200 THK Grade Slab-50kn Variable Load-With Fibre

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The document outlines the design of a concrete industrial ground floor slab based on Eurocode standards. It includes load cases, design checks for flexure, shear, and punching shear capacity.

Design checks were performed on the slab for flexural capacity, shear capacity at the face and at 2d from applied loads, and punching shear capacity.

The ultimate load capacity of the slab was calculated based on equations considering the radius ratio of the applied load and characteristics of the slab. Different equations were used for corner, edge, and internal loads.

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In accordance with TR34, 4th Edition 2013

Design summary
Load 1 -Corner 200 x 200 point load
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN 115.6 75.0 0.649 PASS
Shear at face kN 337.5 75.0 0.222 PASS
Shear at 2d kN 64.7 72.4 1.120 FAIL
Load 2 -Single edge point load
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN 250.8 75.0 0.299 PASS
Shear at face kN 506.3 75.0 0.148 PASS
Shear at 2d kN 114.5 70.6 0.617 PASS
Load 3 -Single internal point load
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN 270.0 75.0 0.278 PASS
Shear at face kN 675.0 75.0 0.111 PASS
Shear at 2d kN 199.3 72.9 0.366 PASS
Load 4 -Line load from edge
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Slab capacity in flexure kN/m 29.1 13.2 0.453 PASS
Slab details
Reinforcement type; Steel fibre
Concrete class; C25/30
Slab thickness; h = 200 mm
Residual strength at CMOD 0.5; fR,1 = 2.200 N/mm2
Residual strength at CMOD 3.5; fR,4 = 1.500 N/mm2
Mean axial tensile strength relating to CMOD 0.5; r1 = 0.45  fR,1 = 0.990 N/mm2
Mean axial tensile strength relating to CMOD 3.5; r4 = 0.37  fR,4 = 0.555 N/mm2
Effective depth of reinforcement; d = 0.75  h = 150 mm

Partial safety factors

Concrete (with or without fibre); c = 1.20
Reinforcement (bar or fabric); s = 1.15
Permanent; G = 1.35
Variable; Q = 1.50
Dynamic loads; D = 1.60

Subgrade reaction
Modulus of subgrade reaction; k = 0.005 N/mm3
Concrete details - Table 6.1. Strength properties for concrete
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; fck = 25 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive cube strength; fcu = 30 N/mm2
Mean value of compressive cylinder strength; fcm = fck + 8 N/mm2 = 33 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength; fctm = 0.3 N/mm2  (fck/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 2.6 N/mm2
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by

Flexural tensile strength; fctd,fl = fctm  (1.6 - h / 1m) / c = 3.0 N/mm2

Design concrete compressive strength (cylinder); fcd = fck / c = 20.8 N/mm2
Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete; Ecm = 22 kN/mm2[fcm/ 10 N/mm2]0.3 = 31 kN/mm2
Poisons ratio;  = 0.2
Radius of relative stiffness (Eqn. 20); l = [Ecm  h3 / (12  (1 - 2)  k)]0.25 = 1469 mm
Characteristic of system (Eqn. 33);  = (3  k / (Ecm  h3))0.25 = 0.486 m-1

Moment capacity
Negative moment capacity (Eqn. 2); Mn = Mun = fctd,fl  (h2 / 6) = 19.9 kNm/m
Positive moment capacity (Eqn. 6); Mp = Mu = h2 / c  (0.29  r4 + 0.16  r1) =10.6 kNm/m

Load 1 - Corner 200 x 200 point load

Shear at face
Shear at 2d

Single corner load

Loading length; ll = 200mm

Loading width; lw = 200mm
Edge distance y; ey = 0mm
Edge distance x; ex = 0mm
Permanent load; Gk = 0.0 kN
Variable load; Qk = 50.0 kN
Dynamic load; Dk = 0.0 kN
Contact radius ratio
Equivalent contact radius ratio; a = [(ll  lw) / ]0.5 = 112.8 mm
Radius ratio; a / l = 0.077
Ultimate capacity under single corner concentrated loads
For a/l equal to 0 (Eqn. 25); Pu_0 = 2  Mn = 39.9 kN
For a/l equal to 0.2 (Eqn. 26); Pu_0.2 = 4  Mn / [1 - (a / l)] = 86.4 kN
Thus for a / l equal to 0.077; Pu = min(Pu_0.2, Pu_0 + (Pu_0.2 - Pu_0)  (a / (l  0.2))) = 57.8 kN

