Solids and Liquids MTP

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Larch Class Science Medium Term Plan: Solids and Liquids and how they can be separated (Unit

t 4d)/ Disaster at Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory (Miss Truesdale)

Science Plan Year Group: 4 Topic: Moving & Growing (Funny Bones) Term: Autumn 1
Wk Learning !"ec#i$es %oca!&'esources (n#roduc#ion )*#ended Core Modi+ied Plenar, Learning u#come
- To !e a!le #o ca#egorise solids
and li.uids/
To kno0 #he di++erence !e#0een a
solid and a li.uid/
To name some solids and li.uids/
Solid1 li.uid1 +lo01
%arious di++eren#
li.uids and solids1
0i#h some solids
#ha# can !e poured
such as sand&sal#/
)lici# children e*is#ing kno0ledge o+ ma#erials !, presen#ing #hem 0i#h a collec#ion o+ solids and
asking #hem #o group #hem according #o #heir o0n cri#eria1 ask children #he reasons +or #hese
choices/ 'e$ise language +or descri!ing proper#ies o+ ma#erials (e/g/ #ransparen#1 so+#1 !end,1
s#re#ch,1 me#al1 0ood1 opa.ue)/
2e*# add some li.uids (o+ $arious $iscosi#,) #o #he collec#ion1 ge# #he children #o sor# #he
ma#erials again/ (+ #he, do no# au#oma#icall, sor# in#o solids and li.uids1 sugges# #his idea #o
#hem/ 3sk .ues#ion such as
Wha# happens #o li.uids 0hen ,ou change #he con#ainer4
Can ,ou spill #he solids4
5ra0 children6s a##en#ion #o par#icular proper#ies/
(n#roduce #he 0ord $iscosi#, as 7runniness/6
3sk children #o record #hese in #heir science !ooks/
Ge# children #o 0ri#e do0n 8 di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids/
Go #hrough #he $arious proper#ies o+ solids and li.uids/
)*#end #he ac#i$i#, +ur#her !, adding 7di++icul#6 i#ems1 e/g/ co##on 0ool1 sand1 sal#1 sponge and
ge# children #o decide 0he#her #hese i#ems are solids or li.uids/ 3sk children i+ #he, can e*plain
0h, #he, ha$e made #heir choices/ )*plain #ha# al#hough ,ou can pour sand and sal# e/#/c/ #he,
are s#ill solids !ecause #he, are made up o+ hundreds o+ li##le solid pieces/
-) Sor# #he ma#erials on ,our #a!le in#o solids and li.uids/
When ,ou ha$e sor#ed #he ma#erials1 dra0 a line do0n #he
cen#re o+ ,our page1 on one side lis# #he solids and on #he
o#her side lis# #he li.uids/
9) Lis# 8 di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids/
3sk #he children some #rue or
+alse .ues#ions rela#ed #o 0ha#
#he, ha$e learn# #his lesson/
)/g sand is a li.uid/
Li.uids #ake #he shape o+ #he
con#ainer #he, are in/ e/#/c/
To ha$e sor#ed ma#erials correc#l,
in#o solids or li.uids/ (ncluding
di++icul# ma#erials such as sand1 sal#1
sponge1 co##on 0ool1 plas#ecine/
9 To !e a!le #o make and record
o!ser$a#ions and measuremen#s/
To kno0 #ha# li.uids do no#
change $olume 0hen #he, are
poured in#o a di++eren# con#ainer/
To kno0 #ha# li.uids 0ill #ake #he
shape o+ #he con#ainer #he, are
pu# in/
To !e a!le #o dra0 conclusions
+rom an in$es#iga#ion/
Li.uid1 +lo01 $olume1
o!ser$e1 record/
'ecap on 0ha# 0as learn# las# 0eek/ :o0 can 0e #ell #ha# some#hing is a li.uid&solid4 Wha# are
some o+ #he di++erences !e#0een li.uids and solids4
