This document provides the medium term plan for a Year 4 science unit on solids and liquids. Over the course of 5 weeks, students will learn about the differences and similarities between solids and liquids through hands-on activities like sorting and classifying materials. They will observe solids and liquids under magnifying glasses and microscopes. Students will conduct experiments to determine if the volume of a liquid changes when poured into different containers. The unit aims to teach students that some solids like powders can behave like liquids, and that materials can exist as both solids and liquids, changing between the two states through melting and freezing.
This document provides the medium term plan for a Year 4 science unit on solids and liquids. Over the course of 5 weeks, students will learn about the differences and similarities between solids and liquids through hands-on activities like sorting and classifying materials. They will observe solids and liquids under magnifying glasses and microscopes. Students will conduct experiments to determine if the volume of a liquid changes when poured into different containers. The unit aims to teach students that some solids like powders can behave like liquids, and that materials can exist as both solids and liquids, changing between the two states through melting and freezing.
This document provides the medium term plan for a Year 4 science unit on solids and liquids. Over the course of 5 weeks, students will learn about the differences and similarities between solids and liquids through hands-on activities like sorting and classifying materials. They will observe solids and liquids under magnifying glasses and microscopes. Students will conduct experiments to determine if the volume of a liquid changes when poured into different containers. The unit aims to teach students that some solids like powders can behave like liquids, and that materials can exist as both solids and liquids, changing between the two states through melting and freezing.
This document provides the medium term plan for a Year 4 science unit on solids and liquids. Over the course of 5 weeks, students will learn about the differences and similarities between solids and liquids through hands-on activities like sorting and classifying materials. They will observe solids and liquids under magnifying glasses and microscopes. Students will conduct experiments to determine if the volume of a liquid changes when poured into different containers. The unit aims to teach students that some solids like powders can behave like liquids, and that materials can exist as both solids and liquids, changing between the two states through melting and freezing.
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Larch Class Science Medium Term Plan: Solids and Liquids and how they can be separated (Unit
t 4d)/ Disaster at Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory (Miss Truesdale)
Science Plan Year Group: 4 Topic: Moving & Growing (Funny Bones) Term: Autumn 1 Wk Learning !"ec#i$es %oca!