Plate dowel shear capacity

Plate width; Pb = 100 mm
Plate length; Pl = 100 mm
Plate thickness; tp = 10 mm
Plate spacing; sd = 350 mm
Characteristic strength of plate dowel; fyk,plate = 250 N/mm2
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Design strength of plate dowel; fyd,plate = fyk,plate / s = 217 N/mm2

Shear area of plate dowel; Av = 0.9  Pb  tp = 900 mm2
Shear capacity of plate (Eqn 19); Psh,plate = Av  0.6  fyd,plate = 117.4 kN
Joint opening; xj = 5 mm
Distance of application of load from face of conc.; e = xj / 2 = 2.5 mm
Confined compression factor; k3 = 3
Coefficient b1 (Appendix D); b1 = 2  e  k3  fcd  Pb = 31 kN
Coefficient c1 (Appendix D); c1 = 2  k3  fcd  Pb2  tp2  fyd,plate = 27174 kN2
Plate bending/bearing capacity (Eqn 19); Pmax,plate = 0.5  [(b12 + c1)0.5 - b1] = 68.3 kN

Bursting capacity
Effective depth (6.5.3); deff,d = 0.75  ddowel = 56 mm
Shear factor; ks,d = min(1 + (200mm / deff,d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress; vRd,c,d,min = 0.035  ks,d3/2  (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5  1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
Average shear stress taken by concrete; vRd,c,d = max(0.18  ks,d / c  (100  1  fck / 1N/mm2)1/3  1N/mm2,
vRd,c,d,min) = 0.561 N/mm2
Loaded length; ll,d = min(8  tp, Pl / 2 - xj) = 45 mm
Perimeter at 2 times the effective depth ; u1,d = 2  (ll,d +   deff,d) + Pb = 543 mm
Maximum load per dowel to avoid bursting; Pburst,t = vRd,c,d  u1,d  deff,d = 17.2 kN
Plate capacity; Pplate_cap = min(Pmax,plate, Psh,plate, Pburst,t) / sd = 49.0 kN/m
Total effective edge capacity (cl.7.9.1); Pu,total = min(Pu / (1 - Pagg) + Pplate_cap  1.8  l, Pu / (1 - 0.5), 4    (Mp +
Mn) / [1 - (a / (3  l))]) = 115.6 kN

Check ultimate load capacity of slab

Number of loads; N=1
Loading applied to slab; Fuls = N  ((Gk  G) + (Qk  Q) + (Dk  D)) = 75.0 kN
Utilisation; Fuls / Pu_total = 0.649
PASS - Total slab capacity exceeds applied load
Punching shear at the face of the loaded area
Shear factor; k2 = 0.6  (1 - fck / 250N/mm2) = 0.54
Length of perimeter at face of loaded area; u0 = ll + lw + ey + ex = 400 mm
Shear stress at face of contact area; vmax = 0.5  k2  fcd = 5.625 N/mm2
Maximum load capacity in punching; Pp,max = vmax  u0  d = 337.5 kN
Utilisation; Fuls / Pp,max = 0.222
PASS - Total slab capacity in punching at face of loaded area exceeds applied load
Punching shear at the critical perimeter
Shear factor; ks = min(1 + (200mm / d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress at 2d from face of load; vRd,c,min = 0.035  ks3/2  (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5  1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
Length of perimeter at 2d from face of load; u1 = ll + lw + ex + ey +   d = 871 mm
Max. load capacity in punching at 2d from face; Pp = vRd,c,min  u1  d = 64.7 kN
Ground reaction (cl.7.10.2); Rp = 1.4  (d / l)2  Fuls + 0.47  (2  ll + lw)  d  Fuls / l2 = 2.6 kN
Total imposed shear load; Fuls_total = Fuls - Rp = 72.4 kN
Utilisation; Fuls_total / Pp = 1.120
FAIL - Applied loading exceeds total slab capacity in punching at 2d from face of loaded area
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Load 2 - Single edge point load