3sk #he children 0hen do 0e use #he #erm $olume4 )*plain #ha# 0hen 0e measure #he $olume
o+ some#hing 0e are measuring ho0 much space #han i#em #akes up/ Wha# uni# o+
measuremen# 0ould 0e use #o measure #he $olume o+ li.uid4 'ecap on ml and l/ Wha#
e.uipmen# can 0e use #o measure #he $olume o+ li.uid4 'ecap on ho0 #o measure using
measuring "ugs&con#ainers1 dra0 children6s a##en#ion #o #he scales on #he measuring e.uipmen#/
5ra0 some measuring "ugs on #he !oard 0i#h di++eren# amoun#s o+ li.uid in #hem1 ask children
#o #ell ,ou ho0 much li.uid is in each pic#ure/
)*plain #o children #ha# #he, ,ou 0an# #hem #o +ind ou# 0he#her #he $olume o+ li.uid changes
0hen #he li.uid is poured in#o di++eren# con#ainers/ Go #hrough #he ,ear 4 planning house/ 3sk
#he .ues#ions on #he planning house1 +ill #his in #oge#her as a class/ )*plain #ha# ,ou 0an# #hem
#o record #heir resul#s/ 3sk children ho0 #he, are going #o record #heir resul#s/ Le# children
make up #heir o0n resul#s #a!le/ 3ssess #heir a!ili#, #o do #his (T3 #o 0ork 0i#h lo0er a!ili#, #o
assis# 0i#h #his)/
Focused ssess!ent "ask # $ Can children !easure accurately in standard units%
Gi$e children $arious shaped con#ainers and e/g/ pop !o##le1 measuring c,linder1 cup1 di++eren#
shapes measuring con#ainers1 and $arious li.uids1 e/g/ 0a#er1 #ea1 !lackcurran# "uice1 !u!!le
!a#h/ Ge# children #o measure #he $olume o+ #he li.uids and #hen pour #hem in#o di++eren#
con#ainers/ 5oes #he $olume o+ #he li.uid change4 Wha# happens #o #he li.uid 0hen i# is poured
in#o di++eren# con#ainers4
3ll children #o pour $arious li.uids in#o $arious shaped
con#ainers and record #he resul#s/
3ll children #o produce #heir o0n resul#s #a!le/
5iscuss 0ha# 0e ha$e learn#
a!ou# li.uids +rom doing #he
Pla, #he Sun1 Sea and Sand
game on educa#ionci#,/com/
Go in#o curriculum map1 science1
ke, s#age 91 ma#erials and #heir
proper#ies1 ,ear 4/
Children ha$e #o iden#i+, #he
$arious solids1 li.uids and gases/
To ha$e accura#el, measured
$arious li.uid in $arious con#ainers
using s#andard measuremen#s/
To ha$e made a resul#s #a!le and
accura#el, +illed in #he resul#s +rom
#he e*perimen#/
Work independen#l, #o make
resul#s #a!les/
Work in groups #o measure
#he scales/
Teacher #o go around #he
class and assess children6s
a!ili#, #o measure accura#el,
using s#andard
Work 0i#h #eacher and
T3 #o make resul#s
T3 #o 0ork 0i#h lo0er
#hroughou# #he
demons#ra#ing ho0 #o
measure and helping
children 0i#h reading #he
; To kno0 #ha# solids consis#ing o+
$er, small pieces (par#icles)
!eha$e like li.uids in some 0a,s/
To !e a!le #o use a magni+,ing
glass or microscope/
Par#icles1 small
pieces1 microscope1
magni+,ing glass/
'ecap on some o+ #he di++erences !e#0een solids and li.uids/ 3sk children i+ #he, can #hink o+
an, similari#ies !e#0een some solids and li.uids/ 3re #here an, solids #ha# ac# like li.uids4
5iscuss 0h, solids such as sand1 sal#1 sugar1 e/#/c are similar #o li.uids (#he, pour1 #he, +ill #he
con#ainer #he, are in e/#/c)/ )*plain #ha# #hese solids are some#imes called po0ders1 !ecause
