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BIOLOGY: One year of Biology is required for graduation.
Biology I is designed to meet this requirement.
TEXTBOOK: Biology; y Kenneth !iller and "ose#h Le$ine; %renti&e hall; '()( edition. !*+IG, -EEKLY: *se the !uhiga .ee/ly 0gi$en out at the start of the .ee/1 for information aout home.or/2 due dates2 &lass #resentations2 &o#ies of assignment2 as .ell as im#ortant Internet lin/s for &om#uter3 .e ased a&ti$ities. BIOLOGY -EB4ITE: There is a great deal of hel# and information students &an a&&ess on the .e. 5isit my .esite at muhigam&ss&ien&e6 .eely.&om for information aout home.or/2 due dates2 &lass #resentations2 &o#ies of assignment2 internet lin/s2 as .ell as 7E5IE- G,!E4 TO +EL% 4T*8Y 9O7 TE4T4. :EE8 ,88ITIO:,L +EL%; There is no su&h thing as a <dum= question. %lease as/ your tea&her for hel# if you do not understand the &on&e#ts> I am a$ailale efore and after s&hool and at arranged times to any questions or to #ro$ide additional hel#. ?he&/ assignment information at htt#:33....muhigam&ss&ien&e6 .eely.&om. I am a$ailale y e@mail at fmuhiga6mun&ie./)' ?O!!*:I?,TIO:: %lease let me /no. anytime that you ha$e &on&erns. Grade sli#s .ill e sent home e$ery t.o .ee/s. I gi$e onus #oints for ea&h grade sli# signed y the #arent3guardian that the student has turned into their tea&her. ,TTE:8,:?E3!,KE *% %OLI?Y: It is YO*7 7E4%O:4IBILITY to arrange for &om#leting any ma/e u# .or/. If you /no. I: ,85,:?E you .ill e asent 0in&luding for s&hool a&ti$ities1 you must arrange to &om#lete the .or/ BE9O7E the asen&e. If you ha$e an eA&used asen&e :OT /no.n in ad$an&e2 .e .ill follo. the ?+4 +andoo/ !a/e@u# %oli&y. L,TE -O7K: Learning to udget your time and meet deadlines is a $aluale Bo3life s/ill .hi&h students .ill need in the <real .orld=> L,TE -O7K I4 :OT ,??E%T,BLE> 9ailing to turn in assignments is :OT an o#tion. On&e a unit is &om#leted and tested o$er2 .or/ for that &ha#ter &an :OT e turned in for &redit. EAtra &redit .ill not ma/e u# for missing assignments. 4tudents are res#onsile for &om#leteting a la ma/e@u# assignnment .ithin one week for any missed lab activity. 9eliA !uhiga Offi&e %hone: CDC@E'F( Email: fmuhiga6mun&ie./)' Biology I 4*%%LIE4 :EE8E8: !ar/ers or &olored #en&ils 0o#tional1. ?om#osition oo/ and #o&/et folder. TeAtoo/ 0#ro$ided y the s&hool1 4&ien&e :oteoo/ Bring a #en&il3#en to &lass e$ery day. ?L,447OO! 7*LE4: Be in your seat .ith your home.or/ and the ao$e listed su##lies .hen ell rings. 9ollo. dire&tions. Treat others .ith res#e&t. Be a good listener .hen others are tal/ing. :either food nor drin/s allo.ed. E5,L*,TIO:3G7,8I:G: O$erall final &ourse grade is determined y the ) st quarter G DEH2 ' nd quarter G DEH4emester Test )(H Grades .ill ased on the E(H ?ha#ter tests3 IuiJJes3 %roBe&ts3,ssessment '(H +ome.or/3 ?lass.or/ '(H La .or/ )(H Bell .or/; %arti&i#ation. Grades .ill e determined using the grading s&ale ado#ted y ?entral +igh 4&hool: )((@ K( G , LK @ L( G B CK M C( G ? FK M F( G 8 EK M ( G 9 +EL%9*L I:9O7!,TIO: 4tudents ha$e a&&ess to Test 4tudy Guides and Test %re#s online. The study guide .ill outline the information that .ill e on the test and .ill ha$e #ra&ti&e #rolems the student &an try. Test %e#s are the a&tual test to e gi$en .ith the order of questions and &hoi&es s&ramled. 4tudents are en&ouraged to re@ta/e tests. Test re@ta/es &an earn a student u# to N of the missed #oints on the test. 4tudents re@ta/ing a test may use an L A )) sheet of notes. :OTE4+EET !*4T BE I: 4T*8E:TO4 +,:8-7ITI:G. ?L,44 LE?T*7E4 4tudents &an a&&ess the le&tures that o&&ur in &lass from my .esite. These &an e useful if a student .as asent is Bust .ants to see the slides again. There is no sustitute for eing #resent in s&hool2 ut eing ale to see the slides &an e hel#ful. O:LI:E 4T*8E:T ?E:TE7 %renti&e +all3 %earson 0teAtoo/ #ulisher1 has Online learning #ortals students &an a&&ess for free. 4tudents &an #erform $irtual las2 .at&h $ideos and &om#lete many other &urri&ulum related a&ti$ities. The lin/s for these .e sites are. htt#:33....untameds&ien&e.&om3.orld@iology3 htt#:33....#hs&hool.&om3s&ien&e3iologyP#la&e3laen&h3 4tudents &an a&&ess other sites y going to the &lass lin/s on my .e site. IPADS: I #ads are for edu&ational #ur#oses only. I .ill let you /no. .hen .e .ill need them for &lass. 8ear %arent3Guardian: ,o$e you .ill find information regarding Biology I. %lease KEE% T+E ,BO5E 4+EET 9O7 9*T*7E 7E9E7E:?E and ha$e your students return this #ortion .ith a signature to the tea&her. This &onfirms that you ha$e re&ei$ed this Biology I &ourse information sheet. 4T*8E:T :,!E: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP %,7E:T3G*,78I,: 4IG:,T*7E: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP %,7E:T3G*,78I,: E!,IL: PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0O#tional1