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How will you limit noise levels? We know that the construction of the Thames Tideway Tunnel would cause noise and vibration in some locations and this would be controlled as far as possible from within the construction site. We would also be monitoring the impacts of our construction so that we remain within the approved environmental limits for the site. Where we identify that noise cannot be reduced to reasonable levels, we would offer noise insulation such as secondary glazing for those properties most affected, or, where it might be appropriate, an offer of temporary re-housing.

Secondary glazing Secondary glazing works best when closed, so additional ventilation is often required. The package includes a ventilator unit in a slim metal cover, fitted inside the room to an outside facing wall (a 75-100mm hole is drilled through the wall, through which the fan draws in air from the outside). On a south facing window, secondary glazing may make the room too hot. In these cases, blinds can be fitted between the main window and the secondary glazing to minimise this effect. The option for secondary glazing may not apply for all rooms. In most cases only the principle habitable and reception rooms (eg living/ dining and bedrooms) on the eligible sides of the building would be considered. If your property is a listed building, it may be necessary to obtain listed building consent to undertake this work.

Is secondary glazing the same as double glazing? No, secondary glazing will usually comprise a separate pane of glass in its own frame (wood, metal or plastic) installed 100-200mm inside the existing window. The existing window will remain in place. Secondary glazing can be opened for cleaning or ventilation. Double glazing consists of two panes of glass in the same casing, typically around 20mm apart which replace the existing window.

What if I already have double glazing? The noise assessments are based on the expected noise immediately outside the building so the type of glazing you currently have installed would not affect your eligibility under the scheme. You are not obliged to accept the offer of insulation if you do not think you need it. We can advise as to the effectiveness of any currently installed secondary or double glazing and the potential benefits of adding further secondary glazing. You may, at your own discretion, and accepting the reduced level of noise attenuation, choose only to have ventilation units and/ or blinds installed.

What if a landlord wont agree to any suggested improvement? Any improvements must be agreed with the property owner. If the landlord would like more information or to find out more about secondary glazing then we would be happy to advise and answer any questions.

An independent panel would assess any concerns or claims made through our nonstatutory compensation process. Any offer will be made subject to specific conditions and will likely include mitigation works or other required actions to reasonably reduce the ongoing disturbance. The cost and burden of carrying out these works would be dealt with as part of the independent assessment.

Guide to compensation

Appeal process
We want our non-statutory compensation policy to provide a fair and reasonable outcome, with a sensible balance between the need for the project and the rights of individuals living nearby.

Illustration of secondary glazing.

Reduced noise levels Choice of materials wood, metal or plastic

Existing window Increased noise levels Inside secondary glazing

If you have questions about our other activities Visit: For billing or account enquiries call: 0845 9200 888 Lines are open weekdays from 8am - 8pm and on Saturday from 8am - 1pm (Minicom or Typetalk: 0845 7200 899) For water or wastewater enquiries call: 0845 9200 800 Lines are open 24 hours a day (Minicom or Typetalk: 0845 7200 898) For more information about the Thames Tideway Tunnel Call: 0800 0721 086 Lines are open 24 hours a day Visit: Email: For our language interpretation service call 0800 0721 086

For information in Braille or large print call 0800 0721 086

We care about how our work may affect you, your family and your business.
Your quality of life is important and we are absolutely committed to reducing the impacts of our work on our neighbours wherever possible.
We recognise people would be affected in a number of different ways and to address this we have developed this guide to help explain how our compensation programme would work. We have also produced a number of information leaflets about the different types of compensation and these are available on our website or on request.

Exceptional hardship procedure

We have also published information about the property purchase scheme. This is to help those who have an immediate need to sell, have been unable to do so because of the project and who show that they would as a consequence suffer exceptional hardship. The Exceptional Hardship Procedure will continue to be available for the lifetime of the project.

Protection measures
We are identifying the need for mitigation and protection works to neighbouring properties, where it is sensible to do so prior to major construction activity and where it may relieve concerns of the property owners. Mitigation or protection works may include: any works which are required to reasonably protect the interests of property owners and other affected interests temporary re-housing where during 24 hour construction activity significant disturbance is predicted and may not be sufficiently suppressed other environmental protection works advance design and construction works for proposed new developments on neighbouring land.

The requirement for these works could be identified by: the Thames Tideway Tunnel project team and offered to the property owner the property owner and subject to a request to the Thames Tideway Tunnel project team any other interested party or statutory body and subject to a request to the Thames Tideway Tunnel project team and property owner. Where a property owner or other interested party asks for mitigation or protection works, we will assess the request before making any offer to carry out works. If you believe that our initial assessments are different from what is actually happening during construction, please contact us to discuss and we will investigate your concerns.

Damage or loss
We recognise that because of the projects working hours, its duration, and the location of our works sites, owners may experience financial loss or damage to their property. It may be possible to recover this loss or damage by claiming compensation. While we will comply with all environmental and other statutory regulations at all times, this scheme addresses particularly sensitive areas where claims may fall outside the legal requirements. During construction, we would continually monitor and address all possible impacts on surrounding properties. Despite this, we recognise that disturbance may arise due to such things as: noise dust vibration light interference from our work sites at night access restrictions damage to property as a result of construction.

An application for damage or loss compensation must include: an explanation of why our activity or impact is beyond the level of nuisance and disturbance which would normally be expected and therefore tolerated a reasonable and valid statement of claim, with supporting evidence how you are affected by the activity complained of and what, if any, personal factors may influence the impact of those activities confirmation that you have a legal interest in the property confirmation that you are not making a separate legal claim against the project for the same circumstances.

Land and Property for construction and operation

We are already in contact trying to reach agreement with owners and occupiers of land and property which we have identified would need to be either temporarily occupied for construction or purchased for the new operational sites. These owners and occupiers should continue to liaise with the Thames Tideway Tunnel property team and may wish to seek independent professional advice about the implications for them and their property.

Other compensation and mitigation

In addition we have introduced schemes for people living and working near to our works to protect those whose quality of life, property or business may be affected by construction. The non-statutory compensation available includes: Protection measures mitigation works, such as secondary glazing, to provide extra protection while construction works are being carried out nearby. This may, include an offer of temporary re-housing during periods where, in extreme cases, 24-hour working has potential to cause significant disturbance. Damage or loss in the event that your property is damaged or you experience financial loss as a direct consequence of construction works being carried out next to your property.

Acquisition of subsoil
For those who live and own property above the tunnels we have a separate leaflet to explain how we would acquire the subsoil for the tunnel and what it means for those affected.

We have also produced a leaflet explaining how we would deal with any ground settlement caused by tunnelling or construction activity, what this means for owners and how we would protect your property.

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