#he, are made up o+ #housands o+ li##le pieces1 #hese are some#imes called par#icles/ )*plain #o
children #ha# al#hough #hese solids !eha$e like li.uids1 #he, are ac#uall, solids1 !ecause #he,
are made up o+ #housands o+ solid pieces/ Pu# some dishes con#aining sal#1 sand1 sugar1
po0der pain#1 #alcum po0der on #he children6s #a!les 0i#h some magni+,ing glasses and
microscopes so children can see #he #in, par#icles/ )*plain ho0 #o use #he magni+,ing glasses
and microscopes/ Pu# some dishes o+ 0a#er on #he #a!le1 can #he, see an, solid par#icles in #he
0a#er4 Ge# children #o descri!e 0ha# #he, can see under #he microscope and 0ha# #he
di++erences are/ Ge# children #o 0ri#e a +e0 sen#ences in #heir science !ooks #o descri!e 0ha#
#he, ha$e seen and dra0 and on#o cu# ou# circles 0ha# #he, could see #hrough #he lenses/
3ll children #o use #he magni+,ing glasses and microscopes
#o look closel, a# solids #ha# !eha$e like li.uids )/g sand1
sal#1 sugar and also #o look a# some li.uids and compare
#he di++erences/
3ll children #o descri!e 0ha# #he, can see #hrough #he
lenses and 0ri#e a +e0 sen#ences in #heir science !ooks #o
e*plain #he similari#ies and di++erences !e#0een solids and
li.uids under #he microscope&magni+,ing glass/
n cu# ou# circles children dra0 and la!el 0ha# #he, sa01
s#ick #hese in#o science !ooks/
Wha# did ,ou +ind ou# +rom looking
a# #he i#ems4
Ge# some o+ #he children #o read
ou# #heir o!ser$a#ions/
To ha$e descri!ed #he similari#ies
and di++erences !e#0een some solids
and li.uids/
To e*plain #ha# po0ders pour like
li.uids !ecause #he, are made o+ +ine
To e*plain 0h, sal#1 sugar and
$arious o#her po0ders are no# li.uids
!ecause #he, are made up o+ #in,
li##le solids/
4 To kno0 #ha# #he same ma#erial
can e*is# as !o#h a li.uid and a
To kno0 #ha# a li.uid can !e
changed in#o a solid !, cooling
and #his is called +ree<ing or
To kno0 #ha# a solid can !e
changed #o a li.uid !, hea#ing and
#his is mel#ing/
Gi$e an e*ample o+ mel#ing and
=ree<ing1 mel#ing1
3sk children #o 0ash #heir hands !e+ore #he, come in#o #he classroom/ Sho0 children a !o0l o+
chocola#e !u##ons/ 3sk #hem are #hese !u##ons a solid or a li.uid4 Gi$e each child a chocola#e
!u##on and ask #hem #o hold i# #igh#l, in #heir hand1 read #he poem Chocolate !, Michael 'osen/
Ge# #he children #o open up #heir hands a# #he same #ime as i# sa,s so in #he poem1 +inish
reading #he poem/ Wha# has happened #o #he chocola#e in #heir hands4 Wha# has caused #his
#o happen4 (s i# s#ill chocola#e #ha# is in #heir hands4 (s i# a solid or a li.uid4 )*plain #ha# #he
hea# +orm #he children6s hands has made #he chocola#e mel# and 0hen some#hing mel#s1 i#
changes +rom a solid #o a li.uid/ Could 0e change #he chocola#e !ack #o ho0 i# 0as !e+ore4
:o04 Think a!ou# rice crispie !uns1 0e hea# #he chocola#e up #o make i# runn, and #hen 0e
lea$e #he !uns #o cool1 0ha# happens #o #he chocola#e4 )*plain #ha# e$en #hough #he chocola#e
has mel#ed1 i# could !e made hard again/ )*plain #ha# #he name +or making some#hing hard
