AI Syllabus
AI Syllabus
AI Syllabus
I Techniques, problems, Problem space and search-defining the problem as a state space search, Production System, Problem characteristics. Heuristic Search Techniques: Generate & Test Hill Climbing, Best First search, Problem reduction, Constraint satisfaction. UNIT -2 Knowledge Representation: Knowledge using predicate logic-representing simple facts in logic, representing instance and is relationships, computable functions and predicates resolution. Representing Knowledge Using Rules: Procedural Vs Declarative knowledge, Logic Programming, Forward Vs Backward Reasoning, Matching, Control Knowledge. UNIT -3 Symbolic Reasoning under uncertainty: Introduction to Non-monotonic Reasoning, logics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Implementation: depth first search-Dependency Directed Backtracking. Justification-based truth maintenance, logic based truth maintenance systems Statistical Reasoningprobability and Bayes theorem, certainty factors and rule-base systems Bayesian networks, dempster-shaffer theory. UNIT - 4 Game Planning Overview an example domain-Block world, Components of a Planning System, Goal State Planning, Non Linear Planning using constraint posting, Hierarchical Planning. UNIT - 5 Natural Language Processing: Introduction, Syntactic Analysis, Semantic Analysis, Discourse and Pragmatic Processing. Learning: Learning, Rote Learning, Learning by taking advice, learning in problem-solving, learning from examples: Induction.
Text Books: 1) Artificial Intelligence- Rich E & Knight K (TMH) ,4 th edition. 2) Neural Computing: Theory and practice - Waserman Reference Book: Artificial Intelligence Structures and Strategies complex problem Solving George F. Lugar Pearson Education