E Leave SysteSRS 1m For FTMK
E Leave SysteSRS 1m For FTMK
E Leave SysteSRS 1m For FTMK
is written by me and is my own effort and that no part has been plagiarized without citations.
Date: 9
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Date: q h)OV.
The E-Leave system is to fulfill the requirement for the final year student to complete the final project. E-Leave system will upgrade the current leave management system at faculty ftmk E-leave is a smart online leave management system that allows users to apply for their leave conveniently. It is designed with auto-routing for approval and online leaves approving capabilities, making every level leave application a total breeze for both applying as well as those approving. These applications allow officer to view the employeelstaff leave history within one year. With these this functionality, employeelstaff will know their leave history, how many leave they left. Based on these history functionality employeelstaff know their leave left. Besides that e-leave can auto sending email notification to officer for approval and employeelstaff also can receive the email status notification.
Sistem E-Cuti adalah untuk memenuhi kehendak setiap pelajar tahun akhir untuk menyelesaikan projek akhir mereka. Sistem E-Cuti ini akan menaiktaraf pergurusan cuti yang ada sekarang di fakulti ftmk. E-cuti adalah satu pengurusan cuti pintar yang membolehkan pengguna memohon cuti dengan mudah. E-cuti direkacipta dengan kebolehan pengesahan cuti secara automatic melalui aplikasi laman web. Ini membolehkan proses pengesahan cuti di setiap peringkat menjadi lebih mudah untuk kedua-dua parti.; pengguna yang memohon cuti dan pihak yang memberi pengesahan cuti.Aplikasi ini membolehkan pegawai melihat sejarah cuti staff dalam masa I tahun. Dengan fungsi ini staf boleh melihat sejarah cuti mereka, berapa cuti yang tinggal dan sebagainya. Selain itu E-cuti, boleh automatic kirim pemberitahuan e-mail kepada pegawai untuk cuti pengesahan dan staf boleh juga menerima pemberitahuan e-mail tentang status cuti mereka.
These applications allow officer to view the employeelstaff leave history within one year. With these this functionality, employeelstaff will know their leave history, how many leave they left. Based on these history functionality employeelstaff know their leave left.
Besides that e-leave can auto sending email notification to officer for approval and employeelstaff also can receive the email status notification.
1.3 Objective
The main purpose of the E-Leave system is to upgrade or improved the current manually apply leave. There are several main objectives that this project is going to meet: To use computer to apply leave such as annual leave, unpaid leave, maternity leave, Haji leave, and emergency leave. To prepare the HR (Human Resource) Department with more efficiency and simplicity in leave processing. To solve HR problem on viewing employee leave To construct a calendar for user to choose the date.
1.4 Scope
E-Leave application is focus on human resource management. E-Leave limited the scope to one of the faculty in UTeM which is faculty FTMK. The target user for ELeave can be categorized into three category based on the function they use the application. Staff of the faculty FTMK
Ketua Jabatan of the faculty FTMK
Dean of FTMK The limitations of the project are listed below This project is for applying leave only, does not have relation with the payrol I. Leave type is based on the need of the faculty FTMK. Staff at FTML must have the internet connection to access the E-Leave application.
This project only for applying the leave does not have relation with the payroll system.
1.5 Project Significance E-Leave is the solutions of the current manually apply leave. This project will upgrade the leave management system at faculty FTMK because the staff here can apply leave anywhere, anytime they like through online. The leave application process become smoother because there are no waiting period when staff apply for a leave. The leave record become more manageable because all the leave record is store into database. Besides that, officer can view the staff leave history without much difficulty. This all can be achieve with the E-Leave system because all the data is store in the database and make the searching become faster compare to manually search, the staff need to search all files.
Level one
Level Two
1.7 Conclusion
E-Leave being develop is to overcome the weaknesses of the current manually apply leave. Chapter 1 is all about understanding the objectives of the E-Leave, problem with the current scenario and why this project is important for faculty FTMK. E-Leave is a web-based application for the staff to apply the leave through online. The next chapter is more about the research on the E-Leave application and the project methodology that we used to develop this project.
2.1 Introduction
Before start the development of one system, the first step that need to do is do the research about the system. Literature review is necessary to unsure that your dissertation does not repeat the mistakes that have been made in earlier studies. Methodology is referring to the usage of special tools and strategies for data gathering and analysis.
mail it. Thiligs get lost. Senditif it online \\:as more S C C L I I - ~ . "
Audrey Martinlio: a licsli~nan at Oliio State I.!nivcrsity
Nowadays, more and more people choose the simpler, quicker and more secure alternate ways to settle their things by going online. There are myriad advantages for online application: Apply anywhere: Whether you're at honie, school or work. apply any\vliere you have an Internet connection. One click: I n general: once you click your mouse to send your application. that's
it - there's no tilrtlier paperwork.
