you not) attend the mar-
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 63
؈-éπ\úø îËJ ¢√®Ω-¢Ë’ -Å-®·çC. O’ ÉçöÀéÀ
®√¢√-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o†’, ´’†ç éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç. ã ™éÀ BÆæ’-èπ◊ç-ü∆-´’E. 鬢√L ´÷èπ◊. ®Ω¢Ë’-≠ˇèπ◊ cricket board ™
*†o ≤ƒ-ߪ’ç îËÆœ-°-ôd-í∫-©-¢√ Ø√èπ◊?
(Do a favour – ≤ƒßª’ç îËߪ’-úøç)
I can't give..
Pooja: Doing you a favour! That will be a real
pleasure for me. What's it?
Fèπ◊ ≤ƒßª’ç îËߪ’-úøç Ø√èπ◊ Eïçí¬ ÆæçûÓ-≠æ¢Ë’.
àçöÀ îÁ°æ¤p.
Raasi: Can you let me spend the lunch break in
your home? We have two sessions with
a break of an hour in between. Vinai: Åûª†’ î√™« ¶«í¬ Éü¿l®Ω’ ´·í∫’_®Ω’ ûÁ©’Ææ’. Åçü¿’-éπE Åûª-ØË-
7. You can have– Öçô’çC. Possibility– Å´-鬨¡ç.
I can neither go home nor stay at the Çúø-í∫-©úø’. E©-éπ-úøí¬ ´’Ø√o ûÁ°œpç-îª-í∫-©-úË-¢Á÷-†E.
É´Foèπÿú≈ É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊ ´’†ç ûÁ-©’Ææ’èπ◊-†o 'can'
Concentration ûÓ - Manoj: ¢√úø’ îËߪ’-í∫-©úø’ é¬F îËߪ’úø’. Åûª-ØÁ°æ¤púø÷
؈’ lunch break O’ Éçöx í∫úø-§Òî√a. Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’.
classes break
Çúø-û√úø’. á´-JéÀ ≤ƒßª’ç îËߪ’úø’. Ø√éÀç-ûª-´-®Ωèπÿ à
´÷èπ◊ ´’üµ¿u™ ã í∫çô Now Practise the following aloud in English.
Öçô’çC. ÉçöÀéà ¢Á∞¡x†÷ ™‰†’, Åçûª-ÊÆ-°æ-éπ\úø Prakash: Å®·ûË ´’†ç Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç èπÿú≈ îËߪ’-™‰-ü¿-ûª†’.
(Use all that you have learnt so far)
Öçúø-†÷ ™‰†’. ÅûªEo Rajeev: ÉC î√™« E®√--¨¡ éπ-L-Tç-îË -N-≠æ-ߪ’ç.
Pooja: You can, by all means. Only I can't be a) Bhavani: Í®°æ¤ Ø√ birthday. O’J-ü¿l®Ω÷ ûª°æpéπ BÆæ’éӴa éπü∆. M. SURESAN Raghav: àç worry Å´èπ◊. -ØË-†’ ûÁ°œpç-îª-í∫-©-†’-™‰
there at the time. I am sorry I can't give ´≤ƒh®Ω’ éπü∆? Vinai: Å®·ûË ØË-†’ Åûª-Eéà ᙫíÓ äéπ™«.
you company. I go for my dance classes Sucharitha: O’
at the time. Don't worry. You can have
Éçöx á°æ¤púø’çúø´’ç-ö«´¤ N≠æߪ’ç îÁ-°æpØ√? ´’† match á°æpúø’ éπÈ®- d) Nagaraj: †’Ny-°æp-öÀÍé Ø√ time î√™« waste
´’´’tLo? é˙dí¬?
my sister Pallavi's company. î˨»´¤ ††’o ¢Á∞¡}F.
Chandra: Cake á°æ¤púø’ éÓ≤ƒh´¤? Prakash: Fèπ◊ ûÁMü∆. ´îËa Sunday ØË éπü∆?
ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈, Å®·ûË, Çtime ™ Ø√éÀçöx Prahlad: ´’S} ØËØÁ-°æ¤púø’ éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ†’. E†’o?
company Bhavani: Correct í¬ ≤ƒßª’çvûªç 5.30éÀ. Å´-ûªL team ™ î√-™«´’ç* players
Öçúø-úøç èπ◊ü¿-®Ωü¿’. Fèπ◊ É´y-™‰†’. Nagaraj: Í®°æ¤ à time ™-ØÁj-Ø√.
time dance Sucharitha: àç °∂æ®Ω-¢√-™‰ü¿’,. âCç-öÀÍé ؈-éπ\úø
ÅüË ™ ؈’ é¬xÆæ’-©-Èé-∞«h†’.°∂æ®Ω-¢√- ÖØ√o®Ω’. ¢√∞¡xç-ü¿®Ω’ ¶«í¬ Çúø-í∫-L-T† ¢√∞Ïx. Prahlad: Í®°æ¤ éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-™‰†’. Ø√èπ◊ examÖçC. Ç
™‰-ü¿’™‰. ´÷ îÁLx °æ©xN Fèπ◊ ûÓúø’ç-úø-í∫-©ü¿’. Öçö«. Vinai: Ø√èπ◊ ûÁ©’Ææ’. Éçûªèπ◊ ´·çü¿’ ¢√∞¡xûÓ È®çúø’ N≠æߪ’ç Fèπ◊ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éπü∆.
F鬢Á’ company Öçô’çC. Chandra: Ø√èπ◊ Í®°æ¤ 5 ´®Ωèπ◊ class ÖçC. 5.30éÀ matches Çú≈ç. äéπöÀ ´’†ç, ÉçéÓöÀ ¢√∞¡⁄x
(By all means – ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈, ÅEoNüµ∆™«) Nagaraj: á©’xçúÕ ´÷ ÉçöÀéÀ ®√í∫-©¢√?
ØË®√-™‰†’. äéπ Å®Ω-í∫çô late í¬ ´≤ƒh. Èí-L-î√®Ω’. Prahlad: ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈.
Raasi: Thank you.
-v°æ-¨¡o: ' Ç <®Ω î√™« ¶«í∫’çC éπü∆?—— ÅØË ¢√é¬uEo O’®Ω’ Éç-Tx-≠ˇ™ ''Isn't -v°æ-¨¡o: I saw a devil, I happend to see a devil – Ñ È®çúÕç-öÀéÀ ûÁ©’í∫’
that sari nice/ beautiful"? ÅØ√o®Ω’. ûÁ©’í∫’¢√éπuç™ ØÁí∫-öÀ¢˛ÂÆØ˛q Å®Ωnç, ü¿ßª÷uEo îª÷¨»†’. é¬E verbs ™ Ç ´÷®Ω’p áçü¿’èπ◊ ´*açC.
™‰ü¿’ é¬E Éç-Tx-≠ˇ ´îËaÆæJéÀ ØÁí∫-öÀ-¢˛ÂÆØ˛q™ ÖçC. Ç ûÁ©’í∫’ ¢√é¬uEo Model auxiliary verbs °æéπ\† have been ´ÊÆh ûÁ©’í∫’ Å®Ωnç
''Is that sari nice/ beautiful?" ņ-èπÿ-úøü∆? à´’E ´Ææ’hçC?Å™«Íí could be E áEo ®Ω鬩 Å®√n-©’ ´îËa-ôô’x
-ï-¢√-•’: A very good question. ûÁ©’-í∫’™ negative sense ûÁ-LÊ°
– -Ê≠é˙ -†-@®Ω’-Fo≤ƒ, -Å-´’%-ûª-©÷®Ω’ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-Tç-îª-´îª’a. ü¿ßª’-îËÆœ ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’.
-ï-¢√-•’: I saw a devil- ؈’ devil †’ îª÷¨»†’/devil éπ†-•-úÕçC.
– XE-¢√-Ææ-®√´¤, ´÷®Ω÷d®Ω’
´÷ô ™‰èπ◊-†o-°æp-öÀéÃ, 'éπü∆— ÅØË ´÷ô™ negative tone ´Ææ’hçC
éπü∆. Is that sari beautiful Åçõ‰ Å®Ωn-¢Ë’-N’öÀ? Ç <®Ω ´÷´‚©’ ûÁ©’-í∫’™ x, y Will be
éÀ É´y-†’-Ø√o-®ΩE Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC. I happend to see a devil- ؈’ devil †’ îª÷úøôç ûªô-Æ œnç-
¶«í∫’çü∆? ÅE éπü∆. 'Ç <®Ω ¶«í∫’çü∆?— Å-†-ú≈-EéÀ, 'Ç <®Ω given Man of the match
ÅE èπÿú≈ ņ-´îª’a. Å®·ûË ¢√úø’-éπ™ *çC/ devil Ø√èπ◊ éπ†-°æ-úøôç ûªô-Æœnç-*çC. I happened to -
¶«í∫’çC éπü∆?— ņ-ú≈-EéÀ ûËú≈ English ™ îÁ§ƒp-©çõ‰, 'Isn't award to be given áèπ◊\´. ņ’-éÓ-èπ◊çú≈/ áü¿’-®Ω’-îª÷-úøE Ææç°∂æ’-ô-††’ í∫’-Jç-* É™« îÁ§ƒhç.
that sari beautiful?' ÅE-é¬F, 'That sari is beautiful, isn't (wedding) to be solemnized by x ņ’-èπ◊çü∆ç. Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ °æNvûª I bought it in that shop – ؈C Ç shop ™ éÌØ√o†’.
it?' ÅE-é¬F Åçõ‰ ûª°æp, ûÁ©’-í∫’-™ E ¶«í∫’çC éπü∆? ÅØË Å®Ωnç (by somebody),
鬮Ωuç E®Ωy-£œ«ç-°æ-•-úø-¶-ûª’-†oC Åçõ‰ -´÷´‚©’ I happened to buy it in that shop – ؈C Ç shop ™
somebody (x), to solemnize the wedding
-v°æ-¨¡o: Ñ -´‚-úø’ -¢√é¬u-©èπ◊ English Translation îÁ°æpí∫-©®Ω’.
®√ü¿’. í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. ûÁ©’-í∫’™ (Ñ °æNvûª é̆ôç ïJ-TçC (Ç shop -™ éÌçö«-†E ņ’-éÓ-™‰ü¿’ é¬F
To be solemnized correct
鬮√uEo E®Ωy-£œ«ç-îª-†’-Ø√o®Ω’ ÅE). í¬
-v°æ-¨¡o: àéπ-é¬-©ç™ ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’†o È®çúø’ Ωu-©†’ É™« îÁ§Òpî√a? He is think-
Å®·ûË is to be solemnized is, omit
ÅE ÅØ√L. to be sol-
îËÆœ Åéπ\úË éÌØ√o†’).
1. ؈’ Í®°æ¤ áéπ\-úÕéÀ ¢Á∞«h-†E O’®Ω’ ņ’-éÌç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’?
2. Ç¢Á’ Ø√ í∫’Jç* à´’†’éÌçöç-ü¿E O’®Ω’ ņ’-éÌç-ô’-Ø√o®Ω’? emnized ÅØËC ¢√úø’éπ. Will be solemnized ÅE èπÿú≈ ing by walking (-†-úø’Ææ÷h -Ç-™-*Ææ’h-Ø√-o-úø’). Gita is singing by
3. Åûª†’ ††’o NÆæ’-èπ◊\ç-ô’-Ø√oúø’. Å-†´îª’a ¢√éπu E®√t-ù«Eo •öÀd. working (§ƒúø’ûª÷ °æE-îË-Ææ’-èπ◊ç--öçC).
b) To be + past participle ´·êuçí¬ passive construction. He is
– -vQ-E-¢√Æˇ, -A®Ω’°æ-A
-ï-¢√-•’: O’®Ω’ ®√Æœ† È®çúø÷ ÆæÈ®j-†-N é¬-´¤. Ist sentence: D-E-™ È®çúø÷
1. Where, do you think, I am going/ I will go tomorrow? to do it (active) - It is to be done by him.
– §Úûª’© XE-¢√Ææ’, ¢Ëí¬-ߪ’-´’t-Ê°ô, ûª÷.íÓ.->™«x.
2. What do you think she thinks of me? (îª÷¨»®Ω’ éπü∆- to be done - to be + pp)
3. He feels vexed with me. I am to take them home (active) - They are to be taken (to àéπ-鬩 Ωu-©’– É°æ¤púø’ ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’-†o-´-†’éÓç-úÕ. Å°æ¤púø’ (is
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1. véÀÈé-ö¸™Man of the match ''to be given''
ÉîËa-ô-°æ¤púø’ ÅE be + pp) home by me. thinking correct é¬ü¿’). He thinks as he is walking/ He
thinks and is walking at the same time, ņ-´îª’a. Å®·ûË
''to be solemnised by (some
Åçö«®Ω’. Å™«Íí °R} é¬®Ω’f-©™ 2) I could have found the way all right - ؈’ ü∆J ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-í∫-LÍí
- Past tense. Ñ È®çúø’ èπÿú≈ é¬Ææh ᶄs-ô’dí¬ éπEp-Ææ’hØ√o®· 鬕öÀd, He
body)'' ÅE ®√≤ƒh®Ω’. Ø√ ÆæçüË£æ«ç– to be will be
•ü¿’©’ ÅE ¢√úÕØË (é¬E, ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-™‰ü¿’)
Parts of speech Preposition The thinks as he walks ņ-úøç better. äéÓ\-≤ƒ-J I/ II regular
¢√úÌa éπü∆!To be + PP á°æ¤púø’ ¢√úø-û√®Ω’? ™ †’ áéπ\úø ᙫ ¢√ú≈™,
2. ''I could have found the way all right''. Tenses,
†’ èπÿú≈ áéπ\úø ¢√ú≈™ ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’çúÕ. OöÀûÓ§ƒô’ doing word †’ É°æp¤úø’ ïJÍí °æ†’-©èπ◊ èπÿú≈ ¢√úøû√ç 鬕öÀd.
Ñ ¢√éπuç Å®Ωnç àN’öÀ? ÉC à õ„Ø˛q™ Öç-C? direct & indirect speech í∫’-Jç-* -N-´-Jç-îªí∫-©®Ω’. He thinks as he walks ÅØË sentence èπ◊ ¢√-úÁ°æ¤p-úø÷ îËÊÆ
He is going to..
Sasikanth: àçöÀ Åçûª £æ«ú≈-N-úÕí¬ ¢Á∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o´¤?
(Hurry ¢√úøçúÕ)
Ravikanth: °æ´Ø˛ bike é̆-¶-ûª ’-Ø√oúø’. ††’o
Selection èπ◊ ®Ω´’t-Ø√oúø’.
Sasikanth: É¢√∞Ï é̆-¶-ûª’-Ø√oú≈?
Sasikanth: In a week's time at the most. The 3) I am going to be the first branch manager. Ravikanth: Å´¤†’. ¢√∞¡x Ø√†o ü¿í∫_®Ω †’ç-* ¢√úÕéÀ
a) I will buy a car soon.
Telecom company is going to open first manager DD ®√¶-ûª’çC. ÅC BÆæ’èπ◊-E shop
Ç ¨»êèπ◊ ؈’ í¬ Öçúø-¶-ûª’-Ø√o†’. ؈’ ûªy®Ω™ car
its branch here and I am going to be 4) Is your salary going to be any the better? ü¿í∫_®Ωèπ◊ ´≤ƒhúø’. ؈-ûªEo shop ™
the first branch manager. F @ûªç ¢Á’®Ω’í¬_ Öçúø-¶-ûÓçü∆? éπ-©’Ææ’éÓ-¶-ûª’Ø√o.
Kalyan: Glad to hear that. Congrats. Is your
5) There's going to be a difference. b) I am going to a buy a Sasikanth: †’¢Áy-°æ¤púø’ é̆-¶-ûª’-Ø√o´¤ bike †’?
salary going to be any the better? Ravikanth: Bike Ø√ status èπ◊ ´’K ûªèπ◊\´.
àüÓ éÌçûª ûËú≈ Öçúø-¶-ûÓçC. car.
ÆæçûÓ≠æç. @ûªç à´’Ø√o
6) I am going to buy a flat. ؈’ car é̆-¶-ûª’Ø√o Helicopter é̆-¶-ûª’Ø√o.
