Physical activity and weight loss are important factors for managing and preventing diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers insulin resistance and risk for type 2 diabetes. Research shows that losing as little as 7% of body weight and engaging in moderate physical activity like brisk walking for 130 minutes per week can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. For those with diabetes, regular exercise even without weight loss improves blood sugar control and reduces cardiovascular risk factors. Exercise recommendations include at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity spread over 3 days along with resistance training twice per week.
Physical activity and weight loss are important factors for managing and preventing diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers insulin resistance and risk for type 2 diabetes. Research shows that losing as little as 7% of body weight and engaging in moderate physical activity like brisk walking for 130 minutes per week can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. For those with diabetes, regular exercise even without weight loss improves blood sugar control and reduces cardiovascular risk factors. Exercise recommendations include at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity spread over 3 days along with resistance training twice per week.
Physical activity and weight loss are important factors for managing and preventing diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers insulin resistance and risk for type 2 diabetes. Research shows that losing as little as 7% of body weight and engaging in moderate physical activity like brisk walking for 130 minutes per week can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. For those with diabetes, regular exercise even without weight loss improves blood sugar control and reduces cardiovascular risk factors. Exercise recommendations include at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity spread over 3 days along with resistance training twice per week.
Physical activity and weight loss are important factors for managing and preventing diabetes. Maintaining a healthy weight lowers insulin resistance and risk for type 2 diabetes. Research shows that losing as little as 7% of body weight and engaging in moderate physical activity like brisk walking for 130 minutes per week can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes. For those with diabetes, regular exercise even without weight loss improves blood sugar control and reduces cardiovascular risk factors. Exercise recommendations include at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity spread over 3 days along with resistance training twice per week.
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Physical Activity
and Weight in Diabetes
Defining Overweight & Obesity o kg/m 2 .or o (lb/ln 2 ) x 703 !"#$%& ()&"$*+, -./ 01$23 4 5 underwelghL < 18.3 normal welghL 18.3 - 24.9 CverwelghL 23.0 - 29.9 Cbese > 30 Type 2 Diabetes and Weight 67"+8"#$%& 8Ml: 23.0-29.9 69":" 8Ml > 30 uS Men wlLh 1ype 2 86.3 33 uS Women wlLh 1ype 2 84.2 38 MMwk Motb Mottol weekly kep 2004,5J(45).1066-1068. Weight and Insul in Resistance o CverwelghL/welghL galn ^ lnsulln reslsLance o WelghL loss Lowards healLhy welghL ^ lnsulln sensluvlLy Research: Di abet es Pr event i on Pr ogram o llrsL large-scale Lrlal Lo assess 2 Lechnlques ln prevenung or delaylng developmenL of 1ype 2, 10 years, publlshed 2002 o n=3,234, overwelghL, lC1, 43 were from hlgh rlsk groups: AA, Plspanlc, Aslan-A, ac-lslander, nA o 8andomlzed Lo 1 of 3: llfesLyle (dleL & exerclse, 130 mln/ week, 7 welghL loss) or meuormln (830 mg bld) or placebo o ;":<=&:> ? +#:1 @"7"=*A B. *C DEF C*+ GH( 0IJF #K LMN5O DF #K GH( $+*<A @"7"=*A"@ B.O JJF C*+ K*KPGH( $+*<A: o Meuormln helpful Lo delay onseL of uM (31 88) N oql I MeJ 2002, J46.J9J-40J Research: Type 2 Diabetes & Weight o 3 body welghL loss assoclaLed wlLh j lnsulln reslsLance, lmproved glycemla and llpemla and j 8 o Look APLAu (Acuon for PealLh ln ulabeLes) 1 year resulLs show LhaL aL average 8.6 welghL loss from lnLenslve llfesLyle lnLervenuon group had j 8, j 1C, ^ PuL & overall beuer dlabeLes and Cvu rlsk facLor proles Lhan supporL & ed group ulobetes cote. 2004 Aoq,27(8).2067-7J, ulobetes cote. 2007 Ioo,J0(6).1J74-8J Prediabetes Recommendations o redlabeLes: aL hlgh rlsk for developlng dlabeLes o SLrucLured program LhaL emphaslze llfesLyle changes, LhaL lnclude: 7 body welghL loss 8egular physlcal acuvlLy (130 mln/week) 8educed calorles and reduced faL lnLake ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Physical Activity Recommendations eople wlLh dlabeLes should perform: o AL leasL 130 mln/week o ModeraLe-lnLenslLy physlcal acuvlLy o 30-70 maxlmum hearL raLe o Spread over aL leasL 3 days/week o no more Lhan 2 consecuuve days w/o acuvlLy ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Target Hear t Rate Maxlmum age-relaLed hearL raLe: 220 - age ln yr o WhaL ls a 30 year old person's esumaLed maxlmum hearL raLe? o WhaL ls 30-70 of Lhls esumaLed maxlmum hearL raLe? cuc, lbyslcol Acuvlty, 1otqet neott kote ooJ sumoteJ Moxlmom neott kote, ovolloble ot. bup.//www.cJc.qov/pbyslcolocuvlty/evetyooe/meosotloq/beotttote.btml Physical Activity Recommendations eople wlLh Lype 2 dlabeLes: o 8eslsLance Lralnlng aL leasL Lwlce per week o Cnly ln absence of conLralndlcauons ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Research: Exercise and Diabetes o SLrucLured exerclse lnLervenuons of aL leasL 8- weeks ln durauon: Lower A1c by average 0.66 ln Lhose wlLh 1ype 2 Cccurs even wlLh no slgnlcanL change ln 8Ml o 8egular exerclse has been shown Lo: lmprove blood glucose conLrol and well-belng 8educe Cvu rlsk facLors and promoLe welghL loss N oql I MeJ 2002, J46.J9J-40J, IAMA 2001,5ep 12,286(10).1218-27 Hypogl ycemia lor Lhose on lnsulln or lnsulln secreLagogues: o hyslcal acuvlLy can cause hypoglycemla lf medlcauon dose or carbohydraLe consumpuon noL alLered o CarbohydraLe should be Laken lf preexerclse glucose levels are < 100 mg/dL (3.6 mmol/L) o Pypoglycemla rare ln dlabeuc lndlvlduals noL LeraLed wlLh lnsulln or secreLagogues - no prevenuve measure for Lhem ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. For More Infor mation o ulabeLes revenuon rogram: hup:// o CuC - revenL ulabeLes: hup:// o WPC - 1he CosL of ulabeLes: hup://www.who.lnL/medlacenLre/facLsheeLs/fs236/en/ o nauonal ulabeLes lnformauon Clearlnghouse - WhaL l need Lo know abouL hyslcal AcuvlLy and ulabeLes: hup://
Fuel Metabolism During Exercise in Euglycaemia and Hyperglycaemia in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus A Prospective Single Blinded Randomises Crossover Trial