Teacher Notes On Relative Clauses
Teacher Notes On Relative Clauses
Teacher Notes On Relative Clauses
Here is a brief review of adjective clauses and relative pronouns.
An adjective
clause is used to describe a noun: The car, which was red, belonged to Young-Hee
relative !ronoun is usually used to introduce an adjective clause: Young-Hee, who is a "orean student, lives in #ictoria
The main relative !ronouns are: $ho: used for humans: Hans, who is an architect, lives in %erlin
$hich: used for things and animals: &ari'e has a dog which (ollows her ever)where
That: used for humans, animals and things (but see below): &ari'e is decorating a house that Hans designed
There are two main 'inds o( adjective clause: Non-de(ining clauses: !ive e*tra in(ormation about the noun" but they are not essential: The des' in the corner, which is covered in boo's, is mine
(#e don$t need this infor%ation in order to understand the sentence. &'he des( in the corner is %ine& is a !ood sentence on its own )) we still (now which des( is referred to. *ote that non)definin! clauses are usually separated by co%%as" and that is not usually used in this (ind of conte+t.)
+e(ining clauses: !ive essential in(ormation about the noun: The !ac'age that arrived this morning is on the des'
(#e need this infor%ation in order to understand the sentence. #ithout the relative clause" we don$t (now which pac(a!e is bein! referred to. *ote that that is often used in non) definin! relative clauses" and they are not separated by co%%as.)
,djective Clauses
An adjective clause is a dependent clause which takes the place of an adjective in another clause or phrase. Like an adjective, an adjective clause modifies a noun or pronoun, answering questions like "which?" or "what kind of?" Consider the following examples
,djective the red coat ,djective clause the coat which I bought )esterda)
Like the word "red" in the first example, the dependent clause "which ! "ought #esterda#" in the second example modifies the noun "coat." $ote that an adjective clause usuall# comes after what it modifies, while an adjective usuall# comes before. !n formal writing, an adjective clause "egins with the relative pronouns "who%m&," "that," or "which." !n informal writing or speech, #ou ma# leave out the relative pronoun when it is not the su"ject of the adjective clause, "ut #ou should usuall# include the relative pronoun in formal, academic writing
In(ormal 'he boo(s people read were %ainly reli!ious. -ormal 'he boo(s that people read were %ainly reli!ious. In(ormal o%e firefi!hters never %eet the people they save. -ormal o%e firefi!hters never %eet the people whom they save.
(his clause modifies the noun "meat" and answers the question "which meat?".
about the %ovie which made him cr)
(his clause modifies the noun "movie" and answers the question "which movie?".
they are searchin! for the one who borrowed the boo'
(he clause modifies the pronoun "one" and answers the question "which one?".
Did , tell you about the author whom I met-
(he clause modifies the noun "author" and answers the question "which author?". You can use a relative pronoun to lin' one !hrase or clause to another !hrase or clause The relative !ronouns are .who,. .whom,. .that,. and .which .
1. A nurse was nearby. He called her. Correct answer1s2: He called a nurse" who was nearby. He called a nurse who was nearby. A nurse" who% he called" was nearby. A nurse who% he called was nearby. 2. 'he nurse called a doctor. He ca%e 3uic(ly. Correct answer1s2: 'he nurse called a doctor" who ca%e 3uic(ly. 'he nurse called a doctor who ca%e 3uic(ly. 4. 'he doctor as(ed hi% to lie down. he loo(ed very worried. Correct answer1s2: 'he doctor" who loo(ed very worried" as(ed hi% to lie down.
he !ave the %an an injection. ,t %ade hi% !o to sleep. Correct answer1s2: he !ave the %an an injection" which %ade hi% !o to sleep. he !ave the %an an injection which %ade hi% !o to sleep. he !ave the %an an injection that %ade hi% !o to sleep.
