Mar ('06) - 7 - Spoken English

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II Ðû¦è[ª- ÷ªÙÞœüŒî¦ô¢Ù 14 ÷«Ja 2006

Prabodh: Hi Subodh, (do) you know where pretext = ví‡çµÚÂd q–‘çµ’ ûË•Ú¨\-í£-õª-ÚÛªê¦Ù = þ§ÚÛª
we can get good mangoes? put on weight = ñô¢ª-îµ-ÚÛ\è[Ù/ ö°÷÷è[Ù
(óÀª ú£ªò˺ëÅÂ! ÷ªÙ# ÷«Nªè… í£üŒ‰x Subodh: Tell your wife that you are not a dia-
ÓÚÛ\è[ ë•ô¢ª-ÚÛª-ê¦ó¶ª êµõªþ§?) betie. Let her know that eating
Subodh: Where else? At rythu bazaar. mangoes within limits wouldn't
Every one says that the quality is harm you.
good, and the prices moderate. (ìª÷±y ÷ªëÅ]ª---î¦uCÅ íˆè…-꟪-è…N Ú¥÷E
(ÏÙ·Ú-ÚÛ\è[? ·ôj꟪ ñâ°ôÁx. û¦éuêŸ ò°ÞœªÙ- Oª ÎNè[êÁ àµí£±p. í£J-Nª-êŸÙÞ¥ ÷«Nªè…
åªÙë]E, ëÅ]ô¢õª ú£ô¢-ú£ÙÞ¥ ÑÙæ°óŸªE ví£A- í£Ùè[ªx Aìè[Ù ÷õx ví£÷«-ë]Oª ö¶ë]E
î¦üŒ‰x ÍÙæ°ô¢ª.) àµí£±p).
else = ÏÙÚÛ (Ô ÏêŸô¢ Íû¶ Íô¢nÙêÁ). Diabetie = a person suffering from dia-
where else = ÏÙ·Ú-ÚÛ\è[ betes/sugar complaint
who else = ÏÙ·Ú-÷ô¢ª? harm = E
when else = ÏÙ·Ú-í£±pè[ª He thinks he is great. Nù£-óŸ«õª Ïö°/ Íö° ÍE ÍÙåªÙæ°Ù ÚÛë¯. situ-
Prabodh: I keep telling her that but she
how else = ÏÙ¸Ú-N-ëÅ]ÙÞ¥/ ÏÙ·Úö°?) d) ÍêŸè[ª ÑëÁuޜ٠÷ú£ªhÙ-ë]E ÎPÙ-àŸ-è[Ù-ö¶ë]ª. ation conversationö˺ ÏC êŸô¢-àŸªÞ¥ ÷ú£ªhÙ-åªÙC.
doesn't listen.

ÍìªÚÛªû¦o.. ÎPÙ#û¦.. Íìª÷«EÙ#û¦..!

Prabodh: How about Sakala Supermarket? He does not hope (that) he will get the job. ÍÙë]ª-ÚÛE say, know, think, hope, expect, sus-
(û¶ìª àµñªêŸ«û¶ ÑÙæ°. Ú¥F Î Nìë]ª.) e) ÍêŸ-è…Ú¨ ÷« þ§óŸªÙ Ú¥î¦õE ٠Íìª-ÚÁ-÷è[Ù
(÷ªJ ú£ÚÛõ ú£«í£ô ÷«·ô\æ˺x?) Subodh: Wish you a sweet time with the pect, doubt, (be) sure, assure, admit, deny,
ö¶ë]ª. allow, agree (ÏN Ú•Eo. Ïö°Ùæ¨N à¦ö°
Ñû¦oô³.)êÁ ÷à¶a Main ClausesÚÛª That claus-
es join à¶óŸªè[Ù practice à¶óŸªÙè….
Now practise the following in English:
Vimal: ú£ªÚÛª-÷«-ôÂìª Ïî¦ü™÷ªû¦o ÚÛõª-þ§hî¦ ìª÷±y?
