This document provides an overview of diabetes, including definitions, statistics, types, diagnosis, costs, and risk factors. Some key points:
- Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces, leading to hyperglycemia and potential damage to nerves and blood vessels.
- Over 347 million people worldwide have diabetes, with over 80% living in low- and middle-income countries. Global deaths from diabetes are projected to double between 2003-2030.
- Diagnosis of diabetes is based on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance tests. Prediabetes is
This document provides an overview of diabetes, including definitions, statistics, types, diagnosis, costs, and risk factors. Some key points:
- Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces, leading to hyperglycemia and potential damage to nerves and blood vessels.
- Over 347 million people worldwide have diabetes, with over 80% living in low- and middle-income countries. Global deaths from diabetes are projected to double between 2003-2030.
- Diagnosis of diabetes is based on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance tests. Prediabetes is
This document provides an overview of diabetes, including definitions, statistics, types, diagnosis, costs, and risk factors. Some key points:
- Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces, leading to hyperglycemia and potential damage to nerves and blood vessels.
- Over 347 million people worldwide have diabetes, with over 80% living in low- and middle-income countries. Global deaths from diabetes are projected to double between 2003-2030.
- Diagnosis of diabetes is based on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance tests. Prediabetes is
This document provides an overview of diabetes, including definitions, statistics, types, diagnosis, costs, and risk factors. Some key points:
- Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces, leading to hyperglycemia and potential damage to nerves and blood vessels.
- Over 347 million people worldwide have diabetes, with over 80% living in low- and middle-income countries. Global deaths from diabetes are projected to double between 2003-2030.
- Diagnosis of diabetes is based on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), fasting plasma glucose, and oral glucose tolerance tests. Prediabetes is
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Nutrition for Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Katie Ferraro, MPH, RD, CDE Diabetes: Definitions and Diagnoses What is Diabetes? o Chronlc dlsease o Cccurs when pancreas doesn'L produce enough lnsulln, or o When pancreas cannoL eecuvely use Lhe lnsulln lL produces o Pyperglycemla - damage of nerves and blood vessels o Leadlng cause of bllndness, ampuLauon & kldney fallure wotlJ neoltb Otqoolzouoo, ulobetes ltoqtomme, 2012. Gl obal Diabetes Statistics o 347 mllllon people worldwlde have dlabeLes o > 80 of people wlLh dlabeLes llve ln low- and mlddle-lncome counLrles o WPC pro[ecLs LhaL dlabeLes deaLhs wlll double beLween 2003-2030 wotlJ neoltb Otqoolzouoo, ulobetes ltoqtomme, ovolloble ot. bup.//www.wbo.lot/Jlobetes/eo/ Gl obal Cost of Diabetes o lndla: low-lncome famlly may spend up Lo 23 of famlly lncome devoLed Lo dlabeLes care for one person o ln uS, lf one chlld wlLh dlabeLes, 10 of famlly lncome o WPC's WesLern aclc reglon: 16 of hosplLal expendlLure on people wlLh dlabeLes o 20 of oshore expendlLure ln ll[l was on dlabeLes relaLed condluons o lnLanglble cosLs: paln, anxleLy, lower quallLy of llfe. wotlJ neoltb Otqoolzouoo, ulobetes. tbe cost of Jlobetes, ovolloble ot. bup.