200 THK Grade Slab-50kn Variable Load-With Fibre
200 THK Grade Slab-50kn Variable Load-With Fibre
200 THK Grade Slab-50kn Variable Load-With Fibre
Design summary
Load 1 -Corner 200 x 200 point load
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN 115.6 75.0 0.649 PASS
Shear at face kN 337.5 75.0 0.222 PASS
Shear at 2d kN 64.7 72.4 1.120 FAIL
Load 2 -Single edge point load
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN 250.8 75.0 0.299 PASS
Shear at face kN 506.3 75.0 0.148 PASS
Shear at 2d kN 114.5 70.6 0.617 PASS
Load 3 -Single internal point load
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN 270.0 75.0 0.278 PASS
Shear at face kN 675.0 75.0 0.111 PASS
Shear at 2d kN 199.3 72.9 0.366 PASS
Load 4 -Line load from edge
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN/m 29.1 13.2 0.453 PASS
Slab details
Reinforcement type; Steel fibre
Concrete class; C25/30
Slab thickness; h = 200 mm
Residual strength at CMOD 0.5; fR,1 = 2.200 N/mm2
Residual strength at CMOD 3.5; fR,4 = 1.500 N/mm2
Mean axial tensile strength relating to CMOD 0.5; r1 = 0.45 fR,1 = 0.990 N/mm2
Mean axial tensile strength relating to CMOD 3.5; r4 = 0.37 fR,4 = 0.555 N/mm2
Effective depth of reinforcement; d = 0.75 h = 150 mm
Subgrade reaction
Modulus of subgrade reaction; k = 0.005 N/mm3
Concrete details - Table 6.1. Strength properties for concrete
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; fck = 25 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive cube strength; fcu = 30 N/mm2
Mean value of compressive cylinder strength; fcm = fck + 8 N/mm2 = 33 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength; fctm = 0.3 N/mm2 (fck/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 2.6 N/mm2
Project Job Ref.
Moment capacity
Negative moment capacity (Eqn. 2); Mn = Mun = fctd,fl (h2 / 6) = 19.9 kNm/m
Positive moment capacity (Eqn. 6); Mp = Mu = h2 / c (0.29 r4 + 0.16 r1) =10.6 kNm/m
Shear at face
Shear at 2d
Bursting capacity
Effective depth (6.5.3); deff,d = 0.75 ddowel = 56 mm
Shear factor; ks,d = min(1 + (200mm / deff,d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress; vRd,c,d,min = 0.035 ks,d3/2 (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5 1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
Average shear stress taken by concrete; vRd,c,d = max(0.18 ks,d / c (100 1 fck / 1N/mm2)1/3 1N/mm2,
vRd,c,d,min) = 0.561 N/mm2
Loaded length; ll,d = min(8 tp, Pl / 2 - xj) = 45 mm
Perimeter at 2 times the effective depth ; u1,d = 2 (ll,d + deff,d) + Pb = 543 mm
Maximum load per dowel to avoid bursting; Pburst,t = vRd,c,d u1,d deff,d = 17.2 kN
Plate capacity; Pplate_cap = min(Pmax,plate, Psh,plate, Pburst,t) / sd = 49.0 kN/m
Total effective edge capacity (cl.7.9.1); Pu,total = min(Pu / (1 - Pagg) + Pplate_cap 1.8 l, Pu / (1 - 0.5), 4 (Mp +
Mn) / [1 - (a / (3 l))]) = 115.6 kN
Shear at face
Shear at 2d
Bursting capacity
Effective depth (6.5.3); deff,d = 0.75 ddowel = 56 mm
Shear factor; ks,d = min(1 + (200mm / deff,d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress; vRd,c,d,min = 0.035 ks,d3/2 (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5 1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
Date Date
Average shear stress taken by concrete; vRd,c,d = max(0.18 ks,d / c (100 1 fck / 1N/mm2)1/3 1N/mm2,
vRd,c,d,min) = 0.561 N/mm2
Loaded length; ll,d = min(8 tp, Pl / 2 - xj) = 45 mm
Perimeter at 2 times the effective depth ; u1,d = 2 (ll,d + deff,d) + Pb = 543 mm
Maximum load per dowel to avoid bursting; Pburst,t = vRd,c,d u1,d deff,d = 17.2 kN
Plate capacity; Pplate_cap = min(Pmax,plate, Psh,plate, Pburst,t) / sd = 49.0 kN/m
Total effective edge capacity (cl.7.9.1); Pu,total = min(Pu / (1 - Pagg) + Pplate_cap 1.8 l, Pu / (1 - 0.5), 4 (Mp +
Mn) / [1 - (a / (3 l))]) = 250.8 kN
Shear at face
Shear at 2d
4 Mun
3 Mun