Kamal: ÔÙ? ÓÙë]ªÚÛª?
Vimal: î¦è…êÁ àµí£±p, ÷à¶a-î¦ô¢Ù ÷«uà ÑÙë]E.
Kamal: ÷à¶a î¦ô¢Ù ÷«uà ÑÙë]E ìª÷±y î¦è…êÁ
Subodh: The quality may be good there, but mangoes. Bye. Vimal: û¦ÚÛª Eìoû¶ ê¶D êµL-ú‡ÙC. ¸ôí£æ¨ ìªÙ#
the prices are prohibitive. I am sure ÷ªìÙ vð§Ú©dúà à¶óŸ«-õE ÚÛ«è¯ àµí£±p.
ÎÙÞœxòÅ°ù£é 126
(ìª÷±y AóŸªuæ¨ ÷«Nª-è…í£Ùè[ªx Aû¦-õE
(that) it is not the place if you want ÚÁô¢ª-ÚÛªÙ-åªû¦o. òµj) Kamal: î¦è… Ú ¨ êµõª-ú£E û¶ìªìª-ÚÛªÙ-åªû¦o. Eìo
reasonable prices. Ïí£pæ¨ ìªÙ# Ú¥ú£h advanced level conversation ·ôÙè[ª-÷´è[ª þ§ô¢ªx
practice à¶ë¯lÙ. â°vÞœ-êŸhÞ¥ follow Í÷Ùè…. Last ë¯E ÞœªJÙà¶
We do not think (that) he needs our help.
lesson ö˺ the things we have learnt. ÷«æ°x - è ¯è[ ª . ÷ªìÙ
f) ìª÷±y êµL-N-Þœõ î¦è…ìE Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oî¦?
★ A clause is a group of words with a verb. · Þ LචÍ÷- Ú ¥-ø‹õª
Do you think (that) you are clever?
★ A main clause has complete meaning. ò°Þ¥û¶ Ñû¦o-óŸªE
★ A subordinate clause doesn't have com-
Ïí£±pè[ª look at the table - subordinate clauses Íìª-ÚÛªÙ-åª-û¦oè[ª.
in the conversation at the beginning of the Vimal:
plete meaning. î¦è[ ö° ÍìªÚÁ÷è[Ù
★ The number of clauses in a sentence = û¦ÚÛ ª ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥
The number of verbs in it. ÑÙC. M. SURESAN
clauses- that clauses. ÚÛ«è¯ ÷ªìÙ ·Þõª-þ§h-÷ªE Þœæ¨dÞ¥
Ïö°Ùæ¨ that clauses ö˺that 1) Do you know Where we can get good mangoes. ÎP-ú£ªhû¦o.
ÚÛª meaning ‘ÍE’ ÍE. (FÚÛª êµõªþ§?) (÷ªÙ# ÷«Nªè… í£Ùèµx-ÚÛ\è[ ë•ô¢ª-ÚÛª-ê¦óµ«?) Kamal: ›ï°÷ªÙê ú£÷ª-óŸ«-EÚ¨
Conversation ö˺ ÓÚÛª\÷ î¦è¶ 2) Every one says a) That the quality is good.
ÒJÚ¨ AJ-Þ•-þ§h-è[Ù-
clauses ö˺ that clause ÖÚÛæ¨ (ví£A-î¦üŒŠx ÍÙæ°ô¢ª) (û¦éuêŸ ò°ÞœªÙ-åª-ë]E) æ°î¦?
Vimal: î¦è[ ª ¸ô›í ÷à¶a-þ§h-ì-
ÍE Íô¢nÙ Í÷±-꟫û¶ ÑÙC ÚÛë¯. b) (that) the prices are moderate.
ÖÚÛ-¸ôëÁ Íö°/ Ïö° ÍE û¦oè[ª û¦êÁ.
