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Resume: Career Objective

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Ms. Lakshmi Priya S. Plot no:-20, Gayathiri Street, Duraisamy Nagar, By-pass roa , Ma urai. !"#"$%&0%%'&$. lps'0#0"2(gmail.)om. CAREER OBJECTIVE: *o se)ure a +o, that makes -ull use o- my skills to )reate a ,etter .orking en/ironment. ACADEMIC DETAILS: 0ND12 G23D03*1: 7.10 CGPA 45irst 6lass7 in 8elammal 6ollege o- engineering an te)hnology. 46lass o- 20#'7 9:G912 S16;ND32<: 73.91% in St. =oseph>s matri)ulation higher se)on ary s)hool 4)lass o- 200"7. M3*2:60L3*:;N: 81% in St. =oseph>s matri)ulation higher se)on ary s)hool 4)lass o- 200$7. G21 S6;21: '0' 4%".## ?7. ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATION: La !"a!#$ % &' : Basi)s o- 6. : ha/e atten e a three months )ourse in Po.er 1le)troni) 3ppli)ation using Matla, so-t.are o--ere ,y Pante)h Solutions, Ma urai. A(#a &) *#+, -+a. - *#(#$*: Po.er 1le)troni)s. Pursuing 5ren)h )ourse @ 3# le/el in 3llian)e 5ran)aise o- Ma ras. PAPER AND PROJECT PRESENTATIONS: : ha/e presente a paper entitle ADigital signal pro)essing using smart ,iometri) solutions> in 1le)troByne>## )on u)te ,y epartment o- 161 o- C.L.N )ollege o-

:n-ormation *e)hnology. : presente my pro+e)t on, D3 0ni/ersal Gri 6onne)te 5uel-6ell :n/erter -or 2esi ential 3s .ell 3s 6ommer)ial 3ppli)ationsE at the :nternational 6on-eren)e on 1ngineering an *e)hnology on #%th an #"th 3pril 20#' in Shree 8enketesh.ara 6ollege o- 1ngineering an *e)hnology.

PROJECTS AND INTERNS/IPS: : ha/e atten e internships in * * * BSNL tele)oms in Ma urai. 3ll :n ia 2a io in Ma urai. CSB pumps in 6oim,atore.

: i a pro+e)t on A3 0ni/ersal Gri - 6onne)te 5uel- 6ell :n/erter -or 2esi ential 3ppli)ations> -or my -inal semester pro+e)t presentation. TRAININGS AND 0OR1S/OPS: : parti)ipate in a one ay national seminar )on u)te ,y Department o- Me)hani)al 1ngineering o- our )ollege on F2e)ent *ren s in Sustaina,le 1nergy-2S*1G#2F hel on "th =anuary 20#2. ACCOMPLIS/MENTS: : ha/e re)ei/e an a.ar arithmeti) )al)ulations. D3)hie/erE -rom Gra)e 3)a emy -or my skill in -ast

E2TRA3CURRICULAR INTERESTS: My interests are -usion painting, an)horing li/e programs on stage, gar ening, )ooking, playing )hess an rea ing ,ooks. 1E4 STRENGT/S: My key strengths are )ommuni)ation skills, am,i/ersion an passion -or tea)hing. PERSONAL DETAILS:

Date o- Birth: '0H#0H"2. 5atherGs name: 8. Su,,ura+an. Languages kno.n: 1nglish, *amil, 5ren)h I *elugu 4spoken7. Date: #%H##H20#'. Pla)e: Ma urai. M$. La%$,5- P(-6a S.

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