áèπ◊\-´í¬ Öçô’çü∆? Answer:
Sasikanth: There's going to be a difference of ؈’
é̆-¶-ûª’-Ø√o-†’. flat (O©-®·-†çûª ûªy®Ω™).
future ™ ï®Ω-í∫-¶-ûª’†o °æ†’©’, ´’†ç ´·çü¿Í® Sasikanth: Why are you in a hurry?
atleast Rs. 2000/- (ÉC °j-ü∆-EéπØ√o áèπ◊\´
éπFÆæç 2000 ®Ω÷-§ƒ-ߪ’© ûËú≈ Öçô’ç-C. ņ’èπ◊-E éπ*a-ûªçí¬ îËߪ’-¶ßË’ °æ†’-©èπ◊ am going to/ éπ*aûªç) Ravikanth: Pavan is going to buy a bike. He
Kalyan: Very glad then. Hope you will call is going to/ are going to + 1st regular doing word c) He will join duty soon. wanted me to help him in the selec-
me before you join. By the by, I am ¢√úøû√ç. duty
¢√úø’ ûªy®Ω-™ØË ™ îË®Ω-¶-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. tion.
going to buy a flat soon, that too, in a) She is going to buy a new dress. d) He is going to join duty soon. Sasikanth: Is he going to buy it today?
a week. I will move in soon after. Ç¢Á’ éÌûªh dress é̆-¶-ûÓçC. (éÌØËç-ü¿’èπ◊ E¨¡a- duty ¢√úø’ ûªy®Ω™ ™ îË®Ω’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’ Ravikanth: Yes. He is going to get the DD from
Here's the new address. his dad today. He will take it and
®·ç- î ª ’ - è π ◊ çC. Ééπ é̆- - ú ø ¢ Ë ’ ûª ® Ω ’ - ¢ √®·) will join (ÉC éπ Ø √o áèπ◊\´ éπ*aûªç)
éÌûªh éπç°-F™ îËÍ®-´·çü¿’ Ø√èπ◊ come to the shop. I am going to
b) ¢√úÕ-éπ\úø ¢√®Ωç-§ƒ-ô’ classes attend Å´-¶-ûª’- ÅC ûªy®Ω™ ï®Ω-í∫-¶-ûª’çC. †’¢Ëyç Cí∫’-©’-°æ-úøèπ◊.
îË≤ƒh-´-E -Ç-PÆæ’h-Ø√o. ņoô’x îÁ°æpôç
Ø√oúø’. It is going to happen. Don't you worry. meet him at the shop.
´’Jî√ (by the by) éÌûªh flat é̆-¶- Sasikanth: When are you going to buy a bike?
ûª’Ø√o, ã ¢√®Ωç-™ØË. ¢ÁçôØË îË®Ω’-ûª’Ø√o- He is going to attend classes here for a week. (î√™«-≤ƒ®Ω’x 'you don't worry' éÀ •ü¿’©’ 'Don't you
c) bank worry' Ravikanth: A bike is too low for my status. I am
†ç-ü¿’-™. ÉD éÌûªh address. Ñ ™ç* ¢Á · ûª h ç úø • ’s†’ BÊÆ- ß ª ’ - ¶ - û ª ’ - Ø √o®Ω ’ . ¢√úø’-ûª’ç-ö«®Ω’).
going to buy a helicopter.
Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ am going to, is going to, are They are going to withdraw all the money É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊ ´’†ç ûÁ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊†o N≠æߪ’ç: will/ shall
going to ©ûÓ ¢√úÕ† expressions îª÷úøçúÕ: from this bank. éπØ√o am going to/ is going to/ are going to + 1st
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1) House Åçõ‰ ÅüÁl-èπ◊-†o- É©’x, Home Åçõ‰ ≤Òçûªç É©’x-éπü∆! -v°æ-¨¡o: Present Continuous tense ™– -This land belongs -v°æ-¨¡o: Having †’ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-TÆæ÷h A.Voice, P.Voice ™ éÌEo Öü∆-£æ«-®Ω-ù-
2) Åô’-´ç-ô-°æ¤úø’ House wife ÅE áçü¿’èπ◊ ¢√ú≈L. ÅÆæ©’ Home wife ÅE to him (Correct). é¬E This land is belonging to L´y-ç-úÕ. Having †’ à Ææçü¿-®Ωs¥ç™ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-T≤ƒhç? to have †’
him ÅE áçü¿’èπ◊ ®√-ߪ’èπÿ-úø-ü¿’? 鬮Ωùç ûÁ-©’°æ-í∫-©®Ω’.
– éπçü¿í∫ôx ®√Íé≠ˇ π◊´÷®˝, áv®Ω-¶„-Lx-í∫÷úÁç -ï-¢√-•’: Having AV ™ØË ´Ææ’hçC. Passive ™ ®√ü¿’éπü∆. Passive
áçü¿’èπ◊ îÁ°æp®Ω’?ØË-†’ -Ñ Ææç-üË£æ…-Eo -ã -Éç-Tx-≠ˇ -™„éπa®Ω®˝ -ü¿%-≠œdéÀ -B-Ææ’Èé-R-ûË ÅÆæ©’ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-TÆæ÷h éÌEo Öü∆-£æ«-®Ω-ù-L-´yí∫-©®Ω’. – -á.--vQ-E-¢√Æˇ, -´÷®Ω÷d®Ω’
Homewife ņo-°æü¿ç ™‰ü¿’ ÅØ√o®Ω’. Homewife ÅE °œ©-´-éπ-§Ú-´-ú≈-EéÀ 鬮Ωùç
àN’öÀ? -ï-¢√-•’: éÌEo verbs, am+ing, is+ing, are+ing forms ™ ™ á°æ¤púø÷ past participle, ü∆E´·çü¿’ 'be' form ´≤ƒh®·.
House wife ÅØË áçü¿’èπ◊ °œ©’-Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’. ®√´¤. ¢√öÀ™x belong äéπöÀ. áçü¿’èπ◊ am Having ®√ü¿’. Active voice ™ having ûÓ áØÁj oØ√ sen-
ûÁL-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’-í∫-©-®Ω’. belonging/ is belonging/ are belonging ®√ü¿’ tences ´≤ƒh®·. I am having coffee; My father is hav-
3) Communication skills °ç-éÓ-´-ú≈- Åçõ‰ Åçü¿’èπ◊ rule àç ™‰ü¿’. ÅC English ¶µ«≠æ ing a bath,etc. To have ûÓ– eg: I am happy to have a
EéÀ -Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫-éπ®Ω-¢Á’i-† ã ´’ç* ©éπ~ùç. É™«çöÀ verbs †’ í∫’-Jç-* î√™« N´-®Ωçí¬ car. To have a car like this makes me happy. É™«
°æ¤Ææh-éπç Ê°®Ω’ îÁ°æpçúÕ. Éçûªèπ◊´·çü¿J lessons ™ îªJaçî√ç. îª÷úøçúÕ. áØÁj oØ√ ´≤ƒh®·.
– -áç.-á-™¸.-áÆˇ.®√-ߪ·-úø’, éπ®Ω÷o-©’ -v°æ-¨¡o: 1) I have to attend meeting 3) I ought to obey the order: Çïc §ƒöÀç-îª-úøç Ø√NCµ.
-ï-¢√-•’: House Åçõ‰ ÅüÁl É©’x é¬ü¿’. à ÉçöÀ-ØÁjØ√, Åçü¿’Ø√ ´’†’-≠æfl©’ E´-Æœç-îª-í∫© - 2) I must leave this place Ought to ÅØ√o èπÿú≈ äéπ °æE-îË-ߪ÷L ÅØË Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC.
3) I ought to obey the order
ü∆-E-E (any building for people to live in) house Åçö«ç, ≤Òçûª, ÅüÁl ÅØË Å®·ûË ´·êuçí¬ DEo FA v°æ鬮Ωç, ØÁjAé𠶫üµ¿u-ûª†’ í∫’-Jç-*
The underlined words give same meaning. So
v°æÆæéÀh ™‰èπ◊çú≈.Home Åçõ‰ ≤Òçûª É©’x 鬆-éπ\-®Ω-™‰ü¿’. ÅüÁl É©x-®·Ø√, ´’† kindly explain, is there any difference in mean-
ûÁ L - ß ª ’ - ñ ‰ÊÆç-ü¿’èπ◊ -¢√-úø-û√®Ω’.
èπ◊ô’ç-•-Ææ-¶µº’u-©ûÓ ´’†ç ÖçúË É©’x, home. O’èπ◊ £j«ü¿-®√-¶«-ü˛™ ≤Òçûª É©’x You ought to respect elders – °ü¿l¢√∞¡x†’ íı®Ω-Nç-î √L.
ing? In what context those words are to used?- °ü¿ l ¢ √∞¡ x † ’ íı®Ω -Nç-îª-úøç ÅØËC ã E•ç-üµ¿ØÓ, îªôd¢Á÷, -Ç-ñ c
ÖçúÕ, éπ®Ω÷o™x ÅüÁl Éçöx O’J-°æ¤úø’ E¢√Ææç Öçô’çõ‰, éπ®Ω÷o™x O’®Ω’ç-ô’†o-C
É©’x, O’ home. Hyderabad ™ ≤Òçûª É©’x-†o-°æp-öÀéÃ, O’®Ω-éπ\úø E¢√Ææç -ï-¢√-•’: 1) I have to attend the meeting ؈’ meeting èπ◊
– -úÕ.Ææ’-¶«s-®√-´¤, é¬V-©÷®Ω’, ûª÷.íÓ. >™«x é¬ü¿’í∫ü∆. ØÁjA-éπçí¬, FA v°æ鬮Ωç ´’†ç íı®Ω-Nç-î√L.
-Öç-úø-úø癉ü¿’ 鬕öÀd you have a house in Hyderabad. Your home éπ®Ω÷o™x, É™«çöÀîÓôx ought to Åçö«ç.
¢Á∞«}L – Ééπ\úø ¢Á-∞¡}-úøç-™ Ø√ Å-´-Ææ®Ωç áèπ◊\´. a) She ought not to speak so rudely.
O’®Ω’ç-ô’†o É©’x ≤Òçûª-üÁj-Ø√, ÅüÁl-üÁjØ√. Éûª-®Ω’© order ´©x 鬴a– é¬F Ø√ Å´-Ææ-®√-EéÀ
2) Homewife ÅØË ´÷ô ¢√úø’-éπ™ ™‰ü¿’. Housewife ÅØËüË correct. ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ áèπ◊\´ v§ƒ´·êuç – ¢Á-∞¡}-éπ-§ÚûË Ø√èπ◊ †≠ædç. Åçûª ü¿’®Ω’-Ææ’í¬ ´÷ö«x-úø-í∫÷-úøü¿’.
Housewife ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ home maker éÌûªhí¬ ¢√úø’-éπ-™ éÀ ´Ææ’h†o´÷ô. DE-éπçõ‰ b) You ought not to waste money.
2) I must leave the place - Ééπ\úø Éûª-®Ω’© order ´©x ؈’
Éçé¬ éÌûªh ´÷ô ´·êuçí¬ American usage™, houseworker (=housewife/ ¢Á-R}-§Ú-¢√Lq ÖçC ÅØË ¶µ«´ç, Ø√ Å´-Ææ®Ωç ´©x ؈’ Åçûª úø•’s ´%ü∑∆ îËߪ’-èπÿ-úøü¿’.
home maker). ¢Á-R}-§Ú-¢√L ÅØË ¶µ«´ç éπØ√o áèπ◊\´ Ææ’p¥J-Ææ’hçC. É´Fo †úø-´-úÕéÀ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*-†N, îªö«d-©ûÓ Ææç•çüµ¿ç ™‰EN.
3) Communication skills °ç-éÓ--ú≈-EéÀ ´’ç* English newspaper v°æA-®ÓW ã I must do this. ØËEC îËߪ÷L, order ´©x 鬴a, -Ø√ You ought to have helped her
í∫çô-§ƒô’ îªü¿-´çúÕ. TV newscasts N†çúÕ. English story books *†o-*†o Å´-Ææ®Ωç 鬴a – îËߪ’-éπ-§ÚûË Ø√èπ◊ éπ≠dçæ 鬴a. must Ç¢Á ’ èπ ◊ Ææ £ æ … ߪ ’ç îËÆœ Öçú≈-LqçC.
¢√öÀ-ûÓ v§ƒ®Ωç-Gµç* °ü¿lN îªü¿-´çúÕ. ÅØËC have to/ has to éπØ√o é¬Ææh áèπ◊\´ powerful. É™«çöÀ îÓôx should, must, have to/ has to ®√´¤.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 6 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2005
Bhavan: I am going to apply for the job. What e) They are going to transfer him.
about you? transfer
¢√∞¡x-ûªEo îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o®Ω’. E®Ωgߪ’ç -BÆæ’èπ◊-
؈’ apply
èπ◊ îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o†’. F will transfer
Ø√o®Ω’. îË≤ƒh®Ω’. Ééπ\úø are going
´÷õ‰çöÀ? to transfer Åçûª éπ*aûªç™‰ü¿’.
Chalam: I have filled in the application. I will f) Once he gets this job, he will resign the pres-
post it as soon as I get my certificates. ent job. Ñjob job
®√í¬ØË, É°æpöÀ ´÷ØË-≤ƒhúø’.
Application certificates
°æ‹Jh î˨»†’. Ø√ Ééπ\úø 'will' resign
Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ; Åûª-úø’
ready post
Å´-í¬ØË îË≤ƒh†’. job
îËߪ’-úø-´’-ØË-C ´’®Ó ®√´-úøç O’ü¿ Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æúÕ
Bhavan: Haven't you got them yet? ÖçC. °æ‹Jhí¬ Åûª-úÕ- îËûª’™x ™‰ü¿’. Åçü¿’-éπE Ééπ\úø
-¢√-öÀ-Eçé¬ -ûÁ-aéÓ-™‰-ü∆? will.
Chalam: I am going to collect them from college g) If he doesn't get the transfer he will continue.
tomorrow. Nagaraj is going to apply transfer
Åûª-úø’ éÌ-†≤ƒí∫-úø-´÷ -™‰-ü∆ -Å-ØË-C Å´-úøç,
too. é¬éπ-§Ú-´-ú≈-Eo •öÀd Öçô’çC éπü∆– Åçü¿’-éπE will.
will/ shall am going to/ is going to/ are Sankar: We will, if we get a good price.
Í®°æ¤ ؈’ certificates
†’ç* ÉO èπÿ Venkat: Í®°æ¤ ´’ç*®ÓïE ´÷ Å´’t îÁ°œpçC. Í®°æ¤ -
going to + 1st RDW îË≤ƒh. -§ƒÆˇ-§Ú®Ω’dèπ◊ application, D.D. ÅFo Tarun: How long are you going to keep it
Nagaraj apply
-ûÁa-éÓ-¶-ûª’Ø√o. èπÿú≈ èπÿ Ö†o ûËú≈. Ñ ûËú≈
í∫´’-Eç* ´÷ö«x-úø-úøç spoken english ™ î√-™« Í®°æ¤ BÆæ’èπ◊çö«. é¬Ææh procedure à-N’ö vacant?
îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. If, unless, suppose, in case
Bhavan: Why? Isn't he happy with his present
´·êuç. ≤ƒ´÷-†uçí¬ îÁ°æp¢√? (´’ç*-®ÓV = Auspicious day) Sankar: We are not in a hurry. We are going to
Ö†o sentences ™ am going to/ is going to/ are Akhil: let it out. Whenever we get a good
job? ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈. Å®·ûË ã Å®Ω-í∫ç-ô™ ´÷
going to (If = in case = suppose =
friend äéπúø’ ††’o éπ©-´-¶-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. price we will sell it (off)/ dispose it of.
áçü¿’èπ◊? É°æ¤p-úø’†o Åûª-EéÀ≠dçæ ™‰ü∆? ®√ü¿’. Å®·ûË,
Ç °æJ-Æœn-ûª’™x; Å®·ûË ûª°æp;) when = Å™«ç-
Chalam: They are going to transfer him to
am/ is/ are
ô-°æ¤púø’ ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√úÕ-†-°æ¤púø’ èπÿú≈, Åûª-úÕ-E ؈’ doctor ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ BÆæ’-Èé-∞¡-û√-†’. Tarun: I will ask my father if he is interested.
Tamilnadu. His father is against it. So Åü¿-®·ç-ûª-®√yûª ´’†ç BJí¬_ èπÿ®Ω’a-E The other day he was talking of buying
going to ®√´¤.
once he gets this job he will resign the ´÷ö«x-úø’-éÓ-´îª’a. a house.
present job. But if he doesn't get the Venkat: Å®·ûË á°æ¤púø’ free í¬ Öçö«´¤? Sankar: No hurry at all. Find out from your
transfer he will continue in it. ≤ƒßª’çvûªç Ø√©’-Tç-öÀéÀ ®√Ø√? father if he is interested. We will
future actions (Ñ È®çúø’ exercises ™ Shall/ Will èπÿ
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 65
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ùçû√ †’ í∫’-Jç-îË reduce the price if it is for you.
≤ƒ-TçC éπü∆? éÌEoÆæç-ü¿-®√s¥™x will/
-ûÁ-©°æ-ú≈-EéÀ am/ is/ are going to èπ◊ ûËú≈©’
Tarun: I will let you know tomorrow.
shall ´’J-éÌEoîÓôx am going to/ is going to/ are í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ.)
going to + 1st Regular doing word ¢√ú≈ç-éπü∆?
Shall/ Will, am going to/ is going to/ are going
to forms È®çúÕç-öÀFfuture ûÁ©°æ-ú≈-EÍé ¢√úøû√ç.
Å®·ûË ¢√öÀéÀ ûËú≈ ÖçC. Ç ûËú≈ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´-úøç
î√-™« ´·êuç. éÀçü¿öÀ lesson ™ ´’†ç îª÷¨»ç éπü∆.
shall, will ´’† control ™ ™‰E future ûÁ©’°æ¤û√®·.
Am going to/ is going to/ are going to forms
When will you be free?