again is solidi+,ing/ )*plain #ha# #his is called a re$ersi!le change1 i# can !e re$ersed1 #he
chocola#e could !e #urned !ack in#o a soild/
3sk children i+ #he, can #hink o+ an, o#her e*amples 0here a li.uid is changed #o a solid and
can !e changed !ack again/ Ge# #hem #o #hink a!ou# !aking1 mel#ing !u##er e/#/c/ Wai# +or
children #o gi$e #he e*ample o+ ice/ 3sk children 0ha# is ice made +rom4 (+ 0e mel#ed an ice
cu!e made +rom 0a#er1 0ha# li.uid 0ould #he ice cu!e make4 Wha# do 0e ha$e #o do #o 0a#er
#o make i# solid4 Wha# do 0e ha$e #o do #o ice #o make i# a li.uid4 (s #his change re$ersi!le or
Tell #he children #ha# #heir #ask +or #oda, is #o #hink o+ a 0a, o+ making an ice loll,/ Gi$e children
#ime #o discuss as a group ho0 #he, 0ill make #heir ice loll,s/ Pu# #he +ollo0ing .ues#ions on #he
!oard/ Wha# +la$our do ,ou 0an# ,our ice loll, #o !e4 :o0 0ill ,ou make i# #his +la$our4 Wha#
e.uipmen# 0ill need #o make ,our ice loll,4 :o0 0ill ,ou make ,our ice loll,4 Ge# #he children
#o discuss #hese .ues#ions as a group1 #hen ans0er #hese .ues#ions in #heir science !ooks/
Gi$e #he children #ime #o make #heir ice lollies/
Sho0 children an ice loll, #ha# ,ou ha$e made and #ha# ,ou ha$e le+# ou# o+ #he +ree<er1 0ha#
has happened #o #he ice loll,4 Wh,4 Wha# is #he li.uid in #he !o##om o+ #he con#ainer4 Wha#
li.uid did ( s#ar# 0i#h4 Could ( make #his !ack in#o an ice loll,4 :o04 (s #his a re$ersi!le change
or an irre$ersi!le change4 Wh,4 Can an, !od, #hink o+ an, irre$ersi!le changes4 Gi$e some
e*amples and discuss 0h, #he, are irre$ersi!le/
3ll children #o discuss in groups1 ho0 #he, 0ill make an ice
loll,1 #hinking a!ou# 0ha# happened 0i#h #he chocola#e
3ll children #o ans0er .ues#ions a!ou# making #he ice loll,s
in #heir science !ooks/
3ll children #o make an ice loll,/
5iscuss conclusion/ Wha# do #he
resul#s sho04 Wha# ha$e 0e
learn#4 Sugges# reasons +or #he
resul#s/ :o0 could 0e in$es#iga#e
+ur#her4 )$alua#e e*perimen#/
Was i# a +air #es#4 :o0 could i# !e
Children ha$e comple#ed an
accura#e !ar graph displa,ing #heir
resul#s +rom #he e*perimen# and are
a!le #o sugges# 0ha# #he resul#s
mean and #he reasons +or #he
resul#s/ Children unders#and #ha#
!ones gro0/
(T3 and #eacher #o 0ork
0i#h lo0er a!ili#, #o groups
#o suppor# #hem 0hen
ans0ering #he .ues#ions)/
Pla, !ea# #he #eacher1 using
.ues#ion !ased on 0ha# has
!een learn# o$er #he las# +our
)/g/ 0ha# is #he re$erse o+
( +r, an egg is #his re$ersi!le or
(s sand a solid or a li.uid4
To ha$e success+ull, made an ice
loll, and #o !e a!le #o e*plain ho0
,ou ha$e made #he loll, and 0h,
,ou ha$e used #his me#hod/
8 To kno0 ho0 #o separa#e solid
par#icles o+ di++eren# si<es !,
To kno0 #ha# solids can !e mi*ed
and #ha# i# is o+#en possi!le #o ge#
#he original ma#erials !ack/
>e a!le #o decide 0ha# appara#us
#o use in an in$es#iga#ion/
Par#icles1 si<e1
sie$e1 separa#e/
)*plain #o children #ha# ,ou ha$e go# a challenge +or #hem/ You ha$e go# some solids mi*ed up
and ,ou 0an# #o separa#e #he solids again/ :o0 can ,ou do #his4 Sho0 #he children some o+