àµñªê¦ô¢ª/ àµð§p-ô¢ª/àµñªêŸª-
(ëÅ]ô¢õª ú£ô¢-ú£ÙÞ¥ ÑÙæ°-óŸªE) Kamal: î¦è[ª ÑÙç¶ ÷ªìÙ
û¦oô¢ª ÍE ÷ªìÙ Íìo-í£±pè[ö°x, 3) I am sure a) That is not the place. ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ¥ ·Þõª-
ÖÚÛô¢ª/ û¶ìª/ ÷³ etc. Íö°/ (û¦ÚÛ ª êµ õ ªú£ ª ) (ÍC ú£ · ô j ì àÁåª Ú¥ë] E ) þ§h ÷ ªìªÚÁ- ÷ àŸ
ª a.
Ïö° ÍE Íìª-ÚÛªû¦o, ÎPÙ-#û¦, b) if you want reasonable prices. ÷þ§h!
Íìª-÷«-EÙ-#û¦, êµL-ú‡û¦, ÷ªìÙ (FÚÛª ú£·ôjì ëÅ]ô¢õª Ú¥î¦-õÙç¶) Answer:
î¦è¯-LqÙC that clause 4) I thought That I would serve them mangoes. Vimal: Are you meeting/
÷«vêŸî¶ª ÚÛë¯. Will you meet
Why? What's the matter? a) ÍêŸè[ª ÷þ§hè[ª ÍE, û¦ÚÛª
(Íìª-ÚÛª-û¦oìª) (î¦üŒxÚÛª ÷«Nª-è…í£Ùè[ªx šíæ°d-õE) Sukumar today?
êµõªú£ª. 5) They will know That you are a good host. Kamal: Why? What's the
(ÍÚÛ\è[ í£Ùè[x û¦éuêŸ ò°ÞœªÙ-è•àŸªa Ú¥F I know that he will come. (î¦üŒ ‰ x êµ õ ª- ú £ ª - Ú Û ª Ù- æ °ô¢ª ) (ìª÷±y ò°Þ¥ ÎAëÇ]uÙ Ïà¶aî¦è…÷E) matter?
ëÅ]ô¢õª ÷«vêŸÙ ÷ªìÙ òÅ¡JÙ-àŸ-ö¶-EN. ú£·ôjì ÏÚÛ\è[ àŸ«è[Ùè…. î¦è[ª-÷-þ§hè[ª 6) She fears That I may put on weight. Vimal: Tell him (that) we
ëÅ]ô¢õª Ú¥î¦-õÙç¶ ÍC ú£·ôjì àÁåª-Ú¥-ë]E = he will come (Î òÅ¡óŸªí£è[ªêÁÙC) (û¶ìª ö°÷-÷±-ê¦-ìE) have the match
ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ¥ àµí£p-Þœ-õìª.) î¦è[ª ÷þ§h-è[E =that he will 7) Tell your wife next week/ That the
prohibitive = (ëÅ]ô¢õª) Íè[ªf-ÚÛªû¶. That you are not a diabetie
come. match is next week.
prohibitive = Ú•ì-è¯-EÚ¨ Íè[ªfí£-è¶ÙêŸ ëÅ]ô¢õª. û¦ÚÛª êµõªú£ª =I know. (Oª ÎNè[êÁ àµí£±p) (ìª÷±y ÷ªëÅ]ª---î¦uCÅ íˆè…-꟪-è…N Ú¥ë]E) Kamal: Have n't you (=
Prabodh: Perhaps you are right. I expect b) ÷«Nªè… í£Ùè[ª Î-Ú¨-ù£d-÷ªE 8) Let her know That eating mangoes within limits wouldn't Have you not) told
some guests tomorrow. I thought ÍÙæ˺ÙC. harm you. him (that) the
(that) I would serve them man- ÷«Nªè… í£Ùè[ª Î-Ú¨-ù£dÙ/-Î (Îîµªìª Íô¢nÙ à¶ú£ª-ÚÁE) (í£J-Nª-êŸÙÞ¥ ÷«Nª-è…-í£Ùè[ªx Aìå٠E à¶óŸª-ë]E) match is next
goes. Ïù£d-í£-è[ª-êÁÙC. week?