Éçü¿’èπ◊ éÌç-îÁç ûËú≈í¬ ´’† E®Ωgߪ’ç O’ü¿ Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æúÕ Now practise the following aloud in English: 2) Akhil: Hi Venkat,
´’†ç îËߪ’-¶ßË’ °æ†’-©†’ ûÁ©’°æ¤-û√®·. îª÷úøçúÕ 1) Sankar: ¢Ë’-´· Í®°æ¤ éÌûªh ÉçöxéÀ ´÷®Ω-¶-ûª’Ø√oç. Akhil: ã Å™«Íí. What brings
a) I am going to apply for the job; Tarun: É°æ¤púø’†o É©’x Ţ˒t-Ææ’h-Ø√o®√? 3) Manoj: Hi Fareed, áéπ\-úÕ-†’ç* ´Ææ’h-Ø√o´¤? you here?
job apply Sankar: Fareed: bike é¬Ææh trouble ÉÊÆh, mechanic Venkat: I am going to
èπ◊ îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o†’. îËߪ’-úøç ü∆ü∆°æ¤ ´’ç*üµ¿®Ω ´ÊÆh Ţ˒t-≤ƒh-†ç--ô’Ø√oúø’ ´÷ Ø√
éπ*aûªç. E®Ωgߪ’ç BÆæ’éÓ-´-úøç ïJ-TçC. Ø√†o. èπ◊ -É-*a ÉçöÀ-Èé-∞¡ŸhØ√o. apply for a
b) I will post it as soon as I get my certificates. Tarun: áçûª-鬩ç Ç ÉçöÀE ë«Sí¬ Öçîª-¶-ûª’- Manoj: F bike ûª®Ω-îª’í¬ trouble ÉÆæ’hç-üËçöÀ? passport. I
certificates®√í¬ØË Øˆ’ post îË≤ƒh†’. Ééπ\úø Ø√o®Ω’? (ë«S = vacant) Fareed: II hand bike é̆-úøç -ØË-† ’ îËÆ œ†
need your
application†’ post certificates
îËߪ’-úøç ûÁa-éÓ- Sankar: ´÷Íéç Åçûª ûÌçü¿®Ω ™‰ü¿’. É°æ¤púø’ ü∆Eo §Ò®Ω-§ƒô’. help. M. SURESAN
´-úøç O’ü¿ Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æúÕ ÖçC. Certificates ®√´-úøç ÅüÁl-éÀ-´y-¶-ûª’Ø√oç. á°æ¤púø’ ´’ç* -üµ¿-®Ω ´ÊÆh Manoj: áçûª-é¬-©çí¬ ¢√úø’-ûª’-Ø√o´¤ ü∆Eo?
apply condition Akhil: When are you
؈’ îËߪ’-ú≈-EéÀ 鬕öÀd Ééπ\úø Å°æ¤p-úø-¢Ë’t≤ƒhç. Fareed: È®çúË-∞¡Ÿxí¬. Ñ È®çúË-∞¡x™ repairs Íé ü∆ü∆°æ¤
will postÅçô’Ø√oç. É™«çöÀîÓôx I am going to (ÅüÁléÀ´y-úøç– let out. ûÌçü¿®Ω – in a hurry) going to apply?
È®çúø’¢Ë© ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’ °ö«d.
post Tarun: ´÷ Ø√†o-†’ Åúø’-í∫’-û√†’, Çߪ’†Íé´’Ø√o Venkat: Mom says/ has said that tomorrow is
ņç. Manoj: á´J ü¿í∫_®Ω éÌØ√o´¤ ü∆Eo?
c) I am going to collect them from college an auspicious day. I will take the pass
ÇÆæéÀh ÖçüË-¢Á÷-†E. ¢Á·-ØÁo-°æ¤púÓ É©’x éÌ-†-úøç Fareed: ´÷ ü¿÷®Ω°æ¤ ôdç †’ç*. Çߪ’†üËç
tomorrow. ؈’ Í®°æ¤ ¢√öÀEcollege †’ç* ûÁa- í∫’Jç* ´÷ö«x-ú≈®Ω’. ûª°æ¤p ™‰ü¿’. Ç bike é̆--´ü¿lF îÁ§ƒpúø’. port application, DD, etc., tomorrow.
èπ◊çö«-†’. -¢Á-R} -ûÁ-a-éÓ-´-úø-¢Ë’ ûª®Ω’-¢√®·. ÉC ï®Ω’-í∫’- Sankar: ûÌçü¿Í®ç™‰ü¿’. O’ Ø√†oí¬J-Íé-´’Ø√o Interest ØËØË foolish í¬ éÌØ√o, ûªèπ◊\´ üµ¿®ΩéÌÆæ’hçC won't you (will you not) let me know
ûª’çC. DEéÀ conditions à--O’™‰´¤ 鬕öÀd am ÖçüË¢Á÷ éπ†’éÓ\. O’Íé Å´·tû√ç. éÌçûª üµ¿®Ω éπü∆ -ÅE. the procedure?
going to collect. will collect ¢√úø-´îª’aí¬F Ñ Akhil: Sure. But in half an hour my friend/
èπÿú≈ ûªT_≤ƒhç. Ţ˒t--ßÁ·îª’a éπü∆?
Å®Ωnç ®√ü¿’ éπü∆. Tarun: Í®°æ¤ îÁ§ƒhØË N≠æߪ’ç. a friend of mine is going to meet me.
d) Nagaraj is going to apply too. Ø√í∫-®√ñ¸ èπÿú≈ 2) Akhil: Hi Venkat, àçöÀ-™«-´-î √a´¤? I am going to take him to doctor. Once
Sankar: We are moving into the new home
apply îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√oúø’. îË≤ƒhúø’. He will apply Venkat: Passport èπ◊ apply îËߪ’-¶-ûª’Ø√o. é¬Ææh F
tomorrow. that's over we can sit over your pass-
too èπ◊ Ñ force ™‰-ü¿’. will apply -Å-ØË-C is going Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç 鬢√L. Tarun: Are you selling away/ going to sell the port business at leisure.
to apply Åçûª éπ*aûªçé¬ü¿’. Akhil: á°æ¤púø’ apply îËߪ’-¶-ûª’-Ø√o´¤? house you are in? Venkat: When will you be free then? Shall I
-v°æ-¨¡o: Contrary sense & positive sense Åç-õ‰ -à-N’-ö N´-®Ωçí¬ ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’. 2) He might not have gone - ¢Á∞¡Ÿ}ç-úø-éπ-§Ú-´îª’a (¢Á∞¡Ÿ}ç-úø-´îª’a èπÿú≈) see you at 4 this evening?
Contrary sense Akhil: That's OK
™ -Ö†o Ñ -¢√é¬u-©’ -ûª°æ¤p -Å-E éÌEo ví¬´’®˝ °æ¤Ææh-é¬-™x Ê°®Ì\- Ééπ\úø contrary sense™‰ü¿’ – ÆæçüË£æ«ç.
3) Manoj: Hi Fareed, where are you coming
Ø√o®Ω’. -É-N áçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ éπÈ®éÓd ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’. They might have seen you - E†’o ¢√∞¡Ÿx îª÷Ææ’ç-úÌa (îª÷úø-éπ-§Ú®‚
1. He should not have gone - -Ñ v°æßÁ÷-í∫ç ™‰ü¿’ ÅE ®√-¨»®Ω’. from?
Öç-úÌa) – No contrary sense - doubt. Fareed: My bike has had/ had some trouble. I
2. He might not have gone - -Ñ v°æßÁ÷-í∫ç ™‰ü¿’. 3) He must not have gone - Éü¿ç-ûªí¬ ¢√úø®Ω’. Ééπ\úø contrary sense
have left it at the mechanic's and am
3. He must not have gone - -Ñ v°æßÁ÷-í∫ç ™‰ü¿’.
®√´-úøç éÓÆæç, Ñ sentence ûª°æ¤p. (D†®Ωnç– ¢ÁR} Öçúøúø’– éπ*aûªç– ¢Á∞¡}-™‰ü¿’) on my way home/ am going home.
Mood and model verbs, subjunctive í∫’Jç* N´-®Ωçí¬ ûÁ©’-°æ-í∫-©®Ω’.
Ééπ\úø Ñ È®çúø÷ §Ú©açúÕ. Manoj: Why does your bike give trouble so
subjunctive usage, perfect subjunctive verbs í∫’Jç* -ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ñ‰-ߪ’í∫-©®Ω’.
a) He should not have gone - ¢Á∞«}úø’ (contrary sense) - correct often?
– Èé-.-†-Jqç£æ…È®-úÕf, £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ b) He must not have gone - éπ*a-ûªçí¬ ¢ÁR} Fareed: Buying a used bike (modern word for
-ï-¢√-•’: Positive sense Åçõ‰ - '™‰ü¿’, é¬ü¿’— ÅE Öçúøúø’ – ¢Á∞¡}-™‰ü¿’ (ÉC contrary sense - ´uA- II hand) is the mistake I made/ I made
Å®Ωnç ®√èπ◊çú≈ Öçúø-úøç. Í®-鬮Ωnç ®√ü¿’) – positive sense ´Ææ’hçC. a mistake - buying a used bike.
Contrary sense - ´uA-Í®-鬮Ωnç ®√´-úøç -´’®Ó È®ç-úø’ -¢√é¬u-©-†’ -§Ú-La -îª÷-úøç-úÕ: Manoj: How long have you been using it?
1) He should not have gone. Fareed: For two years now/ For the past two
a) He should have gone - ¢Á∞¡Ÿ}ç-ú≈-LqçC – ¢Á∞¡}-
Åûª†’ ¢ÁR} Öçúø-èπÿ-úøü¿’ years. I have spent Rs 2000/- on
™‰ü¿’ – contrary sense.
(¢Á-∞¡Ÿ}ç-ú≈-LqçC é¬ü¿’) – é¬F ¢Á-∞«}úø’. repairs so far.
b) He must have gone - ¢Á∞Ï} Öçö«úø’ ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈
Ééπ\úø 'He should not have gone' ÅØË-ü∆- Manoj: Who did you buy it from?
EéÀ '¢Á∞«}úø’— ÅE ´uA-Í®-鬮Ωnç ´≤ÚhçC, – ¢Á∞«}úø’ Positive sense. Fareed: From a distant relative of ours. I can't
(cannot) blame him. He told me not
鬕öÀd ÉC contrary sense - ÉC ûª°æ¤p é¬ü¿’. O’®Ω’ ÉC à gram-
-´’®Ó -Ö-ü∆£æ«®Ω-ù:
mar book™ îª÷¨»®Ó ®√ߪ’-™‰ü¿’. He must have passed the exam. Otherwise he would not have applied to buy it/ He advised me/ warned me
They should not have talked like that. for the job. against buying it. I bought it foolishly
Å™« ´÷ö«x-ú≈-LqçC é¬ü¿’ (é¬F Å™« ´÷ö«x-ú≈®Ω’) - contrary sense. -Å-ûªúø’ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ pass Å®· Öçö«úø’. (pass Åߪ÷uúø’– positive sense) because I got it cheap.
They should have done that. ™‰èπ◊çõ‰ job èπ◊ apply îËÆœ Öçúøúø’ (î˨»úø’– contrary sense). Manoj: Why don't you sell it (off)?
¢√-∞¡x-C îËÆæ’ç-ú≈-LqçC (é¬F îËߪ’-™‰ü¿’) - contrary sense. Subjunctive usage, etc., ûªy®Ω™ N´-J≤ƒhç-.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -´’çí∫-∞¡-¢√®Ωç 8 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2005
Kapil: Hi Subhash, Well met. Any idea of how
´’†ç-ü¿-Jéà ûÁL-Æœ† N≠æߪ’ç – say éÀ, tell éà î√™«
many of us are going on the picnic next
Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x Å®Ωnç äéπõ‰ – îÁ°æp-úøç, ņ-úøç ÅE.
Å®·ûË OöÀ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫ç™ î√™« ûËú≈ ÖçC. °j
éπ-©’Ææ’éÓ-´-úøç ´’ç*-ü¿-®·çC(well met). ´îËa- Ææ綵«≠æù™ØË îª÷ü∆lç.
¢√®Ωç picnic èπ◊ áçûª´’çCN’ ¢Á∞¡Ÿ-ûª’Ø√oç? A (tell)
Suhas: About 15 of us. ã °æC-Ê£«-†’-´’ç-ü¿-´îª’a.
i) I told him of it
Kapil: Does Rahul know about it?
B (say)
®√£æ›™¸èπ◊ ûÁ©’≤ƒ? i) What did he say?
Suhas: He does. I told him of it yesterday.
ii) He said that he was not sure.
ûÁ©’Ææ’. ØË-†’ E†o Åûª-úÕ-éÀ -îÁ-§ƒp†’.
iii) All that he said was ...
Kapil: What did he say? Is he joining us?
tell Tell me why you have done it. (say to me why
π◊ Ææç-•ç-Cµç-*-† -´’-JéÌ-Eo... The teacher told the students to sit down
you have done it
à´’-Ø√oúø’. ´Ææ’h-Ø√oú≈?
ii) Didn't he tell you and to note down the points.
Suhas: He said that he was not sure. g) Tell Story
Why he was doubtful? É™«çöÀ îÓôx say ®√ü¿’ éπü∆. (The teacher said á´-JéÀîÁ°œpçDûÁ©’-°æ-èπ◊çú≈ †’ éÀ ¢√úøû√ç.
®√´-úøç éÌçûª ÆæçüË-£æ«¢Ë’ ÅØ√oúø’. Please tell a story. old fashioned.
Å®·ûË ÉC
iii) ... tell him to come to the pupils to sit down
Kapil: Didn't he (Did not he) tell you why he ÉO Tell, Say èπ◊ Ææç-•ç-Cµç-*-† N´-®√©’. É´Fo
d) say ûª®√yûª thanks, good bye, hello, sorry, a
was doubtful? Has he any other pro- èπÿú≈Practice -ûÓ, îªü¿´-úøç ´©x ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´îª’a.
few words, a little/ little (about something/
gramme that day? Practise the following aloud in English:
some one) ÅE ¢√úø-´îª’a. É™«çöÀîÓôx tell ®√ü¿’. a) Raghu:
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 66
®√´-úøç áçü¿’èπ◊ ÆæçüË-£æ«¢Á÷ FûÓ îÁ°æp-™‰-ü∆?- ®ΩN FûÓ áçü¿’èπ◊ ®√´--úøç-™‰üÓ îÁ§ƒpú≈?
e) Tell ¢Áç•úË to ¢√úøç. He told to me to go/
Ç®Ó-V -¢ËÍ® °æ-ØË-¢Á’i-Ø√ -Öç-ü∆? Ram: ™‰ü¿’
He told to her that he liked cricket ™«çöÀ
Raghu: ††’o éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´-úøçí∫’-Jç-* à´’Ø√o îÁ§ƒpú≈?
Ram: -Å-D -îÁ°æp-™‰-ü¿’.
v°æ-¨¡o: Ø√èπ◊ Indirect Speech í∫’-Jç-* éÌçûª ÅÆæp-≠ædûª -Öç-C. Ñ ¢√é¬u©’ -v°æ-¨¡o: - Please clarify the difference between simple present we were here some time ago, say 10 minutes ago/ an
hour ago, and since then, we have continued to be here
°æ-J-Q-Lç-* Ææç-üË£æ…-©’ -B®Ωaí∫-©®Ω’. and present perfect tenses used in these sentences.
till now/ we are here even now.
1) "An amount of Rs.104 Crores would be paid in Rajampet con- 1) We are inside. We have been inside.
stituency of Cuddappah District on Saturday. Ñ ¢√é¬u-Eo ؈’ What's the difference?
¢Ë’ç Ééπ\úø Öçúøôç í∫ûªç™ v§ƒ®Ωç-¶µº-´’®·, É°æp-öÀ-´-®Ωèπ◊
Indirect Speech
Ê°°æ-®Ω’™ îª÷¨». Ñ ¢√éπuç ™ -Öç-ü∆? 2) We are behind them.
ïJ-Tç-C/ -Éçé¬ ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûÓçC, ÅE.
Abdul Kalam is our President (Çߪ’† ´’† president -
news paper
(™‰ü∆) Fact
¢√®Ω’ Íé´©ç Ç (will be paid
†’ We have been behind them.
†’ would paid í¬) îÁ°æ¤p-ûª’-Ø√o®√? Éçûªéà ؈’ Ê°°æ®Ω’ 3) She is in town.
ï®Ω’-í∫’-ûª’†o N≠æߪ’ç)
Abdul Kalam has been our president for the past two
îª÷Æœ†Ø√öÀéÀ Ç úø•’s °æç°œ-ùÀ/ -îÁ-Lxç°æ¤ ïJ-T-†ö«x? ™‰ü∆? She has been in town.
and a half years= president
È®çúø’-†o-Í®-∞¡Ÿxí¬ Çߪ’† ´’† í¬
2) As the Offense was not cognisable a Magistrate 4) I am uneasy about the situation.
would carry out a investigation.