#he mi*#ures (e/g/ sand and lego pieces1 sal# and gra$el1 +lour and raisins1 sun+lo0er seeds and
soil)1 #ell #hem #ha# #he, are going #o plan in #0os an e*perimen# #ha# 0ill separa#e #he #0o
solids1 #ell children #ha# #he, 0on6# ha$e #ime #o separa#e #hem using #heir +ingers #o pick ou# #he
!igges# pieces? Gi$e children #ime #o discuss ho0 #he, 0ill conduc# #he e*perimen#/ Sho0
children some o+ #he e.uipmen# #ha# is a$aila!le +or #hem #o use (in par#icular #he sie$es)/ Go
#hrough #he Year 4 planning house as a class1 e*plaining #ha# in #his par#icular e*perimen# 0e
are no# measuring an,#hing !u# ins#ead 0e are making o!ser$a#ions and recording #hese/ Gi$e
e*amples o+ some o!ser$a#ions #ha# #he children migh# make/ Ge# children #o comple#e #heir
house in pairs/ Children #o !egin separa#ing #he solids1 +ollo0ing #heir plan/ Teacher and T3 #o
suppor# #he prac#ical 0ork 0here needed/
Children #o 0ri#e do0n in #heir o!ser$a#ions #a!le ho0 #he, separa#ed #he #0o solids and 0ha#
happened 0hen #he, did #his/ Focussed assess!ent & $ Can the children !ake care'ul
obser(ations% )/g ( separa#ed #he sand +rom #he Lego !, pouring #he mi*#ure #hrough a sie$e
all #he sand 0en# #hrough #he sie$e and #he Lego s#a,ed in #he sie$e/ )ncourage children #o
e*plain 0h, #his happened/ 3sk children can #0o solids !e separa#ed +orm each o#her4 Were
#hese mi*#ures re$ersi!le or irre$ersi!le4
3ll children #o plan an in$es#iga#ion o+ ho0 #o separa#e
solids/ 3ll children #o +ill in #he planning house in pairs/
5id ,ou manage #o separa#e #he
#0o mi*#ures4
Ge# some o+ #he children #o read
ou# some o+ #heir o!ser$a#ions1 as
k #hem 0h, #his happened/ See i+
children unders#and #ha# #he
smaller par#icles go #hrough #he
holes on #he sie$e and #he !ig
par#icles don6# +i# so #he, s#a, in
#he sie$e/
Wha# 0orked 0ell in ,our
e*perimen#4 :o0 could ,ou ha$e
impro$ed i##4
Tell children #ha# #he, ha$e
ano#her challenge #o #hink a!ou#
and #ell me 0ha# idea #he, ha$e
had in #he morning/ Sho0 children
dish 0i#h paperclips and sand in1
ask #hem ho0 #he, could
separa#e #he #0o solids 0i#hou#
using a sie$e?
To ha$e planned an appropria#e
0a, o+ separa#ing #he #0o solids/
To ha$e success+ull, separa#ed #he
mi*#ures using a sie$e/
@ To kno0 #ha# changes occur 0hen
some solids are added #o 0a#er
To kno0 #ha# 0hen solids do no#
dissol$e or reac# 0i#h #he 0a#er
#he, can !e separa#ed !, +il#ering/
)*plain 0h, undissol$ed solids
can !e separa#ed +rom a solu#ion
!, +il#ering and sho0 ho0 #o do
Mi*#ure1 par#icles1
dissol$e1 se#lle1
Tell children #ha# #he, are going #o +ind ou# 0ha# happens 0hen a range o+ solids are added #o
0a#er/ Pu# on #he #a!le1 some Lego pieces1 some sand1 some #ea lea$es1 some sugar1 some
sal#1 some co++ee1 some chalk1 some gra$el and some glasses o+ 0a#er/ Pu# one mi*#ure on e
ach #a!le/ Tell #he children #ha# #he, are going #o mi* #he solids in 0i#h #he 0a#er and descri!e
0ha# has happened and 0h,/ Children should o++er e*plana#ions like #he sand has +allen #o #he
!o##om or #he sugar and sal# ha$e disappeared/ Ge# #he children #o +eed !ack #heir
