Kindergarten News: This Week in School - .
Kindergarten News: This Week in School - .
Kindergarten News: This Week in School - .
Kindergarten News
I tell you for certain that everyone
who hears my message and has
faith in the one who sent me has
eternal life and will never be
condemned. They have already
crossed over from death to life!
John 3:24
April 1, 2011
Upcoming events
April 4-7th Theatre Action Project! A
We studied the letter Q this week and noticed how most words with Q in
April 29th ECE Spring Program!
them also have a U! J We also practiced our creative writing and practiced
Check your e-mail for a
our writing and illustrating in our journals! We have been reading more and
letter regarding this!
more books on our own and enjoying special stories as well! We even had
some more children take AR quizzes – don’t forget about this wonderful
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Next Week . . .