ÖØ√o®Ω’. (È®çúø’-†o-Í®∞¡x véÀûªç †’ç* É°æpöÀ ´®Ω-èπ◊/-Éçé¬)
Ñ Ææç°∂æ’-ô† -äéπ®Ó-V I have been uneasy about the situa-
would carry
Å™«Íí N’í∫û√ sentences èπÿú≈:
ïJ-TûË -Ç ´’®Ω’Ææ-öÀ®Ó-V Ê°°æ-®Ω’™ ´*açC. -Ñ ¢√éπuç™ tion. -O-öÀ Å®Ωnç™ ûËú≈ -N-´-Jç-îªí∫-©®Ω’. 2) i) We are behind them = ¢√∞¡x ¢Á†’éπ ¢Ë’ç ÖØ√oç (É°æ¤púø’)
outÅE -Öç-C. -Ç v°æ鬮Ωç ü¿®√u°æ¤h ïJ-T-§Ú-®·-†ö«d? ï®Ω-í∫-´-©Æœ -Öç-ü∆? As per tense rule, I know the difference of above each
ii) We have been behind them.
sentence which are in simple present as well as in present
-ï-¢√-•’: Sentence No 1 - ÉC indirect speech™ Öçü∆ ™‰ü∆ ÅØËC ü∆E
– -áÆˇ. FL´’, ¶Ô-©x-´®Ωç éÌçûª-é¬-©çí¬ ¢√∞¡x ¢Á†’éπ ¢Ë’ç ÖØ√oç.
perfect tense. But, what is/ may the meaning of above
3) She is in town = Ç--¢Á’ Ü∞x ÖçC (É°æ¤úø’)
´·çü¿®Ω ¢√é¬uEo •öÀd ûÁ©’-Ææ’hçC. ÅC Mr x said ÅE ÖçúÕ, Ñ sen- sentences whether they are used in simple present or
She has been in town = éÌçûª-é¬-©çí¬ Ç¢Á’ Ü∞x ÖçöçC.
tence ü∆E continuation Å®·ûË, ÅC indirect speech Å®·ûË, present perfect? Please explain it in detail.
4) I am uneasy about the situation.
would correct. Ñ sentence †’ independent í¬ BÆæ’èπ◊çõ‰ Ééπ\úø
-ï-¢√-•’: 1) We are inside = we are inside NOW.
– -Ê≠é˙ -¢Á·£œ«-†’-Cl-Ø˛, éπ®Ω÷o-©’ °æJ-ÆœnA Ø√èπ◊ É•sç-Cí¬ ÖçC É°æ¤púø’.
would ûª°æ¤p; will correct Å´¤-ûª’çC. I have been uneasy about the situation.
Sentence No 2 - Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ °j rule ´Jh-Ææ’hçC. Independent sen- É°æ¤úø’ ¢Ë’ç ™°æ© ÖØ√oç. éÌçûª-é¬-©çí¬ °æJ-ÆœnA É•sç-Cí¬ ÖçöçC.
tence í¬ BÆæ’èπ◊çõ‰ will carry out, better. Å®·ûË indirect speech We have been inside. Please refer to the earlier lessons on 'be' forms for
ņ’-èπ◊çõ‰ would carry out ņo-°æ¤púø’ ü¿®√u°æ¤h ï®Ω-í∫-´-©Æœ Ö†oõ‰x. é¬ÊÆ-°æöÀ†’ç* É°æpöÀ´®Ωèπ◊ ¢Ë’ç ™°æ© ÖØ√oç. more information.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 10 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2005
Preethi: Mom, can I have some more milk?
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ some, any Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’ í∫´’-Eç-
Å´÷t, Éçé¬Ææh §ƒ©’ 鬢√L Ø√èπ◊. îªçúÕ.OöÀ Å®√n©’ ´’†èπ◊ ûÁ©’Ææ’ éπü∆? Some=
Laxmi: Sorry child. You can't have anymore. éÌçûª, éÌEo. Åçõ‰ some †’ Countables ûÓ†÷
There is some milk left, of course, but ¢√úø-´îª’a, uncountablesûÓ†÷ ¢√úø-´îª’a. Some
we need it for the payasam this milk = éÌCl-§ƒ©’, Some books = éÌEo °æ¤Ææh-鬩’.
evening. Any = àüÁjØ√, à¢ÁjØ√. DEo èπÿú≈ Countables ûÓ,
Éçéπ-™‰-´´÷t. éÌEo §ƒ©’-Ø√o-®·-í¬F, ÅN Uncountables ûÓ È®çúÕç-öÀûÓ†÷ ¢√úø-´îª’a. Any
≤ƒßª’çvûªç §ƒßª’≤ƒ-EéÀ 鬢√L. book = à °æ¤Ææh-éπ-¢Á’iØ√; any milk = à¢ÁjØ√ §ƒ©’.
Preethi: Can I have something to eat? I am Some, any Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç English ™ î√™«
hungry. áèπ◊\´. áçûª éπÈ®é˙dí¬ ¢√úÕûË conversation Åçûª
AØËçü¿’Íé¢Á’iØ√ Öçü∆? Ø√èπ◊ Çéπ-Lí¬ ÖçC. ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC. Å™«Íí plenty = áèπ◊\´ – counta-
Pranav: Can you lend me some money?
Laxmi: There are plenty of biscuits in the bles, uncountables ûÓ È®çúÕç-öÀûÓ ¢√úø-´îª’a. Ratnakar:
á´®Ω÷ ™‰®Ω’. Fèπ◊ ÉçÈé-´-®ΩØ√o ûÁ©’≤ƒ?
Can you lend me any money?
Plenty of milk = Ææ´’%-Cl¥í¬ §ƒ©’; plenty of time; Venkat:
fridge. Have as many as you want. not
éÌç-îÁç -Å°œp-´yí∫-©-¢√? (-Ééπ\-úø -™‰-ü¿’) äé¬-ߪ’† ÖØ√oúø’. Å®·ûË Çߪ’† Ü∞x-
plenty of money, etc. Plenty of books = î√™« ™‰®Ω’.
There is bread too. Eat it if you like. Prakash: I'm afraid, I haven't any. Ø√ ü¿í∫_®Ω ™‰ü¿’.
°æ¤Ææh-鬩’; plenty of runs - î√™« °æ®Ω’-í∫’©’; plen- Ratnakar: Sumanèπ◊ Ç éπç°-F™ á´®Ó friend
Fridge™ 鬴-©-Æœ-†Eo / î√™« biscuits I am afraid -
( Nî√®Ωç ´uéπhç îËߪ’úøç)
ty of eggs, plenty of biscuits etc. Pranav: Haven't you any. really?
ÖØ√oúø’. Åûª†’ Suman èπ◊ à infor-
ÖØ√o®·. Fé¬\-´©Æœ†Eo A†’. bread èπÿú≈ °j Ææ綵«-≠æù™expressions îª÷úøçúÕ mation Å®·Ø√ É´y-í∫-©úø’.
Eïçí¬ ™‰ü∆?
ÖçC. É≠ædç Öçõ‰ A†’. 1) You can't have any more. 2) Manoj: Ø√èπ◊ Botany O’ü¿ ´’ç* °æ¤Ææh-鬩’
(Ééπ\úø not ÖçC 鬕öÀd any)
Preethi: I'll (I will) have bread then. Can I have 2) There's some milk left. Prakash: I Have some money of course, but I
鬢√L. O’ ü¿í∫_-Í®-´’Ø√o ÖØ√oߪ÷?
some jam or butter go with it? 3) Can I have something to eat? Shopkeeper: ´÷ ü¿í∫_®Ω éÌEo ´’ç* °æ¤Ææh-é¬-©’-
need it for paying fees. I shan't (shall
Å®·ûË bread Açö«ØËx. ü∆EéÀ jam é¬F 4) Can I have some jam or butter...? not) have any left after that. Ø√o®·.Botany O’ü¿ à ´’ç* °æ¤Ææh-éπ-
¢Á†o-é¬F à¢Á’iØ√ Öçü∆? 5) No butter any more. éÌçûª ÖçC. é¬F ÅC fees éπôd-ú≈-EéÀ ´’Ø√o îÁ°æpçúÕ. ÅC ´÷ ü¿í∫_®Ω
(go with= äéπ Ç£æ…®Ω °æü∆®Ωnç ÉçéÓ Ç£æ…®Ω é¬¢√L. ÅC éπõ‰dÆœ† ûª®√yûª àç N’í∫-©ü¿’. Öçô’çC.
Not ™‰E-îÓô some ´≤ÚhçC. Not Ö†o-°æ¤púø’ any Manoj: O’ ü¿ í ∫ _ - ® Ω’†o ¢√öÀ™ x éÌEoç-öÀE îÁ°æpçúÕ.
°æü∆®ΩnçûÓ ÆæJ-§Ú-´úøç.Idli goes well with sam- Shopkeeper: éÌØË o áçü¿’èπ◊? Ñ list îª÷úøçúÕ.
bar ÉúŒxûÓ ≤ƒç¶«®Ω’ ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC. We have only
´≤ÚhçC éπü∆. ÉC ñ«ví∫-ûªhí¬ í∫’®Ω’hç--éÓ¢√L.
2) No any ÅE á°æ¤púø÷ ņç. ÅEo °æ¤Ææh-鬩 Ê°®Ω÷x Åçü¿’™
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 67
chapathis, no kurma to go with it. ƒ-B©’
No ÅØÁjØ√ Åçö«ç. not any, contracted form- ÖØ√o®·. Åéπ\-úø’†o ¢√öÀ™ x àüÁjØ√
´÷vûªç ÖØ√o®·. ü∆EûÓ ÆæJ-§ÚßË’ èπ◊®√t ™‰ü¿’) n't any ÅØÁjØ√Åçö«ç. ÅçûË-é¬F no any ®√ü¿’. ´’ç* °æ¤Ææh-éπ¢Ë’.
Laxmi: No butter any more for you. You put on
weight. Have jam.
Butter àç ´ü¿’l. ™«¢Á-èπ◊\-û√´¤.
Preethi: What about you? You haven't had any-
thing since morning. Why don't you
have something to eat?
Have you any?
´’J O’ Ææçí∫-ûË-N’öÀ? §Òü¿’l-†’oç* àç A†- 6) You haven't had anything since the morning. 3) Suseela: I have nothing to do today. (I Manoj: Thank you.
™‰ü¿’. àüÁjØ√ A†-èπÿ-úøü∆? 7) Don't you eat anything then? haven't any thing to do today). Answers:
Laxmi: We are fasting today. You know today -Ñ -´÷-ô-™x -àç -ûÁ-©’-≤Úhç-C? Have you any novel that I can 1) Ratnakar: Have you /
is Karthika Somavaram. i) not ´*a-†-°æ¤p-úø™«x any ´≤ÚhçC. Not ™‰†-°æ¤púø’ read? Have You
¢Ë’O’®ÓV Ö°æ-¢√Ææç. é¬Khéπ ≤Ú´’-¢√®Ωç éπü∆. some ´≤ÚhçC éπü∆? ÉC important point. Ñ®Óñ‰ç °æE-™‰ü¿’. F ü¿í∫_-Í®-´’Ø√o †´© had / Do
(fast = Ö°æ-¢√Ææç/ Ç®Óí∫u 鬮Ω-ùçí¬ AçúÕ ´÷ØË- ii) Questions ™ èπÿú≈ ÅçûË. ™‰ü¿’ (not) ÅØË Öçõ‰ É´y¢√? you have
ߪ’úøç, starve = AçúÕéÀ ™‰éπ °æÆæ’hç-úøúøç. ¶«í¬ Çéπ- answer †’ repeat îËÆ œ-†-°æ¤púø’ èπÿú≈ question Chandana: There are some here. Take any of any news
™ any ´Ææ’hçC. them. from
™‰-≤Úhç-ü¿E £æ…Ææuçí¬ îÁ°æpúøç– I am starving. Let suman?
me have something to eat) a) He has some money. Ééπ\úø éÌEo ÖØ√o®·. àüÁjØ√ BÆæ’éÓ.
'not' Suseela: Let me have some novel that I can Venkat: No. (I don't have / haven't had any.)
Preethi: Don't you eat anything then?
éÌçûª ÖçC (Ééπ\úø ™‰ü¿’)
b) He hasn't any money. finish in a day. What about?
O’Í®ç A†®√ ´’J? novel Ratnakar: Don't you remember? We asked
(ÅÆæ©’) ™‰ü¿’ (Ééπ\úø not ûÓ) äéπ\®ÓV™ °æ‹JhîËߪ’-í∫© àüÁjØ√
Laxmi: Not until after the pooja after sunset.
He hasn't any money = He has no money. Öçõ‰ É´¤y. him for some information about a
<éπöÀ°æúøf ûª®√yûª °æ‹ï-ßË’uç-ûª-´-®Ωèπ◊ àç A†ç. Å®·ûË conversation He hasn't any money
™ Chandana: I'm afraid that there aren't any job.
Preethi: Why do people fast on Kartheeka such. All of them are lengthy. Venkat: I haven't had any phone call from
ÅØËC more common. ÅC áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úø’-
Somavaram? Have you any money
ûª’ç-ö«®Ω’. ÅçûË-é¬-èπ◊çú≈ Å™«çöÀ¢ËO’ ™‰´¤. ÅFo °ü¿l †´-©™‰. him (No Phone call from him so
é¬Khéπ ≤Ú´’-¢√®Ωç áçü¿’èπ◊ Ö°æ-¢√Ææç ņo-°æ¤púø’answer No, I haven't any
í¬ ÅE Suseela: Any by Chase? far). Isn't there anyone else who
Öçö«®Ω’? Åçö«®Ω’ money (repeat
´C-™‰Æœ îËߪ’-èπ◊çú≈). Chase †´-™‰x-´’Ø√o ÖØ√oߪ÷? can give us this information?
Laxmi: Good question. But I haven't the time No, I haven't any
Ééπ\úø °æ‹Jhí¬ àüÁjØ√ ÅØË Å®Ωnç-ûÓØË ¢√ú≈ç.
™‰èπ◊çõ‰, ÅE èπÿú≈ Å-†-´-a. (Anyone= á´-®ΩØ√o, Anyone else=
now to tell you. not
鬕öÀd Ééπ\úø any
™‰èπ◊Ø√o ´Ææ’hçC.
Questions ™ èπÿú≈ 'not' some
-Ö-†o-°æ¤púø’, ®√ü¿’, ÉçÈé-´-®ΩØ√o)
i) Any novel = novel
à Å®·-Ø√/-à-üÁjØ√ novel.
´’ç* v°æ¨¡o. é¬F Ø√éÀ-°æ¤púø’ îÁ°æp-ú≈-EéÀ time any ´÷vûª¢Ë’ ´Ææ’hçC.Not some, any
™‰éπ-§ÚûË Ratnakar: None. (Do) you know anyone?
ii) Any by Chase = Chase ®√Æœ† †´-™‰-üÁjØ√?
™‰ü¿’. È®çúø÷ ®√´îª’a. Venkat: I know some one, but he is not in
iii) Some novel = novel.
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1) ؈’ E†o Ø√ £«®·®˝ éπöÀçí˚ E†o ؈’ (barber îËûª) éπ~´®Ωç îË®·ç-- Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç îËÊÆ ¢√∞Îx-´È®jØ√ ÖØ√o®√?
Any one/ anybody who can help me?
town/ out of town (out of station
îË®·ç--èπ◊-Ø√o†’. èπ◊-Ø√o†’. Ratnakar: Suman has some friend in the com-
I got/ had my hair cut yes- Some
í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ: àüÓ äéπ / á´®Ó äéπ ÅØË
Got, had- ÉçéÌ-éπJîË ÅØË Å®Ωnç ´Ææ’hçC.
terday. Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√úø’-ûª’çö«ç. pany. He can give suman any infor-
2) I will get my hair cut tomorrow
2) Some book was lying on the table. mation he wants.
؈’ Í®°æ¤ -Ø√ £«®·®˝ éπöÀçí˚ Í®°æ¤ ؈’ éπ~´®Ωç(Barber îËûª) îË®·ç--èπ◊ç-
table O’ü¿ -à-üÓ °æ¤Ææhéπç ÖçC / °æúÕ ÖçC. 2) Manoj: I want some good books on Botany.
îËÆæ’-èπ◊ç-ö«†’. ö«†’. (hair cut
¢ËÍ®, ¢ËÍ®)– D†®Ωnç O’®Ω-†’-èπ◊-
I will get my hair cut tomorrow I came here with the hope that some Do you have/ Have you any?
†oô’d îËÆæ’-èπ◊-Ø√o†’ é¬ü¿’. teacher will help me.
3) ¢Ë’´· E†o ´÷ ÉçöÀéÀ Ææ’†oç Shopkeeper: We do have some good books.
3) We had/ got our house white washed
¢Ë®·çî√ç. á´®Ó äéπ / à teacher Å®·Ø√ Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç Name any good book on botany,
(white wash correct
Ééπ\úø é¬ü¿’)
we had/ got our house white wash yesterday îË≤ƒh-®ΩØË Ç¨¡ûÓ ´î√a. and we have them.
¢Ë’ç ÉçöÀéÀ Ææ’†oç ¢Ë®·ç-î√´·.
¢Ë’´· Í®°æ¤ ´÷ ÉçöÀéÀ Ææ’†oç ¢Ë®·≤ƒhç Now practise the following aloud in Manoj: Please let me know some of the good
4) We will have/ get our house white washed.
we will get our house white wash tomorrow. English:
(White wash tomorrow. books you have.
-Å®√n-Eo -N-´-JÆæ÷h, éπÈ®éÓd é¬--¢Ó -ûÁ-©’°æí∫-©®Ω’.
Í®°æ¤ ÉçöÀéÀ ¢Á©x ¢Ë®·≤ƒhç. 1) Ratnakar: FÍé-´’Ø√o news ´*açü∆ Suman Shopkeeper: Why only some? Please see go
It doesn't matter
ûª®√yûª èπ◊ -à´·-Ø√o®·?
Sukumar: As for me so long as things are good
to eat, it makes no difference to me
what I eat.
