Meng Sae
Meng Sae
Meng Sae
out of a belief that those who receive martial arts training must also be taught to use their s ills responsibly! The foundation of Hwa Rang Do"s code of behavior is the Meng Sae, which is composed of five rules and nine philosophical principles! Hwa Rang Do # $ae %&ive Rules of Hwa Rang Do' Romani(ed )hinese number *phorism Transliteration +l Sa $un , )hoong -oyalty to one"s country , Sa )hin , Hyo -oyalty to one"s parents and teachers Sam $yo .oo , Shin Trust and brotherhood among friends Sa +m /eon Moo Tae )ourage never to retreat in the face of the enemy #h Sal Saeng 0oo Tea /ustice never to ta e a life without a cause Hwa Rang Do $yo Hoon %nine virtues' $orean ,nglish +n Humanity #ui /ustice 0ea )ourtesy /i .isdom Shin Trust Sun 1oodness Du 2irtue )hoong -oyalty 0ong )ourage Meaning of Hwa Rang Do Hwa 3 &lower Rang 3 Man Do 3 .ay The common ,nglish translations are 4The .ay of the &lowering Manhood4 or 4The .ay of the &lowering $nights!4 The 4Man4 idea in this title refers to an ideal man5 one of honor, strength, responsibility, and virtue! The reason for the word 4&lower4 is to state that 6ust as a flower grows and then blooms, so should a man grow and then bloom into something beautiful! *lso, 6ust as a flower is beautiful 6ust by being, so too should a man be honorable, loyal, strong, and virtuous by simply e7isting, without having to try to be any of these things! #bviously, since it is in the name of the *rt, this idea is central to all aspects of Hwarangdo5 one should be without needing to try to be! 8y this concept a practitioner is taught to be humble, strong, and honorable!
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