Catch errors: Many online applications alert you if spaces are left blank; preventing you fro111 sending an application that is missing required i~iformatio~i. Imn~ediateconfirmation: Clsually a page thanks you for your subnlission rislit away. If you submit your application via email. save a "sent" copy. Quick processing: Sponsors have the ability to score and select applications automatically, which means less time to find out if you're a winner. Save money: Tliere's no charse for postage. Plus. you avoid paying overnight shipping costs if you need to subniit an application in a hurry. Save time: Online applications enable you to complete more applications in less time. The online applications not only benefit the user but also the sponsors. By accepting olili~ieapplications, sponsors do not have to mail out applications. or ~naliually process them lvhen they come back. saving time arid money. "Paper costs
lot of money
thousands of' dollars. The nioney we save can be used to fund more scholarships. larger scholarships." Greg I,ee, associate program nianager at thc Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
2.2.2 Case study 2: Benefit of the E-Leave system There are some of the benefits of the E-Leave system: E-leave is a paperless application for employees to apply leave. It is an environmental friendly application. Employees can apply their leave such as leave type Annual, Sick, and Family, if eligible, leave balance, leave history anywhere anytime without barrier. Employees can also view their leave history online. Reduction of overhead costs involve in manually apply leave. Employees receive an email of approval or Denial of their leave request faster. This will save the time and hectic for both parties without need to wait the clerk to slowly processing the leave manually. Other than that, company can save cost in buying the stationery for company such as ink, paper, file, cabinet and etc. E-Leave for CIO "E-leave is an easy to use Internet or web-based system for creation, submission, confirmation and reporting of all type of leave." The Division of the State Chief Information Officer (CIO) (2002) The advantages of this e-leave system are employees can, at any time, see realtime Annual, Sick, and Family, if eligible, leave balances, along with pending leave (which is leave into the future). Besides that, user can also view online up to two years of your detailed leave transaction history. Your leave stays on our mainframe leave system even longer than two years, but will appear for a maximum of two full years in the e-Leave system. Moreover employees will receive an email from their supervisor
notifying them of either an Approval or Denial of their leave request. It is a fact that many employees would rather get an email confirmation than have to ask their supervisor if they approved a leave request. Another advantage is that employees can go into a negative PENDING balance by requesting leave they have not yet earned, e-Leave does allow this. The employee and the Supervisor can both see that the leave is not available at the present time. But using leave accrual calculations they can determine that it will be available by the time taken, which is the key factor. The employee will be accruing leave during this time. You might call this "eLayaway7', because you aren't taking it until it's paid for. This is different than "advanced leave" which only an agency director has the authority to grant. This allows employees up to fifteen days of sick leave. Finally, e-leave system for CIO is very unique because it can allow the user to donate the leave which is another advantage of the E-leave system for CIO.
specific company policies. Besides that, leave records can be exported to any backend system.
The different between the e-leave systems at CIO and JustLogin Pte are the eleave system at CIO does not have functionality that allow user to view who is currently on leave through calendar, does not allows user to configure the leave rules to suit the specific company policies. E-leave for CIO will fix the leave type based on the need of theirs own company leave policies. Finally, e-leave system for CIO can not export leave records to any backend system while the e-leave for JustLogin Pte have this functionality.
The Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (the IRB) is currently streamlining the tax filing process through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and is working to reform tax administrative policies to embrace an electronic income tax filing system (MIA, 2000; SGATAR, 2001). The main objectives of the IRB in embracing an electronic filing (e-filing) system are to facilitate tax compliance and to provide improved taxpayer service through administrative improvement. The chief advantage of an e-filing system is that it integrates tax preparation, tax filing and tax payment. With the e-filing system, taxpayers and tax practitioners can file income tax returns electronically via the enabling technologies, rather than through mail or by physically visiting the tax office. This may eventually make the art of tax filing and tax payment easier.
Respondent's Age
E 25-24 yr old
Respondent Ethic
E Chinese
India Malay
E l Others
Respondent's Qualification
Qualification Bachelors' Degree Masters' degree
I3 Diploma
A Malaysian survey towards an electronic filing system shows that the dominant proportion of Chinese (Figure 2.2) in the respondents' group reflects the reality in Malaysia where Chinese are the major players in accounting and tax practice. Approximately 22% of the respondents were aged below 35 (Figure 2.1). The predominant education level was professional qualification and university degree (Figure 2.3).
