LH Apartment Checklist
LH Apartment Checklist
LH Apartment Checklist
Lease Details
What is the length of the lease?
One year 6 months Month-to-month Other
What were the typical rent increases over the last 1-3 years?
What are the late rent fees, returned check charges, and other penalties?
Living Details
Will the unit be painted and cleaned prior to move-in?
Painted Cleaned
What are the buildings quiet hours (times when youre expected to be quiet)?
Apartment Checklist
Utilties & Maintenance
Which utilities am I, the tenant, responsible for?
Electricity Water Heat Trash
What is the condition of the buildings wiring, water heater, air conditioning unit? How efcient are these systems?
Who is responsible for changing the lters in the air conditioning unit?
Landlord Tenant N/A
What notice is the landlord required to give before entering the apartment? Are there exceptions?
Who are the internet providers in the area (cable, DSL, etc.)? Will installation require the presence or assistance of the landlord or maintenance person in any way?