//www.wbo.lot/meJloceotte/foctsbeets/fs2J6/eo/ US Diabetes Statistics o 23.8 mllllon chlldren and adulLs ln uS (8.3 of populauon) have dlabeLes ulagnosed: 18.8 mllllon people undlagnosed: 7.0 mllllon people o redlabeLes: 79 mllllon people (23 of populauon) o $174 bllllon LoLal cosL of dlagnosed uM ln uS 2007 o Medlcal cosLs for Lhose wlLh dlabeLes are 2.3 umes hlgher Lhan for Lhose wlLhouL Ametlcoo ulobetes Assoclouoo, ulobetes 8oslcs. ulobetes 5tousucs, ovolloble ot. bup.//www.Jlobetes.otq/Jlobetes-boslcs/Jlobetes-stousucs/ Types 1 and 2 Diabetes -./" 0 '()*"+", 8esulLs from -cell desLrucuon, usually leadlng Lo absoluLe lnsulln declency 3-10 of all cases of dlabeLes lormerly called lnsulln dependenL dlabeLes melllLus (luuM) or [uvenlle-onseL dlabeLes -./" 1 '()*"+", 8esulLs from progresslve lnsulln secreLory defecL on background of lnsulln reslsLance 90-93 of all cases of dlabeLes lormerly called non-lnsulln dependenL dlabeLes melllLus (nluuM) or adulL-onseL ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Diagnosis o PlsLorlcally: fasung plasma glucose (lC) or 2- hour value ln 73-g oral glucose Lolerance LesL (CC11) o 2009: lnLernauonal LxperL Commluee recommended use of PbA1c wlLh Lhreshold of > 6.3 Diagnosing Diabetes 2*304 > 6.3 567 > 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) - fasung ls 8 hrs 87-- 2-hour plasma glucose > 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) 73 g anhydrous glucose dlssolved ln waLer 9):;<= 8andom plasma glucose > 200 mg/dL wlLh classlc sympLoms of hyperglycemla or hyperglycemlc crlsls ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Prediabetes o Croup of people whose glucose levels - alLhough don'L meeL crlLerla for dlabeLes - are Loo hlgh Lo be consldered normal o redlabeLes = hlgh rlsk for fuLure dlabeLes o noL cllnlcal facLors by lLself, buL rlsk facLor for fuLure dlabeLes and Cvu o redlabeLes assoclaLed wlLh obeslLy (abdomlnal or vlsceral), dysllpldemla, ^ 1C, P1n, j PuL ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Diagnosing Prediabetes 2*304 3.7-6.4 567 lmpalred lasung Clucose (llC) lf fasung plasma glucose ls 100-123 mg/dL (3.6-6.9 mmol/L) 87-- lmpalred Clucose 1olerance (lC1) lf 2-hr value aer CC11 ls 140-199 mg/dL (7.8-11.0 mmol/L) !28 uene cuLo for ll1 aL 110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L) ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Diagnostic Cutpoints lmoqe. Iose loolo 5. 8ottomeo Who is at risk & shoul d be tested? All adulLs who are overwelghL (8Ml > 23) and who have 1 or more of Lhe followlng:
o hyslcal lnacuvlLy o llrsL-degree relauve wlLh dlabeLes o Plgh-rlsk race/eLhnlclLy (e.g., Afrlcan, Launo, nauve Amerlcan, Aslan, aclc lslander) o Women who dellvered a baby welghlng >9 lb or who were dlagnosed wlLh CuM o PyperLenslon (blood pressure >140/90 mmPg or on Lherapy for hyperLenslon) o PuL <33 mg/dL (0.90 mmol/L) and/or 1C >230 mg/dL (2.82 mmol/L) o Women wlLh CCS o A1C >3.7, lC1, or llC on prevlous Lesung o CLher cllnlcal condluons assoclaLed w/ lnsulln reslsLance (e.g., severe obeslLy, acanLhosls nlgrlcans) o PlsLory of Cvu ulobetes cote. Iooooty 2012 vol J5 oo 5opplemeot 1 511-56J. Gestational Diabetes o CesLauonal ulabeLes MelllLus (CuM) o ulabeLes dlagnosed durlng pregnancy LhaL ls noL clearly overL dlabeLes o regnanL women wlLhouL prevlous known dlabeLes, screen for CuM aL 24-48 weeks' gesLauon o use 73-g 2-hr CC11 of >200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) For More Infor mation o Amerlcan ulabeLes Assoclauon SLandards of Medlcal Care ln ulabeLes 2012: hup://care.dlabeLes[ o Medllnelus - ulabeLes: hup:// o Medllnelus - ulabeLes lnLeracuve 1uLorlal: hup:// dlabeLeslnLroducuon/hLm/lndex.hLm o lnLernauonal ulabeLes lederauon: hup://
Diaphragmatic Eventration Misdiagnosed As Diaphragmatic Hernia in A Preterm Infant With Respiratory Distress: A Case Report and Review of Diagnosis and Management