Conclusion The survey findings of this study have implications for tax policy makers and tax practice management. One implication is that the survey results report that tax practitioners are optimistic about new technology. Another implication of the study is concerned with technology readiness and usage intentions (and ultimate usage) of the efiling system. The survey results show that Malaysian have a significant positive correlation between technology readiness level and usage intentions of the e-filing system.
E-Procurement or E-Perolehan (in Malaysia) is a systems that is used to obtain materials and parts via the Web or using traditional ED1 standards either for internal manufacturing (direct procurement) or office supplies and equipment (indirect procurement).E-Perolehan is an electronic procurement system provided by the Government to enable suppliers to sell their products or services on the Internet. Through E-Perolehan, suppliers and contractors can receive, manage and process orders or payments from Government agencies through transactions done electronically on the Internet. Based on the article, date August 2001, Malaysia provided RM270 million (US$71 million) to launch e-Procurement telecenters nationwide. The purpose of the EProcurement telecenters nationwide is to target smaller sized suppliers, enabling them to trade online with all Government procurement centers. E-Perolehan is one of the first and largest pilot applications under the e-government flagship applications of Malaysia's Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC). The telecenters facilitating the E-Perolehan project will help non-IT savvy suppliers perform online transactions such as submitting registration applications, providing catalog details or even getting connected to the Internet.
Conclusion Malaysia decided to expand the E-Procurement to other country, if the EProcurement is successful in improving the country government-to-business (G2B) ecommerce service. "We are currently in early stages of discussions to explore various ways of replicating the model to those interested countries. If this is achieved, we will be able to connect these e-procurement centers into exchanges to gain economies of scale and to create a greater opportunity for developing countries to prosper."
Datuk Mohd Salleh Masduki, Chief Executive of Commerce Dot Com (CDC)
The methodology that been apply in this project is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a conventional approach that has been first introduced. As a methodology, the SDLC provides the structure, method, controls and checklist needed to ensure successful development. There are five main phase in SDLC methodology:
Design hnplemenl7 Test
a) Feasibility phase The feasibility study is used to determine if the project should get the go-ahead. If the project is to proceed, the feasibility study will produce a project plan and budget estimates for the future stages of development. b) Requirement analysis and design Analysis gathers the requirements for the system. This stage includes a detailed study of the business needs of the organization. Options for changing the business process may be considered. Design focuses on high level design like, what programs are needed and how are they going to interact, low-level design (how the individual programs are going to work), interface design (what are the interfaces going to look like) and data design (what data will be required). During these phases, the software's overall structure is defined. Analysis and Design are very crucial in the whole development cycle. Any glitch in the design phase could be very expensive to solve in the later stage of the software development. Much care is taken during this phase. The logical system of the product is developed in this phase. c) Implementation In this phase the designs are translated into code. Computer programs are written using a conventional programming language or an application generator. Programming tools like Compilers, Interpreters, Debuggers are used to generate the code. Different high level programming languages like C, C++, Pascal, Java are used for coding. d) Testing
In this phase the system is tested. Normally programs are written as a series of
individual modules. The system is then tested as a whole. The separate modules are brought together and tested as a complete system. The system is tested to ensure that interfaces between modules work (integration testing), the system
works on the intended platform and with the expected volume of data (volume testing) and that the system does what the user requires (acceptancelbeta testing).
e) Maintenance Inevitably the system will need maintenance. Software will definitely undergo change once it is delivered to the customer. There are many reasons for the change. Change could happen because of some unexpected input values into the system. In addition, the changes in the system could directly affect the software operations. The software should be developed to accommodate changes that could happen during the post implementation period.
SDLC model that are used to develop the e-leave system was iterative approach.
An iterative lifecycle model does not attempt to start with a full specification of
requiremel~ts.This process is then repeated. producing r i new version of the sotltware for each cycle of the model.
There are four main phase in Iterative methodology. The first phase is the requirement phase. Recluirements phase, is \\here the requircmcnts for tlie soft\+areare gathered and a1ialy7ed. Iteration should eventuall> result in a rcquirenients pliase that prodt~cesa complete and tinal specification of requirements. The primary objectives of the requirement phase are to identify the scope of the e-leave system for FTMK, to ensure that the project is feasible and develop a schedule, resource plan and budget for the remainder of the project.
