Actual Base Plate Design-V1.2-42-210
Actual Base Plate Design-V1.2-42-210
Actual Base Plate Design-V1.2-42-210
Shear capacity
Anchor Bolt grade Deformed Bar Minimum Tensile Strength, Shear strength of bolts, Fy = Ub = Ps = = Add a partial safety factor of 1.05 for material and cyclic load due to wind. Ps = =
345 Mpa 372.6 N/mm2 0.4*Ub 149.04 N/mm2
Ae = = Cs = Cs =
Tension Capacity
Tensile Strength of bolts, Ps = 0.7*Ub 260.8 Add a partial safety factor of 1.05 for material and cyclic load due to wind, Ct Pt = 0.7Ub/1.05 248.4 Bolt diameter 28 Effective Area,Ae Area*0.8 492.60 Therefore , Tensile capacity Ct = Ae*pt Ct = 122.4
N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm2 kN
Deform bar:
No of bar used (n, b) Diameter of the anchor bolt Cross sectional area Tension capacity , Shear cpacity, Length of anchor bolts Concrete grade Maximum tension force, From Computer Pt-u Ultimate Maximum compressive force From computer Pc-u Ultimate Maximum shear force, From computer Pt Pc Fs 8 28 mm
615.75 mm2
Ct Cs 122.36 kN 87.40 kN 650 mm 17.5 N/mm2 733 kN 879.60 kN 771 kN
925.20 kN 57 kN
Pc-u Ultimate Ultimate Design tension force Ultimate Design compressive force Ultimate Design shear force
Ft Fc Fs
kN kN kN kN
= No of bolts * Ct
979 kN
2.09 N/mm2
Embedded length [Against compression] Embedded length < Given Length of anchor bolts OK
499 mm 598 mm
Bearing capacity of concrete Area of plate required, Apreq minimum width required , Plate pressure, Thickness of the plate a b a2 0.3*b2 Design strength of plate Py t2 t Provided thickness
L = SQRT(Area)
297 mm 3.70 N/mm2 OK 100 mm 80 mm 10000 mm2 1920 mm2 275 N/mm2 271.84 mm2 16.49 mm Ok
W = Fc/Area
500 < 12