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Plant the Seeds for a Successful Future.

ELL Education

Dear Parents, I hope you are all having a good holiday break! During this time of the year, it is a great time to be reminded of the various cultures and lifestyles that make up our classroom and community. I have given the students a writing assignment for the break. They are to write about how the holidays are celebrated at their house, or in their family. Their goal is to show us with their writing rather than to just tell us. It is said that students are more apt to be involved or interested when the topic is culture and pertains to their own experiences. Encourage the students to use their new English vocabulary we have learned thus far. Students are more apt to do so when the topic is relatable. Before we left for break, we read and discussed different books relating to various cultures found. Students will be able to add to this collection and knowledge in our classroom with their stories. Tell students not to worry about being perfect, as they have seen me make mistakes when trying to speak or write other languages. Please let them know to have fun, any writing is better than no writing! Happy Holidays, and see you when we return! Mrs. Cervantes


To the Parents of: Mrs. Cervantes Class

123 Education Way Motivation, TX 76543

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