Kindergarten News: This Week in School - .

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St. Paul Lutheran School Mrs.


Kindergarten News
I tell you for certain that everyone
who hears my message and has
faith in the one who sent me has
eternal life and will never be
condemned. They have already
crossed over from death to life!
John 3:24

April 1, 2011

Upcoming events
April 4-7th Theatre Action Project! A

This week in school . . .

special presentation for K-
2! (8:15 – 9:15 in the gym)

April 12th Field Trip to Wildflower

We read about the Apostles Creed and what it means! We talked about how
Center! Please turn in
Jesus came to earth and is both man and God and how the Holy Spirit helps
permission slips by the 8th!
us and is our friend! We also enjoyed a new CD from Arison records! Ask
April 21st We will celebrate the your child to share a new favorite song! We also had the wonderful
resurrection of Jesus & opportunity to share God’s good news with the people at Heatherwilde
enjoy an egg hunt! More Assisted Living. We made some special bookmarks for them and what a joy
details will follow. it was to pass these out with hugs and handshakes!

We studied the letter Q this week and noticed how most words with Q in
April 29th ECE Spring Program!
them also have a U! J We also practiced our creative writing and practiced
Check your e-mail for a
our writing and illustrating in our journals! We have been reading more and
letter regarding this!
more books on our own and enjoying special stories as well! We even had
some more children take AR quizzes – don’t forget about this wonderful

Chapel this week

This week in our Lenten Chapel Service we will be celebrating Baptismal
Birthdays and the ECE children will be singing! You are welcome to join us on
Wednesday, at 9:30 in the church to hear our beautiful voices!

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Wheel day was a success!

I hope to see you at Grand Tour on Saturday! It is such a wonderful
opportunity for some fellowship, exercise and fun!

We have been practicing counting

money, telling time and adding
dominoes during our morning
meeting time! We were very
excited to start our new items for
the month of April! Ask your child
what they enjoy the most! We have
also been trying to stretch our
brains to solve math problems in
different ways! We have continued
to exercise our engineering skills
with the zip tracks, big blocks and
puzzles! J

Next Week . . .

*H.E.R.O.S Presentation by Theatre Action Project

*Last letter – X!

*Addition and Subtraction practice

*Bible Verse – ‘May the Lord Bless and Keep You’
*Beginning Bible Reader books; 3 Men in a Furnace, Lenten Chapel & April Baptismal Birthdays

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