Shear at face
Shear at 2d

Single edge load

Loading length; ll = 200mm

Loading width; lw = 200mm
Edge distance y; ey = 0mm
Permanent load; Gk = 0.0 kN
Variable load; Qk = 50.0 kN
Dynamic load; Dk = 0.0 kN
Contact radius ratio
Equivalent contact radius ratio; a = [(ll  lw) / ]0.5 = 112.8 mm
Radius ratio; a / l = 0.077
Ultimate capacity under single edge concentrated loads
For a/l equal to 0 (Eqn. 23); Pu_0 = [  (Mp + Mn) / 2] + 2  Mn = 88.0 kN
For a/l equal to 0.2 (Eqn. 24); Pu_0.2 = [  (Mp + Mn) + 4  Mn] / [1 - (2  a / (3  l))] = 185.4 kN
Thus for a / l equal to 0.077; Pu = min(Pu_0.2, Pu_0 + (Pu_0.2 - Pu_0)  (a / (l  0.2))) = 125.4 kN

Plate dowel shear capacity

Plate width; Pb = 100 mm
Plate length; Pl = 100 mm
Plate thickness; tp = 10 mm
Plate spacing; sd = 350 mm
Characteristic strength of plate dowel; fyk,plate = 250 N/mm2
Design strength of plate dowel; fyd,plate = fyk,plate / s = 217 N/mm2
Shear area of plate dowel; Av = 0.9  Pb  tp = 900 mm2
Shear capacity of plate (Eqn 19); Psh,plate = Av  0.6  fyd,plate = 117.4 kN
Joint opening; xj = 5 mm
Distance of application of load from face of conc.; e = xj / 2 = 2.5 mm
Confined compression factor; k3 = 3
Coefficient b1 (Appendix D); b1 = 2  e  k3  fcd  Pb = 31 kN
Coefficient c1 (Appendix D); c1 = 2  k3  fcd  Pb2  tp2  fyd,plate = 27174 kN2
Plate bending/bearing capacity (Eqn 19); Pmax,plate = 0.5  [(b12 + c1)0.5 - b1] = 68.3 kN

Bursting capacity
Effective depth (6.5.3); deff,d = 0.75  ddowel = 56 mm
Shear factor; ks,d = min(1 + (200mm / deff,d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress; vRd,c,d,min = 0.035  ks,d3/2  (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5  1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
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Average shear stress taken by concrete; vRd,c,d = max(0.18  ks,d / c  (100  1  fck / 1N/mm2)1/3  1N/mm2,
vRd,c,d,min) = 0.561 N/mm2
Loaded length; ll,d = min(8  tp, Pl / 2 - xj) = 45 mm
Perimeter at 2 times the effective depth ; u1,d = 2  (ll,d +   deff,d) + Pb = 543 mm
Maximum load per dowel to avoid bursting; Pburst,t = vRd,c,d  u1,d  deff,d = 17.2 kN
Plate capacity; Pplate_cap = min(Pmax,plate, Psh,plate, Pburst,t) / sd = 49.0 kN/m
Total effective edge capacity (cl.7.9.1); Pu,total = min(Pu / (1 - Pagg) + Pplate_cap  1.8  l, Pu / (1 - 0.5), 4    (Mp +
Mn) / [1 - (a / (3  l))]) = 250.8 kN