(ÍóŸ³uÙ-è•àŸªa. ¸ôí£± ÷« ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ ÍA- She likes the mango. Vimal: I knew the date, only yesterday you
Oªô¢ª ç¶ñªöËÀö˺ Þœ÷ª-EÙචÑÙæ°ô¢ª. ÖÚÛ sen-
tell him too (that) we have to practise
ëÇ]ªõª ÷þ§h-ô¢-ìª-ÚÛªÙåªû¦o. î¦üŒxÚÛª ÷«Nªè… ÷«Nªè… í£Ùè[ª Î Ïù£d-í£-è[ª-êÁÙ-ë]E tenceö˺ ·ôÙè[ª ÷´è[ª sub. clauses ÑÙè[è[Ù.
í£Ùè[ªx šíè[ë¯-÷ªE Íìª-ÚÛªû¦o.) that she likes the mango. from tomorrow.
Subodh: Go ahead. They will know that you Íö°¸ Þ main clauses Óûµjoû¦ ÑÙè•àŸªa.
ÍÙæ˺ÙC = she says/ is saying. šíj sentences ÍEoÙ-æ¨ö˺ main clause ÷³Ùë]ª, Kamal: I think he knows the date. He
are a good host. She says that she likes the mango.
subordinate clause êŸô¦yêŸ ÷à¦aô³. Íö° ô¦î¦- referred to it/ talked about it two or
(Ú¥F ÷ªJ. ìª÷±y ÷ªÙ# ÎAëÇ]uÙ Ïà¶a-î¦- c) î¦è[-ìª-ÚÛªÙ-æ°è[ª î¦è[ª Þ•í£p ÍE.
õE rule ö¶ë]ª. ÔC ÷³Ùë]ª, ÔC îµì-·Újû¦ íÆ£ô¦yö¶ë]ª. three times yesterday. He thinks
è…-÷E êµõª-ú£ª-ÚÛªÙ-æ°ô¢ª.) î¦è[ª-Þ•í£p = he is great; (that) we have good chances of win-
host = ÎAëÇ]uÙ Ïà¶a-î¦è[ª î¦è[ª Þ•í£p ÍE = that he is great. Every body knows that he plays well.
That he plays well, every body knows. ning.
Prabodh: It just gives me a pretext to enjoy He thinks that he is great.
(refer = (ÏÚÛ\è[) ví£þ§h-NÙ-àŸè[Ù)
mangoes. Otherwise my wife Íô³ê¶ conversation ö˺ that ÷C-ö¶-óŸª-÷àŸªa. ÷ªìÙ daily conversation ö˺ ÖÚÛô¢ª ൛íp, Íìª- Vimal: I am glad (that) he thinks. I strongly
wouldn't let me. She fears that I He thinks that he is great. ÚÛªû¶, ÎPÙà¶, Îö˺-#Ùà¶, ÚÛ#a-êŸÙÞ¥ ÑÙè¶ (be sure) hope too that we will win.
may put on weight if I eat man-
Kamal: Do you say (that) Hemanth will
(û¶ìª ÷«Nªè… í£üŒ‰x Aû¶Ù-ë]ªÚÛª ÍA-ëÇ]ªõª Spoken English ð§êŸ î¦uþ§õ ÚÁú£Ù Ú¨xÚ à¶óŸªÙè…... return in time for the match?
Vimal: He has told me (that) he will come
ÖÚÛ þ§ÚÛª ÷«vêŸî¶ª. ö¶ÚÛ-ð¼ê¶ ÷« ÎNè[
back tomorrow itself.
ììªo ÷«Nªè… í£üŒ‰x Aì-F-óŸªë]ª. û¶ìª
ö°îµj-ð¼-ê¦-ìE ÎNè[ òÅ¡óŸªÙ.) URL: Kamal: If he is there we can be sure (that)
we will win the match. Bye.

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