A†-ú≈-EéÀ ®Ω’*í¬ Öçõ‰ àç ÖØ√o®·
A†-ú≈-EéÀ -Å-ØË-C Åçûª- ´·êuçé¬ü¿’ Ø√èπ◊.
Krishna: Never mind how I got it. I have it. Jagan: I am sure I
Bhaskar: So long as the things are tasty, I Pramod: à group BÆæ’èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o´¤?
shan't (shall
never mind what I eat. (ᙫ ´*açüÓ Å†-´-Ææ®Ωç. Ø√ ü¿í∫_J°æ¤p-úø’ Venkat: ØËØË¢Á÷ MPC îËߪ÷-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√o. ´÷
úø•’sçC. ÅD ´·êuç) Ø√†oèπ◊ ´÷vûªç ؈’ BiPC îËߪ÷-©E not) be disap-
A†-ú≈-EéÀ ®Ω’*í¬ Öçõ‰ Ø√Íé-üÁjØ√ °∂æ®√y-™‰ü¿’
c) It makes little difference/ It makes no differ- ÖçC. ´÷ family ™ Éçûª-´-®Ωèπÿ doctors pointed.
Shekhar: I'd have none of the hot stuff.
ence whether you come at 10.30 or 11.00 ™‰®Ω’. ´÷ Ø√†oèπ◊ ؈’ ¢Á·ôd-¢Á·-ü¿öÀ doc- Suman: Then it's OK.
Ø√èπ◊ 鬮Ωç ´Ææ’h-´¤©’ É≠æd癉ü¿’/ BÆæ’éÓ-†’
when you do not come at 10. tor Å¢√-©E ÖçC. Best of luck.
Bhaskar: Never mind. You have a variety of
things to eat. (†’´¤y °æCç-öÀéÀ ®√†-°æ¤púø’, Ç ûª®√yûª á°æ¤p-úÌ-*aØ√ Pramod: Ç °æØË îÁ®·u-´’J. 4) Pramod: Hi Venkat,
àç °∂æ®√y-™‰-ü¿’™‰. ®Ωéπ-®Ω-鬩 ´Ææ’h-´¤-©’-Ø√o®· °∂æ®√y-™‰ü¿’/ °æC-†o-®Ω-éÌ-*aØ√ äéπõ‰, °æü¿-éÌç-úø’-éÌ-*aØ√ Venkat: é¬F Ø√èπ◊ Åçûª interest ™‰ü¿’.Biology ™ have you M. SURESAN
AØËç-ü¿’èπ◊. äéπõ‰.) î√™« Ê°®Ω’x ñ«c°æéπç Öç-éÓ-¢√L. joined any
Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù-™E Ñ expressions í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. í∫ - ´ ’-Eç-î√®√? -É-´-Fo.. •öÀd-°æ-ôdôç Ø√èπ◊ îËûª-é¬ü¿’. college?
a) What does it matter? Pramod: ÅC éπÈ®é˙d. Biology éÀ ´’ç* ñ«c°æ-éπ-¨¡éÀh Venkat: Not yet. Dad is not in town. He will
1. Doesn't (Does not matter)
2. Makes no difference b) It matters little/ It matters nothing/ It doesn't Å´-Ææ®Ωç. Å®·ûË O’ Ø√†oèπ◊ -á-™« †îªa come back tomorrow. I will talk to dad
3. Makes little difference matter much
îÁ°æp-í∫-©´¤? what college I am going to join.
Venkat: ᙫ †îªaîÁ°æp-í∫-©†’? ÅüË Ç™-*-Ææ’hØ√o. Pramod: What group are you going to take?
4. Never mind. c) What difference does it make?/ It doesn't
5) Mohan: Ø√éÓ È®çvúÓ-V™« °æ¤Ææhéπç É´y-í∫-©¢√? Venkat: I want to do MPC. But dad wants me
make any difference/ It makes no/ Little dif-
John: ûª°æp-èπ◊çú≈, BÆæ’éÓ. ¨¡E-¢√-®√-EéÀ AJT´yôç to do BiPC. There hasn't been a doc-
d) Never mind ÅØË expressions èπ◊ Å®Ωnç, Ö°æ-ßÁ÷- ´’Ja-§Úèπ◊. tor in our family so far (No doctor so
Mohan: Åçûª-èπ◊-´·çüË ÉîËa-≤ƒhØËx. Å®·ûË äéπ far in my family). Dad wants me to be
í¬-©÷†’. OöÀE Conversation ™ ¢√úøçúÕ. -î√-™«
natural í¬ effective í¬ Öçô’çC.
N≠æߪ’ç Åúø-í∫Ø√ E†’o? †’¢Ëy-´’-†’-éÓ-éπ-§ÚûË. the first doctor in the family.
John: àçôC?
-v°æ- ¨¡o: 1) How to express the Telugu word Now practise the following aloud in English:
Mohan: †’´¤y v°æA °æ¤Ææhéπç éÌçö«´¤. ¢√öÀ™ x áEo
Pramod: Go ahead then.
Venkat: But I am not so interested. A lot of
in English.
''Üûª-°æü¿ç—— 1) Mukund: ؈’ ®√Ø√ ´ü∆l Station èπ◊?
§ÒíÌ-ô’d-èπ◊ç-ö«´¤? names to remember in biology. I am
2) What can I do to get 'American Accent' àüÁjØ√ °∂æ®√y-™‰-ü¿’™‰. †´¤y ´îËa-ôd-®·ûË John: Åü¿-´-Ææ-®Ω´÷ É°æ¤púø’? °æ¤Ææhéπç 鬢√™« ´ü∆l
Phone poor at mugging.
3) Why do we use the word 'spoken' in îË®·. Fèπ◊?
Mukund: Phone (mugging = •öÃd °æôdôç)
"spoken English"? îËߪ’ôç Ø√éπ-¶µºuç-ûª®Ωç ™‰ü¿’é¬F Answers:
´’Ja-§Ú-û√-†E. Pramod: That's right. Biology needs good
He said that..
An amusing movie/ situation - NØÓü¿ç éπ-L-
Tç-îË/- £æ…-Ææu-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’i† ÆœE-´÷/- °æ-J-ÆœnA.
2) annoy = (ÅØÌß˝’ – 'ØÌ— ØÌéÀ\-°æ-©-éπçúÕ)
NÆœ-Tç-îªôç; éÓ°æç ûÁ°œpç-îªôç.
a) The way he talks annoys me
¢√úø’ ´÷ö«xúË B®Ω’ Ø√èπ◊ éÓ°æç éπL-T-Ææ’hçC.
Ñ¢√∞¡ é¬ü¿’™‰. Í®°æ¤ Ø√èπ◊ physics exam Ñ°j N≠æ-ߪ÷©’ O’èπ◊ í∫’®Ω’h-Ø√o-®·-éπü∆. É°æ¤púø’ Ñ Ajitha:
Ç. îÁ§ƒp†’. O’È®ç-ü¿’-éÌ-î√a®Ó -ÅúÕT ûÁ©’-Ææ’- b) His silly jokes annoys us
sentence îª÷úøçúÕ:
silly jokes
ÖçC éπü∆. Ø√†oûÓ îÁ§ƒp™‰ Ñ®Ó-V éÓ-´’-Ø√o®Ω’. ¢√úÕ ´’´’tLo NÆœ-T-≤ƒh®·.
I know where he is Naresh: FûÓ îÁ°æp-™‰-†’™‰, Í®§Ò-≤ƒh†’. c) Don't be annoyed =
ú≈éπd®Ω’ ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ ¢Á∞¡x-™‰-†E. éÓ°æp-úø-èπ◊/ -éÓ-°æp-úø-éπçúÕ.
Sandhya: That's OK. Would you promise me ¢√úÁ-éπ\-úø’-Ø√oúÓ Ø√èπ◊ ûÁ©’Ææ’. 2) Omkar: Hi Srikar, †’-´¤y -á°æ¤púø’ •ßª’-©’- üË®Ω’- 3) bitter= (Gô – 'G— ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç) îËü¿’
(that) you would go tomorrow? No Ñ sentence statement. Question é¬ü¿’. ûª’-Ø√o-´¤? Coffee/ Tea without milk and sugar is bitter.
more postponement, understand? I 'where' ÅØË 'wh' ´÷ô
Srikar: ØËØÁ-°æ¤púø’ •ßª’-©’-üË-®Ω’-û√ØÓ -Ø√Íé -ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ü¿’.
warn you (that) it will worsen if you Öçúø-ôç-´©x Ñ sen- Åçû√ Venkat ´îËa-ü∆-E-O’ü¿ Çüµ∆-®Ω-°æ-úÕ-
§ƒ©’, °æçîª-ü∆®Ω éπ©-°æE 鬰∂‘/ öà îËü¿’.
neglect. tence question à¢Á÷ éÓ°æç: He is bitter that he did not get the pro-
ÅE ÅE°œç-îª-´îª’a. é¬F ÖçC. motion.
ÆæÍ®. Í®°æ¤ ¢Á∞«h-†E ´÷öÀ-≤ƒh¢√? Éçéπ Omkar: ¢√úÁ-°æ¤p-úÌ-îËaC Fèπ◊ phone îËߪ’-™‰ü∆?
é¬ü¿’. ÉC ¢Á·ûªhç state- Promotion ®√™‰-ü¿ØË ¶«üµ¿ûÓ éÓ°æçí¬ ÖØ√oúø’.
¢√®·ü∆ ¢Ëߪ’èπ◊. †’´¤y ü∆Eo ÖÊ°-éÀ~ç- Srikar: àç ïJ-TçüÓ ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ü¿’. ¢√úÁç-ü¿’èπ◊ phone
*†éÌDl áèπ◊\´´¤ûª’çC. ment. Åçü¿’-éπE state- bitter pill = îËü¿’-´÷vûª.
(worsen- éÃ~ùÀç-îªôç) ment structure (sub-
îËߪ’-™‰üÓ èπÿú≈ -ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ôç ™‰ü¿’. 4) Chair (îµËÅ) – ´÷´‚©’ Å®Ωnç èπ◊Ka. é¬F I want
Omkar: ¢√úÕéÀ O’ train time ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü∆? him to chair the meeting ÅØË sentence ™
°jÆæç-¶µ«-≠æ-ù™ that ¢√úøéπç í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ: ject ´·çü¿÷, verb
Srikar: ûÁ©’Ææ’. ؈’ èπÿú≈ îÁ§ƒp†’. chair Åçõ‰ Åüµ¿u-éπ~ûª ´£œ«ç-îªôç (Çߪ’† Æ涵ºèπ◊
1) I told you yesterday that I would go... ûª®√yûª ´≤ƒh®·) Omkar: ÅCíÓ ´Ææ’h-Ø√oúø’. Worry Å´èπ◊.
2) he said that he would... ´÷vûª¢Ë’ Öçô’çC. M. SURESAN Srikar: à´’-®·çC ¢Áçéπö¸? Éçûª late àçöÀ?
Åüµ¿u-éπ~ûª ´£œ«ç-î√-©E Ø√ éÓJ-éπ/ -Å-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’-Ø√o†’)
3) I told Dad that I wouldn't be... É™«çöÀ sentences ™. Venkat: Traffic î√™« áèπ◊\-´í¬ ÖçC. Ø√ auto
5) Chase = îµÁß˝’b – ¢Áçô-•úÕ ûª®Ω-´’ôç.
4) Would you promise me that you would... E†o áçü¿’èπ◊ ®√™‰-ü¿E ¢√-úÕ-E ÅúÕ-í¬†’ The tiger chased the deer - °æ¤L >çéπ ¢Áçô-
I asked him why he was absent yesterday.
´’üµ¿u™ ÇT-§Ú-®·çC.
5) I warn you that it will worsen. Srikar: Åéπ\úø ü¿í∫_-È®-éπ\ú≈ phone ™‰ü∆?
•-úÕçC. – ¢Ëô, ¢Ëö«-úøôç ÅØË Å®Ωnç èπÿú≈ ÖçC.
(why was he absent é¬ü¿’éπü∆?)
Ñ sentences ™ that èπ◊ Å®Ωnç 'ÅE— ÅE. ã a) Where can I get some good tea? Venkat: Ø√Íéç éπ-E°œç-îª-™‰ü¿’. Ç auto ¢√úÕéÀ èπÿú≈
N≠æߪ’ç á´-®ΩØ√o îÁÊ°h, Ç N≠æߪ’ç ´·çü¿’ 'that' (´’ç* tea áéπ\úø üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-ûª’çC?) phone áéπ\-úø’çüÓ ûÁ-L-ߪ’-™‰-ü¿’.
´Ææ’hçC. b) Tell me where I can get some good tea. Answers:
He told me that he would go.
¢√úø’ ¢Á∞«h-†E Ø√ûÓ îÁ§ƒp-úø’/- Å-Ø√oúø’. (´’ç*tea áéπ\úø üÌ®Ω’-èπ◊-ûª’çüÓ îÁ°æ¤p)
sentence (a) question, can I
Åçü¿’-éπE ü∆ØÓx
1) Naresh: Hi Ajitha, where is your father?
Ajitha: He has gone out.
-v°æ-¨¡o: Iam poor at spellings. Please, give
a) I told you yesterday that I would go information about pronunciation
get Åçö«ç. Naresh: Where has he gone?
Åéπ\-úÕéÀ ¢Á∞«h-†E E†o FûÓ ÅØ√o. casettes and CDs.
sentence (b) statement; question é¬ü¿’– Ajitha: He doesn't tell me / He never tells me
b) He said that he would help me
where I can get
-ï-¢√-•’: A Number of Pronunciation casettes
Åçü¿’-éπE Åçö«ç. where he goes. I do not know when he
– -öÀ-.-ñÂÆ°∂ˇÈ®-úÕf, -´®Ωçí∫-™¸
≤ƒßª’ç îË≤ƒh-†E ÅØ√oúø’. c) where does he go every evening?
c) I told dad that I wouldn't be... (would not be) will return / he will be back.
and CDs are available in leading
(v°æA ≤ƒßª’çvûªç áéπ\úÕéÀ ¢Á∞«húø’?) Naresh: Did you tell him / Have you told him
؈’ ¢Á∞¡}™‰-†E Ø√†oûÓ îÁ§ƒp. d) Ask him where he goes every evening. Book Shops. Pronunciation and
d) Would you promise me that you would go that I came for him yesterday?
spelling casettes and CDs prepared
(v°æA ≤ƒßª’çvûªç áéπ\-úÕ-Èé-∞«húÓ ¢√-úÕ-†-úø’í∫’) Ajitha: I did / I have. He told me / wanted me
Í®°æ¤ ¢Á∞«h-†E ´÷öÀ-≤ƒh¢√? sentence (c) question 鬕öÀd where does by Central Institute of English and
e) I warn you that it would worsen to find out why you had come.
he go? Foreign Languages are also avail-
Naresh: I can't tell you (of it). I'll (will) come
£«îªa-J-Ææ’hØ√o– ÅC áèπ◊\-´-´¤-ûª’ç-ü¿E. sentence (d) statement 鬕öÀd where he able in Hyderabad. A number of for-
鬕öÀd °j sentences ÅEoç-öÀ™ that Åçõ‰ 'ÅE—. goes. ÉC English ™ î√-™« ´·êu-¢Á’i† ûËú≈. eign books on Conversation, pronun-
2) Omkar: Hi Srikar, when are you starting?
Å®·ûË ´÷´‚©’ conversations ™, writing ™ e) ¢√úÁ-éπ\úø éÌØ√oúø’ Ç °æ¤Ææhéπç? ciation and spelling carry casettes
Srikar: I myself do not know when I am
èπÿú≈ 'that' ´C-™‰-ߪ’ôç Ææ®Ωy-≤ƒ-üµ∆-®Ωùç. ¢√úø’éπ. Where did he buy the book? and CDs with them. Enquire for them
going to start. (It) depends on when
f) He did not tell me where he had bought the in the market.
-v°æ-¨¡o: -ØË-†’ -Å-¨é¬ -ô÷u-≠æ-Ø˛ ÂÆç-ô-®˝ °--ö«d-©-†’èπ◊ç-ô’-
ûª°æ¤p-é¬ü¿’. Venkat comes here. / On venkat's com-
°j sentenses that ™‰èπ◊çú≈ ņçúÕ– Å®Ωnç™ ûËú≈ book ing here.
Ø√o-†’. -î√-™«-´’ç-CTutorials, tution cen-
àç Öçúøü¿’. Ç °æ¤Ææhéπç áéπ\úø éÌØ√oúÓ Ø√ûÓ îÁ°æp-™‰ü¿’. Omkar: Has'nt he phoned you when he is com-
I told you I would go. tre, tuition centre -Å-E ®√Ææ’h-Ø√o®Ω’. -à-C
(°æ¤Ææhéπç é̆ôç ´·çü¿’, îÁ°æpôç ûª®√yûª – 鬕öÀd ing.
I told you that I would go. had bought) éπÈ®èπ◊d? -ØË-†’ Asoka's tutorials, Asoka
Srikar: I don't know what has happened. I
He said he would help me. g) = Where has he gone? tutorial's
– -à-C ®√-ߪ÷-L?
¢√úÁ-éπ\-úÕ-Èé-∞«}úø’? don't know either (not either)
ûÓ èπÿú≈ =
He said (that) he would help me. (Question - So, has he gone?)