o!ser$a#ions #o #he class/ 2e*# e*plain #o #he children #ha# #he, are going #o #r, and separa#e
#he solids and #he li.uids/ Which ones 0ill !e eas, #o separa#e4 Wh,4 Wha# e.uipmen# could
#he, use4 :o0 0ill #he, separa#e #he sand an 0a#er4 5emons#ra#e #ha# #he sand 0ill +all
#hrough #he holes in #he sie$e/ Lead children #o #he idea o+ using a sie$e 0i#h smaller holes/
Ge# children #o #hink a!ou# #he #ea lea$es1 sho0 #hem a #eaA!ag1 ho0 does #he !ag s#op #he #ea
lea$es +rom +loa#ing around in ,our #ea4 Wha# could 0e use ins#ead o+ a sie$e #o +il#er #he solids
+orm #he li.uids4 Ga#her childrens sugges#ions1 #hen sho0 #hem some +il#er paper1 e*plain 0ha#
i# is used +or and le# children use i# #o #r, and separa#e #he mi*#ure on #heir #a!le/ 3sk he
children #o !ring #o #he +ron# #he mi*#ures #ha# ha$e !een separa#ed/ 2e*# look a# #hose #ha#
ha$en6# !een separa#ed e/g/ #he po0der pain# and #he co++ee/ :o0 do 0e kno0 #hese ha$en6#
!een separa#ed4 Look a# #he colour1 0ha# does #ha# #ell us4 Tell children 0e 0ill sa$e #hese #o
discuss la#er/ 2e*# look a# #he sugar and sal# solu#ion1 can 0e #ell 0he#her #his has !een
separa#ed or no#4 Wha# could 0e do #o check4 (+ #here is s#ill sal# or sugar in #he 0a#er 0ould
0e !e a!le #o #as#e i#4 Gi$e each #a!le a sugar and sal# solu#ion and ask #hem #o #r, and +il#er i#/
The, ha$e #o #as#e #he solu#ion !e+ore and a+#er and see i+ #he, can s#ill #as#e #he sal# and
sugar/ (+ #he, can 0ha# does #his mean4 )nsure #ha# 0ed discuss #he heal#h and sa+e#, issues
around #as#ing #hings in science/
3sk #he children 0h, can6# 0e separa#e #hese solids and li.uids4 Wha# has happened #o #he
solids4 Clari+, i+ children sa, #he solid has disappearedB e*plain #ha# i# is s#ill #here !ecause 0e
can s#ill #as#e i#/ )*plain #ha# #he solids ha$e dissol$ed in#o #he li.uids #he, ha$en6# disappeared
and dissol$ing means #he pieces ha$e !roken up in#o e$en smaller pieces1 so small 0e can6#
see #hem and much smaller #han #he holes in #he +il#er paper 0hich is 0h, #he, can6# !e
separa#ed #hrough +il#ra#ion/ )*plain #ha# 0hen a solid dissol$es in#o a li.uid1 #he #0o
su!s#ances #oge#her are called a solu#ion/
Mi* #he solid and li.uid on ,our #a!le and descri!e 0ha#
has happened/ Think a!ou# ho0 ,ou 0ould separa#e #hese
#0o su!s#ances/ Tr, and separa#e #hem using +il#er paper/
Tr, and separa#e and sal# and 0a#er solu#ion and a sugar
ad 0a#er solu#ion/
>lock!us#ers .ues#ions rela#ed
#o e$er,#hing #ha# has !een learn#
o$er #he uni#/
To ha$e separa#ed #he mi*#ures #ha#
could !e separa#ed/
To !e a!le #o e*plain 0h, sand and
sugar canno# !e separa#ed +rom
0a#er using +il#er paper1 using #he
0ord dissol$e in #he e*plana#ion/
Teacher and T3 #o 0ork 0i#h groups as and 0here
C To sho0 #heir kno0ledge a!ou#
solids and li.uids/
3ll o+ #he a!o$e )nd o' unit assess!ent * 3ssessmen# shee#/ 3ll children #o comple#e an assessmen# shee# !ased on
solids and li.uids/
To ha$e success+ull, comple#ed #he
assessmen# #asks #o #he !es# o+
#heir a!ili,/

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