Newsletter 8 2103

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Whats New
This was a fun filled week in Kindergarten! On Tuesday, our school had a visit from DeKalb county firefighters! The students had a fantastic time climbing through fire truck and hearing all about the day and life a firefighter! This week our class also performed our Spooky Theater for the PreK classes. The students did a great job! We are looking forward to our encore presentation Halloween day. Next week we are going to continue discussing nocturnal animals and create pinecone owls! We are also going to discover the difference between objects that sink and objects that float. It is going to be a very exciting week! *Fall conferences will take place the week of November 4 and 8. Please complete the conference request form and return it to school by October 31.

Shallowford Presbyterian Preschool O ctob e r 2 5, 2 0 13

Kindergarten Corner Weekly News

This Months Bible Verse
For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7 This months character trait is selfcontrol.

Ask Me About
Rhyming Word March The 3 Main Parts of a Play Our Spooky Theater with Pre-K Nocturnal and Diurnal Animals Our Class Pinecone Experiment

Dont Forget
School pictures have been rescheduled for School Parade and Class Halloween Party this Thursday morning. The fun starts at 9:30. Please return library books by Thursday. Show and Tell is on Friday. Read with your child for 15 minutes each night. Please check our class calendar weekly for upcoming events and your students week to bring in snack.

Family Project
Halloween is here! Please join us Thursday, October 31 for our school costume parade at 9:30 in the Sanctuary. After the parade, come celebrate in our classroom for our class Halloween party and a special performance of our Spooky Theater. Hope to see you all there.

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