Check ultimate load capacity of slab

Number of loads; N=1
Loading applied to slab; Fuls = N  ((Gk  G) + (Qk  Q) + (Dk  D)) = 75.0 kN
Utilisation; Fuls / Pu_total = 0.299
PASS - Total slab capacity exceeds applied load
Punching shear at the face of the loaded area
Shear factor; k2 = 0.6  (1 - fck / 250N/mm2) = 0.54
Length of perimeter at face of loaded area; u0 = 2  (lw + ey) + ll = 600 mm
Shear stress at face of contact area; vmax = 0.5  k2  fcd = 5.625 N/mm2
Maximum load capacity in punching; Pp,max = vmax  u0  d = 506.3 kN
Utilisation; Fuls / Pp,max = 0.148
PASS - Total slab capacity in punching at face of loaded area exceeds applied load
Punching shear at the critical perimeter
Shear factor; ks = min(1 + (200mm / d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress at 2d from face of load; vRd,c,min = 0.035  ks3/2  (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5  1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
Length of perimeter at 2d from face of load; u1 = ll + 2  (lw + ey +   d) = 1542 mm
Max. load capacity in punching at 2d from face; Pp = vRd,c,min  u1  d = 114.5 kN
Ground reaction (cl.7.10.2); Rcp = 2.4  (d / l)2  Fuls + 0.8  (ll + 2  lw)  d  Fuls / l2 = 4.4 kN
Total imposed shear load; Fuls_total = Fuls - Rcp = 70.6 kN
Utilisation; Fuls_total / Pp = 0.617
PASS - Total slab capacity in punching at 2d from face of loaded area exceeds applied load

Load 3 - Single internal point load

Shear at face
Shear at 2d

Single internal load

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Loading length; ll = 200mm

Loading width; lw = 200mm
Permanent load; Gk = 0.0 kN
Variable load; Qk = 50.0 kN
Dynamic load; Dk = 0.0 kN
Contact radius ratio
Equivalent contact radius ratio; a = [(ll  lw) / ]0.5 = 112.8 mm
Radius ratio; a / l = 0.077
Ultimate capacity under single internal concentrated loads
For a/l equal to 0 (Eqn. 21); Pu_0 = 2    (Mp + Mn) = 192.2 kN
For a/l equal to 0.2 (Eqn. 22); Pu_0.2 = 4    (Mp + Mn) / [1 - (a / (3  l))] = 394.6 kN
Thus for a / l equal to 0.077; Pu = min(Pu_0.2, Pu_0 + (Pu_0.2 - Pu_0)  (a / (l  0.2))) = 270.0 kN

Check ultimate load capacity of slab

Number of loads; N=1
Loading applied to slab; Fuls = N  ((Gk  G) + (Qk  Q) + (Dk  D)) = 75.0 kN
Utilisation; Fuls / Pu = 0.278
PASS - Total slab capacity exceeds applied load
Punching shear at the face of the loaded area
Shear factor; k2 = 0.6  (1 - fck / 250N/mm2) = 0.54
Length of perimeter at face of loaded area; u0 = 2  (ll + lw) = 800 mm
Shear stress at face of contact area; vmax = 0.5  k2  fcd = 5.625 N/mm2
Maximum load capacity in punching; Pp,max = vmax  u0  d = 675.0 kN
Utilisation; Fuls / Pp,max = 0.111
PASS - Total slab capacity in punching at face of loaded area exceeds applied load
Punching shear at the critical perimeter
Shear factor; ks = min(1 + (200mm / d)0.5, 2) = 2.00
Minimum shear stress at 2d from face of load; vRd,c,min = 0.035  ks3/2  (fck / 1N/mm2)0.5  1N/mm2 = 0.495 N/mm2
Length of perimeter at 2d from face of load; u1 = 2  (ll + lw + 2    d) = 2685 mm
Max. load capacity in punching at 2d from face; Pp = vRd,c,min  u1  d = 199.3 kN
Ground reaction (cl.7.10.2); Rp = 1.4  (d / l)2  Fuls + 0.47  (ll + lw)  d  Fuls / l2 = 2.1 kN
Total imposed shear load; Fuls_total = Fuls - Rp = 72.9 kN
Utilisation; Fuls_total / Pp = 0.366
PASS - Total slab capacity in punching at 2d from face of loaded area exceeds applied load
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Load 4 - Line load from edge

Load capacity (kN/m)

4 Mun

3 Mun

0 1/ 2/ 3/

0/ (xlin)
Distance from edge (m)

Working load capacity under a line load

Line load; Lk = 13.2 kN/m
Distance of line load from edge of slab; xlin = 0 mm
Working load capacity of slab; Plin = 3    Mun = 29.1 kN/m
Utilisation; Lk / Plin = 0.453
PASS - Total slab capacity exceeds applied load

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