6. 'he 7ly%pic snowboardin! event was e+citin!. 8any people watched it on '9. Correct answers: 'he 7ly%pic snowboardin! event" which %any people watched on '9" was e+citin!. 'he 7ly%pic snowboardin! event that %any people watched on '9 was e+citin!. :. ,t was the first ti%e snowboardin! had been included in the 7ly%pics. nowboardin! is a new sport. Correct answers: ,t was the first ti%e snowboardin!" which is a new sport" had been included in the 7ly%pics. ;. 'he co%petition was very e+citin!. A 0anadian won it. Correct answers: 'he co%petition" which a 0anadian won" was very e+citin!. .<. 'he winner" =oss =eba!liati" lives in #histler" B0. 8any youn! snowboarders ad%ire hi%. Correct answers: 'he winner" =oss =eba!liati" who% %any youn! snowboarders ad%ire" lives in #histler" B0. 'he winner" =oss =eba!liati" who %any youn! snowboarders ad%ire" lives in #histler" B0
. 'he cou!ar is a %e%ber of the cat fa%ily >>>>>> !rows to around : feet in len!th. A. who B. which 0. who% D. that / 'he cou!ar lives in deserts" forests" plains and %ountains" but accordin! to scientists >>>>>>>> have studied the ani%al" it is beco%in! endan!ered in so%e areas. A. who B. which 0. who% D. whose 1 'he cou!ar has powerful le!s" >>>>>>>> it uses to cli%b and to ju%p into trees. A. who B. which 0. who% D. whose
2 0ou!ars so%eti%es prey on sheep and !oats" so they %ay be (illed by the far%ers >>>>>>>> ani%als they attac(. A. who B. which 0. who% D. whose 4 However" cou!ars very rarely attac( hu%ans" of >>>>>>>> they are usually afraid. A. who B. who% 0. which D. that
Relative 5ronouns
=elative pronoun use E+a%ple
subject or object pronoun for ani%als and thin!s Do you see the cat which is lyin! on the roof-
object pronoun for people" especially in non), was invited by the professor whom , definin! relative clauses (in definin! relative%et at the conference. clauses we collo3uially prefer who)
subject or object pronoun for people" ani%als, donFt li(e the table that stands in the and thin!s in definin! relative clauses (who or(itchen. which are also possible)
,f the relative pronoun is not followed by a verb (but by a noun or pronoun)" the relative pronoun is an object pronoun. 7bject pronouns can be dropped in definin! relative clauses" which are then called Contact Clauses. the apple 1which2 George lay on the table
Relative ,dverbs
A relative adverb can be used instead of a relative pronoun plus preposition. 'his often %a(es the sentence easier to understand. 'his is the shop in which , bou!ht %y bi(e. G 'his is the shop where , bou!ht %y bi(e.
relative adverb
inHon which
inHat which
refers to a place
for which
refers to a reason
+e(ining relative clauses are o(ten used in de(initions A sea%an is so%eone who wor(s on a ship. 7bject pronouns in definin! relative clauses can be dropped. ( entences with a relative clause without the relative pronoun are called Contact Clauses.) 'he boy 1who8whom2 we %et yesterday is very nice.
.. /. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. :. ;. .<.
'his is the ban(>>>>>>>>>>>was robbed yesterday. A boy>>>>>>>>>sister is in %y class was in the ban( at that ti%e. 'he %an>>>>>>>>>>>robbed the ban( had two pistols. He wore a %as(>>>>>>>>>>%ade hi% loo( li(e 8ic(ey 8ouse. He ca%e with a friend>>>>>>>>>>>>>waited outside in the car. 'he wo%an>>>>>>>>>>>>!ave hi% the %oney was youn!. 'he ba!>>>>>>>>>>>>contained the %oney was yellow. 'he people>>>>>>>>>>>were in the ban( were very fri!htened. A %an>>>>>>>>>>>>>%obile was rin!in! did not (now what to do. A wo%an>>>>>>>>>>>>>dau!hter was cryin! tried to cal% her.