&'esources (n#roduc#ion )*#ended Core Modi+ied Plenar, Learning u#come - To !e a!le #o ca#egorise solids and li.uids/ To kno0 #he di++erence !e#0een a solid and a li.uid/ To name some solids and li.uids/ Solid1 li.uid1 +lo01 pour1 par#icles&pieces/ %arious di++eren# li.uids and solids1 0i#h some solids #ha# can !e poured such as sand&sal#/ )lici# children e*is#ing kno0ledge o+ ma#erials !, presen#ing #hem 0i#h a collec#ion o+ solids and asking #hem #o group #hem according #o #heir o0n cri#eria1 ask children #he reasons +or #hese choices/ 'e$ise language +or descri!ing proper#ies o+ ma#erials (e/g/ #ransparen#1 so+#1 !end,1 s#re#ch,1 me#al1 0ood1 opa.ue)/ 2e*# add some li.uids (o+ $arious $iscosi#,) #o #he collec#ion1 ge# #he children #o sor# #he ma#erials again/ (+ #he, do no# au#oma#icall, sor# in#o solids and li.uids1 sugges# #his idea #o #hem/ 3sk .ues#ion such as Wha# happens #o li.uids 0hen ,ou change #he con#ainer4 Can ,ou spill #he solids4 5ra0 children6s a##en#ion #o par#icular proper#ies/ (n#roduce #he 0ord $iscosi#, as 7runniness/6 3sk children #o record #hese in #heir science !ooks/ Ge# children #o 0ri#e do0n 8 di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids/ Go #hrough #he $arious proper#ies o+ solids and li.uids/ )*#end #he ac#i$i#, +ur#her !, adding 7di++icul#6 i#ems1 e/g/ co##on 0ool1 sand1 sal#1 sponge and ge# children #o decide 0he#her #hese i#ems are solids or li.uids/ 3sk children i+ #he, can e*plain 0h, #he, ha$e made #heir choices/ )*plain #ha# al#hough ,ou can pour sand and sal# e/#/c/ #he, are s#ill solids !ecause #he, are made up o+ hundreds o+ li##le solid pieces/ -) Sor# #he ma#erials on ,our #a!le in#o solids and li.uids/ When ,ou ha$e sor#ed #he ma#erials1 dra0 a line do0n #he cen#re o+ ,our page1 on one side lis# #he solids and on #he o#her side lis# #he li.uids/ 9) Lis# 8 di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids/ 3sk #he children some #rue or +alse .ues#ions rela#ed #o 0ha# #he, ha$e learn# #his lesson/ )/g sand is a li.uid/ Li.uids #ake #he shape o+ #he con#ainer #he, are in/ e/#/c/ To ha$e sor#ed ma#erials correc#l, in#o solids or li.uids/ (ncluding di++icul# ma#erials such as sand1 sal#1 sponge1 co##on 0ool1 plas#ecine/ 9 To !e a!le #o make and record o!ser$a#ions and measuremen#s/ To kno0 #ha# li.uids do no# change $olume 0hen #he, are poured in#o a di++eren# con#ainer/ To kno0 #ha# li.uids 0ill #ake #he shape o+ #he con#ainer #he, are pu# in/ To !e a!le #o dra0 conclusions +rom an in$es#iga#ion/ Li.uid1 +lo01 $olume1 o!ser$e1 record/ 'ecap on 0ha# 0as learn# las# 0eek/ :o0 can 0e #ell #ha# some#hing is a li.uid&solid4 Wha# are some o+ #he di++erences !e#0een li.uids and solids4 3sk #he children 0hen do 0e use #he #erm $olume4 )*plain #ha# 0hen 0e measure #he $olume o+ some#hing 0e are measuring ho0 much space #han i#em #akes up/ Wha# uni# o+ measuremen# 0ould 0e use #o measure #he $olume o+ li.uid4 'ecap on ml and l/ Wha# e.uipmen# can 0e use #o measure #he $olume o+ li.uid4 'ecap on ho0 #o measure using measuring "ugs&con#ainers1 dra0 children6s a##en#ion #o #he scales on #he measuring e.uipmen#/ 5ra0 some measuring "ugs on #he !oard 0i#h di++eren# amoun#s o+ li.uid in #hem1 ask children #o #ell ,ou ho0 much li.uid is in each pic#ure/ )*plain #o children #ha# #he, ,ou 0an# #hem #o +ind ou# 0he#her #he $olume o+ li.uid changes 0hen #he li.uid is poured in#o di++eren# con#ainers/ Go #hrough #he ,ear 4 planning house/ 3sk #he .ues#ions on #he planning house1 +ill #his in #oge#her as a class/ )*plain #ha# ,ou 0an# #hem #o record #heir resul#s/ 3sk children ho0 #he, are going #o record #heir resul#s/ Le# children make up #heir o0n resul#s #a!le/ 3ssess #heir a!ili#, #o do #his (T3 #o 0ork 0i#h lo0er a!ili#, #o assis# 0i#h #his)/ Focused ssess!ent "ask # $ Can children !easure accurately in standard units% Gi$e children $arious shaped con#ainers and e/g/ pop !o##le1 measuring c,linder1 cup1 di++eren# shapes measuring con#ainers1 and $arious li.uids1 e/g/ 0a#er1 #ea1 !lackcurran# "uice1 !u!!le !a#h/ Ge# children #o measure #he $olume o+ #he li.uids and #hen pour #hem in#o di++eren# con#ainers/ 5oes #he $olume o+ #he li.uid change4 Wha# happens #o #he li.uid 0hen i# is poured in#o di++eren# con#ainers4 3ll children #o pour $arious li.uids in#o $arious shaped con#ainers and record #he resul#s/ 3ll children #o produce #heir o0n resul#s #a!le/ 5iscuss 0ha# 0e ha$e learn# a!ou# li.uids +rom doing #he e*perimen#/ Pla, #he Sun1 Sea and Sand game on educa#ionci#,/com/ Go in#o curriculum map1 science1 ke, s#age 91 ma#erials and #heir proper#ies1 ,ear 4/ Children ha$e #o iden#i+, #he $arious solids1 li.uids and gases/ To ha$e accura#el, measured $arious li.uid in $arious con#ainers using s#andard measuremen#s/ To ha$e made a resul#s #a!le and accura#el, +illed in #he resul#s +rom #he e*perimen#/ Work independen#l, #o make resul#s #a!les/ Work in groups #o measure #he scales/ Teacher #o go around #he class and assess children6s a!ili#, #o measure accura#el, using s#andard measuremen#/ Work 0i#h #eacher and T3 #o make resul#s #a!les/ T3 #o 0ork 0i#h lo0er #hroughou# #he e*perimen#1 demons#ra#ing ho0 #o measure and helping children 0i#h reading #he scales/ ; To kno0 #ha# solids consis#ing o+ $er, small pieces (par#icles) !eha$e like li.uids in some 0a,s/ To !e a!le #o use a magni+,ing glass or microscope/ Par#icles1 small pieces1 microscope1 magni+,ing glass/ 'ecap on some o+ #he di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids/ 3sk children i+ #he, can #hink o+ an, similari#ies !e#0een some solids and li.uids/ 3re #here an, solids #ha# ac# like li.uids4 5iscuss 0h, solids such as sand1 sal#1 sugar1 e/#/c are similar #o li.uids (#he, pour1 #he, +ill #he con#ainer #he, are in e/#/c)/ )*plain #ha# #hese solids are some#imes called po0ders1 !ecause #he, are made up o+ #housands o+ li##le pieces1 #hese are some#imes called par#icles/ )*plain #o children #ha# al#hough #hese solids !eha$e like li.uids1 #he, are ac#uall, solids1 !ecause #he, are made up o+ #housands o+ solid pieces/ Pu# some dishes con#aining sal#1 sand1 sugar1 po0der pain#1 #alcum po0der on #he children6s #a!les 0i#h some magni+,ing glasses and microscopes so children can see #he #in, par#icles/ )*plain ho0 #o use #he magni+,ing glasses and microscopes/ Pu# some dishes o+ 0a#er on #he #a!le1 can #he, see an, solid par#icles in #he 0a#er4 Ge# children #o descri!e 0ha# #he, can see under #he microscope and 0ha# #he di++erences are/ Ge# children #o 0ri#e a +e0 sen#ences in #heir science !ooks #o descri!e 0ha# #he, ha$e seen and dra0 and on#o cu# ou# circles 0ha# #he, could see #hrough #he lenses/ 3ll children #o use #he magni+,ing glasses and microscopes #o look closel, a# solids #ha# !eha$e like li.uids )/g sand1 sal#1 sugar and also #o look a# some li.uids and compare #he di++erences/ 3ll children #o descri!e 0ha# #he, can see #hrough #he lenses and 0ri#e a +e0 sen#ences in #heir science !ooks #o e*plain #he similari#ies and di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids under #he microscope&magni+,ing glass/ n cu# ou# circles children dra0 and la!el 0ha# #he, sa01 s#ick #hese in#o science !ooks/ Wha# did ,ou +ind ou# +rom looking a# #he i#ems4 Ge# some o+ #he children #o read ou# #heir o!ser$a#ions/ To ha$e descri!ed #he similari#ies and di++erences !e#0een some solids and li.uids/ To e*plain #ha# po0ders pour like li.uids !ecause #he, are made o+ +ine par#icles/ To e*plain 0h, sal#1 sugar and $arious o#her po0ders are no# li.uids !ecause #he, are made up o+ #in, li##le solids/ 4 To kno0 #ha# #he same ma#erial can e*is# as !o#h a li.uid and a solid/ To kno0 #ha# a li.uid can !e changed in#o a solid !, cooling and #his is called +ree<ing or solidi+,ing/ To kno0 #ha# a solid can !e changed #o a li.uid !, hea#ing and #his is mel#ing/ Gi$e an e*ample o+ mel#ing and +ree<ing/ =ree<ing1 mel#ing1 solidi+,ing1 #empera#ure1 changes/ 3sk children #o 0ash #heir hands !e+ore #he, come in#o #he classroom/ Sho0 children a !o0l o+ chocola#e !u##ons/ 3sk #hem are #hese !u##ons a solid or a li.uid4 Gi$e each child a chocola#e !u##on and ask #hem #o hold i# #igh#l, in #heir hand1 read #he poem Chocolate !, Michael 'osen/ Ge# #he children #o open up #heir hands a# #he same #ime as i# sa,s so in #he poem1 +inish reading #he poem/ Wha# has happened #o #he chocola#e in #heir hands4 Wha# has caused #his #o happen4 (s i# s#ill chocola#e #ha# is in #heir hands4 (s i# a solid or a li.uid4 )*plain #ha# #he hea# +orm #he children6s hands has made #he chocola#e mel# and 0hen some#hing mel#s1 i# changes +rom a solid #o a li.uid/ Could 0e change #he chocola#e !ack #o ho0 i# 0as !e+ore4 :o04 Think a!ou# rice crispie !uns1 0e hea# #he chocola#e up #o make i# runn, and #hen 0e lea$e #he !uns #o cool1 0ha# happens #o #he chocola#e4 )*plain #ha# e$en #hough #he chocola#e has mel#ed1 i# could !e made hard again/ )*plain #ha# #he name +or making some#hing hard again is solidi+,ing/ )*plain #ha# #his is called a re$ersi!le change1 i# can !e re$ersed1 #he chocola#e could !e #urned !ack in#o a soild/ 3sk children i+ #he, can #hink o+ an, o#her e*amples 0here a li.uid is changed #o a solid and can !e changed !ack again/ Ge# #hem #o #hink a!ou# !aking1 mel#ing !u##er e/#/c/ Wai# +or children #o gi$e #he e*ample o+ ice/ 3sk children 0ha# is ice made +rom4 (+ 0e mel#ed an ice cu!e made +rom 0a#er1 0ha# li.uid 0ould #he ice cu!e make4 Wha# do 0e ha$e #o do #o 0a#er #o make i# solid4 Wha# do 0e ha$e #o do #o ice #o make i# a li.uid4 (s #his change re$ersi!le or irre$ersi!le4 Tell #he children #ha# #heir #ask +or #oda, is #o #hink o+ a 0a, o+ making an ice loll,/ Gi$e children #ime #o discuss as a group ho0 #he, 0ill make #heir ice loll,s/ Pu# #he +ollo0ing .ues#ions on #he !oard/ Wha# +la$our do ,ou 0an# ,our ice loll, #o !e4 :o0 0ill ,ou make i# #his +la$our4 Wha# e.uipmen# 0ill need #o make ,our ice loll,4 :o0 0ill ,ou make ,our ice loll,4 Ge# #he children #o discuss #hese .ues#ions as a group1 #hen ans0er #hese .ues#ions in #heir science !ooks/ Gi$e #he children #ime #o make #heir ice lollies/ Sho0 children an ice loll, #ha# ,ou ha$e made and #ha# ,ou ha$e le+# ou# o+ #he +ree<er1 0ha# has happened #o #he ice loll,4 Wh,4 Wha# is #he li.uid in #he !o##om o+ #he con#ainer4 Wha# li.uid did ( s#ar# 0i#h4 Could ( make #his !ack in#o an ice loll,4 :o04 (s #his a re$ersi!le change or an irre$ersi!le change4 Wh,4 Can an, !od, #hink o+ an, irre$ersi!le changes4 Gi$e some e*amples and discuss 0h, #he, are irre$ersi!le/ 3ll children #o discuss in groups1 ho0 #he, 0ill make an ice loll,1 #hinking a!ou# 0ha# happened 0i#h #he chocola#e !u##on/ 3ll children #o ans0er .ues#ions a!ou# making #he ice loll,s in #heir science !ooks/ 3ll children #o make an ice loll,/ 5iscuss conclusion/ Wha# do #he resul#s sho04 Wha# ha$e 0e learn#4 Sugges# reasons +or #he resul#s/ :o0 could 0e in$es#iga#e +ur#her4 )$alua#e e*perimen#/ Was i# a +air #es#4 :o0 could i# !e impro$ed4 Children ha$e comple#ed an accura#e !ar graph displa,ing #heir resul#s +rom #he e*perimen# and are a!le #o sugges# 0ha# #he