wp2 Experience

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Zageris 1 Ilze Zageris Professor Raymond English 1103 9/4/2013 My experien e !o "e ome a "e!!er #ri!

ing$ %here is one experien e !ha! omes !o mind firs!$ %his experien e hanged my life in many #ays& no! only "e oming a "e!!er #ri!er& "'! also omple!ely differen! person$ %he experien e if of 'rse my de ision !o mo(e from !iny o'n!ry in E'rope& )a!(ia !o some!hing m' h& m' h "igger& !he *ni!ed +!a!es of ,meri a$ My mo(e an "e des ri"ed "o!h as an ed' a!ional and non-ed' a!ional experien e$ .hen I arri(ed !hree years ago& I had !o a!!end ,meri an high s hool$ My firs! year a! /#en high s hool I #as re0'ired !o !a1e English +e ond )ang'age 2E+)3 o'rses& "e a'se my English& pre(io'sly learned in )a!(ia& #as no! !ha! good$ My li!era y and e(ery!hing I had learned pre(io'sly #as hallenged a! !his poin!$ I #as hallenged #i!h ne# a ademi !erminology !ha! I had ne(er en o'n!ered "efore& mos!ly "e a'se pre(io'sly learning English !he main propose #as !o gain eno'gh s1ill !o omm'ni a!e #i!h people no! a!!end a ademi lasses$ +ome of my !ea hers e(en do#nloaded English-)a!(ian

di !ionaries !o help me 'nders!and !he ma!erial !ha! #as "eing !a'gh!$ My E+) !ea her made 's #ri!e papers& read "oo1s and omm'ni a!e in English& I ha(e ! men!ion !ha! e(eryone else in my lass #as 4ispani !herefore !hey omm'ni a!ed in +panish$ *pon my firs! mon!h in !he lass& my !ea her s'gges!ed !ha! I #ri!e my 5o'rnal& diary& in English& so e(er sin e !ha! !ime my #ri!ing is mos!ly in English$ I had !o learn a #hole ne# #ay of #ri!ing& "e a'se& for example& !he imagery !ha! I #o'ld 'se in )a!(ian #o'ld no! !ransla!e !he same #ay& !ha! is #hen I realized !ha! I ha(e !o "roaden my (ie#s& meaning I s!ar!ed reading "oo1s& differen! genre$ )i!!le "y li!!le my English go! "e!!er and #ri!ing and reading "e ame easier$ 6o# I read "oo1s li1e 7ane Eyre and Pride and

Zageris 1 Pre5'di e !o "e ome e(en "e!!er$ My mo(e !o *+, also pro(ed !o "e non-ed' a!ional infl'en e for me as !he li!era!e person I am !oday$ 8'l!'re here is (ery differen! !han "a 1 home$ I "e ame exposed !o !hings I ne(er really !ho'gh! a"o'! "efore& "e a'se i! #as ne(er p'"li ly dis 'ssed as a pro"lem$ 9or example& !he ho!!es! !opi !hese days in ,meri a is gay marriage& and !he "igges! pro"lem in high s hools is !eenage pregnan y$ In )a!(ia I ne(er go! !o explore !hese !opi s in my #ri!ing and daily life !herefore I had no opinions a"o'! !ha!$ +in e my mo(e& !hree years ago& I ha(e me! differen! people #i!h differen! (ie#s and opinions& I ha(e de(eloped my o#n& and I ha(e #ro!e a"o'! !hese !opi s of!en$ I #as in!rod' ed !o slam poe!ry& and I ha(e realized !ha! !ha! is my 1ind of #ri!ing and expressing myself$ I an #ri!e poe!ry& "'! i! is (ery diffi 'l! for me !o rhyme& "e a'se of !he s!ill exis!ing lang'age "arrier$ %oday I am a differen! person in e(ery #ay& in l'ding li!erary& !han I #as !hree years ago$ I ha(e learned many ne# !hings and s1ills& I ha(e experien ed dea!h& "ir!h& #edding and dis rimina!ion$ I ha(e learned !o express my oppressed (ie#s& feelings and memories$ I ha(e "e ome more sero's #ri!er& in !opi s and s!yle& !han I #as "efore$ E(en !ho'gh some!imes I regre! my experien e& #hi h is !he mo(e !o *ni!ed +!a!es& I #o'ld ne(er !a1e any o!her road$ I am pro'd of !he 1ind of person I am !oday$

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