-ï-¢√-•’: Tuition ÅØËC Correct spelling. Asoka
why he has'nt phoned. – -áç.-N.-ï-ߪ’ π◊-´÷®˝, -†-Kq°æ-ôoç
She says she can't sing any more. h) No one knows where he has gone Omkar: Doesn't he know the time of your train.
she says that she can't sing any more. ¢√úÁ-éπ\-úÕ-Èé-∞«}úÓ á´-Jéà ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ü¿’. Srikar: He does / He knows. I told him too. Tutorials correct. Ñ È®çúø’ -°æü∆™x üË-EéÃ
Éé𠧃úø-™‰-†E ÅçöçC. (Statement; so - he has gone. Omkar: There he is. Don't worry. Apostrope (') s ('s) ®√ü¿’.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -í∫’®Ω’-¢√®Ωç 24 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2005
-v°æ-¨¡o: 1) Cheer (n&v), cheerful (adj) and yacht ment. Oô-Eo-öÀéà äÍé Å®Ωnç.
My friend, patient I, we, you, he,
8) ï•’sí¬ Öçúøôç = ill.
Åûª-EéÀ ï•’sí¬ ÖçC/- Å-ûª†’ ï•’s-°æ-ú≈fúø’ Doctor:
(feel cold - îªLí¬ Öçúøôç)
O.K. Take these medicines. They
(n) pronunciation
-™ -ûÁ-©’°æí∫-©®Ω’. •ü¿’©’
she, they, any name, any relationship He is ill. ÉC î√-™« simple expression. will cure you.
2) 2X5 = 10. two, five
-D-Eo '-ñ«u— ten -Å-E
(brother, cousin, uncle, etc) sen- He has been ill for a week
-îª-ü¿-¢√-©ç-ö«®Ω’. -E-ï-¢Ë’-Ø√? †’ ¢√úÕ Â°j Ramesh: What about the diet?
3) Retired èπ◊ Retd. -™‰-ü∆ Rtd.-©-™ ÆæÈ®j-† tences †’ N’í∫û√ times of action ™ (í∫ûªç™, -Å-ûª-úø’ -¢√®Ωçí¬ ï•’sûÓ ÖØ√oúø’ Doctor: Just bread and milk. You can take
future practice He has been ailing for a week.
abbreviation -à-C? Éçûª-´-®Ωèπ◊, ™) îËߪ’çúÕ (Åçõ‰
different tenses These are symptoms of Malaria
-ï-¢√-•’: – -öÀ.-P-´, -†ç-CéÌ-ô÷\®Ω’ ™).
Just one example: ´’™‰-Jߪ÷ ©éπ~-ù«©’. 2) Ramana: Hi Ravi, what news?
1) Cheer- *µßª’ (Jߪ’-™ ¸™ Jߪ’-™«í∫). cheerful: Ramesh took/ has taken/ has been taking/ Now Practise the following in English. Ravi: A bit of bad news. Lakshman isn't
*µßª’-°∂ˇ™ ¸; yacht=ߪ’ö¸/-ߪ÷ö¸. (ߪ’ö¸ will take treatment from this doctor- É™« °j† well/ Lakshman is ailing.
1) Doctor: Ñ ïy®Ωç FÈéçûª 鬩çí¬ ÖçC?
ņo°æ¤púø®·ûË, °ü¿-´¤-©†’ í∫’çvúøçí¬ A°œp Ø√©’éπ îÁ°œp† ÅEo-®Ω-鬩 sentences practice
†’ Ramana: I'm (I am) really sorry. How long
Ramesh: í∫ûª È®çvúÓ-V-©’í¬
éÌçîÁç ™°æ-LéÀ §ÚE-´yçúÕ; ߪ÷ö¸ ņo-°æ¤úø’ îËߪ’çúÕ. Doctor: ´·çüË áçü¿’èπ◊ ®√™‰ü¿’? has he been suffering?/ How long
Ø√©’éπ flat í¬ Â°ôdçúÕ) 2) We take treatment from a doctor for a dis-
Ramesh: ØËØË àüÓ ´’çü¿’-¢√-ú≈†’, temperature has he been down?
2) 2$5=10†’ two five 'ñ«u— ten ņôç ûª°æ¤p. DEo ease.
Ravi: He has had a temperature for the
îªü¿-¢√-LqçC, Two fives are ten ÅE. a) He is taking treatment from Dr. Sankar for ûªÍí_ç-ü¿’èπ◊.
Pronunciation: ô’ °∂j¢√b-õ„Ø˛ ÅE; Ééπ\-úø '-ï— -´ûª’h Jaundice (Jaundice= 鬢Á’®Ω’x) Doctor: Fèπ◊ ü∆E-´©x †ßª’-´’-®·çü∆? past four days. The doctor told him
size ™ z ™«í∫ °æ©-éπçúÕ. Are E 'Ç— í¬ °æ©-éπçúÕ; b) She is undergoing treatment for typhoid Ramesh: ™‰ü¿’. Åçü¿’Íé O’ ü¿í∫_-®Ω-éÌ-î √a†’. that it is typhoid. He advised him
*´J 'r' silent. (Tu faivza : ten) - ÉC English (Typhoid èπ◊ ¢Ájü¿uç îË®·ç--éÌç-öçC) Doctor: ÆæÍ®, O’¶«üµ¿-™‰çö îÁ°æpçúÕ.(complaint) rest and treatment for three weeks.
pronunciation. c) He has been under treatment for a week Ramesh: Temperature, headache, -ä∞¡Ÿx Ramana: Let's wish him a speedy recovery.
3) Retd correct.
ÅØËC now. (¢√®Ωçí¬ Çߪ’† *éÀ-ûªq -§Òç-ü¿’-ûª’-Ø√oúø’) ØÌ°æ¤p©’.
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 27 -†-´ç-•®Ω’ 2005
Bhaskar: Hi Krishna, When are you leaving for Charan: It arrives at 10 and departs at 10.10.
Delhi? It reaches the destination next morn-
éπ%-≥ƒg, á°æ¤p-úÁ-∞¡Ÿh-Ø√o´¤? ing at 9.
Charan: On Sunday, by the AP Express. 10 éÀ ´Ææ’hçC, 10–10éÀ •ßª’-™‰l-®Ω’hçC.
AP Express
´îËa ÇC-¢√®Ωç, ™. Destination (= í∫´’uç/ îË®Ω-´-©-Æœ† îÓô’,
Next Sunday
í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ: 'The' ´·çü¿’ Delhi)
Ééπ\úø ûª®√yA §Òü¿’l†o 9 í∫çô-©èπ◊
Sunday next
¢√úøç; Å®·ûË sunday ņo-°æ¤púø’ îË®Ω’hçC.
´·çü¿’ Trains
¢√úøû√ç. 'TheÊ°®Ωx ´·çü¿’ Bhaskar: Have you booked your return jour-
´Ææ’hçC. ney?
Bhaskar: Have you booked the ticket? / Reserve
A®Ω’í∫’ v°æߪ÷-ù«-EéÀ îËÆæ’èπ◊Ø√o¢√?
reserve your ticket? Charan: I am not sure when I return. Depends
ticket reserve
-F -îËÆæ’èπ◊-Ø√o-¢√? on what my uncle says. High on the waitlist (wait list ™ ´·çü¿’ç-úøôç) 12) arrival = îËJéπ; Departure = •ßª’-™‰l-®Ωôç. -´’®Ó
(Ticket = öÀéÀö¸ – 'öÀ— ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç) á°æ¤púø’ AJ-íÌ-≤ƒhØÓ éπ*a-ûªçí¬ ûÁ-L-ߪ’ü¿’. low on the wait list (wait list ™ éÀçü¿ Öçúøôç) ®Ωéπçí¬ – ®√éπ (arrival), §Úéπ (departure)
Charan: yes, yesterday. I am travelling II ´÷ uncle îÁÊ°p ü∆Eo •öÀd Öçô’çC. 8) Make do with = ÆæJ-°æ¤-a-éÓ-´ôç/ Ææ®Ω’l-èπ◊-§Ú-´ôç. 13) Destination = í∫´’uç, îËÍ®/ -îË-®Ω-´-©-Æ œ† îÓô’.
sleeper class. There was no accom- Bhaskar: OK then, see you tomorrow at sta- a) Fèπ◊ ؈’ ´çü¿ ®Ω÷§ƒ-ߪ’©’ ´÷vûª¢Ë’ É´y-í∫-©†’. The destination of the AP express from
modation in the AC classes. tion. ü∆çûÓ Ææ®Ω’léÓ. Hyderabad is New Delhi.
II sleeper ™ Ø√ v°æߪ÷ùç. AC Í®°æ¤ Station
™ éπ©’ü∆lç. I can give you only Rs 100/-. Make do AP Express
£j«ü¿-®√-¶«ü˛ †’ç* •ßª’-™‰lÍ® í∫´’uç
Classes ™ îÓô’-™‰ü¿’. Charan: Bye! with it. New Delhi.
Accommodation =
( Å鬴’úÁ-ß˝’-≠æØ˛ – 'úÁß˝’— Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ ´*a† v°æߪ÷-ù«-EéÀ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*† b) †’NyîËaü∆çûÓ Ææ®Ω’l-èπ◊ç-ö«†’. 14) On the train/ on board the train = train ™,
ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç. ´·çü¿’-†o '-Å— ü∆ü∆°æ¤ °æ©éπç. ´÷ô©’ îª÷ü∆lç. I'll make do with whatever you give. on the journey = v°æߪ÷ùç™ (during the
Å®Ωnç = îÓô’, ´ÆæA) 1) Leaving - leave = •ßª’-™‰l-®Ωôç. ¢Á∞¡xôç. 9) Catering service (Èéß˝’-ô-Jçí˚ ÆæNÆˇ) = ´çô, journey ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçö«ç)
Bhaskar: Why didn't you go earlier? I leave for college at 9 every day. ´úøf†. on travel = while on travel = -v°æ-ߪ÷-ùç-™
(´·çüË áçü¿’èπ◊ ¢Á-∞¡}™‰ü¿’?) (leave - left - left) äéπ îÓ-öÀéÀ ¢Á∞¡xôç/ •ßª’-™‰l-®Ωôç Cater = ´çúÕ ´úÕfç-îªôç, ´·êuçí¬ parties èπÿ, travel = v°æߪ÷ùç, v°æߪ÷-ùÀç-îªôç (vö«´™¸);
leave for a place. °Rx∞¡⁄x ´Èíj-®√-©èπ◊ (cater = Èéß˝’-ô®˝) Comfort = Ææ’êç/ -≤˘-éπ®Ωuç
a) Çߪ’† îÁØÁj o †’ç* Delhi éÀ E†o -¢Á-∞«xúø’ catering = Èéß˝’-ô-Jçí˚ – -Ñ -Å-Eo °æ-ü∆-©-™ 'Èé— - Travel in comfort with less luggage
He left Chennai for Delhi yesterday. ØÌéÀ\ °æ-©é¬-L. ûªèπ◊\´ luggage ûÓ Ææ’êçí¬ v°æߪ÷-ùÀç-îªçúÕ.
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 74
b) Ç¢Á’ E†o Ééπ\úø †’ç* ¢ÁRxçC. áéπ\-úÕéÓ caterers = Èéß˝’-ô®Ω-ñ ¸ = ´çúÕ, ´úÕfçîË¢√∞¡Ÿx (com-
Now practise the following in English.
ûÁ-L-ߪ’-ü¿’. pany/ restaurant, etc)
O’ v°æߪ÷ùç ᙫ ïJ-TçC?
î√-™« Ææ’êç-í¬ØË ïJ-TçC.
íÆ£ªËºô¢Ù áJTð¼ô³ÙC...!
Recover from fever.
d) The truck ran into the bus from behind/
7) spilling of blood = ô¢ÚÛhÙ #Ùë]è[Ù Venu: The other day I saw a man bleeding
(ìª÷±y/ Oªô¢ª êŸyô¢Þ¥ ÚÁõª-ÚÁ-î¦-õE û¦/ ÷« ÚÁJÚÛ) uncontrollable bleeding in many other countries.
pool = ÷ªè[ªÞœª (÷«÷´-õªÞ¥ Íô³ê¶ FüŒx ë]Ùö˺ ÷³Þœª_ô¢ª àŸE-ð¼-óŸ«ô¢ª.) ꟪Ùç¶ Îæ˺ èņڕÙC. question.
Kiran: àŸE-ð¼-óŸ«è¯? ‘‘
The Minister wants this to be, Indiraraj ’’.
ÞœªÙåõª) fatal - šíÆ
' óÀª-æËÀöËÀ (‘šíÆóÀª’ ûË•Ú¨\ í£õ-Ú¥L)
Venu: û¦ÚÛª êµMë]ª. Ú¥F ÍêŸè… Þ¥óŸ«õª ÷«vêŸÙ 2. We will do it, in fact we are doing it.
bear = òÅ¡JÙàŸè[Ù 4) injury (ÏÙ ' áJ – ‘ÏÙ’ ûË•Ú¨\ í£õÚ¥L) = Þ¥óŸªÙ
any longer = ÏÙÚÛ Ô÷«vêŸÙ. 5) injure (ÏÙ á – ‘ÏÙ’ ûË•Ú¨\í£õÚ¥L) =
' à¦ö° Bv÷-i-ìî¶. êŸõÚ¨ ÚÛ«è¯ Þ¥óŸªîµªiÙC. 3. Correct sentences:
Þ¥óŸªí£ô¢àŸè[Ù ÍÙêŸ-šíë]l ëµñs-õêÁ ñêŸ-ÚÛè[Ù ÚÛù£d. a) The Tatas and the Birlas are tycoons.
Kiran: væ°íƇÚ ví£÷«-ë¯ö˺x àŸE-ð¼-ó¶ª-î¦J ú£ÙÜu
Bhanu: Let's go and see. Where exactly is it? b) Both the Tatas and the Birlas are
(îµRx àŸ«ë¯lÙ í£ë]. ÓÚÛ\è[ áJ-TÙC?) a) People have/ suffer/ sustain injuries in
à¦ö° ë¶ø‹ö˺x ÚÛÙç¶ ÷ªì-ë¶-øŒÙö˺ ÓÚÛª\î¶. tycoons.
Ravi: I told you. At the cross roads. You go. I an accident. (a) is better than (b) 'Both’ is unneces-
am still in a shock. I can't bear to see it (ví£÷«-ë]Ùö˺ ví£áõª Þ¥óŸª-í£-è[-ê¦ô¢ª) Answers sary here as even without it the meaning is
again. b) The accident killed one and injured at clear.
(àµð§pìª ÚÛë¯. Î vÚ¥úÃ-ôÁ-èÂqö˺. ìªîµyüŒ‰x. least five.
1) Kiran: These lorry, auto drivers never
4. We are going to discuss all these in the
û¶EÙÚ¥ ÿ§ÚÂ-ö˺û¶ Ñû¦o. ÷ªSx àŸ«è[-ö¶ìª) (ví£÷«-ë]Ùö˺ ÖÚÛô¢ª àŸE-ð¼-óŸ«ô¢ª, ÚÛFú£Ù learn.
coming lessons. please wait.
ÏÚÛ\è… ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é traffic, traffic accidents ÞœªJÙචÍô³-ë]ª-Þœªô¢ª Þ¥óŸª-í£-è¯fô¢ª.) Venu: What is the matter?
5. It is bookish. The best thing is to avoid
c) severe (ú‡' NóŸª)/serious injury = Bv÷-iì
Kiran: See this newspaper. Two acci-
ÚÛë¯. î¦æ¨Ú¨ ú£ÙñÙ-CÅÙ#ì ÷«åõª, î¦æ¨ Ñí£- them totally.
Þ¥óŸªÙ dents. In one of the accidents, a
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ -Ç-C-¢√®Ωç 4 -úÕÂÆç-•®Ω’ 2005
Ramu: Hi Raghu, how was the debate yester- Raghav: The first two prizes went to the teams
day? from other colleges. Our college was
E†o (úÕ¶„-ß˝’ö¸– ¶„ß˝’ ØÌéÀ\ able to get the III prize. The speech of
°æ©’-èπ◊û√ç) ᙫ ≤ƒTçC one of the judges at the end of the
Raghu: Very exciting. We missed you very debate was interesting. It seems he
much. Why didn't you come? could debate and win prizes even as
î√-™« Öû√q-£æ«çí¬ ≤ƒTçC. †’´¤y ™‰éπ-§Ú-´- a school boy.
úø¢Ë’ ´÷èπ◊ ¢ÁL-Aí¬ ÅE°œç-*çC. †’¢Áyç-ü¿’èπ◊ prizes
¢Á·ü¿öÀ È®çúø’ colleges
Éûª®Ω èπ◊
®√™‰ü¿’? ¢Á∞«x®·. ´’† college III prize ´÷vûª¢Ë’
Ramu: I had important work, but thought I Debate
ûÁa-éÓ-í∫-L-Tç-C. *´®Ω judge
could finish it and be in time for the speech interesting.