In the design phase, the objective is to design the solution of e-leave system. The design phase uses the information obtained during the analysis phase as its input. High level design consists of developing an architectural structure for software programs, database, the user interface and the operating environment. Low- level design entails developing the detailed algorithms and data structures that are required for program development.
The implementation and test phase is when the software is coded. integrated and tested. The objectives is to have a reliable, well-working information system but also to ensure that the users are all trained and that the organization is benefiting as expected from the use of the e-leave system. All the prior activities must come together during this phase to culminate in an operational system. There are five major activities make up the implementation phase: construct software components, verify and test, convert data, train users, document and install the e-leave system. The review phase, in \vhicli the sofiware is evaluated. the current reqi~ircn~ents are reviewed: and chancres and additions to requirements proposed. This phase is to keep the system running productively during the years following its initial installation. Besides that, if have other upgrades or enhancements can be carried out to expand eleave capability.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (programming) ASP.NET is a web application framework marketed by Microsoft. Programmers can use it to build dynamic web sites, web applications and XML web services. It is part of Microsoft's .NET platform and is the successor to Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. There some advantages for using the Asp.net: a) Powerful database-driven functionality Like ASP (Microsoft's language preceding ASP.Net), ASP.Net allows programmers to develop web applications that interface with a database. The advantage of ASP.Net is that it is object-oriented and has many programming tools that allow for faster development and more functionality. b) Faster web application Two aspects of ASP.Net make it fast -- compiled code and caching. In the past, the code was interpreted into "machine language" when your website visitor viewed your page. Now, with ASP.Net the code is compiled into "machine language" before your visitor ever comes to your site. Caching is the storage of information that will be reused in a memory location for faster access in the future. ASP.Net allows programmers to set up pages or areas of pages that are commonly reused to be cached for a set period of time to improve the performance of web applications. In addition, ASP.Net allows the caching of data from a database so your website isn't slowed down by frequent visits to a database when the data doesn't change very often.
ASP.Net was tested and found to be over 10 times faster for the average user than Java's J2EE technology.
ASP.Net automatically recovers from memory leaks and errors to make sure that your website is always available to your visitors.
d) Multiple language support Programmers can actually write their code in more than 25 .Net languages (including VB.Net, C#, and JScript.Net). This allows programmers to develop your site in the language they know best and it means that you can more easily find programmers to support the work on your site.
Server Database
classified according to types of content: bibliographic, full-text, numeric, and images. The most prevalent approach is the relational database, a tabular database in which data is defined so that it can be reorganized and accessed
MS Project 2003 (Project scheduling) Internet explorer 6.0 (minimum) Rational Rose (Software modeling)
2.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, doing the research for the system before we develop the system is a good practice for all the developer. Planning all the work start from proposing the topic until implementing the project is an important step. Choosing the right methodology for one system is very important because it will affect the whole system development. The next chapter will be all about the analysis phase that we had defined in this chapter
3.1 Introduction
The analysis phase defines the requirements of the system, independent of how these requirements will be accomplished. This phase defines the problem that the customer is trying to solve. This is the phase where the problems defined earlier in the planning stage are examined in greater detail. In the part of this chapter, the current manually leave application at FTMK is examined to ascertain the business process and problems encountered. The deliverable result at the end of this phase is a requirement document. To display the findings of the analysis, concept SSADM will be used.
i) Leave application process required time and energy Staffs need to get the annual leave balance from the clerk before they apply the leave. After that, they need to fill in the leave application form and pass it to the clerk. Clerk will then pass the application form to the Ketua Jabatan for the approval and then finally go the faculty FTMK dean for the last approval. This all process needs time to process and this will definitely waste many of the resources and time. ii) Staff needs to refer to the clerk to know their leave balance Staffs need to go the clerk to check the leave balance before they can take the leave application form. This will become the problem when the clerk is on leave or not in the office at the moment; Staffs have to wait to get the leave balance check. iii) Clerk has to record all kind of leaves in one file. Clerk needs to keep records of all the staff leave application in one file for future documentation. This needs a lot of paper to do the recording; therefore manually leave application is not an environmental friendly action. iv) Waste of resources Manually apply leave waste a lot of resources such as paper, printer ink, file, and cabinet.
At the concept SSADM the first step that we need to identified is investigate the current system flow. Figure 3.1 show the system flow of the current leave application in faculty FTMK.
Leave management
Pass up the leave application to cleck
from the Ketua Jabatan Not Approved Approved
Send acknowledgement to staff Pejabat pendaflaran for record~ng
1 End