resul#s mean and #he reasons +or #he resul#s/ Children unders#and #ha# !ones gro0/ (T3 and #eacher #o 0ork 0i#h lo0er a!ili#, #o groups #o suppor# #hem 0hen ans0ering #he .ues#ions)/ Pla, !ea# #he #eacher1 using .ues#ion !ased on 0ha# has !een learn# o$er #he las# +our 0eeks/ )/g/ 0ha# is #he re$erse o+ +ree<ing4 ( +r, an egg is #his re$ersi!le or irre$ersi!le4 (s sand a solid or a li.uid4 To ha$e success+ull, made an ice loll, and #o !e a!le #o e*plain ho0 ,ou ha$e made #he loll, and 0h, ,ou ha$e used #his me#hod/ 8 To kno0 ho0 #o separa#e solid par#icles o+ di++eren# si<es !, sie$ing/ To kno0 #ha# solids can !e mi*ed and #ha# i# is o+#en possi!le #o ge# #he original ma#erials !ack/ >e a!le #o decide 0ha# appara#us #o use in an in$es#iga#ion/ Par#icles1 si<e1 sie$e1 separa#e/ )*plain #o children #ha# ,ou ha$e go# a challenge +or #hem/ You ha$e go# some solids mi*ed up and ,ou 0an# #o separa#e #he solids again/ :o0 can ,ou do #his4 Sho0 #he children some o+ #he mi*#ures (e/g/ sand and lego pieces1 sal# and gra$el1 +lour and raisins1 sun+lo0er seeds and soil)1 #ell #hem #ha# #he, are going #o plan in #0os an e*perimen# #ha# 0ill separa#e #he #0o solids1 #ell children #ha# #he, 0on6# ha$e #ime #o separa#e #hem using #heir +ingers #o pick ou# #he !igges# pieces? Gi$e children #ime #o discuss ho0 #he, 0ill conduc# #he e*perimen#/ Sho0 children some o+ #he e.uipmen# #ha# is a$aila!le +or #hem #o use (in par#icular #he sie$es)/ Go #hrough #he Year 4 planning house as a class1 e*plaining #ha# in #his par#icular e*perimen# 0e are no# measuring an,#hing !u# ins#ead 0e are making o!ser$a#ions and recording #hese/ Gi$e e*amples o+ some o!ser$a#ions #ha# #he children migh# make/ Ge# children #o comple#e #heir house in pairs/ Children #o !egin separa#ing #he solids1 +ollo0ing #heir plan/ Teacher and T3 #o suppor# #he prac#ical 0ork 0here needed/ Children #o 0ri#e do0n in #heir o!ser$a#ions #a!le ho0 #he, separa#ed #he #0o solids and 0ha# happened 0hen #he, did #his/ Focussed assess!ent & $ Can the children !ake care'ul obser(ations% )/g ( separa#ed #he sand +rom #he Lego !, pouring #he mi*#ure #hrough a sie$e all #he sand 0en# #hrough #he sie$e and #he Lego s#a,ed in #he sie$e/ )ncourage children #o e*plain 0h, #his happened/ 3sk children can #0o solids !e separa#ed +orm each o#her4 Were #hese mi*#ures re$ersi!le or irre$ersi!le4 3ll children #o plan an in$es#iga#ion o+ ho0 #o separa#e solids/ 3ll children #o +ill in #he planning house in pairs/ 5id ,ou manage #o separa#e #he #0o mi*#ures4 Ge# some o+ #he children #o read ou# some o+ #heir o!ser$a#ions1 as k #hem 0h, #his happened/ See i+ children unders#and #ha# #he smaller par#icles go #hrough #he holes on #he sie$e and #he !ig par#icles don6# +i# so #he, s#a, in #he sie$e/ Wha# 0orked 0ell in ,our e*perimen#4 :o0 could ,ou ha$e impro$ed i##4 Tell children #ha# #he, ha$e ano#her challenge #o #hink a!ou# and #ell me 0ha# idea #he, ha$e had in #he morning/ Sho0 children dish 0i#h paperclips and sand in1 ask #hem ho0 #he, could separa#e #he #0o solids 0i#hou# using a sie$e? To ha$e planned an appropria#e 0a, o+ separa#ing #he #0o solids/ To ha$e success+ull, separa#ed #he mi*#ures using a sie$e/ hh @ To kno0 #ha# changes occur 0hen some solids are added #o 0a#er To kno0 #ha# 0hen solids do no# dissol$e or reac# 0i#h #he 0a#er #he, can !e separa#ed !, +il#ering/ )*plain 0h, undissol$ed solids can !e separa#ed +rom a solu#ion !, +il#ering and sho0 ho0 #o do #his/ Mi*#ure1 par#icles1 dissol$e1 se#lle1 dissol$e1 undissol$ed1 solu#ion/ Tell children #ha# #he, are going #o +ind ou# 0ha# happens 0hen a range o+ solids are added #o 0a#er/ Pu# on #he #a!le1 some Lego pieces1 some sand1 some #ea lea$es1 some sugar1 some sal#1 some co++ee1 some chalk1 some gra$el and some glasses o+ 0a#er/ Pu# one mi*#ure on e ach #a!le/ Tell #he children #ha# #he, are going #o mi* #he solids in 0i#h #he 0a#er and descri!e 0ha# has happened and 0h,/ Children should o++er e*plana#ions like #he sand has +allen #o #he !o##om or #he sugar and sal# ha$e disappeared/ Ge# #he children #o +eed !ack #heir o!ser$a#ions #o #he class/ 2e*# e*plain #o #he children #ha# #he, are going #o #r, and separa#e #he solids and #he li.uids/ Which ones 0ill !e eas, #o separa#e4 Wh,4 Wha# e.uipmen# could #he, use4 :o0 0ill #he, separa#e #he sand an 0a#er4 5emons#ra#e #ha# #he sand 0ill +all #hrough #he holes in #he sie$e/ Lead children #o #he idea o+ using a sie$e 0i#h smaller holes/ Ge# children #o #hink a!ou# #he #ea lea$es1 sho0 #hem a #eaA!ag1 ho0 does #he !ag s#op #he #ea lea$es +rom +loa#ing around in ,our #ea4 Wha# could 0e use ins#ead o+ a sie$e #o +il#er #he solids +orm #he li.uids4 Ga#her childrens sugges#ions1 #hen sho0 #hem some +il#er paper1 e*plain 0ha# i# is used +or and le# children use i# #o #r, and separa#e #he mi*#ure on #heir #a!le/ 3sk he children #o !ring #o #he +ron# #he mi*#ures #ha# ha$e !een separa#ed/ 2e*# look a# #hose #ha# ha$en6# !een separa#ed e/g/ #he po0der pain# and #he co++ee/ :o0 do 0e kno0 #hese ha$en6# !een separa#ed4 Look a# #he colour1 0ha# does #ha# #ell us4 Tell children 0e 0ill sa$e #hese #o discuss la#er/ 2e*# look a# #he sugar and sal# solu#ion1 can 0e #ell 0he#her #his has !een separa#ed or no#4 Wha# could 0e do #o check4 (+ #here is s#ill sal# or sugar in #he 0a#er 0ould 0e !e a!le #o #as#e i#4 Gi$e each #a!le a sugar and sal# solu#ion and ask #hem #o #r, and +il#er i#/ The, ha$e #o #as#e #he solu#ion !e+ore and a+#er and see i+ #he, can s#ill #as#e #he sal# and sugar/ (+ #he, can 0ha# does #his mean4 )nsure #ha# 0ed discuss #he heal#h and sa+e#, issues around #as#ing #hings in science/ 3sk #he children 0h, can6# 0e separa#e #hese solids and li.uids4 Wha# has happened #o #he solids4 Clari+, i+ children sa, #he solid has disappearedB e*plain #ha# i# is s#ill #here !ecause 0e can s#ill #as#e i#/ )*plain #ha# #he solids ha$e dissol$ed in#o #he li.uids #he, ha$en6# disappeared and dissol$ing means #he pieces ha$e !roken up in#o e$en smaller pieces1 so small 0e can6# see #hem and much smaller #han #he holes in #he +il#er paper 0hich is 0h, #he, can6# !e separa#ed #hrough +il#ra#ion/ )*plain #ha# 0hen a solid dissol$es in#o a li.uid1 #he #0o su!s#ances #oge#her are called a solu#ion/ Mi* #he solid and li.uid on ,our #a!le and descri!e 0ha# has happened/ Think a!ou# ho0 ,ou 0ould separa#e #hese #0o su!s#ances/ Tr, and separa#e #hem using +il#er paper/ Tr, and separa#e and sal# and 0a#er solu#ion and a sugar ad 0a#er solu#ion/ >lock!us#ers .ues#ions rela#ed #o e$er,#hing #ha# has !een learn# o$er #he uni#/ To ha$e separa#ed #he mi*#ures #ha# could !e separa#ed/ To !e a!le #o e*plain 0h, sand and sugar canno# !e separa#ed +rom 0a#er using +il#er paper1 using #he 0ord dissol$e in #he e*plana#ion/ Teacher and T3 #o 0ork 0i#h groups as and 0here needed/ C To sho0 #heir kno0ledge a!ou# solids and li.uids/ 3ll o+ #he a!o$e )nd o' unit assess!ent * 3ssessmen# shee#/ 3ll children #o comple#e an assessmen# shee# !ased on solids and li.uids/ To ha$e success+ull, comple#ed #he assessmen# #asks #o #he !es# o+ #heir a!ili,/