î√-™« *†o ´ßª’-Ææ’-
debate. But there was some delay and ™ØË Çߪ’† debates prizes
™ §ƒ™Ô_E She could do it = - past,
Ç¢Á’ îËߪ’-í∫-LÍíC Pradeep: No, Å°æ¤p-úø-®·ûË regular í¬ practice
I couldn't be free until late in the ûÁa-éÓ-í∫-LÍí-¢√-úøô. She couldn't (She could not) do it îËߪ’-í∫-LÍí¢√-úÕE. É°æ¤púø’ îËߪ’-™‰-éπ-§Ú-
evening. °j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ could ûÓ Ö†o verbs í∫´’-Eü∆lç. - past
Ç¢Á’ îËߪ’-™‰-éπ-§Ú-®·çC ûª’Ø√o, Office ™ §Òü¿’l† 8 †’ç*
î√-™« ´·êu-¢Á’i† °æE, Å®·Ø√ ÅC °æ‹Jh 1) could finish 2) couldn't be free 3) could make 3) I thought you could make it ≤ƒßª’çvûªç 5 ´®Ωèπ◊ busy 鬕öÀd.
îËÆæ’èπ◊E debate v§ƒ®Ω綵º-´’-ßË’u-™ í¬ - past Pramod: àüÁjØ√ °ü¿l matches ™ Çúø-í∫-Lí¬¢√?
it 4) could understand 5) couldnot have (the †’´¤y ®√í∫-©’-í∫’-û√-´E ņ’-èπ◊Ø√o
Pradeep: áçü¿’-é¬-úø-™‰ü¿’? ´÷ college team ™,
®√í∫©††’-èπ◊Ø√o. é¬F Ç©-Ææu-´’-®·çC. Åçûª- benefit of) 6) could debate. 4) You could understand its importance
´-®Ωèπ◊ free é¬-™‰-éπ-§Úߪ÷. Åçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ school team ™ î√™«-
Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ ´’†ç 'can' Å®Ωnç, Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬©’ ûÁ©’- ü∆E v§ƒ´·êuç †’´¤y Å®ΩnçîËÆæ’éÓí∫-LÍí-¢√-úÕ-N– past ≤ƒ®Ω’x Çúø-í∫-Lí¬†’.
Raghu: We know that you had work, but Ææ’-èπ◊Ø√oç éπü∆? can í∫’-Jç-* ´’†èπ◊ ûÁL-ÆœçC. 1) can 5) Could not have = §Òçü¿-™‰-éπ-§Ú-ߪ÷†’. (past) Pramod: F job ´÷®Ω’a-éÓ-™‰¢√? Practice èπ◊ õ„jç
thought you could make it. We knew Åçõ‰ 'í∫©— ÅE ≤ƒ´’-®√n uEo -ûÁ-©’°æ¤-ûª’çC - in the 6) Could debate = debate ™ ´÷ö«x-úø-í∫-LÍí-¢√úø’. èπ◊C-Í®-ô-ô’dçúË job îª÷Ææ’éÓ ™‰¢√?
too you could understand the impor- present or in the future. 2) permissions ¶µ«®Ωû˝ cricket series Èí©-´-™‰-éπ-§Ú-®·çC Pradeep: É°æ¤púø’ é¬ü¿’. •£æ›¨¡, ´îËa Ææç´-ûªq®Ωç.
tance of the debate. 3) requests 4) possibilities èπÿ ¢√--úø-û√ç – ÉN India could not win the series. Answers:
in the present or in the future. 1) Teacher: Where is your text book, Sudheer?
Sachin could not play well
1) 'could' is the past form of can. Åçõ‰ 'could' †’ Sudheer: (I) didn't get/ bring it, sir.
Ææ*Ø˛ ¶«í¬ Çúø-™‰-éπ-§Ú-ߪ÷úø’. I could not (couldn't) remember to
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 77
í∫ûªç™ ≤ƒ´’-®√n uEo ûÁ-©°æ-ö«-EéÀ ¢√úøû√ç. ؈’ boyhood (¶«©uç)™ ¶«í¬ Çúø-í∫-LÍí-¢√-úÕE
a) I can walk 6 kmph: ؈’ í∫çôèπ◊ 6 km †úø-´- get it.
I could play well in my boyhood. Teacher: What about your home work? Did
í∫-©†’ (present or future)
you do atleast that?
Sudheer: I couldn't (could not) do it, Sir, My
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 78
(îËߪ’çúÕ. ÅE
Åûªúø’ 25 à∞¡x°æ¤púø’ î√™« ¢Ëí∫çí¬ †úø-´-í∫-L-Íí-¢√úø’ d) Could you make it at 10? Ææçü¿-®√s¥Eo•öÀd ÉN ¢√úÕûË O’ communication
(Compare: He can walk fast) °æCç-öÀéÀ ®√í∫-©®√? effective í¬ Öçô’çC.
b) She could sing better than most other
singers of her day.
Ç¢Á’ ûª† ≤ƒöÀ í¬ßª’-èπ◊™x î√™«-´’ç-C-éπçõ‰ ¶«í¬
(She can sing-)
c) When could you reach home?
E†o áEoç-öÀéÀ ÉçöÀéÀ îË®Ω-í∫-L-í¬´¤?
Could you call tomorrow?
(When can you reach home?)
Udai: Just how busy are you Mr.Vinai? (make it =
d) Couldn't you get better marks than that. àüÁjØ√ °æE îËߪ’ôç)
Now practise the
O’È®çûª É°æ¤púø’? He made it to the top
Can you get-
Vinai: Why, What's the matter? (àçöÀ N≠æߪ’ç?) Åûª’u-†oûª ≤ƒn®·éÀ îË®Ω’-èπ◊-Ø√oúø’. following:
鬕öÀd could ¢√úø-éπç™ ´·êu-¢Á’i-†C – í∫ûªç™ Udai: I want a favour from you, Mr.Vinai.
≤ƒ´’-®√n uEo ûÁ©-°æôç. °j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ ÅüË îª÷¨»ç. Formal polite
í¬ é¬éπ-§Ú-®·Ø√, î√™« (´’®√u-ü¿)í¬ Amar: -O’®Ω’ Ø√éÓ ≤ƒ-ߪ’ç
(O’®Ω’ Ø√éÓ Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç îËߪ÷L) request could
1) I couldn't reach home Vinai: What's it, Mr Udai? (àçö îÁ°æpçúÕ)
îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ ûª°æp-E-ÆæJ. îËߪ’-í∫-©®√?
Compare: Bhanu: àçôC?
؈’ É©’x îË®Ω’-éÓ-™‰-éπ-§Ú-ߪ÷†’. Udai: Could you have a look at the plan of the
2) When could you reach home last night? a) Can you lend me your bike? Amar: È®ç-úø’®Ó-V©’ -O’
house I want to built? You are an expert
F´¤ ®√-vA á°æ¤púø’ É©’x îË®Ω’-éÓ-í∫-L-í¬´¤? in these matters and I want your sug-
b) Will you lend me your bike? ®Ω÷ç™ ††’oç-úø- M. SURESAN
gestions and advice. c) Would you lend me your bike?
É´Fo ability in the past F-ߪ’®√?
É°æ¤p-úø’ Could èπ◊ Ö†o È®çúÓ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷í∫ç îª÷ü∆lç. Plan
؈’ éπôd-¶-ûª’†o É©’x ã≤ƒJ îª÷úø-í∫-©®√. d) Could you lend me your bike? Bhanu: ؈’ Ø√ roommate †’ Åúø’-í∫’û√. Åûª-EÍéç
°j Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ Ñ sentence í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. Éô’´çöÀN O’èπ◊ î√™« ¶«í¬ ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éπü∆. O’ Sentences (a), (b), (c) ´‚úø÷ Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ Ŷµºuç-ûª®Ωç Öçúø-ü¿ØË Å†’-èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√o.
1) It could be dangerous for girls Ææ÷îª-†©’, Ææ©-£æ…©’ Ø√èπ◊ 鬢√L. lessons ™ îª÷¨»ç – Å´Fo èπÿú≈ requests. àçô-Ææ©’ Ææ´’Ææu?
Çúø-°œ-©x-©èπ◊ ÅC v°æ´÷-ü¿-éπ®Ωç é¬í∫-©ü¿’. {expert (áé˙q-°æö¸ – °æö¸, bird ™ bir ™ ir ™«í¬ Sentence (d) 'Could' ûÓ èπÿú≈ – request ØË Amar: ´÷ ®Ω÷ç ô÷d Ö†o mechanic sheds/
2) A cell could be helpful that way °æ©-é¬L, 'á— ØÌéÀ\ °æ©-é¬L) = äéπ N≠æ-ߪ’ç™ ûÁ©’-°æ¤-ûÓçC éπü∆. Å®·ûË the interesting thing garages ´©x î√™« íÌúø-´í¬ ÖçC. Room
Cell Ç Nüµ¿çí¬ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í∫-°æ-úø-í∫-©ü¿’. v§ƒOùuç Ö†o ¢√∞¡Ÿx. is, Ñ Ø√©’-Tç-öÀ™ v°æA-ü∆-EéÃ, N’í∫-û√-¢√-öÀéà ûËú≈-©’- ´÷®√a-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√o.
°j È®çúø’ sentences ™ 'could' èπ◊ ã N≠æߪ’ç Site = É©’x éπô’d-èπ◊ØË Ææn©ç / House site} Ø√o®·. ÅN î√™« Ææ’Eo-ûª-¢Á’i† ûËú≈©’ - subtle Bhanu: Ok. Å®·ûË Ñ ≤ƒßª’çvûªç ã≤ƒJ ††’o
≤ƒüµ¿uç, Å´-í∫-©ü¿’ ÅØË Å®Ωnç ´≤ÚhçC éπü∆. Åçõ‰ Vinai: Certainly. But today I am busy. I can do it (distinctions)
éπ©’-Ææ’-èπ◊ç-ö«®√? ´÷ ®Ω÷ç™ Åçûª îÓõ‰ç
Possibility é¬F Probability é¬F ûÁ©’-°æ¤-ûª’çC. ï®Ω- tomorrow. I am free. a) Can you lend me your bike?
™‰ü¿’. ≤ƒ´÷†’x éÌEo ûªT_ç--éÌE ®√í∫-©®√?
Udai: Could you also visit the site, please? Ñ request polite,
N’í∫û√ ÅEoç-öÀ-éπçõ‰ ûªèπ◊\´
í∫-éπ-§Ú-®·Ø√ ïJÍí Å´-鬨¡ç ÖçC ÅE îÁ°æ¤hçC – Amar: Ø√èπ◊ áèπ◊\´ ≤ƒ´÷ØËxç ™‰´¤. Books,
Present ™ informal. Åçõ‰ ´’†èπ◊ ¶«í¬ ûÁLÆœ ’´¤ BÆæ’-éÓ-
ÉçöÀ Ææn™«Eo èπÿú≈ ã≤ƒJ îª÷úø-í∫-©®√? clothes and bed ûª°æp.
1) ´’Sx ´®Ω-ü¿©’ ®√´îª’a, ™ûªô’d v§ƒçû√©’ ´·E-T- Vinai: No Problem. Could you call me tomor- form of request.
í∫-L-T† ¢√∞¡xûÓ ¢√úË Bhanu: Í®°æ¤-ü¿ßª’ç ü∆é¬ wait îËߪ’-í∫-©®√? -O’®Ω’
§Ú-´îª’a. row morning at 8? I'll let you know when 1) Can you buy the tickets for me?
There could be floods again, and the low tickets
´îËa-™-°æ© Room éÌçûª Ææ®Ω’lû√.
we can see the plan and also the site. Ø√èπ◊ éÌçö«¢√?
lying areas could be submerged. 2) Can you give me a lift? Answer:
O’®Ì-éπ\-≤ƒJ Í®°æ¤ Öü¿ßª’ç 8éÀ phone
(low lying areas = Submerge
™ûªô’d v§ƒçû√©’, Plan, site
îËߪ’çúÕ. È®çúø÷ á°æ¤púø’ îª÷úø- b) Will ûÓquestion form request, can
™ îËÊÆ Amar: Could you help me? / Could you do me
= ´·E-T-§Ú-´ôç) – Present or future. í∫-©ØÓ îÁ§ƒh†’. éπØ√o éÌçîÁç áèπ◊\´ polite, formal.
é¬Ææh ´’†ç a favour?
2) He could help you Udai: Could you make it at 10? Åçûªí¬ îÌ®Ω´ BÆæ’-éÓ-™‰E, éÌçîÁç ûÁL-Æœ-†-¢√-∞¡xûÓ Bhanu: What is it?
Åûªúø’ Fèπ◊ Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç îËߪ’-í∫-©úø’ – Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç îËÊÆ Vinai: That Shouldn't be a problem. Please do îËÊÆ request. Amar: Could you let me stay in your room for
Å´-鬨¡ç ÖçC. (é¬F Ææ£æ…ߪ’ç îËߪ’-éπ-§Ú-´îª’a– call me at 8, and we can fix at. 1) Will you help me in the matter? two days?
áçü¿’-éπçõ‰ F °æJ-ÆœnA Åûª-úÕéÀ ûÁL-ߪ÷L. ÉC èπÿú≈ Phone
Ææ´’ÊÆuç Öçúø-éπ-§Ú-´îª’a. áE-N’-Cç-öÀéÀ Ñ N≠æߪ’ç™ é¬Ææh ≤ƒßª’ç îË≤ƒh®√? Bhanu: I will talk to my room mate. I don't think
Present) îËߪ’çúÕ. ´’†ç à®√pô’ îËÆæ’-éÓ-´îª’a 2) Will you drop me at college on your way? he will have any objection. What's the
3) Ç °æE °æ‹®Ωh-´-ö«-EéÀ ¢√®√©’ °æúø’-ûª’ç-üË¢Á÷? Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æ-ù™ O’®Ω’ í∫´’-EçîË Öçö«®Ω’– could ü∆J™college drop
ü¿í∫_®Ω ††’o îË≤ƒh®√? matter?
It could take weeks for the work to be finished. ÅEo-îÓö«x question form ™ ®√´ôç. c) 'would' request
ûÓ îËÊÆ formal.
°æ‹Jhí¬ ´’†-éπçõ‰ Amar: The garages around my room make a
É™«çöÀ Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x 'can' èπÿú≈ ¢√úø-û√-´’E Éçûª-èπ◊- a) Could you have a look at the plan...? °j ≤ƒn®·™ Ö†o-¢√∞¡Ÿx, ´’†ç ÅÆæ©’ ’´¤ BÆæ’-éÓ- lot of noise. I want to move.
´·çü¿’ lesson ™ îª÷¨»ç éπü∆! b) Could you also visit...? E-¢√-∞¡xûÓ îËÊÆ request - would. Bhanu: OK. Could you meet me this evening?
1) Ç °œLx ü¿í∫_-®Ωèπ◊ ¢Á∞¡xèπ◊. ÅC ¶µºßª’-°æ-úø’-ûª’ç-üË¢Á÷. c) Could you call tomorrow? 1) Would you visit me once?
Not much room in our place. Could you
Don't go near the cat. It can get frightened/ it d) Could you make it at 10? ã≤ƒJ ´÷ ÉçöÀ-éÌ-≤ƒh®√? make do with less luggage?
could get frightened. °j Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x ÅEoöx èπÿú≈, could, you ûÓ 2) Would you give us the pleasure of a
Amar: I don't have much luggage except my
2) ´’†èπ◊ úø•’s ´îËa-Ææ-JéÀ ØÁ©©’ °æôd-´îª’a questions form ™ ´≤ÚhçC éπü∆? É™« could song?
books, clothes and bed.
It can take/ could take months for us to get †’ present ™ formal, polite requests èπ◊, O’ §ƒô NØË Å´-é¬--¨¡-N’≤ƒh®√?
Bhanu: Could you wait till tomorrow morning?
the money. Åçõ‰ î√™« ´’®√u-ü¿-éπ-®Ωçí¬, ´’†ç ’´¤ BÆæ’-éÓ-™‰E d) Could ûÓ îËÊÆ requests ÅEo forms ™ Åûªuçûª
I'll tidy up the room before you move in.
3) ¢√∞¡xûÓ °æJ-îª-ߪ÷©’ ™«¶µº-ü∆-ߪ’-éπçí¬ Öçúø-í∫-©´¤. ¢√∞¡xûÓ (formal) àüÁjØ√ request îËߪ÷-©-†’-èπ◊çõ‰ ´’®√u-ü¿-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’i-†C (Politest form of request),
Some connections can be / could be useful. ¢√úøû√ç. éÌçûª formal èπÿú≈. ´’®√u-ü¿èπ◊ v§ƒ´·êuç áèπ◊\´.
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL:
I -Ñ-Ø√-úø’ í∫’®Ω’¢√®Ωç 8 -úÕÂÆç-•®Ω’ 2005
Charan: Could I speak to you for a few min- 3) Could we be disturbing you?
utes? (O’Íé-´’Ø√odisturbance Å´¤-ûª’çü∆?/
O’ûÓ È®çúø’ EN’-≥ƒ©’ ´÷ö«x-úø-´î√a? ¢Ë’ç N’´’tLo disturb îËߪ’-úøç-™‰ü¿’ éπü∆?)
Damodar: What about? Go ahead. 4) Could I know? (ûÁ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´î√a?)
üËE í∫’Jç*? ´÷ö«x-úøçúÕ. 5) Could we go ahead then?
(Go ahead = - permission
é¬E-´yçúÕ É´y-ö«-EéÀ (Å®·ûË ¢Ë’ç °ô’d-éÓ-´îª’a éπü¿çúŒ (meeting?)
