Lecture Slides Week3 3-7 GlycemicIndex

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Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Gl ycemic Index (GI)

o 8aung sysLem based on a scale of 0-100
o useful Lo compare glycemlc responses of
o 30 grams pure glucose = hlghesL Cl value 100

Gl ycemic Index (GI)
o Cl of food ls deLermlned experlmenLally
o Consume amounL of food wlLh 30 g carb
o 8lood glucose response ls measured
Gl ycemic Index (GI)
o Plgh-Cl foods: Lhose wlLh glycemlc responses
slmllar Lo LhaL of pure glucose (Cl > 70)
o Low-Cl foods: Lhose LhaL cause lower or more
gradual rlse ln glucose (Cl < 33)
Gl ycemic Response
I Am coll Nott. 2009 Aoq,28 5oppl.4465-4495
lmoqe. wlklmeJlo commoos
o AmounL of carbohydraLe ln a typlcol
setvloq of a food ls noL Laken lnLo
o lnsLead, Cl values are based on a
sLandard omooot of carbohydraLe (30
o Lxample: 30 g carbohydraLe from
carroLs = 1 pound, noL a reallsuc
poruon slze!
lboto. lols 1omoyo/lllckt
Gl ycemic Load (GL)
o 1o counLer Lhls problem, separaLe sysLem -
glycemlc load (CL) - someumes used
o CL of food ls dlerenL Lhan Cl
o CL Lakes lnLo accounL Lyplcal poruon of food
Gl ycemic Load (GL)
o 1o calculaLe CL: dlvlde Cl of a food by 100 and
Lhen muluply by grams of carb ln 1 servlng
o CarroLs example:
Cl of carroLs ls 16
ApproxlmaLely 8 g carb per servlng
CL = 16 - 100 8 = 1.3
Comparing GI and GL of Foods
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WhlLe rlce (130 g) 36 42 24
Apple (22 g) 38 22 8
Corn (80 g) 83 30 23
Lenuls (30 g) 30 30 12
Research: Gl ycemic Response
o lmpacL of glycemlc response on long-Lerm healLh
unknown, conLroverslal
o Some sLudles have demonsLraLed healLh beneLs
from low-CL dleLs, oLher unclear
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AcoJemy of Nottluoo ooJ uleteucs, vlJeoce Aoolysls llbtoty, low Clycemlc loJex ulet, 2005.

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