Social Studies Lesson Plan Form-Udl
Social Studies Lesson Plan Form-Udl
Social Studies Lesson Plan Form-Udl
"em#ers: $ulia %uggirello& 'atie (ondette& )ara 'roll& )*annon Do+ne,& %e#ecca -a,lor
Name of Lesson: ./*ere I come from0 U%L for Lesson: *tt!:11edsitement2ne*2go31lesson4!lan1+*ere4i4come5sect4acti3ities UDL Lesson Plan Descri#e t*e #arrier in detail E6!lain +*, t*e students in t*is classroom are likel, to encounter t*is #arrier2 E6!lain t*e feature7s8 of t*is lesson t*at create or contri#ute to t*is #arrier2 Descri#e a UDL solution and e6!lain *o+ to im!lement it2 E6!lain +*, t*is solution can eliminate t*e #arrier
Barrier 9
Part of t*is !ro:ect re;uires students to use outside resources& including #ooks and t*e internet to find information our on t*eir ancestors *ome countr,2
For some of t*ese students finding ade;uate resources ma, !ro3e to #e a c*allenge2 Due to lack of understanding of *o+ to find resources and utili<e t*em for a s!ecific task students ma, find t*emsel3es +andering off task +it* no clear direction2 For t*e ?D@D students& t*eir attention s!an is a #it lo+er t*an t*eir classmates2 -*is lo+ attention s!an can lead to classroom disru!tions and taking a+a, from t*e com!uter la# time2
-*e use of t*e internet for t*is lesson can #e useful #ut also !ro#lematic2 Not all students kno+ *o+ to researc* and t*e internet can #e o3er+*elming at times2
ra!*ic organi<er t*at la,s out different U%L=s t*at +ould #e a!!lica#le for all students needs2 >n t*e ot*er *alf of t*e organi<er& list #ullet !oints for students to +rite do+n t*eir findings 7o!tional82
Barrier 2
-*e main contri#utor of t*is #arrier is t*e fact t*at students +ill #e e6!ected to do researc*2 Because t*e students are e6!ected to find resources
"ake ?D@D students *a3e access to outside c*airs in classroom2 )et u! time for all students to get u! and stretc*2 "ake sure t*at com!uter time is organi<ed 7stated a#o3e8 and time management is structured2
-*is can #e a useful solution #ecause t*e students +ill *a3e some clear direction as to +*at resources t*e, s*ould #e using2 ?lso& it +ill ma6imi<e com!uter la# time as students +ill not s!end time searc*ing t*e internet for resources t*at are not a!!lica#le2 B, eliminating stress of researc*ing and setting time goals for students& it +ill relie3e stress of students and *el! t*em feel less o3er+*elmed2
Barrier A
"an, students in t*e classroom lack +riting skills for t*eir grade le3el2
"ost students in t*e class are #elo+ grade le3el for +riting and t*is +ill !ro3e to #e a difficult task if
Barrier 4
Po+er!oint !resentation gi3ing t*e la, out of t*is assignment t*at includes acti3ities a#out researc*ing& !arental in3ol3ement& and locating t*eir *ome countr, on a ma!2
De!ending on t*e structure of t*e classroom& t*is !resentation ma, #e difficult for ot*ers to see& or #e !a,ing attention +*ile t*e teac*er is re3ie+ing t*e material2
-*e ?D@D students ma, *a3e trou#le focusing on a teac*er lecturing& and t*e ot*er students +*o read #elo+ grade le3el ma, not understand +*at is #eing said +it*in t*e !resentation2
?llo+ students to !air u! if t*e, *a!!en to #e from t*e same countr,2 -*is t,!e of moti3ation t*at includes *a3ing a !artner +ill *o!efull, lessen t*e stress of t*e assignment and make students more focused2 Print out t*e !o+er!oint !resentation so t*at eac* student *as a co!, to refer to on t*eir o+n2 ?lso make sure t*at t*is !resentation is eas, to read and *as #ullet !oints rat*er t*an long !*rases or sentences2
?llo+ing students to +ork +it* !artners +ill make t*em feel as if t*is assignment is not too difficult2
B, gi3ing students t*eir o+n co!, of t*e !resentation to follo+ along +it* it +ill gi3e t*em t*eir o+n 3isual su!!ort& *o!efull, aiding in students !a,ing more attention and #e a#le to follo+ along easier2