¢√úËexpression; encourage îËߪ’-ö«-EéÀ, Åçõ‰ O’®Ω’ í∫´’-EçîË Öçö«®Ω’ °j Ææçü¿-®√s¥™x Åçû√
could, I/ We ûÓ question form ™ Öçúøôç.
v§Úûªq-£œ«ç-îª-ö«-EéÀ èπÿú≈ ¢√úøû√ç)
Charan: A few of us want to have a short
meeting this evening. Could we
É™« could I/ We ûÓ question form ™ ´ÊÆh
î√™« polite í¬ ÅúÕÍí permissions/ (ņ’-´’A)
have it on your terrace?
Å´¤ - û ª ’ çC.
¢Ë’ç éÌç-ü¿®Ωç ã *†o meeting °ô’d- ´Fo èπÿú≈ îª÷úøçúÕ– polite í¬ permission Ææçví∫-£æ«çí¬ uses of could in conversation: 3) How could he get the prize?
éÓ-¢√-©-†’-èπ◊ç-ô’Ø√oç. O’ ú≈¶« O’ü¿ °j 1. As the past form of can, to express a past How was he able to get the prize?
°ô’d-éÓ-´î√a? Åúø’-í∫’-ûª’†o ¢√é¬u™‰.
ability. Åûª úø’ prize ᙫ §Òçü¿-í∫-L-í¬úø’?
a) ´’Sx N’´’t-™„o-°æ¤púø’ éπ©’-Ææ’-éÓ-´’ç-ö«®Ω’?
(Terrace - pronunciation - õ„JÆˇ; 'õ„— ØÌéÀ\ 2. To express a possibility in the present. Question ™ could, was/ were able éπØ√o
When could I see you again?
°æ©’-èπ◊û√ç; ú≈¶«-í¬E, ÉçöÀE dž’-é̆o Ç®Ω’- 3. Expressing the politest form of request in the áèπ◊\´ common. How could he come so
•-ߪ’ô v°æü˨¡çí¬E. coffee ™«çöÀN û√í∫’ûª÷, b) Could we wait for you here, in case you are present. early? ÅØËüË, How was he able to come so
coming back? early éπØ√o áèπ◊\´ ¢√úø’-ûª ’ç-ö«®Ω÷, áèπ◊\´
èπÿ®Ω’aE BJí¬_ éπ•’®Ω’x îÁ°æ¤p-éÓ-ú≈-EéÀ É™«çöÀ 4. To ask for permissions in a very polite and a
v°æüË-¨»-©†’ Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-T-Ææ’hç-ö«®Ω’. India ™ Å®·ûË O’®Ω’ AJT ´îËa-ôx-®·ûË -´’-´’t-Lo Ééπ\úø wait îËߪ’- very formal manner. N†- °æ-úø’-ûª’çC èπÿú≈.
áèπ◊\´ ú≈¶« ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ ¢√úøû√ç) ´’ç-ö«®√?/ ¢Ë’ç Ééπ\úø wait îËߪ’´÷? Compare sentences (a) and (b) below: 4 (a) Could they win the match?
Damodar: Oh, no problem. When exactly is it? c) Ç order copy BÆæ’-éÓ-´î√a? (b) Were they able to win the match?
(a) I could play very well when I was young.
°ô’d-éÓçúÕ. éπÈ®-é˙dí¬ á°æ¤púø’? Could I take a copy of the order with me?/ (b) I was able to play well when I was young. (Match Èí©-´-í∫-Lí¬®√?)
Could I take a copy of the order? îÓôx èπÿú≈, (b) éπçõ‰ (a) more common.
Meaning of (a): ؈’ young í¬ Ö†o-°æ¤púø’ ¶«í¬ Éô’-´ çöÀ
(´·êuçí¬ superior status ™ Ö†o-¢√∞¡x permis- Çúø-í∫-L-Íí-¢√-úÕE. (Çúø-í∫-L-T† ≤ƒ´’®Ωn uç Öç-úËC, Çú≈†’ ÉO could èπ◊ Ö†o Å®√n©÷, Ö°æ-ßÁ÷-í¬-©÷.
sion ÅúÕ-Íí-ô-°æ¤púø’) ÅE éπ*a-ûªçí¬ ûÁL-ߪ’ü¿’) Now practice the following in English.
d) Could you let me sit here for a while
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 79 Meaning of (b): ؈’ young í¬ Ö†o-°æ¤púø’ ¶«í¬ Ramarao: °æ¤Ææhéπç ã≤ƒJ îª÷úø-E-≤ƒh®√?
†Eo-éπ\úø é¬Ææh èπÿ®Óa-E-≤ƒh®√?/ ØËE-éπ\úø èπÿ®ÓaØ√? Çúø-í∫-L-í¬†’. (Çúøí- L-∫ T- † ≤ƒ´’®Ωnuç Öç-úCË , Çú≈†’ èπÿú≈) Govind: é¬ÊÆ°æ¤ wait îË≤ƒh®√? °æ‹®Ωh-´-ö«-EéÀ
ÉçéÓ È®çúø’ Ê°@-©’-Ø√o®·.
Ramarao: O’ phone ã≤ƒJ ¢√úø’-éÓØ√? ã impor-
She is plump
Harish: O stop lecturing. I don't want to eat
any more only because I am on a full
(Ééπ Ç Ö°æ-Ø√uÆæç Ç°æ¤. éπúø’°æ¤ EçúÕçC
鬕öÀd ؈’ ÉçÍéç A†-™‰†’)
Ganesh: If only Jayaram were here he would Krishna: I am on a full stomach too. I can't eat
É°æ¤púø’ ¶«í¬ Çéπ-Lí¬ Ö†o-°æ¤púø’ ¢√úË ´÷ô©’ Heavy
finish off atleast 6 to 7 idlis. You are a another thing.
îª÷ü∆lç. breakfast
poor eater. I enjoy seeing Jayaram
ÇéπL = hunger, Çéπ-Lí¬ Ö†o = hungry.
(Ø√èπÿ éπúø’°æ¤ EçúÕçC. ÉçÍé-´÷vûªç A†-™‰†’) AØ√o.
eat. É´Fo èπÿú≈ 'éπúø’°æ¤ EçúÕ† ¢√∞¡Ÿx— ¢√úË ´÷ô©’. Ravikanth:
Ñ ´÷ô©’ ´’†ç-ü¿Jéà ûÁ©’Ææ’.
(ïߪ’-®√¢Ë’ Ééπ\-úø’çõ‰ É°æp-öÀéÀ ÇÍ®úø’ ÉúŒx©’ O’®Ω’ -Ñ *†o *†o expressions conversation- a) Åûª-úÕéÀ î√™« Çéπ-Lí¬ ÖçC àç A†-™‰ü¿’
™«Tç-îË-ÊÆ-¢√úø’. †’´¤y ™«¶µºç ™‰ü¿’. ™ practise îËߪ’çúÕ. He is very hungry (He is hunger ÅE Å-†ç.) ؈’. àüÓ
When you are on a full stomach, you nibble.
ïߪ’®√ç Aç-ô’ç-õ‰ îª÷úøôç Ø√èπ◊ ´·îªa-õ‰- b) Ø√èπ◊ î√™« Çéπ-Lí¬ ÖçC = I am starving. äéπ°æE. BJ-éπ- M. SURESAN
Ææ’hçC) (O’èπ◊ éπúø’°æ¤ EçúÕ-§ÚûË nibble îË≤ƒh®Ω’. Åçõ‰ Starve Åçõ‰ ÅÆæ©’ Å®Ωnç = AçúÕéÀ ™‰éπ °æÆæ’hç- ™‰-éπ-§Ú-®·çC.
Harish: You are not a big eater either. You °j°j† éÌCl-éÌ-Clí¬ éÌ®Ω’-èπ◊ûª÷ áèπ◊\´ A†-èπ◊çú≈ úøôç ÅE, Å®·ûË ¶«í¬ Çéπ-Lí¬ ÖçC ÅØË Å®ΩnçûÓ Prashanth: FûÓ Hotel èπ◊ ®√´-ö«-EÍéç Ŷµºuç-ûª®Ωç
have eaten only four like me. Öçö«®Ω’) èπÿú≈ Starve ¢√úøû√ç, Conversation ™. ™‰ü¿’ é¬E Ø√ éπúø’°æ¤ EçúÕçC. ØËØËç
(†’´¤y èπÿú≈ áçûª °ü¿l AØË-¢√-úÕ¢Ëç é¬ü¿’. You nibble when you are not hungry. a) °œ©x©’ Çéπ-LûÓ ÖØ√o®Ω’. ´·çü¿’ ؈’ ¢√∞¡xèπ◊ -A-†-™‰-Eçéπ.
-†’-´‹y -Ø√-™«Íí -Ø√-©’í∫’ ÉúŒx™‰ éπü∆ A†oC) ÇéπL ™‰†-°æ¤púø’ nibble îË≤ƒh®Ω’. Åçõ‰ àüÓ áçTL ´çú≈L. Ravikanth: F company É´¤y, î√©’. A†ôç ؈’
Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æù èπÿú≈ Éçûªèπ◊´·çü¿’ lessons ™ °æ úø-û√®Ω’. 鬕öÀd nibble = Å®·-≠dçæ í¬ A†ôç/ The Children are starving. I must cook some îª÷Ææ’èπ◊çö«.
™«í¬ØË AçúÕéÀ, A†-ú≈-EéÀ Ææç•ç-Cµç-*ç-ü¿E ûÁ©’- áçTL °æúøôç. thing for them first. Prashanth: àç-öÃ, î√-™« Çéπ-Lí¬ Ö†o-ô’xçC Fèπ◊?
Ææ÷hØË ÖçC éπ-ü∆. ´’†™ éÌçûª-´’çC ¶«í¬ AØË- [Suppose you eat too much, you may put on (Ééπ\úø – °œ©x©’ î√-™« Çéπ-Lí¬ ÖØ√o-®ΩE -Å®Ωnç. Ravikanth: îÁ §ƒp-†’í¬. §Òü¿’l-Eoç* éπúø’°æ¤ ë«S.
¢√-∞¡Ÿxç-ö«®Ω’, éÌçûª-´’çC ÅÆ晉ç A†E ¢√∞¡Ÿxç-ö«®Ω’ weight = áèπ◊\´ AØ√o-®Ω-†’-éÓçúÕ, O’®Ω’ ™«´-´îª’a. °æÆæ’h-Ø√o-®ΩE é¬ü¿’) (Ææ ÷ îª † : Éçûª èπ◊´·çü¿’ -ûÁ-©’Ææ’èπ◊Ø√oç. Hotel-
éπü∆. Ñ≤ƒJ AØË Å©-¢√--ôxèπ◊ Ææç-•ç-Cµç-*-† suppose = ņ’-éÓçúÕ. b) Å´÷t, î√-™« Çéπ-™‰-≤ÚhçC Ø√èπ◊. ņoç-°ô’d. (£æ « Ù- õ „ ™ ¸– - õ „ ØÌéÀ\ °æ©’-èπ◊û√ç) Åçõ‰ lodge-
expressions éÌEo ûÁ©’Ææ’èπ◊çü∆ç. a) éÌ´¤y °æü∆-®√n©’ AE ™«´-´ôç É≠ædç ™‰ü¿’ Ø√èπ◊. Mom, I am starving. Serve the food/ let me
≤˘éπ ® √u- © - û Ó - Ç £æ …®Ωç- Å-¢Ë’t -îÓ-ô’. lodge
1. I am full; 2. I have had enough; I don't like to eat fatty substances and gain/ have the food/ Give me something to eat.
≤˘éπ ® Ω u ç ™‰ è π ◊ çú≈ Í é - ´ - © ç Ç£æ…-®Ω-°æ-ü∆-®√n©’, §ƒF-
3. Can't eat another thing. put on weight. ߪ ÷ ©’ ©Gµ ç -î Ë-î Óô’ Restaurant - È®≤ƒZ-Ø˛-ö¸ – È®
c) àüÁjØ√ AØ√-©-E°œ≤ÚhçC.
Ñ expressions ÅFo èπÿú≈ éπúø’°æ¤ EçúÕ-§Ú®·, b) Ñ ´’üµ¿u Åûª-úø’ î√-™« ™«´-ߪ÷uúø’. I feel like eating some thing.
-ØÌéÀ\ °æ-©’èπ◊-û√ç.)
Ééπ à ´÷vûªç A†-™‰E °æJ-Æœn-ûª’™x Ö†o-°æ¤púø’ of late he has put on a lot of weight. é¬Ææh àüÁjØ√ °ô’d . Answer:
¢√úøû√ç. c) Åûª-úø’ ™«´¤ = He is over weight. Let me have some thing to eat. Ravikanth: I am very hungry/ am starving. How
about eating something in a restau-
-v°æ-¨¡o: éÌ-Eo verbs -ûª®√y-ûª off, away, up ´ç-öÀ °æ-ü∆-©’ -áç-ü¿’èπ◊ç-ú≈-L?-Ö-ü∆: go O’®Ω-†oô’d peel Åçõ‰ ´©-´ôç (Ωtç ™«çöÀN). Å®·ûË Ééπ\úø èπÿú≈ peel rant?
restaurants eateries/ fast food
-Åç-õ‰ -¢Á-∞¡Ÿ} -Å-E -Å®Ωnç. -Ç-¢Á’ -¢Á-R}ç-C -Å-†-ö«-EéÀ she went -Åç-õ‰ off
Åçõ‰ ´L-îË-ߪ’ôç (DEéÃ, ´©-´ôç ÅØË ü∆EéÀ ûËú≈ í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ: ´L-îË- (Ñ ´’üµ¿u †’
Ææ-J-§Ú-ûª’ç-C éπ-ü∆. -Å-™«é¬éπ she went away -Å-E -áç-ü¿’èπ◊ ߪ’ôç Åçõ‰ ÉçéÌçîÁç í∫öÀdí¬ îÁ°æpúøç ÅE ûÁ©’-Ææ’hçC éπü∆.) ÅE èπÿú≈ Åçô’-Ø√o®Ω’)
Prashanth: I don't feel like eating anything/ I
-¢√-ú≈-L?- -Å-™«Íí peel -Åç-õ‰ -BÆœ-¢Ë-ߪ’-ôç, -ûÌ-©-Tç-îª-ôç -Å-E -Å®Ωnç ¢√úø’éπ (usage) ÅØËC Dictionary Å®√n-E-éπØ√o, grammar rules éπØ√o èπÿú≈
am full/ I am on a full stomach. (I)
éπ-ü∆. é¬-F -Ñ verbs -ûª®√y-ûª off -Å-ØË °æ-ü¿ç -áç-ü¿’èπ◊ -¢√-ú≈-Lq-
had a heavy breakfast this morn-
áèπ◊\´ ¨¡éÀh-´’çûªç. ´’†ç °æü∆-©†’ ´÷´‚-©’í¬ ¢√úÕ-¢√úÕ, ´’†ç ņ’-èπ◊-
´Ææ’hç-C? "I will peel off you, if you do it again. Be care- †oçûª force ü∆E™ Öçúø-ü¿ØË ¶µ«´çûÓ went away, peel off, flung away ing.
ful" - -¢√éπuç-™ peel verb -ûª®√y-ûª 'off' -¢√-úø-ôç -ûª°æp-EÆæ®√?
(flung- NÆœ-Í®-¨»®Ω’, flung away- NÆœ-J-§ƒ-Í®-¨»®Ω’– ûËú≈ ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC éπü∆.) ™«çöÀ Ravikanth: I haven't had anything to eat since
Å-™«Íí 'flung' verb -ûª®√y-ûª away -Å-ØË °æ-ü¿ç -áç-ü¿’èπ◊? -¢Á-R}ç-C ´÷ô-©†’ verbs *´®Ω îË®Ω’≤ƒhç. ÉN ¢√úø’-éπ-´©x v§ƒ´÷-ùÀéπç (standard) morning/ I have been on an empty
-Å-†-ö«-EéÀ went, -ä-©’≤ƒh-†’ -Å-†-ö«-EéÀ will peel -Å-E, -§ƒ-ͮƜç-C Å®·-§Ú®·, ÅN ¢√úø-éπ-§Ú-´ôç Nçûªí¬ éπ-E°œÆæ’hç-C. stomach since morning. Something
-Å-†-ö«-EéÀ flung -Å-ØË °æ-ü∆-©’ -ûÁ-©’í∫’ -Å®√n-Eo -ü¿%-≠œd-™ °-ô’dèπ◊ç-õ‰
éÌEo Ææçü¿-®√s¥-©™ up, away ™«çöÀN îË®Ωa-ôç-´©x, Å®Ωn¢Ë’ ´÷J-§Ú-ûª’çC--. or the other kept me busy.
éπÈ®Íédéπ-ü∆?-Å-™«ç-öÀ verbs -ûª®√y-ûª off, up, away -´ç-öÀ °æ-ü∆-© -¢√-úøéπç -áç-ü¿’éÓ
He has gone. He has gone up – ûËú≈ ûÁ©’-≤ÚhçC éπü∆. Prashanth: I don't mind going to the restaurant
ûÁ©’-í∫’™ èπÿú≈– Ç¢Á’ ¢ÁRxçC – ņ-ú≈-EéÀ, Ç¢Á’ ¢ÁRx-§Ú-®·çC ņ-ú≈-EéÀ ûËú≈ with you. But I cannot eat a thing.