Social Problems and Current Issues
Social Problems and Current Issues
Social Problems and Current Issues
Current Issues
Social Problems
While rich nations become richer, billions of people live in extreme poverty with
short, brutal lives. In his book "The End to Poverty," Jeffrey Sachs lays out nine
steps for solving global poverty. They are: commit to the task, adopt a plan of
action, raise the voice of the poor
Steadying Population Growth
Extreme poverty can be tied to population problems. There are now non-
oppressive ways to lower the birthrate. Population declines in countries where
women can read and full women's liberation is in effect. Population also declines
when GDP rises. Improving lifestyles equates with controlling population growth.
Achieving Sustainable Lifestyles
All of the people on the planet cannot have affluent lifestyles in 20th century
terms and still sustain resources. We need high-quality lifestyles that don't strain
the environment.
Preventing All-Out War
All-out war in the 21st century could end everything. Nuclear and biological
weapons are a threat. This century contains more threats from more weapons of
mass destruction than ever before.
Defusing Terrorism
The age of terrorism is rising with the availability of weapons of mass destruction
that are becoming increasingly less expensive and easier to access. It is vital to
address the reasons why people want to become terrorists and to achieve
cooperation among potentially hostile cultures.
Conquering Disease
We must thwart the rapid spread of infectious diseases that could kill many
millions of people, as has happened already many times in history. We now have
sensors that can detect the existence of a dangerous virus in the air and we are
creating medical procedures to prevent illnesses from spreading.
The Singularity
Sometime decades from now computer intelligence that is quite different from
human intelligence will feed on itself, becoming more intelligent at a rapidly
accelerating rate. This chain reaction of machine intelligence is referred to by
many as the Singularity. Humanity needs to discover how to avoid being
overwhelmed by accelerating change that is totally out of control and harmful.
Planning an Advanced Civilization
Sooner or later machines will do all the work and there will be a major increase in
real wealth. What we do with our leisure will be a big issue. Because of
transhumanism and the Singularity, changes will be more extreme than most
people can understand. We need to be asking ourselves now, "What kind of
civilization would we build if we could do anything?"