Social Hierarchy in SouthWest Asia

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Upper Class
Composed of high government and military officials

Composed of the members of royal families, the ruling elites, and the powerful religious officials.

Bureaucrats Middle Class Intellectuals and Professionals

Composed of capitalists, entrepreneurs, merchants, traders, and bankers. Composed of unskilled laborers and farmers, as well as craftsmen and blacksmiths

Composed of educated and skilled people, educators, and clerics.

Composed of homeless and enslaved people

Peasants and Workers Nomads and Slaves

Social Structure in Southwest Asia

Social class is very apparent in Southwest Asia since it determines your access to power and position. They resemble the social hierarchies of most other developed countries. The stratification of society is mainly based on wealth with the upper class being the richest and the nomads being the poorest. Social mobility is not impossible since the region seemed to embrace modernity. A small number of peasants and farmers could move up the economic ladder thru hardwork and study. Their place in the social hierarchy dictates their everyday life and the opportunities they will have in region. On the other hand, some countries in Southwest Asia had more egalitarian social structures wherein there is less regard for ones status and wealth.

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